#afghan proverb
key-cat · 3 months
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Water which is too pure has no fish.
Afghan Proverb アフガニスタンのことわざ 
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faithful-diaries · 2 years
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"Agar Dil-e Sher nadaari, Safar-e Ishq nako"
If you don't have a heart of a lion, don't travel on the path of love.
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pashtunology · 2 years
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"Awala wraz baachaa, bala wraz wazir, aw bala wraz da khawro khamir"
The cycle of life is joy, worry and death. A youth is considered free of worry and free to enjoy himself, such as a king should be. The mature man, like a Prime Minister, has the responsibilities and worries attendant upon administering a country.
Alternatively, it is about the untrustworthiness and changing scenarios of life.
The idiom used for death is literally "the yeast (leaven) of dirt" (khawro khamir). When Pashtuns make bread (nän), they leaven it by adding a little bit of yeast (khamir) kept back from the previous batch. In the picturesque language of this rhyming proverb, even the mighty king and wazir (minister) become khamir (yeast) that is added to the earth as part of the cycle of life.
This proverb reminds me of a couple of lines by Ghani Khan.
پرون تخم وم، نن ګل یم، سبا بیا به خاؤره کېږم
زه د باد یوه څپه یم، په صحـــــرا په باغ تېرېږم
"Yesterday a seed, today a flower, tomorrow I’ll turn to dust;
I am a gust of wind blowing over the desert garden"
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elizabethanism · 2 years
“There's an Afghan proverb (dil ba dil rah dara) which roughly translates to "there is telepathy between hearts" and the sheer beauty of that makes me melt.”
Rubab Zaidi
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whereshadowslive · 4 months
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There is telepathy between hearts.
— Afghan Proverb
Source: Pinterest
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faiezsworld · 2 months
An Afghan proverb says:
هر کس را وطنش کشمیر است
Everyone's homeland is like Kashmir to them.
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aroundtheworldiej · 2 years
The sewing machine as a lifeline
By Maya Freitas
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(Copyrights: photo by Patrick Fouque)
Sami Nouri is humble, determined, and successful. From Afghanistan to the Fashion Week, this 26-year-old refugee is now nicknamed "the little prince of fashion".
Abandoned at the age of 14 by a smuggler in the city of Tours, the young Sami Nouri has lived from home to home, from family to family but does not keep bad memories of his childhood. On the contrary, the latter will be forever grateful for the benevolent help he has always received.
A course with spectacular looks A spectacular course
Trained at the school of the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne (ECSCP), the young Franco-Afghan is quickly propelled to recognized couturiers. It was at the British stylist John Galiano that Sami Nouri began the creative stage; a universe that would allow him to be subsequently spotted by the unmissable Jean Paul Gaultier. The young designer often talks about Jean Paul Gaultier's confidence in him. The young designer often talks about the trust/confidence Jean Paul Gaultier had in him.
Learning the language and alphabet is essential to obtaining a diploma, Sami Nouri is aware. Sami Nouri is aware that learning the language and the alphabet is essential to obtain a diploma. When he arrived in France, he knew nothing except sewing, passed down from his father. But his dream of being able to go to school makes him a student, certainly struggling with history and general culture, but with the sole objective: to obtain his professional certificate diploma. "If I fail my exam, I will retake it as many times as I need to get it, as many times as it takes to pass. In Europe, diplomas count almost more than know-how. »
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(Copyrights: Melly/Photographer: unknown)
A brand, an illustration of its values and history
Sami Nouri will never forget how much fashion has been of great help in his many struggles. For this purpose, he has only one idea in mind: to make women masters of their dignity. What he wants above all is to enter in symbiosis with them and no longer make women an object enslaved to the desires of men, marketing, photographers ...
Thanks to his perfect mastery and his desire to work, Sami Nouri knew how to be surrounded by the right people such as political figures such as Jean-Pierre Raffarin, or Chadi Sleiman, a great figure of the Parisian bar. A much-needed entourage that allowed him the birth of Sami Nouri Paris in 2017, his own label. The signature of the little prince of fashion stands out thanks to a discreet fragment of barbed wire present in his creations, recalling his passion for freedom. This freedom he found in France, his country of integration to which he wants to pay tribute by creating only made in France products. Sami Nouri Paris respects a condition that its creator will never transgress: a luxury of quality, a quality luxury, accessible to a wide audience because he knows how little rare money can be.
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(Copyrights: Own Work /Autor: Sami Nouri)
A momentum that is not about to stop
« Patience is a tree whose root is bitter and whose fruits are very sweet. ». Sami Nouri has long been inspired by this Persian proverb since he was born on March 31, 1996, in Afghanistan. Among the many dangers he went through as a child, the young prodigy aims to take his vision and creations beyond borders. As the latter puts it, (which is the perfect illustration): "it is not because we do not have money that we can not succeed in life! ".
