#aevus writes
timebranded · 27 days
Just a heads up!
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((One day I'll come back...and when I do I will most likely have a major overhaul to do, oh my goodness. Maybe I'll even move Lucas' blog, to get a fresh start.
Remember when I told you guys about how I was gonna be writing a fic chronicling Lucas' journey? Yeah, that's become my passion project over the months I've been working on it-))
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immortalarizona · 10 months
so the artificer is now a goat and the bard fucking died
at this point, I've come to expect my OotA sessions to be just a little bit batshit, but this one. . . this one somehow outdid all the ones that have come before it. I'm too tired to write up a full play-by-play, and to do so would probably take me the better of five character limits, so instead, I'm just going to share the recap I sent out to my players after the session was over and give context to each major point via Numbered List. buckle up!!
“So. It turns out that Jimjar Silversinger—or Aitne Mehre, or Tamril Brenten, or Elthym T’sear, or any of the other names they’ve gone by(1)—has more than a few tricks up their sleeve, including both the means and the mission to unmask the man you thought was Elion Brybalar(2). It turns out the real Elion died years ago(3)—except no, he lives on (in a fashion) in the mysterious, fog-shrouded blob on your map known as the Labyrinth(4). Lucien freed him through one deal with a hag, but found escape from his own curse in perhaps the worst manner possible through another(5). Jimjar left to report back to the Vigilants of Aevus who had sent him that his mission was complete(6); Sarith decided to accompany the real Elion on a mutual journey of discovering what, exactly, had happened to them(7); and last you saw of Selaros, the demon rays were gnawing on his corpse(8), so that leaves just seven people in a band of what had started out as fifteen(9). Soon to be six, once you drop off Stool at their home of Neverlight Grove—something which the little myconid is very excited for.”
let's go.
if you missed my last update, the tl;dr is that both I and the moon deity pretending to be Jimjar Silversinger have been pulling a backstory for this fucking guy out of our collective asses. as part of the Big Flashy Reveal intended to keep the bard's secret under wraps for just a little longer, I had Jimjar cycle through some of the other guises his doppelganger spy/assassin has taken. in order of names, they are: a human priest of said moon deity (fun fact this is actually the original human form of said moon deity, and no one fucking knows this but me), a copper dragonborn paladin of Bahamut (it's fine, he gave the moon deity permission to borrow his holy symbol for a bit), and a drow mage (because I wanted to give a bit more spice, okay). not named but featured in the session was Ekha Rhuriak, aka the crow behind Jimjar's bullshit "yeah, uh, I know how to fly for reasons that are Absolutely Not Suspicious At All" story. the significance of these separate forms is that I decided to yoink wild shape mechanics, which led to a very...... interesting combat. shoutout to the ranger for being the only sane one in this party and being willing to talk things through with Jimjar as opposed to just Violence. this meant that Jimjar finally got to give context to his previous interactions with the bard. . .
so as it happens, two of Jimjar's forms are capable of casting dispel magic, and it only took him two tries to unmask the bard (I set the DC at 18 beforehand and rolled out in the open for both castings, just so my bard player could be certain I wasn't pulling any bullshit to screw him over). it was so fucking !!!!!!!!!!!!!! when the reveal dropped and everyone realized that the Philanthropist inverted was never about Jimjar, it was about Selaros Elpragh (the bard's real name, which I discovered in-session that I had been mentally pronouncing wrong for months) the whole time. the party then turned against him, and Jimjar-as-Tamril wound up nuking him (and healing the fighter, rogue, and ranger) with his radiant breath.
Selaros' backstory is that he was a drow man enslaved by a cruel mistress alongside a half-elf named Elion Brybalar. due to a deal with the setting's god of treachery, Analith, he murdered Elion in order to escape and took on his identity through a reworked version of the Mask of Many Faces invocation. this was a hot minute ago. now, the bard player was thinking about playing the real Elion as a reborn sporeblood sorcerer (a bit of homebrew I cooked up), and I was contemplating a way to introduce him organically. . .
at this point, we're back to what I had originally planned for the session, before the whole thing with Jimjar and the bard blew up in my and the bard player's face. shoutout to whoever it was that came up with this, because it was a blast to run. and, as part of the deal (I was planning this all the way back when I gave the ranger the Merchant inverted during his tarokka reading), I was going to have the hags offer the party a deal that could free them from their curses. . .
