#advertising fashion trends and new product
jymwahuwu · 4 months
How about a powerful mini darling? I was inspired by your mini interactions that I made this. Because the darling suddenly got shrunken to literal palm-sized, instead of standing around, she began making their way to success by using it to their advantage. Advertisements are hard to make with all those budgets and actors, right? Voila! With minimal yet good quality props, stellar lighting, and editing, you'll get her to advertise your products. Dolls, jewelry, make-up, perfumes and fancy alcohols. The darling is owning her smallness. Another protective barrier from the yandere to snatch her.
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cw: yandere, mini! reader, mentioned escape, possible abuse of power in the future
You mean you started a new career as an advertising star? Very cute!! You found an entertainment company that was facing financial difficulties and was willing to do commercials and promotions for you. The agent holds your hand with his finger to show cooperation. Based on your current size, they can prepare makeup, advertising scenes, and lighting without expensive costs.
Once you appeared on the screen, many viewers expressed their appreciation and amazement. It was so adorable!! There are few species in the universe that are so miniscule. You inspired some fashion trends.
But, only you know that part of the reason why you became a star is because you want to escape… You want to get other people's attention, so you won't be forcibly taken away.
Thinking like this… is a bit naive.
Aventurine used a new proposal to work with the company. The more respectable term is cooperation, but in fact IPC has taken over the company. That's just a small business move, insignificant. The other members of Ten Stonehearts didn't know why he would do such a useless thing. Well, okay, there is a potential value, you can definitely become the most popular mini star.
When you were using a powder puff to prepare for a new commercial shoot, Aventurine's face was reflected in the mirror, and you were so scared that your heart skipped a beat. What? Why is he here? He reached out and cupped you in his palm, his thumbs pulling down your straps.
The assistant exclaimed, "Wait a minute, Mr. Aventurine, you can't do this…"
"Haha, don't worry, I won't do anything excessive here. This is just cooperation." You knelt down on his palm, your face flustered. The straps on both sides of your dress fell down, exposing your bare shoulders and thighs.
"Right? Nice to meet you. I will arrange ads for you directly in the future."
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sleepingdeath-light · 4 months
relationship hcs ; velvette
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requested by ; anonymous (16/03/24)
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; velvette
outline ; “Okay it will be about a Hazbin hotel character relationship headcannos. And it's Velvet”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
velvette is the type of girlfriend who broadcasts every little thing about your lives and your relationship online for all of hell to see — she posts videos and photos of the two of you doing everything from lounging around her room to attending formal meetings with other overlords, she live-posts about her dates with you, she puts you in all of her bios, she tags you in pretty much everything on her accounts, she makes everything a public event, and there’s nothing you can say or do to make her stop
everyone in hell with a phone and an internet connection comes to know you as velvette’s signficant other. some pity you for your lack of privacy, most envy you for the luxurious lifestyle you’re afforded because of your relationship, and your inboxes are constantly filled with people and brands begging you to help advertise their products because of your close ties with the vees
speaking of luxurious lifestyles, being with velvette means that you’re going to be spoiled rotten 24/7 and practically treated like royalty by her staff: designer clothes made by her just for you that are swapped out and replaced with each new season so you’re always the height of fashion, dates where you’re taken to the most expensive and exclusive places in the pride ring, the finest goods money can buy imported from the other rings, the best and newest tech from vox’s company delivered to you before it even hits the shelves, you being waited on hand and foot all hours of the day and night, etc. — by dating velvette you become an extension of the vees’ brand (perfection) and that necessitates you keeping on top of just about every trend there is
she insists on you only wearing things she’s made specifically for you or bought for you to wear and will get extremely huffy and short with you if you fight back and try to keep some of your original wardrobe
velvette usually either calls you by your first name or something along the lines of ‘babes’ or ‘hun’ if she’s feeling a bit more sentimental
you’re just about the only person that can calm velvette down when she’s in one of her moods because you’re one of a very select group of people whose thoughts and opinions she actually values — for this reason, it’s common for you to get called up to her studio whenever you’re not there in order to stop your girlfriend from doing something that will be a major inconvenience for her down the line
she’s extremely quick to jealousy and will lash out at both you and whoever caused her to feel jealous — first she turns her attention to the idiot who didn’t get the memo that you belong to her, using a mixture of degrading, humiliating, and threatening language to embarrass and/or scare them into leaving the room lest she actually have to hurt them, and then she turns her attention to you, dragging you off somewhere away from the public eye to scold you to the point of tears to make sure that you understand who owns you (she’ll be a little lighter on you if you were actively rejecting the other person, but she’ll still scold you for not coming to get her immediately)
if they don’t leave then she’ll either get rid of them herself (if she’s pissed off enough) or hand it over to another demon that works for the vees so that she doesn’t have to get her hands dirty — either way the outcome is the same and the person will be dead by the end of the day, but its about maintaining her group’s public image
make no mistake, most days she’s a perfectly fine partner and makes you feel like you’re on top of the world, but she’s also still an overlord in hell and she’s not going to be all sunshine and rainbows 100% of the time
she’s very physically affectionate and always has to be touching you in one way or another when you’re together: laying across your lap when you’re sat watching the television, wrapping an arm around your shoulders/middle to pull you in for a selfie, leaning her head on your shoulder when she’s tired or frustrated, pecking you on the lips or cheeks before she goes back to work, helping you style your hair when you’re struggling to get a certain look, enlisting you to help her style her own hair when she’s too tired/busy to do it all herself (after giving you extremely thorough instructions, of course), and so on
she’s the type of partner to insist on you both wearing matching (flattering, not corny!) outfits and costumes for every event you attend — she needs you both to be the best dressed, and most attractive, people in the room otherwise she’s not done a good enough job and will be determined to outdo herself even more next time
once you two start dating she starts shaping her brand and your relationship to better fit each other — e.g. on her public accounts all of her banners/backgrounds remain unchanged but her profile pictures are all photos of the two of you doing something ‘romantic’, her home and lock screens are both pictures of the two of you wearing clothing from her brand, and she treats every date she takes you on as a marketing opportunity and makes sure to coach you on what to do and what to wear in order to look the best for any paparazzi that may catch you when you’re out and about
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pollenallergie · 8 months
i hate you plastic surgeons on social media who speculate about what work celebrities and influencers have had done. i hate you celebrities and influencers who pump their faces and bodies with fillers and/or get surgery after surgery, then proceed to lie about it all for years, crediting some bullshit weight loss tea or dumb workout routine or ‘holy grail’ beauty product. i hate you fashion brands who make their clothes to suit a very specific body type that only a small percent of people have and only carry a small range of sizes bc, fuck it, they feel like it.
i hate you diet companies for pushing unrealistic standards, promising unrealistic results, targeting mostly young women and girls, and just straight up lying to people in much of your advertising. i hate you social media (especially fucking instagram) for pushing a bullshit, unrealistic beauty standard and telling us that we all have to meet it or else we’re ugly and unlovable. i hate you “legging legs” and “body by ozempic” and “buccal fat removal” and “bbl body” and “heroin chic,” i hate you body type trends.
i hate you people who feel the fucking need to incessantly comment on the foods people eat and their body size and tell them that “that’s so unhealthy” as if they don’t already fucking know that!! just let them fucking enjoy their goddamn meal and feel comfortable in their own skin!!! it’s not that fucking hard!!! i hate you skincare companies that market your anti-aging products to teenage girls and women in their twenties. i hate you doctors who refuse to take women, trans people, people of color, fat people, and those who belong to two or more of those identities seriously when they come to you with their health issues.
i hate you politicians for turning something as simple as preferred pronouns into ammunition for your bullshit ideological warfare that you use to distract from the fact that many of your constituents can’t even afford to live and that, currently, you are working as hard as you possibly can to strip our rights away and set us back decades upon decades. i hate you news stations who would rather focus on celebrities and their lavish fashion and their lavish events and their lavish PR stunts than the genocides and geopolitical conflicts in Palestine, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Artsakh, etc.
