#after peter finds out luthor is The Worst he officially swears off billionaires and then-
one of those 'peter in gotham' aus except lex fucking luthor is the one that finds him. Can you imagine the shenanigans. peter accidentally goes through a portal and lands in the outskirts of metropolis where luthor just so happens to have a factory doing Something. and luthors employees find him and go to luthor like Hey boss,, Umm. theres a teenager in the grass. luthors like, what happened? cue the factory workers going i dont know! the kid jsut fell out of this weird portal thing! and hes like,,, Hm.
superman definitely should be relevant but i still want the batfamily to meet peter. can you imagine that luthors kryptonite reserves were discovered and confiscated. and theres some discovered in gotham, whether it be naturally discovered there or someones like, selling it? and so thats how peter gets sent to gotham? although i cant see luthor letting him loose on the big wide world without some insurance, because hes definitely obscuring some of the facts from peter in order to manipulate him.
hmmm maybe luthor traps peter in a deal that peter cant easily get out of (at the cost of his or someone elses safety) so that even when peter Does discover how bad luthor is, he cant just bail out. idk i just think its very funny how every single person peter is vaguely acquainted with turns out to be a supervillain. or somehow personally wronged by him. and i think that should extend beyond universes.
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