Lucien was the party artificer (and had recently multiclassed into wizard), and was the one who wanted the homebrew curse to turn him into a goat man. the artificer is making deals left and right with these hags as everyone else watches in amused horror, and when Nanny Plunk offers to free him from his current cursed form, he accepts. I warn the player out-of-character that the hag's "cure" is going to be turning him into a literal goat. he's like, "okay, I'm gonna roll a wisdom check, and if I roll below a 5, I'm gonna take the deal." he rolls a 4. ultimately, I do not stop him. he made this decision with full knowledge of what would happen next. the party left the goat behind with the hag, and is now looting the stuff he left on the boat (the rogue has already claimed his hat and his bag of holding). the player is now making Another new character, and I sincerely hope this will be the last time he needs one.
okay back to my Jimjar Backstory Bullshit. Aevus is the name of the shapeshifting moon deity, and their priests are often referred to as Vigilants, because I Think That Sounds Cool and it also fits with some of the other naming conventions in the world (some priests of the sun god are called Lightbringers, priestesses of the grave goddess are called Raven Ladies, etc.). so basically, Aevus-as-Jimjar is like "yeahhh, I'm here because.... my own church sent me......" and bullshitted a whole backstory about having been an assassin in the employ of the drow who was saved by the church of Aevus. this is all lies, in fact, but no one can verify it, because Aevus is a god of the surface and they're in the Underdark. before he left (in-universe because the jig was up, out-of-universe because his "greater doppelganger" statblock was not balanced to fight alongside the party), he gave the ranger a blessing that is going to help with the upcoming full moon. somehow. we'll figure it out before next session.
so while the party is in the Dark Mirage (aka the Labyrinth), they free Elion. the fighter violently objects to having Elion travel with them, and it's somehow decided that Elion is going to go on a journey offscreen to figure out how he came back from the dead with fungus powers, and that Sarith is going to accompany him. okay, sure. this is fine. (I'm going to miss Sarith, but oh well. they can always come back later!!)
the fighter (who had been affected most by the bard's manipulations) yeeted his corpse overboard as soon as she could. (little does anyone know that the ex-bard and I are plotting a possible eventual return of Selaros as a deathlock of sorts.... little does anyone know that I'm already doing this with Buppido in Gracklstugh......)
Ront, Derendil, Buppido, and Shuushar are dead. Sarith and Jimjar left, and we're down two PCs. backup characters won't arrive until Neverlight Grove. I think the only factor keeping the survivors together is the children (Topsy, Turvy, Stool) they're still responsible for. oosrp is sad and so am I.
to quote the fighter: "when you lay it out like that in a recap, this was easily our most deranged session, and it's not even a contest."
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mirroredranger · 11 months
⏰((you know I had to))
Write on!
Title: Right Eye Paradox
Author: backintime
Characters: Lucas, Valerie, Aevus
Rated: PG-13
Genres: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Action
Chapters: 5
Finished: No
Summary: The adamant orb is said to be the missing right eye of the god of time. When it blinks, the power it sends could open a portal to the past. It's due to blink at any time when Aevus calls for help from Lucas and a friend tags along.
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aevus-writing · 3 years
Two vigilantes are born, and two dads are worrying.
Chapter 2 baby!
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aevus-blogging · 3 years
Hi, I'm not sure if you're going to still do my fic request (the karaoke one) after what happened with RH (and I don't blame you, what he did was disgusting)
Unless you're going to do the "Seperate the character from the person" thing @how-do-u-art suggested, I'm fine with the fic never existing (I don't even know if you're still in the RT/AH fandom tbh)
Hey there. This, oof, this took me a while to answer, one part not checking my inbox, and one part me debating on what I was even gonna do with all my ah writings. And well, I ended up deciding to drop all my wips that had JRH in it and just take a bit of time. I’m still going to write for ah, mostly fahc and aus, in fact I’m revamping my Fahc animorphs au and once i have the first fic in that series mostly plotted I’ll begin writing and posting that. The only other Fic of mine I’ll be revamping is Fallen Androids, as that au initially started out with ocs with a friend that fell through and I decided to flesh it out with ah. But that one is taking a back seat till I can restructure the plot to still have the basics of what I wanted and make it not feel like I’m just slipping someone into JRH’s role.
