#after calling them a tyrant💀
11queensupreme11 · 10 months
It sounds like part 4 is just going to be the ror!gods going "oh well this will be fine what's the worst that could happen" only to be immediately proven wrong by the pjo!world. To them Percy's world probably seems like some kind of apocalyptic dystopian death world with a personal grudge against Percy. New horrors everyday. Anthonius is allowed to exist. Can you tell me each love interest's least favorite thing that is not Percy related? (ex Poseidon hates that pjo!Poseidon is a whore)
poseidon: absolutely HATES the state of his seas. his counterpart only has a kingdom because he didn't think to conquer and expand??? pathetic. it's so polluted too, WHY DOESN'T PJO!POSEIDON KILL THE HUMANS FOR SULLYING HIS TERRITORY??? there's aquariums, FUCKING SEA WORLD, grocery stores selling dead fish, countries whose main diet consists of SEA FOOD. poseidon is frothing in the mouth with rage
hades: absolutely hates the relationship the elder olympians have, especially the big three. it actually kinda hurts him how broken this family is. he's very disappointed in how the pjo!big 3 behave. they're having petty arguments with each other and killing each other's kids because of it! he is especially disappointed in pjo!zeus, he's become a power-hungry, paranoid, tyrannical king and that says a lot because his little brother is literally called "the tyrant of the seas"
loki: absolutely hates the idea that pjo gods have fallen so low that they would lay with a HUMAN and have half-breed children (which is very hypocritical of him because he's in love with a HALF-BREED, but he'll just say "she's an exception ofc! 💖"), then have the gall to look down on them despite literally needing their existence to survive? no seriously, loki hates how the pjo gods actually NEED humanity to exist in order to not fade away. it's disgusting to him
beelzebub: hmmmm this was kinda hard for me because there are many reasons he hates the pjo verse but most of it is percy-related. the one thing he really hates is how dangerous everything is. this man is super overprotective (for obvious reasons) so learning that demigods literally have monsters hunting after them like 24/7 makes him worried af and paranoid. the fact that percy's constantly sent on quests and wars??? he'd hyperventilate. it does not help learning that greek demigods barely make it to adulthood 💀
apollo: this one is more specific, but he hates how pjo!apollo wasn't allowed to save artemis after she was kidnapped. pjo!apollo wasn't allowed to interfere and literally risked getting into A LOT of trouble by breaking ancient laws to help percy and the questers. ror!apollo really really REALLY doesn't like the "no interference rule".
but i think THE NUMBER ONE THING that ALL ror gods hate the most..... is how restrictive everything is in the pjo verse.
think about it. there are SOOO many things that the pjo gods can't do that would just baffle ror gods:
they can't go to each other's realms/homes. early in the lightning thief, percy asks why can't zeus and poseidon just go to the underworld and to beat up hades for stealing the bolt and chiron was like "they're not allowed to". like, that's just insane for ror!gods!!!
they can't reveal themselves to the humans??? ror midgardians don't believe in the gods anymore because the ror gods literally hate their asses so much that barely any of them go down to midgard anymore and just chill in valhalla. meanwhile in pjo, humans simply stopped believing in them and the gods decided they should play along and have hecate create the mist so they wouldn't know about the "mythical" world
they can't interfere too much in the lives of humans. humans are literally fucking up the environment in pjo and gods don't go around committing massacres as punishment because they're no longer allowed to interfere or something like that 💀 then there's the ror gods casually committing genocide on multiple nations and even going so far as to COMPLETELY WIPE OUT ALL OF HUMANITY 💀
can't go around killing humans whenever they want cuz they need them to survive. also connected to the one above. pjo gods need demigods and humanity in order to not fade away from existence. which is VERY weird to ror gods because their existence is not influenced by humanity AT ALL. it's why they're able to commit so many genocides against them.
