#aerosmith tabs
Look it's Monday. Don't trigger my extra large inadequacy
Yes IRL they all said it was quite large.
Since when have I listened to anything except myself.
#ring ring hello Hang 'Em High my red bra needs removed#heh but who da fuck is you do#could be like an Aerosmith vidya#makes me wonder about seeing King at 7-11 the ine day#could have been looking at myself for all I know#it was a pleasant exchange of nods#I was just on my way to or coming back from (if what thy say is tru(pa bank in amish) magic making)and there is an authority#there is no telling how many times I have fucked with myself over the years#at the same time if anyone has aympathy for me I guess it would be me and if not me you#or jojo obviously#When I stated she is a part of me this is Truth#I accepted the contract#with EL it's bi one bull the get the other free#also like I am already jealous of thebtime you will spend without me and it is the only jealousy I can tolerate#bo fly was probably right#bofly is probably PS in an incognito tab or something jokes on me I am sure#the great anon has curls like an Ed#mixed with mama who is.....*shrugs* Celtic perhaps#the joke of course about me dating someone freahman year who looked like my own sister#I really can't say#feels like Inlearned some truth about the star sister but I don't know if that was you or just thr language engine abstracting#like my thought forms can abstract without language#like a lot#Like if it wasn't your name before it sure is the first name you ever heard for yourself#and coming from God and teddy bear encounters from the B-53(proper caps) that's what it is#that is some deep seeded shit right there#me: hey brat you go through me if you want to trance out with your dyke lover alright#Australia...who knows with the Internet#my first online girlfriend#who kinda inserted herself into the role but hey whatever
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How to play Dream On intro by Aerosmith on guitar. Easy to learn step by step method with tabs in the vide for easy learning lesson.
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therealgamble · 4 months
Brian turned slowly down the loop of campsites as Tabby watched for the number they'd been given. They passed by Campers and RVs, tents set up in the long grass, and small campfires burning even in the afternoon sun.
"This is it, babe." She could hardly hide her excitement, bouncing slightly in her seat as she pointed towards the right where an extremely long motorhome was parked. There was just enough room left in the long driveway for Brian to park the Corvette that Riley had gifted him a few years ago.
Tabby practically burst from the car the moment he had it in park, her excitement as infectious as always. He followed just as Riley came around from the other side of the motorhome. "You made it!" He grinned, giving Tabby a hug.
"I should have expected you'd go all out." Brian laughed, taking a moment to look down the long side of the house on wheels.
Riley gave a shrug. "These ladies deserve a palace. Come on, I'll give you the tour."
Brian rolled his eyes but followed anyways, walking around the car and the end of the motorhome. At that moment he and Tabby both got their first glimpse of the rest of the campsite and they stopped short, taking it all in.
"Holy shit." He breathed softly. Directly in front of the palace were the normal fire pit and picnic table. Riley had several bundles of wood ready at the firepit and a ring of comfortable looking chairs. The table had been completely taken over by Beth. She had surrounded it with a screened tent-like structure, keeping all the bugs out. On the table was a tablecloth and a vase of flowers. Strung inside were fairy lights and lanterns.
But that wasn't what made them stop short. Beyond the firepit and table was an expanse of grass, lined with tall pine trees blocking the view of the neighbors on both sides, and ending with an unobstructed view of the lake below. It wasn't close enough to walk to, but the view was breathtaking.
Riley let out a laugh and clapped Brian on the shoulder. "I told you, they deserve the best." Brian could see Tabby bouncing out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah they do." He replied, "Alright, show me this thing." He turned towards the door of the motorhome as Riley opened the door.
"You two can have the bedroom on this side." He stepped up inside and Brian and Tabby followed.
Brian was not prepared for what he saw on the inside. It was what he expected Aerosmith's tour bus looked like, but with less groupies. Everything was polished and clean, creamy tan leather and thick carpet. The appliances in the kitchen area were paneled with light colored wood.
Corinne sat on an overstuffed couch facing a window with the lake view, a sketchbook in her lap. Beth and Jay were playing cards at a polished table. They all looked up and smiled as the trio walked in. Tabby ran to give them all hugs and share her enthusiasm for the weekend.
"I brought our tent." Brian turned down the offer of the plush bedroom.
Riley sighed and rolled his eyes. "Tabs, you're welcome to stay inside with your own bathroom and a real bed while this caveman sleeps outside."
"Me like caveman, sleep outside." Tabby grunted with a low voice. Then her voice changed back to normal, "But I'll take you up on the bathroom part." She grinned, "And if the weather turns on us I'm totally sneaking in."
"Thunderstorm slumber party." Beth sang happily, dealing another game out on the table.
"Christ, man." Brian laughed, still looking around and taking it all in. "You don't do anything by halves, do you."
"Nope." Riley confirmed, opening up the fridge and grabbing a couple of beers. "Just wait until you see the boat I rented."
Brian let out a long happy sigh as he took the beer that Riley held out for him. "I fucking love you."
"I know." Riley answered automatically.
Memorial Day Riley style - with all the crossed streams. @tabbyrp @corinnebaileyrp @morgansmornings @brooklynislandgirl @tarnishedhalo
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im-sorry-what-ii · 11 months
Nine people i'd like to get to know better
thank you @randomtacoscry and @fist-of-the-fleet <333
Last Song: Dude (looks like a lady) - aerosmith (my running motivation playlist)
Favorite Color: Green
Last Movie: errr kiss kiss bang bang i think
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: generally sweet/savoury, i love baking so sweet stuff is my thing
Relationship Status: Single
Last Thing I Googled: under the bridge guitar tab for like the 50th time bc i just cannot seem to get this song down
Current Obsession: Icemav. mixed with slight supernatural and ofmd undertones but. icemav
No Pressure Tag - @blazingstar29 @stop-that-fool @polar-myst @towering-book-piles
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
Aaron Hotchner Playlist Collection 💕
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith here
Warnings: secret kid trope, alcohol, smut, oral, Fem receiving, fingering, penetration, mentions of food, angst to fluff/smut
Word count: 14.2k
It had been almost two years since you'd seen him, but he hadn't changed a bit. You had spied him across the dance floor and debated interrupting his night, but you thought better of it, remaining frozen in place at the bar.
"There's the rest of my team! Y/n, come on!" Penelope was dragging you in his direction and you prayed she took you anywhere but his table. He'd left without so much as a phone call, promising to meet you later in the day for lunch, but you never heard from him again. You wanted to hate him, but it was hard considering what you'd gotten out of the deal.
Waiting at home was your reason for existence; he looked just like Aaron, the resemblance more than obvious as he got older. You hadn't kept him a secret on purpose, but after he changed his number and stopped taking your messages at work, you'd set to raising your son on your own. It was more than difficult; without Penelope or your aunt that was always happy to babysit, you would've really struggled.
"That's your boss? Aaron?"
Penelope stopped in her tracks halfway to the table and turned around, bewildered.
"How do you know each other?"
You couldn't avoid her questions, so you briefly explained that you used to date a long time ago and you didn't want things to be awkward.
"You're sure it's the same guy? Hotch doesn't really date," Penelope tried to make excuses but he'd already caught your eye, and was waiting to see if you joined them or not.
"It's him. I'm going to go, Penny. You go have fun," you excused yourself to pay your tab but you weren't so lucky to avoid Aaron, because he was making his way through the sea of bodies to seek you out.
"Y/n, wait!"
You were nearly to the door when you turned around in your tracks, furious that he thought you owed him anything after what he'd done to you. If you hadn't been so hellbent on telling him off, you would've just ignored him.
"What do you want, Aaron? You made it pretty clear you have nothing to say to me," you crossed your arms over your chest and tried not to notice how good he looked. The sun had done him a favor, his tan skin radiating against the flashing lights. His black polo seemed to fit him just right as he stared blankly back at you, at a loss for words.
"I should apologize. I didn't mean to leave you hanging. Things just got serious really quickly and I panicked."
It was the shittiest excuse you'd ever heard, so you scoffed at him before turning sharply on your heel to leave. He came forward and captured your hand in his, only for you to shrug out of his grasp.
"You don't get to touch me. I've spent the last two years trying to build a life without you after you left me stranded. Don't mess things up for me again," you took off towards your car, leaving him standing in the middle of the floor alone.
"I'm sorry sir, I didn't know you knew each other," Penelope was apologizing as soon as I'd reached the table, but I waved it off and told her it was fine. I hadn't handled ending our relationship as gracefully as I should have. She was exactly what I'd needed and I'd been too blind to see it, running at the first sign of things getting deep. I changed my telephone number and hoped she got the hint. I was in no position for a real relationship at the time, and although I went about things the wrong way, she deserved an explanation.
"It's okay. I didn't know that I'd ever see her again."
I swirled the ice in my glass as Penelope explained that they were neighbors. She'd moved in shortly after we split up and the pair had became close. She still worked as a preschool teacher, which made sense because she was terrific with children. Kids gravitated towards her like flies drawn to honey. I listened intently as Penelope told everyone about their karaoke nights and spa days.
"We did a lot more before Maverick was born. Now she doesn't get a lot of free time. She was actually heading home to relieve the sitter before you all showed up," the vein in my neck pulsed wildly at the mention of a child; surely she would've told me if I'd gotten her pregnant? Looking back, I haven't given her a lot of opportunity to communicate with me on her own terms.
"How old is he?" I was asking before I realized it, watching Garcia do math in her head.
"He just turned a year old a few months ago, we had a big party to celebrate."
The math was accurate but I'd never know for sure unless I asked her. I wasn't sure how that sort of conversation would even go, if she'd listen to anything I said. Surely she would let me help her, get to know my child if he belonged to me.
"I see the gears turning in your head. You think he's yours?" Rossi knew our situation because I'd told him everything. He didn't agree with my decisions but he was as supportive as he could be given my actions.
"I don't know, Dave. Things ended so badly between us that I wouldn't blame her for not telling me," as furious as I was at the thought of having a child and not knowing, I couldn't blame her for anything. She'd done everything all on her own because my pride was too great to just pick up the phone.
"When we leave here, you should explain the situation to Penelope. See if she'll take you to her," I wanted to keep things discreet until I was certain, because everything could crumble at a moments notice and I had to be prepared. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but at the same time my thoughts were swimming with endless possibilities. I wondered what he looked like, if he could walk yet. If he was mine, I'd already missed too much.
It was nearly impossible waiting on the crowd to clear out so I could talk to Garcia alone. When she excused herself to leave, I followed her and asked for the biggest favor.
"Y/n and I need to talk. It's extremely important and I don't know how to get ahold of her," she nodded sympathetically and instructed me to follow her home, but she made no promises on if she'd actually talk to me or not.
"Maverick's dad screwed her up. Wouldn't take her phone calls, changed his number. She's kind of traumatized."
The lump in my throat grew considerably and it felt like fire in my lungs as I struggled to process. I climbed in the drivers seat of my car and gripped the wheel tightly, trying to ground myself. She'd tried to tell me and I wouldn't listen and now I'd missed an entire year with her. I felt the guilt consuming me because I was already off to a terrible start in the parenting department. It was a short drive, so I didn't have time to think about what I'd say to her.
"She lives across from me. Let me text her and make sure she's still awake."
I followed her up and heard her answer the phone. Garcia made it quick and told her that she had someone for her to speak to. Garcia was creeping into her apartment as the door opened.
I was so taken aback that I could only study him, nearly asleep in her arms, sitting on her hip as she covered his eyes from the hallway light.
"What do you want?" It was a harsh whisper, frantic, because deep down she knew I'd figured it out.
"He looks like me."
She looked between the two of us and sighed, kissing the top of his head softly.
"Don't even say that I didn't try to tell you. I tried to call for months," she defended, and I nodded my head back at her, because I knew she'd tried. I'd never given her the chance to say a word to me.
"I know you did. I'm not mad but I understand if you are. I just wanted to meet him."
It was awkward while I waited on her to decide if I could be a part of his life. The overwhelming intensity of it all made my head spin; there was a possibility that she'd been doing just fine without me, and didn't need me in her life. I braced myself for it, made sure I was prepared in case she sent me on my way.
"I didn't think I'd ever see you again," she admitted, bouncing him slightly to get him to sleep. He was slumped over on her chest, snoring lightly as she let me inside. The floor was littered with toys, photos of the two of them covering the walls. I'd already missed out on so many milestones.
"I was afraid of how much you liked me. I know that sounds ridiculous, but you're too good for me by far and I knew eventually I'd lose you."
She shook her head, putting up a finger to excuse herself so she could lay him down in her bed. She left the door cracked and joined me on the couch, leaving space between us.
"I thought you liked me too. I never would've kept bothering you if I thought there was something wrong. You ghosted me, Aaron. That really hurt."
"I'll see you for lunch at that place across from the library that we wanted to try?" She leaned up to kiss me goodbye, her fingers finding their way to my hair. I leaned into her touch, her soft hands gently caressing my face. I was running a little behind, but it wouldn't hurt to be a few minutes late.
"I'll be there. Kiss me," her mouth melted against my own, a low moan emitting from my chest as it grew more intense. It had taken all of my strength to peel myself from her bed after such an amazing night. I'd found myself doing things with her that I'd never mention to anyone else for fear of rejection, but she understood all of my desires and made them reality.
"I'm going to be late, sweetheart," I made no effort to move towards the door; I snaked my arms around her waist and picked her up, letting her smother me in kisses before I left for the day. It was hard to believe I'd only met her six months ago; we'd been together every second we were free. She spent the majority of her free days wrapped up in my bed, or vice versa.
"So leave then," she challenged, hugging me tightly before I sat her down. I couldn't help but kiss her again, brushing her hair behind her ear as she waved me goodbye.
"I'll see you for lunch," it was pretty normal for us to meet up on our lunch hour, even if we weren't hungry we'd just get a coffee and talk about how our day had been going so far. She was a great listener, so it made for easy conversation.
"Don't be late," she called after me, making me smile wide as I made the walk to my car. My phone was ringing before I could even start the engine.
"You're late," Dave reminded me, but truthfully I was right on time. I just wasn't in the office as early as usual.
"I'll be there in ten minutes," I replied, pulling out of her driveway and navigating the short cut I'd figured out the week prior when I was running late.
"She must be pretty special to make you late," he said teasingly, and I couldn't help but worry that I'd let my priorities get sidetracked in my newfound adoration for her.
"I've not been as focused as normal and it shows," he didn't disagree but he did tell me to cut myself some slack, that I deserved someone to care about after the hell I'd been through. I spent the entire morning debating her role in my life and finally decided that my career was more important.
The first few missed calls were hard, but they got easier as the night went on. I couldn't turn my phone off, but with a quick call to the phone company, her number was blocked and I'd never have to explain all of my fears and insecurities to her because she wouldn't be able to get ahold of me. She'd never go against my wishes and show up unannounced, so I went to bed for the night and tried to forget about her.
The day after was hard.
I found myself lonely, missing everything she had to offer. I'd acted irrationally and the only alternative I had was being removed from her life. I didn't even give being happy a chance before I sabotaged it for myself. All I could do was keep living as normal, and hope that eventually I'd be able to move on.
"I'm so sorry. You deserved so much better than what I could've given you then. But I—I'm different now. And if you'll let me, I'd really like to be a father."
The living room was mostly silent as she stared back at me and contemplated whether or not I deserved another chance. I'd already been gone for so long that if she let me, I had a lot to make up for.