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Wait, is it true the writers said Marinette and Gabriel are meant to represent individual creative spirit versus corporate greed?
Taken from the writer's commentary on the final two episodes
In the next scene, we can see Marinette taking the miraculous that have been standardised and industrialised by Gabriel and putting them back in shape. The writers specify that this is a parabole about craftsmanship vs industrial production. The miraculous will now be adapted to every person, but we can’t see what they look like just yet! In this new world, the powers are all shared, among people who they trust and know will work for the common good. They joke that the "Avengers" shot at the end with all the heroes is something they’d been dreaming of.
There's also that bit from her confrontation with Gabriel where he randomly acts like he's The God of Fashion (taken from S5E20):
Gabriel: I don't think you understand, child, so let me put things differently. Life is like fashion. You think you have a choice, but all you have is the illusion of choice. And I decide what choices are given to you. Marinette: You're wrong! (Shows Gabriel her sketchbook.) Fashion is about listening to people, it's about understanding who they are, what excites them and creating the clothes that will help them express their inner world. Help them connect with others and make their dreams come true. Gabriel:(Laughs and takes her sketchbook, then browses its pages.) No, that's not fashion. That's making dresses for your dolls. Fashion is a product, a marketing strategy, an industry that relies on uninterrupted trend renewal that forces you to either throw away everything you have and buy more or, worse, to be out of fashion. Thanks to the clothes I create, the celebrities who wear them, the advertisements I design and the Alliance rings that broadcast them, I create an idyllic vision. A perfection that everyone aspires to achieve, while keeping it just out of their grasp. You finally understand the difference, don't you? You listen to people's desires and create what they want. Somehow, people make you. Whereas I create people's desires. They buy what I decide to buy. They think what I want them to think. I'm the one who makes people. You think you love Adrien, but you're just under the spell of this world I've created. A world where Adrien is the star, shining high above. A world where you're just part of the crowd below looking up at him. (Shuts the sketchbook.) That is why nothing can ever happen between you two.
So, yeah, this is apparently supposed to be them talking about some kind of central theme of individual creators vs mass production? The problem is that it basically comes out of nowhere. If the writers really wanted to have this be some sort of message, then they needed to establish this a lot sooner because Marinette has had no issues with his fashion company nor has anyone else.
An example of a way to do this would be to have Marinette win the hat competition in season one, Adrien models it in season two, and then give us a series of episodes where Marinette gets to learn about the production process for her hat. She gets to see it mass produced and then gets to learn how fast fashion works and, by the end, she's no longer a fan of the fashion industry even though she still loves fashion. It would be a much better environmental message then the nonsense we've been given, too.
But the show didn't give us anything like that. We've never seen a single Gabriel brand product save for the stuff Adrien wears and the alliance rings, which are phones more than fashion accessories, so it makes sense that they'd have a uniform look. Even if phones were made to order, you wouldn't see much variety in the base product save for color. The customization on a phone is the background and the alliance lets you customize your "background" (aka your Adrien, Lila, or Kagami) as we saw in Jubilation when Socqueline was showing off her alliance.
Side note: I realized that Jubilation takes place before I started writing mini episode reviews, so I wanted to make a quick note of how creepy it is that you can customize your alliance avatar given who the avatars are. Gabriel and Tomoe seriously took their 14-year-olds and told people of all ages to treat them like dolls, which is extra creepy given how many fans Adrien has. That has some messed up in-universe implications that make me shudder. What were the writers thinking?
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Addison Research Center [Very long post, I have too many ideas!]
as salespeople, Addisons are extremely competitive in nature. they have a rich and complex societal structure amongst themselves, which seems to differ from the rest of the city’s. 
PINK Addisons: are the most popular genre of Addis. they are very charismatic and convincing and tend to look through their customers' search history to appeal to them most. they are also very prone to gossip and drama, which is why they sell tea. though this is a good thing for business, it leads to interpersonal problems for these Addis. they have good charisma, but lack patience, and can get frustrated quickly when dealing with problems 
BLUE Addisons: are the second most popular type. they are typically calm and down-to-earth and are the most patient of the group. because of this, they often act as the voice of reason and prevent fighting among peers. these Addisons are up to date on the latest fashion trends and care very much about professionalism. they are often skilled at graphic design and know just how to get a customer's attention without trying too hard
ORANGE Addisons: are calculated and money-centered. they take care of the sales, stocks, and income their district makes. they are always looking for a way to improve their district's revenue and can be snippy and rude when giving criticism. they are quick to invest in anything that seems promising, and while this works sometimes, can lead to a large loss of money at times. 
YELLOW Addisons: are enthusiastic and impulsive. they typically have a bountiful amount of energy and are quick to try new things without thinking too much. they don’t have a very wide audience, but the customers they do get are returning ones. somehow, they make the most money out of the group. while not very bright, these Addis make up for it in loud, colorful products. They don’t have strong attention spans, which leads to overwhelming advertisements. 
being an outcast is a serious problem amongst Addison's. this essentially says that you are incompetent and are a burden to the company. traditionally, outcasted Addisons are kicked out of their district and forced to start their own independent store. it is extremely uncommon for an Addison to find success on their own. 
Kobi (Pink): He/They, bisexual
Kobi, outwardly, is charming, flirtatious, and charismatic. He cares greatly about his appearance and takes the most time in the mornings to get ready. He majored in psychology during college and uses manipulation tactics to sway customers. He also struggles with a mood disorder. Around people he knows, Kobi is personable but never gets too close to any one person, unless he dislikes them. If that’s the case, he can act snide, sarcastic, antagonistic, and downright cruel at times. They are extremely prideful and will do anything in their power to ensure their success. They are lonely but avoidant, and as such partake in frequent, unhealthy flings. 
Aero (Blue): They/Them, gay
Aero is polite, introverted, and mild-mannered. They enjoy collecting and taking care of plants and have multiple around their shop as decoration. During college, they majored in graphic and interior design, and take great care in creating aesthetics for both their shop and themselves. Around people they know they are friendly and open to conversation. They suffer from chronic fatigue and often need assistance in running their store. Aero is proud of their work but remains humble and down to earth. If an Addison in their district is struggling, they will do the best they can to help. They develop crushes easily but often do not act on them. 
