#water in his shoes call him squidward when he walks
maybe-a-dinosaur · 3 months
matsukawa issei one of those guys that just walks in the rain. no umbrella no raincoat not even a hood motherfucker just gets wet. it’s not because he forgets to check the weather he is fully cognizant that it is raining he just accepts his fate and steps out the door into the downpour. he leaves a trail of water behind him when he walks inside and wrings out his shirt like a cartoon character his shoes squelch when he walks he has to empty them in the sink his hair is Dripping he shakes his head like a dog his splash zone has a 6 foot radius.
no one understand him his mother won’t let him sit on the couch she’s like what the fuck kid if you get water on the rug one more time you’re sleeping in the rain. oikawa is unimpressed “it’s your funeral” asks issei if he’s thought about investing in a lifejacket. takahiro insists that drowning is “so this year” and issei looks “chic” when he’s shivering. iwaizumi walks beside him on the sidewalk under his own umbrella he does not offer to share issei does not ask there is mutual respect. he doesn’t jump in puddles or anything like that’s too childish or whatever but he Refuses to wear appropriate rain attire he would rather be damp and uncomfortable than inconvenienced.
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seizethecarpe · 4 years
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mystery || Winston and Dave
Timing: Immediately after Murder They Wrote and Murder He Thought Parties: @danetobelieve & @seizethecarpe Summary: When Winston hears a murder, they come to investigate, leaving both of them a little worse for the wear. 
Winston scanned the surface of the water, their thoughts frantic. They didn’t know how they knew. They weren’t really sure what these thoughts in their head were. But they felt foreign. They felt different. They definitely didn’t belong to Winston that much was sure. It was almost as if they were oil on the surface of the water, similar but not enough to be indistinguishable. “Hello?” honestly, they weren’t sure what they were doing but they knew that they had to look for something, they got up the flashlight app before immediately closing it. It was the middle of the day. Sighing, they kicked off their shoes and socks, and rolled up their jeans before gingerly stepping into the muddy lake that was Dark Score. Cringing as the dirt oozed between their toes, Winston shuddered, this had better be worth it. 
Gorged on Ahuixotl flesh, Dave was pretty happy and unself aware as he swam through bloodsoaked water. They’d finished their fight in an unobtrusive part of the lake, nowhere Dave expected to run into people. He just couldn’t stand to stay in the water much longer - fresh water itched at skin that was built to be surrounded by salt, and while being in the water was glorious, Dave had other things to do. Slowly, he exhaled, his body rearranging as his skin split open. He was sure for some it hurt, but for him it was as natural as stretching. Dave stood up in the fortunately waist high, bloody water. He didn’t hear the other person at first, nor see them as his eyes adjusted to the sunny light, but he felt them step in the water, clear as anything. Shit.  “Who’s there?”
Honestly. Winston wasn’t expecting to see Dave. Topless. For a man his age he was in pretty good shape. That wasn’t the reason for Winston’s slack jaw but honestly they couldn’t really help but try and look anywhere but at Dave. “Oh…” Winston’s mind was racing. What was Dave doing here and why was he topless. Winston guesses he could just be swimming. But swimming through water that was bloody was a weird coincidence when Winston had thought those things. Felt them in their mind. Here he was stood in water. “It’s just me, uh Winston, we met the other day at the … station.” Winston swallowed trying to decide how to play this. They really hoped Dave wasn’t a dangerous criminal or just dangerous. He seemed chill.
Dave rubbed his hand over his eyes, knowing full well that wouldn’t help them adjust. But yeah, shit, it was Winston. They were standing at the edge of the lake, jeans rolled up, their shoes abandoned on the rocky shore. In truth, they were a little far away for Dave to hear them all too great nor lipread as easily, but the kid looked slack jawed and deeply uncomfortable, for whatever reason, and Dave would try to be real respectful of that, so he was staying right where he was. In bloody water. Without even thinking about it, he scratched at his scarred up chest. “Yeah, uh, kid, why’re you here? Recreational side’a the lake’s that way.”
Frowning. Winston was vividly aware of the fact that they didn’t have a god reason to be here. They could always pull the police business card but they didn’t have their ID or any justifiable reason to be here. But it also seemed somewhat ironic that they were the one who was being questioned at this moment. Taking a deep breath. Winston took a step forward before immediately regretting it. Bloody water wasn’t going to do their jeans any good and Winston wasn’t sure what getting wet would do for them right now. “I … I was walking and I saw all this blood,” Winston replied in a half shout, “... kind of couldn’t help but wonder what went on. You don’t know why there is like … a LOT of blood… do you?”
“Really? You were walking through that thicket over there with all the trash that’s washed up for the hell of it?” Dave eyed them shrewdly. They were lying, clear as day, but Dave was about to do just the same. He wasn’t about to tell some cop associate that he’d killed an ancient species that pretended to sound like crying babies and used their hand shaped tail to drag all sortsa people to a watery grave? That he still had a bit of said species stuck between his teeth? “I’m fishing, Dane. S’all. Nothin’ for you to worry about.” 
Still unable to hear Dave all that well, Winston made the executive decision to press onwards into the lake, rolling their jeans up as far as they would go. “Sure let’s go with that,” Winston replied in agreement with a squint of their eyes, was there something weird about Dave’s teeth. Taking a few steps forward, they couldn’t help but frown. Swallowing their apprehension at the situation, Winston was about to say something when they spotted what were unmistakably not human teeth. Oh! He’s a selkie. Winston thought, it made sense really. 
Dave frowned even more deeply, stopping his idle scratch to warn Winston away with his hands. That was too late, though, as he heard them speak, calling him a selkie. His calm, if annoyed demeanor dissipated  as he surged through the water up to Winston, faster than he was sure most expected of him these days. He grabbed the front of their shirt and twisted it in his fist as he growled deeply. “What did you just call me?” He asked, his sharp canines only inches away from Winston’s face.
Winston was pretty sure that they hadn’t said anything. In fact, they were certain that they hadn’t even moved their lips. Yet within an astoundingly short amount of time, Winston was being grabbed by the collar of their shirt and dragged forward. “Hey, I didn’t say … I didn’t call you anything,” Winston did their best to protest. But Dave was clearly strong. Why was it that all Selkie’s that Winston had met could kick their ass up and down the sidewalk? Aside from Skye of course. But it would be nice to just have someone who wasn’t so much more … physical then them. It was instinctive, Winston couldn’t help it. It was like the first time they’d used magic against that Hell Hound, there was the pull in their stomach, the heat in the palm, a flash of blinding light and the smouldering smell of skin and hair burning. Winston wasn’t sure exactly what they had done. 
“Like hell you didn’t. You sai-“ Dave couldn't finished that thought, as hot air burst from Winston's hand, throwing Dave back. Kid shoulda thought that one through, Dave didn't let go in time, so as he fell in the water, so did the Spellcaster. Because of fucking course the kid's a Spellcaster. Plunging in the water was a relief for the burnt skin and chest hair, gave him a chance to let go and get some distance between them, and think. Like how he hadn't seen Winston's lips move a moment ago. Like how the last few days all he'd heard was these random thoughts about computers he knew nothing about. Dave came up from the water with his hands up - neither way was he up for fighting a Spellcaster without an ambush. "Alright, alright. You didn't say anything, but you thought it, right? Like you been thinking about rams and computers and stuff. You play with mental magic, Winston?"
