#combining beans
rmspeltzfarm · 11 months
Combining Beans
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gentlegentian · 9 months
head empty only silly manhua wangxian
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 7 months
The Mine/Starlight medley was a brilliant pairing because combined it tells the story of a guarded person who’s been hurt in the past putting her trust and faith in a compassionate, supportive and ambitious partner who steadfastly stands by her and counters her anxiety about the things she can’t control with a love for living in the present and unwaveringly encouraging her to embrace her dreams for the future 🙃
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autumnalfallingleaves · 4 months
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I think they'd be cute, to be honest, and if they don't have a ship name yet, I vote for "HavocSpecter" :)
Bonus doodle and rambles underneath the cut
reblogs are highly appreciated, and please do not repost my art
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bisexualbuck · 2 years
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Week 5 - Favorite pet
[Image description: five gifs from Star Trek Enterprise focusing on Archer's beagle, Porthos
Gif 1: Porthos is sitting and wagging his tail, he barks one time. The background of the gif is purple, and Porthos is written with a green background. Underneath, Porthos is written in the phonetic alphabet.
Gif 2: Porthos is sitting on his bed, he looks at something before he puts his head down. The gif has a green backround. On the right, there is written "Species: canis familiaris (dog)", and below "Breed: English beagle"
Gif 3: Archer is holding Porthos who has a bandage on his forehead. Archer is talking to Phlox off-screen. On the top left corner is written "Rarely seen without his human: Jonathan Archer"
Gif 4: Gif comprised of three smaller gifs. The larger one shows Porthos laying in Archer's ready room, he hears something and looks up. On the top left corner, there is written "Strengths include". The first smaller gif shows Archer laying on the ground, unconscious, and Porthos licking his face. Below is written "Being an alarm clock" The second smaller gif shows Porthos standing up and barking. The text is "Detecting anomalies" The last smaller gif shows Archer and Porthos playing on Archer's bed. The text is "Good boy behavior"
Gif 5: Gif comprised of three smaller gifs. The larger one shows Porthos being pet by an off-screen person, he lays down on his side to offer his belly to scratches. Text on the top left corner reads "Weaknesses are few" The first smaller gif shows Archer giving Porthos some cheddar. The text below is "Cheese" The second smaller gif is of Porthos in isolation. Archer uses the glove to pet him, and Porthos puts his paw on Archer's hand. Below there is written, "Alien pathogens" The last smaller gif shows one of the Ferengi intruders holding Porthos and looking at him under different angles. The text below reads "No language skills."
/end image description]
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littlebeetledragon · 3 months
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Konpeito Cookie (Siffrin as a cookie)
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bbq-potato-chip · 6 months
i think that if ulquiorra were to somehow like. survive and live in the human world in some sort of gigai/secret mission type thing i think he'd still continue to try and Figure Humans out (he'd be more normal about it, now having the whole heart question figured out) and he'd try to understand other human things besides, ya know, basic human emotions and morals. Of course, he would go to orihime, who has undoubtedly proven herself to be well, a humans expert, for advice. but what he doesnt know is that she is also extremely strange in her own way so it'd just result in him getting weirder which i just think would be incredibly funny.
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wonda-ch · 8 months
Let's grab a coffee. ☕
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instinctsxbad · 1 year
*scratching at the walls thinking about how no one has adapted Peter’s college arcs in a consistent and satisfying way.*
#coffee bean gang#spider-man#I was almost asleep but now I’m thinking about how there isn’t one piece of media out there that checks all the boxes#of adapting Peter in college + the coffee bean gang + doesn’t downsize the group or combine characters#+ does everyone in a decent way even if it’s not strictly comic accurate#raimi trilogy is one of the only ones that heads pretty quickly into the college era and also involves more than just gwen or mj#and as much as I like the films it does not handle the three of them in a way that scratches the itch for me#I mean for one it’s only Peter Harry and MJ. I like those three arguably the most but man the dynamic isn’t the same#especially bc Tobey’s Peter is much more serious and quiet/awkward with negative charisma (affectionately but still.)#MJ is mixed w Gwen’s personality which was disappointing to me bc I like MJ’s weird and super vibrant personality#and Harry loses some of the ‘kind of a sweet guy but very VERY fucked up’ and relies too heavily on Harry becoming the goblin for revenge#I sound super critical of the Raimi versions qhwjrjwkr I DO like them I do but it feels like completely alternate interps of the characters#most focus on spider-man’s origin which I totally get but also. Peter’s most interesting arcs happen in college#that’s why everyone has to adapt them into the high school years#(which they can do bc Peter was largely friendless during that time and was still fighting some truly d-tier guys#in between the forming of the famous spidey rogue gallery)#I mean I wouldn’t even complain if they chose to do the high school years and actually DID those instead of pasting the college arcs on it#I haven’t watch the 90s show but I want to— does Harry exist in that one bc I know they took out Gwen#at the risk of sounding like That kind of tssm fan. the closest we got to that dream was that show#bc they WERE gonna follow it into Peter’s college years and you could see them setting the gang up#it still fell into the ‘everyone is a childhood friend’ thing so the characters could all be there but it’s one of the most bearable ones
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archivistofnerddom · 2 months
New headcanon time:
The only reason that Rex and Omega get really good at lying is because they have to explain their combined shenanigans and chaotic antics to Rebellion in ways that won’t get them immediately booked in for mental health treatment and/or taken off Rebellion mission rosters.
