#after he and i flirted someone drove their car into the pond and then a series of disasters occured and then i woke up
softboywriting · 5 years
Opposites Attract | Shawn Mendes AU
Summary: Shawn. He is your brother’s friend, bad boy, long time crush and now, your new housemate. You’ve had it bad for him since you were a teenager, and he knows it too. There’s just one little problem, he isn’t your type. Or is he? Will Shawn prove to be more than the guy who picked fights and got in trouble or will he be the same guy you knew growing up? [bad boy] [fluff] [mild nsfw]
Word Count: 11k
|Masterlist In Bio|
The day you told your brother you needed a roommate because your old one moved in with her boyfriend, you were just intending to vent. Zack was halfway across the country going to college to be a lawyer, how was it he just happened to have someone to move in with you? It was the last thing you expected to hear from him, that he knows someone looking for a place, but you were desperate and rent was due soon.
The day Shawn shows up is one you won’t be forgetting any time soon. It was six in the morning, you had just woken up and gotten out of bed. It was a nice morning, cool, so you had the windows open while you made breakfast. The sound of birds was beautiful as you sang along to the radio on the kitchen counter. Life was good. Until the sound of a very loud motorcycle interrupted everything.
Loud engines weren’t anything new in your neighborhood. Most people had second hand cars and not all of them were the best. You live in a college town, beat up cars is the norm. But this was different because it was clearly a motorcycle and it was in your driveway causing a racket.
Before you could get to the front windows the sound stops. The engine shut off. You opened the door and that’s when you saw him. Shawn. Standing by his bike unloading a huge duffle bag that’s strapped to the back. When Zack said he had a friend coming to meet you about the roommate offer, you didn’t expect him to bring his stuff. In fact you didn’t remember Zack telling you which friend it was.
Shawn turned and smiled at you, a hand raised in greeting. Your heart stopped. Of all of Zack’s friends, it had to be Shawn that needed a place to stay. Shawn, the guy who picked fights with everyone in school. Shawn, the one who stole a car with Zack when they were sixteen and drove it into your neighbor’s pond. Shawn, the one who bought you your first shot when you turned nineteen and then knocked out your boyfriend for flirting with some girl at the club you were at. Granted the last one was well deserved and Gauge, your ex, was an asshole. But it just had to be him. The one person you have a history of feelings for.
You couldn’t believe you were staring him down on your front porch after all this time. All six foot and three inches of muscle, tattoos, piercings, perfect wavy brown hair and a photo ready smile. He was a handsome, problematic son of a bitch and you were playing with fire the moment you let him into the house.  
One month. It’s one month of living with Shawn before he asks if you have a boyfriend. You’re in the bathroom, the door is open, and you’re washing your face. It’s just a normal Tuesday night and he just pops the question.
“So, you got a boyfriend?”
He’s leaning against the door frame oh so casually, arms crossed in his black tank top that shows off his full sleeve of tattoos going up to his shoulder. He’s huge, way bigger than you remember him being and you think it’s definitely because he’s bulked up. You couldn’t imagine being on the receiving end of a punch from him when you were back in high school, you definitely couldn’t imagine it now.
“Uh, no.” You turn to look at him with your face scrub smeared across your face. “Why?”
“Just curious.”
Shawn shrugs and you aren’t buying it.
“You looking to knock someone out? Because that’s what you did to my last boyfriend.”
He chuckles and leans his head on the door. “Gauge was a dick. You really haven’t dated since you were nineteen?”
“Oh I’ve dated.” You rinse your face and grab your moisture. “I just haven’t had a boyfriend, like a long term relationship.”
“So you’ve had hook ups?”
“Dates.” You level your eyes and pull away your hairband keeping your hair out of your face. “Hook ups imply sex.”
Shawn follows you as you walk out of the bathroom and head for the kitchen. He’s like a puppy on your heels and you can’t help but feel like he is asking all these questions for a reason.
“So you haven’t gotten laid in a while?”
“What?” He raises his hands in defense and walks back against the counter. He crosses his arms and smirks. The audacity. “We’re adults. Sex is an adult topic.”
“I’m not talking about my sex life with you.” You sigh and open the fridge to find something to make for a late dinner. You had worked over time, picking up a half shift for a friend who had to pick up her sick kid at daycare.
“You’re such a goody two shoes.”
“And you’re a nosy Nancy.”
Shawn rolls his eyes and runs a hand over his hair. “Curiosity is not nosiness.”
“Arguable. Why do you want to know anyway? Why are you curious?”
He shrugs. “We live together. I just thought I’d get to know you a little better. It’s been a few years since we really talked.”
You pull a pack of chicken from the fridge and walk around him to grab a cutting board. “Well, I’m pretty much the same person.” You look at him and give him a once over. He doesn’t fail to notice. “It seems you are too.”
“Yeah? What’s that mean?”
“It means I’m not going to hook up with you. You’re my brother’s friend and even if you weren’t, you aren’t my type.”
Shawn scoffs and grabs a banana from the fruit basket behind him. “And what is your type?”
“Good boys.” You quip, walking around him again to put your chicken in a pan.
He chuckles and remains quiet. You’re shocked.  That’s what it took to shut him up huh? You feel like this isn’t the end of this conversation. Shawn wasn’t one to relent so easily. And while he wasn’t your usual type of guy you might flirt with, you’d be damned if you said he didn’t pique your interest.
It’s pouring rain the day you lock yourself out of the house. A week ago your washer took a shit and you’ve worn everything in your closet. You packed everything up that morning and took it to your parents house half an hour away. You decide to drive home at the first signs of a storm, your mom saying she would finish up your laundry for you if you wanted to pick it up tomorrow.
By the time you pull in the driveway, it’s pouring rain and thunder is rumbling across the sky. Shawn’s bike is parked under the eve of the side of the house with a tarp over it. You hurry out of the car and up to the front door. You scramble to find your house key on your keyring and realize it’s not there. You loaned it to Shawn when he lost his keys a week ago. He found his eventually but he didn’t give you back yours.  
“Shawn!” You yell, pounding on the door. “Shawn let me in!”
The wind picks up and you shiver, pulling your jacket across your chest in an attempt to keep some of your body heat in. There is no response from inside the house. You press the doorbell relentlessly and start pounding again.
The lock clicks and the door opens to a soaking wet Shawn in a towel. “What the fu-”
“About time!” You push past him and into the house, water dripping off every inch of your body. “I need my house key back by the way.”
Shawn closes the door and turns to face you. “I’m sorry?”
You push your hair back out of your face and stare at him. He’s just as soaked as you but for a much better reason. There’s water running off the end of his nose and you can’t help but stare at his piercing. He’s got a ring in it today instead of his usual stud. It’s hot. Way too hot.
A grin spreads across his face and he licks some water off his lips. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” You snap out of your daze and remember that you’re drenched. “Give me my key when you’re done showering.”
“Yes ma'am.” He saunters past you, winking as he pushes his hair back. It’s so cliche but god damn did it work. You were fucked for him.
Fifteen minutes later and you walk into the kitchen to start some lunch. Shawn is already in there, sitting at the table looking at something on his phone. He’s still half naked, just wearing a pair of his running pants. You wish he wasn’t in there though because you are in clothes you usually reserved for men you were trying to get into bed with.
All of your clothes were at your parents house. Literally everything but one pink nightie like tank top and a pair of silky black shorts. You can’t help the flush that rises on your cheeks as you turn away from his gaze to start making a sandwich.
“That’s an awful pretty outfit for making lunch in.”
You won’t turn and look at him. You know he’s right behind you now. “Yeah well, all my clothes are at my parents house.”
“I have clothes you can wear.”
Good point. But you weren’t going to ask him for clothes. You didn’t want to smell like him and have thoughts of him being all over you. God no. This was bad enough, having him stand behind you and chat about your lingerie.
“It’s fine. I’m already wearing them.”
You see his arm, tattoos all up the forearm, before you feel his body against your back. He’s hot, in every sense of the word. He reaches up to get something overhead in the cupboard and he is so obvious. This is so painfully intentional it hurts.
“What are you doing?” You ask, trying your best to sound completely neutral.
“Getting a bowl for cereal.”
He leans forward, on his tiptoes no doubt as he presses flush against you, pressing you into the counter. He’s so big and so…fuck…you push back against him in an attempt to get him to move off of you but it ends up resulting in him dropping his head to your ear.
“You wanna do that again?” He purrs, free hand coming up and grabbing your hip.
Your body heats up, flushing from head to toe as he stands there’s waiting for your answer. You are so hot and so turned on you’re glad he can’t see your face.  
Shawn lowers his cereal bowl from the cupboard and places it in front of you with a chuckle. “I might not be your type but I definitely turn you on.” He slides his hand over your stomach and places a kiss behind your ear. “I know you think about me, and it’s okay, I think about you too.” He gives your hip a little squeeze and steps back with his bowl.
Immediately you miss his heat, but it’s fine because you generated enough of your own to melt the polar ice caps. You let your shoulders fall as you stare blankly at the sandwich fixings on the counter before you. You can hear him idly making a bowl of cereal behind you and you just…can’t turn around yet. You can’t face him. He absolutely knows you’re completely fucked for him and he is going to play it to his advantage.
Shawn is surprisingly well behaved for the next week. He doesn’t flirt with you or anything. The most he says that’s outside of a normal conversation is that he likes your outfits for work. There’s no insinuation to the compliments, it’s just him genuinely telling you that you look nice.
Saturday night a few friends invite you out for drinks at a club in downtown for your friend Trisha’s birthday. They ask you to bring Shawn after meeting him one day when he brought you your lunch you had left on the counter at home. You know the girls just wanna oggle him and that’s fine, Shawn is definitely a gorgeous guy.
The lot of you get to the club and post up in a booth on the outside of the dance floor. You and Shawn sit beside each other facing Trisha and her boyfriend Oliver while your other two friends Kate and Macy head to the bar to get drinks.  
“You wanna go dance?” Trisha asks you, leaning her head on Oliver’s shoulder. “I love this song!”
You scoot out of the booth and Shawn has ahold of your shirt. You glance back and he releases you, looking away. Did he not want you to leave him?
“What’s wrong Shawn?” You ask loudly over the music and he shakes his head.
“Nothing. Go have fun!”
Trisha drags you away, giggling as some bass boosted Taylor Swift song starts to play. Kate and Macy join the two of you and together you guys dance and sip your drinks.  
Time passes quickly while you’re having fun. Songs start to blend together, bodies in never ending motion as you completely let go of all your worries for a few hours. You’re sweaty, drunk, a total mess as you walk up to the bar for a glass of water. You may be at your limit but you know you still need water.  
Shawn is sitting at the end of the bar, chatting with some girl with long blonde hair. You catch his eye and he looks past the girl to you. She doesn’t seem to notice and you can tell by the way her very animated story is still going on. Suddenly your view is blocked by a guy in a black shirt that smells like cheap cologne.
“Hey sweetheart,” the guy purrs, leaning against the bar.
“Hi.” You turn to face the bartender who’s got his back turned while making a drink.
“I saw you dancing out there. You look like you know how to move.”
“I do. I learned to walk when I was a baby.” You deadpan, trying to give this guy a hint that you aren’t interested.
He laughs, as if you told an actual joke. “You’re a tough one huh? I love feisty girls.”
“I bet you do.” You push away from the bar to go join Macy and Kate. The guy’s hand wraps around your wrist and he pulls you back.
“I wasn’t done talking to you.”
You jerk your arm away and rub your wrist. “Don’t touch me, and I was done talking to you, so step off.”
The guy steps toward you and suddenly you’re staring at the back of Shawn’s head. He has stepped between you and the douchebag. “The lady doesn’t seem interested, why don’t you move on?”
“Why don’t you mind your business pretty boy.”
Shawn chuckles and you’re all too familiar with that particular laugh of his. It meant bad news for whoever he was chatting with. “You should really just leave her alone.”
“Fuck you gonna do about it?” The guy shoves Shawn and you step back to avoid getting knocked over.  
“Shawn don’t,” you mutter as if he was going to hear you over the music.
Before you can manage to actually say something loud enough for either guy to hear, Shawn’s arm is pulled back and he’s punching the guy in the face. The guy reels back, catching himself on the bar and people nearby start to gasp and clear away. Security steps in just as the guy lunges for Shawn.
You back away and go back to Macy and Kate. They’re both totally wasted and Trisha is at the booth with Oliver making out. You aren’t sober yourself and you don’t know what to do. You don’t want to watch Shawn fight and you sure as hell don’t want to get kicked out for getting involved. You watch from across the dancefloor as security drags both of the men outside and you grab your purse off the booth seat. You don’t bother telling anyone you’re leaving, you were just going to take a cab anyways since Oliver started drinking and he was meant to be the designated driver.
Once outside you see Shawn by his bike, wiping his face with the back of his arm. You go over to him and he looks at you as he swings his leg over the seat of the bike.
“What the hell was that about?”
“That guy was harassing you.”
“I would have been fine. I’ve dealt with assholes before.”
Shawn rolls his eyes. In the lights of a passing car you can see blood on his face, smeared from his nose no doubt. “Yeah well, he shouldn’t have grabbed you. That’s a red flag that he will do much worse given the opportunity.”
You fold your arms over your chest and look away. “I would have been fine.”
“Yeah, maybe so. But what about the next girl he preyed on if you got away?” Shawn kicks the bike to life and gets himself steadied. “You want a ride home?”
“No. I’ll call a cab.”
“Suit yourself.”
He pulls out onto the street and you watch as he takes off, the engine growing ever distant. You call a cab and wait, sitting on the edge of the street. Fights like this is why Shawn wasn’t exactly your type. Why he couldn’t be someone you got into a relationship with. It’s been four years since you saw him before he showed up ready to move in and he really was the same guy. You can’t believe you let yourself get involved with him, at least you didn’t let it go too far yet. You could still keep your distance. Maybe.
Shawn doesn’t come home for a week after the fight at the club. You have no idea where he’s staying or if he comes home while you’re at work. He hasn’t called or texted you and his bedroom door remains ever open. You did try calling and texting him several times but to no avail. You can’t figure out what went wrong, what happened. You think maybe it has something to do with the fight at the club but he didn’t seem to care if you were mad at him about it so you dismiss that as a reason.  Your other worry is that he’s in jail for some reason, for what, you have no clue.
Friday you walk out of the laundry room, the landlord had called a guy to fix the washer a few days ago, and you see Shawn standing in the kitchen with his back to you.
“You came home.”
He turns and you drop your laundry basket. He has a little black ring in his lip. That was definitely new. And he also has a butterfly bandage on his eyebrow that makes you think he may have gotten into another fight.
“Are you okay?” He chuckles, walking over to you and crouching down to help you gather the laundry you’ve dumped everywhere.
You just gawk at him, eyes fixed on his lip. It’s so hot. You didn’t think he could be sexier but God you were so fucking wrong. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine. Where were you?”
“I was staying at a friend’s.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I needed some time to think. Sorry, I just…I needed to get away.”
You reach out and touch his eyebrow. There’s a cut leading up into his hairline from it. “Are you okay?”
“That?” He touches over your fingers and you pull away. “I stood up too fast at work. The car I was under wasn’t as raised as I thought.”
“Yeah…I’m kind of a clutz I guess.”
“You? Never.” You smirk and he smiles as he stands and passes you the laundry basket. “How about the lip ring?”
“You like it?” He moves it with his tongue. “My friend Casey did it for me.”
“It’s… different.”
He grins and you flush, breaking eye contact. “You like it don’t you?”
“It’s dumb.”
“Uh huh.” He bumps your basket to get your attention and your eyes snap to him and his eyes soften. “Do you like it though, for real?”
“Yeah.” You smile. “It’s nice. I’m glad your home.”
“I’m glad to be home.”
Waking up to the smell of sausage is a treat. You never have time anymore to make breakfast that is more than a bowl of cereal or a microwaved breakfast sandwich. So when you wake up and the house smells like breakfast back home, you almost cry.
You wander into the kitchen, expecting your mom to be making waffles on her old griddle and sausages in her cast iron pan. No. You get something entirely better. It’s Shawn.
A sleepy, messy haired, glasses wearing Shawn standing at the stove in a worn to hell tee shirt and jogging pants. He’s looks incredible, like an angel in your kitchen.
“Hey you,” he grins, turning to look at you. “Good morning.”
“What’s all this?”
“And an apology.” He sighs softly. “For fighting and not coming home.”
You didn’t expect that. Not from him. “It’s okay, you’re home now.”
You walk into the kitchen and lean against the counter beside him. He’s got eggs in one pan and little sausage patties in the other. Not just cooking but multi tasking. Wow. “I didn’t know you could cook.”
“I can get by.”
“It smells amazing.”
Shawn flips his eggs and looks over at you. “How do you like your eggs?”
“Over easy is fine. Soft yolks are fine but hard whites are a must.” You watch as he moves easily from pan to pan, checking the food before taking it out and serving it on two plates with toast he had already made.
“I saw Gauge yesterday.” Shawn says as he sits down with you at the dining table. “He brought his car into the shop.”
“Yeah? Still a piece of shit?”
“Yeah.” Shawn laughs around his toast. “He said he was looking for you.”
“What? Why?”
Shawn shrugs. “Dunno. I told him you left town years ago.”
You take a bite of sausage and sigh. “I know what he wants. He thinks he can get me back. He messaged me on Facebook a few weeks ago but I blocked him. He was on some bullshit about how he’s a new man.” You roll your eyes. “Like he was ever a ‘real man’. What a joke.”
“I know you aren’t really looking for anyone right now so I just wanted to steer him away, and he’s an asshole.”
“I’m not looking for anyone? Who said that?”
He pushes his remaining breakfast around on his plate and clears his throat. “N-no one said anything. I just sort of figured since you haven’t had anyone around since I moved in and stuff.”
“I haven’t had anyone around because you moved in. You’re hard to explain.”
He snorts.
“Come on. Seriously. Can you imagine going to a girl’s place and there’s this fit, tattooed and pierced guy living with her? Wouldn’t you be suspicious?”
“You have a point. So it’s my fault you haven’t been dating?”
“Well… Not completely.”
“Not completely?”
“It’s whatever.” You finish your food and take your plate to the sink. “Thank you for breakfast. It was really good.”
“Of course and…if you need to talk about…y'know stuff, I’m here.”
“Thanks Shawn.”
“Do you remember that place we used to go camping with our families?” Shawn asks one day while helping you clean up the kitchen. It’s chore day and the two of you have been scouring the house top to bottom for hours.
“The spot at Summit Park?”
“Yeah! I couldn’t remember the name of the place. I had a dream about it last night. Do you remember when me and Zack caught that massive catfish up there?”
“Ohmygod yeah!” You rinse the sink and turn to face him. “I haven’t been there forever.”
“Let’s go then.” Shawn tosses his cleaning rag in the sink and peels his dirty shirt off over his head. Jesus Christ you could see him shirtless a thousand times and you’d never get used to it.
“What? Why?”
“Because it’s fun. Let’s get out of the house, get away from town for a few hours. We need a break anyways.”
“Okay…yeah…let’s do it.” You head to your room to change into something that isn’t your old sweats and holey tee shirt.
You meet Shawn outside and you stop when you see he’s on his bike instead of waiting by your car. He’s even got an extra helmet sitting on the seat. Oh no. Oh hell no.
“Come on,” Shawn grins, patting the seat in front of him.
“No way.”
“Yes way.”
“I am not getting on that death trap with you.”
He climbs off and stands before you with your helmet tucked under his arm.  "When are you going to trust me?“
"When I lose my mind.”
“Oh come on.” He sets the helmet on your head and the buckles dangle beside your face. “You know I would never hurt you.”
“It’s so dangerous,” you eye the black and silver bike warily. “What if we crash?”
“Honey I’ve been driving this thing since I was eighteen. I think I know how to handle it. Besides, were just going to Summit. It’s all highway and dirt roads the whole way there.”
“There’s no seat belts.”
Shawn lifts your arms up and swings them a little. “Got'em right here. You hold onto to me.”
You groan. Part of you swore years ago you would never get on a motorcycle. They’re dangerous and unstable. There was something terrifying about driving at high speeds with no seat belts or enclosure that put you on edge. But there is also part of you that wants to do it because it’s Shawn. It’s Shawn and you actually do trust him.
“Okay.” You close your eyes and take a deep breath. “Lets go before I change my mind.”
Shawn smirks. “I knew I could get you to do it!”
You regret everything immediately. Shawn is a jerk. A complete jerk. The second the two of you get out on the seemingly endless highway that leaves town he kicks the bike into high gear and starts flying down the open road. You have to hold on for dear life as he approaches what you assume to be a hundred miles per hour.
You close your eyes, grip him like he’s all you have left in this world, and wait for it to end. You feel the bike jerk, Shawn changing lanes around a car no doubt and you make the mistake of opening your eyes. A red car passes in a blur and for some reason your brain convinces you to look forward in response. Regret. Big mistake.
Shawn is in the middle of a cluster of cars and trucks. He’s weaving in and out, not slowing down for a second. The back end of a semi approaches rapidly and you dig your nails into his jacket and let out a scream. As soon as you’re sure you’re going to become a human version of a fly splattered on the back of the semi’s doors; Shawn is turning, jetting over in front of a car and taking off, speeding up to whatever you assume is the bike’s max speed.
There are no other cars as far as you can see, just open road, trees and farmland. Shawn is laughing. You can feel it in your chest. He lets out a loud yell, tilting his head back and just hollering into the vast emptiness, adrenaline coursing through his veins no doubt.
Ten more minutes of rumbling, rushing, wind whistling agony and Shawn finally starts slowing down. He turns at the sign that says Summit Park and you can’t even yell at him. Not yet. You’re still reeling, heart pounding from his little stunt.
Shawn kills the bike and you stay frozen against his back. He puts his hands over yours and you just aren’t quite ready to unpeel yourself from him. Your hands are stiff, fingers dug into his jacket.
“We stopped.” He pats your hands. “Hey, you okay back there?”
“You’re a jerk,” you whisper into his back. “A huge, metric fuck ton of a jerk.”
He chuckles. “You lived though.”
“Barely.” You peel yourself away from him and he gets off, leaving you sitting on the bike. “I’m never riding with you again.”
“Why? Because you got a little scared?”
“Because you almost killed us! You were weaving in and out of traffic like a mainiac!”
“It was fun! I was completely in control the whole time. I thought you trusted me.”
You pull off your helmet and set it over the handles. “I trust you enough. That was…that was…you didn’t give me any warning.”
He steps forward and takes your hands. “I’m sorry.” He looks down and you can tell he’s serious. “I just thought it’d be fun to get you a little adrenaline high.”
“Just…warn me next time.”
A smile spreads across his face and he gives you that troublemaker look. “Next time huh?”
“Shut up.” You drop his hands and shove him a little.
“You liked it!”’ He wraps his arms around your waist and spins your around as you squeal. “No, you loved it didn’t you?” He sets you down and kisses your head, making your heart stop.
“You’re pushing it.”
“I’ll keep pushing it.” He purrs and steps away toward the camping area. “Come on, let’s go explore.”
You shake your head and follow after him. Sure you’d been scared to death but part of it was fun, the adrenaline rush was unlike any other. What was he doing to you? Ugh.
Shawn sits on the dock beside you and passes you a bottle. It’s definitely not water and you raise your eyebrows at him. “Really? Day drinking?”
“It’s just a little bit. You seem tense.”
“Have you already drank some?”
“Not yet.”
“You aren’t going to drink and drive.” You set the bottle on the opposite side of your lap out of his immediate reach. “I’m fine, and I’m not having any alcohol. Where’d you even have this?”
“In my bag on the back of the bike.”
You sigh.
“Come on.” He bumps against your side. “We don’t work tomorrow, we could just stay out here and get away from our boring lives for a few hours. I’ll rent a cabin for us.”
“But I didn’t bring any clothes? And what about food? We can’t just go camping impromptuly.”
Shawn reaches around your back and grabs the bottle. He opens it and takes a drink much to your protest. “We can if I can’t drive us home.”
He takes another drink and smirks at you.
“I can’t believe you.” You lay back on the dock and stare at the sky. “This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.”
“Nah, it’s not even in the top ten.” He sets the bottle down and gets up. “Stay here, I’m going to go to the ranger station and pay for a cabin.”
You close your eyes. How on earth did you manage to let him rope you into this situation? You never should have agreed to ride on that bike with him. Now you’re stuck out in the middle of nowhere on an impromptu camping trip. He was going to pay for this.  
A few hours pass and the sun begins to set on the lake. Shawn had gotten a cabin close to the water and some food from the ranger station. You forgot they had a little store in there for campers who forgot things. You and Shawn spent the majority of the last few hours hiking in the woods and looking for firewood while chatting about the good old days when your families and some other family friends would all come out twice a year for a week long camping trip. It’s not going as bad as you thought it would and you are actually having a good time reliving your youth.
You’ve gotten a fire started in the little pit outside the cabin and you and Shawn are sitting around it eating your pop tarts and trail mix he picked up. The sun is almost below the horizon and you can feel the temperature drop a bit. It’s chilly and Shawn comes over and puts his leather jacket around you.
“Remember the first time we kissed?” He asks as he sits on the log beside you.
“What?” You laugh, looking over at him. He looks so good in the glow of the fire light. It dances off his eyes and the ring in his lip. Fuck he looks incredible. “We’ve never kissed.”
“Oh yes we have. You don’t remember? It was here.”
“What are you talking about? How much of that bottle have you drank?”
He stokes the fire with the big stick you found earlier behind the cabin. “Wow. I’m hurt you don’t remember. It was probably the second to last time we all came up here. I think it was right before graduation.”
“When you snuck that bottle of jack daniels from your dad’s liquor cabinet?”
“Yeah, and all of us kids sat around the fire after our parents went to bed and passed it around.”
You laugh. “Yeah, that was the first time I ever had alcohol. God it was so gross.”
Shawn smiles at you. “You were only like sixteen right?”
“Yeah, almost seventeen. You were such a bad influence.”
“Hey, I just brought the booze. I didn’t make you drink. Anyway, we were all playing truth or dare remember?”
“Oh God yeah. I remember! That’s when Derek kissed me because I fessed up to never having been kissed!”