“Fuck no,” Winston replied with a frown, “I mean, I have played with mental magic before, but only because this lake had a giant squid demon in it and a cult trying to end the world, but I ended up with a third eye from it,” Winston wasn’t sure why they showed Dave their third eye in their hand, they hoped that it would be enough to impress upon Dave how unwilling to fuck around with this shit they were. “I don’t know what’s going on but I’m pretty sure I’ve been hearing your thoughts too, like the fact that you just killed someone or … I guess something as a seal? I don’t know, but I promise I don’t want to hurt you and I really don’t like sharing your thoughts, it’s fucking deafening and I can’t focus on my ram and computers and stuff when you’re constantly making that hmm noise. Like I get that you’re stoic but jesus dude you don’t have to be so gruff ALL the time.” Winston hoped that they didn’t have to blast Dave again. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I know you just killed something and I���m really hoping it wasn’t something that you shouldn’t of killed.” 
“Giant squid demon? Nearly sorry I missed it,” Dave said gruffly, touching at his reddened, slightly singed chest, trying to see how bad it was. Nothing he couldn’t handle, nothing needing a doctor. “You pack one hell of a punch, kid.” He almost felt bad for pulling them into the water with him. He narrowed his eyes as Dane ranted. “Alright, alright, I get your point. I ain’t that gruff. Although why you’re always thinking about goats is beyond me.” Hmmmm. “Shit, kid, I killed exactly what I needed to. She was a feisty one. Hold on now,” He rummaged around in the water, until he felt the limb, and lifted the ahuixotl outta the water. Bloody water ran from his flesh where he’d been eaten at its muscles. “I hunt ‘em. That’s all you thought you heard. Real noble of you to run out here to try to save her, although kinda ill advised.”
“Yeah, giant squid demon from the underdark that we lovingly named Squidward, had to carry out a big magic ritual to get everything in the town to a point where we could actually deal with it. Not terrifying in anyway.” Winston bit their lip and looked at the wound on Dave’s chest. “Hey, I’m …. I’m sorry I blasted you, I guess this was just one weird coincidence marred by supernatural involvement.” Pursing their lips, Winston swallowed away the guilt that they were feeling. After all if you were going to grab people by the scruff of their neck then you had to consider that this might happen. “Oh, damn, fuck, now I feel dumb… I guess thanks for killing something else that would’ve liked to hold my head under the water and … well probably eat my bones or some shit afterwards.” Winston felt better, at least Dave was cool, but they guessed that meant that there were other things for them to contend with now. “I can keep a secret, about … the whole selkie thing, if you want. I mean, like, I won’t tell anyone and actually, I know a few selkies in town already that are pretty cool so you’re in good company.” 
“Wait, Squidward was the demon? Why were people grieve- Oh” Dave smacked his hand against his head. He’d totally been had by them girls online when he came to town. Right. Good to know. “Sounds like that was one hell of an experience.” He waved away Winston’s apology entirely, unconcerned. “I’ve had worse,” Which was a statement he could rather extensively back up, considering the long, lacerating scars running across his whole body. This’d peel like a sunburn and get it all over with. “They cry like babies so you come to the water thinking you’re about to discover Moses in a wicker basket, and drag you under. Lot’sa things like this in this town, I’m learning.”   Winston would keep Dave’s secret if he wanted? Dave huffed, standing up properly in the water now he didn’t need to worry about a spellcaster sizzling half the lake before he could get away. “Shouldn’t need to ask, kid. Keeping secrets should be the default, same as I wouldn’t tell nobody that you’re a spell caster.”
 “Oh, yeah, that was probably ironic grieving, or they were part of the angry cult that was trying to let Squidward consume all of White Crest or whatever it’s nefarious plan actually was.” Winston was glad that there weren’t any creepy eye cultists left, they were a real buzz kill. Looking Dave over, Winston was sure that they probably had had worse. There was a gruffness to him that suggested that he had plenty of experience dealing with some of the more terrifying aspects of the supernatural. “Oh, well that would’ve absolutely worked on me, I’ll remember to take any crying noises with a pinch of salt with the recognition that it is probably some awful supernatural creature that is intent on turning me into their dinner. But yeah, this town is a literal hell hole in terms of terrible creatures that want to kill you. Don’t even get me started on the mime problem because honestly fuck mimes. Though I am glad that we didn’t have a carnival that was a murder carnival, I was kind of waiting for that one to specifically break bad to be honest.” Winston nodded, that was a dumb move on their part. “Sorry, sorry, I know, I’m kind of new to all of this and sometimes forget the ‘etiquette’ and the rules that everyone else seems to know about.” 
“Mime problem?” Dave repeated, looking at Winston skeptically, wondering if they were yanking his chain. If they weren’t, he wasn’t too sure he wanted to know, either. “Not a carnival guy, but I heard some shit went down there too.” Some weird mirrors, the drowning tea cup ride, the rollercoaster that left people petrified. “That’s the big one. So, Dane, how do we get outta each other’s heads? I’m figuring it ain’t as easy as trying to be quiet. Because I really don’t need to hear all your goat and I-eight-six-b-three or whatever now.” Leaving his pelt underwater for now, not wanting to reveal it to the spellcaster, Dave walked out of the lake, to where he’d left his clothes hidden in the undergrowth, forgetting all sorts of human decency conventions as he did. 
“You probably wouldn’t believe me even if I told you, but my honest advice would just be to leave if you see a mime, or kill it. I’m not convinced that they’re actually people.” Winston had the image of themselves dressed in mime gear burned into their retinas. It was a sight that they doubted they would ever get rid of. “I mean, it certainly wasn’t the most mundane of carnivals, but I don’t think that anyone died.” At least no one that Winston had heard of. But they could not help but remember the hall of mirrors. Winston was about to start suggesting various ideas that they had to potentially cure this and all of the research that they were planning to do and all of the things that they could try when Dave just walked over to the lake shore entirely naked. “Uh………” Winston wasn’t sure that they would have blushed that hard ever again if they tried to, “I’ll just look the other way I guess.”
“Right, escape the mimes, watch out for giant squidward demons and ladies making fun of it online, and be careful at the carnivals.” Dave nodded, taking it all in. “I think I got it.” He was waiting for Winston’s reply when they panicked, and Dave remembered that not everyone needed to see his own dangly bits. “I thought you said you knew other selkies. How do you think we get into our seal skin, kid? With jorts on?” Dave rolled his eyes, entirely unashamed at he pulled his boxers and shorts on, where the fabric struggled against his damp skin. He only wore clothes nowadays that would dry fast, and considering he was hot no matter the weather, they’d dry fast too. Once he had his shirt on, he emerged from the thicket to look at Winston again. Even if they’d looked away, their skin was still flushed deeply. Dave chortled. “So the brain untangling thing. Thoughts?”
“Dude, White Crest really is fucked, hearing you say it out loud like that. I don’t know how we’re not all dead.” Winston wasn’t sure what it was. Was it the shock of everything? Maybe. It was the fact that there was an older man that was naked from head to toe in front of their very eyes. Maybe it was the fact that this naked man was actually a shape shifter that could slip into their seal skin at will and change form. Surreal didn’t seem to cover it. “I guess I just wasn’t expecting you to do it in such a blase manner, but you know your confidence is really impressive. So you’ve got that going for you.” Winston needed to disconnect their mind from this person so that they could curl up and die. Swallowing their embarrassment at their sheer awkwardness, Winston sighed. “Uh, well, mental magic is really … finicky and I don’t really know enough to be confident in using it, but I have access to a really big library of magical knowledge and then there’s also the internet, and there are tonnes of people that might be able to help. I guess we should probably try by working out what is actually causing this and then we can work out how we stop it. Did you have a weird dream a few nights ago?” 
