#gennai; digital world agent
variouscolors-old · 2 years
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. {FROM GENNAI OMG}
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[From: Gennai | To: Izumi Koushiro; Inoue Miyako]
I have received your message and I appreciate it. As for the partnership dissolution, yes it's true partnerships with digimon can end, but like as was told to Yagami Taichi, If you still have potential, perhaps it can be avoided.
Sorry that I can't offer more help on the subject. Digimon partnerships with humans are still new for both sides. As for Menoa Bellucci's thesis... I suppose her own experiences might have influenced her own conclusions. Maybe the answer you seek is within your own group of friends, Izumi Koushiro.
I will be searching on my end as much as possible though, if I find something useful for your investigation I will contact you again.
※ He didn't notice he accidentally sent it to another person... Or did he send it purposely? Who knows...
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beginningobserver · 2 months
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One Eighth Plan Day countdown.
Part 6 of 6 - Lui ⨉ Taichi
I swear, I wanted to make my stupid recurring joke when I imagined what would happen in the movie back in 2022: The stupid joke of Taichi finding it impossible that the first Chosen Child is YOUNGER than him.
And I have to admit, before this movie, I wondered how old the first one would have been. I'm not here to argue about why I support the theory that Rui is the first -- because even the movie wants you to doubt EVERYTHING Rui claims and tells the 02 kids/audience [read the 'read more' for explanation]
So yeah, why would Taichi find it suspicious? Because it goes against his own knowledge or what he was told. No, he doesn't dislike Rui or think he's untrustworthy. It's more like he thinks something doesn't make sense. And Rui himself was isolated from EVERYONE and EVERYTHING related to the digimon until his first contact with the 02 kids. And we don't know if Ukkomon wasn't another kind of digimon who was isolated from the others to the point of not understanding his own kind. Maybe Ukkomon was just parroting what his higher-ups told him to do and say (and unfortunately, Ukkomon is not like, smart enough... Uh... watch the movie and you might understand???)
Besides, Taichi thinks that the first Chosen, the "Legendary Origins of Everything", would have been older than him. And then this... tiny little sad guy appeared. And... It's FOUR YEARS YOUNGER than him.
As for Rui… He wouldn't understand why Taichi doesn't seem to believe him. It doesn't bother him, it just… Taichi's presence is like standing in front of an important person, and his stupid digimon had probably caused this man a lot of headaches… "I'm sorry??!"
But no worries, Taichi and Rui will get along. Taichi knows that whoever the 02 kids trust cannot be a bad person! Even if that person is just a very sad, awkward potato who's bad at people!
Especially if Taichi and Rui go to eat Daisuke's delicious ramen on Tuesdays while Motomiya Ramen is open~
(btw the countdown ends here, but there's one more surprise to finish July doodles...!! Yeah, this is for July 30, not July 31!!)
As for why Rui's status as the first Chosen is doubtful and it's not clear whether it's true or false… Might get a bit longer so bear with Ni ↓
The truth is… Rui never claims to be the first Chosen Child in the movie. The one who started claiming that he was the first was the 02 Group itself! What Rui said in the PVs and in the movie is that "I was the first person to form a partnership with a digimon in the world" (this was also part of the announcement PV & promo art!) So, is Rui the first or not? The fact that it's very unclear, and that they seem to contradict all the information he gives you with what the 02 kids (and us) know so far, is meant to make you question it. And Advverse never had "solid, clear" answers because… Everything is unknown to everyone there, not even the entities of the Digital World (Holy Beasts, Gennai & the Agents, Homeostasis, etc.) seem to know everything. And that's okay? The human world and the Digital World are still mysteries, so it would be boring if we had all the answers imo.
So the movie does not seem to want to break the mystery surrounding everything, or rather, does not want to "contradict" previous things that have been released.
The Advverse, the OG one, is very very COMPLICATED, so yeah, messing with it is REEEEEEEALLY dangerous, so… Take everything Rui and Ukkomon say in the movie with a grain of salt.
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
Theory: Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning is the origin story of why the Digimon Adventure: 2020 reboot timeline exists.
The more I try to analyze how the events of the movie affect the overall timeline, I do have moments when it all feels a bit jumbled - and others, when it just seems to make a little too much twisted sense. I will always be a fan of reincarnation theory when it comes to the reboot - but the movie also provided a different angle to look at.
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Spoilers under the cut!
To sum it up once again: The idea presented in the movie - which is influenced by unreliable narration and us having to tie the timeline together - is that, Rui was the one who sparked the partnership system between humans and Digimon:
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Encountering Ukkomon for the first time, he wished to have a friend - and eventually friends around the whole world -, who'd protect him, Ukkomon's wish-fulfilling abilities created Digimon to partner with other human beings.
It is also said that Ukkomon "misunderstood" his wish back then:
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Since it is also said that Ukkomon is linked to some kind of "God figure"...
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... My theory was the following:
"Homeostasis does not have a physical form, so it created its agents like Gennai - and PROBABLY Ukkomon too. Since we know the Digital World has “wish granting” abilities, I can accept there being a singular being that is capable of doing the same thing. So then, a Digiegg gets into the real world in 1995, and Homeostasis gets to scan Hikari, Taichi and the others, discovering the potential they have - since Hikari is the child that enables the hatched Botamon to evolve into Greymon super quickly, Homeostasis sends Parrotmon to retrieve it. Afterwards, in 1996, Ukkomon “would appear who had special connections with [a child] in the real world”. And thus, Rui’s wish was the indirect catalysator of the foundation of the “partnership system”. Basically, Ukkomon’s wish fulfillment powers enabled a system based on the limitless potential (of wishes and the bond between humans and Digimon) that was deemed useful by Homeostasis for the sake of saving the world(s). A system that wasn’t in place like this before, so Rui was basically some kind of “prototype” - as was Ukkomon, kinda testing the waters of partnerships in the first place. And through analyzing the other 8 kids in the meantime, their potential had been discovered, which is why THEY also had Crests created for themselves. Like Ukkomon said - they came into existence to “protect” him, so he wouldn’t have to save the worlds himself."
However... This proves to be a problem by the end of the movie.
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Aside from personal bias and the fact that Bandai must have been bonkers to approve of the disappearance of one of their most marketable toys, doesn't that mean that we should be having a splitted timeline now? If Rui never made the wish in the first place, if the partnership system had never been founded because of it - how did the 8 Chosen Children come into existence?
First of all, removing the Digivices from the equation causes quite a butterfly effect (no pun intended) within the entirety of the OG Adventure timeline and it may or may not be a plot hole to not SHOW the effects of what it meant for the original Chosen Children which may be the reason why they were not included in the movie in the first place. However, there are two ways I could see to get out of this mess:
Homeostasis NEEDED to see if humans' wishes really had the ability to make Digimon evolve. Rui was a guinea pig that was needed to have a justification for "choosing" humans to be partnered with Digimon. Hikari, Taichi and the others had already been scanned at this point. So the original timeline may still have happened the same way it did - IF Homeostasis had just looked for another miserable child that could have been used to be forced into wishing for friends.
The other option is... That we'd end up with a timeline that is a little bit to the left. So... What if we had a timeline that fulfilled the following criteria:
The 8 Children of the Hikarigaoka Incident had already been scanned, they were always meant to be "chosen", because they had the potential to save the Digital and the real world. The respective Digimon partners were also "already in the making", as were the "Crests" their hearts corresponded with.
Since there was no "wish" in motion to test the waters, no Digivice "in the shape that we are familiar with", Homeostasis had to come up with a "different design" to facilitate the energy of the children and make the Digimon evolve.
The Digimon may or may not have memories of a former timeline in which they and "their humans" had already been brought together, which is why they seem to be so familiar with them.
There are no other partnerships this time around - just the 8 that were needed, no other "friends" to protect one singular child (and in extension the entire world).
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So long story short - the split timeline starts with the moment the past is changed within the movie, it's literally THE BEGINNING of the events of the reboot timeline. The kids were already scanned, the Crests already created - they exist since THE BEGINNING of this timeline. And whether or not the passage of time between the Digital World and the real world is still different... Saying that it was "long ago" that the Crests were created still lines up with the idea that Digimon perceive time differently than humans do. Because between the events of 2012 (which had an influence on the events of 1999) in the OG timeline AND the reboot taking place in 2020... That's still a pretty damn long time in Digimon terms.
Either way, Homeostasis just went for it, created its own version of the Digivice and formed the partnerships between the 8 Chosen by its own will without any wish being linked to it. It actually IS an alternate timeline. And yes, it may not line up with timing, but it IS an interesting theory to look at.
Reference posts I used - and which I recommend to look at further! - can be found here: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
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atsoraasayoma · 3 months
Is Homeostasis the True Villain? Or is she a grand architect in the battle for balance versus chaos?
Don’t let adventure influenced/partially possessed Hikari’s kind demeanor fool you. She is a powerhouse giving Digimon the intense power to surpass limits and digivolve such as wargreymon slicing up Machinedramon like an onion.
She is strangely absent in Zero Two but Gennai and the Digimon Sovereign act as agents in her stead. It seems the goal is, at the time for evil to be eradicated by the wishes of children and their power/energy for their Digimon to digivolve.
Sounds innocent enough, right?
Fast forward to Digimon Tri where she body snatches Himekawa messing her up in the process as she gives the order to sacrifice her partner.
Then to Hikari being possessed and controlled as well. (This is why you don’t answer unknown calls people).
When this happens all kind benevolent pretext is over. If you fail your part she will intervene. Whether reboot of the Digital World or the real one. Any threats to the Digital World must be contained.
She even taunts the Digidestined telling them that their teamwork has failed them this time. Perhaps she treats them coldly because they are no longer little kids with infinite potential but teenagers whose powers are there but limited. How limited?
Fast Forward to Kizuna. We learn from Gennai a Digidestined has an expiration date as a chosen child unless they can unlock new potential. Menoa is the personification of that Despair but Homeostasis does NOT intervene.
Why? Strange as it is I think she was going to use the data of the brainwashed kids to recreate Digimon and human partners without an expiration date. She recognized Menoa’s despair and allowed her the light of Digivolution from this newly synthetic Digimon with data based off her partner to take authority and fulfill her desire. And IF she succeeded Homeistasis would reap the results.
But, this failed. She lost the Digidestined that had done the most for her and those Digidestined were no longer necessary having expired.
So now where does she go from here? How can SHE protect the Digital World when all of her efforts only are leading to more work?
It’s simple and brilliant if not disturbing. Like many have said she used the suffering of Rui as a blueprint for Digidestined partners. This relationship would be a litmus test on just how far the power of wishing could save the Digital World.
We’ve seen it in 02 the final battle with MaloMyotismon and the epilogue. Everyone gets a Digimon (or at least a Digidestined’s powers to have a partner are hereditary even going as far as the TYPE of partner a Digidestined will have).
But I believe much like the reboot option this Ukkomon partnership is a failsafe. She studies and manipulates Rui’s situation of utter despair and loneliness. And this is before she uses the Original Digidestined. It’s a nuclear option for her in case she needs to use it.
The friends Ukkomon creates as justification for the Digidestined line are self fulfilling prophecies, creating problems, fixing them, and then the influence of those involved directly or indirectly with the conflict of those problems spawning new Chosen Children but not Digidestined.
