#adying rambles
blackkatmagic · 1 year
I know fandom always makes a big deal out of Plo Koon having the Wolfpack's symbol on the vambraces he wears, but can we also acknowledge that Adi Gallia wears vambraces with the 91st's colors on them? There's no need for the Jedi to wear their company's colors, but she does anyway, and I think that's just so cool.
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hurricanek8art · 8 months
I ADORE like most of the SW stuff he's done and he hasn't written a full-length SW book since A New Dawn back in 2014, I am SO EXCITED. And in-depth dives into the Jedi Council's characters before TPM? HECK YEAH!
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actually i think commenting is the most fun part of ao3 is not only can i tell someone how much i loved their writing i can also demand emotional compensation
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demonstars · 9 months
why are dnf actually soul mates wtf
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
ok idk how much you pay attention to music in shows (music analysis is like my life lol) but like st literally does SUCH a good job w how they use music in the show... like california dreamin in 4x01 ?? when i first heard i was like oh lol bc theyre in california thats cool BUT the song is about running away to california when you're feeling sad and like....hellooooo....and then there's the fact that they chose the beach boys version instead of the original to allude to the 1980sness of it all. so cool
Omg Adi you have no idea how obsessed I am with music analysis specifically in stranger things, if there's one thing I'm truly unhinged about it's this <333
You're so right about "california dreamin" and the beach boys version!! I'm just gonna quick ramble here about the OST (original soundtrack) throughout S4 lol.
So, there are some key tracks from S1 and S2 that are repeated in S4V1 to show key significance or foreshadow things to come. For example, during Mike and El's fight, the track "eulogy" is played. This is significant because it was played over Joyce mourning Bob (a lost relationship) and Barb's funeral in S2/3. The fact this this track (albeit a revamped version) was the track chosen to play during Mike and El's fight is so interesting and really helps to show where their relationship is headed imo. Another track that's repeated is "on the bus" during Mike and Will's heart-to-heart after burying the body. This same track plays in S2 during Lucas and Max's heart-to-heart when they're kinda admitting their feelings--also, this talk really sets up their relationship, so that's foreshadowing to Mike and Will, lol. Also, "this isn't you" is repeated when Steve and Nancy talk in the Creel house. This track is used a lot throughout the seasons, but it's specifically tied to Nancy's guilt over Barb's death, as Barb tells her "this isn't you" before being taken by the demogorgan. Using this track in S4V1 foreshadows that Nancy still isn't over her guilt to do with Barb, hence her being tranced by Vecna at the end of V1. There's lots of other repeated tracks too, but I found these 3 to be the most significant <3
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witherroze · 3 months
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*shakes them both around at maximum velocity*
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adiluv · 7 months
hand and rock reveal!! these are the rocks that i brought back from the hike! istg my phone camera did these all so wrong these were literally all taken in the same spot smhhh
the darker rim of the middle rock is hematite, while the inner portion is limonite—which is probably spelt wrong but i’m too tired to go check. both are composed of iron, so it was a huuuge pain in the ass to carry around, but the colors were pretty so i just had to cop!
the beige-ish material on the right-most photo is clay, which i plan to make something out of, while the attached rock was just meant to hold it since it was still wet when i picked it up. i haven’t learned to id that many rocks yet, but my best guess is hematite, since there was a lot of it at the beach!
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anyway! here are some other photos i took!
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catgirlbuffalo · 10 months
my cat's fumkin judging me for dancing to xenoblade music in my room -_-
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mxgicthot · 10 months
My favorite thing about Haleth Aditya meeting is he really just saw her sad ass on the street, heard she was an orphan and went
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ad1thi · 1 year
i'm not saying that Criminal Minds is like a revolutionary show like i am fully aware of its flaws but the show does Found Family so well. The show takes the time not just to develop each of the characters individually to give them a rich and varied backstory and character arc but also takes the time to build individual bonds between each them in unique and distinct ways, which is extremely rare for an ensemble show.
They have such real and tangible bonds not just as a cohesive group but also with each in a way that doesn't feel forced or scripted but deep-rooted and dug into your heart. It's an ensemble show in the purest sense, and every single character is meaningful and noteworthy and i just - i am in no way pretending that there isn't something off-kilter about finding a show centred around a FBI Team hunting serial killers to be comforting, but goddamnit Criminal Minds is a comforting show.
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canisitsnotlupus · 1 year
SD organizations are moving away from poodles left and right because of the high wash rates (and numerous ones will even say that's why lol) and people still push them as a fab four breed (along with collies and gsds, yikes) 💀 there's a reason almost all accredited organizations use labs, goldens, or labxgolden mixes... it's because they have the best and absolute highest success rates out of any breed, hugely ahead of all other breeds in their success rates and like, i am the FIRST to admit that sometimes off breeds can become SDs, i worked a BC, but the fact is.. one can set themselves up for success by going with a lab or golden (or labxgolden)
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quatregats · 1 year
Patrick O’Brian very clearly went on a deep dive into world religions and theology right before writing The Letter of Marque because this has got to be some of the most obvious infodumping yet, and that’s saying a lot
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gophergal · 3 days
junji ito jumpscare
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adiluv · 7 months
do not trust the words “medium hike” i was fighting for my life frfr!!
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catgirlbuffalo · 1 year
cute girl in a cocktail dress, rovin' around the suburbs, holding a tissue to her face where she nicked herself shaving her stubble earlier
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Yo why does the music for the animated film about the fairytale Antonio Banderas cat slap so hard??
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