#aesemyr: the withering
wiz-writes · 1 month
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Demo Update: 22 August 2024
Continue your journey in the second part of chapter two.
I would suggest starting a new game, as I've decided to track some more choices from previous chapters.
17k words of new content
visit Valia's house
talk to a certain librarian
choose how to approach your elf problem
no cliffhanger!! (for once)
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wiz-writes · 1 year
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In Aesemyr: The Withering (previously named A Rhapsody in Blue) you play as a mage trying to rein in their erratic powers while embarking on a quest to discover a plot years in the making. Yet as dark clouds gather on the horizon, you quickly realise that the coming storm seems to bring with it something much worse.
Genre: fantasy, adventure, romance
Rating: 16+ for some dark themes
Last update: 22 August 2024 (87k words)
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Play as a man, woman or non-binary.
Customise your appearance and shape your personality.
Follow the teachings of a specialised Way and gain access to different skill sets.
Find romance with one of the ROs; or choose to stay as friends.
Investigate the elven presence in the capital and discover how it relates to the accident that nearly cost you your life.
Unearth a secret that might shake the foundations of the kingdom you call home.
Protect yourself and those you care about, lest they suffer a bitter end.
Retain your hold on your magic; or let it corrupt you beyond repair.
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Magic comes with a price.
That is an inevitability every mage has to face. But when you lose your powers in a freak accident, you are certain that the price has been paid in full.
You settle down in the peaceful countryside, far away from any conflicts or conspiracies, all the while focusing on your recovery. And for two years, your life is quiet.
However, when an untimely visit forces you on a path not of your own choosing and magic itself seems intent on corrupting you, you must once again rely on your training to keep yourself and those you care about safe.
The presence of elves in the capital brings nothing but ill tidings and as yet another storm brews in the distance, you set off on a journey to discover the truth of your accident and a plot that could bring the kingdom to its knees.
The Withering approaches, and with it, a reckoning for all the world.
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Main romances:
Valia Kainen (F, 28)
Having met at the Academy, you've known Valia for more than a decade, so it's no surprise she now occupies the seat of the Academy's Headmistress - her rise through the ranks often attributed to both her exceptional skills and ruthlessness. Despite her cold exterior, she is mainly driven by love for her family and kingdom. While she’s no longer the girl you used to know, some things still remain the same; her dislike of you being one of them.
Lucenis Veldari (M, 32)
As the younger brother of the King, Lucenis tends to keep his distance from royal affairs. He is well-known to the general populace as a poet with a gentle soul and quiet disposition. Though there have been many rumours throughout the years about him and his mother, none have ever been proven true. He is a good friend of Valia and your twin brother.
Tevshedi “Tev” Zanue (F/M, 36)
Tev is a well-travelled mercenary and a seasoned warrior that has decided to leave their life of wandering the world behind and instead, work as Lucenis' personal bodyguard. Good humoured and loyal to a fault, their natural charisma has helped them establish various connections among both the common folk and nobility.
Cerin Melista (F/M, 25)
A part-time librarian and a soon-to-be university professor, Cerin is a person with an outgoing personality and boundless enthusiasm for the things they love, particularly history. Being a passionate collector of ancient relics, they possess a dauntless spirit, which often lands them in dangerous situations.
?? (non-binary, 30)
Several years ago, they came to study at the Academy, their affinity to psychic magic envied by many. Lyyra became their new home, the people they met their new family. They are quick to grin and joke, but their eyes always seem to be haunted by shadows both past and present.
Side romances (= you'll see them less often than the above characters):
Mara (F, 31)
A silver-masked miracle physician willing to help anyone in need in exchange for utmost secrecy. Nobody is certain of her true identity as she disappears without a trace each day.
?? (M, ??)
An elusive figure that seems to be fascinated with your magical powers.
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wiz-writes · 9 months
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Demo Update: 11 January 2024
Continue your journey in the first part of chapter two.
The prologue has been rewritten to reflect some changes in the story, so I highly recommend to at least read through the first five pages (otherwise you might be a bit confused when you start chapter two!).
Also as requested, I have added the MC height option to the beginning of chapter zero. Don't worry though, if you do not wish to replay the game yet again, the option should appear in chapter two as well.