These new Chosen Children are basic as we have never seen them go beyond the champion level. They are not of the particular kind of what qualifies as a Digidestined for they were not guided to solve conflicts directly. Merely indirectly chosen children would be used for their power of wishing and sheer numbers to defend the Digital World against threats.
But, years went by with little to no conflict. Aside from Menoa in Kizuna there was no ‘new’ threat although Chosen Children were increasing every year. Through their efforts Homeostasis indirectly through Ukkomon’s power of granting Rui’s wish activated that fail safe.
Everyone was supposed to get a partner. If everyone has a partner this would ensure there would be no running out of tools/chosen children to defend the Digital World. When they would die of old age the next Chosen Child would replace them.
That was the plan. That was Homeostasis’s goal. It was the harmony and the balance needed to stave off the continual threats to the Digital World.
But, that plan, that fail safe did NOT go through. The 02 Digidestined stopped her machinations. They foiled her grand design for perpetual protection.
And so, between now and the epilogue I believe she is in desperation mode. Why? Lurking in the background between Digital World narratives and the Digidestined I believe there is a threat unlike any other that DEMANDS every single human being to have a partner to stave off the viral Digital Threat.
If it’s so powerful Homeostasis actively manipulates generations JUST to get to this point I believe it is so severe sheer numbers will be needed or the power of their wishes.
Much like we saw with the birth of Omegamon the combined power of not just humans, but Chosen Children is necessary to defeat a foe so mighty it is the most powerful viral Digimon to ever exist. I would go so far to say it may be the SOURCE of all the viral Digimon much like how Apocalymon was the source of the original adventure antagonists.
In other words, with the Digidestined having completely shut down her last effort to save the Digital World she is going to have to no choice but rely on the 02 Digidestined.
The OGs are out except in a support role. The 02 Digidestined, specifically Takeru and Hikari will be greatly needed in order to unlock a savior Digimon to stop the ultimate threat.
Remember. all of the Digidestined except for Takeru and Hikari don’t have the full power of a crest. ONLY they do. Ken is questionable ? He never used it to Digivolve. The others have/had Digi eggs that used the passed on influences of the crests but not the crests directly themselves. Homeostasis will convince them somehow to unlock an ultimate power to eliminate the viral threat once and for all so both worlds will be in peace so the utopia Hikari imagined and Homeostasis strives for will be achieved.
I don’t know what this threat is but it will be life threatening on a genocidal scale.
It will involve the whole world and there are only a few Digidestined left (and thousands of foot soldiers) that can stand up to it.
It will be a grand climax felt through generations. It will somehow restore the OG Digidestined partnerships and lead us to an epilogue that may take on a more defined conclusion.
All of these events in the anime and the movies are pivot points linking to this one final threat where the fate of humanity and Digimon will be decided.
Let’s hope the 02 Digidestined are up for the challenge.
Because, after all their teamwork has never failed them. Their bond with their Digimon is as strong as ever. They are the unwritten exception to the rule and have more to give, and bonds that regardless of life’s circumstances will NEVER expire.
They are the 02 Crew. THEY are the Digidestined Homeostasis will have to go all in on. And THEY and their Digimon will be the catalysts to decide the fate of both worlds.
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skydigiblogs · 6 months
honestly thought i would have a lot more to say about adventure 02 but like
i just finished episode 50 and the jist of my thoughts really are "yeah this is better than i remembered it being"
overall, an extremely ambitious follow up to digimon adventure, balancing a lot of plot points and an attempt at having a more cohesive storyline than "bad guy of the arc but suddenly it's apocalymon." in 02, most of the bad guys lead from one to another, in a way that seems much more intentionally thought-out than everything up until the dark master's arc in 01. even the one-off antagonists (dark ocean and demon's crew) played into the larger narrative, and weren't necessarily treated as one-offs so much as chances to expand the scope of the lore and use it to the narrative's benefit.
(although i do think it's a bit sad we never saw follow up on demon going "oh, you all are going to regret sending me to dagomon's ocean SOOOOO much")
also a lot of lore. so much lore. 01 introduced the fact that homeostasis has a bunch of agents that look like gennai, but a2 kept suggesting they're all copies (put a pin in that for my tri rewatch, much as i am loathe to rewatch that one). there wasn't any elaboration, but it is an interesting idea, and unfortunately i understand why it was kind of hastily noted and dismissed (the world tour arc had a lot to get to).
also the dimensional makeup of the digimon franchise got a lot more fascinating in 02. in 01 gennai mentioned that the gate could lead to all kinds of different places, but 02 actually takes that a step further in the lore, showing us the dark ocean and the dimension of dreams (even mentioning that the latter is pulled from by the digital world).
but it does maintain some of the problems i had with the original adventure in that i do wish more of the kids got to see their mega forms. :/
(i know tamers fixes that somewhat, then frontiers backpedals, but. you can't get me to rewatch frontiers lmao.)
furthermore, it does kind of suck that we're still left to wonder about ken's adventures in the digital world. we see ryo and millenniumon in his flashbacks to the adventures, but for audience members who missed out entirely on the wonderswan games, it makes it so we have to trust wormmon's word that ken was a kind person in the past. it's shown to an effective degree in the show, especially with his flashbacks to his childhood after the chimeramon arc.
it also makes narrative sense that they didn't feel the need to go over a story that's already happened, because that likely would have taken too long for 02, which already had so much going on. but maaaaaan. i do not want to play the wonderswan games, frfr (though i know there are fan translations out there for 'em).
i do love ken's arc though, as frustrating as him struggling with self-doubt is to watch. i'm glad the writers didn't make it seem too easy for him to forgive himself, because that's hard even if you weren't the vessel for like. All That Shit. i'm giving this boy a weighted blanket and hot tea.
tl;dr: compared to the oftentimes fever-dream like qualities of 01, 02 feels a lot more narratively focused in its story, and i think that really works to its favor. not a flawless season, but none of the digimon seasons are. a successful sequel to 01, much more so than i remembered from my last rewatch of the dub in 2020.
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shihalyfie · 2 years
Survive pays homage to a lot of aspects of Adventure including some character archetypes presented much differently than in the anime. Do you think there's any correlation between these Survive characters and the anime's Crest traits at all? I suppose the easiest comparison is Taichi and Takuma and whether or not Courage suits Takuma as well, but there's also Kaito and Friendship or Aoi and Love, for example.
My answer is that there's both less and more correlation than you'd think!
There are definitely some correlations in terms of rough group position (see my meta on this), but the fact that the Survive kids were yanked into the Digimon/Kemonogami world because they happened to be the nearest losers lurking around the shrine instead of naturally good people is a significant point (they are explicitly meant to not be "chosen ones" in the traditional sense). The Crests were basically ways of solidifying the fact that Homeostasis and the Agents pinpointed the Adventure kids specifically because of their virtues, and on a meta sense to give the kids self-awareness about what was good about themselves (since all of them tended to be somewhat self-effacing and lacking in self-esteem in many ways). It makes sense that the kids don't fit into the Crest archetypes very easily...but as with anything, there is a but.
To go into this more deeply, let's go into the history of the Crests in Adventure's narrative. It all started when Homeostasis, the Digital World's security system, realized that the Digital World was in danger and that they needed to do something. However, Homeostasis unfortunately had the major obstacle that they had no physical body and no ability to talk to anyone (it's implied that Hikari channeling them in Adventure episode 45 may have been the first time they were able to talk to anyone at all, especially since they themself say they wanted to speak with the kids as early as File Island). The most they could do was create the Agents (autonomous agents) like Gennai, who seem to be unable to communicate with Homeostasis directly but are capable of carrying out their will to some extent. Based on the need to do something to save the Digital World, the Agents analyzed the data from the Hikarigaoka incident in 1995 to find that some of the kids exhibited certain "most wonderful traits" that, when used in partnership with a Digimon, could lead to them becoming much more powerful. (In line with the Digital World's ability to manifest feelings into a visible form, it seems the Crest symbols come directly from those traits under a lithograph.)
This is why I tend to emphasize to the very end on this blog that contrary to popular belief, in Adventure and 02, Homeostasis was not portrayed or depicted as a deity in any way -- they wouldn't have used such a roundabout way to save the Digital World if they were any more than a voiceless security system whose sole direct abilities were repair work. They have as much power over the Digital World's inner workings as a building custodian does. So even though the origin of the Crests has a fantasy nuance to it, they did not come out because some omniscient god was determining their souls' destiny or something, but because that was what they were able to do within the limitations of Adventure's Digital World mechanics. In many ways, they were basically in a similar position as Yukiha.
The Adventure novels also explicitly state that the Crests aren't about what traits they have, but the traits they have the potential for having. The Adventure and 02 kids weren't completely defined by said Crests, and they had very wide-ranging meanings that allowed for different interpretations between the Adventure kids and 02 quartet. On a meta level, they're really meant to help summarize the characters' stories and make them more easily understandable to the children's audience, but I think the fandom has had a tendency to assign too much weight to them and oversimplify the characters trying to cram them into some kind of "archetype" -- it should really be the other way around, in that the characters themselves are complex and multifaceted, and the Crests treated as a shorthand guide to defining their personal priorities.
So if we had all of the existing Adventure and 02 Crests on the table and thought about which kids had what as their priority, or what their character arc can be best described as, and make maximum use of the different potential meanings of each Crest, I think we can draw a rough correlation. Personally, I think the easiest ones are Minoru (Courage; his entire thing is about getting himself together to be an ideal hero), Ryo (Friendship; his personal goal and best trait, even if it's not initially apparent), Saki (Purity; believing in being true to one's feelings), Miyuki (Light; the desire to treasure all life), and the Professor (Knoweldge; the desire to know the truth and do things with it). I would say that Aoi should still get Love even if it seems like it should be Faith at first, because in fact she personally dislikes being seen as someone tied to responsible obligations and is much happier if she's appreciated as a person capable of taking care of others in a more emotional, warm manner. Contrary to his original Adventure counterpart, I would give Kaito Hope because the worst outcome of his character arc is if he completely gives up on the world from the idea it's meaningless if Miu isn't there, and the best is if he resolves it's still possible to do better.
The most difficult remaining ones are Takuma, Miu, and Shuuji, and I'm really not sure about these; I think there's a lot of room for interpretation and different potential outcomes, but I would give Takuma Faith (the worst outcomes of the story happen when he acts too selfishly while the best ones come when he knows the right thing to do and what the group needs). I am actually kind of tempted to give Shuuji Kindness -- yes, really -- because of the fact his Truthful character arc involves him knowing he can do better instead of falling into the pattern he was raised into. Miu is personally the toughest one for me because there's a handful of options here; the way her Part 4 character arc resembles the Princess Mimi incident in Adventure episode 25 and her desire to do things and express hobbies the way she likes would suggest Purity, but her character arc also has a strong nuance of needing to take responsibility for herself, which would suggest Faith -- and considering Survive takes cues from 02 as well, maybe she can be like a 02 kid and have both?
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
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Final part of that AU setting.