The thirst for work that the young creator shelters allows him to be a jack of all trades The young creator's thirst for work allows him to be a jack of all trades. The examples are numerous: his book published by Robert Laffont entitled La machine à coudre retracing his history, the planned release in 2023 or 2024 of the film of his life whose script is co-written (Franco-American production) or his contribution during the exhibition on François Boucher (painter of Louis XV and favorite of Madame de Pompadour) at the Museum of Fine Arts in Tours, scheduled for early November.
Sami Nouri knows that he will not succeed in changing a country such as Afghanistan, but he intends to put women at the heart of his messages and to restore her greatness and freedom.
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tahniatspen · 1 year
‘There is telepathy between hearts.’
- An Afghan Proverb.
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Truths to Live By - One Day at a Time
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by William MacDonald
“…the way of transgressors is hard.” - Proverbs 13:15b
If proof were needed that the way of transgressors is hard, we would only need to pick out a daily newspaper at random and we would find plenty of illustrations. I did that just as an experiment and here are the results:
A Nazi war criminal who had escaped detection and capture in South America for 35 years committed suicide. The fear of trial and probable execution made further living unendurable.
A 74 year old man was kidnapped at gunpoint by three men who demanded $90,000 ransom from his son. The son is a reputed drug dealer, currently fleeing from police and federal drug agents.
A member of the U. S. House of Representatives was expelled from the House for accepting a bribe in return for a promise to grant a political favor. It appears that his ouster from Congress will be permanent.
Afghan rebels continue to battle invading Russian troops. The newspaper article does not mention the fact that the government of Afghanistan had previously bulldozed the only Christian church building in the country. Could the Russian invasion be divine retribution?
A police captain falsely reported that his car had been stolen. He hoped to collect insurance on it. He had been considered an outstanding officer and was likely to be tapped for police chief one day. Now he has been dropped from the force and awaits a criminal investigation.
Sometimes we, like the Psalmist, are tempted to envy the wicked. It seems that the world is their oyster and everything works out well for them. But we forget that they reap an inevitable harvest of guilt, shame and fear of exposure. Often they become victims of blackmail and extortion. They fear for their own lives and the lives of their family members. They have to maintain elaborate and expensive protection systems. They face the prospect of arrest, costly litigation and fines or imprisonment. Life becomes a nightmare instead of the dream for which they had hoped.
One man who had learned the lesson well said to Sam Jones, the preacher, with deep conviction, “I know one verse of Scripture and I know that one is true: ‘The way of transgressors is hard.’” He had proved that sin’s built-in consequences are inescapable and extremely unpleasant.
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akifsessays · 2 years
Why do some claim that ‘one man's terrorist another is man's freedom fighter’?
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As a matter of fact, this issue is related to what we understand by terrorism. We can also define this as the things that harm the institutions and organizations of the government. But at the same time, authoritarian or despotic regimes also become terrorists in a way. After all, a person who is a terrorist to one person may be a freedom fighter to another. Terrorism is actually a highly controversial topic. Can we use the word terrorist to describe any kind of cruel act?  If we pay attention, the beginning or the end of terrorism-related events always cause damage. The world is slowly making people like this, and the natural result of an insecure environment is chaos and war. In this situation as a Latin proverb says,as “homo homini lupus (man is a wolf to another man)”. [1]So in a way we are all terrorists, but we call ourselves freedom fighters because it sounds better. Some thinkers have tried to explain terrorism. For example, according to Walter Laquer, Terrorism is the use of unlawful force aimed at innocent people to achieve a political goal.[2] Or Paul Wilkinson , briefly said is the systematic use of means such as killing, wounding, or intimidating a larger group to create an atmosphere of terror by intimidating a larger group to achieve the goals of terrorists.[3] These definitions cannot be reflected to people living in different geographies, social and religious communities. Each nation and culture interprets whether an action has terrorist characteristics or not. These geographical factors or socio-cultural influences and ambitions can be accommodated. As I mentioned earlier, a person who is a terrorist to one person may be a freedom fighter to another. It would be correct to give an example of a coin here. When we look at money, we only see the side we are looking at. Terror is a coin and we see it from wherever we look. Terrorism is an ideological concept that the world has been fighting for a long time. Any behavior that you consider a threat to your own opinion, your homeland, can be seen as a terrorist organization.
 Terrorism has a long history, modern terrorism goes back to World War I. Until today, there have been many activities called terrorism, and when you look at them, the common point of all of them was that they were bloody and terrifying activities. For instance, after the September 11 attack in the United States by al-Qaeda affiliate Osama Bin Laden and those around him, terrorism grew and became stronger in an unstoppable way. This brought along the concerns of securitization [4].
If we consider this issue through the expression "one's terrorist, another's freedom fighter", how was this event led by Afghanistan's leader Osama bin Laden received by Afghanistan? As we can imagine, for the Afghan side, this was a success and a strong step towards Arab freedom.
