#advverse; kizuna
variouscolors-old · 8 months
[ATTENTION] [DAISUKE platonic or otherwise]
[reasons to cup a face - meme]
[ATTENTION]: during an important conversation, the sender takes the receiver's face in their hands and firmly directs their focus on them.
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Daisuke blinked his eyes, he was getting distracted by this one book he got and was trying so hard to understand it because it was actually written in Latin, while everyone else was looking for clues about Menoa Bellucci and her assistant.
“H-hey…!” He blushed, “What was that for!?” Was he blushing out of embarrassment or because she just cupped his face?!
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“Daisuke and I were looking for clues!!” V-mon protested, “We swear!!”
The truth is that they were just looking at the pictures of those books, even if they couldn’t read in Latin…
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variouscolors · 2 months
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main universes tags
 I don’t expect anyone with canon characters to follow the storylines/plotlines I post (or reblog) in this blog. You’re free to disagree with them as you wish; however If you like them and want to join them, feel free to ask me first! And yes, I can change parts of these verses/plotlines to accommodate you and your headcanons, just let me know first!
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digitalgate02 · 2 months
The talk about the Splatoon 3's FinalFest/Grand Fest theme being about past/present/future ended up with friend using DigiAdv characters analogy for a commentary and i'm here thinking this theme is very fitting for Advverse?
Her original comment was just about Taichi (past), Daisuke (present) and Menoa/Rui (future).
Then i just commented that Menoa and Rui predate Taichi so she re-arranged them in a more in-universe order:
Rui/Menoa → 02 Kids → Adv Kids
Yeah, it sounds weird BUT!!
Rui & Menoa (also tri. characters and Wallace imo) are tied to the past as theme → past baggage & past good things (as she put it)
02 Kids are the present → because they're rep of pragmatism, plus they don't keep stuck in the past nor overthink about the future. They will be working on the "now" in order to achieve a future. (also Daisuke doesn't want anyone telling him what lies in the future for them)
Older six/Adv kids are the future → they are the ones to think about what they want for tomorrow, and work on it in order to achieve it. It's basically WHAT Kizuna was about!! The struggles Taichi, Yamato and Sora felt? They were all because they were fixated on "tomorrow".
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beginningobserver · 24 days
y'know… considering the circumstances of an AU where the petty fight between Rui and Ukkomon didn't last for like 9 years… do you think he would've been wearing more… uh… colorful shades? (even if just neutral ones like Ken & Iori do…?)
since he definitely claims he had lost control over his life when he tells his "mom" that he knows how she feels and the hair also points out that too he can really like the black goth emo vibe, yeah, but part of me thinks this is also a signal of how bad things went for him? it's not like the other characters in Advverse who also wear black shirts or sweaters or jackets (i mean, remember that despite all the struggle Yamato & Taichi had been dealing with in Kizuna, they didn't seem to be in the same situation as Rui? And Ken really likes neutral colors/black shirts :V)
idk how to explain this… i see Taichi-Yamato-Ken and see they're not surrounded by an awful sad gloomy aura at all but when you see Rui in-movie he just… yeah. i think the collabs and merch tend to give him a little more "happier" vibe than the movie does? i'm just musing here for AU reasons, but i also wonder if anyone else got this same impression from him
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
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IT'S A CHAIN OF MISUNDERSTANDINGS (and it gets worser every new post)
I couldn't pick a good idea for Miyako's looks and dress, sowwy ಥ_ಥ
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. {FROM GENNAI OMG}
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[From: Gennai | To: Izumi Koushiro; Inoue Miyako]
I have received your message and I appreciate it. As for the partnership dissolution, yes it's true partnerships with digimon can end, but like as was told to Yagami Taichi, If you still have potential, perhaps it can be avoided.
Sorry that I can't offer more help on the subject. Digimon partnerships with humans are still new for both sides. As for Menoa Bellucci's thesis... I suppose her own experiences might have influenced her own conclusions. Maybe the answer you seek is within your own group of friends, Izumi Koushiro.