Shawn’s face falls. “It wasn’t Derek.”
“What? Yes it was. Derek was sitting next to me and you were over by Kelsey and Kaley and they were all over you because you had just gotten that tattoo on your forearm.”
“Yeah but when Derek got up to piss or something I came over and grabbed the bottle and sat down. And why do you remember that the girls were all over me? You jealous?”
“Fuck no.” You roll your eyes. You were at the time of course. “And I didn’t realize you came over.”
“Yeah I came over and we started truth or dare. You confessed to never having been kissed and like an idiot I said I’d fix that and you said okay and I kissed you. I shouldn’t have because you were really out of it and that was no way to have a first kiss.”
“I-” you shake your head. “That makes sense actually. Because I asked Derek about it a few weeks later and he acted like he had no idea what I was talking about. I guess it wasn’t acting.”
“Yeah so…”
“So…now what?”
“We can get in the lake? Go for a swim? I’m not even remotely tired yet.”
“You’re out of your mind.” You look over at the calm waters of the lake in the cool evening air. “It’s too chilly for swimming. It’s nearly November.”
“Nah.” Shawn stands up and pulls his shirt over his head.  
“No, oh my God. You are not going out there!”
Shawn smirks. “The hell I ain’t. Are you coming with? Or are you a little chicken shit?”
“I am not a chicken shit!”
He pulls his belt off and tosses it aside, going for the fly of his jeans and getting them ready to push down. “Prove it.”
“No! I’m not getting in that water.”
“Chicken.” He tugs his jeans off and heads for the lake. His big form is illuminated by the soft moonlight and you can’t help but stare. How was it that he looked good in the dark? How was that a thing?
You follow him down to the dock and stand there with your arms crossed as he lowers himself onto the wood slats. “Go on, get in.”
He sticks his feet in. “Oh yeah, that’s chilly.”
“You aren’t gonna do it. Drop the tough guy act.”
“Oh I’m gonna do it.”
You roll your eyes and turn to go back to the cabin. “I’m going back to the campfire. If you need me I’ll be-”
Your foot catches a loose plank and suddenly you’re not on your feet and all you can see is darkness followed by cool water flooding into your nose and seeping into your bones. You surface, body cold as hell and you look around for Shawn.
“Are you okay?!”
You whip around, desperately treading water to stay afloat. “What the fuck am I supposed to wear to bed now?” You shout, as it’s the only thing that comes to mind after you register that you aren’t dying.
“I have spare clothes in my pack on the bike.” Shawn says as he gets closer. “I’m more worried about you. Are you okay? What happened?”
“One minute I was on the dock and then I tripped and here I am!”
Shawn gets closer and you grab on to his arm. “Easy, damn you’re gonna leave bruises.”
“I can’t stand up.” You kick your legs tiredly. You hadn’t been swimming in ages, you were not cut out for it. “It’s too deep.”
“Oh. Fuck.” Shawn grabs on to you and you float against him. He’s not moving which means he’s just standing on the bottom of the lake where it’s shallower. Must be nice.
“Can we just get out? It’s cold.”
“Yeah. Hold on to me.”
You wrap your legs around his waist and he puts one arm around your back as he heads for the shore. The water gets lower and lower as Shawn walks up the sandy shore line until you’re fully up on the land. He doesn’t put you down though, no, he just carries you effortlessly to the campfire.
“I’m f-freezing.” You double over in front of the fire and Shawn goes to his bike. He returns with a pair of boxers and a tank top.
“This Is all I have. Let’s go in and get you out of these clothes. I’m sure there’s a blanket in the cabin.”
The next hour or so you spend curled into Shawn while wearing his boxers and tank top with his leather jacket around you. The cabin had no blankets and only a large fold out camping cot to sleep on. It was no surprise though, the cabins are basically just a rustic shelter from the elements with a working sink and toilet.  
“I’m sorry I brought you out here.” Shawn says softly, petting your hair back. “You must be miserable.”
“No. It’s been an adventure.” You curl into his chest and he presses as closes as he can for you to get warm. “I know it sucks that I fell in and I’m cold now but it’s not your fault. You were just trying to get me to have some fun, do something totally different.”
“You’re really not mad?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Can I ask something totally unrelated?”
“You said you don’t date because of me and other reasons. What’s the other reasons?”
You close your eyes and sigh softly. “I just don’t like dating to be honest. I’m over playing games with people. Phone tag, social media prowling, do you like me or don’t you? Hook up or more? I just want something stable, something permanent.”
“Something serious.”
“Yes. Exactly. Something serious. I’m ready to settle down, maybe have a kid before I’m too old.”
Shawn squeezes you tight. “I get that. I think I’m at that point too, wanting something serious that is.”
“Yeah.” You yawn. “Maybe someday we’ll figure it out.”
He chuckles and settles his hand in your hair. “Maybe.”
A week has passed since the camping trip and you and Shawn have been spending a lot more time together. The two of you regularly eat dinner together, make each other breakfast and even go on jogs sometimes. So the night that some heavy storms roll in, you aren’t surprised that Shawn joins you on the couch when you can’t sleep.
“How’s it going?”
“Fine?” You look over at him and he puts his arm around your shoulders. “I just can’t sleep.”
“Are you still afraid of storms?”
“I’m not afraid.” You mumble, turning up the TV over the sound of thunder rumbling outside.
Shawn chuckles. “You’re definitely a little afraid of storms.”
“I just don’t like all the noise.”
“Uh huh.”
You lay your head on his shoulder and he runs his hand through your hair. The two of you sit in silence, watching the baking show rerun on TV.
“What’s it like?” You ask suddenly, brain wandering off and thinking about Shawn’s piercings.
“Your lip ring. Doesn’t it bother you when you talk or eat?”
“Not really.”
“No? I’d think it’d get in the way.”
Shawn turns your head to look at him and you swallow hard. “You want to know what it feels like, don’t you?”
“What? No?”
“Mmhmm. You were thinking about how it’d feel against your lips.” He leans in and you let out a little whimper. “You like to stare at my lips don’t you?”
“N-no.” You look down, his nose ring the only thing you can see he is so close. “I wasn’t…I don’t…”
Shawn presses his lips to yours and you close your eyes, balling your hands in the comforter on your lap. He pulls back just enough to talk. “Did it feel weird?”
You shake your head.
“Want me to do it again?”
You nod.
He leans back in and kisses you again, this time with a little more force. His hand finds its way into your hair and he licks at your lip. You give in and let him explore your mouth. He’s eager, tasting you and teasing his tongue against yours. He pulls your lip between his teeth you feel his lip ring bump against your bottom right fang tooth as he goes back in to stroke your tongue with his and you pull back.
“What’s wrong?” He purrs, eyes half lidded as he chases your lips with little barely touching kisses and nips.
“We can’t be doing this.”
“Says who?”
“Me. You’re…you’re not the type of guy I want to get involved with. I told you I’m looking for something serious.”
Shawn twists his fingers around in your hair, mouth still only centimeters from yours. “And I told you I am too. I’ll be your good boy.” He breathes into your mouth and bumps his nose with yours, eyes pleading. “Give me a chance?”
“I know you Shawn.”
“And I know you.” He presses his forehead to yours. “Please?”
“I’ll think about it.”
Shawn grins and toys with his lip ring with his tongue. “I’m gonna be a such a good boy for you. Just you wait.”
Tuesday morning you find yourself in the backroom of the library where you work. Usually you work on the main floor but today you’re in the archives with some of the restoration crew. Your job is fairly simple, clean, dust, sort. That’s all. It’s extremely important though. Without a librarian like you, books would be everywhere and no one would be able to find anything.
You stand before one of the large metal shelves, returning books on ancient pharaohs that some researcher was using for his work. Some of the books are so old they have to be stored in air tight bags after each use to prevent further deterioration.
To your left you see something move. Just out of the corner of your eyes, a quick flash of darkness and then it’s gone. You figure it’s probably Kate looking for something.
You look back down at the book in your hands and sigh. Secrets of the Ancient Tomb of Cleopatra. You flip it open and suddenly there are hands covering your eyes.  
“Hello?!” You reach back, patting at the body behind you.
“Guess who,” Shawn purrs in your ear and you turn around.
“What’re you doing in here?!”
“Macy let me in.” He smirks. “I just gave her a smile and she was like putty in my hands.”
“Of course you did. Why are you here?”
He leans against the shelf opposite you. “I brought you some lunch.”
“You… brought me lunch?”
“Your favorite.” He grins. “Chicken parmesan from Alfredo’s Kitchen.”
You almost start drooling at the thought of it. It was seriously the best thing you had ever eaten but it was so expensive you rarely got to eat there. “You shouldn’t have.”
“Ah, c'mon.” He steps forward and cups your face in his hands. “It’s nice to get spoiled now and then.”
“You’re trying to sway me.” You narrow your eyes. “You’re buttering me up.”
“Maybe just a teensy bit?” He plays with his lip ring and you stare at it. “I don’t need to butter you up too much though do I?”
“Oh shut up.” You shove him back and he laughs. “Where’s this lunch then?”
“Up front with Macy.” He points to the doors to the main floor of the library. “And there’s another thing. Just something for you.”
You narrow your eyes and head for doors. He follows you out but when you get to the front desk to turn and say something he’s gone. On the desk there is a small floral arrangement of pink roses and little white flowers. The son of a bitch was playing with your heart strings now. He knew pink roses were your favorite, god, he was infuriating.
“You’re so lucky.” Macy sighs, face in the roses. “I wish I had a man like that.”
“He’s not my man.” You grab the take out box of food from Macy’s outstretched hands. “He’s…he’s complicated.”
“It always is with those types.”
She laughs and sinks down in her chair. “Can I keep the roses on the desk?”
“Sure. I’m going to lunch.”
“I’ll let Kate know. Have fun!”
“Pink roses huh?” You ask yourself as you open the front door carrying your vase of roses. Shawn was something else.
“Hey honey,” Shawn purrs as you walk into the kitchen. It’s smells incredible, like sauteed garlic and herbs.
“Are you seriously cooking dinner for me? And don’t call me honey.”
Shawn walks around the kitchen island and takes the roses, setting them aside before taking your hands in his. He’s got his glasses on, hair a mess, and he’s wearing your pink cat printed apron. It’s too cute.
“I’m making dinner for both of us, not just you.”
“Shawn. You don’t need to do all this just to get me to give you a chance.”
“You don’t like good boy Shawn?”
You roll your eyes. “I didn’t fall for good boy Shawn.”
His whole demeanor changes and he drops the good boy act, walking you back against the counter. “You fell for me huh?” He bites his lip as he looks you over. “You made your decision a long time ago, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t.”
“You did. Don’t lie, I know you.” He runs his hand up your side. “You’ve wanted me since you were a teenager.”
“Shut up.” You mumble, looking down but he tilts your chin up. “You’re the worst.”
He chuckles and leans in, nose bumping yours. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
You swallow thickly. He’s not. You’ve had it bad for him since you were about fourteen years old. He had it all. The looks, the attitude, an air of mystery and a bad boy reputation. He was exactly the kind of guy you didn’t need, but you wanted so bad. You’ve had it with good boys.
You run your hand up his tattoo covered arm and over his shoulder. “I…I wanna take it slow if we do this.”
“Yes ma'am.” He grins, leaning in and you pull your head back.
“I mean it.”
“I know. You call the shots.”
“Good. And one more thing-”
“You talk too much.” He grabs the hair at the base of your neck and brings you in for a heated kiss. It’s just as good if not better than the first one and he has you whimpering for him. Never did you think you would be coming undone in the hands of the one man you pined after forever.
Friday you get home early, walk into the house and drop your purse by the door. Shawn is home for sure, his boots are in the shoe tray. It’s unusual he’d be home before you, especially since you’re home early as it is.
“Shawn?” You call out as you wander toward the living room. “Did you come home ea-”
You get to the entryway of the kitchen to the living room and see Shawn. He’s pacing the living room and has his phone up to his ear.
“I can’t do that.” He stops and stares at the blank tv. “You know why I can’t.”
You lean against the wall and eavesdrop. It sounds like a pretty serious call.
“Yeah I remember. I’m not stopping by.” He starts pacing again. “You know why I don’t want to. It’ll look bad and I’m not about that anymore. I’m serious.”
You raise your eyebrows. What was going to look bad?
“Stacy, I know we talked about this.” He drops his voice. “I’m not doing that anymore. That’s final. We broke up a year ago, let it go. I’m moving on.” He shakes his head. “Yes I’m with her. No, you’re not going to change my mind.”
You feel a wave of jealousy washes over you and churn your stomach. He was on the phone with an ex girlfriend and it definitely sounds like she’s trying to get him to come over for a booty call. You don’t really want to hear anymore and you walk across the living room to go to your room.
Shawn turns as you cross the living room and calls out to you. You ignore him and go to your room, closing the door.
“Hey,” Shawn pushes your door open a minute later and you turn to face him.
“I’m gonna go out for a few minutes. Are you alright? You seemed pissed or something.”
“I’m fine.” You quip. You can’t believe he’s actually going to go over to her house when he just said he wasn’t going to. Wow. Just wow. Your heart hurts, you thought he was better than this.
“What’s your problem?”
You cross your arms and let out a disgusted laugh. “Nothing.”
He crosses the room and stares you down. “No. What’s your problem?”
“Why would I have a problem? Go do whatever you’re going to do.”
“Oh cut the shit. You were listening to me weren’t you?”
You shrug. “I heard you on the phone. I dunno what’s going on.”
Shawn crosses his arms. “I’m not going over to Stacy’s if that’s what you think.”
“Okay? Not like I care. You’re an adult.”
“Oh my God you’re infuriating.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Let me clear the air here. Stacy and I used to be together. We broke up. Then it became this weird booty call thing but I am done with that. I’m done. I don’t want you to think I’m gonna sleep around while I’m interested in you. I’m not going to her place, I’m going to meet Casey and help him with his truck. Stacy called out of the blue as I was getting ready to leave, I swear I am not going anywhere near her.”
“Oh…I just…” You look down, ashamed you thought he would do that sort of thing when he’s been pursuing you for months now. God you look like a dick.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought.” He pockets his phone. “You really think I’d do that? I want to be with you. I swear.”
“I’m sorry.” You turn and look away, guilty for feeling like he’d do something like that. He comes up behind you, running his hands down your shoulders. He kisses the back of your neck and you feel weak in the knees.
“I only want you.” He holds your hips. “You’re all I think about.” He kisses across your shoulder.
“I must seem like a bitch.” You sigh. “We aren’t even together and I’m acting jealous and jumping to conclusions and making you out to be a jerk when you’re not.”
Shawn wraps his arms around you and pulls you against him, his tattooed arm heavy across your chest. “Insecurity is a bitch, and it’s okay, I forgive you. Four years ago I was much different and I can understand your hesitations. I’m trying to be better now because I want better. “
“I’m still sorry.”
He rubs your shoulder lovingly “And for the record, we’re not together yet,” he purrs, biting at your ear. “Not until you decide on what you want.”
“Yeah.” You lay your hands over his arm. “I’m kind of a tease aren’t I?”
“The best kind, so I don’t mind.” He kisses your jaw and you lean your head against him. “I have to go meet up with Casey now. I’ll talk to you later honey.”
“Don’t call me honey.”
He steps away and pauses in the doorway. “Sorry, you’re right. Not honey. I meant Princess.”
“Shawn!” You throw a pillow at him.
“Ugh! You’re right.” He grins and you narrow your eyes. “Babygirl.”
He walks away cackling and you sink on to the bed. He is actually going to kill you with the pet names.
“Get up, I’m taking you somewhere.”
You roll over and look at the shirtless body on the bed beside you. God. He looks insanely hot. Why did he exist? How?
“I’m sleeping in.”
“Nope.” He pulls your blanket down and you try to grab it back. “Get up and shower. I’m taking you somewhere and it’s a surprise.”
“But it’s my birthday, I don’t want to go anywhere yet.”
Shawn growls and crawls over you, pinning you to the bed. Your heart picks up and your eyes go wide. He’s so big, so, so big. “Get up.”
“Or else what?”
He leans in close and you flick your tongue out against his lip ring to surprise him. He presses his mouth to yours and you break your arm free of his hold to grip his hair, pulling harshly and making him bite your lip. You moan into his mouth and he rolls his hips down against you as you bite back.
“As much as I’d kill to take this further, we actually need to leave.”
You stare at him, lips throbbing and damp. He plays with his tongue ring absently and you wanna kiss him again. “It’s my birthday. Can’t we do what I want?”
“Yes, but I actually have an appointment we need to be at in half an hour.”
“An appointment? What is this surprise?”
Shawn pushes up and kneels, straddling your hips. He’s obviously half hard and it’s very visible against his tight black boxer briefs. He’s obviously not shy about it either as he palms over it while talking. “It’s a surprise. Hurry up and get dressed.” He says and crawls off your bed, heading to his room to get dressed as well.  
Half an hour later and Shawn is walking you into a building, guiding you by your hands since as soon you left the house he insisted you wear a blindfold. Honestly you had no idea what his surprise could be until you step into the doors and hear a very familiar whirring noise.  
You push up the blind fold and you’re standing in the entryway to a tattoo and body piercing shop.
“Oh come on. I haven’t even said what we’re doing!”
“No! Shawn! I’m not doing anything here.”
He rubs his thumbs over the backs of your hands in his. “You always said you wanted a rose tattoo. A pretty pink rose.”
You huff. Of course he would remember the conversation he had with you after getting his first tattoo when you were sixteen. You said you’d get a rose one day, right on your back shoulder area. God. You were sixteen and dumb but you did still want it. “You little shit.”
“Come on.” He grins, biting his lip. “Be a bad girl for one hour.”
“I-” you look around the shop and it’s so nice. You’d feel horrible if you walked out and wasted the appointment Shawn set up. “You’re a bad influence.”
“I’m the best influence, and I’m paying.” He pulls you in and puts his arm around your shoulders. “Come on, I set you up with Olivia. She’s incredible.”
Ten minutes into your tattoo and you’re really feeling it. You were told once that the pain gets numb and becomes more annoying than anything else. That isn’t the case. Maybe you’re a weenie to pain. Maybe you are too nervous and it’s all in your head. Either way you’re crying and Shawn has just sat down in front of you.
“You okay?” Shawn asks softly, taking your hands.
You’re sitting facing the back of the chair, arms hung over the backs of the armrests and your chin on the headrest.
“It hurts.” You take a deep breath as Olivia wipes some blood off your shoulder. “I know it’s almost done though.”
“It’s not numb? Is it like raw feeling?”
“It’s more like I can feel everything and it’s like I’m getting poked by a bunch of thumb tacks. I think I’m focusing on it too much.”
Shawn leans over and Olivia pauses. “It’s beautiful honey.”
“Don’t call me honey.” You grit your teeth and he leans in, pressing his forehead against yours.
“You’re doing so good.” He smiles and you can’t help but smile back. Though you’re sure it’s more like a grimace. “I’m so proud of you. My bad girl, getting her first tattoo.”
“Only, tattoo.”
“That’s what I thought too.” He leans back as someone walks over. You turn and look at a guy in all black with a bunch of facial piercings.  
“I’m ready when you are.”
“Are you okay alone?” Shawn asks, cupping your face. “I can stay.”
“I’m fine. She’s almost done.”
Shawn pecks your lips and stands up. “Alright Casey, let’s do it.”
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” He grins and Casey chuckles.
The two of them walk away and you watch them disappear into another sectioned off station. You’re suddenly more focused on Shawn then you are on your back. Before you know it Olivia is finished and bandaging you up.  
Your birthday party is insane. Somehow Shawn got together with Kate and Macy from work along with a few other friends and they rented a private room at the club. You’ve been drinking and celebrating and dancing for hours now and finally you’re ready to rest.
You see the perfect seat. A black denim clad lap calling your name. You walk over and stand in front of Shawn. He holds your hips and smiles. “I need a seat.”
“I’ve got one right here.” He glances down and you straddle him, hiking your dress up enough to sit comfortably.
“How are you feeling?”
“Good. Happy.”
Shawn runs his hands up your sides and back down over your hips. His eyes have that hungry look you’ve seen a few times since he moved in. There was no doubt he was ready for that green light from you.
“Have you had any cake yet?”
“No.” You look over at a slice sitting next to you on the table. It was your favorite. Chocolate cake with whip cream frosting. “I should probably eat something.”
“Let me help you.” Shawn cuts a piece with his fork and holds it up for you. You bite the cake and he grins big. “More?”
Shawn gives you bite after bite until you finish the slice. It’s oddly intimate, as if sitting on his lap wasn’t enough. “You got some frosting on your lip.”
You lick your lips and he shakes his head.
“Let me.”
He leans in and licks the corner of your mouth as he kisses you. The two of you make out lazily, hands in each other’s hair as you swallow the taste of each other’s kisses. Sweet, bitter, cinnamon and cream. Everything you’ve been doing shots of and everything he’s been sipping.
You roll your hips against him and he groans, teeth closed around your lip. You do it again and his head falls back.
“Are you giving me a lap dance?”
“Am I?” You put your arms on his shoulders and look down at his lolling head. You roll your body against his and he lets out another groan. He sure is sensitive tonight. “Tell me what you want.”
“You,” he rasps, fingers digging into your hips. “We need to get out of here.”
You lean in and press your lips to his ear. “Isn’t that a little bit wrong? The birthday girl leaving her own party?”
“Mmm, yeah. Ditching to fuck the bad boy. Such a bad girl.”
“That’s what you like right?” You giggle against his ear and he slides his hands over your ass, fingers toying with the thin lace trim of your panties.
“I also like sweet,” he bumps your jaw with his nose. “Good girls.” He kisses down your throat and you tilt your head back. “Who do just what I say.”
You let out a shuddery moan and he bites at your collar bones.
“Are you gonna be my good girl?”
“We should get going then.”
You lay back and stare up at Shawn on the bed. He’s on his knees in front of you pulling his shirt off.  You’re already stripped down, a result of his skilled hands and urge to please, and you’ve got bites down your chest and stomach from him as well.  
Shawn tosses his shirt aside and your eyes go wide. He’s fit. That’s nothing new. But the little metal piece of jewelry in his nipple is new. Very new.  
“You are such a liar.” You smirk, sitting up in front of him. “You said you got a touch up today.”
He grins and bites his lip. “You like it?”
You run your hand up his chest and brush against the piercing gently with your thumb. He hisses and moans softly, the site is still very tender. “I’m not gonna lie, it’s hot. But why?”
“Lost a bet with Casey.” He moans again as you brush the little silver bar. “Fuck, you gotta go easy on me.”
You lean in and kiss his chest a few times around his pec. He watches you, hand in your hair as you flick your tongue out and barely touch the tender skin. That’s it for him.
He guides you back, crawling over you and taking your mouth with his. He’s careful of your back, making sure you’re comfortable as he explores your mouth, jaw, neck.  You’re so hot and turned on, you can’t get enough of him. You run your hands up his back, scratching gently as he rolls his hips against you.
“Shawn,” you arch up against him as he slides his hand between your legs. “Please.”
He lets out a little growl of pleasure as he teases you, mouth on your neck, driving you wild. “Easy honey,” he purrs against your ear. “I’m wanna take my time with you. It is your birthday after all.”
Two months later
“God I’m so tired of this.”
You look over from the books you’re sorting and Macy is leant against the shelf in front of you. She looks like she’s in pain. “Macy? Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’ve got horrible cramps this period.” She takes a deep breath. “Don’t you hate that?”
“Yeah.” You chuckle and go back to your sorting. Actually. You don’t remember your last period. “What’s today?”
“The twentieth?”
You stand up and place your books on the cart. “I’m going to take a lunch.”
Macy looks at you funny. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just hungry.” You walk out of the archives and across the main floor of the library. You were far from hungry. You were about to be sick.
The second you get home you dig into the medicine cabinet. There’s a pregnancy test in there from your old roommate and you take it out with shaking hands. You can’t remember your last period, or the one before that. The night of your birthday you can’t remember if you used protection. You have every time since, for sure. But that first night. You just can’t remember.
You hear the front door open and Shawn calls out your name. You had texted him, asking him to come home for lunch. He knows something is wrong because you never ask him to leave work.
“Honey?” He knocks on the bathroom door and you wash your hands, leaving the little white test stick on the counter as you open the door.
“What’s wrong?” He holds your face, checking over every inch of you. “Are you hurt? What ha-” He’s seen it. The stick on the counter.  
“We fucked up.”
“What…” He looks from you to the counter and back three times. “What?”
“Two lines.” You pull away and grab the test, holding it up for him to see.
Shawn takes the test with shaky hands and looks at the two very bright pink lines in the indicator window. “You’re pregnant.”
“At least two months, since my birthday. I can still go and-”
“I’m gonna be a dad.” Shawn says softly. He tosses the test at the counter and grabs your hips. “I’m going to be a dad!”
“What?” You shake your head. “You’re excited? This isn’t supposed to happen, we fucked up. This…I-”
Shawn smiles. “You said you wanted a kid. You said you wanted something serious, to settle down, right?”
“Y-yeah but I…we just…So soon?”
He cups your cheeks and stares at you lovingly. “I’m here for you. Whatever you decide. I’m ready. I’m ready to go all in if you are. I’m ready for a white picket fence with a dog in the yard and a baby on the way. We’re halfway there, we already have the house and the white picket fence.”
You holds his arms and he trembles, tears in his eyes. “You’re sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my whole life. We’ve known each other for years, I know we just got together recently, but I think this is how it’s supposed to be.” He leans in and bumps his nose with yours. “I’ve never been happier then I have been the last two months and I can’t see myself with anyone else.”
You laugh softly, and he kisses you.
“I love you.” He kisses again. “I love you and I want to marry you and have babies with you and spend every damn day with you.”
You wrap your arms around him and he holds your head to his chest. “I love you Shawn.” You close your eyes. “I love you more than anything.”
“I love you too honey.” He kisses the top of your head. “I can’t wait to start my life with you.”
“I think you already have.”
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “And I couldn’t ask for more.”
Thank you so much for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed it :) -A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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Thomas Sanders?!