"If you want to come back tomorrow, you can meet him. We'll go slow, he's young but I still don't want to confuse him."
I nodded, willing to take whatever she would give me. I was just shocked she didn't shut the door in my face—it's what I deserved. I ruined her life and didn't think twice about it, granted I'd thought about her nearly every day since. I didn't even think about getting to know anyone else—she was all I needed.
"Does he have my last name?"
She shook her head and I felt a pang of guilt wash over me, because I should've been there. She'd experienced an entire pregnancy without me, and my son didn't even have my last name.
"Is there any way we can fix that? I'd like him to have it."
She sighed deeply before turning around to look towards the bedroom. I knew she'd be a good mother, terrific even. I knew it must've been hard to do on her own, and I hated myself for it.
"We can talk about it tomorrow. I'm exhausted, and he'll be up in a few hours."
She walked me to the door and offered a small wave as I made my way down the hall. I called Dave the second I stepped into the street and had safely made it to my car.
"Is he a Hotchner?"
He didn't bother greeting me, he knew why I'd called.
"He is. He looks just like me at that age. The resemblance is undeniable."
He chuckled into the receiver, no doubt shocked at the way the night had went.
"Congratulations. Don't fuck it up. She's done everything on her own for the last year, make sure you help her, Aaron. I'm not telling you what to do, but maybe you could put some of that built up vacation time to good use."
I'd already planned on it—I was going to take two weeks off and get to know my son, and try to make things right with his mother.
"I think that's a good idea."
I could hardly sleep I was so anxious to meet him—I tossed and turned nearly all night, falling asleep around 3 am. My head was filled with so many questions—I wanted to know everything about him, take him to do things like a father should have been doing all along.
As soon as I opened my eyes, I was online, researching everything I'd need to take him out for the day. I didn't know his sizes, but I'd find out later. Before I made my way to her house, I stopped and bought a car seat. I was struggling to install it properly when someone awkwardly cleared their throat behind me, standing in my open doorway.
JJ was holding Henry by the hand, getting ready to make her way into the store.
"Can you help me with this?"
She glanced behind me and saw what I was struggling with, a curious brow raised as she showed me what to do. She didn't ask any questions, she just helped me secure the seat in my car.
"Good luck," she called as she walked inside. I double checked that it was secure as possible before I set my sights on her house. I was nervous, afraid she may have changed her mind and didn't want anything else to do with me just since I'd left a few hours prior. I knocked on the door, rocking back and forth on my heels. I could hear him babbling behind the door, and she was talking up a storm to him, the two of them sounding more chipper than I'd ever heard her.
She opened the door, smiling back at me as she invited me in.
"He just had breakfast, so he's in a really good mood," I went around the corner and actually saw him for the first time, unsteady on his feet as he walked around the living room, rearranging stuffed animals.
"C'mere, Mav," he turned at her voice and came running, his arms outstretched for her to pick him up. He ran straight into her arms before he even noticed me, taking one look at me before shoving his face into her shirt. He was shy, but one eye peered curiously at me from the safety of his mothers chest.
"He's perfect," I couldn't peel my eyes away from him, his dark hair and eyes, his nose strong and defined just like mine.
"Can you say 'hi'?" He lifted his head before clutching her shirt tightly, his lips parted in indecision.
"Mama," he said instead, making her giggle as she tapped the tip of his nose with her pointer finger. She kissed his cheek causing him to let out a howl of laughter followed by some baby babble, indecipherable, but adorable nonetheless.
"Mama is his favorite word," she told me, leading me to the living room so the two of us could sit down. He went back to playing, occasionally bringing her a toy to examine before he'd go back to what he'd been doing before.
"I was thinking maybe I could take you both out for the day," she looked surprised but she nodded anyway, excusing herself long enough to find him some clothes. I watched him carefully, thinking he may get upset when she'd left the room, but he walked right up to me, handing me a stuffed teddy bear. I ruffled his hair, which made him smile wide before climbing right into my lap. He sat down, playing with his toys, content for the moment.
She came back, watching the two of us with wide eyes.
"Other than his doctor, he's never been around a man before. I'm surprised he just climbed up there with you," I was in awe that he didn't mind sitting with a complete stranger. I wondered if he knew that we shared a bond of blood—if it was strong enough that he could feel it even as an infant. I felt differently as soon as I knew I could possibly have a son.
"I'm taking some time off work, I was hoping I could spend it with you two."
She changed his diaper and got him dressed quickly, and I tried to pay attention so I'd know what to do too. Baby clothes were small but intimidating, with buttons and snaps in all sorts of places.
"I know your job is difficult but I hope you'll see him when you're in town. Maybe it'll give you a reason to settle down." She never would've said it if we weren't broken up, but she didn't need to sugar coat things now, she could be completely honest and she didn't have to worry about the repercussions.
"I was already planning on it. I know you hate my job, but I'll do everything I can to be a good father."
She shrugged before strapping on his shoes and gathering up everything he'd need to spend the day out with me.
"I never said that I hate your job. It's just not the kind of job you have if you want a life outside of it."
She wasn't wrong.
She packed his bag before deciding she was ready to go, carrying him down the stairs and into the parking lot. She was surprised to see I'd already gotten him a car seat, and she showed me how to strap him into it and where to put the chest clip. It seemed easy enough, so we got him settled in and she climbed into the passengers seat. I'd never forget how beautiful she was, even if it had been over a year and a half without seeing her. She looked the same, only more tired, maybe a little sad. I wasn't sure if her frown was from exhaustion or from being around me again, but I wanted to fix it.
"When's his birthday?"
"April 3rd. His—his middle name is Aaron. I know he doesn't have your last name but I still wanted him to have a piece of you."
My heart nearly doubled in size— his last name could be changed, but he'd have a part of me forever. I couldn't wait to show her that I could be consistent, give them both anything they needed. I knew she'd been hurting without me, and I truly had no clue how much. I'm sure she felt inadequate at times, like a failure because she couldn't keep her son's father around. I tried not to let the guilt of it all consume me.
"I can't believe I've missed an entire year. When did he start walking?"
She told me all about his first steps a couple months before, promising to show me the video as soon as we made it back to her place.
"You know, as long as you stick around, he'll remember you. I know you can't get the last year back, and I'm sorry. I tried to tell you, Aaron. It wasn't a message I could just leave with JJ."
I pulled into a parking spot shaking my head the entire time. She had no reason to be apologizing.
"It's not your fault. I'm sorry I didn't take your calls. I was a coward and you—you've done so much without me. I promise you won't have to do anything else alone."
She nodded before getting out of the car. She let me get him out of the car seat and after a minute of fighting with the straps, I had him undone. He reached for me, and after a second of deliberation she was nodding for me to carry him. He slipped his tiny arms around my neck and let me carry him while she got his stroller upright.
"Has he ever been to the zoo?" I wasn't sure what he'd enjoy doing, so I brought them somewhere we could all enjoy.
"No, he hasn't. I think he'll like it though," her mood had changed drastically as I paid for our tickets and we made our way inside. The first bit that caught his attention was the monkey exhibit. They jumped from the branches and he clapped happily, pointing towards the giant window.
She took pictures on her phone as I pushed him around. He chatted away to himself for the majority of the day before we stopped at the restaurant inside of the zoo for lunch. The waitress brought us a high chair and we sat down. I looked at the menu as she went through her bag and found him a quick snack and filled his cup with water.
"What does he like to eat?"
She told me that he'd try just about anything but he mostly just ate off of her plate. I thought about how I'd missed the bottle and baby food stage and he was already big enough to eat regular food and it made me sad that I didn't get to be a part of it.
"What's wrong?" She'd noticed my sudden change in behavior—even years apart couldn't hide the fact that she knew me well.
"I'm just so sorry. I feel so bad for missing his life."
He grabbed my sleeve before wrapping his tiny fingers around my own, smiling back at me with a toothy grin.
"Mama," he said as plain as day, looking to her, and then back to me.
"You sure do love your mama," I brushed his hair out of his eyes and he scrunched his nose up at me before reaching his arms out for me. I didn't think twice before unbuckling him and bringing him into my arms. He laid against my chest just as he'd done to her the night before, his tiny hand playing with the hair on my head.
"He likes you," she said before the waiter joined us and took our order. He stayed content in my arms for a while before I realized he'd fallen asleep against my shoulder.
"He's asleep," I whispered, moving him so I could cradle him in my arms. He looked so calm, like he'd had the busiest day of his life and couldn't resist taking a nap any longer.
"That was quick. I'm surprised, it's kind of noisy in here."
There was a soft roar of chatter in the restaurant, but he'd been too tired to hold on. When our food came, she helped me move him back to the stroller while she reclined it back so he could sleep.
"I don't know what the rest of your day looks like, but I'm free if you are."
She thought about it for a moment before she nodded, peeking at him to make sure he was still asleep.
"As long as you don't mind tv for babies, we don't have anything planned."
I couldn't help but smile at her from across the table as the waiter brought our food. We'd been starving, and we managed to keep a conversation going throughout the meal, so I saw it as a good sign.
"I was actually thinking you could go with me to pick up some things for my house. I want him to have his own room there too," I'd already decided to turn my spare bedroom into his room. Part of me was disappointed in myself for not being able to have a family that was together, but I had hope that we'd eventually be able to smooth things over and Maverick could grow up with both of his parents living under the same roof.
"We can do that. I need to grab a couple of things anyway," I was glad she was willing to spend her time with me after the hell I'd caused her—she deserved the world and I'd been too stupid to just give it to her when I had the chance.
We finished our meal and Maverick slept throughout the rest of the exhibits. He didn't stir again until we were back to the car. He let me buckle him in and he was right back asleep, cozying up to the side of his car seat. I was glad I'd chosen the right one because honestly, I was clueless other than what I'd learned on the internet hours before buying it.
"You picked a good car seat."
As if she read my mind, she was complimenting me, which caught me off guard slightly but I recovered quickly. We made it to the store and she helped me choose outlet covers and clothes in his size, along with showing me the brand of diapers and wipes he used so I'd know what to get. She gave me all of his sizes but it was a lot to remember, so she promised to write it all down for me so I wouldn't forget.
"What kind of bed will he like?"
She looked at all of them before shrugging.
"He's always slept in the bed with me. I don't know which one to tell you. He's only ever stayed with my aunt, but we can try it whenever you're ready," I could tell she was nervous about being away from him.
"Then he can sleep with me, I don't mind."
She seemed satisfied with everything we'd chosen, and she agreed to come back to my house while I organized everything. I planned to fill his room with toys just like at home, so he'd feel at home when he was with me too. I hated the idea of him bouncing from my house to hers but I was in no position to fight it.
"He takes milk before bed, and he usually sleeps about 8 hours through the night. He sleeps really well with me, but it may be a struggle until he gets used to a new place," he finally started to wake up as we pulled into my driveway. I let them inside while I unloaded everything, and she set to work on getting up everything that could be a hazard. I was glad she was comfortable at my house still, and it helped me so I knew what had to be moved out of the way of tiny hands.
"It'll take me a few days but I'll have this place child proof in no time," he was already looking through the items we bought, searching for the toys we'd chosen. She got them open while I tossed all of his new clothes in the wash, and I organized everything else in my room so I'd be prepared when he came to stay.
"Would you be willing to stay for dinner?"
She thought for a moment as she watched Maverick play in the floor, happy to be somewhere new. All at once he stopped and came towards me, his arms up.
"Up," he told me, clapping his hands together when I bent down to get him. He let me carry him around on my hip, and it felt more natural than anything I'd ever felt before. I'd always wanted to be a parent and even though the circumstances weren't perfect, I was elated to finally have a family of my own to care for.
"We can stay," she said finally, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched the two of us. He let me carry him as I gave him a tour of his home away from home, showing him each room before we ended in the kitchen.
"I bet I have something here that you'll love," I had an unopened pack of chocolate chip cookies and he was already reaching for them as I got the package open.
"Here we go," once he had a cookie in each hand, he was pleased, munching on them as we walked around the kitchen to decide on dinner. She finally came to join us, sitting at the table as we stood in front of the fridge.
"I always knew you'd be a good dad."
We hadn't been together long enough to talk about marriage or babies—I assumed she'd gotten pregnant because her birth control failed, because we hadn't been trying, but we weren't exactly being safe. I didn't blame her at all though, because accidents happen, and we had something beautiful to share from whatever might have happened to cause it.
"I'm glad it was with you. I know the way I left things was so terrible and I can't imagine how it must've made you feel, but I couldn't picture myself doing this with anyone else."
She stood up and came towards me, grabbing Maverick as I struggled to carry everything. She sat him down to play and helped me when she could, but mostly she chased him through the house as he got used to things. I would've given any amount of money to spend my days just like this, listening to the two of them play around the house, the little patter of tiny feet around every corner. He made me want to consider slowing down, working a less demanding job so he'd know who I was and I'd get to see him everyday.
"I know your schedule is busy but you can see him whenever you want. I won't ever keep him from you."
We'd just sat down for dinner when she told me that I could have free reign of visiting him, and it was a massive weight off of my shoulders. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with them both, if she'd let me.
"I took a couple weeks off from work so I could see you guys," it was a bold move but I saw the almost microscopic smile ghost her lips for a split second.
"I work in the mornings, so he's usually with my aunt until 1 or so, but I can let you know when I've gotten off work," she couldn't keep her eyes off of me, and I could feel the weight of her gaze as Maverick came towards my end of the table. He tugged at my pants until I picked him up, a small yawn escaping his lips. It was nearly 7:30, which I assumed was late for someone as little as him.
"Why don't you guys stay in the spare room? Do you have work tomorrow?"
She shook her head, her mouth slightly agape as she mentally weighed her options.
"Well, it would be a good way to get him used to being here. Do you have milk? You can to get him to sleep if you want," she offered, and I nodded quickly, eager to participate.
"He can wear some of the pajamas I bought him. I'll get them out of the dryer," I couldn't hide my excitement, so she let me get him changed and dressed for bed, showing me how to work the flaps on the diapers. She was happy to teach me, helpful in every way. I'd missed her so much, being around her again was something I'd longed for. She was still reacquainting herself with me, and I'd wait as long as she needed me to, I'd do anything to prove to her that we could raise him together.
"Look at you, cutie! Ready for bed?" She handed him to me and I led her down the hall to the spare room so I could lay him down and let him drink his milk. She looked at me questionably before laying on the opposite side, the three of us huddled together on the full sized bed. It was entirely too short for me but I made it work.
"I can't wait to spend all of my time with him. I never thought I could love someone so quickly," the urge to protect him, keep him safe no matter what. I wanted to be around him all of the time, teach him everything there was to know.
"He's pretty easy to get attached to. It's just been us and occasionally Penelope, so we don't see a lot of people. We're really close because of it. I can't promise he won't throw a fit the first couple times he's away from me. He's done it with my aunt and Penelope too," I raked my fingers through his hair as his eyes fluttered closed, his chest slowing as his body relaxed.
"We'll figure it out together. I—I know it's a lot to ask of you, and you don't have to give me an answer any time soon, but...Would you be willing to try again? With me?"
She took a deep breath as she looked at the two of us, cuddled up in bed together. She bit her bottom lip, eyes frantically scanning us as if she were afraid we might disappear at any minute.