I will be searching on my end as much as possible though, if I find something useful for your investigation I will contact you again.
※ He didn't notice he accidentally sent it to another person... Or did he send it purposely? Who knows...
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
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Crests for the Advverse muses • main post
[Please read this disclaimer from my art blog first]
Since Adv/02 material does not make crests/digimentals be character bound or exclusive to the Tokyo Chosen/Twelve, i've decided to make a small list of headcanons and some ideas for my Advverse muses (plus... Rina. Because why not...)
Jun → Courage & Friendship
Michael → Love
Wallace → Hope
Maki → Light
Daigo → Reliability
Menoa → Kindness
[Divergent/AU] Meiko → Sincerity
Rui → [TBA]
Ryo → Friendship
[Advverse] Rina → Courage
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
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.:Wallace’s Memories
A long time ago, a child in the village of Summer Memory, Colorado got a DigiEgg while his mother was browsing on the internet. The child took the giant egg and took care of it like he had taken care of any other normal egg. His family had a little farm, so Wallace was used to animals. But this giant egg… It brought to life not one but two mysterious creatures. Round and soft, such creatures weren’t treated differently by the boy. So the small babies grew pretty quickly into higher forms – Gummymon and Chocomon. Those surprised the boy, as they started to talk normally and naturally! They became inseparable friends, until the day Chocomon got infected by a random virus and disappeared… In the flower field. 
Wallace and his family had to move out, so they went to live in New York due to his parent’s current job. Without finding Chocomon, Wallace and Gummymon left him behind and against their wishes.
Wallace grew up, so did Gummymon (turning into Terriermon now) and he suddenly developed a few coping mechanisms, such as flirting with girls. Yes, his “girlfriend” was an anime character and he learned Japanese mostly with Gummymon, and this real Asian friend he had and he told her about the digimon. He was quite immature, so they never dated at all and only kept on a friendship basis. Besides that, he was thankful for their bonds. One day, Wallace found a strange device lying on his desk. It was when he became an official Chosen Child.
Chocomon then started to stalk Wallace in New York. Gummymon felt it was his duty to protect Wallace, BUT he couldn’t lay a finger on Chocomon first. Chocomon’s new form wasn’t like Gummymon’s and he felt more like a scary monster. It was when Wallace started to seek for Chocomon, and promise him to go back to the flower field again. Gummymon was against that idea at first, but he wanted to save Chocomon as well… So they had to go back there! Maybe… Maybe Chocomon can change back and they all live together again, right!?
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This is when Wallace and Daisuke’s paths crossed. Those Japanese kids were looking for other people. Wallace knew about some strange disappearances happening in New York, but he only connected the dots when he learned of it happening to Daisuke’s friends. Gummymon had suspected it already, but Wallace wanted to not believe it at all. Chocomon is a good digimon! He wouldn’t do that! Right!?
Wallace then gave up and decided to open his heart to Daisuke, who was too smart-for-the-usual-Daisuke and wondered if Chocomon, the digimon kidnapping Chosen Children, was his partner. After Daisuke shed tears for his tragic story, the boys settled to go together to the flower field, in order to say everyone – even Chocomon.
But… That wasn’t what happened. Sadly, a battle started and they almost lost everything, but the power of Destiny blessed them with a Miracle. Chocomon was saved from the virus… But had reverted into DigiEgg state. Wallace and Gummymon found the egg lying on a lake, and took it back to New York. Years and Years trying to hatch such digiegg… But nothing. A year after his first meeting with Daisuke, he met Mimi, who introduced him to Koushiro. They kept in contact, and Koushiro said he would investigate his case. In Summer 2003, he met Daisuke again and he, Mimi and their friend were involved in a strange winter and abandoned New York caused by a digimon who they named by Natchan. Once the mystery was solved and everything came back to normal, the trio, Chibimon and Gummymon went to look for Natchan’s partner.