can't raise their demigod children. yeah a lot of ror gods are gonna be disgusted at the thought of half-breed kids existing but like.... they're genuinely confused as to why pjo gods can't raise them cuz wtf
can't act freely so they gotta use demigods to do their dirty work. connected to the "can't go to each other's realms/homes" and "can't interfere too much" rule ^^. because of how restricted pjo gods are, they gotta act indirectly by using demigods to do their dirty work for them (pjo!apollo couldn't save his sis because he wasn't allowed to, had to literally break ancient laws just so he could give percy and co some help). ror gods have no such restrictions and can do as they please
and im pretty sure there's more, but that's the gist of it that i can remember rn
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my-pjo-stuff · 23 days
gen question, what are your opinions on each of the Olympians (you don't have to but plz separate for each god cause I'm really interested
Lmao dw, although I should warn you many of my opinions are the same or very similar on them, so I shortened parts and left others out (elaboration at the end) ZEUS - Tyrannt king who's no better than Kronos in terms of personality who deserves to be overthrown. HERA - Cruel woman who yes, is hurt and props mistreated by Zeus and his actions, but still takes her anger out on innocent people. Also deserves to be overthrown
HADES - Upholding and unjust system who may somewhat be okay to Nico, but still is a shitty parent. He litteraly wanted to force Nico to become the Hero of the Great Prophecy for his own gain despite believing the hero would die. Deserves to be overthrown, and have CPS called on him. POSEIDON - A "nice" dictator is still a dictator y'all. Uses and treats mortal life just as carelessly as everyone else. Him being a good father to Percy does not make him a good guy or someone who is a good ruler. I mean just look at his r*pe bodycount plz DEMETER - Negelctful parent who uses her children as much as canon fodder as everyone else. Helps to uphold an unjust system that uses and abuses literal children and their mortal parents while activley benefiting from it.
APHRODITE - Negelctful parent who also uses and abuses her children. Just because she talked to Piper and helped her dad doesn't make her a good person or mother. The main reason for that is that she does not give that same level of attention and care to the rest of her children- picking favorites is not suddenly "okay" or "cool" just because your favorite character happens to be the favorite child.
ATHENA - Negelectful parent who uses her kids as cannon fodder. And not only that but she's also exceptionally irresponsible considering how she just dumps kids on completely unprepared parents and leaves not helping any further. Ontop of that she's also incredibly prideful and assumes she has some right to meddle with her kids' lives. 90% of the gods deserve to be overthrown but she also deserves a kick in the balls from Annabeth ontop. ARTEMIS - I made multiple posts about how creepy she is already. Borderline creep in her way of specifically going after younger girls. Also not yet sure she ain't leading a borderline cult with the Hunters of Artemis. Also the way she is about men violates so many human rights. Joining her Hunters would be a living nightmare for me, knowing she'd be my patron goddess if I lived in PJO makes me glad she's fictional. Helps to uphold and profits from a system literally killing kids. APOLLO - Helps to uphold a system that's literally killing kids and benefits from it. He uses demigod lives as cannon fodder too. Him "loving" his partners and children does not change the fact that he just leaves/abandons both of them if the kid doesn't happen to be a favorite of his. Jury's still out on him post-TOA and redemtion. If he actively does something against the system to help the demigods or atleast attempts to do we're god. If he doesn't he's even worse than the rest bc now he doesn't even have the "he didn't know any better" excuse. ARES - OG reason I wish Luke won unironically. Tyrant, jerk, probably abusive and misogynistic????? Also the typical case of using his kids as cannon fodder. Neglectful parent 101. HEPHAESTUS - IDK if he talked and helped Leo and said he "watches all his children". He did not help any other of his kids like that, no good father EVER employs even a SMIGE of favoritism. You can watch your kids all you want, if you continue to ignore them, use them as cannon fodder, and actively benefit from the system killing them that makes you a weird stalker at best. But most certainly not a good father OR person. HERMES - I have never seen someone fumble the bag so hard like??? Honestly he deserve a TROPHY for being able to mess up so incredibily much with Luke and May 💀 At this point you can really only describe the guy as inept. He for real just left his innocent newborn son with a woman he KNEW was insane completely alone for no reason??? AND THEN BLAMED LUKE FOR LEAVING HIS MOM/NOT LIKING HER????? Listen idk if he "couldn't have interfered without making it worse" and if it was against some ancient law. Poseidon interferes with Percy a BUNCH even when he was under a prophecy for multiple of his quests and everything turned out fine. Hermes loved Luke, unfortunately he just had a room-temperature IQ. He is also a neglectful parent who uses his kids as cannon fodder- he couldn't care less about any other child of his not named "Luke Castellan". Favoritism still ain't cool my man DIONYSUS - May genuinly care about his kids and all, but he still basically trains up a demigod child army and uses them as cannon fodder. Helps to uphold the system. Litteraly shoves his job at camp off to the kids while being a straight up asshole- no wonder did so many kids turn when HE was their one and only example for a god. EXTRA INFO
I think that "helps to uphold an unjust system" and "actively benifits from a system that uses kids as cannon fodder with no regards for them" honestly applies to EVERY god with exception of Hestia and the minor gods who joined the TA. They are also all dictators to some degree- remember everybody: A NICE DICTATOR IS STILL A DICTATOR. IF THEY WERE A GOOD PERSON THEY WOULDN'T BE A DICTATOR! I hate the gods for real. Although personally in terms of hate everyone get's an equal amount, but Artemis creeps me out the MOST. (Can I get a restraining order against a goddess?)