( PLEASE DO NOT ADD ANTI-▽ COMMENTS/TAGS ON IT. Like i said before, i do not like fix-it attitude, i prefer AUs instead. AUs are valid and free to our own interpretation. If i see any hate on this or on ▽ you will be immediately blocked ^_^💢 )
[Part one here]
Here’s the final six pages.
Project Mei
Meiko faces her dad, asking more about Meicoomon and her purpose. The old man feels nervous to talk about it, yet he decides Meiko should know. He explains Meicoomon's reason to exist was to create their own squadron of Chosen Children in order to fight menaces from the Digital World. But the Digital World’s Gods hated it and told them to cancel the project.
When Meiko talked about Meicoomon being made to kill digimon, her father elaborated it more, about her not being a total killing machine and she would only kill the enemy if they refused to give up, by injecting a powerful virus in their data. Meiko gets mad, because now this means Taichi, Yamato and their friends’ digimon were infected. The old man strokes his chin, hearing that more digimon might be in trouble. He then refers to Meicoomon also having an antivirus in her program, in case of one of their allies getting infected by accident. This makes Meiko less concerned, but she remembers of some strange parasite digimon consuming her.
Mr. Mochizuki finds it odd, a parasite digimon? And then he receives a call from the Data Bureau agent Nishijima Daigo, to talk about Meicoomon with him and Meiko. The man asks why, but the other couldn’t give details sadly.
Meanwhile, Daisuke tells Koushiro and the others about Himekawa’s offer, and that she could help them. Not that Daisuke believed her, because she was extremely shady and stalking him, but he started to wonder if she wasn’t involved with what happened to Imperialdramon and Meicoomon.Ken thinks that’s possible, but they have not enough evidences to accuse Himekawa. Mimi wonders how Meiko is feeling and offers to talk to her.
Sora thinks it’s too dangerous for them to fight, so she says to only work as their support, Jou apologizes and says he cannot help much since there’s a school exam coming, but he also joins the support cast – in case of them being needed, they will rush to aid their friends. Yamato is afraid of Gabumon’s health, and Taichi decides to keep seeking for Meicoomon in the meanwhile. Daisuke and Ken are also concerned about their partners, but they can’t stay doing nothing, so their help would be investigating stuff for Koushiro. Miyako, Iori, Takeru and Hikari agree to assist Taichi in the search for Meicoomon.
Meiko and her dad are escorted to the Data Bureau HQ, where they meet Nishijima. With him, there’s a pretty man in light robes, Gennai. They came to discuss Meicoomon’s status and destiny. The girl knew this could mean they had to put Meicoomon down, but…
… It was about one of the scientists in the old program contacting them to allow her complete Meicoomon’s program in order to stop the imminent crisis. Meiko raised an eyebrow at this – She was aware Meicoomon’s program was incomplete, but not totally? Like, Meicoomon had been functioning like a legit digimon being, having a heart and such… What could this woman mean?
The said woman was Himekawa, and Meiko was surprised by that revelation. Why would she…
The reveal
The young kids and their seniors were running against the time. Koushiro had copied the papers Meiko had brought him before so he could read them calmly later, and now he was sitting in his office checking them, again. Tentomon wonders if there’s something interesting in those, only to catch with his eyes some detail they skipped.
The developer of the virus program. He then analyzed the data from V-mon and Wormmon’s eggs and noticed it contained an ID number from the papers, which means the mysterious parasite digimon was also human-made. He checked the developer name and… Maybe Daisuke’s suspicion was right.
Mimi talks with Meiko, and the girl seems a little upset. Mimi tries to ask what happened, but Meiko asks to talk with Koushiro as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Taichi and the 02 group report seeing Meicrackmon on the loose, Koushiro tells them to not approach her and prevent her from hurting people and digimon. 
Ken and Daisuke are not great at hacking things, so their plan was asking Himekawa how they could save their digimon from getting their data corrupted. Himekawa knew he would come, especially asking for help.
She talks a bit about her developer function in an old project, that she was this close to fixing corrupted digimon data… But the government ceased their activities. Ken asks how they can save their digimon, and she says she couldn’t do anything without the data under the Data Bureau’s server. The boys look at each other, and she asks them to retrieve that data for her.
They would say something, but Koushiro calls Daisuke immediately. The duo leave after saying they would discuss that with their friends. Koushiro gathered all the info given by each party. It was when Meiko connected the dots and messaged Taichi immediately about a detail. Koushiro also understood what that meant, but Daisuke was a little confused. Until he noticed it too.
Taichi and his juniors were in battle right now, and Meicrackmon was Causing a lot of damage. She then mutated again into Raguelmon. She was even more powerful thanks to the parasite digimon. Silphymon, Shakkoumon and WarGreymon weren’t happy with that, neither were their partners.
Meiko, Daisuke and Ken went to the battle scene immediately. It was when the 02 group, Taichi and Meiko saw Himekawa hiding in a spot. Meiko accuses her of manipulating everyone, and the woman smirks.
Of course they caught her. But it’s okay, she got permission to reactivate the project Mei development in order to stop Meicoomon. Why was she using those kids like that?
It was for Bakumon.
Gennai meets Koushiro
During that climax battle, Gennai came in, with Nishijima, to explain details to Koushiro. The decision to not destroy Meicoomon was unanimous and everyone agreed to keep watching her development. But there was another detail they were trying to avoid – Himekawa’s obsession with bringing her partner back. Nishijima says that he was her friend and teammate, witnessing the fall of them. Himekawa’s digimon dark evolved into Mugendramon and attacked the enemies, but lost control and went on rampage. His partner and the others had to evolve further to stop Mugendramon, who returned to digiegg state. The egg got corrupted and was told it couldn’t hatch, but Himekawa refused to believe it and became obsessed with the idea of creating a program able to fix the problem.
They had to stop her, and since she was using her knowledge as a former Chosen Child for the government, they had more reasons to intervene. Daigo joined the Data Bureau as some “spy” for Gennai and Homeostasis, to keep an eye on her. But now they just discovered she was doing some illegal experiments and created a digimon called Shademon, which can control and corrupt other digimon, and especially cause Meicoomon’s incomplete program to go on a rampage. All of that in order to convince the Data Bureau to reactivate the project development.
Koushiro wasn’t aware of those details, but this was what he and Meiko realized. So now he feels a little disturbed by the consequences of that plan, and then he just wishes they could do something to stop Himekawa and save Meicoomon. He shows the other two the copy of the project’s papers and points to the section about Meicoomon’s restore abilities. Tentomon comments that if they all work together, they can find a way to activate said function.
In the Battlefield, the kids, Taichi and Meiko try so desperately to prevent a disaster. Ken calls Koushiro, to update him about their situation; Daisuke was about to snap, but he’s trying to act cool right now. Koushiro then tells Ken to pass the phone to Hikari, and then he asks the girl to use Angewomon’s healing powers on Meicoomon.
Sure, to do that you will need backup right? WarGreymon and Shakkoumon could do it. Miyako says they could call the others if things get bad, which everyone agreed. Silphymon jogress was undone, and Tailmon evolved to Angewomon. The rest should keep Raguelmon occupied and without touching her, while Angewomon could use her healing powers to exorcize the parasite enemy inside her body.
Back to Koushiro’s office, Nishijima and Gennai keep explaining what happened before, and then Gennai revealed that Bakumon’s egg had hatched but the digimon turned into a Dark Master, the one the kids fought before. Tentomon then asks if the Dark Masters had been reborn, and Gennai says their data got locked in the Dark Area. Nishijima exclaims and asks why they didn't tell him before, only to Gennai explain Bakumon had turned into a vile creature so they couldn’t break the news to him or even Himekawa. Nishijima agreed that could’ve been worse than now.
“So this is what she meant by being a ‘former’ Chosen Child” Koushiro muses. Gennai confirms it, they revoked Himekawa’s access to the Digital World and turned her digivice inactive, she was really out of their reach so this was the best option they could find. Nishijima laments that.
Rampaging Meicoomon
Since Angewomon had holy powers able to extinguish evil and heal the good, their idea was simple: Keep Raguelmon occupied, get Angewomon to use Saint Air at her and then take the chance to destroy Shademon. 
Easier said than done. 
To protect Angewomon from getting hit by Raguelmon’s claws, they would have to stop her first. But how do you stop a digimon from moving without touching them? These were times Daisuke wished Paildramon could help them, but…
Suddenly, a very beautiful digimon woman appeared – it was Rosemon and she used her whip to grab Raguelmon. They looked behind and saw Mimi coming. The group focused on attacking Raguelmon, but not at full force so they could avoid destroying her.  When Angewomon approached behind her, the holy angel released a heavenly aura to purify the enemy, but it wasn’t enough to beat Shademon. The group was losing their hopes…
Himekawa knows she can’t let them take Raguelmon away from her hands, or else she would never finish her program to save Bakumon, so she inserted a few more codes to induce a new mutation. The laptop overheats due to the max data loaded in it, making Shademon lose control over Raguelmon, turning her extremely feral.
Raguelmon mutates to another higher form, Ordinemon, and starts corroding the barriers of human and digital worlds. The group of digimon fighting her had to retreat for now. Meiko is mad, she snaps at Himekawa for that, and the woman is terrified – everything got worse. She lost the data, she lost her chances to bring Bakumon back!!
Gennai realizes this could mean the end of both worlds if they don’t take her down, Nishijima requests Gennai to gather his and his friends’ partners, in order to fight alongside those kids. By that request, Gennai tells Daigo to bring his friends as soon as possible, and leaves in order to gather the Holy Beasts. Koushiro is intrigued, but he decides to keep helping them all as soon as possible. Koushiro’s desire to help everyone with his knowledge unlocks the HerakleKabuterimon form (outside the building, of course), which he rides in, taking Nishijima with him.
Jou, Yamato and Sora come in, concerned with what was happening. Jou couldn’t take a test at this hour! So he grabbed Gomamon and pedaled his bike til the heart of the battle. Yamato and Sora came together, afraid of what could happen to Taichi, the younger kids and Meiko. Their wishes to protect their beloved ones and their loyalty to their friends unlocked Hououmon and Vikemon for Piyomon and Gomamon. MetalGarurumon carried Yamato and Sora to the battlefield.
The group, almost complete, started to fight Ordinemon as an attempt to stop her. Daisuke clenches his fists, because all he could do was watch. Ken felt even more useless, but he knows even without their seniors being able to evolve their partners, Taichi and the others were able to find ways to help. He had witnessed it, as the Kaiser. Himekawa is still petrified by her mistakes, so she does not notice Ken taking the busted laptop from the ground. He knew soon or later this would come handy, and, if they’re lucky, they can remove the HD disc and connect it to Koushiro’s computer at the office.
They had no other option but to escort people away from that area. Himekawa had no other option but to go with them, and call the Data Bureau to secure the area.
Himekawa discovers the truth about Bakumon
They went back to Koushiro’s office and their digimon just jumped inside the pocket dimension inside the server (Miyako has full access to it, remember?) so it didn’t feel too crowded outside. When Miyako tried to contact Koushiro, the boy replied that he and Nishijima went to gather the Holy Beasts’ partners in order to save the world.