18k words of new content
rewritten prologue
encounter a mysterious figure
survive the audience with the king
reminisce about the past
meet Cerin and [redacted]
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wiz-writes · 10 months
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Play as a mage struggling with your powers, set on a dangerous journey to uncover a secret plot, all the while trying to keep your family safe.
Genre: fantasy, adventure, romance
Rating: 16+ for some dark themes
Note: This is my main project. I will (try to) update it regularly.
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As part of the secret Yinshan Society, take on a new mission to infiltrate the Hua Manor to recover a legendary item. Can you finish your task before you give yourself away?
Genre: wuxia, romance, mystery
Rating: 15 for some dark themes
If you would like to support me and my bad writing:
Also, feel free to ask questions about both stories. My inbox is always open!
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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wiz-writes · 1 month
Chapter two of Aesemyr is almost finished!
It's only missing a few last bits and any stat/relationship changes. Plus a final check to see if everything works as intended.
It's a pretty dialogue-heavy half of a chapter that I thought would be a little shorter, but it's going to have around the same amount of words as the previous part.
Don't know if I can finish it today, but maybe tomorrow? Friday at the latest, though.
Oh, one last thing! I'm going to update the main post of Aesemyr with some new info (👀), so if you could give it some love, that would be great! ❤️
alright, back to writing...
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wiz-writes · 2 months
A progress update!
I've been trying to finish chapter 2 of Aesemyr these days, to finally conclude the introductory part of the story and get to the more important stuff.
The main sections are more or less done, except they are in need of heavy editing. Sometimes when my words are not wording in English, I just leave a comment there in Czech in hopes that I'll figure out the expression I want later. The problem is when both my languages fail me, no amount of banging my head against the table helps haha.
So what's left:
The ending of the chapter - need to wrap it up, for once it looks like it won't end in a cliffhanger (yay!).
The choices - I always leave them as last, I tend to get stuck on them easily.
Editing - some parts are better and don't need much, some unfortunately do.
I would like to finish all that in max. two weeks, but I'll see how it goes. I'll be back before the demo update with some more info.
That's it for this progress update, have a great day/night ❤️
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wiz-writes · 3 months
A bit of an update/personal ramblings:
Hey everyone, it's been a while since the last update, but I promise that I'm working on the continuation of Aesemyr, albeit very slowly.
I wrote a chunk, then I got stuck and then my sitting in front of the computer like a sack of potatoes for over a decade finally caught up with me haha.
To make it short, had to wear a collar for my cervical spine, had to take some shitty meds that made me incredibly sleepy and did not manage to write a single word.
So, if you're reading this, check your posture! Take a break! Walk around a bit! (don't be like me)
Anyway. I've been trying to get back to writing and now I'm finally getting to the most important thing I wanted to tell you!
Starting this Thursday and continuing throughout the summer, I will be posting some short stories featuring characters from both Aesemyr and Yinshan.
Why Thursday, you might wonder. Well, it's my birthday (ugh) and I thought that I could give y'all something as a treat for your patience and for putting up with my horrendous update schedule.
So yeah. This is the post. Sorry for the wall of text.
Have a great day/night. ❤️
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wiz-writes · 3 months
It's Thursday!
So as promised, here are two short stories featuring the ROs.
It took me a bit to decide who to start with, but in the end I settled on two characters who were pretty much the first ones I created for my first IF, Aesemyr.
Without further ado:
Lucenis' story can be read HERE
Valia's story can be read HERE
And what can you expect?
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wiz-writes · 3 months
Hey, everyone.
I'm still alive!
(in case anyone's wondering)
but, what's this?
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wiz-writes · 1 year
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Demo Update: 11 July 2023
NAME CHANGE! (previously A Rhapsody in Blue) Because of this, you will unfortunately have to start a new game.
Find out what life has in store for you in the final part of chapter one.
9k words of content
updated codex
minor rewrites to some previous scenes
set off to meet the king
have a blast at the hunting grounds
suffer in style
(and maybe get a peek at some new characters??)