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darklordazalin · 2 years
Azalin Reviews Darklord Gabrielle Aderre
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Domain: Invidia Domain Formation: 603 BC Power Level: 💀💀⚫⚫⚫ (2/5 Skulls) Sources: Realms of Terror (2e), Domains of Dread (2e), Secrets of the Dread Realms (3e), Ravenloft 3.0, The Evil Eye (2e Adventure), Ravenloft Gazetteer (3e)
Invidia is a land of manipulation, distrust, and violence. Its people are passionate and I don’t mean that in a complementary way. If anyone should think more with their heads instead of their hearts, it’s the people of Invidia, who always let their passions get in the way of common sense. It is not a rarety to see fights break out between two or more opposing forces for the smallest of insults.
Gabrielle Aderre, the current Darklord of Invidia, was not the first. That title goes to the werewolf, Baron Bakholi. Bakholi was a tyrant who ruled with brutal force and the repression of his people. He never bothered to hide the fact that he was a werewolf from his people. He named his castle, Castle Loupet… Might as well have just named it “Castle Wolf”. To be fair, many of us like to be as obvious as possible in the Domains of Dread.
Baron Bakholi ruled Invidia until 729 BC when the Mists transported Gabrielle there. Bakholi’s people captured Gabrielle who, skilled in the unique magic of the Vistani, held him in her gaze, which paralyzed him as she slit his throat with a silver dagger. She then claimed rulership over Invidia. That’s one way to start down this road and seeing as the Dark Powers never made anyone else the Darklord of Invidia, Gabrielle’s own evil was unquestioned.
What led her down this path? Well, a series of bad choices, just like the rest of us. Gabrielle grew up roaming the lands of Mists with her half-Vistana mother, Isabella. Being shunned by her own people, Isabella kept her daughter away from society and they spent their lives barely surviving in the wilds through trade and theft. This led Gabrielle to hold a deep resentment for the Vistani. Still, her mother taught her the unique magic of her people and it is said that Gabrielle is a direct descendant of Madam Eva and carries Madam Eva’s first Tarokka deck with her. Isabella, through her own Divination, warned Gabrielle that she must never bear a child. The things she most desired, a family and a home to call her own, could never be hers, for if she had them, it would only result in tragedy.
Growing up without a father, Gabrielle was naturally curious about who he was. Her mother would only refer to him as an evil tyrant, yet still Gabrielle longed to learn more. For what child does not revere their father? Perhaps Isabella should have told her more, for her loneliness and thirst for acceptance and a place to call “home” led her to obtain the information about her father in a very brutal way. Her mother was attacked by a werewolf and Gabrielle refused to help her until she told all she knew of her father. Isabella relented, saying her father was a wealthy man from Falkovnia who had enslaved her and treated her cruelly for years. She had barely escaped with her life when she was pregnant with Gabrielle. Gabrielle, always one to think with her heart, reacted in the only way she could, by denying everything her mother had said and leaving her to die slowly in the jaws of the werewolf. That’s when the Mists transported her to Invidia.
There, after killing Bakholi, the people rose up and named Gabrielle their Queen and she quickly claimed the fiery remains of Castle Loupet as her own. Gabrielle was a lax and uncaring ruler. She ignored the people’s problems in favor of lavishing herself in luxury. Her rule was one of whispers, but unlike my own, her whispers and plotting were carried out on whims and fleeting fancies. She spent her time manipulating individuals against one another and spreading rumors of the Vistani “evil” throughout Invidia. Her realm was mostly in chaos, though she still managed to convince a fair amount of people to take over a portion of Gundarak as that Domain fell.
Now, Gabrielle should have listened to her mother, but she fell head over heels for the “Gentleman Caller”, an incubus who holds great interest to me as his schemes are all designed with the ultimate goal of allowing him to escape the Mists. Gabrielle only has a vague recollection of her brief love affair with the Incubus…and never knew him to be an Incubus in any way. Their ‘union’ resulted in Gabrielle giving birth to Malocchio, a son who has an extra finger on each hand. (Perhaps this is the 6-fingered man that Inigo Montoya has been searching for?)