Milo (Orange): He/Him, bisexual
Milo is sharp-witted, snarky, and hard to impress. He cares greatly about efficiency and logistics and excels at mathematics. He majored in finance and business during college and oversees anything to do with statistics. Around people he knows he is professional, overly blunt, and not particularly social. He struggles with impulsivity and lacks the ability to think about the future impacts of decisions. Milo has extremely high standards for both himself and others and is easily irritated when people fail to meet these expectations. He has a high ego and is extremely defensive around anyone who challenges him. He is willing to assist others if there is a direct benefit for him and will take a liking to people who offer him praise. 
Max (Yellow): He/Him, Straight 
Max is passionate, boisterous, and extroverted. He cares mainly about having a good time and exhibits thrill-seeking behavior. During college, he majored in business and graphic design, although he uses his own techniques for both and discards any professional advice. Around people he knows he is talkative, animated, and encouraging. He struggles with ADHD and is often disregarded as annoying and unintelligent. Max does not pay much mind to his success and earnings and is largely unaware of failure as long as he is stimulated and in a good mood. Persistent failure will hurt him though, and will lead to intense insecurity and self-doubt. He is more than willing to assist those in need, although he may not always be helpful. 
Spamton: He/Him, They/Them, pansexual 
Spamton is determined, an ambivert, and kind-hearted. He has big dreams of success and even bigger dreams for true freedom. During college, he majored in business and graphic design, and plays a large role in designing and directing his advertisements. He also creates the blueprints and designs for his cars. Around people he knows he is chatty, friendly, and caring. Spamton struggles with ADHD, Tourettes, and generalized anxiety. He is disregarded as useless, a failure, and burdening. Spamton is hard-working and does his best on every task he’s given, no matter how seemingly unimportant. He is not egotistical, but fakes an overly confident demeanor to attract customers. He is willing to help others, but oftentimes cannot offer anything more than moral support. 
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princepr · 3 months
Business Operations Plan for Crafty Creations: Hand-made Jewelry and Accessories
Business Overview: Crafty Creations specializes in creating unique, eco-friendly handmade jewelry and accessories. Operating exclusively online via Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, we aim to reach fashion-conscious individuals who value sustainability and personalization.
2. Goals and Objectives:
Short-term Goals:
Establish a strong online presence on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Launch the first collection of handmade jewelry and accessories within the first month.
Achieve at least 100 sales in the first 14 weeks.
Long-term Goals:
Build a loyal customer base and achieve repeat customers.
Expand the product line to include seasonal and themed collections.
Establish partnerships with local eco-friendly stores for consignment sales.
3. Production Process:
Materials Sourcing:
Purchase eco-friendly and recycled materials such as beads, wire, fabric scraps, and findings from local craft stores and online eco-friendly suppliers.
Design and Crafting:
We create unique designs based on current fashion trends and customer feedback.
Allocate daily time slots for crafting to ensure a steady production flow.
Quality Control:
Inspect each piece for durability and aesthetic appeal before listing it for sale.
4. Marketing Strategy:
Social Media Marketing:
Content Creation: Post regular updates, behind-the-scenes crafting videos, and customer testimonials on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Engagement: Respond promptly to comments and messages, and engage with followers through polls, Q&A sessions, and giveaways.
Influencer Collaborations: Partner with micro-influencers in the sustainable fashion niche to promote products.
Run targeted ads on Facebook and Instagram to reach potential customers based on their interests and demographics.
Utilize TikTok's algorithm by creating trending, engaging content to gain visibility.
5. Sales and Distribution:
Order Processing:
Use an online platform such as Shopify to manage orders, payments, and inventory.
Provide detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and customer reviews to enhance the shopping experience.
Use eco-friendly packaging materials to align with the brand’s sustainability values.
Partner with reliable shipping services to ensure timely and safe delivery of products.
Offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount to encourage larger purchases.
6. Customer Service:
Provide excellent customer service by promptly addressing inquiries and resolving issues.
Implement a clear return and exchange policy to build trust and satisfaction.
Encourage customers to leave reviews and feedback on social media platforms and the website.
Use feedback to improve product offerings and customer experience.
7. Financial Management:
Track expenses meticulously, including materials, marketing, shipping, and platform fees.
Reinvest a portion of profits into the business to fund new materials and marketing efforts.
Pricing Strategy:
Set competitive prices that reflect the quality and uniqueness of the handmade products while ensuring profitability.
Offer occasional discounts and promotions to attract new customers and reward loyal ones.
8. Performance Monitoring:
Monitor social media engagement, website traffic, sales figures, and customer feedback regularly.
Adjust marketing strategies based on performance data and customer insights.
Continuously improve product quality and variety based on market trends and customer preferences.
9. Expansion Plans:
Product Line:
Introduce new product lines such as seasonal jewelry, limited-edition collections, and customizable options.
Market Reach:
Explore additional online marketplaces like Etsy and local craft fairs to increase visibility and sales.
By following this business operations plan, Crafty Creations aims to establish a strong online presence, meet customer needs effectively, and achieve sustainable growth in the handmade jewelry and accessories market.
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contentwriter4 · 3 months
### A outstanding manner to jot down for a blog and make money style writing Style writing for blogs is a well-known and lucrative industry, but turning a passion for design into a profitable venture takes effort and discipline. This is a 500-word version of how you can make money by contributing to a blog
#### Selection of Niche Choosing a specific area of expertise within the fashion industry helps you stand out. Whether it's road style, luxury markings, or functional design, having a unique specialization attracts a loyal following and facilitates adaptability.
#### Exceptional Content
Writing content for a blog requires good writing. Create posts that are affable, instructive, and visually appealing. Fundamentals include excellent photos, detailed design instructions, and pattern research. Maintaining a regular posting schedule also draws readers in and satisfies their appetite.
 Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization, or website improvement, is essential for bringing in organic visitors to your blog. Analyze your catchphrase directly to find terms that your target audience is interested in. Make regular use of these watchwords in your content, headers, and titles. Add alt text to make your blog more lively and quickly load.
 ####Presence on Social Media
 For design bloggers, virtual entertainment platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter are valuable resources. Post your blog entries, attract readers with your audience, and collaborate with influential people. Make use of relevant hashtags to increase visibility and drive traffic to your blog.
#### Metadata for Monetization
There are many ways to change your style blog: 
Partner Marketing:
Purchase merchandise from style marks and earn a fee on sales made via your affiliate relationships. Participate in subsidiary initiatives like Amazon Partners or create clear organizations.
Supported Posts:
Help create posts featuring brands’ products. Your transparency and underwriting is paid for by the brands themselves. Make sure the supported content fits the audience and style of your blog.
Promotion Revenue:
Display ads on your blog using advertising networks such as Google AdSense. You get paid based on ideas or pix. Use layout logo management and direct advertising to boom sales prospects.
Item Sales:
Market your own digital publications, style manuals, or design line. This establishes you as an authority in your field and generates income.
Enrollment and Subscriptions:
You get paid based on ideas or pix. Use layout logo management and direct advertising to boom sales prospects. platforms such as Patreon allow you to provide your most devoted followers with special benefits.