Did this terrorist incident take place because of an American sanction on Afghanistan or was it because Osama Bin Laden really just wanted to kill people?  From the perspective of mutual empathy, no country or leader in the world is innocent enough and does not want peace. This should not only be considered across countries, they can be friends or enemies for their own benefit. Why shouldn't Terror be a tool or a philosophy to use it in your interests. The brainwashing or hypnosis abilities of Hassan Sabbah in Alamut in the 12th century are present in most organizations and leaders today. Especially today, the use of media and its reflections cause us to confuse what is right with what is wrong. We live in a world order that first makes people sick and then produces drugs with the promise of healing them and condemns them to use these drugs. These are Millennium Assassins for me. It should not be forgotten that all terrorist groups are formed for a specific purpose. While many terrorist activities use similar forms of violence, they are not all essentially the same.
When we look at terrorism from another perspective, there may be deep beliefs behind the events that we perceive as terrorism. Killing and fighting have existed since the beginning of mankind and have been described in all holy books. Accordingly, it would not be correct to call every person who fights and holds a gun a terrorist. Then we may be perceived as a terrorist ourselves. The closer you look at the legal activities of the state and the criminal activities of a terrorist organization, the harder it will be to see the difference. What is the difference between Viet-Cong (National Liberation Front of South Vietnam ) activities and America's? So what is the difference between the pilot of a plane that drops normal bombs and a normal suicide bomber on Middle Eastern countries? When you look at it, they both kill innocent people. Perhaps it is the states themselves that lead people to terrorism. Terrorism is not just about guns and bombs, there are many different types. For example, after Turkey's sudden transformation from a state ruled by a caliphate and sultanate to a secular and democratic state,  attacks on Atatürk, riots and slanders can be called a terrorist attack by his own country.  In fact, the important question is, how are these organizations that we call terrorists arming ?
How can such illegal organizations procure heavy weapons such as Kalashnikovs and  RPG-7 ? And how can we explain the comfortable use of social media by terrorist groups with the effect of globalization? I think what we need to know is this, look at the brand of the lead, not the shooter. While terrorist organizations used to carry out their narrow and regional activities, they have now started to carry out very complex international activities in today's world, and they can also adapt
very easily. Today, we can easily access everything via the internet and social media. For example, you can watch the 9/11 incident live and now can easily contact and join a terrorist group. So, what is the interest relationship of these organizations with the media?
While terrorist organizations seize the opportunity to convey their demands, express themselves and raise awareness through the media; on the other hand, the media seizes the opportunity to obtain news. (KARTAL, 2014)
As a result, many countries will be endangered within their borders as Terrorism continues to grow, spread and become so easy to reach. If we take the issue of "one person's terrorist, another's freedom fighter" again, we will never know who is a terrorist and who is a freedom fighter.  Here we turn to my coin example. This is how it works when you look at terrorism. Some may perceive an incident as terrorist activity, while others may perceive the same incident as a revenge and consider it the right thing to do. Whether there is terrorism or not, everything that ends with death, brutality, and fear must be brought to an end.Preventing terrorism works better with peace, civilization and good education. It should not be forgotten that the way we try to prevent terrorism in today's world goes through weapons and death.
[1] A phrase in Latin which translates as "man is a wolf to other men". The epigram appears in the dedication of Thomas Hobbes, "De cive", published in 1651. Thomas Hobbes, Howard Warrender Clarendon Press, 1983.
[2] Interpretations of Terrorism: Fact, Fiction and Political Science . Walter Laqueur . Journal of Contemporary History Vol. 12, No. 1 (Jan., 1977), pp. 1-42 . Published By: Sage Publications, Inc
[3] Political Terrorism. By Paul Wilkinson. (New York: Halstead Press, 1975. Pp. 160 )
[4] The Impact of 9/11 on Politics and War: The Day that Changed Everything? Volume 1 , Matthew J. Morgan , Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 Pp: 131-137  ( http://libgen.li/ads.php?md5=194bd0287c0807a0dc0ba2de1c0284a9)
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alix5ha · 3 months
If you feel far form Allah, who moved?
-Afghan proverb
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Il y a un air de #rl2924 chez @Ed_Recamier...
"Ils peuvent tuer toutes les hirondelles,
Le printemps reviendra quand-même.
Proverbe afghan
J'attends un peu et je vous en parle sur vagabondageautourdesoi.com
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thoughtquotesline · 6 months
Afghan Proverbs: Words of Wisdom from the Land of the Pashtuns
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templardom · 1 year
Destination: The Mundane Plain
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:11 (ESV)
If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume all adversaries. Hebrews 10:26-27 (BSB)
Outwardly you look like righteous people, but inwardly your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness. Matthew 23:28 (NLT)
The Righteous One knows what is going on in the homes of the wicked; he will bring disaster on them. Proverbs 21:12 (NLT)
The iniquities of a wicked man entrap him; the cords of his sin entangle him. Proverbs 5:22 (BSB)
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mirshakeel · 1 year
If you don't have the heart of lion, don't travel the path of Love.
Afghan proverb
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