#aerial john deere
rmspeltzfarm · 11 months
Combining Beans
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rebeccathenaturalist · 4 months
Help Stop a Clearcut - Deadline May 17, 2024! Reblogs appreciated!
Hey, folks, got a time-sensitive request for y'all--even if you aren't a PNW resident, can you please put in a word to save the legacy/mature forest on Mothball Hill just outside Astoria, OR? Comments to NOT clearcut the forest on Mothball Hill can be sent to [email protected] and need to be received by 5pm Pacific Standard Time on May 17. Reblogs ALSO help!
As per this article:
"North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection requests your consideration and immediate action to help safeguard drinking water and residents’ health in rural neighborhoods east of Astoria. Written comments are needed by Friday, May 17, regarding ongoing and upcoming Oregon Department of Forestry timber harvests in Clatsop County. Anybody may submit a comment to ODF; you do not need to be a resident of Clatsop County. Please see below for more details.
Currently, the NCCWP Astoria Chapter is working to notify residents whose property is in close proximity to proposed 2025 ODF timber harvests in Clatsop County. On May 5, we surveyed Unit 2 of the Mothball Hill Harvest and met some of the concerned residents whose property is immediately adjacent to the timber sale. We are working with them closely.
Leading up to the May 17 deadline for comments about the ODF Annual Operations Plan (AOP), we are hoping to visit as many of these sites as possible — knocking on people’s doors directly adjacent to these potential timber harvests. Many people who live in these houses may not be aware that the forestland near their homes is scheduled to be clearcut and sprayed with a “cocktail” of pesticides. Our goal is to notify these homeowners and provide them with appropriate resources and support so that they can get involved and comment on the AOP before the opportunity ends. These clearcuts and pesticide applications may directly affect people’s health, livelihoods, recreational activities, and property values. Ultimately, they will adversely affect the quality and quantity of coastal drinking water by exacerbating the climate crisis, perpetuating drought, and increasing the risk of wildfires, landslides, and the runoff of sediment and pesticides into waterways.
Here’s a letter sent to community members, ODF, BoF, and Clatsop Co. officials from Darren Orange, a resident neighboring the Mothball Hill Harvest: 
A request for your consideration and action,
The Oregon Department Of Forestry released their 2024 Annual Operations Plan and has selected a previously unmanaged, non-intentionally planted, natural “Legacy Forest” for CLEARCUT AND AERIAL SPRAY. The location is in Clatsop Forest Astoria District on “Mothball Hill” east of Astoria in the John Day estuary. This proposed clearcut will impact a previously unmanaged biodiverse forest with trees, and mycorrhizal networks well over 100 years old. The geographical location is extremely steep and the boundaries for cutting would push into the Columbia River at its northernmost point. Slide potential is high, threatening the railroad, and homes both on private drive Phil Rd., Highway 30, and Deer Valley Rd. 
Located between Astoria, (2 miles to the west) and the Twilight Eagle Sanctuary (2 miles to the east) this rich habitat and watershed is home for bald eagles, beaver, blue heron, cougar, bobcat, coyotes, and waterways for native salmon.  The year-round streams run directly into the John Day and Columbia Rivers. The location will be seen on Highway 30, and visible from both rivers as a monstrous scab. 
The home and hobby garden I share with my wife borders 300′ of Clatsop Forest. Neon survey markers now weigh heavily, glaring at us 20′ from our kitchen window. Trees marked for cut purposely planted by homeowners over 50 years ago as property lines now marked for harvest. We watch: protected migratory birds, marine birds, bald eagles, blue heron, osprey, and others. We’ve listened to the call of bobcats and coyotes from their resting and breeding dens. We’ve seen beavers in the estuary. Salmon and crayfish are commercially harvested here. The rich native flora and mycelium network show the health of the forest and offer many plant medicines. This is just a window of the species we see everyday. 
The impact and damage on this ecosystem is vast. The unintended consequences of aerial spray, blowdown due to compromised forest integrity, slides, and aesthetic harm to private property value, boating/kayaking and tourism, commercial and recreational fishing are all part of the cost vs minimal $1.1 million dollar profit.
I’m asking the greater community to please write and pass along your concerns to the Oregon Department of Forestry about this clearcut timber sale in one of the oldest stands in the area. This stand has not been managed or replanted so it represents a key forest in its health and history. I ask that ODF look into alternative locations such as managed/planted forests with less impactful methods that follow the soon to be Federal Habitat Conservation Act that would preserve older stands. I ask that ODF follow their own Key Performance Measures of complex layered forest structure. I ask ODF NOT TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THIS TIMBER SALE.
Darren Orange
local resident of 25 years
business owner
property owner
interactive map
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bonefall · 7 months
looking at the nutrition guide posts again, and you say that the clans' territories are bigger than one might think.... how big do you imagine they might be? the book maps always make them seem smaller than they probably actually are due to art scaling
There is no way to give a perfect number, because productivity of land depends a lot more on what's on it rather than raw size. An old-growth oak forest will have more squirrels in an acre than a sitka spruce plantation will in miles.
But this is an aerial photo of Peng Chau island, which is a landform notable for being almost EXACTLY 1 square kilometer.
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That's 10 million square feet, for those of us burdened by imperial, and 247 acres, for... farmers idk. Or, 100 hecatares for those who are aware that most UK nature reserves measure their land in hecs.