"We'll see how things go, okay? I need to know you're serious. You really hurt me, Aaron. And if you leave again, you're not just leaving me this time—you leave him too. I'd love to be able to move past things and raise him together; I want that for him more than anything. He missed out on his father for a year, the least he deserves are parents that can be good to each other."
We realized we needed to finish the conversation elsewhere since he was sleeping, so I nodded towards the door and we crept out of the room, leaving the door cracked slightly so we could hear him. We went to the living room, and she sat in her usual spot on the couch, like she hadn't skipped a day in my home.
"I'm more than willing to show you that I can be what you need, if you'll give me a chance. You both deserve so much more; I want to give everything to you. It feels like I haven't been away from you for a day—that's how strong my feelings still are for you." It was a big risk, opening up to her like this, but her face softened and she pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees.
"I really want to believe you, Aaron. You should know I forgive you, for the way you left. I forgave you a long time ago. I was so mad for so long, and so bitter. My entire pregnancy was miserable because I missed you so badly; I just wanted you to be there. I know I acted mad when you showed up at my door but I was so surprised to see you—I'd been waiting for the day you showed back up."
I wanted to hug her, but I didn't. She wiped at her face and it took me a second to realize she was crying—I wondered how many nights she spent just like this, crying over me. I'd have to learn to forgive myself for what I'd done, because the guilt was ever present.
"I wish I could take it all back. I feel like shit because I missed it all. I don't want to miss anymore—I don't want to miss a second of either one of you. Let me be the person you need. I don't want you doing it all anymore—you deserve someone who puts in just as much effort."
She sniffled and let out a shaky breath before replying, tears on her cheeks.
"There were days I honestly thought I couldn't do it anymore. It's not been easy at all. I'm glad you want to be part of his life. He needs you, Aaron. We're bound together for life now—we'll always be a part of each other now. I know neither of us were expecting it but we got really lucky and now we have a really great kid."
He was more than great, he was spectacular. From his sweet little voice to his deep brown eyes, he was amazing in every way.
"There's no one else I'd rather be bound to."
We talked for a while, until she began to yawn. It was late, and I wanted to make the most of our weekend, so I suggested we go to bed.
"You can sleep in something of mine," I offered, grabbing her s t-shirt so she could go to sleep. She paused as she stood from the couch before she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. It took me half a second to be hugging her back, my grip tight around her.
"I'm really glad you're here," I told her, and if she stayed, I'd never fuck up again.
You spent the week letting Aaron and Maverick get to know one another. He came over everyday after work, and he'd stay for dinner and to help get Maverick settled for bed, and then he'd head home. It was a week of fighting the urge to kiss him every time you saw him, because you'd missed him that much. You could feel the spark quickly turning into a flame the more time you spent with him.
It was Friday, which meant you could pick Maverick up and start the weekend. You were staying at Aaron's for the weekend, because he wanted Maverick to get used to his house so he could stay with him more often. You and Maverick had made the spare bedroom your own, bringing extra blankets and a pillow from home to keep at his house. You'd fallen easily back into routine with him,  and it had all happened so fast.
You were just about to go pick up Maverick when your aunt asked if he could stay the night and come home in the morning. It wasn't unusual for him to stay with her; she'd offer occasionally to give you a break. The first call you made was to Aaron to let him know.
"Hey," he sounded happy, upbeat even.
"Hey. Mav is going to stay with my Aunt tonight but we can pick him up first thing in the morning. You should know where she lives, just in case," you added, because you'd already discussed it with your aunt and she agreed with you.
"I was looking forward to seeing you; will you come over anyway?"
It only took you a second to say yes before you told him you'd already packed a bag for the weekend. He told you to come over whenever you were ready so you made the drive to his house and knocked on the door. He was dressed in a gray t-shirt and jeans, welcoming you in with a hug as you stepped over the threshold.
"She keeps him sometimes, I should've asked you first. I will next time, I promise."
He shook his head, inviting you to join him on the couch.
"You're his mother. You've been making all the right decisions up to this point, so I trust your judgement."
You nodded, and he handed you the remote, excusing himself long enough to make the two of you a cup of coffee. You picked a movie and he joined you again, your coffee exactly how you liked it. You were shocked that he'd remembered.
"You know, you'll get to do all of the holidays this year. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. We can do it all together if you want," you were open to the idea of starting over with him. He was obviously much more mature than before, and he was more than sorry. He'd been going above and beyond for you and Maverick since he knew he existed. You knew his heart was in the right place, and you knew he was ready now.
"I was just thinking about that this morning. I want to do everything with you guys."
He seemed more sincere than you'd ever heard him, but the last week had shown you how thrilled he was to be a father and have a family to do things with. You were still working on fixing things; he'd been patient, giving you time to adjust to him being back around. You hoped and prayed he stayed for Maverick's sake—he deserved both of his parents.
"Well now you can," you shot back, loosening up a little around him. You'd been scared to make too many plans with him for fear of overwhelming him all at once, but he was a natural—it was like he was made to be a parent, and you were glad Maverick had his dad around. He'd taken to him quickly, falling asleep with him every night since you'd stayed. It had taken you by surprise how quickly Maverick was getting attached to him.
"I know Penelope has met him, but I'd like to introduce him to everyone, if that would be okay."
You nodded, a smile creeping onto your face.
"Aaron, he's your son. You can introduce him whenever you want."
You could see it in his eyes how badly he wanted his family together. You'd never talked about babies, mostly because his job wasn't exactly something you could do and raise a family at the same time. You assumed he didn't want children because of his job, but it couldn't have been further from the truth. He loved the idea of having a family, especially with you.
"I'm glad you came tonight. You've been working so hard, you deserve a night off," he said softly, and you sank further into the cushions because he was right. You'd been busting your ass, but you didn't mind the work, it kept Maverick with everything he wanted.
"I'm glad it's the weekend."
What you really wanted to say was that you were glad you were spending your weekend with him, but you weren't sure how he'd feel about you being so direct, so you held your tongue.
"Me too. I've been thinking about it all week," he replied, sipping from his mug. He was close but still so far away, so you tucked your legs under you so your legs were touching him slightly.
"We're going to the park tomorrow after we pick Maverick up. That's as far as I've gotten in making plans, but I was going to ask you if you'd come to Dave's with me tomorrow night. He invited us to dinner and I want to take you with me," you could tell he was nervous in asking you, but you thought it was a good idea to let everyone meet Maverick.
"Yeah, we can go. That sounds nice," it sounded kind of like you'd be his date, and you didn't mind a bit.
"I know I'll have a lot of explaining to do—especially to Garcia," you could hear the guilt in his voice and as much as he'd helped this week, you wanted to ease some of his worries. He'd been doing a terrific job, and you were proud of him.
"I'll talk to Penelope, don't worry about that. All that matters is you're here now, and you're a really good dad. I knew you would be though," you'd imagined parenting with him your entire pregnancy and beyond. You always hoped there'd be a day you'd run into him so you could tell him about his son.
"I knew he was mine before I met him. As soon as I knew he existed, I felt it. I know that sounds crazy, but Garcia said his name and something in my heart just knew that he was mine."
You grabbed your phone and came a bit closer, pulling up your photos so you could show him the album you'd made. You did it for him, so he could see all of Maverick's milestones, starting with photos from when he was born.
"Here, I have something to show you," you started at the beginning, letting Aaron scroll through every photo and video. The smile he wore while you explained the significance of the different photos was enough to show you how proud he was to be a father.
"That's his first picnic. He didn't love the grass at first but he doesn't mind it now," you'd taken him to do all sorts of things—pictures of you two at the fair, in museums, anything you could think of so you could show him when he was older.
"You're such a good mother. I can't wait to fill my phone with pictures too."
He took his time looking through every photo, but you promised to send him some photos so he had them on his phone too. You'd been worried of how he'd act without Maverick around, but he seemed fine—you could tell he'd missed you just by the way he was so quick to welcome you back in. You had no doubts that he regretted what he'd done, and he was willing to make things right.
"I really like being a mom. I know everyone says that, but he's who I spend all my time with—I like being able to get off work and take him on adventures, even if we don't go far. I want to take him to the beach, maybe next summer," it was truthfully an invitation, if he'd come.
"You've never been either, right?"
You shook your head—he'd always promised to take you to the ocean, but unfortunately you'd never made it that far.
"We could leave Friday night and come back Sunday."
You stared back at him, because you were shocked that he'd suggest going so soon—in a week's time.
"You're serious? Maverick loves riding in a car, so if we left that night, he'd probably sleep most of the way." It would give Aaron time to sleep so he could drive, and if he got tired, you could take turns.
"I'll have to buy a pair of swimming trunks. Do you think he'll like the water?" It was still plenty warm outside, so you'd be able to splash around in the ocean.
"I took him swimming over the summer. He's fine as long as someone's holding him, he didn't like the float we got for him," your aunt had a pool so the two of you would play in it after work sometimes.
"I have so much to get before then. Are you tired? Target is still open," he was already pulling you up, and so the two of you made an evening trip to the store to shop for your upcoming trip.
Aaron bought everything from sunscreen to beach towels. Once he got started, he truly couldn't stop. He spent forever looking through the different types of sunscreen for babies and googling questions about their strength and protection levels before he actually decided on one. His last item was a camera, because he was convinced no one used them anymore, and he wanted you behind the lens capturing everything, since you were so good at it. It made your heart skip a beat, because it felt like your first vacation as a family, something you could all look back on.
"I think we're ready," he decided as he loaded the back of his vehicle. You helped him situate everything and unload it once you'd gotten back to his house. You decided it was time to talk about your future, and where the two of you would go from here. You waited until he'd chosen a movie and made the two of you a cup of coffee. He sat down right next to you, his arm lingering at your side.
"So I've been thinking," you had his attention, he was leaned in, your shoulders barely touching.
"Something good I hope," he said behind his mug before sitting it down so he could turn his body towards you.
"Do you still want to try again? Because we can—I just needed some time to think is all. I needed to make sure you were serious about sticking around."
He held out his hand for you to take, and you let your fingers lace around his in a moment of bravery.
"I'd never leave him, or you. Not now that we have a family together—I want to do everything I can to keep us together. I've always wanted this, and the fact that it's with you makes it even more special for me."
You nodded, knowing that he was being genuine—he'd shown you more of himself in the last week than you had in the six months you'd been together. You had never seen such a patient, loving man; he melted around Maverick, and Maverick had taken to him quickly. They were already bonding, the two of them so tight knit that you'd think Maverick knew him his entire life. He'd often reach for Aaron instead of you, and it made you giddy to see him choosing his dad. You knew it made Aaron's day a little better when Maverick tugged at his pant leg and wanted his attention, you saw the sparkle in his eye when he talked to his child and you knew you were making the right decision.
"But we need to talk about what'll happen when I go back to work. There's no way I can go weeks at a time without seeing him. I've done a lot of thinking this week, and I'm going to transfer into something more stationary. He deserves someone who's around all the time, and so do you."
It sounded perfect but it was the fear of him being unsatisfied somewhere else that kept you wondering how long it would last.
"You're not going to be happy doing something else."
He shook his head, sitting up a little straighter.
"I'm not going to be happy if my son forgets who I am. I won't miss anymore of his life. I've already recommended a new unit chief and I've spoken to Strauss about staying on the team as a consultant—I could teach during the day at the Academy. It would be great for us, and getting out of the field will be good for me."
He'd thought of everything, which led you to believe he was more than serious—he'd made up his mind and he knew what he wanted, and it was to keep his family together.
"I just don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you to do something else. It was never about your job, not for me, but he'd have a hard time understanding why you were gone."
His thumb raked over your knuckles, and you realized how much you'd missed his touch, missed belonging to him. Things would be much more serious this time around, because there was a child involved.
"I know he would. He needs me around, and I don't want him wondering why I disappear for weeks at a time. This way, I'll be home every night, and I get to see you both every day. You don't understand how happy I am that you're willing to give us another chance."
You reached out to cup his face and he leaned into your palm, his lips kissing the pad of your thumb. It had been so long since you touched him, but it felt the exact same—natural, normal; you were hoping the universe had decided he was yours forever now, a family of your own to watch grow and flourish through changes and obstacles. You wanted to do it all with him.
"I always loved you, Aaron, even when you were gone. How could I not? You gave me the greatest gift I could've ever gotten. I think it's so special that we have a child together; I always wanted to raise him with you. I didn't want to do it alone—I didn't mind, but any time I took him to do something, I always wished you were there too."
You let him lay in your lap, his head on your thigh. You played with his hair and let him toy with the hem of your shirt, exposing your stomach underneath.
"You know, at some point, it would be really nice if we could all live together. I know we need to work up to it, but if you're going to be here anyway, you might as well consider moving in."
You knew you'd have to give Maverick time to adjust to everything, you couldn't jump in that fast, not yet. But you definitely saw it in your future if things kept going well.
"Let's give it a couple of weeks. I want Maverick to be completely familiar with your house first. But I definitely wouldn't mind living together; I think it would be good for him."
He nodded, looking up at you with his big brown eyes; you had no doubts given the look on his face that he was about to ask something else—something bigger than you were prepared for.
"When that does happen, would you consider staying home with him? You already work so hard, I'd like to lighten that load for you as much as possible."
You thought for a moment what life would be like if you could be with your son all of the time. You'd be a full time mother and girlfriend—you weren't sure how to feel about it so you sat on it for a second.
"I need to think. Being with Mav all the time would be really good for him," you were thinking out loud and he was helping to sway you, nodding his head along with you.
"You guys could spend all day playing, he'd be so smart. You could take him everywhere, do everything with him."
You smiled down at him, shocked that he was willing to take care of you so you could spend all day with your baby. He wanted what was best for you both, and he essentially wanted to make your life as easy as possible.
"We'll get there. We'll see how everything goes."
You found yourself sharing a bed with him that night, watching television with the lights off. You were laying on his shoulder, only half paying attention to the show—your focus was on what you could see: his body. It looked glorious, stretched out in front of you, his broad chest and long legs. You brought your hand to his abdomen and lifted his shirt, raking your nails across his skin absentmindedly. You felt his breathing hitch, his gaze shifting to you.
"I've missed you so much. I'm happy you're back in my bed."
You chuckled lightly before moving your hand to his chest, dragging your fingers lightly enough to make him shiver.
"Feels just like before," you shot back, just as comfortable with him as you'd been so many years ago.
He sat up all of a sudden, his face mere inches from yours as he scanned your profile carefully, inching forward slightly.
"Can I kiss you? I really want to," he breathed, lips so close you could practically feel the warmth they radiated. Your noses brushed before your mouths connected, his tongue already dominating your mouth as your hands wrapped around his neck to bring him closer. You barely came up for air as you relearned each other, kissing for what felt like forever before he pulled away to look at you.
"Let me make you feel good," he pleaded, hesitating with the fabric of your shirt in his hand. You gave him a small nod and he began to undress you, your shirt falling into the floor. His hands cupped your breasts before he freed them from your bra and took your nipples between his fingers, pinching and rolling them until they were stiff in his grasp. You whimpered into his mouth before he ducked down to capture your nipple with his mouth, taking his time in swirling his tongue around them. He sat completely upright and came to hover over top of you, his fingertips trailing at your sides until he made it to the waistband of your pants. He looked to you for confirmation before he pulled them past your ankles and dropped them behind him.
"You're so gorgeous—I'm so glad you're mine," he confessed as he crawled between your thighs, his finger teasing your slit as he collected a pool of arousal on his fingertip. He made a spectacle of sucking his finger clean before he dove headfirst into your center, his tongue greedy against your bundle of nerves.