Daisuke went to check the V-mon and Wormmon eggs, just to distract his head for a while. They were fine, but still not hatching. He wouldn’t force it though, he preferred to expect his and Ken’s partners to come at their own pace. Ken was worried about Daisuke’s mental health so he just went to ask if he was okay, and the other boy replied “Yeah, I’m better now. No worries.” which made both smile, one in relief.
Jou and Meiko were staring at Himekawa, who was still lost in her thoughts, broken inside actually. Patamon asks from the screen what they should do with her, and Takeru decides they should at least ask her some info. Taichi is not sure if Himekawa would help them out though. Ken tries connecting the HD disc to Koushiro’s computer with Miyako’s help, and by a great miracle it was still running. They decide to examine its contents, while Jou, Taichi, Yamato and Takeru watch the woman. Iori inspects the HDD with Ken and Miyako. Daisuke is still quietly watching the eggs, and Hikari, Mimi and Sora try to help Meiko cool off.
Meiko had her own reasons to dislike Himekawa after this. And the group was trying to fix Himekawa’s mess, and Daisuke now was aware who was the culprit for what happened to Imperialdramon. But he tries to not get involved with the interrogation, he needs to cool off as well! He needs to cool off…! He and Meiko actually. Sora takes both outside and try to hear them out.
Daisuke growls about what happened, but he doesn’t want to fight a younger adult. Meiko vents about knowing Himekawa for years and never expected her to do something like that before, but now she noticed the red flags. But deep down both Daisuke and Meiko noticed something strange in Himekawa, something they couldn’t be totally mad at her and yes feel pity for. Sora wonders what it would be, and Meiko says “She’s lonely” Daisuke remembers of the dude, Nishijima, who had said to be her ex-boyfriend. All three start thinking of why she would do something like that, if she had a boyfriend before…
Himekawa is still in shock. But she’s coming back down to Earth, little by little. When the kids ask her about what she was aiming for she mentions that her goal was trying to save a digimon from data corruption. Mimi frowns, so that lady had noble reasons… Himekawa continues by saying the Project Mei was her chance to cure data corruption, how close she was from it until the government ceased their operations. Hikari almost snapped, and Taichi saw it in her eyes. Someone connected with the power of life itself like her would feel this narrative was too soulless and toying with the concept of life.
Sora took Daisuke and Meiko to go buy something for them all to eat and drink. The investigation outside gets more and more creepy, as Himekawa starts feeling delusional in front of them, saying maybe now they will let her finish her job! Maybe now she will see Bakumon once again! Hikari snapped politely, “That’s not how you will get your partner back!” and everyone is shocked. She continues: “Meicoomon is suffering right now because of your actions, she’s not a toy! She’s not a tool! V-mon and Wormmon are in the Digiegg stage because of you! ” – That definitely made them all silently look at Hikari, until Takeru says he agrees with her.
Koushiro calls them, saying he and Nishijima just reunited the Holy Beasts’ partners and they’re moving ahead to the battle field. Taichi and Yamato decide they should meet with them and fight Meicoomon. Seven of them agreed, but Miyako said they would stay there trying to find any useful information to help them. Thus, Taichi and the others leave. Piyomon says she wants to go but Sora’s not back yet– And Sora, Daisuke and Meiko come in, with food. Daisuke asks where’s everyone and Iori says they went to face Meicoomon. Piyomon tells Sora she wants to go, and then Daisuke comments she should go and take Meiko with them. Sora’s not sure about this, she doesn’t want to fight a friend’s digimon… Only to Daisuke put a hand on her shoulder and say this would’ve been what Meicoomon wanted. Meiko is a little antsy, but she gets it – Mei-chan would prefer to be destroyed than keep hurting innocent people, especially her friends and family. With those kind words and encouragement, Meiko, Sora and Piyomon go after Taichi and the others. Miyako and Iori smile, because they know exactly where Daisuke got this lesson from.
The group joined forces with the previous generation – Higashikata (Qinglongmon), Kitabayashi (Xuanwumon), Minamino (Zhuqiaomon) and Nishijima (Baihumon) – for this battle. They examined all of their possibilities, but Ordinemon had strong defense by creating dark digimon from her wings. Omegamon was good with numbers, so they decided to let it take care of it. Koushiro analyzed the other Final form digimon’s specialties – and then he discovered Hououmon has an ability which could purify Meicoomon. “Maybe if we combine the divine power of the Holy Beasts with Hououmon’s special ability…” 
Holydramon, Seraphimon, Rosemon and Vikemon were in the same group fighting evil digimon while opening the path for Hououmon and the Holy Beasts. It felt a terrible risky idea, but they wanted to give it a shot.
The Miyako, Ken and Iori were so busy searching for anything they could use to stop Ordinemon that they didn’t notice Himekawa leaving the room, but Daisuke did and went after her. The Lady had lost her composure and was trying her best to ‘Save Bakumon’ that the poor boy couldn’t keep watching that disastrous talk. But nothing he could say would make her stop right… She’s beyond salvation. It was when Gennai appeared from a security camera and stood in front of her. Daisuke approached cautiously to hear their conversation. This is how he and Himekwawa learned about Bakumon’s fate – Bakumon had hatched but became a vile creature, and then evolved straight into Megidramon, becoming a Dark Master. Daisuke wonders if said Dark Master was the one Taichi and the others had fought before, and this was exactly what Gennai said next. Mugendramon’s data was sent to the Dark Area, sealed alongside the other three Dark Masters.
Himekawa Maki does not believe it, and condemns Gennai and the others for destroying Bakumon. Daisuke couldn’t stand that and approached a little more. She screams, and falls on her knees, crying loudly and holding Gennai’s robes. Gennai himself did not like to bring bad news, and Daisuke knew it. So, the boy tries to talk with Himekawa… But she was too deep into madness to hear a child out. Gennai apologizes for this, but she does not listen. Suddenly, Data Bureau agents appear and take Himekawa under custody. Daisuke gets confused about how did those people know, only to find out he got something like a small spy wire attached to his goggles. “Since when…!?” It was probably the time he went to save Imperialdramon, maybe??
(No. It was implanted on his goggles when he first met Nishijima. )
Saving Meicoomon
They had to take that chance and purify Ordinemon, so they didn’t want to waste it. The moment they had it, Hououmon and the Holy Beasts gathered their powers and Hououmon used her Starlight Explosion on Ordinemon’s body. Since it was amplified by the godly and holy power of the Holy Beasts, Ordinemon started to be purified.
Ordinemon then converted into Rasielmon. The gloomy atmosphere changed drastically, filled with hope and happiness. Meicoomon didn’t die, and she was purified from Shademon… Which got destroyed by Omegamon’s cannon attack the moment it left Rasielmon’s body.
Rasielmon apologized for her acts, but the kids and the previous Chosen said it wasn’t her and Meiko’s fault. Meiko was so thankful her digimon had turned back to normal. Before reverting into Meicoomon again, Rasielmon said she had to do one more thing, and rushed to Koushiro’s office at the speed of light. Meiko wonders what it is, but the other eight were pretty sure what it was.
Daisuke returned to the office, where Miyako, Ken and Iori were ready to leave and meet their seniors. They say they found out a way to help in the battle and Daisuke grins. Suddenly, Rasielmon appears in a smaller size to not destroy the room and talks to the four. An unfazed Ken then comments “Maybe they solved it without us…” and Daisuke sighs, he wanted to help them all so badly…
Rasielmon then moves to the room with V-mon and Wormmon’s eggs and uses her powers to heal them, making them hatch. Iori finds this curious, only to remember the files said Meicoomon has also an antidote to her own virus program. The eggs hatched into Chicomon and Leafmon, making Daisuke so thankful he immediately hugged Rasielmon as his way to thank her.
Ken also thanks her, but in his own way by bowing and being polite. Rasielmon giggles, and then disappears. She returns to also heal the other eight’s digimon as her apologies, then reverted into Meicoomon and fell on Meiko’s arms.
A few weeks later, Taichi and the group heard some good news regarding Meicoomon: Hououmon and the Holy Beasts’ powers supposedly had helped to finish her program, becoming more stable and suitable for interacting with other people and digimon. Data samples of her special ability – by infecting and controlling digimon with a virus – were used to create vaccines in any case of her accidentally infecting civilized/pacific digimon. Nishijima asked Meiko’s parents to allow her and Meicoomon to be part of the Data Bureau as some honorary agent. Daisuke commented he was a little jealous about that, and that it would’ve been cool to work as some special agent. Koushiro jokes about him already serving in some special unit only to make him go like “??! Really!? Am I a secret agent!?” only to Taichi cut the joke by saying he needs to get a little more mature to handle special agent business. They all laugh, and then they all return to their daily routines.
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iamthespineofmybook · 3 years
The Many Worlds of Choice
I am a fan of the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics. That there’s multiple universes out there beyond our own where something is different from ours. I extend this a little with the idea that all realities that we’ve written about and call “fiction” do exist somewhere in that near-infinite multiverse.
However. I do not think that a new universe is born at every possible choice. Some choices, perhaps, but not all. This isn’t about how momentous the choice is, not how many things it affects. It’s about if it was a choice at all.
Something I spoke of near the end of last year, in the post “On Destiny and True Love,” is the idea that each person’s destiny is chosen by themselves, even if it’s not consciously done. Because, generally speaking, it’s not consciously done.
A lot of the time, when something big comes up that leads to a huge choice, it’s often not really a choice at all, because the person who makes that choice will, without outside-time-intervention, always make the same choice: the one that reflects who they really are. For example, in Digimon Adventure, Kido Jyou (Joe Kido) has to make a choice about trying to save Takeru (T.K.) or himself. But it’s not a choice. Jyou will always put others before himself, no matter how much he complains. That’s a core part of Who He Is, and is precisely why the Digital Agents (of whom Gennai was a member) gave him the Crest of Sincere Faith (Reliability).
A personal example is actually from a thing I do on occasion: if I’m ever split on a 50/50 choice, I assign each option a side on a coin and flip it. If I decide afterwards that I want to flip the coin again, that means that I actually wanted the other option to begin with. Does that mean that there’s a world where the coin came up the other way? Probably, but in that world, I would have gone with the side that came up, since I wouldn’t want to do a re-flip. Thus, things wouldn’t have changed in the long run, and no new universe would have spawned over something as simple as a single coin toss.
I want to close out on something profound, but I can’t really think of anything, so I’ll just say “Have a good life, and do your best to make your destiny a happy one.”
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digimonprotectors · 3 years
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The main characters of Digimon Protectors Top Left - Railius, traitor to the Order of the Digital World Center Top - Daemon, Mastermind of Darkness. Top Right - Agent Grant, (REDACTED) Third Left - JDFSF, Japanese Defence Force Special Forces Second Left - Sgt Hida, father to Cody Hida. Center Left - Hiroki Ishada - Father to Matt and TK. Center - Captain Archer, the main protagonist. Center Right - Cyrismon, the Shadow of Server Second Right - Wizardmon, mysterious trickster. Third Right - Gennai, Leader of the Order of the Digital World. Far Right - Comadramon, the one with the hardest camo ever to make look right. More to come of course. I'm planning to have either one good illustration per chapter or a comic page depending on what happens. More to follow.