“Confidence? Kid, I’m just too old to give a fuck,” Dave replied with a bemused snort. At least he was kind enough to not comment on their embarrassment. He looked out to the lake, where we water had grown clearer. Or rather, the blood had diluted so much it weren’t so noticeable anymore, at least not to him. The fish’d had a grand time with the remains of the ahuixiotl. “Right, right. You hit the google and I’ll hit good old fashioned paper. Not that I’d have the foggiest where to start.” He looked up at them. “I have a whole bunch’a weird dreams, constantly. Had one about them hungry sands recently, and woke up with bloody knees. Now I think about it, you were in it. That what you mean?”
“Isn’t that the same thing?” Winston replied somewhat glibly. “God I really wish we could just google a fix to this, that would be ideal.” Unfortunately something told Winston that wasn’t the way that this was going to work. It was fine. Coffee would help them through it. “Yeah, exactly. The incredibly terrifying dream where my parents were devoured by the … what did you call it … hungry sands?” Winston had to admit that as phrases for names and places went that was pretty good. “Well, yeah, that was what I meant. I remember you were in it and I also woke up with fairly bloody fingers, like they’d been rubbed raw by something even though I was just in my bed. It was incredibly disconcerting.” Winston swallowed and frowned. 
Hmmmmm. “Wonder if it’s the same shit.” Dave rubbed the back of his head, shaking the water out of his hair. That dream had held nightmares of his too. “Anyhow, Dane, I got shit to do. This spellcaster stuff is way above my paygrade. Not looking to play Nancy Drew when I got to get paid for my real job. Why don’t you head off now, and we’ll talk about this some other time.” There was something else behind his words too. No way was he showing a near stranger his pelt, but he couldn’t leave it in the water either. 
Raising an eyebrow, Winston swallowed and nodded gently. “I got it, you’ve not got time to extricate me from your head right now, gotta make that bread or whatever.” Why did Winston always have to do everything themselves? Sighing, they turned and waded to the edge of the lake. The cuffs off their jeans soaking wet despite the fact that they had been rolled up, obviously hadn’t made much of a difference. 
“If neither of us’s got an answer as to the how, then I don’t see how we can get our brains untangled right now,” Dave replied with a shrug. “And I ain’t signing up to having my head messed with until we know more.” What did Winston expect, a buddy cop movie? Dave sighed, internally and externally. Realising there was a whole chance they would hear that. He crossed his arms, looking back out to the lake as he learnt against a tree. The sooner they were gone, the better. 
As Winston turned to walk away, they couldn’t help but think that a buddy cop movie would’ve been nice, Dave might not know it yet, but Winston was now determined to make it happen. 
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hyucksong · 5 years
nct dream as school tropes [au]
mark; the overworked valedictorian™
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the poor babe is overloaded with work,,,,
he has his honors classes, obviously, has to answer to all the prestigious colleges, has to write his valedictorian speech, is the president of the student council, and tutors on mondays and wednesdays,,,RIP mark the senior
catch him at lunch dizzy-eyed at his homework he got that day,,,,boy does homework at lunch
always makes time for his friends because he knows he can’t spend all he time studying,,,,though he tries
his college buddies always tell him it’ll get better when he graduates but mark calls BULLSHIT
he’s seen taeil act like an absolute zombie because of college and,,,,yikes
is always super stressed and everyone can tell, but he’s always happy for his friends and it makes them :(((( because he’s so cute :(((((
you’re a total underachiever at school, you meet because a teacher forces you to receive tutoring,,,,and mark is your tutor
he can feel the migraine just form looking at you,,,so he just plows though the stuff,,,,and sees something surprising….
you actually,,,,get it
he asks you why you underachieve and you literally say ‘because school isn’t stimulating enough’ sO
mark gets the idea to encourage you to learn,,,,and uses cool tactics to get you to study and work hard and you actually have,,,,fun
were kisses part of the motivation?
but the point is you passed your classes and graduated with your valedictorian boyfriend
everyone expects him to go into college for nuclear chemistry or some shit but homeboy,,,,goes into music production,,,,,like what
his friends? not surprised
the entirety of the school population? astounded
you celebrate by renting him a studio for a whole month and he legit,,,,cries because it’s the most thoughtful gift ever
and he thanks you by writing a song for you and singing it for you and he pulls you in once it’s done and kisses you til you can’t breathe
and then you’re very happy that you spent so much money on renting the place
he continues to rent the place even after the initial month because it holds so many memories of his friends and you
this time mark goes at his own pace in college,,,,he doesn’t overwork himself on things he doesn’t enjoy,,,,homeboy is happy
and that’s what matters
renjun; the smart alec ™
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boy has the –__– face 25/8
he’s an unapproachable KING
he’s just a smart junior who couldn’t give two shits since ,,,you broke your leg and need help going up the stairs? he’s not your fuckin mom 
but also,,,,buddyboy is a HUGE softy,,,,like dogs? you mean angels of purity and the sinners AKA humans don’t deserve them
he’s close as fuck with his family,,,,is a true babyboy
is he going to be the next valedictorian? yes. will he be overworking himself? no. he’s already seen mark,,,,sis ain’t pretty after exams
renjun is very naturally smart,,,,and that gives him a little pride , so he’s also very prideful and sarcastic
his humor is dry, existential and sarcastic, a proud squidward descendant
he looks pissed all the time but is actually just very deep in thought and too busy not caring to look nice
either comes to school in a smart casual outfit or looking soft™,,,,cute or intimidating, nothing in between
is he taking A1 notes? yes. is he also doodling on the margins? hell yes.
he owns several coffee table books filled with Monet, van gogh, frida kahlo, Picasso, Renoir, Cezanne…etc.
he’s a huge art nerd and would love to go to school for graphic design or something
his phone screen saver is always a baroque painting because….aesthetic and the technique? can you believe how beautiful it looks like most of that shit was fresco and that shit is hARD – 
he meets you because he goes to an art exhibition by himself on the weekend and sees a painting that was so beautiful  he almost cried,,,like damn
he asked the curator who tf drew that good shit and it was YOU,,,yes YOU!!!
he does internet stalking and learns you actually go to his school your just a recluse and you’re very introverted
he finds you (somehow) and asks is he can paint with you sometime,,,you say yes and you two meet at the studio on that saturday
and the saturday after that
….and then the saturday after that 
long story short, he paints you painting (paint-ception) and uses it to ask you on a date,,,,uwu shit right there man
no one thinks he loves his neck to be touched,,,because he WILL stab whoever tries,,,,but with you….he’ll let it happen
he gives the softest kisses,,,like he’s scared of you but melts when you kiss his nose and it makes him :( soft
almost yeeted haechan out the three-story window of your studio when he tripped and spilled oil paints all over your painting
you stopped him with a kiss,,,,,you cute bitch
jeno; the gold-hearted jock™
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the only time he looks intimidating is when he’s playing basketball,,,,that’s it,,,,
everyone knows how cute he is, even teacher’s know! the principal! the president! this bitch is cute!