"I missed you so much, I never even thought about anyone else," it was true, no one had ever even crossed your mind. There had been opportunities but you turned them all down.
"I wouldn't dream of wanting anyone but you, sweetheart," his tongue flicked at your clit, his fingers teasing your entrance before slipping into you. You felt the pressure begin to build in the pit of your stomach as his fingers curled into you and his lips sucked at your clit in unison, the sensation driving you wild. Your legs shook as you came, muttering a string of profanity as you rode out your high. He wasn't finished—he didn't stop until you'd had a handful of orgasms on his tongue, his face slick with arousal as he devoured your pussy.
"Can't get enough of you," he mumbled into you, his fingers spreading your lips so he could concentrate all of his energy on your throbbing core—you hadn't been touched since the last time you'd been with him, and you'd been desperate for him to take you and use you as he pleased. You'd missed being close to him, intimate—he always made it memorable, making you feel loved and desired.
"Come and kiss me," you begged, and you could feel him smirk against you as he pulled himself away from your center and did as you asked, your essence still on his tongue. He leaned back on his knees and lined up with you, looking up at you as he slid into you slowly—he eased in, shuddering when he was as deep as he could go, buried inside of you.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he began to rotate his hips until he found a steady rhythm, rocking back and forth into you. He watched his cock disappear between your folds, his mouth slightly agape as he fucked you. You loved seeing him like this, blissfully lost in you as he thrusted into you.
"Aaron, you're perfect. Feels amazing," you choked as he picked up the pace, pulling your legs up onto his chest so he could bend them forward and fuck you even deeper, your legs tucked into your chest, his hips pounding against yours. Your back arched as you came hard enough to feel it everywhere. You were momentarily stunned, gripping the back of his legs to somehow pull him deeper into you as you whimpered his name. Your sweet little moans were all the encouragement he needed to keep going; you could tell by his ragged breathing and his tightly knit brows that he was close to his own release.
"Can I cum inside of you?"
You gave him a nod and he spilled into you with a groan, his hands on either side of your head. He kissed you before he slid out of you, grabbing a towel so he could clean you up. When he joined you again, he was pulling the covers over your bodies and pulling you close to him.
"I never stopped loving you either. I've always had it so bad for you, the night I saw you at the bar I knew I had to at least try to get you back. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry that it took so long."
He kissed your forehead and you leaned into him, wrapping your arm around him.
"I'm glad you followed Penelope. I thought for sure if she told you about Maverick that you would show up asking questions. I was mentally preparing myself for you to be pissed at me," you thought for sure he'd be furious with you, but you tried to get into contact with him for months after you found out.
"I was never mad at you, just myself. I was expecting you to send me on my way."
You shook your head, kissing his chest as you nuzzled into his neck.
"I was scared. Scared that even though you wanted confirmation, you weren't going to be around. My dad wasn't around, and I didn't want that for him."
You'd never really opened up to Aaron about your family, but there was a reason you and your aunt were so close.
"I'll always be here for both of you. I swear to you."
The next morning, Aaron was up before you, already dressed. He was excited to spend the day with Maverick, and he'd get to introduce him to his team later in the evening. You woke up to the smell of coffee, padding down the hall to find him pouring you both a cup.
"Good morning, gorgeous," he kissed your forehead and handed you the mug because he knew you liked to start your mornings with a cup of coffee before anything else.
"Slept so good with you," you blushed, happy to be sharing a bed with him again. You'd slept like a rock all night long, secure in his grasp.
"Me too. Maybe tonight, we can all three share the bed," he'd have to get used to it if you were going to live together, so you nodded happily and drank your coffee so you could start the day. You took a shower and got dressed so you could go pick up Maverick.
When you stepped into your Aunt Claire's living room, you expected Maverick to run straight to you. Instead, he went past you and right towards Aaron.
"Up!" He was more than chipper, he was delighted to see him.
"Well he knows exactly who you are," Claire chimed, smiling wide at the two of them.
"He missed you," you said softly, brushing his hair back as he clung to Aaron. You let him carry him to the car and buckle him in and your next destination was the park. You took Maverick to the big clearing in the middle and sat him down so he could toddle around in whichever direction he pleased, and the two of you followed him around, letting him explore the area. Aaron had his phone out and he'd occasionally take a photo when he caught Maverick smiling or taking an especially big step.
"He's so big. Soon he'll be running and we'll be struggling to keep up," he said, helping him to go down a small orange slide, his hands around Maverick's waist the entire way down so he didn't go too fast.
"He's growing quick. I bet he'll be tall like you," he was a carbon copy of Aaron, from his striking eyes to his lips and ears. Aaron smiled, scooping Maverick up so he could take him to the swings. Mav giggled happily as he swung, which caused Aaron to beam back at him as he pushed him. You took pictures of the two of them, grinning ear to ear, having the time of their life. You were thankful Maverick had his dad around to do things with now, and that your mental load wasn't quite so heavy.
"He loves it!" You could only watch in awe as they played together, your heart drumming wildly in your chest. You were hopeful for your future with him, what life would look like now that you were doing it together. You stood behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He turned around long enough to kiss your head, and then he turned his attention back to Maverick, who was clapping his hands in glee each time he came towards Aaron.
"I think I'll start packing this week," you said casually, making him stop in his tracks to turn and look at you.
"I think I like that idea a lot. I'd be more than happy to help," they wore identical smiles as you admired the two of them, seemingly in their own little world where nothing mattered but Maverick's happiness.
"You're sure about this before I get my hopes up?"
He was letting Maverick out of the swing so he could choose something else to do, the two of you on his heels.
"More than sure. I'd love to wake up and fall asleep with you both everyday," he took your hand as Maverick wandered aimlessly around the park, seeing the sights, curiously picking at the flowers and grass. You simply watched him, amazed that he was already old enough to walk on his own.
"I see the way you are with him and I know how good it'll be for him to see you every day. He loves you," it was obvious that he did; he was crazy about Aaron; he loved seeing him and spending time with him.
"I love him so much."
After a brief explanation for his absence in Maverick's life, Aaron's team was meeting him and reacquainting themselves with you. You saw the girls often, but it had been ages since you saw everyone else.
"How come you never told me?"
Penelope was at your side in an instant, her arms crossed over her shoulders, her eyes wide with curiosity.
"I didn't know you knew him until that night at the bar, Pen. I had no clue," she nodded, picking Maverick up from his spot on the floor next to you. He hugged her tight and let her hold him, content in her arms.
"I'm glad he has Aaron now. They needed each other," she said softly, and you nodded in agreement. Maverick spotted Aaron walking by Penelope and reached his arms out for him, restless in Penelope's arms until she handed him over to Aaron. He kissed his head and Maverick was content instantly, laying his head against Aaron's chest. You and Penelope exchanged a look before laughing in unison at how attached he was to Aaron.
"Someone became Daddy's boy quick," Morgan chided, patting Aaron's back as he carried him around the garden. He stood across the yard, talking to Dave as you stood in a circle with the girls. He caught your eye and offered you a small wave and a smile as he patted Maverick's back. It had just begun to get dark and Aaron had already filled you in on using Maverick's bed time as an excuse to leave early. He didn't mind making an appearance but he didn't want to be obligated to stay long when he could go home and unwind with the two of you.
"Now that I really look at them together, they look just alike," JJ commented, and you recalled the day he was born, and how much he looked like his father even then. His hair was coal black, his eyes the same chocolate brown as Aaron's after a few months. You had never truly gotten over him because Maverick had been a daily reminder of him—you weren't bitter, you loved remembering how happy you'd been with him before.
"He's doing so well with him. He's a really great father," you bragged, and the girls awe'd together at their broody, stern, former unit chief soft over his little boy.
"You guys look great together. You really look happy," Emily told you, and you felt yourself smile wide. Emily mock gagged at you before laughing playfully, but everyone agreed that the two of you made a stellar pair. Before long, Aaron was excusing himself and coming over to you, so you stepped back from the group.
"He's exhausted. Want to head home?" Your heart skipped a beat at the fact that he considered his house your home already, but you knew as soon as he mentioned wanting you back that he'd accepted you fully into his life and he wanted everything it had to offer with you. You said your goodbyes and let Aaron get Maverick situated while you waited in the passengers seat. When he joined you, the first thing he did was lean across the console to give you a kiss.
"Thank you for coming with me tonight. I was excited to show you two off," he admitted before pulling out and navigating you home.
"I'm glad we got to see everyone. You know, just because you're leaving the team doesn't mean you'll lose them. You'll always be a family," you knew the bond he had with them was strong, and he'd always care for each of them.
"I know. I appreciate you being so supportive through this."
You took his hand, squeezing it lightly as you pulled into the driveway.
"We've got each other's backs. No matter what."
The week went by quickly. You worked and packed and prepared for your upcoming trip, all with Aaron's help. You'd ended up staying at his house every night, the three of you tucked into his bed like you'd always belonged there. Maverick had no issues adjusting, if anything, he was sleeping better and longer through the night. Aaron was so excited about the trip, and so were you—your first vacation together.
Maverick had stayed with Aaron all week while you worked. He'd offered at the beginning of the week and he did it happily everyday, the two of them attached at the hip all day long. Today was no different; you'd gotten off work and came in to find Aaron in the floor, pushing around a red race car while Maverick clapped and cooed at him.
"Looks like I've been missing all the fun," you sat down next to Aaron, kissing him before opening your arms for Maverick to run into. He hugged you, chattering 'mama mama' the entire time.
"We've been working on saying 'daddy' today. He got really close, but we're not quite there yet," as if on cue, Maverick started to say it, but he could only make out the 'D' sound.
"He'll get there. I'll practice with him too," your bags were already packed and waiting in the back of Aaron's car. You'd opted to leave once it got dark so Mav would sleep easier.
"Was mama his first word?" You shook your head, because his first word had been 'up'. 'Mama' came shortly after. Aaron made you a snack while you played with Maverick, something he'd done everyday after you got off from work.
"I already booked the hotel. It'll only be about a 3 hour drive, which isn't too bad," you'd still have plenty of time to sleep before morning. You'd be checked into the hotel with plenty of time to rest.
"I've been thinking about this all week," you'd been shocked when he'd suggested it but the closer it got, the more excited you were.
"I charged the camera and packed the charger too," he grinned, and you'd noticed the day before he'd bought a photo album sometime during the day while you'd been at work with plans to fill it with photos of the three of you. You were proud of how quickly he'd jumped into dad mode, and how much he seemed to enjoy it.
Aaron let you choose the music as you started your journey. An hour in, Maverick was asleep, snoring in the backseat. You kept Aaron company, the two of you talking about whatever came to mind on the way there. He was wide awake with the help of the coffee you stopped to get along the way.
"This could be something we do every year, take a weekend trip to the beach," he said, your drive already halfway through. You were making great time because there was very little traffic on the roads this late at night.
"I'd be fine with that," you'd go anywhere with him, all he had to do was ask.
"I can't wait to see how he reacts at the beach," Aaron was the most excited you'd ever seen him; you didn't think he was the beach type, but he certainly surprised you.
"I think the sand will confuse him," you giggled, peeking in the backseat to check on him.
"I meant to tell you I bought him a pair of water shoes today."
You loved his initiative, the way he was so attentive to Maverick's needs; you hadn't even thought about water shoes, but Aaron was to the rescue and had thought of everything.
"You're really good at this. I bragged on you all night, you know."
Even in the dark you saw the heat rise to his cheeks; he was trying his hardest to prove himself, but he was doing an incredible job.
"I did the same. You're a terrific mother; we're really lucky to have you. You do so many things to make our lives easier, like how you lay out everything I'll need for the day before you leave, or how you iron my shirts straight out of the dryer. I notice every little thing you do for us, and I love you so much for it."
It was heartwarming to be appreciated; you'd missed having him to cherish you, and you were a little too eager to take care of him now that you were back in his life. It came instinctively to you, like you were always meant to do it.
"I love doing it, it makes me feel needed. I know Maverick needs me, but I like to feel like you do too." He sensed the vulnerability in your voice and was reaching across the console to your grab your hand.
"I've always needed you, more than you'll ever know."
By the time you reached the hotel, you were exhausted. Maverick woke up long enough to take a cup of milk, and he was right back asleep in the bed between you and Aaron. You fell asleep quickly in anticipation for the days to come.
"Babe! Look at him, he loves the water!" Aaron was amazed at Maverick splashing in ankle deep water, occasionally picking at a rock or seashell in the sand. He was stomping his feet, right at Aaron's side in the most shallow part of the water. You were nearby, taking pictures of the two of them. Aaron looked sunkissed already, but he and Maverick had been playing most of the morning. You were planning to leave soon to take a break for lunch and Maverick's nap.
"It's almost noon," you called to him, and so he scooped Mav up and carried him in the direction of the parking lot while you toted your beach bag and the rest of your belongings. It was a short drive from the beach to the hotel, and Maverick was barely able to keep his eyes open on the way.
"He's going to sleep so good," Aaron looked in the rear view mirror at him, rubbing his eyes to try to stay away.
"Daddy," he chirped in the backseat, and Aaron nearly stopped the car in the middle of the road he was so taken aback.
"He said it! Did you hear him?"
You smiled and nodded back at him, because he'd said it plain as day.
"I told you he'd catch on soon," you practiced all afternoon the day prior, and you made sure to call Aaron Daddy whenever you talked to Mav so he'd understand. Aaron was so happy he could burst and it was obvious by the smile he couldn't wipe off his face.
When you got back to the hotel, Aaron got Maverick to sleep and it gave you time to relax before your next big adventure. Aaron wanted to walk along the boardwalk in the evening so Mav could see all the colors of the lights. You had a busy schedule planned for your days at the beach; Aaron had mapped everything out for the three of you.
"He's asleep," he whispered, rounding the corner of your spacious hotel suite. There was a couch and a small living room area, so you sat down and sighed heavily from such a fun filled day.
"I'm sure he was worn out," you laid in Aaron's lap, snuggled up to his leg. He played with your hair, leaning back into the cushions.
"We could all take a nap, go pile up in the bed," he suggested, and it didn't take much convincing for you to climb under the covers with them.
I couldn't remember the last time I'd had so much fun with anyone. The entire drive home I thought about all of the other places we could take trips to while they slept; they'd been exhausted. I was fine to drive, and we were nearly home.
By the time we reached the house, I gently shook her awake so she could go inside. I got Maverick situated in bed and figured she'd crawl in after, but instead she was making coffee.
"Not sleepy?"
She shook her head, her fingers making their way to my belt loops as she pulled me forward.
"Only a little," we moved to the couch, and as soon as we sat down she was in my lap, her arms wrapping around my neck.
"Had so much fun with you this weekend," she mumbled into my neck, her lips blazing a hot trail against my skin.
"It's going to be weird not seeing you all day tomorrow, can I come over after work?"
She nodded, her lips just below my ear, making me crazy. I'd forgotten how irresistible she was, how easily she could draw me in. I craved her so badly I could barely see straight, undoing the buttons on my shirt blindly so she could yank it off. Her own shirt met the floor next before she leaned forward and attached her lips to mine, moaning lightly into my mouth as my tongue met hers. There were too many layers between us; her hands were on my belt as I unclasped her bra, the two of us stripping each other down in a frenzy. Normally I wouldn't have been so hasty; I loved going slow with her, taking my time, but I was needy and impatient, and from the look on her face, so was she.