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o-w-quinlan · 4 years
Game Journal: Tag Tamers - Entry #03
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Previously: Following Millenniummon dividing the world into two and separating Ryo and Ken, Gennai manages to build a machine to establish communication between the two mirror worlds, starting a plan with both boys to free each area of the digital world on both sides of the divide. A Greymon, agent of Millenniummon, opposes them, having somehow gained the ability to travel between the two worlds, and evolving into MetalGreymon later on.
Now: I learn how many areas I must clear, explore the jogress mechanics of the game and face up against an old favorite of the Adventure 02 fanbase.
Special thanks to NikcDC and Ajora Fravashi from Romhacking net for translating this game!
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Last time around, I cleared a Tropical Islands area and half of a Mountain area (on Ryo’s side of the divide). By returning to talk with Gennai before clearing the Mountain area as Ken, I learn how many areas there are in this game. They are as follows: File Island (cleared during Ryo’s part of the prologue), Remote Forest (cleared during Ken’s part of the prologue), Sea Islands (cleared during the previous entry), Mountains (Ryo’s side already cleared), Machine area and Millenniummon’s continent.
Going by the above, I’m two and a half areas away from facing the final boss. Lore-wise, it’s strange for there to not be a desert area, considering how long the Chosen Children spent in such areas during the anime. Perhaps this is Millenniummon’s continent? I’ll see when I get there.
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Anyway, before going to face MetalGreymon’s forces, I check if I can pick up new digimon. I have 3 options: Gabumon, Botamon and YukimiBotamon. I initially pick the Child-level, thinking it’ll be more powerful, only to find it has just one attack, which consumes its energy points and would eventually leave him useless in a long-term mission. I decide to instead pick up the YukimiBotamon and train it, hoping to see it evolve into Tailmon. After all, I already have the Digimental of Light, so might as well use it.
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The enemies in the mountain area of this world are much the same as in the other: primarily teams of 2 Baby II level digimon with 1 Child level digimon as the main threat. While Wormmon and Patamon can easily handle that, YukimiBotamon is very vulnerable, so I end up having to revive it mid-battle.
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It’s worth it, though, because fighting such relatively high-levelled opponents means my Baby level digimon very soon evolves into the Child stage. Plotmon is adorable here, and will be very useful for this area.
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Clearing the first dungeon of the mountains opens up the DigiCave, where a sign can be read, bearing the above inscription. This is digimoji, and translating it (with the handy guide provided by NikcDC in the patch), it turns out to be a particular jogress evolution: LadyDevimon + MarineDevimon -> SkullSatamon.
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While exploring the final dungeon of the area, the Death Chasm, I come across a piece of the Digimental of Darkness. Given how much focus there is in the Adventure series to darkness as a corrupting force, I was expecting this to be handled differently from the others. It is a bit interesting, though, that it is Ken and not Ryo the one who finds the pieces.
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Anyway, the dungeon is pretty long, but manageable for my team, and soon enough I’m face to face with MetalGreymon again. As before, he boast of having stolen my skills, but given I don’t normally use tricky moves against him (I prefer straight-forward offense unless I can’t help it, you see), it doesn’t really mean much. Defeating MetalGreymon for a second time opens up a portal in the village, though, this time leading to the “Machine Continent”. Gennai tells us that this continent has been corrupted by a great evil, and that we must go face the source.
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With my Wormmon-Patamon-Plotmon team, I go face the first dungeon. It’s harder, the teams now consisting of either 2 Childs/1 Adult, 1 Child/2 Adults or even 3 Adults. I manage to defeat them, but it’s clear I won’t be progressing much with my current team, which shows no sign of evolving anytime soon. I remember the message regarding jogress, though.
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There’s a particular building in the village that is centered around fusion, as well as a “fusion counter” in the digimon information when you look up your team. Assuming that jogress is the way to new evolution, as it often was during this era of the franchise, I decide to use it on my team, namely on Patamon and Plotmon.
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I did not expect to receive a Baby I level again, but that just means I can train it. Going back to earlier dungeons, I start to clear them with my inappropiately powerful Wormmon by my side, and these efforts pay off very fast.
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Soon enough, I repeat this process with the Gabumon I mentioned at the start and an Elecmon I trained from a Punimon, gaining another Punimon that evolves into Centalmon. With a team of 2 Adults and Wormmon, I go face the dungeons.
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While still harder than the previous areas, it’s much more manageable this time around. The Digimental of Light means Tailmon gains access to a Nefertimon move, which heals me much like the Pegasusmon one did. Still, I end up having to restock my healing items in the ocassional mid-battle shop frequently enough. Finally, after what frankly felt like much, much more fights than in any of the previous dungeons, I come accross MetalGreymon.
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Can’t see him clearly? Don’t worry, I have a zoomed-in view for you.
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Don’t let anyone tell you the Adventure 02 writers didn’t know what they wanted to include in their series.
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Still, this BlackWarGreymon is much different from the anime one, being a willful servant of evil rather than a lost soul looking for answers to his existance. He implies Ken is quite scared during this battle, which is a bit of a change from Ryo, for whom this has never been implied.
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I manage to defeat him, after which the perspective once again changes to Ryo. Piccolomon confirms that BlackWarGreymon is the powerful digimon controlling the Machine Continent, so he’s not just coasting on his master’s power here, but exerting his own. Coupled with a plan, one to test the power I can get from the jogress facility before facing up against Millenniummon’s agent, I leave Piccolomon’s house.
But that’s a story for next time. See you soon for what I assume is the conclusion of our conflict with BlackWarGreymon, as well as our arrival to Millenniummon’s Continent.
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fizzingwizard · 5 years
I fell asleep as soon as I got home and didn’t get to write about Kizuna. xP So belatedly, here are my thoughts.
Warning: Spoilers for Digimon: Kizuna Last Evolution
So to start with, some context: I had a bad day at work. Not gonna go into details, but it was the sort of thing to put you out of the mood for seeing a movie, even one that’s a childhood treasure. I almost didn’t go.
In addition, because of what happened at work, I had to stay an extra hour, which meant I missed the first 25 minutes of the movie. I’m not sure how much story I actually missed - probably there was 10 min or so of trailers - but it’s possible I missed some framing. Usually the cute, fun, get-to-know-the-character moments happen in those beginning scenes, and I didn’t get to see those. When I walked in, Taichi and Yamato were having a meal together and talking about how their lives were all changing, but the Digimon stayed the same. So that’s where I’m starting from.
One more thing - I haven’t read the Kizuna novel. It sounds like if you did, you already know everything that happens. (Possibly reading the novel is more interesting than seeing the movie.) Sorry if I’m surprised by things y’all already knew!
For those who don’t like reading my long-winded posts:
Kizuna is what I would have expected from a Digimon sequel before Tri came out. That is, it’s predictable.
The art is quite good, except when it’s not.
There’s not enough of characters who aren’t named Taichi or Yamato.
Yamato is extremely COOL.
Koushirou has some good moments.
Tri is actually still canon, which I didn’t know - Meiko appears briefly in Kizuna.
It was fun to see the 02 kids, but they didn’t do anything special, although they did more than some Adventure kids.
It ends with the partner Digimon disappearing ‘forever,’ but also with Taichi putting in I think his thesis in politics specifically between the human world and the digital world. So everything seems geared to reach the 02 ending, where we know they were with their partners. So I guess at least we can headcanon that they find a way to reunite :/
OK so.
The art is really nice in this movie. Very smooth, very anime movie-like. I preferred Uki Atsuya’s designs and it did feel a little weird to go back to a more wide-eyed, innocent style now that the kids are older, but it was so lovely that I didn’t mind. Tri really lacked smoothness in the animation, so this was refreshing.
There are some times where the animations falters or some error happens - at least twice I noticed characters’ mouths moving without them saying anything, and there’s a scene where Taichi gets blown back by Eosmon’s attack and when he sits up his, um, backside is quite pronounced, like on-the-cover-of-Playboy-pronounced x’D Who knew Taichi was so thicc?
I liked in the beginning when they fly through cyberspace to take on Eosmon and it’s just like the cyberspace in Our War Game and Diablomon Strikes Back. The beginning was a bit promising. Omegamon is called on to help but his evolution breaks down, and fortunately Menoa knows all about why. There were some strong emotional moments when Taichi seizes the chance to help with a Digimon situation, and even stronger when they find out their partner Digimon are going to leave when they become adults and commit to a path (since apparently becoming an adult means you no longer have the endless possibilities of childhood). Digivolving speeds up the process.
Taichi and Yamato react very strongly. Other Chosen don’t seem in danger yet, but it’s only a matter of time. Takeru breathes a sigh of relief when he checks his digivice and realizes there’s no countdown, but Yamato’s and Taichi’s digivices are glowing with a countdown clock. Yamato screams and runs off to do anything he can to stop this. Taichi tries to deny it, but then Gennai appears in his apartment (which I think he cannot afford because we never see him turn on the lights :P) and tells him it’s all true and there’s nothing we can do about it. Then it’s bye-bye Gennai.
Oh, but before Gennai shows up Taichi is showing Agumon his apartment, and Agumon immediately finds his porn stash. I mean, that’s what you get for having magazines and DVDs instead of just using the Internet, Taichi, you moron. Teehee.
So Menoa and Imura convince the Adventure kids to “help” them, saying they’re trying to save the Chosen’s trapped consciousness. Yamato immediately figured out something’s not right, but pegs Imura as the likely suspect. However, he’s suspicious of Menoa too. Remember in Tri, when he sneaks after Nishijima and Himkawa, and gets them to talk? This is that only More. He lurks in stairwells, he goes without sleep, he researches online databases, he gets the 02 kids looking up details on Menoa, he follows Imura to some secret hideout covered in the typical secret agent decor of Papers Pinned To Walls With Illegible Writing.
As fun as it is to watch Yamato be all Men In Black, shouldn’t it... be... Ken? X’D Or are there many secret agents in space?
When Imura confronts Yamato, Hikari and Takeru have been taken prisoner. Somehow. They’re tied to chairs and Koushirou gets sent a message from Hikari’s phone saying in many different languages “Which one will be next?” So Taichi and Yamato hurry to the scene. At this point, Mimi has already had her consciousness abducted, and we now find out Jou’s KO’d too off screen.
Yamato sees Imura sitting on the stairs holding a gun. He lifts the gun and says “Takeru is already -” and I as like OMG THEY KILLED TAKERU!? but the gun is just... for show x’D Takeru has had his consciousness trapped. So has Hikari. Yamato makes good with Imura and they realize they need to go after Menoa, that she’s the one behind it all. Uh, too late though, because Menoa’s already moved against Koushirou, I think because she wants his information on Chosen Children around the world, and traps his consciousness as well. But not before Koushirou is able to track the location of Eosmon and leave the coordinates in a message for Taichi.
I don’t like Menoa. First of all, she’s a foreigner who likes to insert random English words where they’re not needed, and her accent is one of the worst I’ve ever heard x’D If you’re gonna cast someone who can’t speak a language as a speaker of that language, how about not have them actually speak it? But also, she’s not interesting. She had a Digimon partner - surprise! - who was a butterfly - surprise! - and who disappeared when she entered the path to adulthood - surprise! - and who she’s been grieving for ever since, so her big master plan is to somehow trap the consciousness of all Chosen Children around the world in another dimension where they can live inside their memories and never have to grow up. (The Digimon too.) She refers to it as her “Neverland.” None of this interests me. Yawn.