Summary: Thomas Sanders is the same lovable former Viner and current Youtuber as we all know him And Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil? They're some of his biggest fans Warnings: Food mention, a few swears, non-descriptive panic attack, breaking traffic law in the name of Gay Worry Pairings: Platonic LAMPT, romantic LAMP
Based off of this post from @lefaystrent
    Roman was having a self-care day. That’s why he was wearing the prince outfit. Because he looked good in it, damnit, screw the occasional odd glances from strangers who were just jealous they weren’t as fabulous as he was.
    The day had been going just as great as his hair looked (amazing, his hair looked amazing), and he had been five seconds away from buying an ice cream cone when he spotted him.
    Thomas Sanders. Second puppy to have been turned into a human (see Patton for the original), laugh-out-loud funny, and hella gay. A man after his own heart, even if Roman’s love was already tied up in three other wonderful human beings.
    Roman smiled as he turned from the ice cream stand towards the man. Did self-care include approaching an internet hero and seeing just how much flirting he could fit into one conversation?
   Thomas was loitering on the edge of the street, checking between his phone and the road, clearly waiting for a ride. He smiled when Roman tapped him on the shoulder, the easy happiness in his eyes faltering for a moment in confusion, though his tone was light when he asked, “Can I help you?”
   “As I live and breathe, Thomas Sanders. What great adventure brings you here all the way from Florida?” Roman said by way of answering, beaming.
   Thomas’s smile grew a bit as he recognized Roman was a fan, though he still seemed thrown-off by Roman’s garb. “Visiting a friend.” He answered.
   “Just a friend?” Roman asked, cocky. “It’s an utter travesty a man such as yourself doesn’t have anyone… more in your life.”
   “Yeah, haha, I’m lonely.” Thomas mostly muttered to himself before continuing, “I hate to sound rude, but can I ask about the clothes-”
   “Hard to pull off, I know, but when you’re a prince, you’re born to wear anything with gold!” Roman said, dramatically posing to ensure the golden embellishments caught the sunlight. “And you don’t have to be lonely, you know.”
   “Oh, I won’t be. Once my friend gets here.” Thomas agreed. “And while you do wear the outfit very well-”
   “You flatter me.” Roman interrupted with a grin, displaying his pearly whites as he grabbed Thomas’s free hand. He brought it to his lips, brushing the lightest of kisses to the back of it while Thomas’s cheeks brightened a shade. “But what else should a mere prince expect from a king?”
   Thomas didn’t have a chance to respond before a car was pulling up at the curb, the passenger side door being pushed open a moment later.
   Thomas pointed at the door with the hand holding his phone. “This is, uh, my ride.”
   Roman graciously released Thomas’s hand, bowing as Thomas slowly climbed into the car. As the car drove off, he kept grinning to himself, turning back towards the ice cream stand.
   He had earned a banana split.
   Patton was feeding the ducks.
   He did it every afternoon he had free time, bringing out corn or bird seed for the cute little duckies and their cute little duckling children. And today was such a nice day, with a gentle breeze, and the sun was out, no clouds in sight, Patton was content to sit there all day.
   That was, until he saw a certain man walking down the path across the pond.
   Patton recognized him immediately, having watched enough of his videos to know that uncontrollable hair, carefree expression, and likely unwashed purple bubble shirt. He waited at his position for a moment, expecting Thomas to turn the path to walk around the pond and towards him, but he took the branching one that lead into the small group of trees instead.
   Managing to resist his fanboy instincts for two seconds, Patton quickly succumbed to the chance to meet such an amazing kiddo, wrapping up the bird seed bag and stuffing it into his pocket as he raced towards the former Vine and current Youtube star.
   He didn’t realize he had started excitedly shrieking until Thomas, still pretty far ahead of him, turned around in fearful worry, looking for the source of the sound. Thomas stopped in place when he saw Patton, looking torn between waiting for the stranger to reach him and bolting.
   Patton reached him before he could run away, smiling almost as broadly as he had been when he started dating each of his amazing boyfriends. “Tom! Thomas! Tomathy! It’s you! I’m a big fan!” He exclaimed, excitedly, happily flapping his hands.
   Thomas smiled, Patton’s joy easily infectious. “It’s just Thomas. But I’m always glad to meet a fan! Especially one who seems to like my content so much.”
   Patton’s smile turned a touch bashful. “Ah, shucks, kiddo, it’s just common sense to like what you make! You’re such a positive influence!”
   “That’s incredibly nice of you to say.” Thomas said, smile growing.
   “It’s just the truth!” Patton responded before deciding to try and press his luck as he continued, “I hope I don’t sound prying if I ask if you’re busy right now?”
   Thomas shrugged. “Accidentally got myself locked out of my friend’s house, so I’m pretty free for the next few hours.”
   Patton took the corn bag out of his pocket and shook it. “Want to feed some ducks with me?”
   Thomas didn’t respond at first, thinking it over, before he nodded. “I think that’d be fun.”
   Still grinning, Patton pulled Thomas back over to the pond, already halfway through every adorable duck fact he knew.
   Logan closed the door quietly behind him, unsure how many of his boyfriends were asleep. It wasn’t terribly late, only a little past dinner, but once the meal has been eaten any bedtime was fair game. On a particularly tiresome day, Virgil had fallen asleep at the table two seconds after he complimented Patton on the food.
   He was only a few feet over the threshold, however, when there was a sudden swell of Disney singing and someone scooping him up to swirl him through the air. Logan smiled slightly and didn’t try to fight it, the attack a familiar routine since he had moved in with Roman.
   After a moment, he was more or less gracefully put down, his slight wobble stopped in a heartbeat as Roman caught one of his hands, helping balance Logan while kissing it. Logan rolled his eyes in poorly veiled amusement.
   “Good evening, Roman.” He greeted, treasuring a true kiss as his boyfriend let their hands drop, Roman still holding Logan’s hand. “How are you, my imperial legate?”
   Roman grinned. “I don’t know what that means at all, but I am as radiant as ever!”
   Logan’s smile turned a shade more amused. He had been working his way up the chain of command in Roman military, and Roman had reacted to each nickname based solely on how complicated they sounded. “That is good to hear.”
   “And you, my boundless starlight?”
   “I am doing quite well.” Logan replied before glancing around what little of the house he could see from the foyer. “Where are Virgil and Patton?”
   Roman gasped and pressed a hand to his chest. “Dearest Logan, am I not enough to fulfill your loving boyfriend needs?”
   “You are more than enough, love, and I mean that in the worst way.” Logan said, though his words may have held some weight if they weren’t so burdened with fondness. “I simply have news to share I think all three of you will find interesting.”
   “They’re we’re off on our quest to find them!” Roman declared, tugging Logan through the house as he launched into song, “We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!”
   Roman was barely into the second line of his song before he was barreling into Virgil, who looked startled but not surprised by his boyfriend’s shenanigans. A little yelp was all the protest he gave as Roman grabbed his hand and kept going onwards.
   They managed to collectively stop before running into Patton, who had been heading down the hallway with a laundry basket in his arms. The stop was too quick, however, and the three boyfriends tumbled down with each other, their flailing bringing Patton and their clothes down too.
   Sprawled on the floor, covered in warm clothes, Patton was the first to laugh, giggling. Roman quickly joined in with a hearty laugh, Virgil falling victim as well before Logan gave in with quiet chuckles.
   “Well, that was a clothes fall.” Patton joked.
   “Patton… did you just combine two separate puns into one?”
   A new round of giggles answered Logan’s question. He let out an exasperated sigh and planted his face in his hands.
   “Why am I dating you, again?”
   Patton scooted over to Logan, snuggling into his side and resting his head on his shoulder. “Because you looooove me.”
   “Sadly.” Logan said, but he let his hands fall from his face to instead wrap around Patton, planting a kiss to his forehead.
   “Aww.” Roman cooed, sounding properly in love before he flopped on top of Virgil and whined, “Look at all the attention I’m not getting!”
   Virgil patted his head. “No offense, Ro, but I think anything less than the whole world’s attention isn’t enough for you.”
   Suddenly smirking, Roman lifted a hand to cup Virgil’s face. “Good thing the only thing the world’s currently focused on is me, my dear universe.”
   Virgil blushed and quickly changed the topic, “You going to tell us why you were so intent on bowling everyone in this house over, Princey?”
   “Logan had something to tell the three of us.” Roman responded, sitting up so he could cradle Virgil’s face in both his hands. “Though I’m sure whatever news he might bear could never be as interesting as your eyes, deep as wells that I might drown in; never be equal in the beauty of your smile, which Aphrodite herself could not match; never be as important as your mere existence held comfortably in my arms-”
   “The news, Logan?!” Virgil asked, voice high and cheeks very much aflame, only standing to increase Roman’s smirk as he took advantage of Virgil’s fluster to press light kisses across his face.
   Logan chuckled lightly. “It is not that intriguing, as I am aware two of you have already interacted with him, but I saw Thomas Sanders on my way home tonight.”
   Roman pulled away from Virgil to look at Logan, his emo boyfriend looking both relieved and put out at the loss of his attention. “You did?! What did he say?!”
   “I am not sure.” Logan responded, one hand running fingers through Patton’s hair. “I did not interact with him.”
   At this, all his boyfriends turned to look bewilderedly at him. “You… you saw Thomas Sanders and you didn’t even try to talk to him?” Virgil asked incredulously.
   Logan shrugged. “He seemed occupied with his evening wanderings, and I did not wish to bother him. And, attempting to interact with him would have required me to go in a direction that would not have kept me heading homeward bound.”
   “Thomas Sanders is a man to go out of your way for.” Roman said vehemently, Patton and Virgil nodding seriously in agreement.
   “I will keep that in mind if I see him again.” Logan replied. “Assuming I am not once more hurrying home after missing dinner.”
   “Aw, Lolo, are you saying you missed a chance to talk to Thomas Sanders so you could see us sooner?” Patton asked.
   “That, and I truly did not wish to bother him-”
   Patton ignored Logan’s second reason, wrapping his own arms around his boyfriend as he exclaimed, “Lolo really loves us!”
   Logan scoffed but didn’t attempt to break the tight hold he now found himself in. “I thought that was already abundantly clear.”
   “Yeah, but skippin’ out on meeting Thomas Sanders for an extra five minutes with us? That’s, like, the truest form of love.” Virgil said.
   “I believe you are all in desperate need of a, uh,” Logan stopped combing through Patton’s hair to pull a pile of crumpled cards out of his back pocket, flipping through them before flashing one of them at his boyfriends, “reality check?”
   “I’m happy you’re getting your slang down, teach, but considering in this case you are actually in the wrong, it’s you who needs the reality check.”
   Before Logan could argue the point, a beeping noise interrupted the four of them. Patton quickly detached from Logan’s side, more or less throwing himself to his feet as he ran for the kitchen. “My cookies!”
   Logan stood up. “I am going to make sure he does not burn himself. Might we shelve this silly discussion for another time?”
   Virgil shrugged as he started helping Roman pick up the clothes. “‘Long as you accept you missed the chance to meet one of the greatest men in the world there is no discussion.”
   Logan crouched next to Virgil at those words, whispering, “My dearest lamprotornis purpureus, Roman put it quite adequately when he likened you to the world. So long as we remain in each other’s orbits, how could a single man matter at all?” He pressed a kiss to Virgil’s cheek before heading back off towards the kitchen, leaving Virgil and Roman alone in the hallway.
   Roman chuckled at Virgil’s frozen in place expression. “Starstruck, are we?”
   In response, Virgil hid his bright red face in one of his shirts as he screamed.
   Virgil was hiding from his boyfriends.
   After Roman and Logan decided last night was fluster Virgil night, Patton had promptly joined in, until every other comment was fully intended to burn his cheeks a permanent shade of crimson. Now, had he enjoyed the attention? Absolutely, but it was for his dignity that he was currently boycotting love and affection.
   Because that was going to last longer than two hours when he inevitably got sick of people and sunlight and came home of his own freewill.
   Despite it being a lovely afternoon, the streets were mostly empty, the middle of the week not being ideal for a day off or a trip that would bring tourists by. Not that Virgil minded. The emptiness was nice. Judging the few people that went by was nicer.
   Like, take the only dork Virgil could currently see. He was standing in the middle of the street, playing on his phone, probably addicted or something, and his hair was such an unkempt mess he had to keep brushing it back. He was wearing a Steven Universe shirt, so at least he had taste-
   Virgil stopped his walk, squinting at the man far down the street. It couldn’t be-
   It was.
   Before Virgil could do the reasonable thing, like run and never mention this happened as to avoid mocking from Roman and a satisfied eyebrow raise from Logan, Thomas looked up from his phone and- fuck he made eye contact with Virgil.
   Thomas raised his hand, waving at Virgil with a smile, already lowering his phone. Before Virgil could process anything else- or even think using some common sense- he had jumped behind the nearest bench.
   Pressing against the back of it, Virgil fought to keep his breathing normal. As soon as he wasn’t on the verge of hyperventilating, he would just peek out, and make a break for it as soon as he had determined where Thomas was. Focused on his breathing, Virgil didn’t hear the hurried footsteps approaching the bench
   He had, in fact, just gotten his breathing under control when a head popped over the edge of the bench. “Hi there. Uh, you okay, buddy?”
   To say Virgil freaked out might have been an overstatement. He just shrieked a little and scooted away from the head fast enough to seriously bruise his shoulder. His not-freaking out was not improved by realizing it was Thomas Sanders who had come over to check on him.
`    Thomas raised his hands calmingly as he settled down in a crouch in front of Virgil. “Hey, hey it’s alright. I just want to help. Can you breathe with me?” He asked, curling his hands into fists before popping out his fingers in a 4-7-8 pattern.
   As he fully calmed down, Virgil was hit with the thought that this was his first and probably only encounter with Thomas Sanders, and it was because he was having a panic attack. Just from Thomas Sanders seeing him.
   He was never going to live this down.
   Once his breathing was regular once more, Thomas lowered his hands onto his knees, tapping his fingers. “You okay?” He asked again.
   Virgil nodded his head. Thomas nodded with him.
   “That’s good.” Thomas said. “Can you tell me your name?”
   Thomas smiled gently. “That’s a nice name. Now, Virgil, do you live nearby?”
   Virgil shook his head.
   “Okay. Is there anyone you can call to pick you up? I’d feel better knowing you were in good hands before I left.”
   Virgil nodded, digging a hand into his hoodie. Except-
   Virgil’s eyes widened as he realized he had left his phone at home, having been too busy being faux annoyed at his boyfriends to remember to grab it. Realizing what was wrong, and that Virgil seemed ready to spiral again, Thomas quickly pulled his own phone out of his pocket and offered it to him.
   “Here.” He said, pushing it a little more forwards when Virgil stared at it like it was alien technology. “You can use my phone to call them. You remember their number, yeah?”
   After another moment, Virgil nodded and took the phone, quickly putting in his and his boyfriends’ home number.
   “Logan.” Virgil said, shakily, more relieved than he wanted to admit.
   Logan’s tone immediately softened. “Virgil? Are you alright? Where are you?”
   “I-I’m fine.” Virgil said, mostly not a lie as long as he didn’t focus on the fact he was using Thomas Sanders’s phone to call his boyfriend, while Thomas Sanders waited in front of him, after Thomas Sanders helped him with his panic attack. “And, uh, at the corner of fourth and main. Uh, c-can you come pick me up?”
   Virgil heard Logan speak to someone else, followed by the sound of keys jingling. “We will be there in five minutes, alright, Virgil?”
   Virgil nodded into the phone before he realized Logan needed a verbal answer. “Uh, yeah. But, um, did you say five minutes? I thought the drive was fifteen-”
   “Five minutes, Virgil.” Logan repeated. “See you soon.”
   “Yeah.” Virgil replied before hanging up the phone. He handed it back to Thomas, who put it back into his pocket without breaking eye contact with Virgil.
   “Someone coming?” He asked, more to be sure than actually wondering.
   Virgil was halfway through a nod before he cleared his throat and answered, “Yeah. They’ll, uh, they’ll be here soon, so if you want to go…”
   “I think I’ll wait, just to be sure.” Thomas said, still smiling as gentle as snowfall. He moved from his crouch to sit criss-cross on the ground. “So,” He started after a moment, “you’re a fan? At least I assume that’s why you sprinted into hiding when I saw you.”
   Virgil’s expression turned sheepish. “Y-yeah…”
   “I get that.” Now Thomas looked a little sheepish. “Met Brendon Urie in a park a few months ago. I think I just sorta screamed at him and ran.”
   “Well, what are you supposed to do? Not panic?” Virgil asked, smiling a little. “I think it’s disrespectful if you’re calm.”
   “I guess so. I just feel silly. Celebrities are just people, y’know? I say it enough you think I’d remember.”
   “Brendon Urie is not ‘just people.’”
   “Fair point.” Thomas agreed with a laugh. Virgil chuckled a little with him. He only stopped when he saw his boyfriends’ car pull up near the curb, Roman and Patton piling out in an instant while Logan turned it off.
   Thomas managed to scoot to the side before Patton shot past him, trapping Virgil in an embrace tighter than a python’s. He pulled away a moment later, frantically running his hands over Virgil. “Are you okay? Did you get attacked? Mugged? Fall?”
   “I’m physically fine, Pat, don’t worry.” Virgil assured his boyfriend, grabbing his hands to stop them from patting him down for the third time in a minute. “And even if I wasn’t, I don’t think I would’ve worried.” He glanced at Logan, who was now approaching the group, keys in hand. “Three minutes? How’d you manage that, specs?”
   Logan shrugged. “I hit the lights right, I suppose.”
   Roman snorted. “More like ran all of them. And drove ten miles over the limit. And honked, a LOT.”
   “I may have bent a few rules.” Logan said, crossing his arms. “I was concerned.”
   “As we all were!” Patton added. “You forgot your phone! And then a stranger was calling, but it was you, and Logan almost didn’t pick up, what if he hadn’t picked up, Virgil?!”
   “I would have tried again.” Virgil responded, gently rubbing the backs of Patton’s hands. He seemed even more stressed than he had been. “And it wasn’t like a complete stranger was calling.”
   “What do you mean?” Patton asked, still distressed. Virgil nodded at Thomas, who had been quietly watching out of the way. He waved a little.
   “Uh, Patton, right?” Thomas said. “You were feeding ducks in the park a few days ago?”
   Patton’s eyes widened and he turned back to Virgil. “You called us on Thomas Sanders’s phone?!” At Virgil’s nod, he squealed. “You’re forgiven for worrying us.”
   Thomas chuckled. “You guys are really big fans, aren’t you?”
   “Patton was the,” Logan once more dug into his pocket, flipping through index cards for a few seconds before finding the proper one, “OG fan. It was not hard to persuade Roman and Virgil to join his obsession.” Logan said, nodding at each boyfriend in turn.
   “Like you aren’t just as big a fan as we are.” Roman accused, sliding down next to Virgil as he did so, slinging an arm around him.
   “My downfall was allowing myself to be confined to a bed with the three of you keeping me up every other night with Youtube marathons.” Logan returned.
   “You can pretend to be annoyed by it but I know you can quote most of the ‘Ask the Expert’ videos from memory.”
   Logan huffed. “I hate you.”
   Roman poked at his shin. “No you don’t.”
   “You can’t prove that.”
   Roman leaned up, still holding Virgil as he managed to wrap his hand around Logan’s wrist, nodding seriously after a moment. “Ah, yes, Logan you appear to have a pulse, which means you’re in love with me. I’d apologize, but being stuck in love with one of the most handsome, breathtaking people in the world is hardly a tragedy.”
   “You’re insufferable.”
   Thomas laughed quietly as he stood up. “I’m going to take it that Virgil’s in good hands with his, eh, boyfriends, yeah?”
   “It would be a crime for a man as captivating as Virgil to be tied to only one partner!”
   Virgil groaned. “Roman, this is why I left.”
   Roman released Logan’s wrist to pick up Virgil bridal style, ignoring the shriek of surprise as he started to say, sing-song, “But the gay got you anyway~” Twirling away with him towards the car while Patton giggled and followed.
   Logan fondly watched them wander off before turning back to Thomas. He offered the internet celebrity a genuine if small smile. “I would like to thank you for helping out Virgil.”
   Thomas shrugged it off. “Ah, it was nothing. I’m just happy he’s okay. And that he has such good boyfriends to take care of him.”
   Logan nodded before putting out his hand. Thomas took it after a moment and they shook hands.
   “Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Thomas. Have a good day.”
   “You too, Logan.” Thomas responded in farewell, remaining on the sidewalk as Logan climbed back into the driver’s seat and turned the car homewards.
   They were halfway there when Virgil jerked upwards, out of where he had been (illegally) foregoing his seatbelt to lay on Patton’s lap.
   “Something wrong, honey?” Patton asked.
   “I called you guys on Thomas Sanders’s phone.” Virgil said before wildly turning to look at Patton. “That means Thomas Sanders has our phone number!”
   “So?” Logan asked, glancing at the rearview mirror to see the top of Virgil’s head.
   “That means Thomas Sanders could call us! Whenever he wanted!”
   Roman chuckled from his position in the passenger seat. “As wondrous as that idea is, I find it doubtful to be anything more than a fantasy.”
   “Roman is correct.” Logan agreed. “Thomas has absolutely no reason to contact us, and given how many fans he meets, I am fairly certain he will not even remember us that long.”
   Virgil sighed and flopped back into Patton’s lap. “You’re probably right. Sure would be cool if he did though. And nerve-wracking.” He added. “Cool and nerve-wracking.”
   Patton resumed running his hands through Virgil’s hair.  “Well, I’m just glad we all got to meet him! Sure was the experience of a storytime!”
   Logan groaned while his other boyfriends started laughing rather excessively given the pun. Focusing his attention back on the road, Logan didn’t even bother to pretend he wasn’t smiling just a little. It had been nice to meet Thomas, even if only briefly. In the end, however, he was perfectly fine with only seeing the Youtube star on the screen.
   One week later, the phone rang.
   Let’s just say it’s a good thing Virgil wasn’t the one to answer it.
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Falling in Temptation
(Sequel to Stars Dance)
Ch. 1: Who Did It? // Story Masterlist
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 11th Doctor x Original Female Character
Story Summary: It's not time to fall in love. In fact, the Doctor thinks it should be forbidden being who he is and what he attracts from the galaxies. He's dangerous (though Avalon knows it and likes it). However, Avalon is sought out by the Silence and knowing that she will suffer in the end, the Doctor intends on doing what he has to, to keep her safe...even if breaks his hearts.**Second in the Fairy-tale Memoirs**
Chapter summary: It’s been one year since Avalon and the Doctor started traveling together. Mysterious blue envelopes reunites Avalon with the Ponds, Lena Reynolds and River Song at Lake Silencio. They all witness the death of the Doctor at the hands of an astronaut and come to realize that something happens between the version of the Doctor whom Avalon was travelling with and the future version they meet at the lake. But...who was the astronaut? Who did it?
Fairy Tale Memoirs (Companion story)
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Amy Pond and Rory Williams were setting grocery bags on the kitchen counter of their new flat, although Amy was more preoccupied with a book she was reading from, "At the personal intervention of the King, the unnamed Doctor was incarcerated without trial in the Tower Of London..." She'd found the book earlier in the day when she saw certain details of the history looking a bit distorted. She'd bought it and had read more than halfway through it by the afternoon, seeing at which points of history the Doctor was trying to get their attention from.
"OK, but it doesn't have to be him," Rory reminded his wife, "...is there anything about Ava?"
"No, she's staying out of trouble...for once," Amy had to admit that was slightly weird.
She didn't know exactly how long it had been for Avalon and the Doctor since they started traveling together, but she knew it had to have been quite some months now. However long it had been, though, they hadn't heard one situation in which Avalon had gotten into trouble. That...that was shocking news, honestly. For anyone who knew Avalon Reynolds, they could estimate just how long she would last before getting into trouble again. It seemed like the Doctor was actually being a good influence despite the situations he got himself into.
"Two nights later a magical sphere some 20 feet across was seen floating away from the tower, bearing the mysterious Doctor aloft," Amy had continued reading after putting away the groceries.
"Okay, it's him," Rory shrugged, "But as long as Ava isn't mention in any of those, I'm good."
"There's more!" Amy called with a smirk. It seemed like the Doctor had also gotten into some type of German jail and was trying to escape along with some other prisoners...only to get caught.
"Like I said, no Ava, no trouble," Rory strode into the living room after finishing up putting away the groceries.
"It's like he's being deliberately ridiculous, trying to attract our attention," Amy shook her head and followed him, "And aren't you a bit curious about Avalon? Why isn't she there with him?"
"I'm actually thanking the Gods she's not there with him," Rory got comfortable on the couch and turned on the television, his favorite movie on. He didn't even want to think about Avalon going to jail in historical times.
"Are you watching this again?" Amy looked at the television with a face as she closed her book.
"I've explained the jokes," Rory sighed. At the sound of the doorbell, Amy went to go answer, "So what are you saying? Do you really think he's back there trying to wave to us out of history books?" he called.
"Don't know, it's the sort of thing he'd do," she accepted the mail and shut the door.
"Yeah, but why?"
"He said he'd be in touch."
"Two months ago. Who knows how long it's been for him now," Rory shrugged.
"Two months is nothing. He's up to something, I know he is, I know him," Amy set the rest of the mail aside and held a TARDIS-blue colored envelope in her hands.
"What is it?" Rory noticed her go quiet, "Amy?"
"A date, a time, a map reference," Amy turned the envelope over for him to see, "I think it's an invitation."
"From who?"
"It's not signed. Look, TARDIS blue!" Amy waved the envelope around, "I'm gonna go call Lena!"
~ 0 ~
Another envelope landed on a bed, that of the cell of River Song, who picked up the letter and opened it up, smiling as she read the inside. She looked around with a smirk and began preparing for her departure.
~ 0 ~
"Lena! There's mail!" young Gavin Reynolds shouted as he ran towards the kitchen where Lena and their father, Ryland, were eating lunch.
"I got mail?" Lena reached for the blue-colored envelope, "Funny, Avalon usually sends postcards," she looked at her father with confusion.