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wiz-writes · 2 days
hello!! i love your if and all the characters you’ve created! the story is so entrancing and i got so into it that i cried when MC reunited with a certain someone (forgive my vagueness i don’t want to spoil)! my favorite character has been MC’s little brother. my MC would literally do anything and everything for him. as someone with only older brothers, it feels great to have a chance to do the older sibling duties—even if it is only through a game, hehe. anyways, i was just planning on asking a question on a certain scene but i started rambling, lol. pls, forgive me.
the scene i’m talking about is the part where MC gets back home from the library and talking with valia. is there a way we can not find out about the connection between MC and their little brother? because when we confront him about it, all of the options lower our relationship stat with him. it’s completely okay if that’s how the story is supposed to go, i’ll just get them back as the story progresses (plus i LOVE angst), but i was just wondering if it was an inevitable outcome.
loooots of love and light!! take care, dear author! <333
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Hello, hello!
First of all, please don't EVER apologise for "rambling" or sending me long asks, because you have no idea how excited I always get when I see the little blue notification next to my inbox. I truly love hearing what people think.
I have to say, our little twin bro has been getting a lot of love lately, it feels like. I'm honestly kind of surprised, haha. It's not that I think that I've written him to be unlikable, but the guy is a mess...
Anyway, to answer your question. The first draft originally had an option where your brother doesn't find out that Valia told the MC (the MC learning about the bond is inevitable though), but I later scrapped it because I felt that it's better for your brother to know when something happens later in chapter 3.
But as I've been writing chapter 3 these days, I realised that it might be too soon for that something to happen, sooo...
After I release the next update, I might go back and fiddle with the options a little so that they don't all end in a confrontation. But first I'll have to see what's going to end up in chapter 3.
Still, I wouldn't worry too much about those few relationship points, as there'll be plenty of opportunities to get them back.
Thank you so much for the ask and for all the love, it made my day ❤️❤️❤️
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wiz-writes · 7 months
Progress Update #7
Hi! It's been a while, everyone.
So... February was a really shitty month for me as I've been having some health problems lately. When I thought that I finally got rid of one thing, another one appeared - and this was basically the whole month.
Turns out that being stuck at home (and in bed) is terrible for my brain. Who would have thought, right?
I wrote some little bits of chapter two of Yinshan, but I think I might delete the whole thing because I don't like it at all.
We'll see how it goes, but maybe Yinshan update in March(?) and then the rest of ch2 of Aesemyr. I'd love to include some options about how the meeting at the end of the demo can go, but I'll have to see if I can make it work first, haha.
This is it for this progress update. I know it's not much, sorry about that!
I hope you have a great day/night ❤️
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wiz-writes · 8 months
Hi, the secret RO in asemyr is going to be a man or a woman? When will we meet him/her?
Spoilers for chapter two and beyond.
If you have finished reading the new update, then you've actually already met them! They are non-binary :)
However, SURPRISE!!!! 🎉
I couldn't resist making another character a RO, so now, we have altogether six ROs.
It's going to be a man - unfair, I know, but he originally wasn't supposed to be a RO and I don't think I can imagine him as anyone else now.
Anyway, his romance is going to be a bit different. How?, you may ask 😀 Unfortunately, I can't tell you just yet, but you'll understand when you meet him face to face, probably in chapter 3.
Thank you for the ask! ❤️
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wiz-writes · 8 days
Okay, so just curious... Based on their descriptions and first impressions, who are you planning to romance in Aesemyr? Feel free to share why!
(Also, if you haven't seen it yet, the main post has an updated list of ROs.)
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wiz-writes · 9 days
Oh wow. Our kid brother is not having a good time in the AU in which MC was killed. But in the story will our brother find out that Valia and the king were going to kill MC if they didn't accept the impossible, possibly deadly mission? I may love the angst
I'm afraid there's no timeline where he's having a good time 😂
As to your question, he might already suspect that there was something going on at that meeting that both Valia and the MC haven't shared with him.
We'll see if it ever comes up in the story. I may love the angst as well.
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wiz-writes · 9 days
Damn. Now I understand better why he would feel so betrayed if MC would be killed by Valia or by the king. One is his best friend/family since school the other is the brother of the king. Poor little brother...the people he thought he could trust, people he regarded like family, killed his actual family...
And they also got the guts to try to check on him and how he was fearing...yeah adding salt to the wounds...damn. Poor little brother.
Would have Valia come to regret killing MC?
Oh, definitely.
She wouldn't let it show, but deep inside it would eat away at her little by little, especially if she saw how it affected your brother.
She... may not have thought that far.
But in that AU, when your brother finally breaks (and that is a when, not an if), believe me that Valia would break as well.
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