She is able to trap all the Adventure kids except Taichi, Yamato, and Sora. But don’t get excited about Sora not being trapped - Sora has decided not to fight anymore, and she sticks her decision the whole movie long. Sora is almost completely absent.
So now almost all the Adventure Chosen have been abducted and most of them didn’t even get to do anything, unless they were all being super awesome in those first ten-fifteen minutes that I missed. The 02 kids do not get trapped and when Eosmon copies start raining down around the world, they run around trying to stop them. Daisuke is adorable. Pretty much just what you’d expect. Iori is Iori. Miyako is her exuberant self. Ken is forgettable X’D I’m so sorry, Ken. Someone give him a hairstyle. My problem with the 02 kids is because, as much as it sucked that they never turned up after their inauspicious start in Tri, having them around isn’t really improving anything. Nostalgia, sure. But they’re too busy doing research and fighting to have those nice character moments we’d like to see. They do the shonen anime thing of Stating the Obvious and Promising to Unite As One and that’s it for their dialogue. They’re polite and take turns letting each other say the predictable line. At least we know Stingmon still calls his partner “Ken-chan.” <3
Taichi and Yamato use Koushirou’s coordinates to go after Menoa in her world. But not before Yamato reacts with irrational strength when Taichi suggests they save their trapped friends. Because saving them means digivolving, which means the process of losing their partners forever will speed up. “Taichi!! Are you okay with that??” Taichi’s like, “Um... no, but people are trapped and need to be rescued.” And Yamato’s like “Oh right.”
So they go and are attacked by Adventure-age versions of their trapped friends and also random Digimon. There’s quite a lot of blood?? Someone, I think Yamato, has a freaking Drimogemeon attacking him. He doesn’t get gored though lmao. Eosmon has a billion copies and they’re around the world going for Chosen Children. They bring out Omegamon and he gets his leg chopped off, whee. But both Digimon are physically intact when the evolution is broken.
Menoa is completely mentally unstable and fuses with Eosmon to become their “goddess.” Taichi sticks his hand out zombie-like under the pile of Digimon attacking him and yells at his Adventure-age friends “We must move on!” (ie, grow up). He is able to crawl to Hikari and blow her whistle with a huge breath.
This snaps everyone out of it. At this point I think “Okay! Big battle all together!” But nope. It’s still just Taichi and Yamato, who get new evolutions that look like Thundercats, and go after Menoa. While some song plays making it difficult to hear dialogue, they defeat Eosmon which makes the copies around the world disappear, and then they find Menoa trapped within her own memories of her partner, Morphomon, and rescue her as well. Menoa’s last scene is being handcuffed by Imura.
Then Taichi and Yamato go out separately with their partners and have a last conversation with them as the countdown clock is about to expire. Yamato plays his harmonica. Agumon tries to ply Taichi for food. We get Agumon’s vantage point looking up at Taichi and it’s like “wow you’re huge now.” Agumon and Gabumon both ask their partners what they’ll do tomorrow. Just as Taichi and Yamato think of an answer, they look and their partners are gone. Taichi and Yamato do some pretty impressive sobbing. Then we see them some time later hurrying on with their lives under symbolic cherry blossoms. The end!
The credits show scenes of the Chosen living their adult lives, the younger ones still with their partners, the older without. It ends with a peek at Taichi’s thesis, representing step one towards becoming a diplomat between the human and digital worlds. Like I said before, since we know they still have their partners in the 02 epilogue, it’s strange to me that they kept everything the same except that. So let’s headcanon that they’ll meet again o.O I guess
So if you read this far, you probably got the vibe that I wasn’t super impressed by Kizuna. But it’s not a bad movie. Tri pretty much spoiled me. I get that there are people who really don’t like Tri for various reasons, but to be honest, I think that even if you dislike it, you have to acknowledge what a gift it was. Six movies that gave every character something to do and mostly avoided the predictable stuff, not entirely, but much better than would be expected from an anime movie. Tri did so many interesting things. It’s got its flaws, a couple big ones, but I can never get past how it built everything up and what it resulted in.
But Tri’s number one strength comes from having six movies to tell the story. Kizuna has just one. If Tri had been condensed into a single movie - say we meet Meiko, the infection happens, she’s the origin, before the partners lose their memories Meiko asks the kids to kill Meicoomon, Daigo dies saving Taichi and then Taichi kills Meicoomon, the end - Idk if I would have liked that. It wouldn’t have gotten the build up it needed. I wouldn’t have learned to love Meiko. Stories need pacing, they need development, and more of each the more characters there are. Tri had the time to give us that.
I wasn’t expecting Kizuna to be like Tri - both the art style and all the info about it said otherwise - so I have to say that all in all, Kizuna is the movie I originally would have expected a Digimon sequel to be. It’s got That Plot that every fan read or wrote on fanfiction.net back in the day, where the kids lose their partners as a result of becoming an adult. I always hated that plotline because it was so predictable. If everyone can think of it, how can you call it creative?
But it is quite Japanese in a way, the appreciation for “the transience of things,” what they call 物の哀れ. Sora’s final ikebana display includes what I assume were cherry blossoms rising above a field of colorful flowers. Cherry blossoms represent this ephemerality in Japanese culture because of their short flowering time and how their appearance marks the beginning of spring. So in that way it’s all very striking and real. But I just personally don’t like it and never have. Also I think that for me, because I was so moved by Kokuhaku, there wasn’t much chance for this plot to have the same effect: Kokuhaku simply did it better.
I do think Kizuna is appreciable on its own and that if Tri weren’t a thing I’d have liked it better. I am not sure if I’m gonna go see it again. I might! I got a Koushirou clear file for going this week. (... The postcards we got for going to Tri were way better, though xP) So could at least go and collect more maybe.
But Kizuna has a big downside, which is that it’s just as obsessed with Taichi and Yamato as Tri was, but it’s even more felt due to the time constraints. At least with Tri, we got to see everyone do something at some point. In Kizuna, they don’t even try. Mimi, Jou, and Hikari are barely around and get their consciousness trapped early on. Takeru at least gets to join the initial fight with Eosmon, but I think that’s due to wanting to give a nod to Our War Game and maybe just because fans like Angemon. Then Takeru’s gone. Koushirou gets to be his brainiac self, I don’t really have a complaint about his treatment, except in the final battle where he’s just there. And Sora simply isn’t around period. Tri didn’t have the 02 kids, ok, that’s too bad... Kizuna has them but they’re boring and most of the Adventure cast doesn’t get to do much either. Is this really better, guys?
When you’ve got a cast this big, I don’t think you can do things the typical way. I’m an X-men fan, I should know. Lol.
That’s it for Kizuna! I’m still happy it exists, and have to admit that I might have had a slightly more positive take if I hadn’t been in such a bad mood from my day, so I hope that on a second viewing, whether I go to the theaters or wait to find it online, I will find more bits to appreciate.
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variouscolors-old · 9 months
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miloucomehome · 6 years
Thoughts, feelings, theories and assessments (esp. the 02 kids and adventure kids’ relationships) before the premiere of the final chapter
This sort of morphed from a short thread on Twitter with some friends a while back and it was as if a lightbulb went off in my head. There might be some holes and here and there, but hear me out (It’s long. I’m so sorry. Go make tea, a snack and come back and read)
First: If you haven’t already, rewatch the first 5 movies. It’s well worth it.
This post contains spoilers for Parts 1 through 5. No spoilers from the advance screenings of Part 6 are in this post. (I’m a spoilerphobe with tri of perhaps the highest order)
So here’s a few things:
All 12 of them seeing each other at once was not a regular thing. It wasn’t in 02 for the Adventure kids, that’s for sure and each episode showed this early on.
Them not being in daily communication for days or weeks was probably normal too given how things may have become for them as Chosen. They had no reason to worry--there was peace. Everyone was busy and had their lives
Whatever the 02 kids encountered prior to Part 1, it may have occurred swiftly. In other theories I’ve tried to come up with, this is one thing I think is a strong possibility. There’s been theories floated that maybe Maki deliberately sent them there because they were the active team, but what if in an emergency with no way to directly communicate, in desperation the 02 kids were sucked into the situation out of a sense of  duty and urgency?
Say in an emergency, Gennai (good) urgently tries to get a hold of the Chosen--anyone they can get--and they discover that communications have been hampered. They try and try and get a hold of the 02 kids first. Not all at once, but maybe somehow Ken, Daisuke, Iori and Miyako were able to link up. Maybe even Iori and Miyako suggested they try and get Takeru and Hikari, but they can't--time is of the essence and their help is needed post haste so they leave...and end up in an unwinnable situation.
While faced with this, the kids try to message for help as one by one--Imperialdramon, Hawkmon and Armadimon’s evolutions--are taken out, but they realize their message can't get through much like how Takeru's D-Terminal couldn't send messages in Part 4. (Maybe related: Koushiro notes he can’t get a hold of Gennai in Part 4) They're stuck with no way out nor way to call home and before they can run and seek shelter, they're all taken out (image of the final panning shot)
Due to the state of their relationship and not being in constant communication with one another, their “non-responsiveness” hasn't raised flags yet given the timeline of the films and ever-evolving and rapidly changing priorities. It could be in Part 6, albeit a bit late, they will realize they need them and *thats* when things click. I’ll concede that there is a bit of explaining to do on this point whether it’s a friendship question, or that “External Forces” (Homeostasis, the Agency, Mysterious Man, the World/Digital World) are at play.
(More after the jump!)
The 02 kids are missing because of an event out of their control that we can see from the opening act of Part 1: Reunion.
What happened before that dramatic moment is where my theory comes in.
We know from Takeru in Reunion that the Digital Gate has been closed for a while and even though the Adv kids are in the Digital World right now, they got there through unconventional means which bypassed that block. Let’s assume that when the Digital Gate closed, for whatever reason, it was after a period of extended peace in the Digital World--Gennai (the real one) decided that they should let him and the Agents take care of fixing it and let them relax. After all, they had defeated BelialVandemon and Oikawa became an extra barrier for the safety of the Digital World, there wasn’t any need to be worried.
Over time, maybe during this peace, the 02 kids and Adv kids find themselves in a kind of “retirement” or hiatus from their duties as Chosen. They’re not rushing to intercept trouble or prevent anyone from taking over the Digital World or being summoned by the Sovereign Digimon to reinforce the barrier between the Worlds so they all aren’t really needed at the time.
It’s very in-character for Gennai to tell the kids to take it easy. I could see him not having any reason to be concerned. “We don’t get together as much as we used to anymore”
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I strongly believe Koushiro’s line in Part 1 wasn’t just a cute reference to Our War Game--where they were hampered by the fact that they could not communicate to assemble everyone, handicapping them at the start versus Diablomon--but actually a comment on the current state of their relationship between the 12 of them.