"Open it up, sweetheart. Maybe this time she wrote something longer," Ryland encouraged her, curious and hopeful that his eldest daughter had finally written something more than just a couple sentences on a postcard. It had been two months (for him anyways) since he let Avalon run off with the Doctor to time travel. Unbeknownst to the others, he hoped that this would keep Avalon safe. He was just glad that she was with someone he could trust and who'd take good care of her.
"What is it, Lena?" Gavin peered over Lena shoulder, "What is it?"
"I think it's invitation from my big brother," Lena began smiling, "Oh, it's been long! I can't wait to see Avalon!"
~ 0 ~
"Miss Williams, this arrived for you," a young man entered a dressing room holding a blue-colored envelope in hand.
Avalon Reynolds looked up from the conversation she was in the middle of with...Mary Costa (the voice actress of Avalon's favorite movie - Sleeping Beauty). She'd dropped by for a visit at Mary's house about an hour ago and was in no hurry to leave her idol. Though when she saw the color of the envelope she knew it was probably time to go.
"Thank you," Avalon took the envelope from the servant.
"Who's it from?" Mary curiously asked as she watched Avalon opened the envelope up.
"Probably from the Doctor," Avalon took out the letter and read it, "Funny, he's given references for...Stormcage," she blinked.
"And that's...bad?" Mary made a face as if it were something negative. She barely understood the concept of 'time travel' but she tried her best for Avalon, seeing how close the two had gotten since Avalon had started her travels.
"No, just...peculiar, that's all," Avalon stood up and started putting in the coordinations for Stormcage at the exact time she'd been instructed to in her Vortex Manipulator, "Oh well, gotta run, Mary. Thanks for the lunch," she hugged the blonde woman.
"Anytime, dear," Mary waved and watched the flash of light take over as Avalon disappeared.
~ 0 ~
A yell school bus stopped in the middle of a plain road in Utah. Out of the bus came Rory, Lena and Amy, all carrying backpacks on their backs and dressed casually.
"Thanks!" Amy called to the driver and waved as the bus drove off, turning around with the others.
"Uh! This is it, yeah? The right place?" Lena looked around, "It's a stupid desert," she made a face.
"Nowhere, middle of? Yeah, this is it," Rory nodded, "Who else but the Doctor?"
"Howdy!" they heard from behind. The three turned around to find the Doctor lying on the hood of a 1960's, red, station wagon.
"Big brother!" Lena exclaimed and dashed to go greet him.
"Ha-ha! My baby sister!" the Doctor jumped off the car and hugged Lena, "Oh, and the Ponds! Pond One and Pond Two!" he moved on to hug Amy, "Hello, Ponds, come here!"
"So someone's been a busy boy then, eh?" Amy teased as she hugged him.
"Did you see me?"
"Of course! Stalker!"
"Husband," Rory waved a hand with a mock-offense expression.
"And Rory the Roman! Oh, come here!" the Doctor laughed and hugged him.
"Hey, nice hat, big brother," Lena remarked to the hat the Doctor wore on his head.
"I wear a Stetson now, Stetsons are cool," the Doctor smirked about to flick it into position when a gun was fired, making him wince forwards, and blew the hat right off his head.
"Sorry!" the group heard someone shout from across. Avalon quickly passed - or chucked - the gun back to River who stood beside her and was really trying her best not laugh right there and then.
"Avalon," the Doctor turned around, a new expression on his face when he saw her. It was a sad smile but...a smile nonetheless. He dashed for her, almost tripping from how fast he went. "Avalon!"
"I think I'm in trouble," Avalon whispered to River as she stepped forwards. She hadn't really meant to shoot the poor alien's hat. She just wanted to shoot beside the alien with a new blaster. But now she was sure to get a scolding from him, Rory and then Lena...
"Ava!" the Doctor surprised her instead by picking her up in a spinning hug.
"Oh, okay," Avalon quickly took the easier road and hugged back. "Nice to see you too," she laughed as she was set back on her feet.
"What's going on?" Lena came up beside them along with Amy and Rory, all finding the reactions of the Doctor slightly weird.
"And what is that?" Amy pointed at the manipulator Avalon wore on her wrist. It sat just above the Doctor's old watch which she had truly kept after winning it from their Christmas bet.
"Like?" Avalon waved her wrist, "Brand new, barely breaking it in."
"Why?" Lena frowned, "I thought you were traveling together..."
"We are," the Doctor nodded, "But I wanted to go to one place and Ava the other, so we compromised."
"By giving her a manipulator?" River raised an eyebrow, even she herself finding that strange for the 'early' days.
"Oh calm down, I've been responsible...ish," Avalon had to add that part after a moment, making the entire group sigh with resignation at their friend, all except the Doctor of course who just smiled at her.
~ 0 ~
The group had relocated to a diner not too far from where they'd been. The Doctor led them inside while being linked arms with Avalon. Lena went up to the counter, eyes already on the menu, "Oh, I want some dessert."
"Me too!" Avalon left the Doctor and hurried up beside her sister, "By the way, can I borrow some money?"
"You didn't bring any money, did you?" Lena turned to her, "Always counting that I'll have some."
"Not true," Avalon threw a thumb over her shoulder, "Rory always has money for me."
Lena scoffed and crossed her arms, "He is not gonna have any mo-"
'I got it," Rory came over with his wallet out, Lena's mouth hanging open in surprise.
"Ava's Ava," was the excuse Rory always used.
Avalon cheekily smiled, "Thanks Rory," she hugged him, "I promise I'll pay you back."
"This is a reward," Rory clarified, "Because you didn't get in trouble like someone..." he shot a look at the Doctor.
"Ha," Avalon stuck her tongue out at the alien.
"I could just tell them what you did in Milan," the Doctor warned as he crossed his arms, smirking when she went quiet.
"What happened in Milan?" Amy stepped over, curious to know what gimmick Avalon had come up with this time.
"Nothing!" Avalon quickly exclaimed, "Absolutely nothing. So, Rory, if you can get my favorite dessert, please? Strawberry-"
"Strawberry milkshake with whip cream, hold the cherry on top, though," the Doctor finished and garnered her attention.
"How did you know that?" she blinked.
"You told me," he shrugged and tugged her away towards one of the booths.
"I did?" Avalon thought for a moment while she slid into an open booth first then the Doctor. "Hm, it's been such a rush I can't even remember that."
"That's what happens when you steal from world-famous designers," River strolled over to them, wearing a smirk on her face as Avalon stiffened.
"How did you-"
"I saw the clothes on a runway...modeled by a one, extravagant ginger woman..." River took a seat in the booth across them, putting her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her hands, "Global thing, newspapers and whatnot."
"You could've said something, then. I went to pick you up in a prison for God's sake! I could've been arrested," Avalon hit the Doctor on the arm, "Thanks for that, by the way. I've never been to an alien prison. Why'd you sent me to pick her up? No offense, River," she quickly glanced at the brunette with a smile.
"None taken," River chuckled..
"She had no manipulator, thought it might be easier on her," the Doctor shrugged, "But I'm more interested in knowing about those clothes you stole?"
"Oops?" Avalon looked at him with a sheepish smile, "I know you said to keep away from trouble but...it was Milan," she whispered so no one would hear, "Fashion capital! I was just dropping in for a discreet visit when, BAM! I met a model, accidentally got her locked in a closet--"
"Accidentally?" River raised an eyebrow.
"Shut up!" Avalon pointed at her, "And then somehow I get branded as a preppy woman-"
"Which you are," the Doctor and River cut in.
"Oi!" Avalon frowned, "Am not. But the designers said I could pass it off and so...voila," she gestured to her clothes.
She wore a light pink dress with white polka-dots, an open beige jacket with three-quarter sleeves and pink flats. She knew it was wrong to steal, especially things that were created by famous people but she hadn't really thought it through at the moment. After the fashion show had ended, she'd been caught by the actual model intended to use the outfit and so without thinking she'd activated her manipulator and flashed out, taking along the clothes with her.
"And after the show ended...you ran with the clothes," the Doctor assumed the last part of the story.
"I didn't run, I used the manipulator," she corrected quietly, "I promise I'll give it back...ish. I just really like it too."
"I think you look lovely," the Doctor smiled softly at her.
"You're not gonna reprimand me like the others?" Avalon blinked, genuinely shocked he wasn't even the least bit angry with her, "Are you feeling well?" she raised an eyebrow, "No alien fever or something?" she even pressed her hand over his forehead to make sure he was alright.
The Doctor laughed and pulled her hand off his face, keeping hold of it for a few extra seconds. "Nothing's wrong. I'm just...happy right now, very happy," his tone had softened like his smile, the latter seeming almost everlasting.
Avalon was momentarily taken aback but in the end she smiled back too. "I'm happy too," she agreed and there was another pause of smiles. "And I can't wait to get back to the TARDIS. Manipulators are fun but I like traveling with my Fairy Tale Man even more."
"Ava!" Rory called from the counter and motioned for her to go get her milkshake.
The Doctor slid out the booth and allowed Avalon to go for her dessert while he took her seat, noticing River's look which consisted of a big smirk, "What?" he frowned as he pulled out a small journal from inside his jacket.
"Can you be more obvious?" she tilted her head, "How far are you?"
"What? What are you talking about?"
River rolled her eyes and set her hands down on the table, "You're from the future," she announced with all certainty about it, "You've got to be, I mean...that--" she discreetly pointed at Avalon, "--was plain obvious. All you needed was to drool in front of her to let her know."
"Shut up," the Doctor rolled his eyes.
"How far are you?"
"...about 200 years," he spoke quietly in case the others returned suddenly, "Don't say a word about it."
"Fine but you may want to dial down the lovey-dovey eyes. Avalon's a smart woman, she'll figure it out and start questioning you," River warned, "And then she'll be freaked out."
"Once she learns what's coming for her she won't even think about some feelings," the Doctor countered. "Your letter didn't cover it accurately, you know."
"Letter?" River repeated with confusion. "I didn't write any letter."
The Doctor stared at her, wanting to figure out if she was lying or not. After everything, he still wasn't completely sure if that was true or not. It bothered him that near his end, he never figured out the secret behind that letter. He would never know who wrote it. Who wrote the letter knowing what was going to happen to Avalon?
"Ew, there's a cherry on my milkshake," Avalon grimaced at the bright, red fruit sitting at the top of the whip cream of her drink, "Rory!" she exclaimed.
"Thank you," Rory passed her and swiped off the cherry, dropping it into his mouth as he and Amy sat with River on one side of the booth and Avalon and Lena with the Doctor on the other.
"So what's happening, then?" Amy immediately questioned the Doctor, "Because you've been up to something."
"Getting into trouble," Lena added, "I saw it all, big brother. Shame on you," she wagged a finger, making the Doctor smile in amusement.
"I've been running...faster than I've ever run, and I've been running my whole life. Now it's time for me to stop," he looked at them all, though spent a bit more with Avalon, "And tonight I'm going to need you all with me."
"What did you have in mind?" Avalon raised an eyebrow as she took a sip of her drink.
"A picnic! And then a trip. Somewhere different, somewhere brand-new."
~ 0 ~
Later in the day, the group moved over to the Powell Lake of Utah (otherwise known as Lake Silencio), setting up a picnic like the Doctor had said. They sat on the edges of the blanket while munching on their snacks placed in the center.
"Salut!" the Doctor toasted with a glass of wine.
"Salut!" went the others.
"So it's actually been a year since you started travelling together, then?" Lena asked just to make sure she'd gotten it right. As far as she knew, Avalon had just joined the Doctor a couple months ago.
"Yup," Avalon grinned. "I'm finally 22 like you Lena!" the two sisters high-fived each other.
"So when are we going to 1969?" Rory wondered as he set his wine glass down.
"And since when do you drink wine?" Amy observed the Doctor as he lifted his glass to his mouth.
"He doesn't," Avalon shot him a look. She knew what would come next, but every time she told him he wouldn't listen.
"I'm 1,103 - I must have drunk it some time," he shrugged and drank the glass...only to spit it back out, "Oh, wine's horrid! I thought it would taste more like the gums."
"Wait a minute," Avalon set her glass down, "1,103? You were 909 before you gave me the manipulator. What? Was I that bad of a companion you left me for nearly 200 years?"
"Complicated," the Doctor tensed at his slip.
"Why?" she grew sadder, "Why was it..." her gaze had wandered up to the dunes where she saw a figure silhouetted against the sun, "...who's that?" she whispered.
"Who's who?" the Doctor began scowling, half-guessing what she was seeing.
"Sorry, what?" she looked at him with rapid blinking eyes, "What's going on?" she looked at the others who were staring at her with a bit of concern.
"You said you saw someone," River looked out where Avalon had been staring at.
"No, I didn't," Avalon playfully rolled her eyes and reached for a piece of grape, unaware of the grim look the Doctor was giving her from beside.
"Big brother, you mentioned the moon," Lena got his attention back.
"Right, the moon," the Doctor tore his gaze from Avalon and looked at the rest, "The moon, look at it! Of course, you lot did more than look, didn't you? Big silvery thing in the sky, you couldn't resist it. Quite right."
"The moon landing was in '69," Amy recalled, "Is that where we're going?"
"Oh, a lot more happens in '69 than anyone remembers. Human beings... I thought I'd never get done saving you."
A pickup truck pulled over behind them and an elderly man stepped out. The Doctor stood up waved with a hand, the older man giving a wave back.
"Who's he?" Lena looked over at the older man, assuming it had to be some other friend the Doctor had picked up in his past.
"Oh, my God!" River had jumped up to her feet at the sight of an astronaut standing in the lake, prompting the others to stand up as well.
"What's going on?" Avalon looked around, feeling like it was some sort of trap. But that couldn't be right, the Doctor was the one who sent the letters. He'd never bring them into a trap!
"You all need to stay back. Whatever happens now, you do not interfere," the Doctor instructed them all, "Clear?"
Avalon opened her mouth to refuse but saw the silhouette up at the dunes again, "Woah..." she blinked, "I...remember that, now. I-I think I've seen it before..."
The Doctor tore her gaze away from the figure, not even bothering to look at it himself, "Ava, you listen to me right now," he set his hands on her arms, "You have to be careful, okay? You should..." he swallowed hard, struggling to say his words, "...you should stay away from me."
"What?" she blinked, surprised at his urgency that had come out of no where. "Why would I do that?"
"Because it's the best thing you could've done," he whispered with genuine regret. "If I could change one thing it's this...you..." he gave her one last look before kissing her forehead and walked for the astronaut.
"What's going on?" Avalon moved after him but River kept her back. She felt something in the pit of her stomach, something warning her to bring the Doctor right back. "But we can't let him...I don't understand." She looked at the others who were on the same page.
"That's an astronaut. That's an Apollo astronaut in the lake," Rory stared in awe at the astronaut now standing on the sand beside the lake.
"Seems a little big, mind you," Lena remarked quietly as she looked.
The Doctor stood in front of the astronaut, solemnly eyeing it, "Hello. It's OK, I know it's you," he spoke quietly, watching the visor raise up, "I know the choices that brought you here...I figured it out."
"What's he doing?" Amy whispered to the others, all of them gathered up as they watched the astronaut raised its arm towards the Doctor.
Then it fired.
"Doctor!" Avalon shouted as he staggered back. She rushed for him again but River kept her back while Rory restrained Amy.
"Avalon, Amy! Stay back! The Doctor said stay back!" River reminded, "Lena, don't you dare move!" she warned the brunette who seemed frozen in horror anyways.
But the astronaut fired again and the Doctor fell to his knees on the floor.
"We have to help him!" Avalon fought River to no avail. "LET GO!"
"You have to stay back!"
The Doctor stood up, his hands glowing with his regenerative energy. He looked over at the group, "I'm sorry," he managed to say before he tilted his head back for the regeneration to begin. The astronaut shot him again and ended it, the Doctor collapsing on the ground without a flinch nor twitch.
River finally let Avalon go and hurried along with the others towards the Doctor, the astronaut making its way back into the lake. River pulled out a handheld device and checked for the alien's vitals.
"River, what's it saying?" Avalon knelt down beside the Doctor, "River?"
River put away the device after reading the device and took out her gun again. She was about to shoot when the gun was snatched off her hands by Avalon who then took to shooting at the astronaut herself, tears building up in her eyes and blurring her vision. Unfortunately, the gun ran out of ammunition and the astronaut was well inside the lake, slowly sinking back down.
"River, he can't be dead. This is impossible," Amy sobbed.
River took back the gun from Avalon and cautiously turned her away from the lake, but not before she caught site of the mysterious figure silhouetted, "What the hell is going on?" Avalon gritted her teeth.
"Whatever that was, it killed him in the middle of his regeneration cycle," River answered, thinking she was asking about the Doctor, "His body was already dead. He didn't make it to the next one."
"No, I meant..." Avalon had looked back at River, blinking rapidly as she forgot once again.
"Maybe he's a clone or a duplicate or something," Lena offered, swallowing hard.
The man from the truck had made his way down to the group holding a gas tank that he set down on the sand, "I believe I can save you some time. That most certainly is the Doctor, and he is most certainly dead. He said you'd need this," he pointed at the tank.
"Gasoline?" Rory studied the tank with confusion.
"A Time Lord's body is a miracle. Even a dead one. There are whole empires out there who'd rip this world apart for just one cell," River sighed, "We can't leave him here. Or anywhere."
"But he can't die," Avalon's tears strolled down her cheeks as she dropped to her knees beside the Doctor's body. "Not him too, he can't..." Her hands shook as she hesitated to touch him. What if he was already cold? Cold like...like he was actually dead. She breathed in heavily. "He's the Fairy Tale Man, he's not allowed to."
"We're his friends. We do what the Doctor's friends always do," River picked up the gas tank, "As we're told."
"There's a boat," Rory saw one at the other end of the lake, "If we're going to do this...let's do it properly."
When night fell, the group watched from the shore of the lake as the Doctor's body burned in the boat Rory had brought from the other side of the lake. The man who had brought the gas tank stayed to help and also watched, and at one point River turned to him in question, "Who are you? Why did you come?"
"Same reason as you," he pulled out a blue-colored envelope from his pocket for her to see. River pulled out her own and looked between them as the man handed her his envelope, "Dr Song, Avalon, Amy, Lena, Rory. I'm Canton Everett Delaware III. I won't be seeing you again. But...you'll be seeing me," he picked up the gas tank and headed back for his truck.
River watched him go for a minute before glancing down at the envelopes and turning to the group, "Four," she said.
"Sorry, what?" Rory blinked, that just came out of the no where.
"The Doctor numbered the envelopes," River held both envelopes for them to see.
~ 0 ~
The group had returned to the diner where River continued her explanation, or theories, about the envelopes, "You got five," she pointed at Amy and Rory, "Mr. Delaware was six, Lena was four, I was three and Avalon was two."
"So?" Lena had to ask, she was all for education and whatnot but not after a makeshift funeral of her big brother.
"So where's one?" River tried making them see the obvious of the envelope's patterns.
"You think he invited someone else?" Rory was beginning to catch on.
"Well, he must have. He planned all of this to the last detail."
"Will you shut up? It doesn't matter," Amy muttered, stopping at a booth as she sulked.
"He was up to something," Lena began to realize as well, "But what? Avalon?" she looked at Avalon who was slightly ahead, distant as was expected, "She's thinking of Mum," Lena whispered to the others.
Avalon could be as brave and bold as she wanted but the one thing that would always defeat her was the topic of death. Her mother's death had scarred her, consequences as big as losing her hope in everything else. She was always afraid of losing people like that because that was the way she'd lost her mother and was constantly afraid she would lose Lena too because of her chronic illness.
"Space 1969, what did he mean?" River relayed for them to think on it with her.
"You're still talking, but it doesn't matter," Amy snapped at them, irritated they were pondering over stupid numbers when their friend had just died.
"Hey," Lena turned to Amy, softly speaking, "If it mattered to my big brother, then it matters to us all."
"He's dead, Lena," Amy shook her head, "Focus on your sister instead of numbers."
"He still needs us, though," Lena looked back at Avalon, happening to catch sight of a blue paper on a nearby table by Avalon, "Look," she rushed for it, holding up another blue-colored envelope with the number '1' in front.
As River ran for Lena, Rory turned to the counter where an employee was, "Excuse me, who was sitting over there?"
"Some guy."
"The Doctor knew he was going to his death, so he sent out messages," River was putting the pieces together, "When you know it's the end, who do you call?"
"Your friends," Lena quickly answered.
"People you trust," Rory rejoined them.
"Number one. Who did the Doctor trust the most?"
As if on cue, the back door of the diner opened and in came the Doctor with a straw in his mouth. While the entire group stared, stunned, he grinned and pointed at them like he hadn't expected it.
"Fairy Tale Man?" Avalon stepped forwards, her face completely dumbfounded.
"Hey! I saw what you did at Milan," he pointed at her with a frown on his face. "That was wrong and you're taking those clothes back."
Avalon blinked. "Wait...what?" she shook her head, "You arm this whole fiasco, tell me stupid things and then...you give us this? What the hell!" She slapped him across the face with all her might.
"Ava!" he stumbled back with a hand over his cheek, "What I do!?"
Avalon was furious and felt like going ahead and giving him more, "You know what it was like to lose my Mum and yet you..." she couldn't even finish her words if she wanted to keep her tears inside. "...telling me to stay away from you..."
"Avalon," River tugged her away before she said something she shouldn't. Knowing the last the Doctor had been a future version allowed her to see much more than the rest of the group.
"How are you here?" Lena just had to ask, more than relieved to see him again but...he had just died and he didn't look anywhere near a ghost.
"I was invited. Date, map reference," the Doctor pointed to his envelope River still held, his other hand still rubbing over his cheek from Avalon's slap. "Same as you lot, I assume, otherwise it's a hell of a coincidence."
"River, what's going on?" Amy sighed. She wanted to go and hug the Doctor as well but she also felt like Avalon in which he needed to be slapped for what he'd done.
"Ask him what age he is," River looked at Avalon, the most affected out of all should get the clarification straight to the face.
"Why?" she shook her head, "I just want to keep slapping him."
The Doctor took a cautious step back for the ginger had quite some strength and he wouldn't like to feel it on his face anymore.
"Just do it," River gave Avalon a sharp look.
She sighed and turned to the Doctor, "How old are you?"
"That's a bit personal..."
"Answer the damn question or I'll slap you again on both sides," Avalon pointed.
"That's..." Avalon looked at the others with confusion, "...the same age I left him with 3 days ago."
"Meaning...?" River forced her to keep putting the pieces of it together.
"You're..." Avalon had returned her eyes to the Doctor, "...we've been separated for three days?"
"Yeah," he nodded cautiously, "And I'll take the manipulator back before you hop into the future and take something there too."
"It was an accident," she mumbled quietly as she looked down at her clothes, for some reason wishing he'd compliment the clothes instead of reprimanding her like she'd initially expected.
"So is anyone going to tell me what are we all doing here?" the Doctor looked at the others, seeing them all sharing expressions of concerns and confusion.
"We've been recruited. Something to do with space, 1969, and a man called Canton Everett Delaware III," River explained seeing as the others were still getting it together.
"Recruited by who?"
"Someone who trusts you more than anybody else in the universe."
"And who's that?"
"Spoilers," River sighed, glancing at the others who gave a mere nod.
~ 0 ~
Once the group had returned to the TARDIS and given as much details as possible (without giving any spoilers) to the Doctor, he started rambling on about the year they'd chosen, "969, that's an easy one. Funny how some years are easy. Now, 1482, full of glitches. Now then, Canton Everett Delaware III, that was his name, yeah?" Amy couldn't take it and left for the stairs that would lead under the console, Lena right behind her, "How many of those can there be? Well, three, I suppose," the Doctor continued but noticed River leaving as well. He made a face and looked at Avalon and Rory, "Is everybody cross with me for some reason?"
"I'll find out," Rory pointed and headed off.
Avalon shook her head and moved to follow him, "C'mon, Ava, not you too," the Doctor called after her. She turned around, solemnly staring at him, "What did I do?"
Avalon got to thinking of the last Doctor they'd just seen a couple hours ago and knew that he hadn't been anything but sweet and nice, not one banter ever arose. She wondered if that had been an effort he'd made knowing he'd die. What other explanation was there? If you were to die, you'd repent of everything you'd done, including forgiving the annoying, sarcastic ginger woman he'd allowed into his home. And the fact that he had told her to stay away from him didn't help either. He sounded like it was a warning...and whenever she thought of warnings her mind rushed to that letter she'd gotten a year ago at Amy's and Rory's wedding reception.
"Ava?" the Doctor tried again, not daring to walk closer to her in case she fired another of her deadly slaps.
Avalon walked up to him and surprised him by hugging him. "I'm sorry," came her apology a minute later. She'd been so used to having him around and bantering that she never stopped for a minute to wonder what it would be like to lose him as well, "I'm so sorry for all my remarks, my crimes, I'm sorry. I'm really, really, sorry."
"Where's all this coming from?" the Doctor hugged back, even more concerned for all his friends. "Did you get another letter?"
"No," Avalon pulled away but didn't let him go. "You know that I consider this place and you the safest place I could be at, right?"
A smug smile came to the Doctor's face, making Avalon roll her eyes. "I do try my best!"
"Would you ever ask me to stay away from you?"
"No..." the Doctor looked at her strangely for her words, "...unless you had a pear in your hands."
A chuckle came to Avalon. "Right," she let go of him and stepped back. "Well, I just wanted you to know that I feel safe here, with you. Safe with my Fairy Tale Man. Safe."
The Doctor gave her another look for her repetition. "Ava, you know can tell me anything, right? Cos you remember what happens when you bottle it up, right?"
"Is there something you want to tell me?"
"...no," she bit her lip, "I'm just reflecting, Fairy Tale Man. I know I have a poor attitude-"
"It's not bad, actually, it's a bit amusing..." the Doctor got to thinking and chuckled.
"I'm rude, though," she repeated what she always heard from everyone else.
"I see it more as you calling me out when I do stuff I'm not supposed to, or say things I'm not supposed to. I don't find that as a 'poor attitude'," but Avalon gave him a look for that, "Okay so maybe in the beginning I did think like that..." the Doctor corrected himself, "But that was before I got to know you better," he smiled, "Now I know that you like to take charge, you're very outspoken, and you do not like it when someone touches you hair."