####Electronic Commerce
Create an email digest to inform and connect your audience with new products, publications, or developments. Present a gift to entice new hires; think of it as a style guide. Personalized flyers can promote your adaptation efforts and increase traffic to your blog.
 #### Internet
Attend design events, participate in blogger get-togethers, and network with other influential people. Organizing makes it possible to work together on worthwhile projects, increases the visibility of your blog, and helps you stay up-to-date with market trends.
####Adaptation and Analysis
Screen your blog submissions using tools like Google Investigation. Monitor metrics such as traffic sources, well-known content, and customer loyalty. By reviewing this data, you can improve your approach, concentrate on what works, and continuously work on your blog.
### Concluding Generating revenue from style writing for a blog necessitates a blend of creativity, critical thinking, and consistent effort. You can turn your style blog into a profitable venture by picking a specialty, producing top-notch content, optimizing for website design enhancement, using web-based entertainment, and employing other adaptation approaches. Stay adaptable and constantly evolve with the trends to stay on top of your blog's relevance and success in the niche fashion market.
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omegaphilosophia · 1 month
The Impact of Film and Video on Society
Film and video have profoundly impacted society in various ways, shaping culture, politics, social behavior, and individual identity. Here are some key effects:
1. Cultural Influence:
Storytelling and Shared Narratives: Films and videos serve as powerful storytelling tools that create shared cultural narratives. They convey societal values, norms, and ideals, influencing how people perceive the world and their place within it.
Globalization of Culture: The global distribution of films and videos has facilitated the spread of cultural ideas across borders, promoting cultural exchange but also raising concerns about cultural homogenization and the dominance of certain cultures over others.
2. Social and Political Impact:
Awareness and Advocacy: Films and documentaries have been instrumental in raising awareness about social and political issues, from civil rights movements to environmentalism. They can mobilize public opinion and inspire activism.
Propaganda and Persuasion: Throughout history, films have also been used as tools of propaganda, shaping public opinion and reinforcing political ideologies, particularly during times of war or political unrest.
3. Behavior and Social Norms:
Shaping Social Norms: Film and video often depict societal norms, behaviors, and expectations, influencing how individuals perceive gender roles, relationships, and other social constructs. This can reinforce stereotypes or challenge them, depending on the content.
Consumer Behavior: Advertising through video content has a significant impact on consumer behavior, influencing buying decisions and popularizing trends.
4. Identity and Representation:
Representation of Diversity: Film and video provide platforms for representing diverse identities, including different races, genders, sexual orientations, and cultures. Positive representation can foster inclusivity and self-acceptance, while negative or stereotypical portrayals can perpetuate prejudice.
Identity Formation: Individuals often see themselves reflected in film and video, influencing their identity formation and how they relate to others in society. This is particularly impactful for marginalized communities seeking representation.
5. Education and Information:
Educational Content: Films and videos are widely used as educational tools, providing accessible and engaging ways to learn about history, science, and other subjects. Visual storytelling can enhance understanding and retention of information.
Misinformation: On the downside, the spread of video content also facilitates the dissemination of misinformation, especially in the digital age, where videos can go viral without verification.
6. Technological and Artistic Innovation:
Artistic Expression: Film and video have expanded the possibilities for artistic expression, combining visual, auditory, and narrative elements to create new forms of art. This has led to the development of various film genres, styles, and techniques.
Technological Advancements: The evolution of film and video technology has driven innovation in both the arts and other fields, from CGI in movies to virtual reality experiences that blur the line between fiction and reality.
7. Social Connectivity and Communication:
Social Media and Video Content: The rise of platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram has democratized video production, allowing individuals to create and share content widely. This has revolutionized how people communicate, share information, and build communities online.
Impact on Attention Span: The proliferation of short-form video content, particularly on social media, has raised concerns about its impact on attention spans and the quality of discourse.
8. Economic Impact:
Entertainment Industry: The film and video industry is a significant economic driver, creating jobs and generating revenue globally. It also influences tourism, fashion, and other industries.
Piracy and Intellectual Property: The digital distribution of films and videos has also led to challenges with piracy, affecting the economic model of the entertainment industry.
9. Psychological and Emotional Impact:
Emotional Engagement: Films and videos have the power to evoke strong emotional responses, from joy and laughter to fear and sadness. This emotional engagement can have therapeutic effects or, conversely, contribute to emotional desensitization.
Escapism and Coping Mechanism: For many, watching films or videos serves as a form of escapism, providing a temporary reprieve from the stresses of everyday life and offering a means of coping with personal challenges.
10. Ethical and Moral Reflection:
Moral Dilemmas: Films often explore complex moral dilemmas, prompting viewers to reflect on their values and beliefs. This can lead to greater empathy and ethical consideration in real-life situations.
Impact on Violence and Behavior: The portrayal of violence in films and videos has sparked debates about its potential influence on behavior, particularly among young audiences, leading to discussions about censorship and responsible media consumption.
Film and video have transformed society by shaping culture, influencing behavior, driving technological innovation, and providing new ways to communicate and express ideas. While they offer significant benefits in education, entertainment, and social awareness, they also pose challenges related to representation, misinformation, and ethical considerations. As these mediums continue to evolve, their impact on society will likely grow, further intertwining with our daily lives and collective consciousness.
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allaboutmarketing4you · 7 months
The Future Of Online Shopping
"CNBC Marathon explores how companies like Amazon, Walmart and their competitors are shifting their marketing and business strategies to compete in today’s economy.
Quietly launching its app in September 2022, it only took Temu a few weeks to top app store charts, edging out Amazon, Walmart and even fast-fashion brand Shein. By February 2023, the 5-month-old company made its TV debut during Super Bowl LVII, airing two commercial spots totaling an estimated $14 million. With an annual advertising budget of about $1.4 billion, Temu is focused on aggregating a user base of nearly 100 million people by year-end.
Walmart employs more people than any other company in the world and is the country’s largest grocer. But when it comes to e-commerce, Amazon is the clear leader, with 39.5% of the market share compared to Walmart’s 7%. Now Walmart has ambitious new plans, and new leadership, to try and catch up.
Livestream shopping took China by storm during the pandemic, growing into an estimated $423 billion market in 2022. The trend has caught on more slowly in the U.S., but now Amazon, TikTok, YouTube and Shopify are making big investments in hopes it takes off. CNBC goes behind the scenes with creators like Myriam Sandler to find out what it’s like to sell via livestream, and what it’ll take for the emerging model to become a mainstream way that U.S. consumers shop.
00:00 Introduction
00:37 How Temu Makes Money From $10 Smartwatches from China (Published August 2023)
16:57 How Walmart Is Betting Big On Stores To Catch Amazon In E-commerce (Published June 2022)
34:26 Will Live Shopping On TikTok, Amazon And YouTube Take Off In The U.S.? (Published February 2023) "
Source: CNBC
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photoshoot6 · 11 months
The Art and Essence of a Professional Photoshoot: A Comprehensive Guide
In the realm of visual storytelling, the word "photoshoot" encapsulates a world of creativity, innovation, and expression. Whether you're a professional photographer, a budding enthusiast, or someone curious about the magic behind the lens, this comprehensive exploration aims to unravel the intricacies of a photoshoot. From the technical aspects to the creative process and the impact of technology, we will delve into the multifaceted dimensions that make a photoshoot a captivating and powerful form of visual communication.