(does this seem big? it's not. this is merely two 18-hole golf courses. or maybe we should destroy all golf courses. who knows :P)
According to the John Muir Trust, which researches red deer density and conversation, 1 square kilometer can sustainably support 5 red deer; more deer than that and they will begin to damage the environment. Britain is so ecologically devastated that the deer density is more like 10 to 1, but this is what apex predators like boars, lynxes, and wolves are SUPPOSED to be for.
(Remember: the ratio of 5:1 is still an average. The TYPE of land is going to matter A LOT MORE than the raw size.)
So if you're asking me, who has ruled that the White Hart/Forest Territory has an entire herd of red deer which hunters come to shoot at, I'd say the area was at least 3 square kilometers. Enough for a sustainable herd of 15 deer.
(But I imagine the Windovers sometimes toss hay out at them, to sustain a pretty sizeable herd. The map names the WindClan territory the "Windover Moor" so I imagine they actually own the majority of the area. I also write the entire White Hart being MUCH larger than the minimum 3 sKM, more like 10 sKM counting all the territories put together. BUT I don't think about it too much-- I just know it's not a tiny little backyard area.)
(Also Sanctuary Lake is even larger.)
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sciencespies · 2 years
Large terrestrial mammals are more vulnerable to the acoustic impact of drones than to the visual impact, study finds
Large terrestrial mammals are more vulnerable to the acoustic impact of drones than to the visual impact, study finds
Large terrestrial mammals are vulnerable to the acoustic sounds of drones, technological systems which are increasingly used to study the wildlife in open habitats such as the savanna and marshes. This is one of the conclusions revealed in a new study published in the journal Drones, which has been led by the experts José Domingo Rodríguez-Teijeiro, from the Faculty of Biology and the Biodiversity Research Institute of the University of Barcelona (IRBio); Margarita Mulero-Pázmány, from the University of Malaga, and Serge A. Wich, from the Liverpool John Moores University (United Kingdom).
Several studies state that drones that are used for scientific and recreational purposes can become a new source of disturbance for many animal species. However, there are still few studies identifying the actual factors associated with these devices that can negatively affect the animals’ behaviour.
Drones and wildlife: opportunity or thread?
The use of unmanned aerial systems (UAVs or drones) is becoming increasingly widespread in wildlife monitoring and conservation studies. Obtaining scientific data with a high spatial and temporal resolution, low operational costs, and simple logistics — without compromising the physical safety of researchers — would explain the widespread scientific use of this technology, especially in the study of large mammals in open or inaccessible areas.
The first author of the new study is Geison Pires Mesquita, from the Baguaçu Institute for Biodiversity Research (IBPBio, Brazil), an organisation committed to research, environmental education and biodiversity conservation. The study analyses the reaction of 18 species of large mammals to noise emitted by a drone in the large ex situ areas of the São Paulo Zoo (Brazil).
The 18 species studied belong to 14 families, namely: addax (Addax nasomaculatus); cattle (Bos taurus); waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus); dromedary (Camelus dromedarius); maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus); red deer (Cervus elaphus); sambar (Rusa unicolor); Asian elephant (Elephas maximus); imperial zebra (Equus grevyi); jaguar (Panthera onca); Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris); giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis); hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius); giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla); white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum); warthog (Phacochoerus africanus); tapir (Tapirus terrestris) and the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus).
Birds and mammals, the most studied using drones
Birds and mammals are the two groups of animals most studied with drones and the most affected by the recreational use of these devices. “Especially, large mammals are the most studied with drones because of their size, as they are easier to identify using aerial images,” says Geison Pires Mesquida, postdoctoral researcher, who included this study in his doctoral thesis defended in February 2022. “In addition to size — he adds — the type of habitat of the species is another determining factor for using drones in wildlife studies.”
The drone survey of wildlife was adapted to the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) regulations, which limit drone flights to a maximum of 120 metres. In addition, all flights were VLOS (Visual Line-Of-Sight) flights, i.e. they were required to be within the pilot’s line of sight. All flights were conducted at times when there were no visits to the zoo in order to avoid any disturbance due to external factors. Audiograms were also available in the scientific literature for 12 of the 18 species analysed — of the same or similar species — allowing for a more specific analysis of the influence of the frequency and intensity of drone-generated sleep.
The flights started at a maximum altitude of 120 metres. Once the drone was over the individuals, it began to descend until the animal showed an atypical behaviour. “A limit of 10 metres above the animals was established if the animal showed no behavioural changes, but in no case did the drone descend to that height because the animals showed behavioural changes at a higher altitude,” says Pires Mezquita.
The Asian elephant, sensitive to low-frequency sounds
In general, species with higher biomass — elephants, rhinos, giraffes, zebras and the waterbucks — showed a change in behaviour with drones at higher altitudes (and therefore lower decibels). As this group of animals is the most studied on land using drones — especially in open habitats such as the African savannah — terrestrial mammalian megafauna would be more likely to suffer from the effects of drone noises.
The results reveal that the low-frequency sound pressure level particularly affected the behaviour of the Asian elephant, but not that of the other species studied, which were more sensitive to noise at medium and high frequencies.