"Someone's been paying attention," Avalon raised her eyebrows, though smiled in the end.
"Well, we have been traveling for about a year now," the Doctor shrugged, "It's only natural. But seriously, are you okay? Is there something else?" he took a step closer to her.
"No there isn't," she tried to argue and took a step back. She didn't want to somehow break and tell him everything she and the rest of the group had seen earlier.
"You are not a very good liar, do you know that?"
"I'm a very good liar, thank you very much," she made a mock-offended face.
"You're really not," the Doctor shook his head and moved up to her again, taking her head into his hands and looked her dead in the eye, "Because right now I can tell very easily that you cried, and I'd like to know why you're lying about it. What happened, Ava?"
"N-nothing..." she faltered under the Doctor's look.
"Avalon, pl-"
"Avalon," Lena finished coming up the stairs, startling them both, "Sorry...did I interrupt?" Lena sheepishly asked, noticing their closeness with intrigue.
"No, no, we were just talking," Avalon quickly turned to her sister, "What did you need?"
"Nothing," Lena eyed the troubled expression of the Doctor behind Avalon, "Nothing important anyways," she wasn't going to tell Avalon what River had explained to them a couple minutes ago...at least not in front of the Doctor, "So...1969?" she looked at the Doctor with a clean smile as the others began to come up the stairs behind her.
The Doctor turned to the console, seeing Avalon would keep her mouth shut about what ever troubled her and the others, "Time isn't a straight line, it's all bumpy-wumpy..." he began and made a round around the TARDIS, "There's loads of boring stuff, like Sundays and Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons. But now and then there are Saturdays, big temporal tipping points when anything's possible. The TARDIS can't resist them, she loves a party, so I give her 1969 and NASA, cos that's space in the '60s, and Canton Everett Delaware III, and this is where she's pointing," he pushed the scanner to the group and revealed a date.
"Washington DC, April 8th, 1969. So why haven't we landed?" Amy looked around as there had been no noise at all which meant the TARDIS had to be in flight at the moment.
"Because that's not where we're going," the Doctor shrugged.
"Where are we going, then?" Lena frowned, glancing back at River. The woman had made it clear that they should follow what the older Doctor had wanted to do, probably something truly important.
"Home! Well, you three are," the Doctor pointed to her and Amy and Rory, "I'm sure you father wants at least one of their daughter's home. You two," he looked at Amy and Rory, "Off you pop and make babies. Dr Song, back to prison," Me, I'm late for a biplane lesson in 1911, or it could be knitting. Knitting or biplanes, one or the other..." he flopped down on the chair and rubbed his forehead with irritation, "What? A mysterious summons? You think I'm just going to go? Who sent those messages? I know you know, I can see it in your faces," he stared at Avalon, " Don't play games with me. Don't ever, ever think you're capable of that."
Avalon frowned, "Don't you ever talk to me like that."
"You're going to have to trust us this time," River spoke before the two got into an argument of some sorts.
"Trust you?" the Doctor nearly laughed as he stood up and walked over to her, "But first of all, Dr Song, just one thing... Who are you? You're someone from my future, getting that, but who? OK... Why are you in prison? Who did you kill? Hmm? Now, I love a bad girl, me, but trust you? Seriously?" He hadn't forgotten the warning he'd received from Octavian against her. For all he knew, the reason River was in prison was because she murdered Avalon! That thought alone made him shudder. He would never let that happen. He'd rather die first!
"Trust us, then," Amy spoke up, putting an arm around Lena's shoulders.
"Okay," the Doctor turned for them.
"You have to do this, big brother, and you can't ask why," Lena swallowed hard.
"Are you being threatened?" the Doctor guessed as he looked between the two's faces, "Is someone making you say that?"
"No," they answered together.
"You're lying."
"They're not lying," Avalon sighed and cut in between them, "We promise, all of us."
"Swear to me, then," the Doctor challenged, "Swear to me on something that matters."
"La Belle au bois dormant," Avalon pronounced the title of her favorite fairytale - Sleeping Beauty - in perfect French contrary to her attempt the first time she'd heard it from him as a child, "By Charles Perrault."
The Doctor considered her very important story and nodded, "My life in your hands, Ava..."
"Thank you," she sincerely said, finally able to at least dimly smile.
"So, Canton Everett Delaware III!" the Doctor returned to the console to begin their research, "Who's he?"
As they started looking into the mysterious man, they began getting some small details of what could potentially be a problem. There was something about a private meeting Canton had with the president of the United States during 1969, Nixon, and it seemed all too interesting for a fired man to be called upon by the most powerful man in the world. The Doctor had resolved to bring the TARDIS somewhere near the meeting just to overhear some things and observe what was going on. Unfortunately for him, he stepped right in the middle of the Oval Office. It was a good thing he'd left the others inside the TARDIS, which was invisible and would keep them safe while he listened in on a very interesting phone call from a little girl pleading help to the president.
"Should we really allow him to go on his own out there?" Avalon stared hard at the shut doors of the TARDIS, "I mean, he's prone to get himself into trouble!"
"And we'll know," assured River who stood by the console, literally waiting for that to happen.
"I don't think it's right," Avalon declared and began pacing back and forth from the doorway to the console, "I mean, we just saw him die so we should do something to stop it and..."
"It's be a paradox, apparently," Amy rolled her eyes.
"I don't care!" Avalon exclaimed.
"What I said too," Amy nodded.
River shook her head, "We've been over this, and Avalon stop pacing, please. It's giving me a headache."
"I can't help it!"
"Ava, why not take a seat?" Rory offered, truthfully also tired of seeing her pace.
"I can't, I can't just sit down and pretend like I didn't see the Doctor die!" Avalon took a breath, her hand absently fiddling over the Doctor's watch on her wrist, "I can't do that, I don't want to..."
Lena hurried up to her twin and put her hands on Avalon's shoulders, "Breathe, Avalon, breathe. I know you're thinking of...Mum," she whispered the word, "But don't worry, okay? This isn't the same thing, it won't be," she assured, Avalon taking a moment to recollect herself.
After a moment, Avalon smiled, "Look at you, making me feel better. He's your 'big brother'."
Lena smiled back and took her hands, "And he's your Fairy Tale Man, important to both of us and the rest. Plus, I think it's about time I did something for you. You always made me feel better, and Gavin, when we were sad."
The moment was interrupted when the TARDIS took a great a shake, nearly knocking the entire group to the floor.
"What was that!?" Avalon rushed up to the console with Lena.
"Every time," River rolled her eyes as she connected some wires to the scanner.
"He said the scanner wouldn't work," Rory reminded with confusion as River worked.
"I know, bless!" she laughed as the scanner wires sparked and the screen came to life, showing the group how the Doctor was being tackled to the floor by the secret agents, his face pressed onto the carpet floor.
"Not that! Ow!" he cried, "River, have you got my scanner working yet?"
Oh, I hate him!" River shook her head.
"No, you don't!" called back the Doctor, probably assuming what the woman was going to say, "River, make her blue again!"
River went around the console flicking switches and pulling levers, succeeding in making the TARDIS visible outside, "Well, we better get out there before he does something else stupid," River headed for the doors with the others behind her.
As River was the first to step out of the TARDIS, she heard the Doctor coquettishly speaking to the agents, "...you think you can just shoot me?"
"They're Americans!" she reminded with a roll of her eyes, her hands in the air to show surrender.
As if that was the magical word, the Doctor stood up from the president's desk with his hands raised, "Don't shoot, definitely no shooting!"
"Don't shoot us either," Lena called as they walked out of the TARDIS, all their hands raised in surrender.
"Very much not in need of getting shot," Rory added and nodded to their raised hands, "Look, we've got our hands up."
"Who the hell are you?" President Nixon demanded while his agents kept him behind for 'safety'.
"Sir, you need to stay back," Canton Delaware instructed the man, but the mysterious group was just too much.
"But who, but who are they? What is that box?"
"It's a Police Box, can't you read?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow, "I'm your new undercover agent, on loan from Scotland Yard. Code name, the Doctor. These are my top operatives, the Singer, the Legs, the Innocent, the Nose, and Mrs Robinson.
"I hate you," River rolled her eyes, meaning it for that one.
"No, you don't!"
"Who are you?" Nixon repeated his question and frankly expected to be answered properly this time.
"Boring question. Who's phoning you, that's interesting," the Doctor pointed out, "'Cause Canton Three is right, that was definitely a girl's voice. There's only one place in America she can be phoning from."
"Where?" Canton challenged the man's supposed intelligence.
"Do not engage with the intruder, Mr Delaware," one of the agents, Peterson, cut in.
"You heard everything I heard, it's simple enough. Give me five minutes, I'll explain," the Doctor assured as he took a seat back on the desk, "On the other hand, lay a finger on me, or my friends, and you'll never, ever know."
"How'd you get it in here?" Canton glanced back at the TARDIS, not at all frightened nor paranoid like the others, "I mean, you didn't carry it."
"Clever, eh?" the Doctor started smirking.
"Love it," Canton smiled.
"Do not compliment the intruder," Peterson repeated and steadied his gun on the Doctor.
"Five minutes?" Canton looked at the Doctor, slightly more inclined to accept than the others.
"Five," the Doctor agreed.
"Mr President, that man is a clear and present danger," Peterson tried to argue when Canton cut him off.
"Mr President, that man walked in here with a big blue box and three of his friends and that's the man he walked past. One of them's worth listening to. What say we give him five minutes, see if he delivers."
"Thanks, Canton!" the Doctor held a thumbs-up to the man.
"If he doesn't, I'll shoot him myself," Canton threw him a warning look that wiped the Doctor's smile.
"Not so thanks..."
"Sir, I cannot recommend..."
"Shut up, Mr Peterson," Nixon looked at Canton, "All right."
"Five minutes," Canton gave the Doctor a go.
"I'm going to need a SWAT team ready to mobilize, street level maps covering all of Florida, a pot of coffee, 12 jammy dodgers and a fez," the Doctor pointed all around the room with utter excitement.
"Get him his maps!" Canton told the other agents.
Later, the entire room was covered in street maps of all sizes with everyone looking at least one of them. Canton and the Doctor stood to one side of the room where the Doctor had a large map on a table in front of them.
"Why Florida?" Canton asked the question of everyone in the room.
"That's where NASA is. She mentioned a space man. NASA's where the space men live," the Doctor paused, "Also... there's another lead I'm following."
"Space Man?" Amy looked at River, both of them and Avalon close by with their own maps, "Like the one we saw at the lake."
"Maybe, probably," River shrugged.
"Please give us a concrete answer," Avalon sighed and looked up, "I know you know what to do but for the sake of timelines you don't say a word about it."
"I'm sorry," was all River had to say about it and returned to her map.
"Thanks for the help," Avalon muttered and turned away, facing the doorway of the room where she saw the same creature on the dunes of the lake, "You..." she immediately gritted her teeth, recalling her theory of those blasted creatures having to do with the Doctor's help. "I saw you..."
"Avalon?" Amy noticed the woman beginning to walk for the doorway, of course then SHE noticed the creature at the doorway, 'Oh my god," she quickly stood up from her seat, "Avalon!" she exclaimed and startled Avalon, as well getting the attention of everyone else in the room.
"Huh?" Avalon turned away from the doorway, blinking rapidly, feeling slightly odd again.
"What's going on?" Lena called from her spot with Rory.
"N-nothing..." Amy shook her head, feeling like an idiot for making a scene with no reason behind, "...funny," she put a hand on her stomach as she started feeling weird.
"Amy, you okay?" Avalon went back to Amy's side.
"Amy, what's wrong?" Rory, concerned, rushed to the women.
"You all right?" the Doctor had to stop and look at the ginger who did seem a bit pale.
"Yeah, no, I'm fine, I'm just...feeling a little sick," Amy assured the others and took a breath.
"Maybe we should get you to a toilet," Avalon suggested and led Amy towards the doorway again, "Excuse me, is there a toilet, or something?" she asked the agent, Peterson.
"Sorry, ma'am, during this procedure, you must remain within the Oval Office."
"Shut up and take them to the restroom," Canton rolled his eyes and waved for them to do as told.
"This way," another agent led the gingers into the hallway.
~ 0 ~
Upon reaching the restroom, Avalon led Amy inside and shooed away the agent that had tried to follow them in for 'safety' reasons. As soon as they entered, though, they saw the creature once again inside the room.
"I keep forgetting," Avalon blinked, once again recalling her previous seeings.
"I saw you before," Amy remembered the office's doorway, "But then I forgot..."
"It does that, apparently," Avalon frowned, "I saw you at their wedding reception. But I forgot. Now it's a year later and you're still here, and you were at the lake - are you following me or...?" she stepped towards the creature.
"Are you serious" Amy looked at her with surprise.
"At your reception, it told me something weird. Then ig was at the lake...and it was looking at me," Avalon gritted her teeth, this time keeping her gaze locked on the creature, "The Doctor died, and it was there again...and it was looking at me. Why!?" she nearly shouted it.
They heard a toilet flush and a blonde woman came out of a stall and headed for the sink, never noticing the creature standing behind.
"Get back! Stay back from it!" Amy waved the woman come over and away from the creature.
The woman turned for the creature and screamed before laughing, "Oh, my God, what is that, is that a mask? Is that a Star Trek thing? Ben, is that you?"
"It's not a joke," Avalon snapped, "Get back from it, now!"
The woman turned around to them, forgetting the creature, "Back from what, honey?"
"That!" Amy pointed behind and made the woman look back again.
"Oh, my God, look at that. Is that a Star Trek mask? Ben, that's gotta be you. Hang on, did I just say all that?"
"Please, just get over here," Avalon motioned.
"Back, honey? Back from what?" the woman had turned around again, Avalon groaning with frustration. The lights began flickering and so the woman looked around, "Oh, those lights. They never fix them."
"Look behind you!" Amy exclaimed, also growing irritated but was more afraid than Avalon.
"Honey, there is nothing..."
The creature reached out for the woman with its arm and mouth open. As the woman turned to look at the creature only to be shot with electricity and disintegrate.
"What the hell was that for?" Avalon snapped, "It's not like she was going to say anything, she couldn't even remember you!"
"How does that work? We can only remember you, while we're seeing you, is that it?" Amy put the pieces together as she took out her camera-phone, "Why did you have to kill her?"
"Joy. Her name was Joy," the creature spoke for the first time.
"Good, you know the name, that makes it better," Avalon rolled her eyes, "Now you answer us, why are you following us?"
"Your name is Avalon." Avalon stepped back when the creature pointed at her, "We have found you again..."
"You said that the last time..." Avalon recalled and felt a new pang of fear course through her.
"And your name is Amelia," the creature then pointed at Amy, "You will tell the Doctor."
"Tell him what?" Amy swallowed hard, still stunned it knew hers and Avalon's identity apparently.
"What he must know. And what he must never know."
"How do you know about that?"
"Know about what?" Avalon frowned.
"Tell him," the creature ordered and Amy pulled Avalon out the restroom.
The agent awaiting on the other side noticed the frantic expressions on their faces, "Are you OK?"
Both gingers looked at each with confusion, Avalon noticing the phone Amy held, "What's that?" she pointed at it.
"It's my phone," Amy blinked, unsure why she had it out.
"Well no duh it's your phone," Avalon rolled her eyes, "I meant why'd you have it out?"
"I have to tell the Doctor," Amy mumbled, something pushing her to talk to him even more now.
"Tell him what, ma'am?" the agent eyed both women with confusion.
"Sorry. I don't know why I said that..." Amy put away her phone and shook her head.
"This way..." the agent motioned for them to follow him.
"I feel like..." Avalon tried to say, something niggling in her mind but couldn't quite place her finger on it. She shook her head and forgot all about it as she went to follow the agent with Amy.
As they returned to the office, they saw the president going over to answer the ringing phone on his desk, the Doctor excitedly babbling on about the map he had in front of him.
"You, sir, are a genius," Canton praised the alien with impression.
"It's a hobby," the Doctor accepted it.
"Oi, instead of being cocky, focus on the phone call," Avalon pointed to the president who was awaiting instructions by the phone.
"Mr President, answer the phone," Canton turned to the president.
Nixon held up the phone and took the call, "Hello. This is President Nixon."
"It's here! The Space Man's here. It's gonna get me. It's gonna eat me!" cried the terrified, little girl through the line.
The Doctor urgently grabbed his jacket and ushered the group towards the TARDIS, "There's no time for a SWAT team, let's go! Mr President, tell her help's on the way. Canton, on no account follow me into this box and close the door behind you."
"What the hell are you doing?" Canton called and rushed after them. As the doors shut behind him, he came to a complete halt when he saw the room inside.
The Doctor had already begun preparing them for de-materialization and was explaining to the group the whereabouts of the little girl, "Jefferson isn't a girl's name, or her name either. Jefferson Adams Hamilton...
Avalon blinked, not expecting to be called upon, "Um...surnames of three of America's founding fathers?"
"Lovely fellas, two of them fancied me," the Doctor tried to joke with her but she was too engulfed in trying to keep the thoughts of his death out of her head, "The President asked the child two questions. Where and who are you? She was answering where. Now where would you find three big historical names in a row like that?"
"Where?" Amy asked then gave Avalon a discreet look from the Doctor. That ginger needed to get herself together or the Doctor would figure it out!
"Here! Come on!" the Doctor ran for the doors and was stopped by Canton who was still taking the mysterious box in.
"It's er..."
"Are you taking care of this?" the Doctor looked over to Rory, figuring it was true as they were together. Without an answer, he continued out the doors with the others.
" Where are we?" Lena crinkled her nose as they stepped out into a warehouse of some sort. It was dirty and messy and quite frankly, it had a unique smell of some sort.
The Doctor had gone up to a desk and plopped down, picking up a small American flag, "About five miles from Cape Kennedy Space Centre. It's 1969, the year of the Moon. Interesting, don't you think?"
As Amy turned on a flashlight, Avalon took a couple steps away from them to look through the clutter, "Why would a girl be here?" she made a face at how dirty some of the things were.
"I don't know. Lost, maybe," the Doctor tried to guess, eyeing River picking up the phone on the side of the desk, "The President asked where she was and she did what any lost little girl would do. She looked out the window," he stood up and gestured to the window, peering through the blinds to see the three street names in sight.
"Streets," Amy realized, "Of course, street names!"
"The only place in Florida - probably all of America - with those three street names on the same junction, and, Ava, you've got that face on again."
"Hm, what face?" she turned from the table she'd been looking through.
"The 'he's hot when he's clever' face," he smirked.
"Oh, really?" Avalon raised an eyebrow, beginning to smirk back, "Well you've got that stunned face again cos I'm just too bloody gorgeous."
'What?' Amy mouthed to Lena and River, completely confused.
River just held up a hand to stop them from interrupting, a soft smile on her face as she looked over to the pair.
The two ended up laughing and the Doctor led Avalon away to explore. Over their travels, the people they'd met had started to assume they were a couple. To further the teases between each other they would make small remarks like that and would end up laughing like it was nothing.
"Egotistical Fairy Tale Man," Avalon playfully pushed him.
"Conceited singer," the Doctor countered.
River had went behind them and felt the need to point out an immediate danger. The last thing she wanted was for danger to harm them while they were distracted with their flirting, "You realize this is almost certainly a trap, of course."
"I noticed the phone, yes," the Doctor agreed.
"What about it?" Avalon looked back at River, curious what they knew.
"It was cut off. So how did the child phone from here?"
"OK. But why would anyone want to trap us?" Amy dreaded the answer as she knew it wouldn't be god at all.
"Don't know. Let's see if anyone tries to kill us, and work backwards," the Doctor declared and brought them into a new area of the warehouse where an operating table was located in.
"Now why would a little girl be here?" Lena blinked with horror, "What were they doing with her!?"
River moved up to the table and took a general observation of the instruments and components around, "It's non-terrestrial, definitely alien, probably not even from this time zone."
The Doctor was nearby some crates and was already rummaging through them, "Which is odd, because... look at this!"
"It's Earth tech, contemporary," River concluded.
"Very contemporary. Cutting edge. This is from the space program!"
"And aliens stole it?" Avalon guessed.
"Apparently," the Doctor popped on a space helmet over his head.
"Why? If you can make it to Earth, why steal technology that can barely make it to the moon?"
"Maybe cos it's cooler," the Doctor lofted the visor, ridiculously excited, "Look how cool this stuff is!"
Amy looked less than amused, "Cool aliens?"
"Well, what would you call me?"
"An alien," Avalon passively remarked as she moved for River.
"That's not what your stories said," River nudged Avalon with a small smirk.
"Oh c'mon how did you read my stories?" Avalon ignored her blush and pouted. River just winked with a laugh and returned to her work. Avalon huffed, but discreetly cast a glance towards the Doctor while he went to greet Canton and Rory. She blushed deeper and quickly looked away, focusing on whatever was in front of her.
Amy took the distraction of the Doctor with Canton and Rory to get closer to River, "River..."
"I know what you're thinking," River cut her off without even looking at her.
"No, you don't."
"You're thinking if we can find the Space Man in 1969, and neutralize it, then it won't be around in 2011 to kill the Doctor."
"So why aren't we looking harder?" Lena had been watching River work around the operating table with reluctance ans found it strange seeing how much River always claims she loves the thrill and danger.
"Because it doesn't work like that, Lena," River looked up at her, "We came here because of what we saw in the future. If we try and prevent the future from happening, we create a paradox."
"Time can be rewritten," Avalon turned for them, joining the conversation.
"Believe me, there are just some things that can't be rewritten, no matter how much you'd like to," River took a long breath and sadly looked back at the table components.
Amy was less than prone to believe all that, "Says who?"
"Who do you think?" River scoffed and followed a cable with her flashlight, coming up to a manhole cover, "What's this? Doctor! Look at this," she pushed the cover aside as the Doctor walked to her.
"So where does that go?" he watched her scan the hole.
"There's a network of tunnels running under here."
"Life signs?"
"No, nothing that's showing up," River put away her scanner and moved to climb down the hole.
"Those are the worst kind," the Doctor made a face, "Be careful."
"Careful?" River scoffed, "Tried that once, ever so dull."
"Maybe someone should come with you," Avalon offered, peering from the other side down to the darkness, "Never know what could be roaming there..."
"No!" River nearly yelled upon hearing the suggestion, managing to make Avalon jump on her spot, "You go search for there with Amy and Lena."
Avalon blinked with surprise and anger, then headed off towards Amy and Lena, muttering certain things under hear breath. The Doctor watched her go with a sense of irritation, "You didn't have to be so rude about it," he scolded River, "She's already so..."
"She's not coming down here, you're supposed to be looking after her, remember?"
"How do you know about that?" the Doctor became suspicious.
"I'm from the future, how do I know about everything?" River rolled her eyes and laughed, resuming her climb down.
A while later, the Doctor had noticed the small incident and was about to go and talk to Avalon when River had popped out of the hole again, looking out of breath.
But just like that, she calmed, "All clear. Just tunnels, nothing down there I can see. Er, give me five minutes, I want to take another look round."
"Stupidly dangerous," the Doctor remarked to her.
"And your point would be...?" River smirked and went back down.
"Rory, would you mind going with her?" the Doctor turned to the human nearby.
Rory eyed the hole with distaste, "Yeah, a bit."
"Then I appreciate it all the more," the Doctor clapped Rory on the back and watched human sulky walk for the hole.
"Hang on, River, I'm coming too," poor Rory started climbing down the ladder.
Finally, the Doctor was able to go to the twins, deciding to start with Avalon on account of how strangely she was behaving today. While the ginger was sorting through a crate, he quietly moved closer to her from behind.
"If you try any of your little sneak-up-tactics on me I'll kick you right here and now," Avalon warned without looking back.
"How do you do that!?" the Doctor stood beside her with endless intrigue.
"Same way my mum caught me when I was kid," Avalon glanced at him, "I'm a woman, I've got eyes on the back of my head."
"Thinking a lot more of your mother today, you know," the Doctor tried to be casual about it, "Any...specific reasons..."
Avalon let go of what she was doing and turned to him, "It doesn't matter." She certainly wasn't going to tell him about the death she witnessed. "Just drop it, Doctor."
"I just want to help," the Doctor softly said, her snappish tone not at all offensive to him. It had been quite some time since she used that kind of tone with anyone. Something wasn't right and he needed to know in order to fix it and make her happy again.
"Yeah, well, I'm sorry," Avalon returned to her rummage through crates, preferring to occupy her mind with anything that wasn't his death at the lake. "I get moody sometimes. Nothing you can do anything about it."
"Hey," he reached for her hand, stopping her from moving away, "I'm the fairy-tale man, I can do anything, remember?"
Avalon looked at him for a minute, though once again saw him dying at the lake and had to look away before she teared up, "Not this time," she whispered and took her hand away.
The Doctor didn't like her reaction and was going to keep insisting when they heard the little girl calling from another room, "Help me!" she cried, "Help! Help me!"
Canton pulled out his gun, "It's her!" he rushed after the calls of the girl.
Avalon took off as well in an attempt to avoid further questioning from the Doctor. As Amy and Lena went to follow, Amy stopped and doubled over in pain.
"Amy!" Lena stopped beside the ginger while the Doctor ran to them.
"Amy? What's wrong?"
Amy supported herself between Lena and the Doctor, "I need to tell you something!" she looked at the Doctor.
"Doctor!" they heard Canton call.
"It's important. It's really, really important," Amy insisted.
"Doctor! Quickly!"
"What, now?" the Doctor pulled both women towards the calls of Canton, slightly worried he hadn't heard anything from Avalon for a good while. He found Canton on the floor of another section of the warehouse, unconscious, "Canton! Canton, are you OK?"
"Is he all right?" Lena looked around for her missing sister, "Avalon!" she called.
"Just unconscious. Got a proper whack though," the Doctor observed.
"Doctor, I need to tell you something," Amy kept insisting, taking the opportunity that Lena had gone for Avalon, "I have to tell you now!"
"Not a great moment, Amy," the Doctor gave her a sharp look.
"No, it's important, it has to be now!"
"Help! Help me!" they heard the little girl getting closer, "Help me!"
"Doctor... I'm pregnant," Amy finally said, leaving the Doctor more than surprised.