A few years later, the egg finally hatched. Chocomon was back!! And with no evil virus involved this time!! As Chocomon grew healthy, he evolved into Lopmon. They got their happy back.
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But… Wallace is still oblivious about digimon in general. He doesn’t know what a Digital Gate is, what a Digital World is, that digimon change names when they evolve… Yep, nothing at all. Daisuke and Mimi will have to teach him… Or at least try to.
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
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"No offense dude, but... What the heck. Why can't you just accept and support her dreams!?"
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
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variouscolors-old · 3 months
11; 16; 17; 23; 24; 26 -[for daisuke]
[list - romance & relationship hcs]
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11. how comfortable is your muse with their appearance and their body?
He used to care about it a lot as a kid, because he was always fearing to not be cool enough. But since he met the other five and got strong bonds of friendship, he doesn't care about it anymore. All he cares is keeping a healthy life and loving himself and the ones who accepted him as he is.
16. what is/are your muse's love language(s)?
17. what are some of the signs that your muse shows their care/love without saying they love/care about their partner?
Once a JP twitter bot had a Daisuke tweet where he was complaining about boyfriends never enjoying the part of planning their romantic dates with their girlfriends and it made me think Daisuke definitely loves planning things together. So his way to show love is simply asking the people he deeply cares what they want to do together, and plan it. Letting the other take part of the planning of something is 10x better than doing it alone and it's more healthy for their relationship too.
23. would your muse be good at recognizing their partner's needs right away, or would it take some time?
Yep. Daisuke is emotionally smart, which means he understands people's feelings and deeply care about them. He can spot someone is upset very quickly (see: how me managed to spot Miyako being bugged with something in 02 ep 10; or how he notices Yamato's call in Kizuna was about something off with his senior)
24. is your muse proactive in communication with their partner(s), or is this something they need to work on?
Daisuke is hella talkative which means he's always communicating nonstop. He's friendly and possibly social, as long you don't start on bad terms with him or is kinda... shady. But once he realizes you're no threat, he will open his heart and be friendly around you. Being friendly and in touch with people is also valid for any romantic partner here.
26. is your muse more likely to be loud and proud about being in a relationship, or are they more quiet about it at first and open up about it over time?
Lol, there's so many things i don't agree with the majority, like Daisuke's not the kind of showing PDA or shoving his relationship status on everyone's throats?
I mean, even in an IC interview with him he avoided gushing about Hikari who's his canon crush. He might be like "YEAH I GOT THIS!" at first, but not start slapping it into everywhere in everyone's faces. He would prefer to not treat his partner as some sort of prize, and madly respect them as human being.
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variouscolors-old · 9 months
[universe tag dumpmon]
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Verses info:
→ I don’t expect anyone with canon characters to follow the storylines/plotlines I post (or reblog) in this blog. You’re free to disagree with them as you wish; however If you like them and want to join them, feel free to ask me first! And yes, I can change parts of these verses/plotlines to accommodate you and your headcanons, just let me know first!
→ Our portrayals of the same muse may differ, and that’s okay. Don’t expect me to write the same muse like you and vice-versa (I feel uncomfortable when people do that). ※ If you feel unsure about your own portrayals, please remember that even the canon material has different portrayals of a character because it was written by multiple people. I may block if someone comes to “teach” me or anyone else how to write my or their muses. I have had bad experiences with this in the past, and now I vouch for everyone’s right to write their muses/AUs/ships the way they want, even if I disagree with them.
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variouscolors-old · 1 year
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"Got banned from going to watch Sora-san playing tennis because I got mad with the vending machine for eating my ticket and not giving my food."
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variouscolors-old · 1 year
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"Takeru sent a text and a photo, hm?"
" 'It's gonna be May' ?? Yeah, I know that. It's April 30, what do ya expect?"
"But why are you sending me a pic of instant noodles!?"
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variouscolors-old · 1 year
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Made one with Dai from this picrew.
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