I. The Foundation: Understanding the Basics of a Photoshoot
A. Definition and Purpose:
Defining a photoshoot: A creative endeavor capturing moments frozen in time.
Purpose: From personal memories to commercial campaigns, understanding the diverse objectives.
B. Components of a Photoshoot:
Equipment: Cameras, lenses, lighting – the tools of the trade.
Location: Choosing the backdrop that complements the narrative.
Subjects: People, objects, or landscapes – each posing unique challenges and opportunities.
II. The Creative Process: Crafting a Visual Narrative
A. Conceptualization:
Developing a concept: From inspiration to a concrete idea.
Storyboarding: The importance of planning the shots in advance.
B. Styling and Wardrobe:
Fashion photography: The marriage of style and substance.
Adapting wardrobe to the narrative: Enhancing the visual appeal.
C. Posing and Direction:
Directing subjects: Bringing out the desired emotions and expressions.
Candid moments: The art of capturing authenticity.
III. Technological Advances: Shaping the Future of Photoshoots
A. Digital Photography:
Evolution from film to digital: A game-changer in the industry.
Post-processing: Enhancing and refining images with software tools.
B. Drone Photography:
Aerial perspectives: Expanding the horizons of photography.
Challenges and opportunities in drone-based photoshoots.
IV. Industry Insights: Photoshoots Across Different Sectors
A. Fashion Photography:
Setting trends and capturing the essence of style.
Collaborations: The synergy between designers, models, and photographers.
B. Commercial Photography:
Advertising campaigns: Communicating messages through visuals.
Product photography: Showcasing items in the best light.
V. Challenges and Solutions: Navigating the Complexities of a Photoshoot
A. Weather and Environmental Factors:
Adapting to changing conditions: Rain, sun, or snow.
Indoor vs. outdoor shoots: Pros and cons.
B. Time Constraints:
Meeting deadlines: Balancing efficiency and creativity.
Overcoming unexpected challenges during a shoot.
In the realm of visual storytelling, the photoshoot stands as a testament to the intersection of art and technology. From the conceptualization phase to the final edit, every step in the process contributes to the creation of captivating and meaningful visuals. As technology continues to evolve, the photoshoot adapts, offering new possibilities and pushing the boundaries of creativity. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an aspiring photographer, the journey of a photoshoot remains a dynamic and ever-evolving exploration of visual expression.
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shennyla08 · 1 year
One of the popular trends on TikTok is the GRWM.
Surely you have heard in the TikTok videos “today we are going to do a GRWM”. But what does it mean?
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GRWM is one of the most popular fashion trends on TikTok, as this acronym in English means “get ready with me”, which translates to “vístete conmigo” in Spanish.
To this end, GRWM's trend on TikTok generally consists of recording oneself while one is putting on makeup, dressing, or showing a skin care routine. So I'm sure you've ever seen a video with this type of GRWM trend on TikTok.
However, now the GRWM trend on TikTok is being taken to another level, I tell you:
It turns out that a couple of now ex-boyfriends are taking GRWM to another level on TikTok.
Well, it turns out that these young people made a GRWM video on TikTok for nothing more or less than to end their relationship.
Said video on TikTok that was titled “GRWM to leave my two-year relationship,” you can see the girl doing her makeup routine while she exposes her breakup.
Same video in which both talk about why they have decided to end their two-year relationship, revealing that they were both unfaithful in the relationship.
To this they explain how they came to this decision in the relationship, however, despite the controversy, in the end it turns out to be part of a humorous video on Tiktok, as it clarifies that their video “GRWM to leave my two-year relationship " is a lie.
Personally, I think these videos are quite entertaining, and you can watch them while you get ready or do any other activity, or just to distract yourself for a while.
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Nowadays most of us are familiar with the word skincare, we hear it every day, everywhere; The term became much more popular when the pandemic began, it spread like foam through all media, many influencers and experts on the subject appeared and more and more content, brands and articles are going on sale, which if organic products, national ones, luxury ones, limited editions and more options that do not give us the hands to acquire everything we would like. Being a trend within the self-love fashion and having incredible people showing their usual routines with spectacular products, the skincare trend managed to gain many new followers, the genuine followers, those who deserted quickly and the poorly informed followers who only They fall into fashion without investigating further and get carried away with purchases, routines and not so personalized information, such as in this case “skin care”. How to correctly follow this fashion?
Know your skin type What influencers, your friends or advertising recommend is not always for you; The quality of the product may be very good and it has excellent reviews, but first you should ask yourself the following questions: Do we have the same skin type? Do we live in similar climates? Are there any dermatological complications involved?
What is the goal you seek when taking care of your skin? Make a diagnosis of what you would like to improve, we can start by eliminating blackheads, acne tendency, sun spots, obtaining luminous skin, hydrating the skin or more.
Research, read, ask or go to an expert Once you know what your goal is, start researching what ingredients and products can help you with this goal.
How do you imagine you will look when you do your skincare correctly?
Visualize yourself and look for all the options to achieve it, but remember that the most important thing will always be consistency and discipline in applying your products and taking good care of yourself from the sun and pollutants.
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Latin Mafia, one of the most important emerging groups in Latin music.
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Three brothers from Monterrey, Mexico, opened a TikTok account a few years ago as a hobby, but thanks to the platform they have managed to become known with their songs. Mike, the oldest brother, started when he was 13 years old making tracks on an old computer that today looks like it belongs in a museum. At first trap caught his attention and Lil Pump was in his rage, so he decided to call himself Lvtin Mvfia, replacing the first a with v, but given how difficult it was to pronounce, he changed to the original letter. At first the project belonged to Mike along with other artists, and he acted as producer, but due to fate it didn't work out and his brothers appeared on the scene.
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Emilio, Milton and Mike de la Rosa have music in their blood, their family has always been linked to the artistic scene, and they were even in a music school since they were little, where they discovered the skills that each one had. 2020 seems already far away, when they published their first video on TikTok about humor that they later mixed with music and ways to make funny songs. Without knowing much about networks, they uploaded their first song to Facebook and had more than 50 thousand views, which made them realize the talent they had. Although they make urban music, they mix pop and different genres without seeking to put a label on what they do, imposing their different and disruptive style, they do not rule out making songs in bolero or cumbia. Her first hit was 'Julieta', which curiously went viral first in Spain and Europe before in her native Mexico or Latin America, but 2023 has been her year thanks to her lyrics that reach the heart, and 'Las Flores', the song that ended up giving them that jump to fame. Their best-known songs are: Julieta, Sal Rosa, Flores, No Digas Nada, which each exceeds two million views on YouTube. The truth is that I highly recommend listening to their songs; They are very cute and catchy.
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tagbin · 1 year
The Future of Experiential Design: Exploring Emerging Technologies and Trends
Since the advent of technology, there has been an astounding degree of advancement that surpassed the expectations of even the most eminent minds. Out of a myriad of industries, one domain that has excelled at a significant pace is experiential design. For more than a decade, experiential brand marketing has emerged as a pioneering alternative in contrast to the traditional or conventional approaches. It has been a game-changer for several brands that yearn to construct an emotional connection between their potential customers and their products with technology and creativity at their back. 