"It's the astronaut!" Avalon came running through, completely out of breath, Lena behind her, "It's the..."
The Doctor stood just as the astronaut came to sight behind the twins, "Here, now!" he ordered the twins and they quickly ran over.
"That's it," Amy realized, "The astronaut!"
The astronaut raised its hand, making Amy think it would attack. She turned for Canton's gun and missed the astronaut lifting it's visor to reveal she was the little girl calling for help.
"Help me!" the girl cried.
"Get down!" Amy ordered as she stood up with the gun.
Avalon realized what Amy intended to do, "No, Amy!"
"What are you doing!?" the Doctor's eyes widened as Amy turned, ready to shoot.
"Saving your life!" and Amy fired the gun at the astronaut, only seeing it was a little girl after she'd fired.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
Ancient Soul
Time Travel, Quirkless, Feudal Japan AU
“Your soul does not belong here.” Those were words you never thought that you would hear. Now, thrown into the past in feudal Japan, you must find a way to survive, all while struggling to avoid the growing feelings for one hot-headed war general. War, romance, death and love drive you forward, to find the place where your soul truly belongs.
Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
Want to start from be beginning? Check the Ancient Soul tag. New chapters released every Wednesday as long as schedule permits.
Genre: Romance / Angst Story Rating: Explicit | Adult Themes, Sex, Death, Depictions of Violence, Alcohol
Chapter 10: Soft on You
Chapter Rating: Teen | Cursing Words:  2756
The feeling of Bakugou’s eyes on you was something that you had difficulty ignoring. You knew that he was watching you closely for any signs that you were about to totally bullshit your way through your next prediction, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, you had no idea what happened at this particular skirmish, yet you were having difficulty admitting such a thing to him. The past couple of months that you had been his “strategy assistant”, or whatever you were called, had gone by swimmingly. Nothing you said had been wrong and everything had gone just as you predicted, so the fact that you were drawing a blank on this one battle was eating at you viciously. More than worrying that he may no longer believe you, you didn’t want to disappoint him. 
You had grown to love the feeling of being praised by him and by anyone else who found your predictions to be helpful. Seeing Bakugou or whoever was sent out to battle return victorious filled your heart with joy, and you dreaded how he may react if you had no suggestions or information for him. What if that was a battle they ended up losing? Surely it would look bad on you, as if you were trying to sabotage them or something similar. What you could do was alluding you completely, and you were feeling very much helpless at this point. Making something up was out of the question, as your conscience couldn’t handle such a thing. So, the truth was the only option. Or, as close to the truth as you could get in your current predicament. 
“I’m sorry, but I’m just not seeing anything for this…” Shaking your head, you sat up from leaning over a map, having difficulty looking at the ever-vigilant man beside you. “It’s… Blurry.” 
“Blurry. Hm.” Bakugou tapped his finger on the map his other hand on his chin as he thought. “Must not be very impactful, then. Isn’t that what you said?” 
Nodding, you glanced up at him, though your felt a heat rise in your cheeks as you caught his gaze. “Yes, though I can’t say for sure. I know I’ve done really well up until now, I’m sorry--” 
“Don’t apologize.” Bakugou began to fold up the map, seemingly not upset at all with your inability to assist him this time around. “As you know, we take your suggestions seriously, but we don’t base our entire strategy around them. That would be foolish.” 
At this point, you learned not to take things that he said to heart. He was a rough man, with very little sense of sympathy or gentleness. You didn’t mind that. In fact, you quite liked it, as it made the moments when he was kind to you all the more special. You liked that he was brutally honest, that he shared the majority of his thoughts and opinions with you without restraint. There were hints of his more tender side shown to you every so often, with a hand to assist you up off the floor or even bringing you a lunch that he prepared himself. Often, you could have sworn that he was even flirting with you, but due to your nature, you had built up this wall around yourself that prevented anyone from coming inside. That included Bakugou, though he had similar defenses built around his own mind. 
You thought that, perhaps, it was just like yours. Getting close to people wasn’t easy for you, as you had a deep fear of rejection and abandonment. It wasn’t something you could really describe with words, but the thought of letting someone in only to have them hurt you deeply was a horrifying thought. Not just a thought, but an experience that you never wanted to relive. Still, this man had an… energy to him. Just being beside him made you feel comfortable, safe and content in this world that you hardly knew. Over the half a year that you had been here, he had taught you so much, even if he called you stupid every time you did something wrong. You were a quick learner, however, and impressed him more than you annoyed him, which was a plus in your mind. 
It would be easier, you thought, for him to accept your mistakes if you could just… tell him the full truth. If you could just tell him that you were from the future, where people drove cars and talked to each other from all the way across the world. He would surely think you’re crazy if you even attempted it, though he seemed to find your oddities more interesting and amusing rather than scary in some way. He enjoyed your phrases and words that were commonplace in your time, but had yet to be created in this era. In particular, he loved the word ‘fuck’ and all its variations, though you had yet to really teach him what it meant. The thought embarrassed you greatly, so instead of the definition, you just told him how to use it properly and… sparingly. He didn’t really listen to you on the sparingly part, since no one else really knew what it meant, he used it as he pleased. 
Besides the fact that it was hilarious, it was also cute, to see his smug grin any time he told Kaminari to ‘fuck off’. His yellow haired subordinate begged both you and Bakugou to know what the word meant, but it seemed that you shared a very similar sense of humor with Bakugou. The confusion was funny to you, and though you felt bad at first, there wasn’t any harm in it that you could recognize. If Bakugou didn’t know those words, he would just tell Kaminari in his own just as crude way. That, and you didn’t really want to change the course of time and linguistics all that much by spreading your phrases across the country. One man was enough, and since it was your favorite man of this time period, you didn’t mind it all that much. 
“I’m kind of glad you don’t take what I say all that seriously… I mean, I’m happy you listen to me, but it makes me feel better that you’re not completely counting on me. That could end up a disaster.” You gave him a smile, moving some of your hair back behind your ear. “I think that your tactics for this particular situation are perfect, though. I’m learning a lot about these things from you.” 
Bakugou nodded, taking a moment to stand and walk the map to its regular resting place, inside of a small cabinet along with other documents. “You’re learning very quickly. At least, you retain information well. That’s a good quality to have. It could help you survive out here for sure.” 
With a small sigh, you gave a shrug, eyes on his bare feet as he came back towards the low table you were still sitting at. “I guess so. Though, I don’t have to learn much being cooped up in this palace all the time.” 
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Coming to stand beside you, Bakugou held out a hand, which you took to use his assistance up off the floor. “In this palace is the safest place you could be. Out there is nothing but death.” 
After standing, you fixed your clothing back into place a bit, smoothing out the fabric around your hips. “I mean, that is true. But it would be nice to at least get to go out to town occasionally. I haven’t stepped foot outside of the palace since I got here.” 
“Again, why would you want to leave? You have your pond with Sushi, your books, your paper and ink to keep you occupied. By now you’ve made friends to visit when you’re able.” 
“I know, and I really am grateful for all these things, but…” Feeling your chest grow tight in nervousness of admitting the truth to him, you fiddled with the hem of your sleeve, not wanting to offend him or belittle his generosity in any way. “I still feel like… I’m nothing but a prisoner. I’ve been here almost seven months, and I’ve done nothing but show my support and loyalty. I had just hoped that… that perhaps by now, I’d be more accepted into the clan.”
Bakugou stood in front of you for a moment, his presence silent and tense. You could tell just by the way he didn’t move or say a word that your confession had upset him, but in what way? When he was angry, he lashed out with words and angry body language, so it wasn’t that. This seemed more like… he was contemplating his own choices on how you had been treated thus far. 
“You have done well. But there is still something about you that my Lord is having difficulty trusting, so he cannot accept you, no matter how… others may feel. I cannot allow you full freedom without his consent.” 
Your stomach bubbling with that dreadful feeling of rejection, all you could do was give a small nod, knowing that anything else you had to say wouldn’t change your situation. 
Confused, your gaze was pulled off the floor to look up at Bakugou’s face, instantly feeling your cheeks flush with heat at the calm expression on his face. Sly smirk crossing his lips, you immediately knew that he had noticed your blush, though you didn’t have a chance to hide it before he spoke again. 
“That doesn’t mean you can’t go into town with a chaperone.” With a gesture to the door, arm outstretched, Bakugou took a step back to allow you room. “Let’s go.” 
“‘L-let’s’?” You made your way towards the exit, even though your legs felt like jelly. “You’re taking me into town? Right now?” This was beyond anything that you had expected from Bakugou of all people. He wasn’t one to enjoy going out into public to begin with, so for him to willingly take you into town himself was intensely shocking. Had something you said struck a guilty chord? Was he doing this because he pitied you or because he wanted to cheer you up? Was this like… a date?
No, no! Don’t think things like that! This isn’t a date! It’s not!
“You’re the one complaining that you don’t get to go out. If you don’t want to--” 
“N-no, I want to!” You stopped for a moment, turning to look up at him in worry. You didn’t want him to change his mind. This opportunity was something that you couldn’t let slip through your fingers, no matter how embarrassing or frustrating it may be. Bakugou, this brute of a man, was stopping any plans he had for the day just to take you into town. It made you excited, nervous and… happy. 
In truth, although your attitude was pleasant and as content as possible, it had been a very long time since you could consider yourself truly happy. Even before you were sent to this world, your life was void of that lightness in your chest, that fluttering in your stomach that spread warmth through every inch of your body. But this… this simple action Bakugou had decided to make was filling you with a happiness you had nearly forgotten. 
“Good,” Bakugou huffed with an annoyed scowl on his face, sliding the door shut behind him as he joined you outside. “Because I won’t be offering to do this again. You’d better enjoy it!” 
Unable to resist the small smile on your lips, you followed him as he made his way towards the stables, finding it difficult to pull your eyes off a particular spot between his shoulder blades. “I’m sure it will be wonderful.” 
“More like a pain in the ass. You keep your name and anything about you to yourself, understand? There will be people who will want to pry and be curious about why you are with me.” 
“What will you tell them?” 
“That it’s none of their fucking business.” Bakugou snarled at you over his shoulder, though you couldn’t resist giggling at his use for the modern curse. “Shut up! Why do you always laugh when I say that word?!” 
“It’s nothing!” You smiled up at him, walking a bit faster so you were beside him instead of behind. “It’s just so silly to hear you say that when you don’t know what it means.” 
“Then tell me what it means! I don’t care if it’s offensive, I want to know!” 
Tapping your finger to your chin, you hummed out in thought, wondering if it was worth it. He would surely get embarrassed if you told him, so you didn’t want to ruin your chances of getting to leave the castle. “Okay, I will tell you. But not until we get to town.” 
“Excuse me?! You don’t get to make the rules around here, Demon. I command you to tell me!” 
“And I promise that I will,” You smiled up at him, bringing a frustrated and flushed expression to his face that you couldn’t quite understand. “But not until we get to town. Deal?” 
“Tch, fine! I’ll hold you to that…” Nearly pouting, Bakugou turned his glare back in front of him, shoving his arms into the adjacent sleeves. Placing your own back behind your back, you peeled your eyes off his cute expression to instead watch your feet as you walked. Your wooden geta sandals clacked against the pristine flooring with each step, as did Bakugou’s, but you found it to be a pleasant sound. At the moment, the paired resonating noise represented a companionship, one which you hadn’t expected to bloom. And yet, your closeness to this ruthless and hot-headed man had blossomed into more than just a professional relationship based around occupational necessity. 
Bakugou was your friend… and your crush. That only made it harder for you to not think that this was something more than him just doing a favor for you. You wanted it to be more, for there to be some other motive that was driving him. Although there may have been a hint here and there as you both made your way to the stables, there was nothing definitive. 
His ears and cheeks flushing could be from the heat. 
His sideways glances and wandering gaze could just be him watching you for any mischief. 
His gentle touch and lingering hands as he put you up onto Yonaka’s back were just him helping you out and supporting you. 
His arm around your waist as he settled in behind you was just to make sure you were body steady and comfortable. 
That’s all it was. There was nothing deeper about any of his interactions with you, now or from the moment you had met him. You were just a woman that he used for his own gain and he had no romantic feelings for you whatsoever. 
“Maybe while we’re down there, you can pick some clothes for yourself, so you don’t wear the same rags every day. And some pork noodles sound good, there’s a place in the center of town that sells it with their own special sake that will probably ruin you.” Bakugou spoke calmly as Yonaka lumbered his way out of the castle gates, waiting until you were out of earshot of the guards so no one else caught wind of what was going on. “I hate town, but it will be good to get away.” 
Feeling heat rush to your cheeks, you kept your eyes on Yonaka’s ears, which twitched and twisted at the sound of Bakugou’s voice and the chirping birds in the trees. “I-I don’t have any money…” 
“Who said you needed it?” 
Clutching onto the pommel of the saddle tightly, you suddenly found it difficult to breathe, a tightness in your chest constricting your lungs and throat. If only you could tell him that a man taking a woman to buy clothes and dinner during your time meant something more than just a simple favor. In your mind, all you could think of was the possibility that he was doing this in pursuit of something more. 
But he couldn’t be. You absolutely could not fall for this man, and he couldn’t be falling for you. It just wasn’t something that could happen. 
“Ah, okay… Well, thank you, Bakugou. I look forward to it.” 
“Katsuki. Call me Katsuki.”
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 5 years
Why you? (Pt10) Bang Chan Series
Description: You save a very important mans life and decides to repay you to the fullest. But is this a little too much?
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You waited at the coffee shop for Hyungsuk as it rained. You sat down and drank your drink, watching the rain falling down on the beautiful city.
“Hey.” Hyungsuk said, coming up and sitting across from you.
“Hey.” You said, smiling at him.
“It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other!” He joked, reaching across and grabbing your hand, shaking it excitedly.
“I know, what ever should I do about not seeing you for 12 hours?” You said dramatically.
“We’re going through withdraw of each other!” He said dramatically.
You both laughed and talked about what it was like at JYP.
“So, what are you to them?” He asked.
“I guess you can call me a maid? I don’t really know.” You said.
You explained how you met them and how you came to South Korea after saving JYP’s life.
“Wow Y/N, you’re really brave!” He said.
“I just did what anyone else would’ve done.” You said.
After you finished your drinks, you both walked down along the streets, talking.
“So, do you like Chan?” He asked.
“Wait, what?” You looked at him in shock.
“Mhmmm, I saw the way you looked at him.” He giggled.
“Shut up!” You exclaimed.
“You would make a cute couple.” He said, smiling at you.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Idols don’t date people who aren’t famous.” You said.
“They hide that they do Y/N. Not all idols date other idols.” He laughed.
“Well, Chan would never like me.” You said.
“Why not? What’s there to not like?” He asked, tilting his head.
“A lot.” You said.
Before he could say anything else, you pointed to an ice cream shop.
“It just opened back up! We should get some!” You said, dragging him across the street.
You got your ice creams and walked around eating it.
“Wow this is good!” He said.
“Yeah it is!” You said.
You both arrived at the JYP building a little early, food in your hands as you both walked in. He playfully bumped you with his hip and almost made you fall over. He quickly grabbed you and held you up.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry!” He said.
You went to look at him but saw someone else. It was Chan. He looked at you and Hyungsuk before walking into the recording studio.
“He always happens to be here during the worst time.” Hyungsuk said, helping you up.
You and Hyungsuk parted ways as you headed into the practice room. The other members attacked you for the food as Jisung and Changbin walked in.
“Where’s hyung?” Felix asked.
“He said he’s not hungry.” Jisung said.
You had enough and picked up his food, heading towards the recording studio.
“I wouldn’t. He’s in a mood.” He said.
“That’s fine. He needs to eat.” You said.
You walked to the recording studio and opened the door, seeing it empty. You put the food down and looked around. You peeled your head out and saw his broad back walking towards the garden. You followed him as he stood near the small pond with koi.
“Chan?” You called.
He turned and looked at you before turning back to the water.
“Oh, hey.” He said lowly.
“There’s food in the recording studio for you.” You said.
“Thank you, but I’m not that hungry.” He said.
“Chan, what’s been going on?” You asked.
“Nothing.” He said, still keeping his back towards you.
“It’s not nothing. You haven’t been eating or sleeping a lot, more than usual. And you never miss movie night, but you did last night.” You said.
“I’m fine Y/N.” He said, finally looking at you.
His eyes seemed glazed and not at all there.
“I’m okay Y/N, really.” He said, turning back towards the water.
Your heart dropped after seeing the glazed look on his face and how he wouldn’t even look at you for more than a second.
Your body moved on it own as you wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him from behind. His body tensed for a moment, as he was shocked at your sudden hug.
“If you won’t talk to me about it, please talk to one of the members. You’re really worrying me Chan.” You said into his back.
He looked up at the sky as you stayed there. You felt drips on your hand and looked up at the grey sky. It had started to rain a little, but you didn’t care. You closed your eyes and buried your face into his broad back, his scent filling you with comfort. All your worries seemed to vanish at that moment, and you wished he felt the same. Chan hadn’t spoken a single word, he just stood there and kept his eyes on the sky. The rain started to come down a little harder and he turned towards you. 
“We should go in before we get soaked.” He said with a small grin.
You nodded and followed him inside. You sat on the couch in the recording studio as he opened his food and ate a little. Changbin and Jisung came in, giving you smiles as they saw you had gotten through to him a little.
After everything settled, you decided to do some shopping since it had gotten nice out. You browsed through a department store near the JYP building at some spring fashion. A cute sweater with criss cross ribbons on the chest caught your eye and you looked at it. It was a beautiful maroon and when you tried it on, it fit your curves perfectly. It was a little over sized, but it looked really good on you. You put it back on the hanger and went through more clothing.
“That would look good on you.” A tall guy suddenly said, his two friends smirking at you behind him.
“Thank you.” Is all you said before continuing to browse through more clothes.
“Your tits would look better in this.” He said, holding a corset a little too close to you. You could smell the alcohol on him and it made you want to gag. His friends eyes all ate you and you felt sick to your stomach as he stared at you with a smirk.
You awkwardly walked away, putting the sweater back and walking out of the store, far too uncomfortable to stay a minute longer. When you walked out and began walking back, you heard him again.
“Where are you going?” He called.
You ignored him and continued walking. You felt a sharp pain in your wrist as he grabbed you and pulled you towards him.
“Hey, I was talking to you.” He hissed.
“Let go.” You squeaked, trying to pull away.
“Maybe I don’t want too.” He said, his face inches away from yours. His breath was making you nauseous at the stench of alcohol, and you cringed as he pulled you closer to him. 
A sudden hand on his arm made you jump. The bracelets on the arm looking all too familiar. You turned your head and your dropped. 
It was Chan.
“Let her go.” He growled, his voice low and deep.
“Are you going to make me?” The man asked.
Chan’s grip tightened on his arm and the man let go of you and stepped closer to Chan, sizing him up. You grabbed Chan’s arm.
“Let’s just go.” You said.
Chan didn’t look at you, his eyes narrowed on the man and his friends. You pulled his arm.
“Please.” You pleaded.
You heard voices calling your name and saw Minho, Woojin, Changbin, and Hyunjin approaching.
“Is there a problem?” Woojin asked, raising his eyebrow at the three men. Hyunjin, Minho and Changbin all stood next to Chan, shielding you from the three very intoxicated men.
The man who had grabbed you muttered something and turned around and walked away, his friends following. You sighed in relief, your hands still firmly grasping (A spongebob quote LMAO) Chan’s arm. He turned towards you, his eyes dark.
“Get back to the dorm.” He hissed.
You stared at him in shock as he walked away and back towards the JYP building. Woojin wrapped his arm around you shoulder as Hyunjin looked you over. Minho and Changbin caught up with Chan to cool him down. When you got back to the JYP building, Changbin walked you to your car.
“Hyung isn’t mad at you, he’s just protective.” He said.
You nodded as he hugged you and ruffled your hair.
“We’ll see you at the dorms.” He said, walking back into the building.
You drove back to the dorms, and after you set your keys down, the boys walked in. Chan walked by you and into the living room. Jisung gestured for you to follow him. You walked into the living room and saw Chan with his back to you.
“Th-thank you for saving me.” You said.
“What were you thinking?” He hissed, turning and looking at you.
“What?” You asked, shocked.
“You shouldn’t be going around by yourself at night. And you didn’t even call for help or anything when he grabbed you! What if I hadn’t been there Y/N?” His voice was firm and his eyes were dark with anger.
You heard the door shut and realized the other members had left the dorms to give you two some privacy as Chan lectured you.
“Do you know what they could’ve done to you, Y/N? What if I haven’t gotten there Y/N? Do you know how much self control it took to not beat his face in?” He asked, his voice shaking a bit at his anger.
“Then seeing you with that kid the past few days. Do you know how frustrating that is?” He asked.
“What?” You asked.
“Do you know how irritating it is seeing him hang all over you?” 
“Chan what are you talking about?” You asked,
“Hyungsuk, that’s his name, right? It’s irritating seeing him flirt with you.” He said.
He stood directly in front of you and looked down at you.
“Do you realize how frustrating it is seeing someone flirt with the person you like? Or seeing someone put their hands on them? Hearing them say they like you then allow someone else to hang all over them?” He asked.
Your heart skipped a beat. Multiple beats actually as he looked down at you. He likes you? What?
“Chan you... You like me?” You asked.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips softly against yours as his one hand cupped your cheek. Your heart pounded in your chest as he pulled away and leaned his forehead against your shoulder.
“It’s been eating me Y/N.” He said, pulling you closer to his body and holding you tightly.
You felt so many emotions wash over you. Fear, relief, affection. It was all too much as you buried your face into his shoulder. He cradled your head and you felt his arm slightly tremble from all the anger he allowed to build up. When he pulled away you looked up at him.
“I-I do like you Chan.” You said, your face turning red.
“Then what about Hyungsuk?” He asked.
“Just like I said before. He’s just a friend. He-He noticed I like you.” You said.
He sighed in relief and you saw a smile light up his face. His dimple, which you loved so much, poked through his cheek.
“I’m glad.” He said gently.
He smiled at you and pressed his forehead against yours. You cupped his cheeks and his smile got bigger.
When the other members got back, you were both on the couch, your head resting against his shoulder. You had fallen asleep, the events of that day taking a toll on you.
“Did you confess?” Minho asked.
Chan smiled and nodded.
“FINALLY!” Minho exclaimed.
“Took the both of you long enough.” Felix said, sitting next you and smiling as he watched you sleep peacefully on Chan’s shoulder.
Chan smiled down at you, happy to finally have you as his own.
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weissfai-blog1 · 5 years
I can hear your voice
Ae Pete AU ~ where Pete is deaf and Ae found himself fascinated with the beautiful creature who brings out the protective man in him.
Pete and his mother was on their way to visit their father, it was surprised visit that Pete insisted because it was his birthday. He wanted his special people to be there. His dad often not go home and he doesn’t like that. 
They visited but was surprised to his father in the arms of the woman they think was his secretary. He and his mother run away from the place, his mother was crying and he was so guilty, confused, shock and he just felt torn seeing his mother cry while driving.
Unfortunately, a drunk truck driver collided with their car. They were hit. He and his mother was hospitalized. His mother was okay with bruises here and there, but the one who was hit with a case was him.
Because of the accident, his head was hit so strong by the impact, and the doctors told his parents that he suffer a head trauma that damages a portion of his ears and potentially will lead to permanent deafness. 
Pete mother was so guilty but he shook his head and told her, ‘Mae… I love you. Its not your fault. Its Pete’s fault after all I insisted to go to Pa.’
Pete completely lost his hearing after a month and no advance medical assistance can help him. And because he is deaf, it would be awkward for him to talk as he cannot hear his voice and as shy as he was, he then stop talking. The only one who ever hear his voice was his mother and Par Jiew. Even the maids at the house are not able to hear their young master’s voice.
Pete stayed at his home and was taught the TSL or the Thai Sign Language along with the ASL (American Sign Language). It so that he can still communicate even if he is outside Thailand. 
His grandmother, the supreme law of the Pecharn Worachoti Family, because of the scandal vanished her own son to Germany and told him to never show his mistress ever in Thailand. His Grandmother adores Pete so much and her heart ache with so much pain when she found out about his condition. His grandmother then gave his Mae three hotels under his mother’s name, the mansion, and half of the inheritance under Pete’s name once he is of legal age.
Pete and his mother decided that he attends the special program at Mahidol University and this will go hand in hand with International College program as well. Putch have talked to the administration and they are more than welcome to welcome Pete in their university and Pete is not the only one with those condition.
Many rich and top of the line elites are attending the special program at the university. 
Pete was surprised to find Tin there and Tin was really glad that Pete was safe. They are friends since childhood, only Tin went away to study in England. 
Pete was happy that Tin never change and still treats him all the same. He hates to be treated different and in special way. He is deaf, not completely invalid. He can walk, use his hands and feet, he can even solve problems and because of his condition he is expert in using the computer and technology more. 
Pete met Ae by accident. Ae saves Pete from getting hit by a car. Pete was so distracted because he receives a message from his step-mother asking him to step down as the heir and give her child Alvin a chance to be a part of the Pecharn Worachoti. Should he say it to his grandmother, she will comply. 
Pete was under pressure and stress by it for his setp-mother had been messaging him non-stop for the past three months.
Ae was so angry that someone almost got killed and thanks his reflex that he was able to save the tall absent minded boy.
He shouted at him and he was about to say more when his eyes settled on his face.
Ae was dumbstruck. For the first time of his foul mouthed life – he was speechless and was not able to say anything to the most beautiful human being he had ever encountered.
The tall boy looks so – white. Milky white! In contrast to his dark skin tone that Pond calls ‘Black Hole Ae Tone’. And that face, Ae was never the one to say anything about anyone’s appearance. All the girls and boys are the same to him. They have a face, he can appreciate cuteness in a girl but to a guy, only Ai Dear was cute to his mind, but that doesn’t made him stop. The beauty in front of his is none like any other. His hair looks so soft crowning those delicate face. Long eyes lashes that encase beautiful doe orbs, high cheekbones, pretty nose, and those lips. Can a man have those kind of lips? Bow like, full and pink lips? Is this kid even a Thai? 