a junior that’s so good at b-ball that he was offered a spot at several colleges,,,,several 
he’s average at school, his notes are the most basic shit ever,,,,he hates science and math but can somewhat tolerate history and languages
he’s popular with girls involuntarily, was very confused when girls started to confess to him
always smiles and says thank you to the people that confess, but tells them that he has to focus on basketball
actually loves basketball, like he’s not faking or shit,,,it makes him so happy and stimulates his mind in all the right ways
forces his friends to play basketball with him when they hang out,,,just to have the satisfaction of absolutely crushing them
meets you when you went to the varsity basketball teams practice to take pictures for the yearbook, since you were in charge of the sports sections
you wanted to get a shot of the star™ of the team but a layup went wRONG and hit you square in the face
your camera was around your neck so it was fine
but your life flashes before your yes RIP
he screamed louder than you did and automatically took you to the nurses office and apologized so much it gave you more of a headache than the ball did
you cover his mouth out of desperation and it makes his heart go JIUHRGFIUBRG
and you were??? unaffected???? you just looked like you were suffering???
and you not throwing yourself at him was ???? attractive? 
so when he saw you again when you had to take individual pictures of each b-ball member he asked you out 
,,,,and the rest is history
his jerseys always go missing because you take them from him,,,,but you both tell the coach that he ‘lost’ it
he loves to run his fingers through your hair and massage your scalp and nape....and you just melt into his chest and it’s just....so cute
he just :::(((( wants your kisses and hugs and attention ::(((
he gives the best back-hugs,,,and his kisses are always sudden pecks that leave your heart racing
you always tell people that he’s the most annoying clingy crybaby ever but he’s your annoying clingy crybaby and you’ll fight anyone who hurts him
he insists on taking a picture of you and him together every game and posts them so that everyone knows you belong to him and he belongs to you 
:(((( you guys are literally the cutest couple in the world, and you get slightly popular too 
jeno gets jealous whenever guys still try to ask you out,,,,and he comes up and wrap his arms around your waist and mutter if you’re done yet while glaring at the guy or girl 
he’s cute but protective :( so cute:(
haechan; the trickster™
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this boy is a little annoying fuck that irritates teachers and students alike,,, but somehow people can’t hate him because homeboy,,,,is funny
he has detention like every weekend because he’s always acting up in class 
he isn’t dumb, he has a few average classes and a few bad classes -- like everyone in junior year
but he excels in his extracurriculars, which are musical theater and choir,,,,his voice? angelic, everyone knows this
his theater buddies are the only people he can stand that aren’t his close friends//the dreamies
he plays pranks on the teachers with tacks on chairs, switches expo markers for permanent markers, pranks students with putting confetti in their lockers, making fun of them,,,,harmless things
but it still earns him a reputation for trouble
he doesn’t do drugs or skip classes, he’s not a ‘badboy’,,,,though sometimes he leaves English class early for an ‘appointment’  
he always wears black skinny jeans with a hoodie and vans or converse, has hoodies of every color to ever exist, same with his shoes
sometimes wears a snapback and glasses -- he is one attractive boy
but girls know that he couldn’t care less about dating so no one approaches him, just admire form far away
no students really fight back with him, they just let him be him, they’re used to his antics
but you,,,,you have one hell of a temper sis,,,,,like damn
he gets the best reactions out of you, who usually gets so mad that you both get detention and spend your saturdays together cleaning the school
you hate his guts since he always gets you into trouble, and he loves your guts because you always react to whatever he says
however one time he takes it too far,,.,,
he decided to pull a classic prank on the teacher, one that might get him into a lot of trouble,,,,water in a pail above the door
all the students are in class when he sets up the prank, no one stopping him, and then he sits down, snickering
however the teacher comes in through the back door, surprising everyone, and everyone gasps when you walk through the front door, running late,,,,
and the water drops
you are completely soaked, head to toe, in what smells like dirty school water
you just glare at haechan who for once, regrets a prank, 
the teacher grimaces and sends you and haechan to the office, to ‘talk it out’
you end up having to garden outside for detention,,,,and you don’t understand why you have to do it but you don’t complain, you just glare at haechan for the first half of detention
he feels really bad,,,,so he follows you around the garden asking for forgiveness in the form of....a date
you say no until he annoys you so much that you scream out
you and homeboy always get into petty arguments that are solved through kisses 
that one couple that is super judgmental of others and always bicker but it’s lowkey cute 
you teach him to be less of an ass, and he teaches you to chill out,,,,he’s the only one that can calm your temper down,,,,,with cuddles
the teachers thank you every day for calming him down and you still get gifts from the students who were always teased
a power couple™
jaemin; the heartthrob™
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girls are always surrounding him,,,,,like deadass they are EVERYWHERE
surprisingly, he doesn’t really like it because he can never talk to his friends at school without getting mobbed so :\
but he’s way too nice to ask them to leave or decline them so he just smiles and tries to be polite,,,,
but every girl thinks he’s into them when he’s that nice so homeboy can never cATCH A BREAK
dresses like a hardcore fuckboy, but he can’t help it he just really likes the style man
his teachers like him, and some of the younger one’s always have to remind themselves that he’s just a student whenever he flashes that smile
has a teacher hit on him before? yes, it was a very young female history (like 22, just graduated) earlier on in junior year and she just always winked at him and gave him random extra credit for no reason and he WAS TERRIFIED
asked his bffs (the dreamies) to report her because he was high key afraid to do it himself and they did and she was fired,,,,,best day of his life
his grades are on the better side, always is very neat and orderly despite common thinking
loves psychology and human geography because he loves people and wants to learn more about them
he meets you because you’re the president of the culture club, and he wants to join and want the vice president position
you’re very impartial about it honestly, you think he’s very attractive and all but you just want to make sure all the club members are,,,,good members and not just there for the college resume 
you talk to him one-on-one for the interview and,,,,he literally just pops off with information and genuine positivity and curiosity and love for culture,,,,and you’re speechless 
after he’s done he thinks he did something wrong because you’re just staring at him,,,,
“uh....did I say something wrong?”
“huh? o-oh, no....it’s just that -- you’re very popular for your looks but I think your mind is the most attractive part about you. you’re very genuine, it’s attractive.”
and the compliment that flowed from you so easily just,,,,,melted his heart
needless to say, he gets the position, and every time he sees you on Thursdays he just.....turns red
you’re blatantly attracted to him, not for his face, but for him and his mind
it makes him feel like he’s more than just a pretty face and you’re straight-forward flirting with him makes him feel a certain way that other girls just, can’t do to him 
“we should go on a date to the culture museum downtown”
like,,,,you say it all with a straight face,,,,you’re the one who makes all the first moves, and he loves it 
you have him wrapped around your finger in the cutest way possible,,,
he calls you princess and always sweet talks you and when you two face-time each other, he always makes your stoic face crumble into red
he loves seeing you so unraveled, so he also always makes time to make-out with you after club 
dating him is always genuine and full of sweet moments, arguments rarely happen because you’re very logical and honest and he’s empathetic and understanding -- you two are a perfect match
also you kind of scare the rest of the girls,,,so they stop crowing him and you’re just like ?????