As for your requests, and any others in my inbox about JRH, Some, like the penthouse fuckery I’ll keep, and use them to help me ease back into writing fahc, while the karaoke one I might not do. I’m dropping JRH forever. I simply can not separate that vile beast of a man from his creations. I will never use another iteration of that man in my fics unless it is for him to be the villain who gets violently killed for catharsis, and even then it’s not likely.
And as a final note, thank you. Thank you for all the prompts you’ve sent me and the support 😺.
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gav-slitty · 5 years
Haha! First chap of Fallen Androids is up! If any of ya’ll are interested here you go I’m also working on writing some lazer team stuff as well, and a whole ass au I haven’t spoke about here yet
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silverdeer · 3 years
Royal Ball AU
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((Sylvia will be joining the AU, so here’s a quick write up on her.))
A fairy queen, Sylvia has strong seelie powers associated with the Spring Court.
She mingles with humans when not tending to her court because, to her, it’s entertaining to mess with them.
Included with the usual seelie magic, Sylvia can shape shift.
The only people who are aware of who she is are fellow dieties (i.e. Reshi, Aevus) and those given awareness beyond the normal streams (Lucas at @timebranded​)
Sylvia will grant wishes! Only if it’s entertaining to her or at a high price.
She has a tendency to cause mischief if she is bored. Her antics include changing tapestries, leading pokemon around with magic, or dazzling people so they see illusions.
Unlike main verse, Sylvia is now 5′4″.
Symbols associated with Sylvia are stars, morning glories, and the color silver.
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Can you please describe all the GUG members??? I love your blog!!
//OOC   !!!!!!!! people like my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay okay freak out done. for the purposes of this ask, since it did not specify the admins or the people who just vibe in the server with us, i shall include  a l l and clarify if they are an admin or a viber!! (also please know this is in no order i’m just going down the members list in the server the order has no ranking)
also i’m gonna add a line break because this is going to be really long it’s 21 people and i don’t want to clog up anyone’s dash!!
joey/ame: chaotic dictator overlord, chicken nugget fucker, literally always regrets every action they ever make in relation to GUG, aka, giving any of us power. they are!!! my dear friend!!! which makes me very happy!!! also they have Bad Food Opinions:tm:
morgan: one of our newest recruits!!! they really did enter the server and immediately try to outdo bree for the most cursed convo in MFA. one of my more deeply cursed daughters. morgan i love you but i stwg if you make one more cursed recipe i will sob. seriously though kiddo i love you and i’m proud of you!!!
syd: syd okay you are just so cool. also guys her makeup skills are so amazing like we hella stan!!! and her writing? that shit is amazing!!! she is also a Simp:tm: but it’s okay we still love her. she also just made us a list of all of us as flowers which is so sweet!!!
shelby: GUYS THIS IS A LITERAL CHILD SHE IS SMOL AS FUCK!!! no but seriously shelby is so kickass and despite the fact that she is Babey she will kick your ass. love you kiddo!!
liz (originally a viber but now an admin!): liz is really out here saying fuck sanity i want to to be a part of whatever crazy shit those guys have going down. seriously liz i have said it before but seeing your asks in my inbox used to make me so happy!!! i say used to because now it is, sadly, just batnipples. we still love her though
lian: guys i love my daughter so much she is the only one of my kids in this server who gives me any fucking respect. in all seriousness though lian is also an amazing writer and so freaking sweet. she is also permanently in distress by the angst in this au which,, that’s fair tbh
bree: hmm on the one hand i love my mother/official server nana dearly, on the other hand she writes so much cursed stuff. so much. so deeply cursed. (also im sorry again for calling you my bitch boy son it was a mistake i swear). anyway y’all should stan your new nana
brooke (a viber): my girlfriend!!! the other half of the broccoli ship!! my amazing wonderful girlfriend!!! she also is the Official GUG Meme Creator:tm:  also big chaos energy which we stan!! honestly i have rambled about her so many times so i’m gonna stop before i babble more oop-
aevus: very big chaos energy!!! so much chaos energy!!! seriously we stan and their hyperfixations also fucking slap and they should ramble more about those because i am Big Curious!!
lys (a viber): ma’am you are so fucking cursed. just,,, how can one human be this cursed. sole creator of the batnipple debate and the sugar on salad debate. also the OG animal fact anon!!
badger: you have not been on much but you also exude massive chaos/cursed energy, as evident by the fact that you created the Loser Lame blog. also tea is terrible thanks that is all
tabitha: she is,,, amazingly oblivious. y’all this girl joined a cult and forgot about it. she joined a discord server for a fairly popular podcast thinking it was the official server (it was a forty person nsfw server dedicated to ship that is despised in canon). but beyond that tabitha you are so amazing and i love you so much kiddo!!