“These results explain why the elephant is one of the few mammal species capable of hearing low-frequency sounds (below 0.25 kHz), or infrasound (frequencies below 0.0125 kHz). Both the size of the tympanic membrane and the size of the ossicular chain and the spaces in the middle ear are compatible with sensitivity to low frequencies,” says José Domingo Rodríguez-Teijeiro, professor emeritus in the UB’s Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences.
“Low-frequency sounds — the expert continues — propagate more easily due to the physical characteristics of their sound waves than high-frequency sounds. It is believed that elephants can communicate more than 10 kilometres away by emitting and receiving these infrasounds.”
Each type of animal exhibits a specific behaviour of caution, irritation or escape. In addition, animals in ex situ environments — such as zoos — may exhibit even more specific behaviours. For this reason, the study involved the participation of Luan Henrique Morais, the zoo’s head of mammal management. This expert has known each of the animals for years and informed the team if he noticed that any animal was affected by the noise of the drone.
In the case of the Asian elephant, head-shaking movements were observed in the presence of the drone. In the felines, grunting and sudden body movements; in the spectacled bear, sudden leg and head movements. In the case of deer and warthogs, attempts to escape from their location are examples of behaviours that showed adverse reactions in response to the drone noise.
It is noteworthy that “most of the species we studied did not show any behavioural reactions to the presence of the drone at an altitude of 100 metres or higher, which is the altitude at which it usually flies over the ground to carry out wildlife censuses. This confirms that the responsible use of these systems is a low-impact tool for the study of mammals,” says lecturer Margarita Mulero-Pázmány (UMA).
Visual versus acoustic impact
Although this experiment does not allow us to fully discriminate between the effects generated by the impact of the acoustic or visual stimulus of the drone on the fauna, it was possible to indirectly deduce that the first effect caused by the drone on the species is acoustic. This conclusion was reached through the analysis of visual acuity — measured in cycles per degree (c/g) — which determines the ability to detect, discriminate and recognise objects against a background.
“All the species studied have a visual acuity of less than 50% of that of the human species (60 c/g). We can therefore deduce that the first impact caused by the drone on the species was acoustic, if we take into account the reduced visual capacity of the mammals analysed, the difficult detection of the drone used by the human eye at 50 metres, and the fact that the heights at which changes in behaviour occurred were on average higher than 50 metres,” says the researcher.
“According to the available information — the researcher continues — , this is the first time this factor has been analysed. Understanding that drone noise has an impact on some mammal species earlier than visual noise can help to improve current drone studies on these species and minimise the negative effects of recreational use in areas where these species are present.”
In wildlife studies, the sound profile of the drone model should also be considered, it is a factor that has so far not been considered if its negative impact is to be minimised. “Although there are many drone models on the market, there are still few commercial models being used to study wildlife. Trying to understand how much noise these models generate is a necessary step to make the use of drones in wildlife studies more effective,” concludes José Domingo Rodríguez-Teijeiro.
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tamanna31 · 5 days
Smart Agriculture Market Dynamics, Top Manufacturers Analysis, Trend And Demand, Forecast To 2030
Smart Agriculture Industry Overview
The global smart agriculture market size was valued at USD 22.65 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
Increasing automation of commercial greenhouses and growing implementation of the controlled environment agriculture (CEA) concept in greenhouses, in a bid to obtain a higher yield and maintain optimum growing conditions, are the key factors driving demand during the forecast period. Cultivators realize the potential benefits of growing plants inside a greenhouse, which has led to the development of commercial greenhouses. Cultivators have shifted from the conventional lighting systems to LED grow lights as the latter can easily be integrated into a CEA setup. Although LED grows lights are high in cost, they are an ideal option for indoor farming, owing to their long-term benefits in terms of energy efficiency.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Smart Agriculture Market
Smart agriculture companies are shifting their focus toward the development of equipment that is integrated with advanced sensors and cameras. Key technologies driving the market demand include livestock biometrics, such as RFID, biometrics, and GPS to help cultivators automatically obtain information regarding livestock in real-time. Furthermore, infrastructural health sensors are used for monitoring material conditions and vibrations in buildings, factories, bridges, farms, and other infrastructure. Coupled with an intelligent network, infrastructural health sensors help provide information to the maintenance team in real-time. In addition, agricultural robots are being used to automate farming processes, such as soil maintenance, weeding, fruit picking, harvesting, planting, plowing, and irrigation, among others.
To sustain profits, farmers are increasingly adopting smarter and more efficient agriculture technologies to deliver high-quality products to the smart agriculture market in sufficient quantities. Mobile technology aids in offering innovative types and applications that are used across the agricultural value chain.
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications are particularly suited for the agricultural sector, enabling farmers to monitor equipment, assess the environmental impact on production, precisely manage livestock and crops, and keep track of tractors and other agricultural equipment. M2M is an integral part of IoT, which describes the coordination of multiple devices, appliances, and machines connected to the internet through multiple networks.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought widespread disruption to the global supply chain, resulting in food shortages and inflation. Necessary measures are required to strengthen the food supply chain and prepare for any future crisis. The ongoing pandemic has highlighted the significance of being able to carry out agricultural operations remotely. The ability of smart agricultural practices to help farmers recoup losses in a relatively shorter lead time is expected to drive future market growth.