"Want you so bad," she squeaked, moving for a second so she could shrug her pants off, her underwear sliding down her legs with them. I could see her arousal glistening on her swollen folds as she mounted my lap and lined up with me, scanning my face to make sure what she was doing was okay. I'd never given her control like this before; it had always been me in charge of my own orgasm and hers. I gave her a nod before she gripped my shoulders and sank down on my length, letting me fill her slowly.
"Fuck, baby. Never felt anything like this before," suddenly, I didn't want any of the power—I let my head hit the cushions while she rode me, bouncing up and down on my cock like she had been made just to satisfy every desire I could think of. She was spectacular, with her brows pulled together slightly, furrowed in concentration as she brought the two of us closer to the edge. I could feel her clenching around me in desperation, she was close, and it caused me to throb uncontrollably inside of her.
"I'm surprised you let me do this," she whimpered, tightening her grip on my shoulders. I used my hands to guide her up and down so she wasn't left doing all of the work, meeting her hips with mine in a perfectly timed thrust; I came immediately, watching her go limp as she found her release too. I held her in place, content with her in my arms for the time being. I wanted to keep her close for a little while longer, before the two of us climbed in bed for the night.
"I love you, Aaron. I'm really glad we have a family together."
She leaned up to kiss me, giving me every ounce of love she had, and I did the same. She'd never know how special it was for me to have her back in my life, and with the greatest blessing I could've asked for. They made my life complete.
"I love you, sweet girl. It's still so surreal for me. I wanted to thank you, for giving this all a second chance. I won't mess it up again."
She slipped on my t-shirt and her sweatpants and we got ready for bed. We'd fallen into such an easy routine, the three of us piled together in my much bigger bed, Maverick in the middle. He left just enough room for us to slip on either side for the night, our hands linked together over the covers. I waited until I heard her breathing slow and I knew she was sleeping peacefully before I even closed my eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about how while I felt, how much I'd needed them in my life. I'd known more happiness in two weeks than I ever knew I deserved—unconditional love from the two most important people in my life had me on cloud nine as I drifted off to sleep, and for the first time in forever, dreams couldn't compare to my real life.
Taglist: @wheelsupkels @periodtcevans
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Diablo 4 is Borrowing One of Wow’s Best Features, and I Love It
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One of Diablo 4's biggest loot elements is similar to that of World of Warcraft, Blizzard's ever-expanding MMORPG epic, as it retreats into the shadows after an intense beta campaign. I’m a hoarder, it’s true. As I traversed the Diablo 4 beta’s dungeons, slew enemies, and picked up tonnes of awesome gear, I found myself constantly overburdened and wishing for a bigger backpack. While Diablo 4 doesn’t have the Tetris-like inventory of Diablo 2, I constantly find myself with too much gear – especially because Legendary drop rates were increased this weekend, too. While I greedily pick up every Legendary item I can, it’s easy to miss them, or toss them out of your inventory to make space by mistake. Thankfully, the devs have thought of that, and have borrowed one of World of Warcraft’s best features to ensure you don’t miss a thing (cue Aerosmith). As spotted by u/Japi-21 on Reddit, if you miss a Legendary item during your hunting, it will automatically be sent to you. You’ll be able to access it via the stash in your inn room (the huge treasure chest), where it appears under the tab ‘missed items.’ A screenshot from the Diablo 4 beta showing a player accessing a missed legendary item in their stashThis works similarly to WoW’s postmaster, an NPC who is responsible for sending across any items that couldn’t be awarded because your inventory was full. Destiny 2 has a similar feature, so it’s great to see that the devs have implemented something similar in Diablo 4. The comments on the thread agree, with one player writing that they “think it’s a great feature,” while another notes that it’s perfect for times when “you get disconnected before you can collect the loot.” It’s a tiny change, but it’s one of the many that bring the classic dungeon crawler into the modern age. Diablo 4 feels like an upgrade. It feels like something new for the age-old series, and that’s one of the things that make it oh-so very exciting. If you’re yet to step foot into the woeful world of Sanctuary, be sure to check out our Diablo 4 gameplay preview for a window into the game’s tortured universe. If you’ve been playing all weekend, be sure to check out everything we know about the Diablo 4 release date – admit it, Lilith has ensnared you, hasn’t she? I won’t tell anyone, promise. Read the full article
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Graspop Metal Meeting returns 2022 with Iron Maiden Judas Priest and Aerosmith
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16-19 June 2022, Dessel, Belgium
More information and tickets at https://www.graspop.be/en/
Want more festivals? Check out our Festival Calendar for a complete list.  
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kaileeandag · 2 years
Items in Michiko’s Collection
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Meet Outfit (green dress with daisy decal, blue and tan sandals) Meet Accessories (pretend bag of cheese flavored Curl snck, pretend 1,000 yen bill, and Holly Hobbie girls purse with matching wallet)
School Collection: -Michiko’s School Uniform (short sleeve white blouse, blue gold plaid two tab skort, white socks and black mary jane shoes) -Michiko’s Backpack and Supplies (black Caribou Cricket backpack containing a 5th grade social studies book, a 5th grade language arts book, a notebook, two pencils, and pink pen. Items come in a Holly Hobbie pencil case) -Michiko’s School Lunch (Snow White lunchbox, contains these pretend food items: peanut butter sandwich, bag of Cheese Tidbit crackers, and a carton of chocolate milk)
Holiday Collection: -Michiko’s Christmas Recital Outfit (red and gold dress with black tights and red mary jane shoes) -Michiko’s Sears 1975 Christmas Catalog (doll sized version of the actual catalog that came out for the 1975 Christmas season) -Holly Hobbie Tote Bag (gift from her teacher Ms. Tanguay, to keep her reading books in) -Michiko’s Christmas Breakfast (all items are pretend: stack of two pancakes and butter, two strips of bacon, hash brown potatoes, Pillsbury biscuit with butter, and cup of orange juice) -Michiko’s Winnie The Pooh stuffed animal -Michiko’s Growing Up Skipper doll -Michiko’s U.S. Olympic Wardrobe Barbie doll (comes with a swimsuit, a ski suit, and a skating outfit) -Michiko’s SunSet Malibu Barbie doll
Holiday Collection (part 2): -Betty Crocker Cook Book (1975 edition) -Michiko’s Record Set (plays 30 second samples of these songs: Only Women Bleed by Alice Cooper, Seasons of Wither by Aerosmith, We’re an American Band by Grand Funk Railroad, I Wanna Be With You by Raspberries, and All Right Now by Free) -Alice Cooper Welcome to My Nightmare record (does not function) -Frog and Toad Are Friends and Frog and Toad Are Together books (to help her improve on her English skills) -Barbie doll kimono (made by her sister Hanako, given to her on Christmas Eve) -Walt Disney’s Story Land book
Birthday Collection: -Michiko’s Birthday Outfit (light yellow shirt, blue bell bottom jeans, white socks and sneakers) -Michiko’s Birthday Cake (pretend vanilla chocolate frosted cake with two ‘1′ candles) -Michiko’s Birthday Supplies (table with pink table cover, three pink balloons, banner reading ‘Happy 11th Birthday’, and two blue balloons) -Mystery Date board game -Michiko’s Kitten Hime (name means Princess, is a black kitten and comes with a blue circular pet bed)
Summer Collection: -Michiko’s Bicentennial Shirt (white shirt with American flag and ‘76 decal. Can be combined with the bell bottoms from her birthday outfit) -Michiko’s Slushie (pretend grape flavored Slush Puppy)
Winter Collection: -Michiko’s Coat and Boots (orange coat, black boots) -Michiko’s Hat and Mittens (pink hat and mittens) -Michiko’s Sled (red sled)
Bedroom Collection: -Michiko’s Pajamas (light blue silk pajamas) -Michiko’s Nightgown (light blue cotton nightgown) -Entertainment Center -Michiko’s TV (does not function, has screenshots from these shows: Good Times, Sanford and Son, Sesame Street, All In The Family, and Scooby Doo) -Michiko’s Record Player and Radio (functions as both as a record player and a radio) -Michiko’s Bed and Bedding (twin bed with Raggedy Ann and Andy bedding) -Michiko’s Mickey Mouse Bean Bag -Michiko’s Magazine Rack and Magazines (comes with doll sized issues of these magazines: Non-no, Seventeen Japan, Soen, and Junon) -Michiko’s Candies records (doll sized versions of these records:  Anata ni Muchū ~Uchiki na Candies~, Abunai Doyōbi ~Candies no Sekai~, Namida no Kisetsu, and Toshishita no Otokonoko) (each record plays 30 second samples of the title tracks)
Extra Items: -Michiko’s Manga Collections (contains doll sized versions of these manga: GeGeGe no Kitarō vol. 1, Doraemon vol. 1, Lupin III vol. 1, and Orochi vol. 1) -Michiko’s Sketchbook (contains sketches of these characters: Lupin III, Kitaro from  GeGeGe no Kitarō, Tetsujin-28 from Tetsujin 28-go, Devilman from Devilman, Sally from Sally The Witch, Sazae from Sazae-san, the Osomatsu brothers from Osomatsu-kun, Ultraman Leo from Ultraman Leo, and Kamen Rider Amazon from Kamen Rider Amazon) (in America, Tetsujin 28-go is known as Gigantor) -Michiko’s Japanese Literature books (comes with doll sized versions of these books: The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai, The Spider’s Thread by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, The Boy Detectives Club by Ranpo Edogawa, and Arishi Hi no Uta by Chūya Nakahara) -Michiko’s Japanese dolls (comes with these dolls, all are Japanese only: Skipper Japan, Midge Japan, Twist n Turn Barbie #2624, and The Sun Set Malibu Skipper) (the Skipper Japan doll has different eyes while the Midge Japan doll has a different head and eyes. The Sun Set Malibu Skipper has a different hair color. The Twist n’ Turn Barbie is wearing a pink and black fleece shirt and black skirt)
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idk if i'm gonna do all of the BJ book on here yet, BUT here's a section of it that kind of helps expand on the 'Evil Bill and Evil Ted trash Bill and Ted's place' scene and I fucking love that we got a little bit more fleshed out characterization of EB and ET in the book because I love them (also a funny little bit on De Nomolos' 'teaching')
Bill and Ted weren't the best housekeepers in the world. Evil Bill and Evil Ted were even worse - horrible, in fact. They were also totally into mindless destruction, and while Good Bill and Good Ted had their faults, destroying for destroying's sake was not one of them. Of course, they knew that once they got the Wyld Stallyns off the ground, they would have to destroy a few thousand dollars' worth of equipment whenever they played some live gigs in mega-arenas -the fans would expect it - but that was in the future, when they could afford it.
With Evil Bill and Evil ted, on the other hand, it was not only their life's work, what they had been totally programmed to do, but it was their hobby was well. Now, having destroyed their relationship between Good Bill and Good Ted and the princesses and murdering Bill and ted into the bargain, Evil Bill and Evil Ted were addressing themselves to the question of trashing Bill and Ted's apartment. They were very good at it. Pros, you might say.
They had already had a certain amount of fun tearing up what there was of bill and Ted's meager wardrobe, flushing smaller household items down the toilet and totally scratching and smashing their prized collection of Aerosmith and Iron Maiden records. The stereo and the TV were just smoking shells, the posters had been stripped from the walls, the rug ripped up from the floor, the curtains destroyed, the furniture hacked to splinters.
Evil Bill and Evil Ted now turned to the kitchen and found that that was a very entertaining venue, opening up many opportunities for creative and imaginative ways of destroying things.
Ted threw open the door of the refrigerator and yanked out a can of soda. He shook it ferociously and then fired a long stream of sticky liquid at Evil Bill.
"You look thirsty, dude!" cackled Evil Ted.
"And you look hungry!" yelled Evil Bill. He grabbed a handful of eggs from the rack in the door of the refrigerator and pasted evil Ted in the side of the head with two of them.
"Yah!" Evil Ted squeezed some of the yolk from his hair. "And I know what you want!"
"Dessert, dude!" Evil Ted pulled out an aerosol can of whipped cream topping and blasted away at Evil Bill. Cream, eggs and soda made the kitchen floor sticky underfoot, and just for the heck of it, Evil Bill and Evil Ted pulled all the food out of the refrigerator, tossed it to the ground and trampled it into paste.
Then they turned their attention to the kitchen cabinets, inventing, on the spur of the moment, a new kind of basketball. Instead of using a ball, like normal people, or even normal robots, they played with all the glassware - plates, glasses, saucers - that they found in the cabinets. True, you couldn't dribble a plate - no bounce, right? - but it did make for a very satisfying slam dunk.
You see, Bill and ted had a little indoor basketball net over their kitchen door, and sometimes, when they had to have some very serious and deep conversation, they would sit at their kitchen counter, talking about the Wyld Stallyns, their babes, their future and other serious things, shooting a nerf ball at the hoop. It helped them concentrate and it didn't do any harm.
That just wasn't evil Bill and Evil Ted's kind of game. Evil Ted had a big water glass in his right hand, and he was backing in toward the basket, his left arm out to keep Evil bill out of the way. Evil Bill, for his part, was working hard to block, in Evil ted's face, trying to prevent the attacker from getting a look at the basket.
"No way, dude," said Evil Bill, "you'll get through my totally non-heinous and most resplendent blocking."
"Yah?" Evil Ted powered in a few feet and hooked the glass at the basket. It sailed through the air, end over end, whiffed through the basket and exploded with a crash on the tile floor.
"Two points, dude!"
"Lucky, dude, that's all. My turn." He scooped up a dinner plate, faked right, went left and blew by Evil Ted, leaped for the hoop and jammed, slamming the plate into smithereens.
"He shoots! He scores!" yelled Evil Bill. "The man, er, robot is unstoppable!"
Evil Ted had an armful of glasses, and he was standing about where he imagined the free throw line to be, pitching them toward the basket. Not all of them swished - a couple of them just smashed against the kitchen wall, showering glass over everything - but most found their target and then shattered.
Evil Bill did his best to help out, goaltending, tipping in a few of the rim shots. It sounded as if it were raining broken glass in the wreckage of Bill and Ted's apartment.
Then, abruptly, it stopped.
"More!" demanded Evil Bill.
Evil Ted was peering into the cupboards, rummaging around, throwing out cans and cereal boxes, rifling the shelves, like a thief searching for hidden valuables.
"Bad news, dude."
"Game's over. We are totally out of dishes!"
They look for a moment over the extensive wreckage, smiles of satisfaction on their faces.
"Well," said Evil Bill. "It was fun while it lasted. I just wish those other us's had more stuff to wreck."
"Well, we didn't make all that much at Pretzels 'n' Cheese, dude."
"Yah, but I wish we had spent more on decorating."
Evil Ted suddenly had a totally triumphant idea. "Wait, Evil Bill, check this out."
"This, dude." Evil Ted put his hands around his neck, as if he were trying to strangle himself, and pulled. His electronic, completely solid-state head popped out of his neck, trailing a few wires like tentacles. His headless body thundered across the kitchen, crunching glass underfoot, and slam-dunked his own indestructible head into the basket.
"Two points!" Evil Ted's head roared as it rolled across the kitchen floor.
Evil Bill was most impressed with this new variation on the game. True, they were trashing themselves now, but trashing is trashing.
"Not bad, dude, not bad."