Perhaps in a similar way to Our War Game, the 2nd original film, the kids slowly settle into “normal” routines and “normal” lifestyles as Jr and Sr High School students. Perhaps as a result of this state, the Adventure kids and 02 kids aren’t really communicating or seeing each other as much--not because they’re no longer friends, but simply because there is no reason to. They’re not having hush-hush meetings in the computer lab nor strategizing at Koushiro’s apartment over the latest Digital World developments. They drift apart somewhat, but, they’re still in touch. Life is good for all involved from 2003 onward.
Joe and Miyako being in their respective final years of High School and Jr High are likely becoming consumed by their studies (but Joe isn’t quite at the stage we see him at in Part 2) everyone is leading their own lives waiting until the day they’re called again (though not expecting). Rewatching Part 1, you can see that Taichi wasn’t terribly aware of Yamato’s band activities. It’s played as a normal conversation for laughs, but I’d say it’s another way the story demonstrates how little they hang out compared to before.
I think we can safely assume their relationship is in the state it’s in is close but not I-know-every-detail-of-your-day level. After the events of Part 2: Decision/Determination, Hikari and Takeru go and try to find out what’s going on--no one answers at the Ichijouji residence (Empty? They could be out for the day (or town) and Ken is busy himself given they may not be aware of his daily activities), Takeru fires off a text to Daisuke and presumably the others. Had things not escalated as much in Part 3, they probably would’ve had more time to sleuth around and investigate and take notice of the flags, but then the infection and Meicrackmon took priority. Had this had their undivided attention, I’m sure the story would have had them speak to the older Chosen to note they couldn’t get a hold of the other four. 
(What I also find curiously interesting is that Daigo is also aware in Part 3 that the 02 kids are missing. Whatever his implication is in the events that led to their status, it’ll be interesting to learn the extent of what he knew. Given how crushed he was by the fact Maki was lying point blank to Yamato and to himself, I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if all he knew was they had lost communication with them, not that they had been ambushed)
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Closed Gate = Closed Communications
We know from a few things in Part 3: Confession that, granted we are seeing a post-reboot DW, communication between the Digital World and Real World seems to be hampered as seen when Takeru tries to use his D-Terminal to message Maki but the message doesn’t go through. We could chalk this up to it being a reboot bug, but what if this “lack of reception” had been around the time when the Gates remained closed? Now wouldn’t that cause problems if any of them made it into the Digital in an emergency through unconventional means but had no ability to communicate back for help? If this had been the case, neither of them would know this was a problem. Keep this point in mind.
Something occurs suddenly in the Digital World. Maybe only the 02 kids, or only Daisuke, Iori, Miyako and Ken, are able to get to a Gate. They get there, try to get a handle on the situation they’re facing only to be up against something they couldn’t fathom even keeping at bay. Maybe the Gate was closed,(maybe those screens we see in the canyon in Part 4 were Gates that were out of service) so somehow they go in through an unconventional method, but when they get there and things escalate too quickly. Even though they may have sent messages for help...maybe they were never able to send at all.
What also occurred to me is that Meicoomon’s nature distorts with digital communications. Would its existence in the Digital World have begun a slow corrosion of digital infrastructure there? (That is: The Gate, the D3s’ Gate opening abilities, D-Terminal/Digital communication between the Real and Digital World) We can also see from Part 3 onwards that access to the Digital World is currently only being done through the distortions.
The Role of  the 02 Kids in the Final Film
Difficult to pin, but I have confidence (blind?) that we are not in for a repeat of the role of the Adventure kids during the events of Movie 3 (Hurricane Touchdown), granted there are similarities to tri.: Missing kids, a tamer with the burden of caring for a Digimon partner gone berserk who harms/kidnaps one team. In fact, I truly believe that Miyako, Daisuke, Iori and Ken are key to unlocking Omegamon Merciful Mode, like how Imperialdramon Paladin Mode was unlocked by a sacrifice, of sorts, by a heavily damaged Omegamon in Movie 4, Diablomon Strikes Back. Maybe Imperialdramon FM will reappear and sacrifice part of itself to unlock Merciful Mode, then all the kids will unlock or power the new blade it wields.
I am also Team They Will Speak (or Some Will Speak) and not Team Brief Cameo. ;;;;;
Final comment -- Regarding one scene from Part 1:
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This might be random but, hear me out--Much of the thinking surrounding this opening shot with Taichi is that he was maybe feeling guilty for something, but what if it was nostalgia? Koushiro did mention that they all don’t get together or talk much anymore.
What if not only that, but what of Taichi’s scene --when coupled with his vague comment to Daigo (as teacher) about going to see some friends often but not anymore--wasn’t just about the Digimon, but just...everyone? The other Adventure kids and the 02 kids included. Peacetime and an unexpectedly long one without their Digimon and without being wound up in something with his friends….what does one do but reflect on “happier” times when in times of trouble, they were with their friends almost every day?
Everyone’s going on growing up and here he is struck with a strong sense of wanting to return to the “Good ol days” with everyone, maybe. It’s probably possible he believes that going back to that would assuage his worries a little about changes..
We’ll see what happens in the final chapter of this wonderful series on Saturday!
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seventeenlovesthree · 4 months
Greetings! So I've just finished Digimon 02TB and I need to discuss it with someone with legit opinions lmao. So the thing is: how do you tackle the apparent continuity disagreement that Ukkomon claimed he created the Chosen kids when there's lore established since the 1st Adventure that there was a group of Chosen kids (Maki Himekawa's group) before Taichi's group? I'm looking for possible Watsonian explanations since simply saying "it's a plothole / retcon" doesn't satisfy me 😁 So far I got these ideas, feel free to elaborate on them or give some new ones:
First, there's a possbility that Ukkomon was lying (I love how many plot holes can be simply explained by "character X was lying) and didn't actually create the Chosen kids - he just introduced them as Lui's "friends" to make Lui happy. BUT then, if Ukkomon didn't create them, why did the digivices disappear after Lui un-did his wish and BigUkkomon was defeated? Second, maybe when Lui claimed he's the first person to ever bond with a Digimon, he meant "the first person to bond with a Digimon without some divine intervention and/or a mission they were chosen to fulfill", which technically makes him the first Tamer instead of a Chosen child. Daisuke & co. calling him a "Chosen child" was therefore just a misunderstanding Lui didn't correct since he couldn't tell the difference.
What do you think?
Ooooooh boy! I still remember how much my head was rushing when I had watched the movie in cinemas back on launch day and I simply couldn't get home fast enough to write down all my thoughts. I had compiled it all back then here and I believe it already summarizes everything you've been asking and talking about, but I'll still try to put it together again shortly.
First of all, @jamesthedigidestined are currently still trying our best to make sense of the current timeline and the order of when which Chosen Child (or generally "humans partnering with Digimon") came into existence, so I still hope he will post his own ideas himself soon!
However - my theory back then and also today is what you already outlined:
Homeostasis does not have a physical form, so it created its agents like Gennai - and PROBABLY Ukkomon too. Since we know the Digital World has “wish granting” abilities, I can accept there being a singular being that is capable of doing the same thing. So then, a Digiegg gets into the real world in 1995, and Homeostasis gets to scan Hikari, Taichi and the others, discovering the potential they have - since Hikari is the child that enables the hatched Botamon to evolve into Greymon super quickly, Homeostasis sends Parrotmon to retrieve it. Afterwards, in 1996, Ukkomon “would appear who had special connections with [a child] in the real world”. And thus, Rui’s wish was the indirect catalysator of the foundation of the “partnership system”. Basically, Ukkomon’s wish fulfillment powers enabled a system based on the limitless potential (of wishes and the bond between humans and Digimon) that was deemed useful by Homeostasis for the sake of saving the world(s). A system that wasn’t in place like this before, so Rui was basically some kind of “prototype” - as was Ukkomon, kinda testing the waters of partnerships in the first place. And through analyzing the other 8 kids in the meantime, their potential had been discovered, which is why THEY also had Crests created for themselves. Like Ukkomon said - they came into existence to “protect” him, so he wouldn’t have to save the worlds himself. And so would Daigo, Maki and the others between 1996 and 1999 (including Wallace, though we need to still figure out where exactly he fits in there).
On a different note, I like the idea of treating Ukkomon like Menoa in the way of her being an unreliable narrator that led to the whole “adulthood vs. neglect theory” in the first place. So Ukkomon may actually NOT even be aware that Rui WASN’T the first Chosen Child because, either it really didn’t know or was manipulated by Homeostasis to claim that it’s true. The reasoning behind that could be interesting to look at too… Long story short: Never take anything in Digimon at face value!!!
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Plus, me and James are also a fan of the idea that Rui was just "a child with a Digimon partner" and NOT a Chosen Child. Again, he has outlined this way better than I have, coming up with different groups of Digimon to be partnered with humans!
Plus, I still think of Rui as an unreliable narrator too, because they're all just speculating about the Digivice origin, even though there has been clear lore for it in the back...
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witchelny · 7 years
Piecing Together Adventure tri.’s Plot, Pt. 1
So, the past few days I’ve been marinating on the release of Kyousei/Coexistence. A lot of very cool people with more coherent thoughts than myself have already posted their wonderful analyses of Coexistence by itself, so I decided not to go that route. Instead, I’m rewatching Digimon Adventure tri. from the beginning and analyzing the OVA episodes based on the context we’ve been given in the most recent OVA.
To do this, I’ve decided to analyze Adventure tri. from a very character-focused perspective, as I believe that is how the series was most likely developed. There are at least four different “sides” involved in the central conflict, as well as individual character motivations for everyone involved. This style of writing is likely what has caused Adventure tri.’s incredibly complicated (and, as some have criticized, overwrought) plotline.
Here’s an outline of the main four “sides” I’ll be focusing on:
The Chosen Children, including Meiko & their ally Daigo Homeostasis, with both Gennai & Huckmon serving its purpose Yggdrasil, represented by Alphamon Maki, who gets her own category because her sole motivation (so far) seems to be getting Tapirmon back & her actions have influenced much of the plot
I’m starting off with a rewatch of Part 1: Reunion.
Reunion starts off with the vague and conceptual introduction of Demiurge. Other people in the fandom have discussed the concept of Demiurge in more depth, because it’s a very complex idea with ties to Platonism, Neoplatonism, and Gnoticism, and is interpreted differently by various schools of thought. In short, however, the Demiurge is consistently thought of as a “second God” or the “mind of God,” a being that fashioned the universe out of chaos but is unaware of the higher being (”the One”) that created it. Adventure tri. also proposes that Demiurge is unaware of Idea, in which the capitalized term “Idea” refers to Plato’s Theory of Forms - the concept that non-physical forms, or the Idea of something, are the most accurate reality.
I’m still not entirely sure how to apply this theory to Adventure tri. A few thoughts: perhaps the “Idea, the true form of the world,” as mentioned by the narrator, refers to the fact that humanity’s dreams & wishes that created the Digital World, are the “true form” of the Digital World. Additionally, one could see either Homeostasis or Yggdrasil as the Demiurge or “second god” that fashioned the Digital World out of chaos. I don’t feel confident suggesting any of the above thoughts are supported by the narrative, but I am hoping we get some more insight in Our Future.