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
The global agriculture 4.0 market was estimated at USD 67.73 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.6% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global AI in food & beverages market size was valued at USD 8.45 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 39.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include Ag Leader Technology, AGCO Corporation, AgJunction, Inc., AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc., Autonomous Solutions, Inc., Argus Control Systems Ltd, BouMatic Robotic B.V., CropMetrics, CLAAS KGaA mbH, CropZilla, Deere & Company, DICKEY-john, DroneDeploy, DeLaval Inc, Farmers Edge Inc, Grownetics, Inc., Granular, Inc., Gamaya, GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft, Raven Industries, Trimble Inc., Topcon Positioning System among others.
AGCO Corporation is a U.S.-based agriculture equipment manufacturer. The company develops and sells products and solutions such as tractors, combines, foragers, hay tools, self-propelled sprayers, smart farming technologies, seeding equipment, and tillage equipment.
Deere & Company is engaged in the manufacturing & construction of agricultural and forestry machinery; drivetrains and diesel engines for heavy equipment; and lawn care machinery. Additionally, the company also manufactures and provides other heavy manufacturing equipment. The company serves diverse industries such as agriculture, forestry, construction, landscaping & grounds care, engines & drivetrain, government and military, and sports turf.
Prospera Technologies and Agrible, Inc. are some of the emerging market participants in the target market.
Prospera Technologies is a global service provider of agriculture technology for managing and optimizing irrigation and crop health. The company provides AI-based sensors and cameras that aid farmers in crop monitoring.
Agrible is a U.S.-based agriculture solution provider. The company helps customers in more than 30 countries optimize water use, crop protection, fertilization, fieldwork, research trials, food supply chains, and sustainability initiatives
Key Smart Agriculture Companies:
Ag Leader Technology
AGCO Corporation
AgJunction, Inc.
AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc.
Autonomous Solutions, Inc.
Argus Control Systems Ltd
BouMatic Robotic B.V.
Deere & Company
DeLaval Inc
Farmers Edge Inc
Grownetics, Inc.
Granular, Inc.
GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft
Raven Industries
Trimble Inc.
Topcon Positioning System
Recent Developments
In July 2023, Deere & Company announced the acquisition of Smart Apply, Inc. The company planned to leverage Smart Apply’s precision spraying to assist growers in addressing the challenges associated with input costs, labor, regulatory requirements, and environmental goals.
In May 2023, AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. announced that it had entered into a 2-year supply agreement with Wingtra AG. This agreement is purposed to secure the supply of RedEdge-P sensor kits for incorporation with WingtraOne VTOL drones. This is specifically resourceful for those seeking to benefit materially from unparalleled, high precision, and plant-level detail in commercial agriculture, environmental research, forestry, and water management applications.
In April 2023, AGCO Corporation announced a strategic collaboration with Hexagon, for the expansion of AGCO’s factory-fit and aftermarket guidance offerings. The new guidance system was planned to be commercialized as Fuse Guide on Valtra and Massey Ferguson tractors.
In February 2023, Topcon Agriculture unveiled the launch of Transplanting Control, an exceptional guidance control solution for specialty farmers. This turnkey solution was designed to boost efficiency, reduce labor, and proliferate production. Further, it delivers GNSS-driven guidance, autosteering & control, thereby proving advantageous for the growers of perennial trees, vegetables, and fruits.
In January 2023, ASI Logistics in collaboration with SICK, Inc. announced the successful implementation of autonomous yard truck operations. In this collaboration, ASI Logistics leveraged its groundbreaking Vehicle Automation Kit (VAK) along with the industry-leading LiDAR systems of SICK.
In March 2022, Raven announced its business expansion in South Dakota and Arizona to enhance the development of AI-driven technologies for tailoring cutting-edge solutions. The strategy was also aimed at allowing access to a nearby test farm for same-day testing.
In October 2021, BouMatic announced the acquisition of SAC Group to leverage automatic and conventional milking systems. The transaction demonstrated the company’s incessant commitment to delivering best-in-class dairy farm solutions to consumers across the world.
In May 2021, AGCO announced a targeted spraying solutions strategic collaboration with Raven Industries Inc., BASF Digital, and Robert Bosch GmbH. The objective of this deal was to assess the targeted spraying technology for enhancing crop protection product applications by limiting crop input costs and addressing environmental sustainability.
Order a free sample PDF of the Smart Agriculture Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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skaddy111 · 22 days
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BuyAftermarketParts is your go-to source for a wide range of aftermarket parts, including Hyundai excavator parts, Dana Spicer parts, Doosan excavator parts, JLG parts, and John Deere parts. Our commitment to quality, convenience, and customer satisfaction makes us the preferred choice for all your parts needs. Explore our online store today and discover the reliable and durable parts that will keep your equipment in top condition. With BuyAftermarketParts, you can trust that you are getting the best value and performance for your investment.
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agrinextcon · 2 months
Smart Pest Control: Modern Solutions for a Common Problem
Pests have always been a major challenge for farmers, causing damage to crops and reducing yields. Historically, traditional pest control methods often involved heavy use of chemical pesticides, which can harm the environment and human health. With increasing awareness and technological advancements, smart pest control offers modern, eco-friendly solutions that can help manage pests effectively without the downsides of conventional methods. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), pests are responsible for up to 40% of global crop losses annually, highlighting the critical need for effective pest management.
What is Smart Pest Control? 