his friends are so thankful because they can actually talk to him now 
you queen lol
chenle; the class clown™
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everyone is always consistently annoyed with the trickster,,,,but everyone literally loves chenle
the teachers, the student-body, the animals and administrators -- everyone
he’s genuinely funny and respectful, sometimes he’ll get caught off track when ever he talks too much but all he needs is a reminder
he’s a sophomore so teachers think he’ll grow out of it at some point,,, how wrong they are because his friends say that he’s the same even at sleepovers
other than being funny and loved,,, he’s also very bossy and occasionally whiny
like the student body loves him and all but get paired with him for a project? you need the patience of a thousand yoda’s like holy hell boy is bOSSY
yells at students who don’t listen to him,,,,but does it cutely so they still can’t hate him
you’d think he’d have amazing grades because he’s bossy in projects but he’s actually just mediocre because he spends all class coming up with jokes and finding the perfect time to interrupt the teacher for a joke 
he comes to school in expensive clothes because he’s well-off and usually gets his friends expensive gifts too
his friend’s love him because he’s genuine and a funny non-asshole, unlike haechan who they also love but it a bit of a pain in the butt
you, you are the most sweetest, most patient, and loving person the whole world has ever seen, but you’re also very quiet
your face is ^W^ every single damn day
so one day when you get paired with chenle in a history project,,,,no one is surprised that you don’t even flinch at his commanding words
however, one day, when chenle has a pretty bad morning (like he forgot his homework, he forgot his lunch, he failed a test and spilled milk on his shirt)
he’s actually bossy enough to,,,,annoy the students and teacher, and his complaining gets so bad that he gets sent out into the hall to cool off
for the first time in his life, he actually gets in trouble trouble
the people in your group are all kinda irritated, but you are still ^w^, so the teacher asks if you can go out into the hallway and talk to him, because she’s worried about him
you nod and without a word, make your way out into the hallway 
he sees you and crosses his arms, expecting you to scold him, but you just stand there and put a hand on his shoulder, asking very nicely if everything is okay
and he just,,,,feels compelled to vent to you,,,,
he feels like a little kid but is in such a better mood after the venting,,,,,he just hugs you and thanks you 
“why didn’t you get annoyed at me earlier like everyone else?”
“because i think your pouting face is very cute and i figured you were just in a bad mood”
you are his venting person™
he literally tells you EVERYTHING
always asks you to also vent to him and so you try to, but you really never get annoyed with anything so you usually just tell him about your day
you only get annoyed at people when they hurt one of your friend’s feelings, so that;s that
cuddle everyday, every second,,,, non-stop love from and to chenle,,, a pure couple
you guys are just always supporting one another,,,,,and chenle is one of the only people who see you when you’re feelings down and sad and he just,,,,,gives you so much love that you :)
jisung; that dance kid™
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the best sophomore dancer there is
the best dancer in the entire high school, PERIODT
literally talks about dance all.the.time. like,,,, Annie are you okay?
constantly thinking of routines and songs to dance to and watching others dancing videos and listening to music,,,,,this boy has one and one hobby onLY
gets yelled at in class from time to time because literally all he does is think dance dance dance dance dance
and so he sometimes takes his phone out of his pocket in class to watch videos when he’s bored,,,, on instinct and the teachers are just like -__-
but they’re used to it at this point
looks up to his older friend’s that are amazing dancers like ten and taeyong and always ask them for advice
they always tell him to look after and care for his body,,,,,but he can’t hear them because he’s busy staying up until 3 am getting this damn dance perfect -- 
always wears sweats to school, because he can dance in them automatically
sometimes wears nice clothes when chenle pesters him about it for eight days straight  
girls don’t pay much attention to him because he seems too,,,,,spacey and just,,,,,,you can’t talk to him because he’s not paying attention
the guys in the school love him because they think he’s adorable but also extremely talented at dance so
did i mention that he sucks at science?
because he sucks at science, SO HARD
like, every other subject? A or A minus
but chemistry????? like???? what the actual holy god-sent fuck?
like? no one invited you, please leave 
so he gets sent to a tutoring session by the school, because colleges say they don’t want him if he’s failing fucking chemistry
which jisung? calls bullshit on
and there he meets you,
also a student who thinks chemistry is the devil,,,,you’re just as bad as he is -- literally. everything you guys get wrong, the other gets wrong
its like bad telepathy
and you both are assigned to mark, jisungs friends lmao
but since he’s always busy, he sometimes has to cancel tutoring sessions because he has other things (even though jisung claims he cancels because he’s too busy smooching his girlfriend,,,,,ew)
so you and jisung meet up and study together twice a week, and it actually works,,,,you both go from a 67 to a 81 and that’s the best ya’ll could do and trust me the teachers AREN’T complaining
and during the last studying session, jisung is kind of :\ since you both get along so well and he felt comfortable with you
he asks why you got tutoring in the first place, and your answer surprises him
“ because i dance and well,,,,,my parents said i couldn’t keep dancing if i didn’t bring up my grades so”
and from there on out, you guys moved from studying sessions to dance sessions instead,,,,,and its always just the two of you hanging out at jisung’s and dancing and or chilling
they become like,,,,,dates,,,,,
and so you two at some point just,,,,,tell each other how you feel because of the sheet amount of time you spend with each other, and it feels,,,,natural
he isn’t very affectionate and neither are you
most times you two just lay on opposite sides of the couch and talk about deep thoughts and hold hands uwu
your kisses are only short small pecks because both of you are too shy to add force
you both are literally on the same brainwave, you guys share once single braincell but it’s,,,oddly enduring 
you are best friends who just love to dance, think, and kiss :)
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Love me, if you will. ~ P.P
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Summery: Ella is the queen bee at school, and Peter Parker is completely in love with her. What he doesn't know is that she has a secret just like his. The only person who can solely defeat thanos, is her.
Please don't steal any of this it is based on a fanfic that I'm wrighting.
Will probably do a part two, depending on how many notes this gets.
Set during infinity war
⚠: Fluff, Violence, swearing, adorable Peter
Ella Ross, popular, beautiful, powerful. Completely infaturated with Peter Parker.
Peter Parker, adorable, dorky, determind. Completely infaturated with Ella Ross.
Ella was sat on a bus, not the most exciting places to be. Her bright eyes were trained to a certain dork, her red hair waving in the breeze. Her red high heels were hung over the chair In front, her slim legs perfectly posed.
Her cherry lipstick remained perfect as her white teeth bit into her lip.
She now sat, with her head on the window her eyes far away.
It was then Peter looked at her, admiring the way green eyes glitterd in the sun, and her red hair fell into her eyes, so she would reach up and her acrylic nails would brush it away.
Ella was lost in her thoughts when she head Ned shout " Oh my god, we're all gonna die."
Ella rolled her eyes, until she saw the giant circular spaceship hovering over the city.
And Peter Parker sneaking out the window
Ella's eyes flashed silver and she crept passed her wide eyed classmates, who were pressed up agianst the glass in wonder.
" Oh no you don't spiderman, you're not dying on me just yet"
And with that she pressed the tattoo behind her ear, and within a flash, she was out the window.
Her costume itself was.....different.
Her face was covered in a black mask, with an electric blue streak crossing from her left eyebrow down to her right point in her jawbone. The mask was connected to her suit, which was black leather as well. The zip was a matching electric blue. The leather suit ended in shorts. Her thighs were were partly coverd in black fishnets that too, were streaked in blue. On her feet, were thigh high boots. They were shiny black, but the seven inch heals were electric blue.
Her eyes were now liquid silver, no white and large pupil.
She lept after Peter, but landed inside the spaceship rather than on it.
She had a habit of shifting through things rather than landing on them. It was one of her thirteen powers.
Ella just sat on one of the beams, practically invisible in the dim light.
"Woah Mr Stark it smells like a new car in hear" Ella giggled at Peter's voice outside, her eyes flashing pink
It had been a while, and Mr Stark and Peter were staring down at Thanos' Minion.
Ella rolled her eyes. She'd show them.