However, it does beg the question, what exactly is Experiential design, and what future does it hold for every experiential design company?
Experiential Design is an orchestra of multisensory environments born from extraordinary creativity fused with advanced technology. It teleports a participant beyond passive observation by creating interactive engagements and compelling narratives from spaces. This endeavour aims to evoke the participants' emotions and inquisitiveness, where the entire narrative revolves around them. Herein, Tagbin, which is often hailed as the best tech experiential company in India, has created several benchmarking projects that make every pair of eyes marvel at its grandeur. 
The Emerging Technologies
While advanced technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, are deemed fashionable concepts in the modern world for many, for every experiential design company, they serve as an indispensable tool in their arsenal. These technologies are the very source of driving captivating narratives by analyzing the visitor’s behaviour, preferences, etc. As a result, every engagement experienced by a visitor is not identical to the other, but rather it is the content that is personalized and adjusted to create an enthralling experience. 
One of the pillars that steered Tagbin toward being the best tech experiential company in India is their efficiency in utilizing technological prowess to craft lasting memories in the minds of a visitor. One such emerging technology wielded by Tagbin in its projects that has redefined the boundaries of possibilities is spatial transformation. Herein, the physical spaces are interchanged by transporting visitors to new dimensions through interactive projections and a dynamic environment. It makes one rethink the feats that could be achieved through the optimal exercising of technology, wherein every space is an interactive canvas meant for exploration, transcending passive observation. 
How Experiential Marketing is Driving Sales and Leads
Gone are the days when consumers were mere passive recipients of advertising; today's audiences and brands seek never-seen-before experiences that stretch their eyes with wonder and touch their emotions. Experiential brand marketing companies utilize state-of-the-art technologies to deliver a whole new meaning and perception toward marketing and the brand's presence in the market. One such prime example is hologram projections, wherein projecting lifelike images and scenes doesn't just engage the senses; they spark conversations and leave unforgettable memories
Tagbin, being an experiential design company, goes beyond the ordinary and facilitates an engaging environment that not only speaks length about the brand’s product but also immerses the visitors to a degree where they themselves become the brand’s advocates. Experiential brand marketing is a beacon of innovation in a world disbursed with information, offering a path to authentic connections and meaningful engagement. 
Live Spectator Events & Art Installations
Various technologies are a requisite for making live spectator events a great success. In addition to resorting to AI, ML, and spatial transformation, Augmented Reality and Virtual reality are the architects of alternate realities, which is crucial for every live spectator event. The harmonizing of the virtual and real world makes the experience surreal, which speaks to the gravity of the future that experiential design holds in engagement and marketing. 
Before the era of experiential technology, art installations were merely perceived as visually appealing. However, owing to leading companies, such as Tagbin, they are also narratives told through innovative mediums, making powerful statements and evoking emotions through storytelling. Herein, sculptures morph, transform, and interact with the audience, creating a convergence of physical and digital artistry that fosters a sense of participation and connectivity.
Why Tagbin Is Emerging As The Leading Experiential Design
Tagbin, an experiential design company that has surpassed both the expectations and the boundaries of experiential designing, has been a beacon light for several entities in determining the magnitude of experiential design and its future. Time and again, Tagbin has revolutionized different fields and a brand’s effectiveness with its innovative creations. 
Pradhanmantri Sanghralaya
This remarkable project of Tagbin is a museum dedicated to the Prime Ministers of India. It exhibits India's journey of 75 years through the eyes of the Prime Ministers. Displaying art and history, an epic 7.5 hours of content is crafted using tech, such as AR, VR, and Robotics.
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The entertainment zone, called Anubhuti and the AR-integrated exhibit are the special highlights of this project, wherein everything circles around the visitor, allowing them to engage and play. Several AR-integrated exhibits enable them to walk alongside their preferred Prime Ministers. Additionally, by using VR-integrated helicopter rides, people can glimpse the futuristic projects while also having the luxury of receiving a personalized letter signed by their favourite PM through an AI-built handwriting robot.
Tagbin Teleportation Bus
This bus provides a virtual experience facilitated by technologies such as Group Virtual Reality and 4K transparent screens powered by CPU and GPU systems that showcase 3D content on all four sides, including the sunroof.
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G20 DEWG Digital Experience Centre
Tagbin conceptualized a Digital Experience Centre at the G20 DEWG meeting held in India. Herein, they showcased the key initiatives under the programme through several AI-based interactive installations. One such exhibit was 'Ask AI', wherein an interactive LED wall with the projection of an AI face answered the tech-based questions of the users. 
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Similarly, another interactive AI installation offered solutions to life-based crises, stretching to the spiritual levels. The most standing interactive was the AI avatar that enabled visitors to see themselves in avatars never imagined before. It also involved a mixture of advanced technologies, such as Augmented Reality, VR, ML, and so on, to create eleven knowledgeable experiences for the visitors.
With each innovation and project, such as those of Tagbin, we inch closer to environments that are not only informative but also transformative. The future of experiential design promises a symphony of imagination and technology where the boundaries of possibility are continually redefined. It is a strong message for industries to embrace emerging technologies and pioneer new frontiers. With Tagbin, the only limit that could ever be to experiential designing is the extent of one’s imagination.
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Brian Cantor Las Vegas – Best Animation Trends for Successful Business Marketing
Today's innovative marketers can't do without the eye-catching effects of animation and motion graphics. They are consistently driving new forms of business promotion and forming a novel approach to showcasing products and services in the contemporary digital sphere. Every type of business uses some form of motion graphics in their advertising, from subtle in-app animation to full-length promotional videos. Animated media has always been at the forefront of technological innovation, and this year is no different. Brian Cantor Las Vegas – Best Animation Trends for Successful Business Marketing is here to provide better insight.
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● Restricted Color Palette
Laconism is where poetry is at, and it's possible to convey a lot with just a similar statement that can be made about color. In place of a complex color scheme with many intermediate tones, it is currently fashionable to tell a visual story with only a few primary colors. This style of digital illustration has also recently become quite popular. The animation appears both straightforward and high-end due to the limited color palette. The best of these animated shorts has a touch of classic and nostalgia about them. ● Use of Very Fine Lines The video makes extensive use of lines in a variety of ways. They impart a sense of direction, help define shapes, and even impose an atmosphere. But this year, narrow lines play a particularly interesting role. To achieve a hand-drawn aesthetic in animation, artists aim for thin, distinct lines. The videos take on a whole new feel with this effect.
● Hybrid use of 2D and 3D
Nowadays, it's not uncommon to find a hybrid video that combines 2D and 3D. Most motion designers combine them, explaining that doing so creates a more distinctive look for the video and makes it more enjoyable for the audience. Adding kinetic 2D overlays to 3D animation is the most typical use of this style. The technique is useful for both massive productions and smaller, more personalized digital ads. ● Kinetic Typography
To avoid compromising readability, designers tend to avoid experimenting with fonts and typefaces. A bold new approach to typography, even if it goes against the grain, is being taken in the year 2022, and the results are fantastic. To all appearances, kinetic typography takes at face value the claim that it can distort, stretch, and skew letters. When animated, these grab people's interest fast. Read more about it in Brian Cantor Las Vegas - Animation Trends That Are A Must-Try For Online Businesses.
