#after practice issei walks home in the rain now he doesn’t have to shower
maybe-a-dinosaur · 6 months
matsukawa issei one of those guys that just walks in the rain. no umbrella no raincoat not even a hood motherfucker just gets wet. it’s not because he forgets to check the weather he is fully cognizant that it is raining he just accepts his fate and steps out the door into the downpour. he leaves a trail of water behind him when he walks inside and wrings out his shirt like a cartoon character his shoes squelch when he walks he has to empty them in the sink his hair is Dripping he shakes his head like a dog his splash zone has a 6 foot radius.
no one understand him his mother won’t let him sit on the couch she’s like what the fuck kid if you get water on the rug one more time you’re sleeping in the rain. oikawa is unimpressed “it’s your funeral” asks issei if he’s thought about investing in a lifejacket. takahiro insists that drowning is “so this year” and issei looks “chic” when he’s shivering. iwaizumi walks beside him on the sidewalk under his own umbrella he does not offer to share issei does not ask there is mutual respect. he doesn’t jump in puddles or anything like that’s too childish or whatever but he Refuses to wear appropriate rain attire he would rather be damp and uncomfortable than inconvenienced.
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quell-tea-salon · 7 years
TsukiPara translation - Kuga Ichiru scenarios
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When you think of autumn, you think of saury, and eggplant, and cakes with chestnuts!
Wordy books make me sleepy so I'll pass on them... I can read manga for hours though~
Whoa! G-give a warning before you touch me... That scared me.
*Yawns* ....What the heck, it's still early... I'm going back to bed...
*Stretches* Alright, time to wake up Issei!
I'm hungry.... I wonder what's for breakfast?
Issei..... Where did he go?
Mornin'! Hey, what's with that sleepy face? Cheer up!
Don't skip lunch! You gotta have real food and eat lots!
I'm definitely gonna master that dance step at dance practice today!
I'm not good with jobs that involve filming... But it's lame if I stay like that forever.
It's getting dark. Be careful on your way home! Don't stay out too late, okay?
...Is Shu coming home late again today? I know he can't help it, but... (TN: Omg his sad puppy voice ><)
Ah, this smell! Eichi must be cooking something. I'll go help out!
Have you had dinner? Make sure you eat something even when you're busy. Promise?
I think I'll go ask Issei about work.... But I don't want to keep relying on him like a kid......
Don't stay up too late! ...Though I get why you'd feel like staying up to watch TV, or play games...
Hey! Are you listening to me? (TN: If you're idle for too long)
Heeeeey! I'm bored over here! (TN: 2nd idling line fjga;gj;k he's so cute ;_;)
Hey, I'm bored! Let's do something!
After Issei gets out of the bath, he likes to go look at the stars. If you leave him to it, he’ll be out there for ages! I don’t want him to catch a cold... Maybe I’ll stick next to him and look at the stars together. (TN: This is one of the winter-specific lines. The other lines are about kotatsu.)
Schedule - Ugh! SolidS will be at this program too?! Not that I don't like them... I mean, they're my senpai, and my friends..... And I sorta think they're all amazing and respect them. Except Tsubasa! He's always messing with me! The other day, he even patted me on the head! He's treating me like a kid! ....Just watch! I'm gonna get so good at dancing and singing that I'll blow his socks off!
Food - What should I have for dinner tonight...?
(Select "yakiniku (BBQ meat)") Good idea! I love yakiniku! ......But it might be too much for Issei's stomach? Issei can't handle greasy stuff.
(Select "gratin") Oh, nice! Both Issei and I love that stuff! ......Right, I'll go ask Eichi to make us some!
(Select "soba") Soba? That doesn't really fill you up though? .....Hm? Isn't that one of Shu's favourite things to eat? It's light on the stomach, so Issei will probably like it too... I guess I should invite Shu and Eichi some time, and we can have soba together!
Reading - The manga that I borrowed from Six Gravity's Koi has a really interesting setup! ......I'll show it to Issei too!
Reading - This manga is lit! Yeah, I borrowed it from Six Gravity's Koi. Sometimes I get them from Arata too. At first, I didn't know what to expect from living in a dorm, but it's fun to get to swap books and stuff like this.
Running - Crap! I forgot about the study session with Shu! Did Issei go on ahead? I'll check his room before going!
Food - I'm not picky with food. I basically eat everything, but if I had to choose, I like hearty stuff like rice bowls (donmono) that I can chow down on and fill my stomach with.
Cooking - ......Issei and I used to live on our own, so we know how to make simple dishes. But I prefer the food that Eichi makes, and thinking back to when it was just the two of us, I think everything tastes better when we eat together as QUELL.
Phone - Ugh! I got a message from Tsubasa!? ....'Kay, I'm gonna send him some of those weird stamps that Eichi told me about!
Study - Uh............. I... hate studying. Do I have to....? I know Shu said "to be a top idol, one needs to have the knowledge and education to match"... and Issei is working hard too..... Okay, I'll do it.
Sighing - Shu sometimes says the most shocking things with a serene face, doesn't he? ......You never know what to expect.
Embarrassed - ......Shu and Eichi are both people who give out praises easily, although they go about it differently. Of course I'm happy to hear it..... But I'm not used to it, and it feels weird.