However before she could get down Iron Man lept into action taking Peters disbolical action plan.
Ella rolled her eyes and stared at Peter who jumped from the balcony type thing.
" Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies" was all Iron man said.
But as the whole in the ship was created, Thanos' minion mended it and threw Peter against the wall.
Iron man stepped back. " Uh oh"
Then Ella lept into action. Hissing like a cat, she lept infront of Tony facing...she decided to call him squidward.
" They call my Siren Fox. Nice to meet you squidward."
Squidward bounced into action, objects around him lifting pointing to Ella Peter, Tony and steven.
" Move" he said " I dare you."
Ella shrugged. " well, being the daughter of the princess of calotone has it perks. Including these "
She rolled her neck and thirteen gems appeared.
"These are matter stones. There are thirteen of them, and they chose their owner. Their power can overcome the infinity stones.But they have there own Minds.
"The first life is life, she heals and brings back the death" The replica of Ella lept from the white stone necklacs on Ellas chest. Life was the exact replica of Ella except her eyes were solid white, like marble. Her suit was a flowy white dress, with slip on white shoes.
" The next is Voice. She can scream and kill you, or manipulate you by singing" Voice joined Life by circling squidward, who seemed tranfixed. Voice had a short skirt and skin tight top, with converse. Her eyes matched her outfit, fluorescent pink.
" The next is flexibility. She's something that manovers a lot" Flexability was in a leather suit, much like Ellas, but a burgundy colour. Her eyes were bright burgundy as well.
" The next is speed. She can run like the wind." Speed was in shorts and vest with trainers that matched her amethyst eyes. Speed sped to suidward, laughing at the confusion on his face.
" The next is strength. Stronger than thr hulk, than any other being" Strength was in a playsuit and heeled boots, her topaz eyes alight with excitment. Strength was careful anx calculating, and walked over to Peter to lift the heavy weight of his legs. Life then healed him with the touch of her fingers, which glowed white.
" The next is emotion. She can control people's minds and make them feel" Emotion was bubbly. One eye was bright yellow, the other a navy blue. Her suit was like a swimming costume with shorts. It was navy blue with a star patten along the hips, like a belt. She stood by Iron Man, who just blinked at her.
" Did she just take away my fear? " He asked.
Ella nodded. " If she likes you she'll help you."
" The next is fire. She'll burn down anything or create warmth. She goes hand in hand wirh water, who can create and control anythibg to do with water. Earth tends to follow these around constantly. She can make flowers grow or talk to animal or create lethal weapons. Air is all around us, she can give, or take away. Leaving you helpless "
Fire was orange. Her bright orange, off the shoulder, floor length gown matched her flame like eyes. Her lips were drawn up in half a smirk. Water was in a wearing a baby blue dress. It had frills at the bottom were it ended just above her knees, and thin spaghetti straps. Her eyes were baby blue with a water droplet were the pupil should be. Earth was....different. One eye was a muddy brown the other a vibrent green. She was wearing a floor length gown, a green silk with bronze leaves that matches her eyes. Air's eyes were beautiful, they were a faint blue- almost white - and matched her daint faint blue dress that reached mid thigh. She had pale blue knee high socks with little clouds at the top. On her feet were pale blue tennis shoes. Air looked nicer than her fellow elements.
" The next is sence. She's good at heightening your senses, and know when danger is coming " Sense was a fuschia colour in jeans and pink shirt that matched her fuschia coloured eyes. She was chewing bubblegum and skipping around the room in pink converse, admiring everything in the room.
" The next is energy. She is bright, can create light or work together with life and speed." Energy was honey- bee yellow, in a bright child like dress, and yellow converse. Her eyes were matching her clothes.
" The last is death. She kills anything " death's face was hidden by a black hood, only her golden eyes visible. She was in a long black coat that reached her knees, with fishnet tights and gold 10 inch heals. She stared at squidward, and cocked her head.
Squidward smirked. " Nice show. Thanos will be ever so pleased that his d-"
Voice screamed. The sound was deafening makibg the furniture rattle. Everyone clutched their ears except Ella who stood calmly.
Death stretched out her hand. Dark smoke engulfed squidward who's eyes widened in fear. Blood started pooring out of his eyes, non existence nose and ears. The smoke wound up until he was no longer visible.
Ella smiled sadly, and clapped her hands. All of the stones went back into her suit. She turned to Peter, who's mask was still on, blood oozing through it. Ella crouched over to him.
" I need you to take your mask off spiderman" Peter panicked. If his mask was off she'd know who he was! He shuffled away, stumbling to stand up.
" Spiderman I need to heal you!" she cried as he walked away from her. She scowled.
" PETER FUCKING PARKER GET YOUR CUTE ASS BACK HERE!" She shouted. Peter froze, turning to face Ella with a shocked expression.
"You know me?" he asked stepping towards her. Ella winked.
" I'd recognize that ass anywhere Parker" she said absentmindedly, healing his face. She looked strait in his eyes and smiled.
" Make this out alive Parker, you can take me on a Date, how about that?" Peter smiled, his eyes lighting up like an adorable puppy.
" Yes. I'd like that." Peter said. Ella laughed at his hopeful face, kissing his cheek.
She took off, her red hair only just visable at the rafters where she sat, smiling softly at Peter, who was chatting to Mr Stark
" Ok kid"
Ella had fallen asleep on the balancing beans that supported the ship.
So when she woke up she was even more confused why an excited Peter was looming over her.
" We're here." he said guiding her to where they all stood.
They expected her to ask who Drax, Starlord and mantis were. She didn't. The first words out of her mouth were
" Where's Gamora?"
They stood stock still.
" Where's my sister?"
Should I do part two? Comment if yes and I'll tag you
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SquidDad Headcanons (Squidward Headcanons in General)
You look me in the god damn eyes and tell me that Squidward is not wholly and completely responsible for these three foolheaded heroes. He cares about them, moreso after the whole volcano fiasco, but he’s bad at showing it. This man is depressed and needs LOVE.
He’s always first (or second) to respond to any explosion from the tree dome
He feels his ground shake and, though he’s sighing heavily about, he’s rushing to Sandy’s with a fire extinguisher in hand
He knocks the squirrel lightly upside the head and tells her to stop mixing chemicals when her attention is divided before leaving so Patrick and Spongebob can help her clean up
He does take a moment to admire her work, however, quietly telling her that she’s coming along in her experiments before simply throwing a good job over his shoulder before sauntering away
He can easily tell when Spongebob is getting jittery from a slow day at work, poor boy can’t stand relaxing, so he keeps one of his old adult coloring books and a bunch of colored pencils behind the counter
He also sometimes starts a song underneath his breath so Spongebob can catch on and give himself something to do instead of just bouncing in place
He defends Spongebob from rude customers more often, very passive aggressively informing the person that they are insulting one of the Bikini Bottom’s three heroes and he’s the only one allowed to do that
He always listens to Spongebob’s stories now, even if it seems like he’s not. He may be looking down at his magazine, but his little nods and noises confirm that he is, in fact, paying attention to the sponge’s rapid fire speaking
Squidward has godlike dad reflexes when it comes to Patrick, not that he’d know
People have stared in awe as Squidward, without looking up, grabs Patrick by the back of his shirt and turns him around, away from danger.