The extra fingers led Gabrielle to perform a Tarokka reading and discovered that Malocchio was a Dukkar or an individual destined to bring out the destruction of the Vistani. Still holding a deep resentment for her people, Gabrielle was thrilled by this information and sought to groom her son to be just that. This did not work well for Gabrielle as her son had no desire to fall under his mother’s heel. He sought to destroy her completely, but Gabrielle was saved by her one-time lover, a wolfwere from Kartakass named Matton. With his assistance, Gabrielle recuperated and soon took over the leadership of the rebels from Gundarak and took up residence in Castle Hunadora. She began her whispered campaign against her son, but it did little from stopping him from having near complete control over Invidia.
Malocchio and Gabrielle play their little games to this day, painting the landscape with blood and whispers. Malocchio is a ruthless individual, devoting his time to eradicating the Vistani whereas his mother is now far more focused on seeking revenge against her son. Though her control over Invidia is a fraction of what it once was, she has rallied people behind her and even a fair number of wolfweres from Kartakass have come to her side. She’s a powerful enchanter and uses her skills at deception, manipulation, and charm as weapons against those that would oppose her.
Her curse, interestingly, is that she cannot directly harm a Vistana. This includes her own son, so she must rely on others to do this for her. As curses go, that seems a tame one given she prefers manipulation to direct confrontation to begin with, but the Dark Powers don’t always make the wisest of decisions. Let’s see, a rather lazy ruler with more care of her own luxury than actually ruling and lost most of her Domain to her own son…I’ll give his lady a 2 simply because she’s related to Madam Eva and is clearly unwilling to give up despite all odds laid out against her.
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vvishes · 3 years
One Hour
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📜﹕Two Random People (laura and this president)
❕﹕PSYCHO!President, Death, just some dark comedy and messed up logic aha-
📄﹕okay uh i wanted to write this story (and i have posted about this maybe one or two days ago) but this all started at 10:44pm.
i was talking to my friend cooper - @aetherzdna (you can call him aether or bugz i’m not sure what he prefers) and i was like “hey i’m gonna go to the bathroom” so he’s like “sure” so i go do my business (very quietly because i have a 9-yo sibling who sleeps earlier than me like 9pm) and i come back to my room.
i say that i’m back and all of a sudden he says ‘in your two second leave i have started a country—and goddamn is it failing’ ; i thought he was playing a video game about making a country 💀💀
after a tragic end , i really wanted to make a story out of it. so here we are , hope you like it :D
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“During your two second leave of going to the restroom, Miss Laura P., I’ve started a country on my own—and goddamn is it failing. The people want anarchy but I want to rule as I am a tyrant and I can’t give them what they deserve until I win this election.” I say into the phone, until pausing for a breather.
“Laura, I need you in my office. Right away.” I hang up and place the phone back on the wall where it belongs, wondering if it is a good idea to bring the advisor.
I don’t know what’s the issue with me, I want power, but nothing is going correctly because my bloody second hand man left for business. God, if he doesn’t come back and use his lovely soothing voice I don’t think our country will make it out alive.
I hear a knock on my door, and I tell them to come in. Turning around I see her; Laura. A relieved pleasure runs through my body now that I know my advisor is here.
“Salutations, sir, why’d you bring me here?” she asks, arms behind her back. Why does she have to be so naïve, there is a literal war being attempted. “Do you not have a clue why you’re here? Look outside—people are terrorising, using my own weapons against me. This is what happens when your second hand man isn’t here to assist you!” I shout, letting each and every word slip from the tip of my tongue.
Laura walks towards the window letting her hand touch the glass before being interrupted by my rambling. “Some of my men and soldiers have resorted to eating horses. And not only do we have the election coming up, we have a bloody war!”
I sit on an armchair, trying to make myself comfy. Laura looks at the window again before saying something. “You’re not going to tell me there’s more, are you?”
An irritated sigh escapes from my lips, “a few minutes ago, I was informed that my second hand man had killed someone overseas. The country wants me to either pay with blood or money.”
Laura looks at me, shocked whilst banging on the glass with her fist, leaving a mark from the oils of her skin. “This war is going to be the end.”
It’s true, this war is going to be the end—but I still had ideas up my sleeve.
“I have explosives, and I feel like using them,” I start, “but if I decide to drop them, who will tell my story, my legacy, what does that become?”