Smart pest control uses technology and innovative techniques to monitor and manage pests in a more precise and sustainable way. It combines various methods to create an integrated pest management (IPM) approach that is less dependent on chemicals. IPM emphasizes the use of comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment to manage pest damage economically and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.
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Key Components of Smart Pest Control:
Monitoring and Data Collection:
Sensors and Traps: 
Modern sensors and traps can detect pest activity early, allowing farmers to take action before infestations become severe. These devices can send real-time data to a central system , helping farmers make informed decisions quickly. For example, pheromone traps used for monitoring moth populations can alert farmers to the presence of pests before they lay eggs.
Drones and Satellites: 
Drones and satellite imagery can monitor large fields, identifying pest hotspots and areas of crop stress.Companies like AgEagle and PrecisionHawk provide advanced aerial imaging services that help farmers detect and address pest problems promptly.
Biological Control:
Beneficial Insects:
 Introducing natural predators or parasites that target specific pests.Examples include:
Ladybugs : used to control aphids.
Lacewings: Lacewing larvae feed on a variety of pests including aphids, mites, and whiteflies, making them highly effective for pest control in gardens.
Parasitic Wasps: These wasps lay their eggs inside caterpillars and other pest insects. As the wasp larvae develop, they consume the host insect from the inside out, effectively controlling populations of pests like caterpillars and aphids.
Using natural substances like bacteria or fungi that are toxic to pests but safe for humans and the environment.Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a well-known biopesticide that targets specific insects without harming beneficial insects or wildlife.
Precision Application:
Targeted Spraying: 
Advanced equipment can apply pesticides only where needed, reducing overall usage. GPS-guided systems ensure precise application,minimizing waste and environmental impact. Systems like John Deere's See & Spray technology use machine learning to distinguish between crops and weeds, applying herbicides only where necessary.
   Automated Systems:
 Robots and automated machinery 
Robots can target pests accurately, minimizing human labour and exposure to chemicals. For instance, the Small Robot Company's Tom robot autonomously scans fields for pests and weeds, allowing for precise treatment.
Cultural Practices:
Crop Rotation:
Changing the types of crops grown in an area to disrupt pest life cycles.This practice not only reduces pest populations but also improves soil health.
Companion Planting: 
Growing certain plants together to repel pests or attract beneficial insects.
 Examples include:
Tomatoes and Basil: Basil planted near tomatoes can repel tomato hornworms and improve the growth and flavour of tomatoes.
Marigolds and Cabbage: Marigolds can deter pests like aphids, whiteflies, and cabbage worms when planted near cabbage.
Digital Tools:
Mobile Apps: 
Farmers can use apps to identify pests, receive treatment recommendations, and track pest control activities.Apps like Plantix and Agrio provide valuable resources for pest identification and management.
Data Analysis: 
Using big data and machine learning to predict pest outbreaks and optimize control strategies.Platforms like Taranis
offer detailed crop monitoring and predictive analytics to help farmers stay ahead of pest problems.
Benefits of Smart Pest Control:
Reduced Chemical Use:
Minimizes the need for harmful pesticides, leading to safer food and a healthier environment.This approach aligns with consumer demand for organic and sustainably grown produce.
 Early detection and targeted treatments can lower costs associated with pest damage and excessive pesticide use.For instance, precision agriculture technologies can reduce pesticide use by up to 90%, according to the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Supports long-term agricultural sustainability by promoting eco-friendly practices.Smart pest control helps maintain biodiversity and soil health, crucial for sustainable farming.
Better Yields: 
Healthy crops with fewer pest problems can result in higher yields and better quality produce.Studies have shown that integrating smart pest control can lead to a 20-30% increase in crop yields.
Smart pest control represents the future of sustainable agriculture. By utilizing technology and innovative methods, farmers can effectively manage pests while protecting the environment and ensuring food safety. Adopting these smart solutions can lead to healthier crops, lower costs, and a more sustainable farming system.As the agricultural industry continues to evolve, smart pest control will play a pivotal role in meeting the growing demand for sustainable and efficient food production.
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vynzresearchindia · 2 years
Global Agriculture Robots Market Size, Share and Demand Forecast to 2028
The GlobalAgriculture Robots Marketresearch report 2022-28 has been released with several updates and analysis of market trends, share, size, demand, growth, challenges, opportunities and pre and post COVID-19 impacts.
Key Highlights of the Global Agriculture Robots Market report
The projection period for this global market to grow is 2022-2028
The Global Agriculture Robots Market size is estimated to reach USD 13.5 billion by 2028.
The market is projected to grow at a 5% CAGR
Covid-19 analysis and its impact on the market
Industry ecosystem to competitive landscape’s curial role in growth role
Challenges and opportunities to get boost from recent developments and technology advancement
Request to get the sample copy of the research: https://www.vynzresearch.com/semiconductor-electronics/agriculture-robots-market/request-sample
Market segment analysis
The Global Agriculture Robots Market is segmented into these categories for this analysis: Type, Application, Offering and Geography. This segmentation allows executives to plan their products and spending based on the expected growth rates of each area: -
By Type (Driverless Tractors, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Milking Robots, Automated Harvest Robots, Material Management, and Others)
By Application (Dairy Management, Harvest Management, Soil & Irrigation Management, Field Farming, and Others)
By Offering (Hardware, Software, and Services)
By Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Rest of the World (RoW))
For more insight: https://www.vynzresearch.com/semiconductor-electronics/agriculture-robots-market
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The Global Agriculture Robots Market’s competitive viewpoint
This research is an invaluable resource for investors, shareholders, industry planners, and new and existing businesses trying to broaden their reach in the current Market scenario. While focusing on top companies and their corporate strategies, market presence, operating segmentation, aggressive outlook, geographical expansion, pricing and value structures, the study painstakingly takes into account the market analysis. The major market players are: -
Autonomous Solutions Inc.