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
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beannary · 1 year
If you want to talk about one of your aus, or au ideas, I'd love to hear about them! (*scoots my chair forward, looking hopeful*)
ok ive been wanting to answer this for a while but i kept on being so scared because ah! this is the one opportunity ill get to talk about my au! but then i realized that is stupid this is not gonna be my only opportunity to talk about my au
putting my ramblings under a read more because i ended up uh saying a whole lot about Donnie and his relationship with both Splinter and Big Mama
ok so basically ive been thinking a lot about the little prince au because it is fully my child and i adore it so much but ive been specifically thinking about Donnie and Splinter's relationship because I really want to write their relationship well
theyre gonna have such an interesting relationship. I know I havent gotten into how Big Mama ended up with Donnie but I am working on a comic for that so I'm not going to get into all of the details but Splinter does know that he left a turtle behind, he just thinks that the turtle he left behind died in the lab explosion, so over the years he has dealt with guilt because of that but overtime that guilt not necessarily faded but he comes to rationalize it because truly it wasn't his fault that Donnie got left behind, and truly there was nothing he could have done to save Donnie. But once he learns that Donnie is not only alive but that he's been living with Big Mama, Splinter's guilt is going to come back at full force because oh my god, not only is the kid that he thought was dead actually alive but he was raised by the woman who kidnapped Splinter and forced him to fight for years!
Splinter is going to be trying so hard to get Donnie to live with him once he learns that Donnie is alive, and he's going to be trying so hard to be the best parent for Donnie ever to like makeup for abandoning Donnie back in the lab explosion. or you know, not abandoning Donnie but that's what Splinter sees it as
I also want Donnie to have like similar reactions to leaving Big Mama that Splinter had. Like undeniably Splinter was incredibly depressed after leaving Big Mama, and like Big Mama turned this thing that Splinter loved, you know performing and being in the spotlight and entertaining!, and completely took away any agency that he could have to this thing that he loved to the point where he refused to take part in it just so he could have some sort of control over his life again
When Donnie leaves Big Mama (whether its by his own will or not I havent decided or figured out how he comes to live with the Hamatos yet) but he's going to go through something similar just a complete shut down where he abandons everything that he loved to do because he now associates them with Big Mama and her control over him if that makes sense? Like Donnie LOVES dancing and he loves playing music and listening to music! but these are activities that Big Mama actively encouraged and so naturally hes going to associate them with her.
I think one thing Donnie is going to throw himself into when he first leaves Big Mama is his inventing. Sort of like how Splinter would lose himself in his shows, I think Donnie is going to get into a sort of headspace where he just spaces out and doesn't have to think about anything while he's tinkering around.
Donnie and Splinter I think are also both going to want to try to prove themselves to each other? Splinter I think might end up being really overbearing while trying to makeup for all this lost time while Donnie is going to try to be the perfect son for Splinter just like he tried to be the perfect son for Big Mama
But like once they actually get to talking and once Donnie is more comfortable around Splinter I think these two are going to have a lot of heart to hearts just because Big Mama controlled their lives for so long, there's a lot of stuff to bond over and relate to
Idk Im not super confident in my writing abilities and Im trying really hard to portray Big Mama as a narcissistic parent but a lot of the stuff that I've read about how narcissistic personality disorder might portray itself in a parental role like centers heavily on the way that they pit siblings against each other and Donnie does not have a sibling! So I guess in a sense he would be both the golden child and the scapegoat which must make for a confusing existence. I dont even know if im portraying this well at all or if any of this is coming across in my writing but I sure hope that it is!
Another thing I want to get into is how Big Mama like reacts to Donnie's inventing because like having a super smart kid that can build you whatever you want is logically a very good resource to have and she does want him to keep building her stuff. But like inventing is messy! Science is messy! In an ideal world Donnie would be getting down and dirty working hard on engineering and botany, and like Donnie can sometimes get so focused on his work that he turns into a bit of a hermit till he comes out of that focused mindset and that's really the part that Big Mama doesn't like because like yes having a super smart kid does reflect very well on her, but having a kid whose constantly playing in the dirt or messing around with explosives and other dangerous devices and who occasionally goes completely MIA while working does not reflect well on her. So she's put into a position where she both wants Donnie to keep building her stuff but she also doesn't want all that extra messiness that comes with encouraging this interest of his.
Anyways im going to stop now because this has gotten WAY too long and I dont even know where im going with this! but it was so helpful to write this all out and just like getting my like thoughts you know written out so I can actually see if any of this makes sense asdklfjhsakdjh
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that-bored-aroace · 2 months
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deermouth · 5 months
This post is really informative but also one of those absolutely bonkers moments for me where I'm like what do you MEAN you didn't know this stuff??? And then I remember the whole "having a mom with a doctorate in nutrisci means my experiences are not universal" thing.
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superbeans89 · 10 months
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Anyone want some uh… chaos in a bag?
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soullessjack · 1 year
I cant sleep and I have a headache so I feel like complaining. the spn fandom is so fucking unfunny I’m sorry. at this point we have to either breaking-badify it or take it out behind a shed
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