Laura looks back to what’s going on outside, letting her dusty fingertips caress the window. “I don’t think it’d hurt if I tell your story, would it?”
If Laura.. passed the story? That’s.. a marvellous idea. “Pass it; the Americans, they don’t have problems with committing war crimes,” I say, attempting to hide the excitement that’s trying to burst out of my soul.
“Tell everyone once the bombs drop. This country is going down in my rule, I have no say in who lives or who dies.”
“Aight; I wish you good luck, sir.”
The bombs have dropped, adrenaline rushes through my body as I see the outside world suffer before my eyes. I look behind me to see Laura looking at me calming, yet concern seeps out of her gaze.
“Was it worth it? All this blood shed for I, a great leader to die?” I asked, cutting off the silence but also because I wanted to hear her answer.
“Well, it is your choice on whether you’d like to live or die. It isn’t my right to direct you to your death.”
“You’re my advisor, was it worth dropping two nuclear bombs on that country? And if that didn’t kill them a chemical that would surely wipe out the remaining people alive?” Laura let out a shaky sigh, “they have attempted to declare war once? Twice? Either way, I am not biased on how this goes.” She pauses and looks at me, showing a faint smile. “You are our ruler, sir, you make the choices. Unless you are truly stuck and in need of help, I will gladly assist you.”
Those were inspirational words, but not enough to change my perspective on this bloody hell of a world. Bombs. More bombs; I need to drop more bombs.
“I can’t help it. God, I’m dropping another bomb on their allies. This is war after all, history is written by the winners.”
Laura walks up to the window that was now hidden by the velvet curtains, staring at it, “I guess we just need to wait here and witness people suffer from our nukes.”
“Yeah; Champagne? Whisky? We did just win a war after all.” I say, a toothy grin growing on my face. Laura looks at me tilting her head. “Shouldn’t you be gathering the committee as well?” I stare at her with a nonchalant expression.
“Not really, since me and you are the only ones left.”
“What about the soldiers, sir? I’m certain they’re still alive.” Laura asks, glaring at me as if I was a selfish monster; she’s not wrong in a way. “I refuse,” I say, now walking up to two large, wooden doors. Opening them, the cabinet was filled to the brim with all sorts of beverages. Wine, beer, whisky, champagne, hints of vodka and soft drinks every here and there. “Laura, c’mere. What would you like to drink on this occasional day?”
Laura, listening to my command and walking towards me, marvelled the collection of drinks that were probably already spoiled, yet I didn’t need to care about whether they were old or not. “Ehh, wine? Red wine?” She suggested. A fine taste of drink I see.
“Splendid choice,” I say, best the best red wine I could find, expired or not. Laura, who had finished her marvelling, was directly behind me; perfect timing.
I take the wine bottle from the cabinet, and as quick as I could, I turned and smashed it on her head, leaving her unconscious on the floor, clothes stained with shades of blood and wine. Rummaging through all my pockets, I encountered a pocket knife. Bending down, my fingers slowly open Laura’s eyes; and before I knew it, I stabbed her eyeball, crimson trickling down from her socket to the tip of her nose. I roll her on to her back so I could see her heart still beating ever so slowly, oh the sight of it was so unbearably.. intriguing.
I bring my face closer to her heart. Patter, patter, patter.
And before I knew it; I stabbed her heart ever so gracefully. After standing back up I look at the masterpiece I have just created. Loud pants escaped out of my mouth, my heart pacing rapidly as if I wanted to stab my own.
“Like that wine, you little strumpet?”
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i’m Posting this Some where Else but i thought i just say fuck it and post a Copy here
Ok, this is what i Was told by the Tall Gray, i Was to Survive, for About 30 Year's. the tall gray told me that around this time Around my 25th birth Day  to my 30th Birth day at any point in time here Thay Should be Coming around and Attacking. I Am To Not Have Sex with a Primate, but a Hybrid of Kin, for we Both got the DNA, the Faery Code and i am to Mate with other female, and Give the Kid's the Dna from both of Me .. a total Psycho - xD and Her a ??? And Seeing i'm Unseelie, i Am to Find a Kin of My Court, and that i Am to only really find my Kind once the Human race Was Entermeted - 💀 Till then i Am to Survive, and Not get in Trouble. i am To Watch My 6 24/7 ... i Obey to the Fullest. Even With My dying Breath. Around this time Just like 9/11 Where i herd the Scream's before it Happen, saw the death toll ... Before i happen and i Saw Frog's heart attack a year before it Happen ... i am Seeing it all Unfold, Right now ... i Didn't Believe any of the One's before where Anything but a Bad Dream but it was so Real ... i was on Edge for Week's ... Till i saw the Both happen just as i saw in my Dream's .... and this last on was not a dream is what the Mantis told me .. thay Showed me the Greatest of Chaos's, the Most Wide scale of Death and destruction, Ever ... Thus i Called it the great Chaos ... 