Autonomous Tractor Corporation
Clearpath Robotics
Deepfield Robotics
GEA Group
Harvest Automation
John Deere
Reason to buy this report
The report is unbiased and it provides the deep insight of global market including competitive and geographical landscape.
The report enlightens the large patterns, causes, and impact factors globally and locally.
Insightful study drills-out the main players of the global market and, their sources of income, share of the market, and the current course of events.
It looks into significant developments such as extensions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions on the horizon.
Research the market's potential, preferred position, opportunity, difficulty, restrictions, and hazards on a global and regional level.
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Global market research company VynZ Research provides research, analytics, and consulting services for business plans. We offer clients specialized report services that take into account the main variables influencing the development of the worldwide Market. Feel free to call or drop your requirement to get the get customized research report.
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Autonomous Farm Equipment Market Will Escalate Rapidly in the Near Future
The report indicates that revenues from the global autonomous farm equipment market will increase at an impressive 13.6% CAGR by the forecast period 2026. The report further projects global sales of autonomous farm equipment to account for revenues worth nearly US$ 170,000Mn by 2026-end.
Agriculture is one amongst the most overbearing industry since the beginning of human civilization. Constant growth in population, increasing need for food, fuel and feed is anticipated to influence trifold of the present-day cultivation.
For this purpose, strategies such as initiation of autonomous farming and mechanization are adopted on a larger basis for yielding more from the constrained arable land. Increasing labor shortage and changing trends for the use of autonomous equipment are driving the demand for autonomous farm equipment. Development of IoT along with GPS systems application has transformed the agriculture industry.
High cost essential for the improvement of the equipment performance is likely to affect the product penetration. However, industry players are working towards reducing the total cost by making it affordable, which ultimately will increase the product penetration. M&A are amongst the foremost stratagems executed by the manufactures, in order to form exceptional foot hold in farm equipment industry.
Moreover, the equipment provides less downtime and can be utilized even during night as well as extreme fog condition. Autonomous farm equipment provides with outstanding fuel efficiency, compared to standard counterparts and has less chances for errors. Variable climatic conditions and challenges like water shortage are dealt with the help of these equipment.
31–100 HP Output Power of Farm Tractors to Gain Traction during the Forecast Period
U.S., India and China are amongst the topmost countries witnessing maximum sales of farm tractors. 31–100 HP output power of farm tractors holds nearly 34.5% of the global market for autonomous farm equipment throughout 2026. Canada and U.S. contribute largely towards the growth of the segment. Factors such as low cost in comparison to restricted agricultural land for each farmer and superior horsepower farm tractors will drive fuel the market for medium and small range farm tractors in North America and APEJ.
APEJ’s Autonomous Farm Equipment Market to Hold the Lion’s Share in Global Market by Expanding at Exceptional 14.1% CAGR
The market size of APEJ’s autonomous farm equipment is expected to reach a value of US$ 65165.8Mn throughout 2026, due to strong existence of well-known industry competitors in the region. High revenue production can be credited to rolling demand of products like tractors, harvesters and UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), installed with auto steering operations.
North America’s market for autonomous farm equipment is likely to depict momentous growth through 2026. Increasing product use in the region provides better fuel proficiency and higher productivity, which will drive the growth of industry players. Varying trend with regards to smart devices due to expansion of agrarian economies like India, will positively impact the product penetration in APEJ region.
In terms of revenues, partially autonomous equipment contribute significantly to the global market for autonomous farm equipment, subject to their extensive commercialization & competitive pricing. Tractors are expected to lead the market for autonomous farm equipment, in terms of revenue share, contributing nearly 30% sales by 2026. Availability of equipment at competitive price together with exclusive features such as finest path selection and prevention from overlapping paths will positively impact the product penetration.
Global Autonomous Farm Equipment Market
The key players leading global autonomous market have been outlined by the market analysts in the report. They include Bobcat (a Doosan company), Claas KGaA GmbH, Kubota, Deutz Fahr, Yanmar, Iseki & Co., AGCO Corporation, John Deere, Case IH, and New Holland.
Some of these firms are probable to deal with challenges by means of development of cost-efficient equipment and advanced techniques in farming. Moreover, reduction in the manufacturing costs and rising profit margins is expected to be a key focus zone for players in global autonomous farm equipment market.