Squidward has saved many a spilled lunches for the seastar, but Squidward, between his scolding for Patrick’s clumsiness and his abscent-mindly rearranging the lunch back to normal, doesn’t ever seem to notice how fast he can move when he needs to
If Patrick gets interrupted during a conversation, Squidward always makes sure to circle it back around as fast and as naturally as he can, making sure Patrick gets to say what he’s thinking. Even if it’s the dumbest thing ever, Squidward gives him a small smile and returns to the conversation.
This is not to say that these fatherly favors aren’t returned
Sandy gives him a quiet place when he needs it
When he gets exasperated with his neighbors, he comes to the Treedome with a book in hand and a pair of headphones. Sandy understands immediately and she puts away her noisier experiments in favor for quieter tinkering
He stays until he’s satisfied, or he falls asleep, and sometimes Sandy joins him in his lazing, simply leaning over his shoulder to see what he’s reading and following along with him
She eventually creates a lounge chair just for him, complete with shade and a water spritzer so he doesn’t have to his water helmet
Spongebob has a bad habit of getting him out of his house
Squidward would love to simply lay in bed for longer than he has to and simply spend the day watching his soaps, but when he hears that excitedly knocking on his door, he knows it’s gonna be the opposite
Spongebob usually lets himself in eventually, making himself comfortable while Squidward gets ready for a day he didn’t want to be a part of, though he still goes quickly for Spongebob’s sake. The moment Spongebob hears the sound of his tap shoes getting closer, he’s off the couch and out the door with Squid ward in tow.
They never stay out for longer than Squidward wants, sometimes hours and sometimes just a simply 15 minutes, but they always go where Spongebob takes them. Squidward will never admit full-heartedly to having fun on the activities he’s pulled into, but Spongebob knows that he’s happy.
Patrick just calms him down in general
Whenever Squidward starts to have a panic attack or a freakout, Patrick is the first person he seeks out. Doesn’t matter the time, Patrick always lets him in and stay as long as he needs
Without Spongebob, Patrick is actually quite relaxed and quiet, emitting the perfect aura to help with Squidward’s shaking and hyperventilating
Sometimes Squidward talks about what caused the attack and sometimes he doesn’t, but he still leans against Patrick when he puts on arm around his shoulder and pulls him closer. Patrick shushes him if he starts crying, simply telling him to let it out and  that it’s all okay.
There are days when all three of them show up on his doorstep,usually after he’s had a bad breakdown the previous day, often either grabbing him by the wrists and pulling him out of his house before he can yell at them or simply walking in and crashing his house to keep him company if he insists on saying inside.
They literally throw him in the bed of Sandy’s truck with Patrick if they decide he needs some air, taking a long drive across the oceans equivalent of the country side or to an amusement park or something of the like
They once tried going to an art museum for his sake, and though they all enjoyed it for a while, even Squidward got a bored with it, opting instead to take them to the trail behind back for a nature walk he knew they would enjoy better. 
Squidward likes the long drives better than anything. They’re quiet and calming, nothing much more than the wind in his hair and the warm sun on his face. Sometimes Spongebob and Sandy will blast the radio and, though rarely, Squidward joins in on the singing, albeit quietly
If it’s a stay in day, the trio usually lounge about his house and Squidward accepts their company with a sigh. He makes an extra pot of tea and coffee, respectively, and simply joins them on the couch. They spend the day quietly until dinner rolls around and then things start to living up.
With all four of them working on the dishes with one of Squidwards old records playing in the background, they work together to make a dinner fit for the four of them, eating and talking over the meal leisurely. If they’re lucky, Squidward will teach them a tap routine before spending them back home.
Other Little Things
Patrick, due to issues with his own father, has slipped up and called Squidward dad multiple times. Sandy and Spongebob tease Patrick about, but it keeps Squidward up at night wondering he looks old enough to be someone’s father.
Squidward sings “Best Day Ever” subconsciously when he’s even remotely happy.
Though he’s all grouchy and stuff, Squidward really does care about the three morons that call him friend. They risked their lives to save him and the town and he nearly lost them because of it. Spongebob doesn’t seem to notice the shift into a more protective demeanor for the octopus, but Sandy and Patrick noticed right away. They’re just happy he’s showing more emotions other than rage and sadness.
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utautattooedghoul · 6 years
You and Tom had been the best of friends ever since you two were practically in diapers. You two were literally inseparable and ever since you can remember you two were attached at the hips. Tom and you practically went everywhere together, from the Spider-Man Homecoming interviews, all the way to just going out to eat or do something stupid together. 
It was a regular day for you which consisted of hanging out at Toms house and watching TV with Tessa and Tom’s mother Nikki. You and Nikki had decided to watch Homecoming while Tom was out so you two could bond over the fact at how cute and precious Tom was as Peter Parker. 
Tessa immediately raised her head and looked at the door which you knew meant that Tom had just come home from his Infinity War audition but instead of casually walking into the house this boy ran into the house trying to catch his breath. He looked at you and his eyes looked like they were the size of golf balls and you could tell he either had something exciting to say or was friken planning something.
“Get your ass up I am bringing you to auditions right now!” He grabbed your hand and began to slowly drag you to the door before he stopped to catch his breath and sat in a chair at one of the small tables.
“What? Why? Didn’t you just come back from your audition?” You told him as you walked over to the fridge to grab him a bottle of water so he could calm his sweaty ass down.
“I-I just did… But they have another part for a female SpiderHero and I wanted you to audition for it!” He chugged the water as much as he could before taking a deep breath as he smiled at you. “Cmon darling it will be fun! And if you get the part we can work together!”
“W-Wait you want me to audition for a female SpiderHero? T-Tom I’ve never auditioned for such a huge role like this in my life, just small parts for like commercials and some TV shows but never a friken Marvel movie..” You sat down across from him trying to calm yourself down from having a full blown panic attack. You were an actress yes but you weren’t as famous as Tom was and you’ve never imagined in your life auditioning for a Marvel movie. After about 5 minutes of silence and the sound of Tom chugging the shit out of his water you gave him the biggest smile he has ever seen on your face. “Fuck yeah I’ll do it let’s go!” And with those words Tom jumped up and you hugged each other and ran to the car as you struggled to put your shoes on and make yourself look presentable.
“Here. I was able to ask for the script for your part.” Tom quickly handed you the script and as you looked it over the name on the paper made your eyes go completely huge. The character he wanted you to audition for was Silk who happened to be Peter Parker’s love interest in the comics. As Tom began to drive you briefly skimmed through the script as your face began to turn completely red. There was a friken kissing scene and a lot of love scenes between Silk and Peter and just the thought of kissing your best friend over and over again for this movie made your mind race. You took a deep breath and composed yourself as best as you could and began to read the entire script before Tom could pull into the studio parking lot.
As you and Tom got out of the car he took your hand and showed you to where your audition would be taking place and as you entered the room it looked like you were the last one to audition for the part of Silk. As Tom hugged you tightly and whispered “Good luck, love!” In your ear he exited the room and you were left there, by yourself in an empty room as you stood behind the door where the Russo brothers were sitting waiting for you to enter. You sat in one of the chairs and right as you were about to sit one of the producers opened the door and looked at you with a welcoming smile. “Y/N Y/L/N, we are ready for you.” And with those words you took a deep breath and entered the audition room.
After reading your lines back and forth with the Russo brothers they both looked at each other and one of the producers then looked back at you. Oh crap did I mess up? Was I not good enough? Oh shit, oh fucking shit! The negative thoughts in your head kept constantly racing until you were pulled out of it by one of the Russo brothers looking at you and smiling. “That was one of the best auditions I have ever seen! It was like I was seeing the real Silk in front of me. Congratulations Y/N you’ve got the part. We hope to see you here bright and early tomorrow to start getting ready.”