"That's what I call heads-up basketball, dude." Evil Ted's head was still on the floor, and it was giving a certain amount of thought to the problem of how to get back to his body.
"Here," said Evil Bill, "lemme try that." Just as Evil Ted had done, Evil Bill pilled his head off his neck, as easily as popping a tab on a soft-drink can. "Check this out, Evil Ted. Keep your eye on the ball and watch a perfect Kareem-style sky hook." Evil Bill lofted his own head high in the air, a long graceful arc that seemed to be perfectly on target - until it slammed into one of the blades of the ceiling fan in the kitchen. It stuck there and turned slowly around, as if it were on a merry-go-round.
"Whoaaaaaa!" shouted Evil Bill's head. "Totally bogus!"
"Dude! You totally didn't see the fan!" Evil Ted's body, all on its own, decided it was time it had a head back. It reached down and grabbed it and stuffed it back on his neck.
Evil Bill's head continued to turn round and round. It was beginning to make him a little dizzy.
"Evil Ted! Get my body over here and take me off this thing."
"Yah! You heard him, dude," said the now-complete Evil Ted to Evil Bill's headless torso. "Go get your head, dude."
Instead of doing what it was told, the body casually waved to Evil Bill's twirling head, gesturing to him as if it didn't give a damn whether it ever got back with its head again.
"Whoooaaa!" said Evil Ted. "What a lousy attitude you have, Evil Bill."
"As soon as I get back to my body, dude, I am gonna totally beat myself black and blue."
"You'll totally have it coming to you, Evil Bill. Trouble is it's gonna hurt you more than it'll hurt yourself."
"It'll be worth it. Evil Ted, dude, get me down from here, would ya please?"
"Yah!" Evil Ted leaped as if going up for a jump shot, grabbed the head off the fan blade and came down lightly. This seemed to get Evil Bill's body's attention. Evil Ted waved the head at the body. "Got your head, dude!" he said tauntingly.
"Stop fooling around, Evil Ted, and totally reunite me with my body."
"No way, dude!" Evil Ted tucked the head into the crook of his right arm like a football running back. "I'm gonna score a touchdown!"
Evil Bill's voice was muffled. "Gotta get through my triumphant defense first." Evil Bill's headless body charged toward Evil Ted like a front-line blocker. "I'm gonna totally tackle you, dude!"
"No way!" Evil Ted danced around Evil Bill's body, raced into the living room and spiked Evil Bill's head into a wastebasket. "Touch-down for Evil Ted! Now for the triumphant field goal!"
"You're not kicking my head anywhere, dude!" Evil Bill's body rushed into the living room and grabbed the head out of the wastebasket. Quickly he jammed the head back on his shoulders. "That's better."
"That was fun!" said Evil Ted.
"Yah! Way to go, dude! We are truly most resplendent total headbangers."
"Yah!" Evil Ted air-guitared wildly for a moment, then stopped stock-still, a funny look on his face.
"What's up, Evil Ted?"
"We're wanted on the phone, Evil Bill. It's the boss from head office." Evil Ted smacked the back of his head and his eye popped into his hand. There was a moment of static and fuzz in the pupil, the De Nomolos's sneery face came on the screen.
"How's it goin', master-dude?"
De Nomolos looked with utter contempt at his two evil creations. Even though they were central to his plan, he couldn't help but loathe these two creatures. He looked forward to a time when not only would there be no Bill and Ted, but no manmade Bill and Teds either. Bliss...
"Give me a report," snapped De Nomolos. "At once!"
"We totally ruined things between Joanna and Elizabeth and Bill and Ted," said Evil Bill.
"Yah. They were most sad dudes when we totally murdered them."
"Yah! And now we've been having a little R and R while we trash their heinous apartment."
"Stop wasting time," De Nomolos barked. "You must proceed with the plan. Immediately, do you understand me?"
"Yes, master-dude!" they said in unison.
"Understand me, you cretins," said De Nomolos, "it is not enough that you destroy those two...those two...," he couldn't even bring himself to say their names, "...imbeciles. It is imperative that you destroy everything about them."
"Totally!" agreed Evil Bill and Evil Ted.
"So get on with it," De Nomolos ordered. "Follow you orders to the letter."
"Okay, dude," said Evil Ted. "What's next? What does the program say?"
"Don't think! You're not programmed to think!" yelled De Nomolos. "Just do! The next phase consists of completely alienating Bill and Ted from everyone they've ever known."
"Right!" said Evil Bill.
"Excellent!" said Evil Ted. "You are one most smart dude, dude."
De Nomolos looked withy disgust at the machines he had created in the image of his greatest enemies. "I hate them and I hate robot versions of them."
"Hey, dude," said Evil Bill, "don't blame us. You're the one who made us."
"Yah!" said Evil Ted.
"Don't remind me," said De Nomolos. "Get to work!"
The image on the eye monitor fuzzed over and De Nomolos disappeared. Back in the future, he was busy implementing his own part in the plan, which consisted mainly of indoctrinating his captive students at Bill and Ted University in the history he had so carefully and nastily rewritten.
"Pop quiz!" he said suddenly to the class. "Close your books!"
Thomas Edison, Bach and the rest of the class closed their personal copies of a not very fascinating book called Nomolos de Nomolos - The Greatest Man In History and sat up straight.
De Nomolos scowled at the ranks of students. "In what year did Robot Ted marry Missy?" He scanned the room, as if about to choose a candidate for execution. "Thomas Edison! Answer me!"
Edison started as if he had been pinched and swallowed hard. It had been a while since he had taken a pop quiz, and he had never taken one with a gun to his head. It was a most disconcerting feeling.
"Uh...1996?" he asked hopefully.
De Nomolos actually smiled, an expression that looked sort of peculiar, out of place on his face. "Very good. You are as smart as your reputation said you were."
Seeing as Edison was on De Nomolos's good side, he thought he might use the opportunity to get out of the jam he found himself in. "Sir, I hate to bother you, but I have to be getting back to New Jersey to invent the motion picture, and I happen to know that Johann Sebastian Bach here was halfway through Das Musicalishes Opfer - really smoking, really on a roll too - so maybe we could be heading back to our own times now."
Edison wasn't teacher's pet anymore. "Shut up. You know no one can leave the century during a quiz. Leads to cheating. Now... you!" He pointed to a student in the third row who was so scared she jumped about a foot on the air.
"Yes, you..." De Nomolos's brow furrowed as if he was trying to think up a real toughie. "In what year did Missy marry Robot Bill?"
"1998," she said quickly.
De Nomolos smiled his bad guy smile. "Good... Good... Things are coming along very nicely, very nicely indeed." De Nomolos looked around the room, drawing a bead on another hapless student, like a sniper fixing a victim in the crosshairs of his sights. "You!" All the time that Robot Bill and Robot Ted were on earth, where were the actual Bill and Ted?"
The student swallowed hard. "They were dead, sir. Totally."
"Exactly." De Nomolos spoke with a great and obvious sense of satisfaction. Things seemed to be going his way, just as planned. "Gone... dead. Never to return again. And that means that their idiocy will have died with them. No one can do anything about it. Ingenious, isn't it?"
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cockslutpadalecki · 4 years
Back To The Movies Writing Challenge
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To celebrate cinemas now open again in the UK and my trash can of a blog reaching 8K, here’s another little challenge for you! 
Fandoms you can write for: - Supernatural (Sam/Dean/John) - The Walking Dead (Negan) - MCU (Steve... at a push Bucky, definitely Stucky (w/reader) heheh). - Knives Out (Ransom Drysdale).
Smut/fluff/angst and any and all variations of those tropes are welcome.
Non-con/dub-con is allowed as are most things except toilet stuff and underage. That being said, please tag your warnings accordingly.
Word limit is 2K. Anything over 500 words needs a “read more” tab otherwise it will not get reblogged.
Any POV is cool with me.
Please send me an ask to let me know which song choice you have picked.
Two people per song choice, but I am willing to open it up further if necessary,
Genuine entries only please. I’m done with people signing up and then not submitting anything. It’s incredibly frustrating and I don’t really have the time to chase you for your entry. However, if you do sign up and then can’t fulfill your prompt, please let me know so I can let someone else have it.
Please use the tag “#backtothemovieschallenge” in the first five tags and tag me in your author's notes.
If I haven’t reblogged your entry within 48 hours, send me an ask or DM to give me a nudge. 
Closing date is October 1st. If you need an extension, please let me know.
Have fun!
Not all of these are the ‘staple’ movie soundtrack song like I had originally planned, but hey if it’s a musical it still counts right?
Don’t You Forget About Me - The Breakfast Club - Simple Minds - @miss-nerd95​ (@bucky--barnes​)
Shallow - A Star Is Born - Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper - @jennmurawski13​
Ashes - Deadpool 2 - Celine Dion - @abbirae99
It Must’ve Been Love - Pretty Woman - Roxette - @letsby
Can’t Fight The Moonlight - Coyote Ugly - LeAnn Rimes - @crashdevlin
I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing - Armageddon - Aerosmith - @nikki-writes-stuff​
The Boy Next Door - Meet Me In St. Louis - Judy Garland - @holylulusworld​
Everything I Do (I Do It For You) - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - Bryan Addams
Show Me Heaven - Days Of Thunder - Maria McKee
I Will Always Love You - The Bodyguard - Whitney Houston - @thoughtslikeaminefield
As Real As You And Me - Home - Rihanna
Anthonio (Berlin Breakdown Version) - The Guest - Annie
Gotta Go My Own Way - High School Musical 2 - Vanessa Hudgens
Take My Breath Away - Top Gun - Berlin - @nekoannie-chan​ / @angryschnauzer​
Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now - Mannequin - Starship 
Broken - The Punisher - Seether and Amy Lee - @angrythingstarlight​
Rewrite The Stars - The Greatest Showman - Zac Efron and Zendaya - @mummybear​
I Want You To Want Me - 10 Things I Hate About You - Letters To Cleo - @deanmonandnegansbitch / @chuuulip​
There You’ll Be - Pearl Harbour - Faith Hill
There Are Worse Things I Could Do - Grease - Stockard Channing - @peridottea91​
I Don’t Wanna Live Forever - Fifty Shades Darker - Zayn Malik and Taylor Swift - @moosekateer13​
Stand By Me - Stand By Me - Ben E. King - @finleyjayne​
Stay - Reality Bites - Lisa Loeb
Signal boost? 
@negans-lucille-tblr @princessmisery666 @mummybear @manawhaat @thoughtslikeaminefield @crashdevlin @holylulusworld @fictionalabyss @chuuulip @impala-dreamer @pink1031 @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @nikki-writes-stuff @kellyn1604 @letsby @imanuglywombat @threeminutesoflife @pinknerdpanda @there-must-be-a-lock @deanwanddamons @becs-bunker @itmighthavebeenintentional @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @finleyjayne @daisysouthmoore @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s @irrelevantwriter @dontshootmespence @deans-baby-momma​ @ohwowreallycool​ @smol-and-grumpy​​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​​ @kittenofdoomage​
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
Like Father Like Daughter
Dewey Finn x Stark!Daughter Reader - Part 1
 OK hai. so this is a crossover if you couldn't already tell lmao. Tony Stark Daughter reader x Dewey Finn. if you ain’t a fan of marvel then you don’t need to think of it as that and vice versa. this ended up very long winded lmao I apologise but I got carried away hehe. It’s a fluffy, kinda smutty, kinda angsty lil part one about the reader finding a connection in someone knew that she never expected!
I imagine them both to be around like 24/26 age wise maybe? I am also most likely going to be doing a part 2 that involves more of Tony hehe, hope you enjoy my lovelies!!
words - 4400 (lmao i’m so sorry)
warnings - fluff, slight smut, slight angst, drinking
also, this absolutely amazing mood board was created by the one and only @thewolfisapartofmysoul​ thank you so much for this little masterpiece it ties everything together amazingly xxx
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“listen, my night is going to go the same as they always do: I’ll hook up with some guy, we’ll go back to mine, he’ll wake up and realise who I am, then my dad will see him leave, me and him will fight and then I’ll grab a cheese burger from burger king and then sleep off my hangover” you explained as you applied the final layer of mascara, talking to your best friend as you got ready to go out, yet again. your friend giggled “god y/n, you’re so like your dad when he was younger”. You rolled your eyes. Being the daughter of the famous genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist Tony Stark had its troubles. You were sick of the famous lifestyle, constantly being followed around, the lack of freedom and the fake friends was taking it’s toll on you. Not to mention your dad constantly being on your back. Yeah you got on with him great, most of the time, but there was a gap that no one was able to fix. When your mom died when you were 11, you began to change. Tony tried his best but you missed her.
So you started to act out. Going out all the time, getting drunk, getting laid then getting up to do it again the next day, never really making any real connections. Some would say you were your dads daughter, and they weren’t wrong. you could hold your drink, you went to university to study mechanics (not that you didn’t know how to do it all anyway), you were witty, and some would argue sometimes a bit arrogant – but only those who crossed you would argue arrogant. But no one knew the real you. Most just assumed you were the same as your father when he was your age; arrogant, rich and a shitty person. No one wanted to know the real you, and those who did, only did because of who your dad was.
So here you were, getting ready to go out for the fourth time this week, wearing tight black, high waisted jeans, a lacy bodysuit, black denim jacket and a pair of tatty old black converse. Your ACDC t-shirt was laying on your bed ready for when you came home too drunk, probably going to get thrown on the floor as you pushed some random guy down on to the sheets. You and your friend snuck out of your room at 9:15, trying to avoid your dad so you wouldn’t argue, stealing a bottle of his Jack Daniels off of the shelf in the kitchen as you both ran out of the apartment.
* * * *
“another double please good sir” you shouted at the barman over the painfully loud music at the bar, whom you had been flirting with. He was cute. Probably hung like a horse. Your friend had fucked off with some other guy around 35 minutes ago so you stayed at the bar and drank to your hearts content, hoping the barman would be tonight’s victim. You clinked glasses with the barman, upon looking at his name tag you realised his name was jack, “cheers jack” you said as you both downed a double rum and coke. You giggled once you had finished your drink, licking the corner of your top lip with bedroom eyes painted on your face. Jack smiled back, then his eyes squinted and a wave of realisation brushed his face “wait.. aren’t you the daughter of Tony Stark?” he smirked. Your face dropped. “why you gotta ruin it jack” you said as you got up to walk away and find someone new, leaving a 50 dollar bill on the table for the barman to pick up.
Huffing, you began to walk to the other bar across the room, but suddenly someone bumped into you and all you could feel was the freezing cold liquid from his glass trickle all down your tits and chest. “what the fuck” you exclaimed, flailing your hands at your side. The boy looked directly at your tits when he realised what he had done, his eyes growing wide, then up at your face, then back down. “hooollyy fuck, oh my god I’m so sorry” he exclaimed, looking back up at your face. You examined his features, curly, dark hair, little bit of scruff on his face, ACDC t-shirt on, similar to the one laying on your bed currently, and cute as fuck brown eyes. “uh, come on I gotta get you some tissues”. He grabbed your wrist and headed back towards the bar.