For More Info @ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/autonomous-farm-equipment-market.asp
North Americ
Latin America
Mode of Operation
Fully Autonomous
Partially Autonomous
Machine Type
Seed Drill
Output Power
Up to 30 HP
31–100 HP
101 HP and Above
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meriol-lehmann · 3 years
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semis, chemin champoux, saint-paul
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ok ok i know driving in large cities is actual hell but i feel like no one talks about how much driving in the country sucks
like. youre on a beautiful winding background in virginia, taking in the scenery when you have to slam on your brakes bc bambi's entire family tree decides that the perfect crosswalk is directly in front of a moving vehicle. or, i dunno, a whole ass hawk is practicing aerial acrobatics and flies into your windshield. or, if you manage to not hit the family of deer and finally think youre safe, you suddenly have to slow down to 10mph because a family of religious cult members is driving a fucking 1800s horse drawn carriage and you cant pass them for the next 15 minutes because the road is shaped like a silly straw and if you try to cheat and pass them on a curve you Will get creamed by some half drunk redneck named John Hamlet Jr going 70mph in a chevy pickup truck the size of a military tank driving in the center of the fucking road
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rmspeltzfarm · 5 months
Farm Short Ariel Overlook
Great little farm short
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hrushikesh123 · 2 years
Smart Agriculture Market Size Share 2022 | Segmented by Top Manufacturers, Geography Regions, Trends and Forecasts to 2030
Smart Agriculture Market: IntroductionThe Global Smart Agriculture Market has seen continuous development in the past couple of years and is anticipated to grow much further during 2022-2030. The exploration introduces a total evaluation of the Smart Agriculture Market Size and contains Future patterns, Current Growth Factors, mindful sentiments, certainties, chronicled information, and factually bolstered and industry-approved market information.The global smart agriculture market size is expected to reach a valuation of USD 36,241 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 10.80% during the forecast period (2022–2030). Competitive AnalysisThe report contains an in-depth analysis of the vendor's profile, including financial health, business units, key business priorities, SWOT, strategies, and views. Ag Leader Technology, AGCO Corporation, AgJunction, Inc., AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc., Autonomous Solutions, Argus Control Systems Ltd, BouMatic Robotic B.V., CropMetrics, CLAAS KGaA, CropZilla, John Deere, DroneDeploy, DeLaval Inc, Farmers Edge Inc, Grownetics, Inc., Granular, Inc., Gamaya, GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft, Raven Industries, SST Development Group, Inc, Trimble Inc., The Climate Corporation, Topcon,  The vendors have been identified based on the portfolio, geographical presence, marketing & distribution channels, revenue generation, and significant R&D investments.Request Sample Report of Global Smart Agriculture Market @ https://straitsresearch.com/report/smart-agriculture-market/request-sampleVendors across different verticals are planning for high investments in this market, and as a result, the market is expected to grow at an impressive rate in the upcoming years. The key players are adopting various organic and inorganic growth strategies such as mergers & acquisitions, collaboration & partnerships, joint ventures, and a few other strategies to be in a strong position in the global market.Market Segmentation AnalysisBy Agriculture TypePrecision farmingLivestock monitoringSmart greenhouseOthersBy OfferingHardwareAutomation and Control SystemDronesApplication Control DevicesGuidance SystemRemote SensingDriverless TractorsMobile DevicesVRTWireless ModulesSensing DevicesSoil SensorWater SensorClimate SensorOthersMilking RobotsHVAC SystemsGrow LightRFID Tags and ReadersWireless ModulesSoftwareWeb-BasedCloud-BasedServicesSystem Integration and ConsultingMaintenance and SupportManaged ServicesAssisted Professional ServiceRegional AnalysisNorth America held the largest Smart Agriculture market share in 2018 and is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period. The market will experience a steep rise in the following regions covered- North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.BenefitsSmart Agriculture Industry companies to ensure business continuity with powerful protection by constantly checking the report and representing attractive growth opportunities for the companies. Smart Agriculture handles all the needs of the operators by allowing them to improve their services and concentrate on their core business. Smart Agriculture Market Research aims to increase business agility and reduce operational and capital expenditure with improved technology rollouts and capacity planning. The report discusses service types and regions related to this Smart Agriculture market. Further, the report provides details about the major challenges affecting the market growth.Buy Now: https://straitsresearch.com/buy-now/smart-agriculture-market/global/Trending Report:https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/autoclaved-aerated-concrete-market-is-set-to-experience-a-significant-growth-rate-during-forecast-period-2022-06-14https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/epilepsy-drug-industry-is-likely-to-experience-a-tremendous-growth-in-near-future-2022-06-15https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/bioherbicide-industry-growth-and-demands-analysis-by-2026-2022-06-16Address: 825 3rd Avenue, New York, NY, USA, 10022Tel: +1 6464807505, +44 203 318 2846Website: https://straitsresearch.com/
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Global Agriculture Robots Market Size, Share, Demand and Trends Forecast to 2028
The Global Agriculture Robots Market report published by VynZ Research provides a producer outline by covering industry patterns, the market size by region, and global market size. It focuses on offering detailed information about market potential, trends, opportunities, challenges, restraints, and drivers in the current environment, as well as on-the-ground insights. The historical period is considered as 2016-2021 and the forecasted period is 2022-2028.
The Global Agriculture Robots Market is expected to reach 13.5 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 19.5% during the forecast period.
The content format and type of the information included in the report, which includes qualitative and quantitative analysis, are shown in this sample PDF: https://www.vynzresearch.com/semiconductor-electronics/agriculture-robots-market/request-sample
COVID-19 Impact
Flight cancellations, travel bans and quarantines, restaurants closed, all indoor/outdoor events restricted, many countries declared states of emergency, massive supply chain delays, stock market volatility, reduced business confidence, rising anxiety among the population, and economic uncertainty about future. All these have slowed down the growth in the Global Agriculture Robots Market due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Global Agriculture Robots Market research report incorporates market goals and degrees over a long period of time by highlighting key market segments and driving players. The Global Agriculture Robots Market focuses on the key global manufacturers and defines, describes, and analyzes sales volume, value, market share, industry landscape, SWOT analysis, and future development plans.