i Saw the City's Burning, i Saw the Ufo's attacking and i Saw ... the Gray's Show in there mother ship's and attack in full ... There was Nothing that wasn't Broken ... There was no House or Home that wasn't destroy and all of the power line's where melted ... everything was destroyed in the Great War, that is near ... is the was the most of Chaos's ...
and in the end ... All of us Hybrid's are Freed .... and we ... Get to re-build ... but it take's us Year's before we even see one thing Alive ... maybe 3 to 5 year's of being All alone, all of the Animal's are dead, most of the Plant's are scorched ... And So, Yah !!! it is Going to be a real War of the world's ... And About you Saying your on Earth, your Wrong, i'm in Fairy land ... Earth is Fairy land and Always was ... ... ...
Ok, This is Part 2 ... i Know your not going to Believe, becuz you wasn't there, and the Scientist lied, Listen the dinosaur's never should of started thay where put here by the Reptilian's, after i fucked up and revealed earth to them in a Bad deal Gone Wrong. 
there was a Super neon Green Faery Who wanted to be Called God, and She Wanted to Enslave every one's Soul ... and be Crowned Queen of the Universe ... i Fought her, calling her the Tyrant Titan. Way back 350 or 400 million Year's ago Earth ... She was able to Mind Control and Brain wash other Insectoid's expect for Me ...  Only the Toughest of the Hard, Could resist her Spell's, Her psionics ... And the fae that Could i Rounded to Rebel, but We where out Gunned ... she always had More n more With weapon's ... 
And you Got to Understand, where wasn't that many of us Left with a race thay can't have sex any More ... it was the gray's bought back the few that thay did ... threw Cloning and many other way's but thay soon becuz Broke and didn't Work the Same way ....
the DNA was Dying too fast and there Where a Shit ton of DNA error's ... And the Gray's Knew thay Need Another race to Genetically Mooch off of With a Hybrid but Back Then thay didn't Know what race ... it Ended up being Primate's .. Human's but this was after i fucked up and told the Dragon's on Draco to Go to Earth ot help me fight This Little green Bitch ... this Super Tyrant, thay said thay will send reinforcement's i Was stoked ... it Was over i thought i Got her .... Dam Dragon ... thay back Stabbed Me and did a full Scale invasion of are solar system, around Earth and took over every Planet ... and that is why you got the Royal elite that rule the world today ... thay Descended from the dragon's of Old ... 
Not the Point ... The gray's Where pissed when i told them What i did to get rid of her .... thay Lose there Mind's ... 
i didn't know what i did ... there was no Time to talk becuz before i knew it there was a Wide Scale mass of Ship's Coming for Earth ... the Gray's told them to back off or thay will fire the reptilian's fired first and the entire Soral system Was a Massive battle field the sky was flooded with death and Rained Flaming Shot down Ship's ... the sea was ruined .. it was Filled was shot down ship's and Dead Body's ... 
This all Really Happen ... Many Year's Ago .. on Earth Fast Forward many year's later thay Started Jurassic Park on Earth but thay Ruled over it thay turned Gaia into Draco ... and the gray's Kept on Fighting ... and then one day thay Put Human's in as Small ape's and there the gray's Watched them to gray as a DNA Seed and thay Advanced humanity as fast as possible thay Need you for Hybrid's Aka ME and us Rare Few ... and Now in this Day n Age we are going to get are world Back, You ... you Came from a different wat of the Universe Some Say Orion, other's say the Arm of ♐ And other Say Alpha Centauri My Point is ....  Harvested Primate DNA else where in Thay Returned to Earth after thay Had a Basic DNA Seed .. and thay Made you on Earth .... thay Need you ... all along this is why Man Kind's Time on Earth is so Short, The Gold Age, the Sliver age the Heroic Age and the ... Iron age 💀 Earth is Not your Home it's a Rent. 
Man Kind ... has Come to it End ... and Now we Get to Blossom ... I Just Wanted to Give you An Fyi ... after seeing all the activity ... i'm Pretty Sure ...
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