● Morphing
This year, morphing has gained popularity as well. Morphing is when one image or shape smoothly transitions into another, commonly used in animation and visual effects. Nowadays, it's not uncommon to see a video with some sort of morphing effect, which can be used on anything from a character or logo to an image or even an object. It's like a magnet for the eyes, drawing us in and holding us until the effect is over.
That concludes the discussion for Brian Cantor Las Vegas – Best Animation Trends for Successful Business Marketing. 2022 marks a time of great beginnings and breakthroughs across many global industry sectors and everyday life. This shift in how people see the world and appreciate its beauty has positively impacted animation and motion design. To further add to your knowledge, read Brian Cantor Las Vegas - Animation Trends That Are a Must Try For Online Businesses.
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pristiqgirl · 2 years
I keep seeing these tiktoks that are saying stuff like “top 10 amazon products for the beginning of the year” or like “top amazon must haves for hot girls” or “trendy amazon items I loved.” It’s always amazon. And they’re starting to get under my skin, because I’m seeing this intersection between vast overconsumption and the recent pattern of trends for women lasting for shorter and shorter amounts of time, which has been accelerated in part because of TikTok specifically. Larger brands like amazon that mistreat their workers obviously benefit from the constant cycling of trends, because they profit off of people wanting to buy different new products to remain current, but I think there’s something to be said about how much more the phenomenon affects people who are expected to buy into feminine products and ideals than those who aren’t. Whenever I see these videos, they’re always advertisements for goods that are being marketed towards women, and are mostly different variations of goods that many people already have, like clothing items or accessories, beauty products, or home decor. All goods that are traditionally marketed towards women. Partially what is insidious to me is that these companies incentivize every consumer to advertise to other consumers. I believe anyone can have an Amazon storefront, not just companies or influencers. So people benefit financially from advertising their own consumerism, and anyone can become an advertisement, so there is no end to everyone advocating for products on their personal platforms. And these feminine trends, which are defined by the style of products or even specific products themselves, come to be pushed and circulated by those advertising on their platforms, which is everyone. They come and go faster and faster, because people want to be both current and unique, so they constantly have to be doing the newest and best thing, which is advertising different products to show off the value and modernity of your own personal style. I think right now it is impossible to buy into trendy styles without producing unnecessary waste, and these companies know it and love it. It’s fast fashion, but for all aspects of life, which is inevitably what Amazon ends up being due to its incredible quantity of products and conveniently fast delivery. As soon as you see a new style, you can buy the corresponding products, and they’ll be delivered to you almost instantly, and you can use them until you see the next trending style, and at that point the cycle continues. It’s now a part of the culture, or at least the culture that I see as an American woman on tiktok. And because it’s a part of the culture, it affects social structures and hierarchies. Participation in trends allows people, particularly women for whom these trends are designed, to display their values and priorities. Those who want to display their values as people who are current, who are leaders in the culture, must remain on top of and as drivers of these trends, and in doing so show that being at the top of the social hierarchy comes from consumption and constant turnover of products. Companies have manipulated social structures so much that popularity and trendiness are inseparable from overconsumption, at such a high speed that has not ever been obtained before, and has trapped us all in this societal need be constantly consuming, all for profit and off the backs of underpaid and overworked laborers.
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Music trending
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Fashion and music are two forms of artistic expression that have the ability to profoundly influence people’s lives. When these two forms are combined, they create an enchanting experience that captivates audiences and leaves them feeling exhilarated.
Trend music, or music that is currently popular and widely listened to, has a way of capturing the mood and energy of the moment. It is the soundtrack of our lives, and it often reflects the societal values and attitudes of the time. Fashion, on the other hand, is an art form that allows individuals to express themselves through their clothing and accessories. It is a means of communication that can convey one’s personality, beliefs, and aspirations.
When fashion and music are combined, they create a unique and powerful experience that resonates with audiences on a deep level. Fashion shows and music festivals, for example, are popular events that often feature a fusion of fashion and music. The music sets the tone for the event, creating an ambiance that complements the fashion being showcased. Conversely, the fashion can also inspire the music, influencing the lyrics, beats, and overall sound of the music being played.
In recent years, the influence of fashion and music has become even more pronounced, thanks in large part to social media. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have made it easier than ever for fashion and music to reach a wider audience. Musicians and fashion designers can now collaborate and showcase their work to a global audience, creating a new level of synergy between the two art forms..
In recent years, the trend of combining fashion and music has become increasingly popular. Many fashion designers have collaborated with music artists to create special collections. Examples include Victoria Beckham and Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Puma, Kanye West and Adidas. These collections are often inspired by the songs, albums, or music styles of the artists.
Interestingly, the combination of fashion and music is not limited to using images or inspiration from musicians. Artists also use fashion as a means to express their personality and music style. For example, Lady Gaga has a bold style, using unique and colorful outfits that suit her pop music style. Rihanna has a bold and edgy fashion style, reflecting her R&B and hip hop music style.
Singers and bands often perform in special outfits, creating a great combination of music and fashion. For example, the members of the K-Pop band BTS are always known for their impressive fashion style in their music videos. Their unique and eye-catching costumes have become their trademark and contributed to the group’s appeal.
In addition, major music events such as concerts often feature the presence of top fashion stars such as Paris Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week, or New York Fashion Week, which are often welcomed by famous music artists who often wear beautiful outfits from leading fashion designers. For example, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, or Billie Eilish have all appeared at these events and become the center of attention with impressive fashion styles.
Combining fashion and music not only creates a unique combination between two artistic fields, but also brings many economic benefits. Major music events such as Coachella or Lollapalooza are often welcomed by large fashion brands and jewelry labels. They take advantage of the opportunity to promote their products through sponsorship and advertising activities at these events.
In summary, the trend of combining fashion and music is becoming a popular phenomenon that brings multidimensional values. It not only creates a unique fusion between two artistic fields but also contributes to the attractiveness, appeal, and especially the economic value for artists and designers. Surely, this will be a continuing trend that brings many surprises and exciting experiences for audiences and fashion lovers in the future.
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transformhubb · 1 year
10 Breakthrough Technologies & Their Use Cases in 2023
Today's technology is developing quickly, enabling quicker changes & advancements and accelerating the rate of change. 
For instance, the advancements in machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) have made artificial intelligence (AI) more common in 2023, as part of a digital transformation solutions. 
Technology is still one of the main drivers of global development. Technological advancements provide businesses with greater opportunities to increase efficiency and develop new products. 
Business leaders can make better plans by keeping an eye on the development of new technologies, foreseeing how businesses might use them, and comprehending the factors that influence innovation and adoption, even though it is still difficult to predict how technology trends will pan out. 