Market Breakdown Analysis
The report is the most comprehensive resource of several types of segmental analyses of the Global Market from various perspectives. The Global Agriculture Robots Market research study is unique and accurate due to analysts' pragmatic approach by studying various market sectors and the top-down and bottom-up techniques used to anticipate market sizes.
Breakdown by:
By Type
Driverless Tractors
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Milking Robots
Automated Harvest Robots
Material Management
By Application
Dairy Management
Harvest Management
Soil & Irrigation Management
Field Farming
By Offering
Competitive Landscape
Aside from segment classification information, the document demonstrates a thorough understanding of competitor positioning, global, local, and regional developments, financial projections, and supply chain offerings. The Global Agriculture Robots Market research offers a comprehensive overview of the industry, including information on the industry chain and applications. A study has been conducted to examine the current market scenario and future growth prospects of the global market.
Top Market Players are:
Autonomous Solutions Inc.
Autonomous Tractor Corporation
Clearpath Robotics
Deepfield Robotics
GEA Group
Harvest Automation
John Deere
What is the current market size and growth rate of the global market during the forecast period 2022-2028?
What are the current and the future trends in the global market?
What are the prospective growth prospects and restraints faced by the industry players in the market?
What are the recent developments by the industry players in the global market?
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VynZ Research is a global market research firm offering research, analytics, and consulting services on business strategies. VynZ Research has a recognized trajectory record and our research database is used by many renowned companies and institutions in the world to strategize and revolutionize business opportunities. The company focuses on providing valuable insights on various technology verticals such as Chemicals, Automotive, Transportation, Energy, Consumer Durables, Healthcare, ICT and other emerging technologies.
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ananya5400 · 2 years
Sustainable Growth Opportunities in the Agricultural Sprayers Market
The report "Agricultural Sprayers Market by Type (Self-propelled, Tractor-mounted, Trailed, Handheld, Aerial), Capacity, Farm Size, Crop Type, Power Source (Fuel-based, Electric Battery-driven, Manual, Solar), and Region - Global Forecast to 2025", the global agricultural sprayers market size is estimated to be valued at USD 2.2 billion in 2020. It is projected to reach USD 3.1 billion by 2025, recording a CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period. Agricultural sprayers have become essential for farmers or growers for spraying pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers in the field pre- and post-harvest as per the requirement. Thus, the market for agricultural sprayers is growing due to extensive changes in farming and spraying technologies.
Download PDF Brochure @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=46851524
The self-propelled segment is projected to be the fastest-growing, in terms of value, during the forecast period.
Agricultural sprayers are equipment or devices used by farmers to apply fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides to the crops. They are used to control pests, weeds, and diseases in crop fields. The increasing awareness and adoption of advanced farming techniques, such as electrostatic spray system and VRT, are fueling the growth of the market.
Self-propelled sprayers are used to meet the large-scale productivity demand of crops. The tanks capacity in such sprayers is much higher than other types of sprayers, which increases its spraying time while reducing the traveling time and the filling downtime of the tank.
The medium-sized farm segment is projected to account for a major share in the market during the forecast period
Mid-sized farms range from 100 to 200 hectares of farm size. These farms employ more people per acre than large, industrialized farms. They are more likely to purchase inputs locally, retaining more money in their local economies. Areas with more moderate-sized farms have lower poverty and unemployment rates, higher average household incomes, and greater socioeconomic stability. In mid-size farms, sprayers such as small self-propelled sprayers, tractor-mounted sprayers, and trailed sprayers are used to apply fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides to the crops.
The fuel-based segment is projected to account for a major share in the market during the forecast period
Owing to technological advancements, the popularity of fuel-based sprayers on large and medium farms and growing demand for large capacity from farmers with large farms are driving the growth for fuel-based sprayers globally.
Speak to Analyst @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/speaktoanalystNew.asp?id=46851524
The Asia Pacific region is projected to account for a major share in the market during the forecast period
This market is also projected to be the fastest-growing during the forecast period. Agriculture is the major occupation in the Asia Pacific region; it has a huge regional presence, including countries like China, India, Australia, Japan, and the Rest of Asia Pacific. Thus, the increasing agricultural practices, use of advanced technological farm equipment, and requirement of high-quality agricultural produce are expected to drive the agricultural sprayers market in this region.
This report includes a study on the marketing and development strategies and the product portfolios of leading companies. It consists of profiles of leading companies, such as John Deere (US), CNH Industrial N.V. (UK), Kubota Corporation (Japan), Mahindra Mahindra Ltd. (India), STIHL (Germany), AGCO Corporation (US), Yamaha Motor Corp. (Japan), Bucher Industries AG (Switzerland), EXEL Industries (France), AMAZONEN-Werke (Germany), BGROUP S.p.A. (Italy), Agro Chem Inc. (US), Boston Crop Sprayers Ltd. (UK), HH Farm Machine Co. (US), Buhler Industries Inc. (Canada), AG Spray Equipment, Inc. (US), and John Rhodes AS Ltd (UK).
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wiseguyreport1221 · 3 years
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