Ae wasn’t aware he was staring until he noticed the boy wincing and he saw scratches here and there. He hold the boy up and goddamn! Can someone smell like flowers? Ae was aware that as boy who runs under the sun he smells of sweat, sun, man odour, and even laundry powder – he hates when Pond will splash laundry softener on his clothes – but this tall young man’s scent was of spring, flower, lavender and daisies.
‘Are you okay? Hop in! I will bring you to the clinic.’
Ae stared at the tall boy but he only shook his head.
‘What? Look I don’t have the time of the day. Just hop okay!’
Pete was startled with his harsh tone and looks at the bike.
‘Don’t tell me you haven’t ridden one?’
Pete shook his head. Ae scratch his head, ‘Its easy. Just ride and hold my waist.’
Pete nodded and Ae questions him looking back when he was position at the back seat, ‘By the way what’s your name? I’m Ae.’
Pete was startled that he spoke. How many years since he last spoken and he was ashamed! His voice sounds weird! He have no idea if he has spoken loudly or anything.
‘Okay Pete hold on tight.’
Ae want to punch himself to see if he was dreaming.
Even the voice spoken by Pete was so soft, as if it was the wind that whispers to him.
It took Ae a whole week to understand that Pete was deaf. He was not aware – he was just thinking that Pete doesn’t spoke much and just nods and smiles. Well they only met like twice so it’s a given. But he felt mad at himself, it must been hard for Pete.
Pete communicated to Ae via written words through his small notebook or via phone messaging. 
The nosy Pond tells him that Pete seems special to him.
Well yes, Pete is special. His Koon Chai is very special.
They have been friends for months and he understood things about Pete. 
Pete is not only a fine Koon Chai, but he has a kind heart. Many at the special program treats Pete like a plague and laughs at him or there are even words such as : ‘Pity. Pretty yet deaf.’ ‘What a lost.’
He was so mad at them that he wanted to punch and kick them whether it be a boy or a girl, but Pete told him its okay. That he doesn’t take it to heart.
That those are just words, and that it wont hurt him.
Pete is like an angel to him. He is so kind, forgiving and well selfless.
Ae doesn’t like Pete’s arrogant friend Tin, but he learns to respect the cold bastard especially when Tin’s icy glare and nasty remarks will stop those elites in insulting Pete and his condition.
Pond, Ping, Bow, Sun, Dear, Diew, Shun, Oat, Can, Type and all his friends and even his teammates knew about Pete as he introduced Pete to them as his friend. Ae wanted Pete to have as many as friends as possible.
Pete is shy and Ae wanted to show Pete that even in his condition, many will like and appreciates him.
Though truth be told, he wanted to keep Pete all to himself, but he can never be selfish. Pete needs friends and as seeing that Tin is his only friend he does his best to Pete be known to others. 
He is thankful that his friends are all normal, sane and unlike those rich elite jerks who look down on others. They all welcome Pete as a little brother, friend and in Bow’s visions a potential boyfriend. 
Pond will often do his joke showing body language and Pete will laugh so softly while covering his mouth. How Ae wanted to hear Pete laugh out loud.
Ae and Pete have been friends for so many months now and Ae felt so many emotions that he knew is not just a feeling for a friend.
He hates it when Pete smiles at others, especially at Tin, Pond’s lousy jokes that he does with his body movements, he is very envious on how that A-hole was able to make Pete laugh. He hates it when Sun with no regard to anyone will openly flirt with Pete and told them, ‘I’ll choose Pete as my faen! Hell – his looks is a killer. He doesn’t need to talk and just be his beautiful self.’ Some may get offended but Pete smiles and Ae just rolled his eyes.
There are so many times that he wanted to caress Pete’s cheek much longer than he is used to. He wanted more than just a caress actually.
Ae often looks at Pete’s lips when the later was reading or just solving some problems.
Ae will have a hard time adjusting his breathe when Pete will show him his pouty lips when Ae wouldn’t allow Pete to do something like playing football with the team (Pete will be pummeled especially by Can!) and when Pete does his lip-biting.
And it drove him mad that every single time he dreams of Pete – Pete underneath his sturdy body, naked, writhing in passion, moaning – oh yes! He so wanted to hear Pete’s moan. Pete is deaf but he can speak, he had heard him once and it was to say his name. Now he wants Pete moaning his name over and over again. 
He is only human! And yes, he knew what does reaction in his body is telling him.
He desires Pete. He wants Pete more than a friend.
Ae confessed his feelings to Pete, only Pete told him he wasn’t sure. He is afraid that his condition will only bother Ae.
Ae is patient with Pete.
He will do anything to adjust himself and be with Pete.
Ae surprises Pete with a gift. Ae visited Pete’s apartment after they have won the football game against IC department. 
Pete was sitting in the sofa when Ae kneels and holds Pete’s knee. Pete was startled but Ae did something that made Pete cry.
Ae smiles at him so gently and did a gesture with his hands.
Pete’s eyes went saucers!
Ae just asked him to be his boyfriend using Thai Sign Language.
Ae smiles again while wiping the tears on Pete’s face, ‘I know you can read my lips. Sorry that I can only do that much. But I am learning Pete. I want to be the one to understand you the most. I want to be there for you. I want you to lean on me more. I will protect you. Right now, I’m just a college boy,  depending on his parents. But after I graduate I will work hard and build us a home.’
Ae kisses Pete’s hand and again uses TSL to say, ‘Please be mine Pete. Please be Ae’s boyfriend.’
Pete nodded while crying. 
Ae smiles and gesture with his hand, ‘I love you.’
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quiet-onset · 6 years
Gætir (13)
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Reader, Bucky Barnes x platonic!Reader
Word Count: 3,167
Tag List: @givemeanorigami, @ktjnn, @dreamingaboutthewonderland, @whatisanniedoin, @msvega24, @champion-ofthe-sun, @art-flirt, @moose-on-the-l00se, @snowstorm8162, @loricwizardbluetoastedcake
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Chapter Thirteen:
Tomorrow was the day. Tomorrow, you’d either defeat Eskil or die trying. You weren’t sure what that would entail; how many people you’d have to fight, how many injuries you’d sustained. All you knew what that the past few weeks had led up to that moment.
But there were some things you had to deal with first.
You spent the first half of the day training rigorously with the Avengers. You were prepared for everything. Super strength, magic, tactical combat. In fact, you were over-prepared, in your opinion. When the afternoon came along, you showered quickly, ready to take a trip instead of rest, like everyone suggested.
You were quietly making your way toward the entrance when you were caught by Bucky. “Where are you going?”
You turned back to look at him, “Out.”
“I’m sorry. Am I a prisoner?” You snapped.
“No, of course not.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “You should just rest for tomorrow.”
You stared him down, not even trying to mask your suspicion. “You think I’m leaving? Like leaving leaving?”
Bucky shrugged dramatically and let out a quiet, incredulous chuckle, “I’ve known you since you were a kid, and yet, you’re still so unpredictable. How do I know that you’re not gonna walk out and try to do this by yourself?”
You cringed at his question. Just the thought of facing Eskil alone made you want to throw up. Whether it was the fact that you'd gotten closer to some Avengers or it was a tactical standpoint, you weren’t sure. “As much as I hate to admit it, I can’t do this alone. So no, I’m not leaving.”
“Y/N.” Bucky started. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you got yourself hurt.”
“Your purpose in life is not to protect me, Bucky. You have nothing to make up for.”
“It’s not about a debt. We’re friends now, Crimson. Even if you can’t say it.”
You felt the corners of your mouth tugging upwards as you gave him a tiny smile. Friends were scarce for you. And sure, the friendship had come about in a twisted, messed up way, but you were friends nonetheless. If it came down to it, you’d lay your life down for him, and you knew he’d do the same. Having friends was weird, but it was definitely something you could get used to.
“I have somewhere to go.” You nodded. “I’ll be back later, I swear.”
You didn’t wait for a response from Bucky as you walked out the front door of the Tower, throwing your hood up. Entering the Avengers’ garage, you decided that Tony wouldn’t miss one of his many motorcycles as you hopped on. You pulled the helmet on and revved the engine just in time for Tony to come out. “I didn’t say you could use that.”
“Thanks, Tony!”
Tony rolled his eyes as he watched you ride away, but felt a small pang in his chest. Maybe I’m developing a sweet spot for her, he thought. As he walked back to the lab, he groaned in pain, clutching the side where you’d left a large bruise from training. He let out a sarcastic chuckle as he turned in the opposite direction and went to the medbay. “Or maybe not.” He muttered.
Meanwhile, you rode the motorcycle out if New York, onto the back roads that winded and were free of traffic. Just barely recognizing the road, you made the infamous left turn onto a dirt road that changed your life. You slowed the bike to a stop as you saw the pile of leaves and branches that, to the untrained eye, would look like a pile of leaves and branches. You stepped out of the car slowly, taking deep breaths as you inched towards the pile. You reached out a hand and pulled a branch away, your breath hitching as you recognized the old, rusting hatchback. Looking in the window, you could even see a few of your sisters’ old toys.
You stepped back, taking a deep breath as you clenched your fist. You looked into the glass and stared at your reflection. When you saw your eyes, glowing blue from your anger, you reared back and pushed forward, sending your fist through the glass. After examining the few small cuts on your knuckles, you reached in and unlocked the door so that you could slide inside.
As you sat in the backseat, you felt your breath quicken and your head start pounding. You blinked hard as you realized it was another flashback.
“So Y/N, you were excited when you came home.” Your father said as he drove along an unrecognizable road. “Something cool happened at school?”
Your brow furrowed as you lost focus, the drop of rain you’d been following lost forever. “Um, yeah. I learned a new song on the guitar.”
“That great!” Your mom smiled.
“How come we can’t play the guitar?” Harmony huffed.
“Because it’s mine.” You glared. “And every time I let you use something that’s mine, you break it.”
“Nuh-uh!” Melody answered loudly.
“No yelling.” Daniel reminded the twins. He looked at you softly in the rearview mirror as you slouched in your seat. He knew you were still upset about leaving our old life behind, and not having an explanation didn’t help. “Maybe you could teach your sisters how to play.”
You looked from your dad to the twins’ big doe eyes and sighed loudly. “Fine.” The two squealed as you continued over them, fighting back a smile. “But you can only play it when I’m with you.”
As your breathing evened out, you rubbed your thumb across your knuckles, finding the repeated movement soothing. Eyeing the toys on the car floor, you leaned over and picked them. You weren’t sure what they were; probably some character from a show the twins used to watch. All you knew was that was all you had left of them.
You got out of the car quickly and closed the door, determined to get this done as quickly as possible. You knew this trip would be emotional, so there was no need to make it harder.
You began walking, climbing over a few large stones and tree stumps to get to your first destination. A few minutes later, you arrived at the pond where you and your father used to go fishing. You looked out at the shimmering water, the sunlight reflecting off it and into your eyes. You squinted as you bent over to pick up a handful of rocks. When you stood back up, you tossed one in the air and caught it swiftly as you took a deep, shaky breath. “Hey, Dad.”
You angled your wrist to the side as you threw a rock and watched it skip at least six times. “Remember when we used to come out here after hunting and skip rocks? Guess now I know why mine always got further.”
You tossed another before you stood tall, looking up at the sky. “You were right. There are some terrible people out there. They wanna use your research for some evil shit.” You felt the wind blow a sharp, tough breeze as you chuckled weakly. “I’m grown, Dad. I’ll say shit if I want to.”
The wind died down after a few seconds. You skipped another rock, then another, before you spoke again. “I’m not gonna let them though. I know you probably don’t want me to. You want me to let the Avengers do it. But I have to, for us.”
You laughed quietly to yourself, “I never got to have a rebellious phase anyway.”
You prepared to skip another rock, but instead, let the rocks slip through your fingers and hit the ground with a few clicks. You tried not to look back as you walked away from the pond. “Bye Dad.”
You sat against a tree as you drew aimless patterns in the dirt. You threw a few blades of grass into that same brook from so long ago that carried the grass far away as you took a deep breath. You looked up at the sky, searching for any sign that someone might be listening, but sighed when you saw nothing. You threw your grass to the ground with a huff when you began to speak.
“Harmony, Melody, I know you both are up there ignoring me for shits and giggles, but I need you to listen to me for a second.”
The brook began to babble a bit louder as you continued softly, “I know we never got along. Siblings never do. But I loved you — I love you.”
“I should’ve heard that guy or told you to run or jumped in front of you. I don’t know.” You were fidgeting with your hands, your heart swelled with grief and guilt. “But I failed. And because I failed, you died. I’m sorry.”
You sniffed, wiping your tears before they could fall. “But I’m gonna make it right soon. I promise.”
Standing from the ground, you began walking toward the place where it all happened. You hesitated when you saw that cabin again. You hadn’t been there in so long. You weren’t sure that you wanted to go back in, but you knew that you had to. You took in all of its details although it was pretty much the same, just older and with more mold.
When you stepped up its stairs, they creaked ominously. You tried to ignore the feeling of nausea in the pit of your stomach and in the base of your throat. You didn’t want to live in the past, but, at this moment, you had no choice.
You opened the door and winced when you realized one of its hinges was still broken. You looked down at the broken floorboard and the blood stains that were still soaked into the wood. You sat down in front of the fireplace and pulled out a matchbook that you’d brought with you. You lit the kindle and let the fire flourish, relishing in its heat.
You took in a shaky breath and let it out slowly, “Hi Mom.”
“I, um, just found out you’re from a different realm. Wish you would’ve told me that; it explains why my skin is always so cold. I guess it’s pretty cool though.” You joked feebly. “And I met Uncle Nicholas. He’s cool, too. He misses you.”
You reach your hands out towards the fire and rubbed them together. “I miss you.”
Letting your mind wander, you unconsciously let yourself focus on the blood stain on the floor. You reached out your hand to touch it but quickly drew it back. “I know about Eskil. I swear to you, Mom, I’m gonna kill him.”
“But for the first time in my life, Mom, that scares me.” You said nervously. “Before now, I’ve never wanted to kill anyone. I killed because Hydra made me. But Eskil,” You paused, feeling anger flood through your veins. “I want to kill him. I want to see the life drain from his eyes, Mom. And that terrifies me. I don’t know who I’ll be after that.”
“I don’t know what killing him will make me.” You said, wiping away the tears that wet your cheeks. “But I have to do it. So here I am, one last time. This is who I am. How I want you to see me.”
You’d unconsciously lowered your voice to a whisper as you stared at the fire. “I don’t want you to see me become a monster.”
Standing up, you stared at the fire for a bit longer than you meant to. As you looked around the cabin once more, you realized that you could not bear to look at it. It reminded you time and time again of the day everything was taken from you.
You leaned over and grabbed a spare piece of wood from a pile of twigs and branches. You held to the fire and let it catch before pulling it away. As you walked out, you let your torch make contact with various pieces of furniture, the fires you were making never quite burning you.
When you stepped outside, the entire cabin was aflame. The sun was just beginning to set as the smoke whirled in the air, black ash mixing with it. You held your hand over your eyes as you squinted at the fire. You felt a strange sense of relief wash over as the fire engulfed everything that haunted you in your dreams. Every replay, every scream, every fight; you felt it slowly drip out of your mind.
“I love you, Mom.”
You knew it wasn’t gone forever, but it was gone for the moment. And as you glanced back at the fire one last time while walking away, you came to the conclusion that that was okay.
You sat on the roof of the Avengers tower, dreading tomorrow. Tomorrow was it. You were supposed to defeat Eskil, whatever that meant. The uncertainty of what was supposed to happen killed you. You could succeed. You could die.
All you had left was today.
You watched as the sunset on the horizon. You could feel the bright yellow sun shining on side of your face, the other susceptible to the shadows. You watched as the sky’s colors molded together. The yellows and the pinks and oranges all blending together to create a sense of calmness that you didn’t really want.
You wanted to be on edge, to be ready to do whatever was necessary to win. But watching the sunset before your very eyes made you feel like you could rest.
You weren’t sure if you were happy or sad about that.
You heard heavy footsteps coming towards you, but you didn’t turn to look. You knew who it was. “What is it, Thor?”
“How did you know it was me?” He said from behind you.
“It’s always you.” You mumbled to yourself as you shrugged. “I don’t suppose I can avoid you this time.”
“You can. But you haven’t moved.”
You saw him sit next to you in your peripheral vision. He watched the sunset with you for a minute or two before looking at you. He took note of how the sunlight highlighted your features, your skin almost shining. He never noticed how magnificent your Y/E/C eyes looked in the light. He took a deep breath, then spoke, “Tell me the truth.”
“I could if you asked a question.” You retorted, turning to look at him.  You knew what he was asking. You just didn’t want to answer. You were afraid to.
He deadpanned, “Does being sarcastic ever become tiring?”
“Tell me the truth.” He repeated, his head lolling between his shoulders.
You resisted the urge to pull your knees to your chest as you sighed. That would show vulnerability, and you couldn’t do that. Not even with him. You cleared your throat, “The truth is, I can’t lie to you. And you can’t lie to me.”
Thor hummed in agreement.
“I feel,” You cringed a bit. Talking about your feelings was unusual for you. “I feel something, I think. For you. Something I’ve never felt before. Something I’m not sure I like.”
“I feel it, too.” He assured you.
“What the hell does that mean?” You asked. “I’ve never had to deal with… emotions. I don’t know what to do about this.”
“This?” Thor asked.
“This feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I look at you!” You groaned. “I want it gone.”
He chuckled, “It doesn’t work that way.”
“Why not?”
“Feelings aren’t just going to go away because you want them to. Trust me, I know. Sometimes, you must act on them.”
You felt your muscles tense as you clung to your legs. Acting on your feelings meant showing vulnerability. You’d been taught all your life that vulnerability is a bad thing, that it would be your downfall. You willed yourself to stay strong and to avoid showing all your pent-up emotions. “No.”
“And there’s your problem.” Thor pointed out. “Whatever connection we have cannot be fought, Y/N. So why bother?”
“I can’t.” You said as you cleared your throat.
Thor glanced over your features once more when it dawned on him. “You’re afraid to try.”
You turned your head to look at him. He had a look in his eye that bordered between seriousness and playfulness, a line that was too blurry to define. “I’m not afraid.” You told him.
“Then try.”
You weren’t sure how long you both just sat looking at each other. You could practically swim in the ocean that was his eyes. You didn’t register yourself leaning forward when you saw his eyes flicker down to your lips. You heard his breath catch when your noses touched and nuzzled together. Then, you closed the gap, softly pressing your lips to his as if the wind had given you a little nudge.
It was a short kiss and your first. (Or at least the first you could remember.)
You parted briefly and looked at each other, your eyes locking the both of you in that moment. You took the initiative to kiss him again, this time pulling him into something much deeper. Your lips moved together languidly as you placed on hand on his bicep and snuck the other up to his hair. You relished in the rumble of his chest as he groaned when you tugged on the short locks.
You gasped as he lifted you off the ground and placed you on his lap, all without breaking the kiss. He seized the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and slide it across your own. The feeling was out of the ordinary for you, but you couldn’t deny that you liked it.
You felt his hands travel over the expanse of your back, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. Your skin was still cold as it pressed to Thor’s, but he didn’t seem to mind. If anything, it added to the delight of the kiss.
When you were both out of breath, you pulled away. Your chest heaved as he looked into your eyes and chuckled. Eyeing his soft, swollen pink lips, your brow furrowed, “What?”
“It seems that your eyes also glow when you are,” He paused, searching for the right word. “Excited.”
You felt a burning heat creep up your neck and spread to your cheeks. You could feel your blood pounding in your ears while you cleared your throat. You untangled your limbs from his and took your seat next to him. You looked back out to the setting sun. “Don’t tell anyone.” You said, sounding more like a request than a demand.
He didn’t bother trying to hide his smile as he watched the sunset with you. “I would not dream of it.”
Forever Tags:
@jockarchie, @kimmy-h-life, @ben-platt-deserves-the-world , @thewordofthenerd , @wishuponastarlana, @yumel21, @here-for-your-bullshit, @bethbat, @iamafangirlofeverything
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katymacsupernatural · 6 years
Stories to Awaken Terror Part 5: The Pond
Dean Winchester x Reader
2800 Words
Story Summary:As a couple of kids read a scary book, Sam, Dean and Y/N live those scary tales. Will they be able to figure out what’s causing the hunts before it’s too late?
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
Warnings: Snakes! Also, sorry for any mistakes!
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Dean’s POV
The paper lay on the table in the middle of us, all three of you staring down at such a simple item. But it wasn’t. This simple paper had our lives written on it, and someone, like a child, had made it possible for Y/N to be walking this Earth again. It was terrifying, and I wanted this to end as soon as possible, but I hadn’t the slightest idea where to start.
“Do you think it could be a prophet?” Sam thought out loud. “Maybe even Chuck messing with us?”
“Chuck’s gone missing, so I don’t think so,” Y/N argued. “And we know the only prophet. I don’t think that’s it either.”
“So we��re back at square one. Sure, we have the paper, but we don’t know if it’s an Angel, witch, Demon. Hell, has anyone checked to see if this is a dream brought on by a Djinn?”  I asked.
“I hope not,” Y/N whispered, quiet enough that she thought nobody would hear. But I did, and I turned to stare at her, immediately realizing what she was thinking.  That our relationship would be nothing more than a part of that dream. I could see how much it had upset her, as she turned and left for her room.
“What was that about?” Sam asked, both of us staring towards the hallway.
“I think it was about the Djinn. If this is a dream, then that means…,” I let my words fade away, not wanting to speak them outloud.
“Then the two of you wouldn’t be, I get it,” Sam finished. “But Dean, you cared for her before all of this happened.”
“I know that. But she doesn’t,” i sighed. “Sam, see if you can dig anything else up. I’m going to talk to Y/N, see if I can somehow make her feel better about this.
“Mom, Dad!” Zach called out, storming through the house. “Have you seen my book?”
“What book is that sweetie?” His Mom asked, stepping out of the kitchen. “Isn’t Tyler supposed to be here any minute?”
“Yeah, that’s why I need my book!” Zach grumbled, his eyes red, his hands almost shaking.
“Zach, I...I found it,” Sophia stuttered. “It was in Dad’s study.”
“Oh, that old book. Why are you guys reading it anyways?” His Mom asked, but Zach just rolled his eyes, snatching the book and holding it to his chest.
“We need to finish it,” Zach insisted, taking the book outside while Sophia waited for Tyler.
The sun was starting to set when they were finally ready to start. Sophia was settled into her corner of the tent, already a frown on her face. “Zach, do you think we should stop reading? I’m starting to not like this book.”
“No!” He exclaimed, his eyes wide and scary. “We’ve got to finish the story!”
Turning the book to the next chapter, Zach started reading, his voice once again low and creepy. “It had been going on for decades,” Zach read. “Children would hike to this pond, a cool swim their intent, only to never be found. Adults stayed cleared of the murky waters, threatening their children to do the same. But it never failed, at least one child a summer would be drawn in by the coolness the water promised, only to never come up for air.”
“That’s creepy!” Tyler broke in, earning a glare from Zach.
“After the seventh kid had gone missing, it drew the attention of one of our heroes, who arrived to save the kids. But not used to hunting alone, things take a turn south.”
Y/N, can I come in?” I asked, quietly knocking on her door.
“Sure,” came her voice, muted through the door and I pushed my way in to see her sitting on her bed, her legs drawn up to her chest. “Dean, do you think that’s what this is? Just part of a Djinn dream?”
“No, I don’t,” I assured her, settling down next to her. “Y/N, I care about you before all these weird hunts started happening. So, even if this is all just a weird dream, I know I’ll still care about you afterwards as well.”
“I cared about you before too,” she admitted. “I always wanted to tell you, but I was too afraid.”
Just as I went to pull her into a hug, I heard a loud crash from the library. “Sam?” I called out, frowning when he didn’t answer.
“I don’t like this,” Y/N whispered, both of us standing up and heading back into the library. The paper was still in the middle of the table, Sam’s laptop beside it. A lamp had toppled to its side, along with the chair. A couple of books were thrown about the floor, but Sam was nowhere to be seen.
“Sam?” I called out. “Sammy!”
“Dean, look!” Y/N pointed to the screen, and I came over, wondering what could have happened to Sam. Peering down, I noticed the police report on the main screen, along with past newspaper articles. They all pointed to the same thing, missing children, with suspicion they died in the old town pond.
“Do you think…,” She started to say.
“Do I think that Sam got sucked in to a hunt like you did? Yeah, I do,” I muttered. “This one’s about three hours away. Hopefully he doesn’t go close to the pond before then. That thing’s creepy!”
Sure the sun was setting, and both of you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and catch some sleep. But I couldn’t. Not now, with Sam missing, off to fight another hunt, and who knows what this story or dream we were in had in store for us.
“Dean, don’t worry, we’ll find him,” Y/N assured me as we climbed into the Impala, my jaw set as I wondered exactly what we were stepping in to.
The town was fairly large, an agricultural town I guessed as we pulled up to the gas station. “You get gas, I’ll see if I can get any information from the attendant,” Y/N offered, bouncing up the stairs, leaving me behind at the greasy old gas pump.
With the Impala fueling up, I watched as Y/N flirted with the gas attendant, and I had to force myself not to get jealous.
When she came back with a huge smile on her face, I slammed the gas pump back into place, sliding into place behind the steering wheel. “I found out where the pond is!” She exclaimed, sliding in beside me. “And where Sam might bunk down.”
Shoving my jealousy down, I turned to face her. “So we go get a hotel room, and hope that Sam’s there?”
“I think that’s our best start. If he’s not there, we head to the pond, or the police department,” she agreed, sliding over and laying her head on my shoulder, sending away any remaining jealousy.
The hotel was another run down, paint peeling type of place, only minutes away from where the pond was supposedly located. Y/N stayed in the car while I went in to get a room, hoping that Sam was there as well.
It was only minutes later I walked back out, a key in my hand, shaking my head towards Y/N who leaned up against the Impala. “Well, he was here. Got a room, and then took off. They haven’t seen him since.”
“Dean, we’ll find him,” she assured me, squeezing my hand, giving the comfort I so desperately needed. I hated not knowing where Sam was. These hunts were unpredictable, and were driving me crazy.