will: will!! y’all they are an absolutely amazing writer like holy shit guys!! also uh hi yes they have the only characterization of bruce i accept. and i’m so excited to be working on a new project with them for you guys!!! also they are an amazing artist you should ask them to show you capt piccard!!
crys: my daughter!! i love her dearly but she has the title of Worst Child because she bullies me >:(  no but seriously her writing is also amazing (tbh everyone in this au is an amazing writer from what i have seen) and she is hella amazing!! we are the real speech and debate kid solidarity!! also once again big chaos/cursed energy
ing: THE OG WAFFLE CULT MEMBER HELL YEAH!!! tbh we haven’t gotten to talk much yet since she is brand new but she seems hella cool and i can’t wait to see what she does with her blogs!!
mantha: sadly they haven’t been on in a while and we never got to talk much but they seem really cool nonetheless!!
margaret: also one of the new recruits!! she is very cool!! everyone in this AU is cool and y’all can fight me on this. i cannot wait to see what you do with your blogs!!! anyway Big Gay Energy
mica: my daughter!!! the biggest simp you will ever meet!!! so much chaotic energy!!! i love her so much!!! also she can and will fight anyone anytime i swear  also needs to drink less caffeine (that goes for you too lys i’m keeping my eye on you)
hunter: my co parent!!! the person i share custody of my brain cell with!!! seriously y’all this is one of my best friends right here and i love them. they are also always so done with our shit all the time and that’s valid. assists me in my quest to adopt everyone all the time. big chaos!! fellow angst enabler!! i love them so much
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gothamgreenhouse · 4 years
//OOC GUG Admins
I already did Cai, Hunter, and Ame so they’re spared from the affection on this one. Also a bit frazzled from poor sleep thanks to the fireworks so these are going to be a bit shorter.  Aevus: Quiet child. Doesn’t talk the most, but is very funny/entertaining when they do pop up. 10/10 would chill with Syd: Really fun and really creative. I absolutely LOVE how she does Barbara/Dinah. Also fucking amazing with makeup.10/10 would ask to do my makeup before a big event Shelby: Disaster baby gay. Adorable seeing her get overwhelmed by gay feelings. 10/10 would adopt Lian: One of my absolute favs. So fun to collab with and play off of with Kori/Artemis and Cass/Sandra. 10/10 would hug Badger: Really great Billy-mun. Billiam. Love watching interactions with Ame who runs Constantine. 10/10 would give head scratches Will: Disaster not-as-baby-but-still-baby gay. I am so sorry I started the batnipple asks to Tim, but they blindsided me with the fucking Batnipple-O’s cereal. 10/10 would make them a bowl of batnipple-o’s. Tabitha: THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESNT MAKE ME FEEL FUCKING ANCIENT BY COMPARISON. Only gay in the server who I might NOT call a disaster all the time. 10/10 would hide her writing book so I could watch her go through the writing process again. Also secret angst agent  Crys: Another one of my favs! (Don’t tell the other adoptees). SO MUCH FUN TO COLLAB FOR THE SHIVA ZATANNA SHIP. Came out of nowhere but we ran with it and its such fun.  10/10 would make spring rolls with Mantha: Seems cool af. Haven’t had much interaction with them, but its cool to see them post. 10/10 would get to know more Mica: Simp. Simping simp simp. Simp to the power of Simp. Absolutely cute af baby gay. W/ Syd for super ship. 10/10 would knit a shirt that says “#1 Simp” Ing: Our newest! I think. I’m terrible about keeping track of people. So far I am LIVING for Artemis Crock. 10/10 convinced this is a smol cannoli  Lys: Fan-being of complete C H A O S. Beans, Batnipples, Bat Booty, Flesh Acorns....sends such cursed shit. 10/10 would exorcise. Kinda convinced is Batmite Walnut: Pure baby who needs to be protected but is secretly a heathen like the rest of us. 10/10 would kudos her fanfiction if she ever writes it.  Margaret: Always there to give love, support, and advice in our not-vibing channel. Deserves so much love and appreciation. 10/10 would give the biggest fucking hug, make a huge fucking meal, and give platonic cuddles to.  Bwums: Absolutely fucking awesome Brooke. The interactions with her and Cai make me feel all fluffy, you can tell how much they care about each other. Complete OTP. 10/10 ship so hard 
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timebranded · 11 months
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((Writing Temporal Platinum (which I linked in this post for convenience btw, wink wink nudge nudge) has basically led to me retconning a good number of things off the bat. The biggest of these being Lucas' friendship with Aevus.