“O-Oh my god thank you both so much! I-I’ll see you both tomorrow!” You walked over to everyone and shook their hands before you exited the room. You ran out to where Tom was waiting and ran up to him with pure excitement.
“You got the part didn’t you?”
“Hell yeah I did! You’re looking at the newest member of Infinity War, Silk!”
You screamed like you were an excited fan girl as you gave Tom the biggest hug ever. You guys would be working together and on your first big role as a member of the Marvel Universe.
It has been about 3 months since you got the part of Silk for Infinity War and so far everything was going extremely well and the best part was you got to spend every second of every hour of everyday with Tom. The entire cast had started to make you feel like you were apart of the family and that made you feel less nervous since you’ve idolized these guys since you watched the first Avengers movie when you were a kid. 
“Y/N, Tom. Are you guys ready to shoot your kissing scene?” One of the producers came up to both you and Tom in your superhero outfits and smiled at both of you. You had completely forgotten that you’d be playing Peter Parkers love interest in this movie and as you looked over at Tom your face had turned red like the color of his suit.
“Y-Yeah I’m ready.” You gave the producer a nervous smile as you and Tom walked over to where you both had to stand. The scene was taking place on the big circle ship or as Tony Stark called it a flying donut. It was right after the alien guy that Stark called Squidward was shot into space and you are trying to figure out what to do next. Tom gently grabs your hand and pulls you into a private place on the ship away from Stark and Doctor Strange, as he does he begins to tell you how much you mean to him and how he doesn’t wanna lose you. As he squeezes your hand you look down and give a faint smile to him and as you look up at him, looking into his gorgeous brown eyes your heart begins to race as you know the kissing part is about to come up.
“You won’t lose me Peter. I told you that no matter what happens I’ll never leave your side.” As you smile at Tom he gently cups the right side of your face and gives you a gentle kiss but it wasn’t just an acting kiss, this felt like a real kiss. You felt passion, love, and a bit of lust behind it and it made your knees turn to jello on the spot. The kiss felt like it was lasting an eternity until the director screamed, “Cut! That was great everyone let’s pick it up here tomorrow!” Causing you to jump a but before Tom slowly pulled away.
“You did great love.” He smiled at you not even realizing his hand was still on your cheek which caused your face to burn even more. 
“Y-Y-Yeah you were ummm g-great to Tom.” You gave him a quick smile before quickly walking away as you rushed back to your trailer leaving Tom there with a confused look on his face. The feeling of your lips lingered on his as he gently dragged his thumb across his bottom lip. He knew what this feeling was and he knew for a fact that he was falling in love with you and you were falling in love with him. 
Face planting onto the bed of your trailer you let out the loudest groan into your pillow. You rolled over onto your back as you hugged the pillow to your chest and stared at the ceiling. Your heart was racing, your face was probably still red like a tomato, and you could still barely feel your legs again questioning how you even made it to your trailer without falling on your face. “I can’t believe I am falling in love with him..” As you said that you gently touched your lips feeling the taste of him still on it. His warm lips, his embrace, his smell, just the thought was making your head spin. You in all honesty wanted to be with him and every time you thought of him it made you smile. You loved Tom, you really and truly did, but you weren’t sure if he loved you. But by the feeling behind that kiss you were sure as shit certain that he too felt the same way you did. “This is going to be a long ass movie..” You sighed a bit as you decided to get up and change out of your suit and into some regular street clothes and you planned on making your way over to Tom’s place for dinner.
You had a few days off from filming which you were completely and utterly grateful for since your feelings for Tom kept getting bigger and bigger with every scene you two had together. Just as you were lost in thought Tom came out of his room in a science t-shirt and some sweatpants as he looked like he had just hung up his phone.
“I just got a call from one of the people at Lip Sync Battle and they asked if we’d be interested in going on. What do you say, love? You ready to get your ass handed to you?” He was acting super cocky and sassy acting like he was going to win Lip Sync Battle when in fact you planned on beating him with a song he had no idea was gunna destroy him.
“Oh you think you can kick my ass? Bring it on Spidey-Boy tell them we will be on!” You got up and got into his face acting cocky as well which caused both of you to bust out laughing.
“Alright. Let me call the producer back and let him know we will be on.” He took his phone out of his pocket and walked away dialing the number and began to strike up a conversation with the producer.
“Lip Sync Battle huh? This should be fun.” You mummbled to yourself which in turn caused you to smirk since you knew you were going to destroy this boy.
You and Tom had been practicing your Lip Sync Battle routines for a few weeks and you were sure you were going to win. The song you picked was Demi Lovato’s Sorry Not Sorry and you were prepared to go completely hardcore on this song and on Tom.
As you both were waiting backstage for them to call you out you playfully nudged Tom’s shoulder as you smiled at him. “You ready?”
“Hell yeah I am. Can’t wait to see the routine you prepared.”
“Same here. Good luck.”
“Y/N you’re up first.”
And with that you were being announced by the DJ who happened to be you and Tom’s best friend Zendaya.
“Ladies and Gentleman give it up for one of my best friends and the most badass girl in the world Y/N Y/L/N!” As soon as the song started playing you immediately did the sexiest ass walk out ever. Tom was standing on the side of the stage next to Zendaya as he carefully watched every move you made. The way your body moved along to the song and the way you lipped along to the song perfectly. You put the perfect amount of sexiness and overall badassness into this song that you even shocked yourself at how good you were doing. You even caused Tom’s jaw to drop a couple times at some of the moves you did. About halfway through the song you walked over him and gave him a little taste at how much you prepared for this, you walked around him tracing your fingertips across his shoulders as you mouthed along to the song perfectly, as you got to the front of him you got into his face acting like a badass bitch which caused him to roll his eyes and laugh at you as you walked away finishing off the song. As you finished and made a badass pose the audience erupted into a mix of cheers, screams and whistles as you took a bow. 
The next performance was Tom and as you stood to the side next to Zendaya you watched as the opening of this routine was Singing in the Rain with him happily swinging a cane. Then it all went down when Rhianna's song Umbrella came on and his outfit completely changed and it caused your jaw to drop and hold your stomach dying of pure laughter. This boy went hardcore on this song and you mean HARDCORE he literally acted like he was a friken stripper and it made you smile and laugh to yourself at how much of a dork this boy was. Just like how you walked up to him he did the same and he acted like he was twerking against you and this made you dance along with him doing the ass slapping motion before he walked away and finished his routine. 
Before Zendaya could walk over to Tom he began to walk over to you and nicely asked Zendaya for the microphone real quick.
“I know this is a weird place to say this but I need to. Y/N.. We have been friends since we were babies and growing up together with you was amazing. Getting to work with you on Infinity War is amazing and everything about you is just perfect. I just wanna say that… I love you Y/N Y/L/N so much. I have for a while now and I wanted to say it in front of the whole world.” Tom smiled at you and handed Zendaya back the microphone and as Tom gently held your face in his hands the audience began to freak out and make whooing noises. 
“I-I love you too Tom..” You smiled up at him as you gently placed your hands over his as you both leaned in and gave each other the sweetest kiss ever.
“GET IT TOM MY BOY!!” Zendaya literally screamed into the microphone as her and the audience cheered you both on and the audience even stood up for you.
You knew that this was going to be the beginning of something completely wonderful and beautiful. 
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