You followed him drunkenly, swaying slightly and bumping into him. He grabbed a few tissues from the holder at the bar and went to start wiping away the Bacardi on your chest but he stopped when he realised where he was about to touch. You looked up at him knowingly and nodded, smirking. He smiled back, snickering slightly. He dabbed the area where your chest was exposed, and tried to keep his composure. You continued to smirk and put one hand on your hip, looking down at him brushing over your exposed top tit, thinking about how he is probably freaking out inside. “sick t-shirt” you told him, looking at his top then up to his eyes. “uhh, thanks” he said still dabbing your chest. You laughed “alright dude I think it’s all gone”. He removed his hand quickly, “oh yeah.. sorry. Yeah no my t-shirt was actually from their tour last year” he smiled looking down at it then back up at you. A dopey smile painted on his face. You got excited “oh my god no way! I was at that concert!” He matched your excitement “oh no way man that’s sick! The one where Brian Johnson brought that girl on stage and she flashed her tits?”. Once he said that you were instantly taken back to that concert. That girl he was on about was you. You and your dad had fallen out because you both got far too drunk at that concert so you went down to the crowd and done what you did to piss him off. It was fair to say he didn’t talk to you for a month straight. You laughed “oh my god that girl was me!”. His eyes grew wide again “no way that’s amazing” he laughed with you. “yeah I was far too drunk and was trying to piss off my dad. I’m y/n by the way.” You shouted over the loud music. “Dewey” he replied close to your ear so you could hear him. “and if I had a daughter who’d done that, she’s never see the light of day again” he joked.
Dewey. Dewey, Dewey, Dewey. This guy seemed pretty cool. “Hey Dewey, I think I owe you a drink” you said turning towards the bar and leaning over it, sticking your ass out ever so slightly, and Dewey had noticed the gesture, raising his eyebrow, admiring, but pretended he didn’t. He joined you at the bar and put his hand up to get the attention of the barman “I’m pretty sure this is supposed to go the other way around”. You laughed, “trust me I don’t mind. I’ve got more money than sense- Hey jack two double Bacardi please, just add it to my tab”. Dewey laughed “well as long as you’re sure”. You looked at him and grinned “more than sure. So uh, where are your friends?” you pondered, wondering why he was alone. Dewey looked down and tried to keep smiling. “ah you know guys, they are all out to pick up girls and get laid so they left to go to a club just before I bumped into you”. He looked up at the barman then down at you again. you rested your chin on your hand “so why didn’t you go with them?” a puzzled look on your face. Dewey looked down again. “I mean, well, I don’t wanna sound corny but I come out for the music, and to have a good time – not just to pick up chicks, and get laid”. You smiled at him, how sweet. “and besides, this bar plays sick music and its cheap.. and well, its got cool people like you in it”.
You grinned and elbowed him playfully “aw you, you’re cute”. A blush appeared on Dewey’s face as he looked up then at you. You also came to this bar because of the music. It was relatively small so not many people ever really noticed who you were. But they played ACDC, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, Queen.. the list was endless and all your favourites. “not a lot of other people I know like this bar because if the music, but I freaking love it” you said handing him his freshly made drink, and clinking it with him. “bottoms up” Dewey said and you replied “bottoms up good sir”. As you held the glass up to your mouth your eyes moved to the door where you seen your friend leaving with some guy on her arm. Rolling your eyes you necked back the double Bacardi.
“well, seeing as both of our friends have abandoned us, do you fancy getting drunk and having a laugh with me Dewey?” you questioned him as he slammed the cup back on the bar from downing the strong beverage. He looked over and you “sounds like a damn good plan to me y/n”. You smirked. “we are gonna have so much fun”.
* * * *
 The amount of alcohol you had consumed between one another was sinful by the time the bar closed. Shot after shot, double after double. You had probably drank the place dry of Bacardi and Tequila. The music was the best they had ever played and you both danced and jumped the night away. What was going on? Normally you were grinding up against some guy trying to get him to go home with you, not that it took much, but tonight you actually had the time of your life. Between belting out the lyrics to Don’t Stop Believing, to trying to do all of the parts of Bohemian Rhapsody had you on some high you had never felt. Dewey wasn’t like any other guy you normally kicked around with but boy were you glad that he spilled his drink on you. You had shared one kiss with him the whole time you were there and it was after the song Sweet Child O’ Mine. you had looked up at the drunken face singing the last lyric and just felt an urge to jump forward and kiss it. Dewey was shocked, but pleasantly surprised. It was a soft kiss, the kind where his top lip rested below yours. He simply rested his hands on your waist for a second before pulling away because the beginning of Summer of 69 began to play. You laughed at him. He was so different from the other jerks you would pick up. They would grab your ass and stick their tongues down your throat; but not Dewey. He was different.
Dewey pulled you away from the closing bar as well as he could as you argued with the bouncer about leaving. “and y-you listen to me.. it’s o-only 3:30 it’s so EEARRLLY” you shouted at them as they kicked everyone out, not there were many left. Dewey laughed drunkenly at you as he pulled you down the street “yeah you tell em”. You kept a hold of Dewey’s hand as you cuddled into him slightly, trying to beat the cold, walking the streets to anywhere. Neither of you secretly wanted to leave one another. “here, do you want my jacket?” Dewey slightly slurred,. “nah ma man I’m good I’ve got my own” you smirked looking up at him with punch-drunk eyes. Dewey looked down at you and smiled then he slammed his eyes shut and used his hands to play an air guitar, making noises to sound like the guitar at the start of Highway to Hell. as soon as you realised what he was doing, you also smashed your eyes closed and moved your head back and forth “living easy.. living free” you started. Unconsciously you started walking in the direction back to your dads apartment at the Stark Tower as you both continued belting out rock classics to one another, singing the guitar riff to see if the other one could guess the song.
“oh you know I know that ones Hotel California by the Eagles” Dewey exclaimed as you reached the front doors of Stark Tower. Dewey hadn’t even clocked where he was because he was too drunk and preoccupied by you, but he knew that this must be your apartment building by the way you began to walk towards the door. In Dewey’s mind this meant goodbye. This was what always happened. He would walk a girl home, give her his number then never hear from her again. he was nervous about the rejection. You stopped once you realised that Dewey had stopped and wasn’t following you. You looked around at him “what are you waiting for? A cold?” you joked. Dewey’s eyes opened wide “wait what? You want me to come in with you?” he said dumbfound. You scoffed “obviously. You wouldn’t believe the alcohol collection my dad has up there.. speaking of, my dad will probably be in the apartment but he’s probably passed out in his workshop so wouldn’t even hear a bomb going off in the kitchen so don’t worry about him”. Dewey felt a blush creeping on to his face, no one had ever invited him up like this before. It made him feel like he was someone important, or interesting.
You both pretended to act sober walking past the receptionist, not that she would say anything anyway, she knew exactly who you were and what you were up to. You playfully pushed Dewey into the empty elevator and pressed the button to the penthouse. Out of habit, you pulled Dewey by his t-shirt flush against you and started to kiss him. Dewey chuckled into the kiss, closing his eyes, not being able to believe what was going on. He put his arms around your waist as you slung yours over his shoulders. “hey.. do you.. have.. any.. coffee?” he questioned between kisses. You pulled away from him and looked up at him confused. “of course I do why?” you smiled. “because I could murder a cup right now” you giggled at him.  “of course I do”. You LOVED coffee. It was your favourite beverage, next to Jack Daniels of course; your daddy’s daughter alright. Having coffee after a night out was always one of your favourite things to drink, you swore it made the hangover slightly easier. However all the guys you usually brought home went straight to the vodka to get more drunk. This guy was so fresh, and new, and more like yourself than you could have imagined.
When the elevator door dinged open you and Dewey came out laughing about something stupid. Suddenly JARVIS started to talk to you. “uh, miss Stark, you know Mr Stark doesn’t approve of you bringing strays home every-“ you heard the AI start “oh shut up Jarvis, where is he anyway” you moaned back at it. “your father is downstairs in the workshop asleep” you silently cheered “yes. Thank you JARVIS, bye”. You turned round to look at Dewey who was in shock, eyes wide and mouth gaped open. “what.. the hell.. was that?” he asked laughing. You giggled at his reaction “ah don’t worry about JARVIS, he’s kinda just like the intercom system”. “I can still hear you miss. I’m actually a lot smarter than-“ “goodnight JARVIS” you cooed at the AI before he would drone on. You headed over to the kitchen. Dewey followed you and looked around, in complete awe. “your folks must be super rich y/n, what the hell” you chuckled “yeah, you could say that”.
As you went to turn on the coffee machine, Dewey’s eyes caught the wall in the back of the living room that was full of classic, expensive guitars. He began to walk over to them “woow no fucking way! Where the hell did you get these bad boys?” he exclaimed, admiring the Gibson Les Paul “Black Beauty” 1956, that was at least $30000. You turned on the coffee machine and walked over to stand beside him, folding your arms. “yeah, it’s a hobby me and my dad share. We are obsessed.” You walked down the wall a little more picking up the 1968 Fender Strat. You sat on the edge of the couch and started to pick at the strings. “this. this is our prize possession. The 1968 Fender Strat, previously owned by Jimmy Hendrix.” Dewey’s face lit up in disbelief. You continued to look down at the strings “yeah my dad paid.. what was it now? 2.3 mil I think it was? Maybe 2.4? I can’t remember exactly but it’s somewhere around that figure.” Dewey was dumbfounded for the second time in 15 minutes. “by mil, you mean million right?” you nodded. “who the fuck is your dad” Dewey laughed. You looked down then to the side then at him “aw it doesn’t matter.. why don’t you hold this, have a wee play and I’ll go sort out the coffee? What do you take?” you questioned, handing him the guitar. Dewey’s eyes lit up when you handed him the instrument. Excitement bubbling in him. “uhh… I’ll just take it black the now” he replied. You smiled to yourself walking back to the kitchen. You also took you coffee black after a night out.
Before fixing the coffee you went and got changed. Walking into your bedroom you were glad that you had laid out your ACDC t-shirt before leaving, actually putting it on before getting in the bed for the first time in a long time. You had just decided to wear the t-shirt and a pair of panties seeing that the t-shirt just covered your ass, and a pair of your dads black sport socks as they were the comfiest. you tied your hair up in a loose, messy ponytail and went back to pour the coffees. You could hear Dewey playing the guitar from the kitchen and the sounds soothed you. There was nothing you loved more. You could tell from the sound that he had picked up the acoustic guitar. “oooh the Gibson Hummingbird, nice choice” you complimented as you walked towards Dewey with two mugs in your hand. “yeah It’s one of my.. favourites” he looked up to see you in just the ACDC t-shirt, the exact same one he had on. It was long, but he could still make out your figure, and the shape of your breasts from the way it was sitting. And it sat high, very high on your legs, at the top of your thighs. It was hot. Dewey tried not to stare but it was hard when you looked that beautiful. “nice t-shirt” he decided to say as he put the guitar back on the wall. you blushed slightly “thanks. You know, normally people just walk past the guitars without giving them a thought.” Dewey came and sat on the opposite end of the couch from you “are you kidding? Those guitars are probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Guitars and music is my life. I actually run my own music business for kids, sort of like an after school thing actually” he said proudly. “oh my god that’s amazing, I love that” you returned excitedly. Dewey looked down at his mug, blushing “yeah the kids enjoy it, I mean so do I. the little rascals”. You smiled at him.
Dewey looked up at you. “you know, I’ve never met anyone like you before”. You smirked “I’m just one of a kind baby” you joked. Baby. Dewey felt a little heat in his stomach when he heard you say that, even though it was in jest. “nah you’re the same dude, your so different from anyone I’ve ever met. You’re so down to earth, and genuine.. and we have so much in common like I’ve never met anyone else who nerds out over guitars like me and my dad before” you smiled. “your dad sounds like a cool guy, I’d like to meet him one day”. You chuckled and looked down “yeah don’t they all”. “what?” Dewey questioned, not really hearing you. “nothing” you said, smiling and looking up at him. The warm glow from the lights really made his face look soft, and inviting. You put your coffee on the table and scooted over next to him, taking the mug off of him and placing it on the table. Dewey furrowed his eyebrows, not really sure what to do, or what was going to happen next.
You put your hands up to his face, rubbing your thumbs up and down. “you’re really different, and I really like it”. Dewey blushed from your words. You leant into kiss him softly, his top lip below yours. Dewey kissed you back. This was like no kiss either of you had experienced. It was warm, and soft, not aggressive and needy. You felt butterflies in your stomach, which was something you hadn’t experienced in a long time. You had kissed a lot of guys and felt a lot of things, but nothing ever like this. Dewey moved his hands to your waist and pulled you on to his lap, your legs straddling his middle. He then moved his hands down and on to your thighs. Those thighs. He had been thinking about them from the moment he seen you walk in with the mugs of coffee. You moaned slightly at his touch, his rough fingers, calloused from playing guitar you imagined. That moan made Dewey feel weak. He moved his hands up your body, towards your under boob and just rubbed the skin over your t-shirt there. The kiss became a little bit more heated as your hands began to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. Grinding on his lap ever so slightly, you could feel the bulge growing in his jeans, but you had to retreat back to your room if this was to go any further. You couldn’t risk your dad walking in.
You got up off of his lap and grabbed his hand, pulling him off of the couch. When Dewey got up, his body met yours in another kiss. Kissing him back you began to walk backwards towards the staircase to your room. “come on, we’ll head up to my room yeah?” Dewey nodded, leaning in to kiss you again. you chuckled and kissed him quickly pulling him towards the stairs.
Upon reaching your room, you kicked the door open with the back of your foot, still making out with Dewey when you approached the door. “JARVIS.. close.. the.. blinds” you said between kisses. “of course ma’am” the AI replied. Dewey pulled away for a second, admiring your room. Band posters all over the wall, the huge floor-to-ceiling long windows at the side, all of the tech and tools lying around. “wow this is crazy” Dewey proclaimed. You chuckled and rolled your eyes “yeah I know, sorry it’s a mess” you laughed. Dewey pulled you by your t-shirt flush against him “you are so damn smart and sexy you know that” you smirked, blushing slightly. “I know” you winked. “JARVIS, main light off, mood light on”. Suddenly the brightness of the room faded and a red glow appeared, bringing a lustful ambience to the room. you kissed one another again, needy. You began to unbutton Dewey’s jeans and pulled them down, he kicked them off as you walked backwards towards the bed. You pushed Dewey down on to the bed and he sat on the edge. You were about to join him before you suddenly got a bit self-conscious. Normally you had some sort of sexy lingerie on, some sort of lacy bodysuit thing, or at least a sexy matching bra and thong to give you a bit more confidence. But you had been so preoccupied with getting to know Dewey that you had completely forgot. Would he think you were ugly? Wouldn’t want to be around you anymore? You felt hot suddenly. Were you not good enough? “I uh.. I don’t have any kinda like, you know, sexy lingerie or anything on.. not even a lacy bra like.. I’ll go change if you want.. like I don’t mind-“. Dewey’s eyebrows furrowed and you got worried for a second before he replied “oh my god are you kidding me?” He pulled you on to his lap by grabbing a hold of your ACDC top. “you don’t need anything like that to look sexy.” He looked up at you. You blushed and put your arms around his neck. “why on earth would you think that? I think that when you walked in the room with just that ACDC t-shirt on and those socks was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen”. You giggled. “you don’t need all that stuff to look beautiful” he looked up at you as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world. It was enough to bring a tear to a glass eye. “and if this isn’t what you want? If you want me to just lie here, tickle your back, stroke your hair, cuddle you or even if you want to just sit and talk all night.. I would be more than happy to do any of that with you”. You began to tear up. No one had ever treated you like this before.