Now I have it that Aevus was a somewhat persistent presence over the course of Lucas' journey. Like, if he was an actual NPC in the games, he'd probably have appear almost as much as N does in B/W. This is mostly because Aevus knew something was going to happen, he just couldn't know what it was or how to stop it (which is a hc for another post). Lucas was his best lead as to what that something could be because of how Roar of Time affected him. The two of them end up becoming friends through these interactions.))
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sailor-muwun · 7 years
Thank you so much for tagging @klancetrashthatisbi​ Ilysm Alex!!
rules of the tag: tag 10 of your followers you want to get to know better
Name: Paula     Nickname : Idk, Pau I guess   Gender: Female                   Height: 1m,45cm
   Favorite animals: Chihuahuas!! I love those little trembling doggos  Sleep: Like 5-7 hours usually  Current time: 6:55 pm Dog or cat:  PUPPERS, tho I don’t have any problem with cats, but they give me allergies     Dream trip: Idk, I guess anywhere with my friends                                      Dream job: Lgbt activist!   When i made the blog: Like almost finishing 2016 Followers: 97! I love you all, I really do, thank you guys :’)                             Why i made this blog: Well, I read a book where they recommended writing a blog as a form of therapy so I ended up here! (Even tho I never write anything,,,,. maybe I should, idk)
@alphabetical-disaster @transslav @sarcastically-challenged @6luepaladin @aevus-blogging @seamarmot @iwazoomz @biritapotato @wyndenkell @i-have-laith-in-klance
*This is optional for anyone who doesn’t want to do it! No pressure :)
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timebranded · 1 year
A random thought I had: seeing as Professor Rowan studies Pokemon Evolution, one would think that there would be at least one Eevee in his lab. This goes double since Glaceon and Leafeon were introduced in Gen IV, and quadruple since he was in Kanto shortly before the events of Platinum.
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Follow-up headcanon: I'm giving Lucas a non-shiny Umbreon. Her name is Blair and she is relaxed natured. This totally hasn't been brought about by Renegade Platinum, to insinuate otherwise is nonsense.
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timebranded · 6 months
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List of headcanons that I've tweaked/retconned since I started writing Temporal Platinum:
The addition of Blair (Umbreon) in Lucas' main team.
Aevus' presence in Lucas' journey being much like N's presence in Hilbert's (so basically Aevus is the deuteragonist). That's because before all this started, he noticed several timelines unraveling which was doing him a Concern.
Lucas has known about his Aura sensitivity since before his journey started. I don't know if I've had that set already, but I do now have it that Aevus was the one who tipped him off on that.
I've made this pretty unclear in the past, but now I can firmly say that Lucas isn't the one from an alternate timeline.
One night, Lucas suddenly found stranded in Solaceon Ruins after an encounter with the Unown. This encounter resulted in him getting an odd satchel (that might or might not have belonged to Rei).
SPEAKING OF REI. Aside from being the spitting image of Rei, Lucas does have a few parallels with him; grass starter and an Umbreon, among other things. But it ultimately could be argued that they are two separate people.
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timebranded · 6 months
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((Me before I start writing the fic: Aevus is gonna be calm or careful natured. Maybe even serious natured?
Me as I develop headcanons and connect some dots: ...Fuck. He's lonely natured, isn't he.))
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timebranded · 11 months
Writing Dreamers // Accepting
🌙/lycanthrope or mythical creature AU
One Wrong Turn by The Barden Genre: Action/Adventure, Mystery, Horror Tags: Fairies, Dragons, Spacetime shenanigans maybe, Glimwood Tangle, Lucas and Aevus get lost in the Tangle, that's it that's the fic Characters: Lucas, Valerie, Sylvia, Aevus Status: Incomplete Summary: Lucas has disappeared, and he was last seen wandering into Glimwood Tangle with an unspecified second person. When the news reaches Valerie, she goes to search for them - not knowing what she'd be walking into.
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timebranded · 2 years
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((I got a handful of resolutions for the upcoming year, one of them being: write Aevus more often.))
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