Here are the top 10 emerging technology trends you must watch for in 2023.1. AI that creates graphics and assists with payment
The year of the AI artist is now. With just a few language cues, software models created by Google, OpenAI, and others can now produce beautiful artwork. 
You may quickly receive an image of almost anything after typing in a brief description of it. Nothing will ever be the same. 
A variety of industries, including advertising, architecture, fashion, and entertainment, now employ AI-generated art. 
Realistic visuals and animations are made using AI algorithms. Also, new genres of poetry and music are being created using AI-generated art. 
Moreover, AI will simplify the purchasing and delivery of products and services for customers. 
Nearly every profession and every business function across all sectors will benefit from AI. 
The convenience trends of buy-online-pickup-at-curbside (BOPAC), buy-online-pickup-in-store (BOPIS), and buy-online-return-in-store (BORIS) will become the norm as more retailers utilize AI to manage and automate the intricate inventory management operations that take place behind the scenes. 2. Progress in Web3
Also, 2023 is witnessing a huge advancement in blockchain technology as businesses produce more decentralized products and services. 
We now store everything on the cloud, for instance, but if we decentralized data storage and encrypted that data using blockchain, our information would not only be secure but also have novel access and analysis methods. 
In the coming year, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will be easier to use and more useful. 
For instance, NFT concert tickets may provide you access to behind activities and artifacts.  
NFTs might represent the contracts we sign with third parties or they could be the keys we use to engage with a variety of digital goods and services we purchase. 3. Datafication
The breakthroughs described in the list of technological trends for 2023 will inevitably lead to the datafication of many businesses. 
The act of converting or changing human jobs into data-driven technology is referred to as the process. 
It is the first important development toward a fully data-driven society. Other branches of the same customer-centric analytical culture include workforce analytics, product behavior analytics, transportation analytics, health analytics, etc.  
Due to the vast number of linked Internet of Things (IoT) devices, it is possible to analyze a company's strengths, weaknesses, risks, and opportunities using a greater number of data points. 
According to Fittech, when the market for datafying sectors surpasses $11 billion in 2022, it is evolving into a profitable business model. 4. Certain aspects of the Metaverse will become actual 
The term "metaverse" has evolved to refer to a more immersive internet in which we will be able to work, play, and interact with one another on a persistent platform. 
According to experts, the metaverse will contribute $5 trillion to the world economy by 2030, and 2023 is the year that determines the metaverse's course for the next ten years. 
The fields of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will develop further. 
In the coming year, avatar technology will also progress. If motion capture technology is used, avatars will even be able to mimic our body language and movements. An avatar is a presence we portray when we interact with other users in the metaverse. 
Further advancements in autonomous AI-enabled avatars that can represent us in the metaverse even when we aren't signed in to the virtual world may also be on the horizon. 
To perform training and onboarding, businesses are already utilizing metaverse technologies like AR and VR, and this trend will pick up steam in 2023. 5. Bridging the digital & physical world
The digital and physical worlds are already beginning to converge, and this tendency will continue in 2023. This union consists of two parts: 3D printing and digital twin technologies. 
Digital twins are virtual models of actual activities, goods, or processes that may be used to test novel concepts in a secure online setting. 
To test under every scenario without incurring the enormous expenses of real-world research, designers, and engineers are adopting digital twins to replicate actual things in virtual environments. 
We are witnessing even more digital twins in 2023, in everything from precise healthcare to machinery, autos, and factories. This is a part of the best digital transformation solutions in this new era. 
Engineers may make adjustments and alter components after testing them in the virtual environment before employing 3D printing technology to produce them in the actual world. 6. More human-like robots are coming
Robots will resemble humans even more in 2023, both in terms of look and functionality.  
These robots will serve as event greeters, bartenders, concierges, and senior citizens' companions in the real world. 
While they collaborate with people in production and logistics, they will also carry out complicated duties in factories and warehouses. 
One business, Tesla, is working hard to develop a humanoid robot that will operate in our homes. 
Two Optimus humanoid robot prototypes were unveiled by Elon Musk, who also stated that the business will be prepared to accept orders in the next few years. 
The robot is capable of carrying out simple duties like watering plants and lifting objects. 7. Digitally Immune Systems
The launch of the Digital Immune System must be included in any list of technological trends for 2023. 
This system alludes to an architecture made up of techniques taken from the fields of software design, automation, development, operations, and analytics. By eliminating flaws, threats, and system weaknesses, it tries to reduce company risks and improve customer satisfaction. 
The significance of DIS resides in automating the many components of a software system to successfully thwart virtual attacks of every description. 
According to Gartner, businesses that have already implemented DIS will reduce customer downtime by around 80% by 2025. 
So, if you are looking for the best digital transformation services company to introduce digital immune systems, TransformHub is here to guide you. 8. Genomics
Genomic research has improved our grasp of life and contemporary health analytics while also advancing our understanding of brain networks. 
In the upcoming years, fast-developing technologies such as scarless genome editing, pathogen intelligence, and NGS data analysis platforms will use AI to interpret hidden genetic codes and patterns, elevating genomic data analysis and metagenomics to the top positions in the biotech sector.  
Functional genomics, which uses epigenome editing to reveal the influence of intergenic areas on biological processes, is becoming more prevalent in 2023 technology trends. 9. CRISPR 
The gene-editing technology, CRISPR, has quickly moved from the lab to the clinic during the past ten years. 
Clinical trials for common illnesses, such as excessive cholesterol, have lately been included. It originally started with experimental therapies for uncommon genetic abnormalities and might advance things much further with new variants. 
Due to its ease of usage, CRISPR is quickly becoming a common technology employed in many cancer biology investigations. 
Moreover, CRISPR is entirely adaptable. It is more accurate than existing DNA-editing techniques and can essentially modify any DNA segment within the 3 billion letters of the human genome. 
The simplicity of scaling up CRISPR is an additional benefit. 
To control and analyze hundreds or thousands of genes at once, researchers can utilize hundreds of guides RNAs. This kind of experiment is frequently used by cancer researchers to identify genes that might be potential therapeutic targets. 10. Growth of Green Technology 
Climate change is a fact. It is a rising issue that disturbs governments and society at large and poses a threat to human health and the environment. 
The use of so-called green technology is one method of combating global warming. 
Globally, scientists and engineers are working on technical solutions to reduce and get rid of everything that contributes to climate change and global warming. 
Here are some incredible uses for the same: 
Emissions reduction 
Management of waste and recycling 
Treatment of wastewater 
Solar power 
Tidal and wave power 
Green vehicles 
Smart structures 
Farms and gardens in the air 
TransformHub: Keeping Ahead of Technological Trends 
These innovations have the power to completely alter the way we live, work, and interact. It's critical to be informed about these changes and take their effects into account. 
The epidemic has sped up the necessary industry-wide human-AI collaboration and it looks like 2023 will be the year we catalyze this cooperation into some truly extraordinary inventions. 
For more information on how contemporary automation and AI are fusing all the defining industries of our era into a single data-driven civilization, stay up-to-date with one of the best digital transformation companies in Singapore, TransformHub. 
We take complete accountability to digitally transform your business by providing precisely tailored solutions based entirely on your requirements. 
Let’s connect and bring your vision to life!
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