You kissed him again. “you are far too good for me Dewey Finn. How on earth did I find you?” he smiled “I’m one of a kind baby” he winked, repeating your earlier statement. He kissed you again, and you kissed him back. Suddenly regaining your confidence back slightly, you lifted up and took of your t-shirt, leaving yourself bare, apart from a thong, straddling this strangers middle. Dewey moaned when he looked at you. His hands ran up your waist and rib cage as his mouth went to the space between your breasts “beautiful” he said between kisses. You moaned slightly as he rubbed his hands up and down your body slowly, continuing to leave kisses and suck on your skin. “you taste like Bacardi”.
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carokunz · 5 years
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Last Night
2020 MusiCares Person Of The Year Honoring Aerosmith - Show 
photos by  Lester Cohen,  Kevork Djansezian  Kevin Mazur  Amy Sussman
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dolamrothianlady · 5 years
RULES : We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire music library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up. Then choose 10 victims.
Tagged by @outside-the-government
1. Kylie Minogue - In Your Eyes
2. Bon Jovi - Livin' on a Prayer
3. Elton John - Bennie and the Jets
4. Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody
5. John Waite - Missing You
6. 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
7. Placebo - Ashtray Heart
8. Lights - Siberia
9. Lee Hi - Rose
10. Aerosmith/ Run DMC - Walk this Way
It says tag 10 but I can't have multiple tabs on Tumblr mobile bc it's a butt and I have a terrible memory so I'm gonna tag two and anyone else who wants in should tag me pls bc I like looking at everyone's playlists -- also Jules yaaass Lights are great
@musicalmuffindog1410 @idk-what-im-doing-ever
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julesthequirky · 6 years
Lead Me Into Temptation Chapter Two
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Summary: Your crush on your next door neighbour is already long established. The signs are slight, but you can’t fully tell if he likes you or not. The problem is: he’s much older.
You laid there on your bed, chest rising and falling in rapid pace, sweat glistening, your breath heavy, heart pounding as you came down from your high.
You moved the vibrator away from between your legs over to one side to clean up later. A thought occurred to you as you looked over to the open window.
Had he heard you? You hadn’t been overly loud. But you had been a little louder than usual as your parents were away. You sat up abruptly worried. You pressed your face to the glass to catch a glimpse, but you couldn’t see him, he was more than likely in his workshop. You hoped to God.
Half an hour later you were smelling fresh and dressed, vibrator hidden safely away, stuffed under many layers. You heard the familiar rumble of a car turn into a driveway and went to investigate. A smile upturned your lips. It was his 1978 Lincoln Continental Mark V in jubilee gold. It wasn’t his only car, because he had a 1969 Dodge Charger in cardinal red with a white racing stripe down the middle. God that car was a beauty. You had had many fantasies about that car and Misha Collins.
He stopped and stepped out, leaning down to pick up groceries across the seat. You groaned at the view of his ass. Jesus. He was gonna be the death of you.
Your phone pinged. You averted your gaze to whoever had messaged you.
It was Mike. You closed your eyes. You had forgot. You had promised to practice the hymns with him. You quickly tapped out a message back to him agreeing to meet at three and not to forget his guitar.
 At three, Mike came round the back and walked into the conservatory. You were already at the piano tinkling with the ivories.
Unbeknown to you, Mike had piqued Misha’s interest and he was peering over the fence looking into the fully glass conservatory. The doors and windows were wide open and he could hear you play. He knew the tune well. AC/DC’s Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. He had no idea, but you weren’t what you seemed and he loved it.
“Nice, what song is that?” Mike asked.
“Oh, it’s nothing. I was just messing around.” you dismissed.
Over the fence, Misha couldn’t hide his annoyance. Figured he didn’t know what decent music was.
Mike pulled his guitar over him and Y/N grabbed the sheet music from the side and sifted through the pages to get the right one.
“How Great Thou Art, 3, 2, 1.” You nodded counting down the beats and your fingers started the beginning melody into the great hymn.
Mike then accompanied you and you started to sing.
Your voice wasn’t what he expected. Your sweet and innocent appearance demeanour should have complimented your voice. Your voice had a rock vibe to it. It shocked people. You tried your best to sing softer but it still had that rock grit to it.
You rested after the song before going straight into In Christ Alone.
One more song left you told yourself. This was the only way you could sing without anyone questioning your song choices. Your parents were proud of you. You had excelled in music and mechanics. Two complete opposites but you had loved them both equally.
Motors and music that was your thing. But your mother had put a stop to that. She had said future husbands didn’t like women with dirt ingrained in their skin and under their nails.
After the third and final song you closed the piano lid, putting the sheet music away. Mike’s hand shot out and pulled out the Aerosmith sheet music.
He cocked his head and you had to bite your tongue, stopping yourself from telling him what you really wanted.
“I didn’t know you liked rock.”
He flicked through it.
“It’s my neighbours.” You lied.
“Oh,” He looked at the back. “Shouldn’t you give it back?”
“Yeah. I’ve been meaning to.”
You had forgot to hide it upstairs.
“Let’s do that now.”
And before you could do anything he was out of your house and heading over to the 4 foot fence. Oh my God. You ran over as he called Mr Collins over. You watched as he walked out, wiping his hands on an already filthy rag. He saw you and smiled. He turned his attention to Mike. He was wearing another old and tattered t-shirt.
The way he stood had your mouth as dry as the Sahara Desert. It really was unethical of you to be that in too deep. He was almost 20 years older than you, for Christ’s sake! You had tried. And failed.
“Mr Collins, I believe this belongs to you.” Mike said and handed over your Aerosmith music book.
Misha took it, a quizzical expression on his face. His eyes flicked to you, unblind to the anxiety etched all over your features and body.  Something told him you didn’t want your parents finding out. You were asking him to keep a secret.
Misha smiled at Mike and thanked him, thanked you for returning it to him.
“I had forgot about this.”
You nodded, relieved. He was a good liar. You couldn’t tell if that was a good or a bad thing.
You lead Mike out the back gate and saw him off. Mike was lovely. He had that whole clean and wholesome look about him, which would have been great but you weren’t interested in good devout pretty boys, but he was also intrusive and you hated that about him.
Your legs felt unsteady as you walked back to Misha. He smiled and wiped the condensation from the can over his perspiring skin. The sound of the tab popping open on the can pulled you to reality but when he drank your mind sang praises.
He propped the beer down and gave you his full attention.
“Aerosmith and AC/DC. Is that what all the good girls listen to nowadays?” he asked with a teasing grin.
You blushed. God. You had to learn to stop blushing at everything he said.
“Cause last time I heard, that’s what the bad girls listened to. Are you secretly a bad girl, Y/N?” His voice dropped to a whisper and leaned closer to you.
You stuttered. He winked and you felt your whole body weaken.
“I’m not like the other girls at church, Mr Collins.”
“I bet you’re a breath of fresh air. I’m sure your boyfriend knows that.”
You gave him a strange look.
“The guy you had over.” he prompted.
“Oh. No he’s not my boyfriend. We were practising for Sunday. We’re on the worship team.”
He nodded.
“He doesn’t look like he could give you want you want anyway.” He said offhand.
You almost choked on your breath.
“And what do I want?” You asked.
He looked at you properly then and you felt his blue orbs touch your soul.
“Experience. Someone who knows what they’re doing. Someone who can make you sin just by looking at them. Someone who will put your pleasure first and draw it out. Nice and slow.” He smirked after and handed you your book back.
You gulped. You had a thousand sins in your head. All of them with him in mind.
Misha ticked all those points off. Now all you could think about was him drawing out your pleasure. Nice and slow. He turned away from you and picked up his beer. God you wanted to be that can touching his lips. His swagger had your eyes travelling down to his hips and butt. Your eyes followed as he made his way back to his workshop.
Lead Me Into Temptation Tags:
@sparklingcas, @spn-impala, @assass-is-here, @iraniq, @spnislyfe, @xthelittlethings, @wrthyofluv, @divadinag, @lauuerodz, @sabsi2222, @somethingwickedthiswaylives, @emycakes4457, @pwoperfangirl, @castiel-savvy18, @dontbelasagnax, @starletzombie, @fanngirllaf, @wontlookaway, @castiels-bro, @livia-de, @foxfreakinmulderr, @earthtokace, @mishapanicmeow, @impala-dreamer, @mypassionsarenysins, @castieliswatchingoverme, @doritoevansxwinterschildren, @one-to-beam-up, @debonaircas, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @hisbabybear2718, @gabriels-trix, @goobykeding, @gravedollie666, @theropode, @lilmadfree
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daily5sosupdate · 6 years
Fall Out Boy are back on the scene looking better than ever, and the brotherly pairing at the heart of Good Charlotte, Joel and Benji Madden, are still going strong 22 years after the band first broke out, so could there be a better time for the genre’s hottest young talents to return?
Armed with a brand new record and a sharper, more mature sound, 5 Seconds of Summer were the young Australian four-piece that introduced Gen Z to modern pop-punk; their lyrics bursting with ace hooks lifted straight from their angsty teenage diaries. For the past seven years, millions of fans have shown up to sell-out arena tours around the world. But the group, comprised of lead singer Luke, guitarist Michael, bass player Calum and drummer Ashton, have grown up now. Have a listen to their comeback single Want You Back -- these guys sound more sophisticated and emotionally grounded than ever before.
While most artists are left spouting the same soundbites to inquisitive writers all day long when asked to promote their new material, we figured we’d get to the heart of some more important issues: like whether or not the world’s most fawned-over band think the FBI are keeping tabs on them through their laptop webcams. In the basement of a suave London hotel, i-D sat down with the Aussie quartet and learned a lot about the little things in their lives, like what they owe their parents, the fashion trends they’re on board with, and one member’s strange spaghetti date with Dizzee Rascal.
1. Before they got their big break touring with One Direction, the guys covered Adele, Wheatus and Busted songs together on YouTube.
2. The name 5 Seconds of Summer came to the band when they were scribbling suggestions down in science class one day. For a sec, they considered calling themselves Bromance.
3. They have a combined Instagram following of 28.4 million. There’s literally more people who follow them on Instagram than live in Australia.
4. None of the band have slept in their childhood bedrooms since they were 18.
5. The guys can still walk down the street without being hassled by strangers. Much to the upset of the fans currently camped outside their hotel, they last did it “earlier today, yesterday, and the day before that”.
6. Michael has “an abnormally large phobia of death”.
7. Ashton and Calum think the best song they have written is on their next album: “either Lie to Me or Young Blood,” apparently, and Ashton wishes he wrote Between the Bars by Elliott Smith, while Calum wishes he had penned Machines by Biffy Clyro.
8. Michael says he caused his parents hell as a kid. “Well, a lot of stress,” he claims. “They were certain that I’d live at home forever.”
9. Anxiety is the hardest thing the band have had to overcome. “Being on stage when you’re anxious -- it’s the worst thing ever,” Ashton claims. Thankfully, Luke has learned how to put other people in a good mood, even when he’s feeling low.
10. The scariest thing Calum has seen with his own two eyes is “Luke’s bare naked body”.
11. The band feel proud to be Australian every day of the year, but felt especially proud “when the bill for gay marriage went through”.
12. The band struggle to take criticism from “somebody who doesn’t have enough knowledge to dish it out” -- but they deal with it by being gracious and understanding. Good lads.
13. Ashton is fascinated by the Matrix Theory that we all live in a simulation rather than a real world, even if it’s “definitely not true”.
14. While Luke admires that the people who think the earth is flat are “still sticking to their guns”.
15. And Michael thinks the idea of aliens building the pyramids in Egypt is “fucking horrifying”.
16. Unsurprisingly, the guys have all listened to Tom Delonge of Blink 182’s podcast on weird alien theories.
17. The band are keen to collaborate with Tricky from Massive Attack because he’s “cool, but the darkest motherfucker ever”, and would love to link-up with Biffy Clyro while they’re at it, too.
18. Calum once went shopping with Dizzee Rascal. Then they ate spaghetti together. Somehow, no other member of Five Seconds of Summer was aware of this encounter until just now.
19. In 2011, the band played a gig on a school tennis court because the venue they were meant to play in -- a church, by the way -- fell into a sinkhole. For real. “People were literally lining up for our gig inside their school hall,” Michael reminisces.
20. Ashton has a low-key obsession with the Judi Dench-starring, geriatric dramedy, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
21. Despite being, in his own words, “not the most fashionable person”, Ashton claims that he predicted the return of the belt-chain. “Everyone’s got a fuckin’ chain wallet now,” he says, “but people have ditched the wallet – it’s just the chain”.
22. Luke’s a fan of the choker trend, while Michael would like to let everybody know that “bondage is in”.
23. In 2011, 5 Seconds of Summer would have described themselves “ambitious” and “still learning”.
24. The band unanimously agree that the body part none of them could live without is “the weiner”.
25. But would perhaps reconsider if they could all remove one thing and create some “epic, weird quadi-legged” creature from their dismembered body parts. M’okay.
26. The worst thing in Ashton’s wardrobe is “half a bag of cheetos from a year ago”.
27. Michael owns a pair of purple SUPRA sneakers that he’s hoping come back into fashion soon.
28. The band felt furthest from home “the first time they left Australia to move to the UK” back in 2012. Ashton hadn’t even been on a plane until a few months before that.
29. The band last felt starstruck when they bumped into Dave Grohl at an Aerosmith concert four years ago. It was “a huge deal for us because we idolise him as an artist,” Calum says. “I didn’t say a word, I just looked at him and smiled. Ashton spoke the whole time.”
30. The band like to throw words together to create new swear words, and consider “shitlord” their current favourite.
31. At the request of his fans -- particularly Cherri, Cydny and Hanna -- yes, Ashton would grow his freshly coiffed locks long again.
32. The band have been asked pretty much every question, but would like to be asked about the ups and downs of the last year of making the record without it getting “too emo”.
33. Michael is desperately waiting for a journalist to be really inappropriate and ask a ‘no-fucks-given’ question: “like, ‘how big is it?’”
34. The last time Luke lied was “in the interview before this one”. So we don’t hold out much hope for these ‘facts’.
35. 5 Seconds of Summer’s single Want You Back is a) a stone-cold banger.
36. And b) available to stream now.
Pre-order 5SOS's new album Youngblood (due 22 June) right here, right now
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dfenestrate · 6 years
ok so i was tagged by the lovely @theboykingsam (alsjdlajsdl <3) 
relationship status: single and ready to pringle
lipstick or chapstick: lipstick lipstick lipsti--
three favorite foods: don’t do this to me. i’m too picky and i love to eat too much. 
song stuck in your head: trip hoppin’ by aerosmith rn bc it just played on shuffle haha
last movie you watched: scott pilgrim v. the world? it was good, but i was so confused throughout the entire thing haha
top three shows: (in no order) supernatural, boy meets world, wynonna earp (there are so many more. these are the ones at the moment)
book i’m currently reading: ms. marvel, hawkeye comics in general, and i’m looking for a good sci fi book with hella gotg vibes (suggestions?)
last thing i googled: i LITERALLY just closed my incognito tabs and i only search on incognito ripppppp. um, given the current events, i think it was something chemistry related 
time: 2:09 AM (lol) 
dream trip: france, roadtrip around the US
anything you want: to be satisfied and loving of myself. 
i tag: @eatacactusass @starsmish @dreadfulyounglady @squidlover1210 and the rest of me mutuals haha 
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