In Reunion, one of the first scenes with which we are presented is the scene in which Alphamon defeats the 02 kids. In the context of Coexistence, we now know that Alphamon is fighting for Yggdrasil and opposes Homeostasis, which - in my opinion - suggests to me that the 02 kids had already had some contact with Gennai or Homeostasis that skewed their mission in Homeostasis’ favor. After all, the Chosen had no reason to distrust Gennai up until that point; they perceived him as an ally. Consequently, I have reason to believe the 02 kids were being manipulated by Gennai and/or Homeostasis to fight on their side up until their defeat and possible capture at the hands of Alphamon.
Following this scene, the main plot continues in the background of seemingly mundane, slice-of-life antics. Reunion’s focus on Taichi & Yamato, however, serves as a sort of vehicle to present each Chosen child’s individual motivations and conflicts. Taichi & Yamato, as usual, are pitted against one another because their soccer game & band concert are scheduled on the same day around the same time, and it forces the other kids to show where their loyalties lie. Sora can’t choose between the two; Koushiro is busy with his fancy job at an American firm, even going so far as to lie to Sora on the phone about what he’s doing; Mimi is in America, but is willing to drop everything to go to Japan and see her friends; Jou is focusing on school and his girlfriend; Takeru acts loyal to Yamato but is using his brother’s concert for a date; and Hikari is the first and only person in the crew to notice Kuwagamon and the distortions, true to her typical sixth-sense perceptiveness.
As a result, I think the central conflict, and then the resolution of said conflict, between Taichi and Yamato in Reunion is absolutely necessary in order to establish the power dynamics among the Chosen Children and also to 1) showcase how each of them have changed individually and 2) depict what motivates them throughout the rest of the OVA.
Likewise, Taichi’s hesitance about reclaiming his leadership role is foreshadowed by his inability to hand in a career planning form at school. Daigo repeatedly chides Taichi on not having his form turned in, but Taichi has no idea what to do, or which path he even wants to take in the future. That indecisiveness follows him later in Reunion when he begins to have second thoughts about leading the Chosen Children and battling Alphamon.
Now, onto the main plot. There are a few things I noticed throughout Reunion, including:
Huckmon is watching as Kuwagamon emerges from the first distortion. I honestly can’t remember where the Virus originated or if it was explaining in canon because it’s been awhile since I watched Adventure tri., but for now I’m posing the theory that Homeostasis created the Virus in order to target Meicoomon. If that is true, then Huckmon is likely watching to ensure the plan is executed smoothly.
I have noticed this before and other people have pointed it out, but when Maki is sitting in her office, she has a program open on her computer that is tracking the locations of all 12 Chosen, including the 02 kids. The 02 kids, however, have “unknown” written next to their statuses and locations.
There seems to have been some kind of mass amnesia. A common complaint about the absence of the 02 kids is that the original 8 never even think to mention that they are missing, but I’m wondering if this was purposeful. Additionally, no one in the world seems to remember Digimon existing, with the news even referring to them as “unidentified creatures.”
All of the other Chosen children around the world still exist. At one point when Takeru is on the phone with Yamato, the camera shows his laptop screen, which shows him interacting with other global Chosen through some kind of custom social network.
A common behavior in Infected Digimon, a behavior that’s reflected by Meicoomon, is that they only directly engage in battle if threatened. The Kuwagamon, for example, does not directly attack Taichi; instead, it lays waste to Odaiba until it realizes that Taichi is following it and intends on stopping it, then turns to attack him. Similarly, Meicoomon has demonstrated multiple times that she won’t display aggressive behavior unless threatened; this actually happens later in Reunion when Alphamon appears, and Meicoomon glows for a second, having an impulsive reaction to the looming threat.
Before confronting Kuwagamon, Taichi calls Hikari and tells her nothing is wrong, making the executive decision to face Kuwagamon by himself. Taichi also seems to have accepted the fact that without Agumon present, he is powerless to stop Kuwagamon. Foreshadowing for his sacrificial behavior in Coexistence, perhaps?
Kuwagamon almost wins the fight against Garurumon at the Haneda Airport, but Alphamon’s hand reaches through a distortion and pulls him away. Could it be that Homeostasis sent the Virus, and Alphamon, on behalf of Yggdrasil, is doing everything he can to get in Homeostasis’ path? At this point, Alphamon seems to have no interest in fighting the Chosen, but it is also before the Chosen Children ally themselves with Meiko and Meicoomon.
One of the most interesting tidbits in Reunion, to me, is this:
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Maki and Daigo have been getting their information from Gennai. This means that, unbeknownst to them, the National Data Processing Bureau and likely the Chosen Children have, up to this point, had the information given to them skewed in order to further Homeostasis’s agenda. This is all really interesting to me, because it suggests that something insidious has been going on from the very beginning. The Agents (with a capital “A,” referring to Gennai’s race of human-like beings living in the Digital World) created the Chosen Digimon partners in order to protect their world from the Dark Masters and Apocalymon; however, did they create the original five’s Digimon partners, too? Has every team of Chosen been manufactured by Homeostasis and the Agents in order to serve their purposes and keep the Digital World “balanced”? Gennai’s influence in the Bureau is definitely something I’m going to keep an eye on throughout this rewatch.
As a side note to this, I am reminded of Maki’s appearance at the end of Pt. 3, when she confronts Gennai on the cliffside. I think it is most likely that Gennai contacted Maki first and is manipulating her to do underhanded things under the guise of promising her that she’ll get Tapirmon back.
Besides that, Koushiro also gives us a pretty nifty outline of what has been going on in Odaiba for the past year during the team meeting under the bridge. He says,
About a year ago, normal portals to the Digital World closed
Their Digivices began malfunctioning
There has been significant radio disturbance in Odaiba, followed by mystery blackouts
Wireless networks went down, causing poor cell phone reception
New spatial distortions have been occurring, allowing Digimon to pass through the distortions in space to the human world
All Digimon emerging from the distortions up until this point have all had some kind of “new mutation,” the Virus
Koushiro concludes that everything he listed above has been the result of these spatial distortions, which are negatively impacting electronics and allowing random portals to and from the Digital World to appear. He also goes on the modify Taichi’s goggles, allowing him to detect distortions by observing data flow and spotting areas in which mass data has gathered densely together, causing a distortion.
Something else that is interesting to me is that everything is occurring in Odaiba, specifically. Did the distortions start happening in Odaiba first before Meiko & Meicoomon moved in, or did Meicoomon lure the distortions away from Tottori and to Odaiba? In any case, Meiko & Meicoomon seem aware of the fact they’re being followed, because Meicoomon doesn’t even flinch when Alphamon appears in front of her; in fact, she readies herself for a fight. Alphamon also does not seem to care that Meiko is in the line of fire as he is blasting at Meicoomon. This suggests to me that Yggdrasil does not care if the children get in the way. Yggdrasil & Alphamon had no hand in assembling the teams of Chosen, and they also have no qualms about eradicating the children as long as the end goal is achieved.
Huckmon is also at the scene, observing, when Alphamon appears. However, upon recognizing Alphamon, Huckmon’s eyes widen and he promptly teleports away. I find this interesting when looking back at it now that I have seen Coexistence; Huckmon clearly noticed Yggdrasil making a move and left to avoid getting involved in the battle.
The last thing I’m going to mention before not-so-gracefully concluding this first analysis is that Meiko’s Digivice changes throughout the series. I have noticed some people pointing out how Meiko’s Digivice is definitely black and sparking purple lightning in Coexistence. However, this was not the case right off the bat.
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As you can see, Meiko started off with a perfectly normal Digivice. The transformation occurs later in the OVA. Could this be a result of the reboot? Or perhaps, Meicoomon slipping further into despair and terror?
I have to admit I’m not excited about rewatching Pt. 2 because it was probably my least favorite of Adventure tri. so far. But I’ll try to get that done + finish my analysis of it soon. Stay tuned!
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shihalyfie · 4 years
I can’t remember if you’ve touched on this before, but do you think there’s any reason to Ken having a crest like the original Adventure 8? It always stuck out to me that he had one despite not being part of the original group.
Honestly, I can’t really come to any solid conclusions about it either, I’m afraid!
The best I can venture is that the process of selecting Chosen Children isn’t as formalized as it seems on the surface. For instance, Homeostasis and the Agents didn’t necessarily choose all of the Chosen Children -- Two-and-a-Half Year Break clarifies that they don’t have complete awareness or control of Chosen Children coming in from different countries, and in 02 episode 37, Qinglongmon (and, by proxy, the other Holy Beasts) claims credit for choosing Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori and partnering them through a very different method. (The Agents prepared eggs with their human partners’ data input into them, whereas the Holy Beasts found ancient Digimon species and sealed them under the Digimentals.) So it’s a very messy process, especially since everything from the Digital World is in quite a chaotic state of “what is this whole human world thing anyway?” The Adventure novels explain that there are some higher designs even beyond Homeostasis (who, despite being a rather powerful entity, is still “merely” a security system and not particularly omnipotent), and 02 episode 22 also has Takeru and Hikari allude to the idea that the Digital World might have a sort of will of its own, especially when 02 episode 50 establishes that unconscious thoughts also influence it. So that probably lends to the degree of haphazard-ness going on here.
Considering that Taichi and Hikari, who were the most significant factors in the Greymon and Parrotmon incident, still didn’t become established as Chosen until 1999 (with eight other people getting dibs even before them), it’s possible that the process of picking kids was actually a pretty haphazard process for a while, even before and after 1999. After all, as much as the Hikarigaoka incident was what directly made Homeostasis realize “hey, contact with humans makes Digimon evolve!”, it was later established that any kind of Digimon contact could get you with a Digimon partner -- and, conversely, not everyone who witnessed the Hikarigaoka incident ended up with a partner by 1999. It’s also important to realize that the incident depicted with the Agents in Adventure episode 45, in which Gennai emerged as the only surviving Agent and fled with the eight eggs (and dropped one), does a lot to explain why the Adventure kids were such a seemingly isolated case -- it’s possible that Homeostasis and the Agents were preparing a much larger number, but Gennai was forced to flee with only what was available in the nearest container.
The incident that led to Ken becoming a Chosen depends on what franchise material you follow -- some Japanese fans have taken the novel mention to suggest he might have been another Hikarigaoka witness, Tag Tamers errs on the side of having Ken witness the Diablomon incident in 2000 (similar to Miyako), and 02 episode 33 has Ken state (through some very foggy memories) that he remembers something from August 2000. In the case of the latter two (and especially in the case of the third, which we know nothing about the relevant situation), it’s possible Homeostasis and the Agents (now populated by Gennai and his copies) continued the process of analyzing humans and their traits even after 1999 and chose him accordingly -- the fact that there were 16 Chosen by 1999, but only eight of them were involved in Adventure’s events, meant that it was clear by that point that the Apocalymon-related events weren’t the only reason to be picking Chosen, and in fact Two-and-a-Half Year Break postulates that a Chosen could be picked for any reason relevant to helping protect the Digital World. So, tl;dr: there’s some leeway for Ken to have been chosen via a similar method to the Adventure eight (analyzing his potential for a strong personality trait) even if he wasn’t necessarily meant to be involved in the same crisis, only for things to go sour when he became the Kaiser and for the Holy Beasts to have to intervene by calling in the other 02 kids to help.
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