Lizz-kun - Lizz-kun........... They all have dumb faces, but you can't hate 'em. It's weird.
Angry - Damnit! What was that!?
(Select "What's wrong?") Just now, some guy bumped into Issei. He started complaining even though it was his fault. Issei kept quiet, so that guy just went on a rant. So I stepped in between them...... I hate jerks like that who force their opinion on everything!
(Select "observe quietly") I heard that the city is full of selfish assholes like that, and it turned out to be true... No, that's just an unfair stereotype. There are good guys and bad guys everywhere.
Resting - Suddenly I have all this free time. ......What should I do?
(Select "Have a meal with Issei") Even after becoming idols, we've been eating together every day. That's kinda of the norm for us. ......Welp, since I'm bored, I'll go invite Eichi and Shu too!
(Select "Dance lesson with Eichi") That's a good idea! ......I hate to admit it, but Eichi's good at dancing and giving advice. But I'm gonna catch up in no time! You better keep your eyes peeled!
(Select "Tour shrines and temples with Shu") ......Well, since I'm bored, that might not be a bad idea. Honestly though, I don't really get the fun of visiting temples. If I'm spending time with Shu, I'd rather do something else.
Drink - Looks like Eichi made some tea. Would you like some too? I'm gonna fetch Issei, so you go on ahead first.
Clothes - These clothes are for me? Thanks! Hey, it looks pretty cool! Huh? "This is the current trend", you say? ......I see. I don't know a lot about fashion trends or stuff like that. Of course, there are designs that I like or don't like. I know I should learn more about fashion as an idol. But you don't know what you don't know. Maybe I should ask somebody around here for advice? ...Somebody that isn't a blonde womaniser. I think Koi from Six Gravity, and You from Procellarum are into fashion?  Alright, I'll go talk to them!
Cake - I can have this cake? ......Thanks. I really like cakes. Actually, before joining QUELL, my birthday was the only time I got to eat cake. Obviously Issei and I have the same birthday as twins, so we only had cake once a year. ...When Shu found out, he took it on himself to buy us cakes at any opportunity. He'd brush it off like "I just happened to walk past a bakery", and I'm too embarrassed to thank him properly.... But, I'm actually really happy, and I'm grateful to Shu. ...This is just between you and me, okay? I wanna thank Shu with my own words one day.
Umbrella - Wow, it's a big one. Thanks. The other day when I was taking a walk with Issei, we were ambushed by a gorilla rainstorm? Or is it guerilla rainstorm? ...Anyway, it suddenly started raining buckets. Neither of us had umbrellas so we were soaked in minutes. It sucked. But this umbrella is totally big enough for both of us! Thanks! ...It's strange, whenever I get my hands on a new umbrella, I find myself wishing that it'll rain soon. Come on, gorilla rainstorm!
Bandaid - Thanks! Actually, I tripped during the dance lesson just now and scraped my knee... I didn't have any bandaids on me and didn't know what to do. ......I used to get caught up in dumb fights, so I always carried around some bandaids. But now.... come to think of it, I just stopped carrying bandaids one day. Huh, this is a surprise. Slowly but surely, I'm actually changing. I found out something good about myself!
Ichiru: "Hi, I'm Lizz-kun. Nice to meet you, Ichiru-kun!" .....Hahaha, yeah right.
Shu: ... ... ...
Ichiru: Whoa!? Sh, Shu!? How long have you been standing there!?
Shu: ......How could you, Ichiru. How could you do something so cute... like play with dolls by yourself! ......Stay right there, I just need to grab the SLR camera from my room!
Ichiru: Huh!!? Wait, stop! Please stop! I'd rather die than let anyone photograph me doing this!
Ichiru: Huff! Ha! Hup!
Shu: You've been doing pushups for a while.
Ichiru: Yeah.... I saw Eichi's abs the other day and it kinda shook me......
Shu: Yes, Eichi's abdominal muscles are well-balanced in definition, and beautifully masculine.
Ichiru: It's not fair that he has a six pack! ...While I'm just starting to get a hint of muscle. I'm gonna train so hard that I'll get a six... no, a twelve pack!
Shu: I don't think it's physically possible to get a twelve pack.... But it's good that you're putting in the effort.
Icchi: Yo! ...Eichi, what do you think of this pose?
Eichi: You look really cool!
Icchi: ....Eichi, you've just been saying "cool" or "cute" for every pose I make!
Eichi: But I mean it! I'm not lying or trying to flatter you!
Icchi: I'm trying to pick a trademark pose! ...You're not helping when you praise everything I do. I need to hurry up and become a hot badass and blow the socks off that womaniser blondie! ......Nevermind, I'll go ask Shu instead.
Eichi: No need to rush, you're already growing up into a handsome man! ...Besides, I really don't think you'll get different results from Shu.
Icchi: Ah~ I'm so hungry......
Eichi: I have just the thing for you, Icchi! Here, my newest gratin recipe!
Icchi: Oh, good timing! Thanks for the food! ......!? Th, this is...! Really good! The gratin is delicious too, but the curry sauce inside is just the right amount of sweet and spicy and matches it perfectly!
Eichi: Wow... It must be really delicious if even QUELL's resident tsundere is showering it with praise. So worth the effort of buttering up Procellarum's Mr. Curry to share the recipe with me......
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