“Let’s head to the pond,” I insisted, knowing in my heart that something wasn’t right. That this wasn’t going to be a simple hunt.
“What do you think we’re dealing with? A water sprite? A drowned spirit?” She asked as we climbed back into the car. “Do we bring our entire menagerie of weapons?”
“I really have no idea,” I answered. “Maybe the salt, but I have no clue. Let’s hope that we don’t have to use any quite yet.”
The interior of the car turned silent as I drove the short distance to the pond. Or at least to the pull off we were directed to. The pond was a mile hike, something I wasn’t exactly looking forward to.
Pulling off the road, we immediately noticed the older sedan parked off to the side. Knowing it was probably Sam, I made my way to the back of the Impala, quickly stashing different weapons into my duffel bag, Y/N doing the same. “Ready?” I asked her, and she nodded.
As we turned to the trail, I reached out, grasping her arm. “Just promise me that you won’t go into the water. No matter what happens, don’t go into the pond. We’ll figure something out, I just can’t have you go into the water.”
“Dean, I can’t promise that,” she answered. “But let’s not worry about that now. Let’s worry about finding Sam.”
The trail to the pond was easy to spot, and easy to follow. Often able to walk side by side, you kept an eye out for something out of place. It wasn’t until you had gone almost three quarters of a mile when you heard what sounded like a struggle. “Y/N, listen,” you whispered, your hand on her shoulder.
“That’s Sam!” She exclaimed the same time I realized it as well. Racing off, her right behind me, I came to the top of the hill, seeing Sam across from me. The pond was in between us, surrounded by tall oak trees and willows. It was a serene place, with a sense of creepiness attached.
Sam was breathing heavily, a shovel in his hands as he dug at the dam. “Sam!” I called out, his eyes widening when he saw up.
“Dean, I need help! There’s a boy, and he’s not coming back!” Sam exclaimed. Rushing forward, I began stripping out of my jacket as Y/N raced over to Sam’s side.
“No, Dean!” Sam screamed, stopping me before I could jump into the water. “Don’t jump into the water!”
“This story isn’t as scary as the rest,” Tyler muttered, laying back down on his bed as Zach finally paused. “I mean, what’s scary about people missing in a muddy pond?”
“I have to agree with Tyler,” Sophia agreed. “This one doesn’t seem like it fits in with the rest.”
“Can I just keep reading?” Zach grumbled, annoyed with the distruptance of his friends. “I don’t care if it’s creepy, I need to finish it.”
“This book has gotten to you, man,” Tyler told his friend. “Sometimes I wish we never started it.”
“Don't’ say that!” Zach slammed his hand onto the book. “This book is everything. We have to finish it!”
“Don’t you feel like reading this is wrong?” His sister asked, scooping up a handful of popcorn. “I can’t help but feel we’re doing something wrong by reading it. What if these people are real or something?”
“Sophia don’t be ridiculous,” Zach insisted, before turning back to the book.
“Why can’t I?” I asked, trying to catch my balance. But it was then I understood why. Staring up at me were the creepy, unblinking eyes of a dead girl as she continued to reach up for help, even in death. But it wasn’t just the dead, glassy eyes that scared me into scuttling backwards. It was the snake slithering out of her mouth, his tongue flicking as it turned it’s head towards me.
“What the hell?” I asked, making my way towards Sam and Y/N.
Sam was furiously digging, and Y/N had picked up a stick, helping him as much as possible.
“I have no idea. I got dumped her, much like I suspected Y/N had. I started digging around, finding out they had managed to pull one body out. It was full of snakes, but not just any type of snakes. Venomous copperhead snakes. I’m thinking this pool is haunted by some sort of Native American Curse.
“I hate snakes,” I muttered, feeling little comfort in the fact that I sounded like Indiana Jones. “So, what’s the plan?”
“I’m trying to break the Dam. If I can get to the bottom of the pond, maybe we can figure out what’s causing it.”
“You said something about a boy?” Y/N asked, wiping her face, getting a streak of mud across her cheek.
“He went in just before I got here. I don’t think he made it,” Sam mumbled, frowning.
Braking off another branch, I helped dig at the soft dirt, watching as water started to fall down the hill. With one final push of his shovel, the dam broke, and we climbed up to higher ground, watching as the water poured down the hill, soaking into the ground below.
As the pond drained, more dead bodies appeared, in various forms of decomposition. The girl I had seen earlier hung by the edge of the pond, caught in branches as another snake slid from her mouth, down into the water.
As I moved to put my stick down, my foot slipped, and I found myself sliding into the murky waters of the pool, where more copperheads were no doubt waiting for me. “Dean!” Y/N cried, as my foot slipped into the water. Scrambling to find something to hold on to, I felt the water creeping up my legs, and I knew it would only be a matter of time before a snake started slithering up my leg.
Sam slid down the bank, grabbing my hand and attempting to pull me up. With the soft ground, it was a struggle, but finally he had me out of the water and back onto the hill. Breathing heavily, we stared down, where I had just been. Two snakes were partially out of the water, hissing as they hit the dirt. “They can’t leave the pond,” Y/N whispered, as we watched them slide back in to what was left of the water.
It was almost twenty minutes later when the water was mostly gone, showing at least ten skeleton’s underneath. The ground was a whirling mass of snakes, slithering in and out of the bones, hissing as they tried to find water to hide in. “That’s just disgusting,” Y/N whispered, holding tight to my arm. “But wait!”
Following where she had pointed, I saw the newest death, a young boy trapped by the other side, his mouth wide open in fear. Clutched in his hand was a soggy, faded piece of paper, much like at the other hunt. “I’m not going in to get it,” I insisted, seeing all the snakes around him.
“Neither do I,” both Sam and Y/N said at the same time. “But Dean, do we try and give people closure? I think it would be best to burn this whole place.”
“I agree. I’d like to see that paper, but there’s no way we’re trying to bring up any of these bodies. I’ll get the lighter fluid.”
After thoroughly dumping three cases of lighter fluid on the skeletons and writhing bodies of the snakes, Sam held up a match, tossing it down, watching as the flames licked upwards. The snakes continued to hiss before finally going up in flames. “Do you think that will take care of the curse?” Y/N asked.
“I have no idea, but I think with the pond gone, and the snakes it’s a start,” Sam answered, all of us picking up our items before turning back to the car.
Without even spending the night at the hotel, we drove back to the bunker, surprised to see Cas already there, waiting for us. “Where were you?” He asked, noticing my muddy pants, Y/N’s muddy cheek, and Sam’s shirt.
“We took care of a curse,” Sam sighed.
“I think I found out more information about what’s happening to you,” Cas said. “I noticed this paper, and it goes with what I found out.”
“Cas, we’re dirty and tired. So whatever you have to say, spit it out,” I mumbled, taking a beer from the fridge.
“Sam, Dean, Y/N, these hunts that you’ve been experiencing. They’re all part of an ancient curse.”
“But what do they have to do with that page? And why us?” Y/N asked.
“I think the curse is in a book. And that page is from that book. But I’m still not sure why it’s targeting you. I’m still looking, but I wanted you to know what I’ve found. So please, try to be safe while I figure out more,” he ordered. “Oh, can I have this?”
Without waiting for an answer, Cas disappeared, the paper gone as well.
Dean/Jensen Tags:@acreativelydifferentlove @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278 @anokhi07 @aubreystilinski @bebravekeeponfighting @brindz30 @colette2537 @crusadedean @deanwinchesters-impala67 @haelyn @horsegirly99 @ikeneasul11 @its-not-a-tulpa @just-another-winchester @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @librarygeekery @msimpala67 @love-charmer-sketch @ria132love @ruprecht0420 @shadowhunter7 @sizzlingbearpolice @sleep-silent-angel @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @torn-and-frayed @wonderfulworldofwinchester
Stories to Awaken Tags: @joseyrw @suckystoryteller @salt-n-burn-em-all @wingedcatninja @waywardbaby @waywardnerd67 @horsegirly99 @profoundly-bitchy-collection @jae-sch @sociopathtime @depressed-moose-78 @sophiebobzz @oreosatmidnight @librarygeekery @winchesterxtwo @asirammm @itsmerighthere @squirrelnotsam @karmamariejoy @linki-locks11 @xthelittlethings @incredibly-sarcastic-url @alwayskeepfightingkaz-2y5 @imascio08 @deansbabygirl01 @deansgirl215 @sasquatch5 @kay18115 @gh0stgurl @quackerstheduck663057 @photos-by-16 @idk-wtf-is-happening @pheonyxstorm @fandom-queen-of-wonderland @bunnybaby121115
Forever Tags(CLOSED): 
@16wiishes @4401lnc @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @anspgene @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bemyqueenofdarkness @bohowitch @buckysmetalgoddamnarm @bumber-car-s @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @camelotandastronauts @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @captainemwinchester @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl @donnaintx @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89 @duckieburns @docharleythegeekqueen @emmazach @emilicious-7 @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280 @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @herbologystudent252 @heyitscam99 @highfunctioning-soiciopath @hms-fangirl @hobby27 @ichooseeternalplaces @imboredsueme @internationalmusicteacher @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @leanbeankeane @lifelovelaughangell123 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @luciferslucille @maui137 @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @nanie5 @natashacamillaus @newtospnfandom @offbeatsilhouette @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @ronja-uebrick @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @smoothdogsgirl @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman @sunskittlex @starry-chaos @superbadassnatural @thebikiniinspector @theflameontheinside @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tina8009 @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @walkslikesummeractslikerain @whimsicalrobots @wildlandfox @winchesterbrothers-inc @winchesterxtwo @winchester-writes @worldwidehansum @zombiewerewolfqueen
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waywardaf67 · 6 years
Emojis you say???? 🏒☃️🤐🔦
OMG, I can’t believe you gave me an emoji prompt. I live for your stories and really hope you like this one. Thank you for letting me copy you. 
“Sam, I swear to God, if you ever tell Dad about this I will murder you in your sleep,” Dean barked at his little brother.
Sam pinched his thumb and forefinger together, dragging it across his lips, and mimed throwing away the key. “My lips are sealed, Dean.”
“Why the hell were you so far out in the woods anyway?” Dean asked.
“Oh, um, you know that girl in my class, Jess–?”
“You mean the girl you won’t stop talking about?” Dean interrupted. “Yeah, her name rings a bell.”
“Shut up, Jerk. Her cousin comes out to the pond when it’s frozen to play hockey with some guys from school, so she invited me to go hang out while they played.”
Dean scanned the ground with his flashlight. If he didn’t think Sam’s crush on “the blonde girl from science” was so adorable, he’d be smothering his brother right now. Instead, he’s trekking through the woods, on a dangerously scant trail, trying to find his new cell phone. If John found out that instead of watching his brother after school, Dean had been working at the local truck stop, he’d bash both their heads in. Add in losing Sam’s phone, and Dean was looking at an early grave.
It wasn’t like Dean liked bussing tables, but sometimes he would fill in for the sketchy wait staff. They weren’t very reliable, and Dean wanted it that way. He always made good tips when he waited tables, and hoped that someone would get too high and forget their shift or call in sick after a night of partying. Sometimes the truck drivers would leer, and though it skeeved him out a bit, a flirty smile and a wink usually got him an extra 10% gratuity. He wasn’t above flirting if it meant Sam was eating more than Lucky Charms and Spaghetti-o’s.
“You double checked your locker, right? You don’t have me out searching for your phone, and it’s sitting nice and toasty next to your math book?”
“I know it’s not in my locker. I had it with me at the pond. Jess and I were building a snowman, and – oh no.”
Dean whipped around, shining the flashlight in Sam’s eyes, “What, ‘oh no’?”
“Don’t kill me, Dean,” Sam begged.
“It doesn’t sound like I can make that promise, Sammy. What do you mean by ‘oh no’.”
“Well uh, see, Jess’ cousin, Cas. He thinks you’re cute and wanted me to give you his number. So I gave him my phone to add it. I must have forgotten to get it back from him. I’m sorry Dean. I would have told you about him, but I forgot when I couldn’t find my phone,” Sam babbled.
Dean didn’t know if he should do a happy dance or punch his brother for dragging him out in the snow. Cas was a senior and captain of the field hockey team. Dean had always thought he was hot but didn’t know he was into dudes. And even if he liked guys, he never considered himself an option for Cas. He was a loser one credit shy of graduating and working a full-time job after school to make sure the lights stayed on. If his mom’s life insurance policy hadn’t paid the house off, he was sure they’d be living out of the Impala. So, Dean never even dreamed of being Cas’ type.
“… you should have seen it, Dean. It was huge; Jess took a picture. I will have her show you when we get there. You’ll see it was worth it.”
Dean snapped out of his pity party, realizing Sam was still talking about his snow date with Jess, and something that was huge that she took a picture of. He hopes his little brother is talking about their snowman.
He wanted to yell at Sam, telling him to be more responsible, but the poor kid got enough of that at home. Dean took a calming breath before saying, “Hurry your ass up, I’ve got to be at work at eight.” He wasn’t as nice as he could have been, but it was better than yelling, so that counted for something.
“I’m sorry, Dee.”
“Dammit, Sam put the puppy dog eyes away. You’re not in trouble, okay. We just have to hurry. Benny’s manager tonight and he always lets me wait on the busy section.”
Sam took off running down the trail, “Well hurry up then.”
It was much easier getting back to the car when they weren’t searching every inch of the ground for a white phone in the snow. The good news was, Jess only lived a few blocks away from the pond, and they were pulling onto her street in no time.
“So you ever gonna ask this girl out, or–”
“Shuddup, Dean.”
He laughed as he watched Sam walk up to the front door. He wished they could have Jess over for dinner. Or Sam could help her with their science homework at their kitchen table, but they never knew what kind of mood John would be in when he stumbled in. It was best to keep company away.
He wore a proud smile watching Sam making his crush laugh. The kid was a dweeb, but that seemed to work for her. He was so caught up in the scene that the sudden knock on the window made him jump. When he turned, he saw Cas standing on the other side smiling.
As he was rolling the window down Cas rushed to apologize, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I mean, I wasn’t that scared.”
“Like hell, you weren’t. You came off the seat at least six inches.”
Dean tried to fight his blush. “So, uh, what’s up?” He internally groaned at what a dumb response that was. He was better than an awkward conversation, especially since he knew Cas might actually be into him.
“Sam was so busy flirting with my cousin that he forgot to get his phone back from me,” Cas handed over the elusive phone.
“Thanks. We were out digging for it in the snow earlier.” Dean pocketed the phone.
“You were out by the pond? Do you go there often?”
“Oh, uh, no. Sam just showed me where you guys were at today.”
Cas smiled, pulling out his phone. “You should come hang out sometime. I have an extra pair of skates you could borrow.”
“Thanks man, but I don’t know. I’ve never been on a pair of skates before. I’d probably bust my ass.”
Cas grinned. “Give me your number. Just text me when you’re free, and I’ll teach you.”
Dean slowly took the phone from Cas. “Yeah, maybe.”
He was just handing the phone back to Cas when Sam jerked the car door open and slid in. “I’m ready– oh, hey Cas.”
“Hello, Sam.” He smiled at the boy. “I’m texting you my number now, Dean. I’m serious about showing you how to skate. It’ll be fun.”
“Yeah, okay,” Dean replied. “I’ll text you tomorrow.”
Cas winked as he walked away. “I look forward to it.”
Before Dean drove away, he felt the vibration of an incoming text.
Incoming 7:42 p.m. [502-589-4313]: Even if you fall and bust your ass, I can always kiss it and make it feel better. ;)
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b0blegum · 7 years
He Goes by the Name H. One [part 3]
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Author: b0blegum
Pairing: DJ!Chae Hyungwon x Reader
Rating: 19+ (Kinda. Read at your own risk)(rape trigger)
Genre: Romance
Part: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - end
Hyungwon’s POV
The DJ was playing ‘Matches’ and remixed it into his own liking. Making people dancing to the beat. The room was crowded, people had to shout a bit when they were talking or flirting or even just to say a simple hi.
I Was standing here. Leaning on the bar counter with one hand rested on it while the other holding up my glass of Whiskey. Ice cubes clinking onto the side as i swirled up the glass.
And she was there. Sitting on the couch, feeling uncomfortable judging by how her eyes wandered around the room. I kept watching her through the sidelines of people who were busily dancing, before i decided to came over to her.
“You’re alone?” I asked her as i sat next to her. She looked really pretty upclose and she’s really my type of girl…
…to fuck with.
She smiled and mouthed a yes.
I asked her a couple of things about my music. Just to brushed off the awkwardness that was still there plus, to make it easier for me to take her home.
I shifted myself closer to her and stretched my arm.
“You don’t dance?” I asked her.
“No. You do?” I smirked as i pulled up my glass and took a sip.
“I don’t either.” I looked at her again. Locking his eyes with mine and i smiled.
I gave her a good 30 seconds until i could see trust in her eyes, before i slowly ran my hand up her thigh.
I smirked, thinking my plan worked so far. I could feel warmth radiating on my skin and i knew it was her hand, but i was wrong at one thing. Her hand was on mine not to play along to my game, but to ended it.
She brushed my hand off her thigh and she quickly stood up.
“You’re disgusting.” She said before walking away.
I rolled my head, stretching the tired muscles at my neck. Grin wouldn’t leave my face as i saw her leaving.
“She’s… Tricky. I love it.”
He finally let you go of his cage and you sighed a relieved breath. He walked around your room. Looking at every photos you hanged on the wall and some were glued at the board above your desk.
“You’re leaving right after my best friend dozed off.” You said as you threw your purse on your bed.
He sat at the edge of your bed and bounced himself. “It’s comfortable.” He said, dusting the cloth. “Are you free tomorrow, (y/n)?” He asked, out of nowhere.
Your eyebrows flinched. “No, i’m not.”
“Liar.” He rolled his eyes at you. “You’re completely free tomorrow. I saw your schedule.” He pointed at your opened agenda.
Oh shit.
“I’ll be playing at Itaewon tomorrow. Come.” He invited, no, he ordered.
“No. I’m busy.”
He groaned and rolled his eyes again. “Oh, come on, (y/n).”
“Hyungwon, what are you trying to do to me actually?” You crossed your arms and looked at him with squinting eyes.
“Me? Isn’t that obvious? I want to get closer to you.” He winked and made his way to you.
“That’s it? If it just it, then my answer is no.” You shook your head. “I am not interested in getting closer to you.”
“How many times would you lie, (y/n)? I know you like me as much as i like you and you are interested in me as much as i am curious about you,” he scanned you and licked his lower lip before he bit it.
“Oh, please. You’re not my type.” You rolled your eyes.
“Lying again, aren’t you?” You widened your eyes, staring at him in disbelief. Just how could this guy had that much confident?
“You need to go. Now.” You pulled him to the door, opened it to checked whether your bestfriend had dozed off to sleep and yes, she had.
You pulled him out of your room and dragged him to the front door. He wasn’t resisting it, though. “Do not ever come here.” He smiled and you slammed the door closed.
A week passed by.
Your were living a peaceful life since that night. He didn’t try to contact you nor come to your house nor even asked Changkyun to at least help him to meet you.
You saw him a couple of times on TV, guesting couple of TV shows and being questioned about his DJ-ing life and basically just about his life.
He looked innocent and fun on TV that made you want to puke every time he acted all nice.
“Another shot?” The bartender asked you as you lost in your thoughts. You nodded as you slid forward your glass. “You’ve been here for almost two hours. You’re alright, (y/n)?”
“I am. I am.” You said. Dean’s song 'Love’ was playing in the background. “It’s just… Work stuff.” You smiled bitterly.
“Well, work will never be easy. Being a bartender is not easy as well. We might looked like just flipping bottles every night, but there are actually more than that, behind this,” he brushed the table that separated you two. “Shiny marble bar table.”
“I know.” You chuckled.
“Keep your head up!” He winked.
You were back to your thought, didn’t realised that someone was already sitting beside you.
“Work stuff, huh?” He asked. His pitch is a little bit high, but still in a men’s range. You scoffed and smiled a little. “You shouldn’t be thinking about work in this kind of place.”
“I know.” You said, without even looking at the guy beside you.
“Why don’t we have some fun? To let you free from your work-stuff-thoughts for a while?” He suggested. You looked at him from the edge of your eyes.
“Actually, i’m about to go home. It’s getting late and i have a busy morning tomorrow.” You slide off from your stool and finished the last shot. “So, i don’t think i could have some fun with you.” You said, emphasising the word fun, which you know so well what he meant.
He followed you out while whining, still asking and persuading you to have some fun with him.
“I really appreciate you asking me a couple of time, but my no means no and it’s still a no.” You turned back to him for a second before walked away.
And it was just at that time when he grabbed your wrist harshly and dragged you to the dimmed alleyway.
He pinned you to the bricked wall and covered your mouth with his hand.
“Why are you so stubborn, huh?” He grinned. You tried to let go of his weight, but it was all pointless. He was much bigger than you. He started to grind his member to you. You tried to scream or bit his hand or even kick his feet but it didn’t mean a thing to him.
“It’s fun, huh? You like it?” He grinded harder and you could somehow felt his member bulging from his pants. “I’m going to make it even more… Fun.” His hand struggled to unbuckled his belt and zipped down his pants and in no time he brushed his bare member to your clothed fold. You could feel tears started ponding in your eyes, feeling humiliated and angry at the same time.
You felt warmth radiating through the skin on your thighs and you could feel your skirt being slid up slowly. “I know you’d like this, sweetheart.” His fingers were trailing up and up and you could tell it was so close to your fold. “You’re ready?” You shook your head, hair was already messy by shaking to much against the wall. “One.. Two…” His fingers tapping on your thighs and it made it even scarier. “Thre—”
“Over my dead body.” The guy fell in front of you. You panted, searching for breath while he was down on the floor, trying to get up. “Don’t you ever dare to lay your filthy finger on her.” You heard someone from your left. It was familiar, but you still can’t tell who was he due to the dimmed light.
“Whoa, it’s getting interesting.” The guy finally stood up, swabbing the blood that ran from his broken nose. “Why didn’t you tell me if you have boyfriend, sweetheart?” He walked closer to you but being pushed immediately by familiar one. You quickly hid behind him, with your heart still beating fast.
“Fuck off or i’ll kill you.” He threatened. The guy didn’t budge that it made the familiar guy hit him again and again until he knocked out on the floor. “This is what happened if you ignored my warning.” He gave him a last kick on his crotch.
“Come on.” He pulled your reddened wrist gently and led you out of that alley to his car that parked only a few metre from there.
You were still sobbing when he helped you entered the car before he slid himself in.
“You’re alright?” He asked after he turned on the engine. “You’re not hurt anywhere right?” You looked at him still with tears pooled in your eyes.
“Hyungwon?” You couldn’t believe who you just saw, who just saved your life.
“Yes, it’s me. Tell me, are you hurt anywhere? You’re not right?” He checked you. Flipping your wrists and moved your head right to left, checking if there were any marks made with force on your neck.
“I’m alright. I’m okay.” You sobbed. “I’m just… Shocked, that’s all.” You ensured him.
“Thank God.” He pulled you in for a brief hug. “Wait a minute,” he pulled his phone out and made a quick phone call. “You’re staying at my home.” He decided before he drove off.
“What? No! I have home to sleep at!”
“Your bestfriend isn’t home and you can’t be alone after what just happened.”
“But it’s my home! I’m safe in my hou– wait, how did you know she’s not home?” You snapped, wiping away your tears, focusing on something even more important.
He kept quiet.
“And how did you know i was at that lounge?”
“That’s not important.”
“Well, for me it is.” You looked at him. “Have you been following me?” His eyes still focused on the road. “You have been following me, have you not?” You sighed. “Oh my God.”
“(Y/n). This just slipped in my mind, but don’t you know the word thank you?”
“I just fucking saved you from that pervert and now you’re kind of hating on me for following you instead of saying at least thank you?”
“So tell me how would you feel if someone’s been following you for God knows how long!”
“If i’m not following you around, that ugly disgusting pervert would’ve eat you out and rape you to pieces, so where the fuck is my thank you?”
“For God’s sake, you’re a pain in the ass.”
“Admit it.”
“Yes, okay. Thank you, Hyungwon. Thank. You!” He smiled and messed your hair.
Hyungwon’s POV
Well, damn. I made a great move. Now that she trusted me, i am one step closer to fuck her.
I… Just don’t know why was she so stubborn and hard to tame, but that actually made me want to know her more, better.
“Changkyun isn’t home, just to let you know.” I looked at her for a mere second before fixing my eyes to the rear-view mirror as i park my sedan.
“So you’re telling me that i am safer in a stranger’s house with the stranger itself rather than my house, that i’ve been living in for ages?” She looked at me in disbelief, i knew she was about to roll her eyes out at this point, but i just gave her a quirk smile before i turned off the engine.
“Come out.”
She pulled the sleeve of my MA-1 as we made our way up my apartment.
“I’m telling Changkyun about this.”
“Try. I told him already you’re staying at my place and he said yes.” I could hear her sighing deeply. “Come on.” I said. Gesturing her to joined me into the elevator and i pushed the button immediately after the door closed.
“Don’t you dare to do anything to me, understood?” She glared at me through the reflexion of the door.
“Why would i? I just saved you from a guy who will rape you.” Well, girl. I actually wanted to do a lot of things with you, but… Today’s not the day.
She kept quiet until we both reached my apartment. She followed me inside. Her eyes wondered around the spacious area of my living room.
“You’ll be sleeping in Changkyun’s. My room is here if you wanted anything. Just knock.” I led him to Changkyun’s room that located just at the end of the hallway. “But i’m a heavy sleeper. If you knocked and i’m not answering, just come in.” I continued. “This is his room. Make yourself at home. Take any clothes you found on his drawer. Some are his, some are mine. If you’re lucky, you’d pick mine.” I winked and opened the door for her.
She took a stepped inside the messy room of the teenage boy who are currently staying in my apartment. “I’ll be back with a hot tea and some fresh towel. The bathroom is over there.”
I smirked after i closed the door. I gave her all it takes to made her trust me and i bet, in just three days, she’d be down to fuck me. She’ll be the one who wants it and not me.
to be continued…
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