kiwiaok · 7 months
more thoughts to add to my aftg hunger games au:
• andrew being the youngest tribute to ever win hunger games, at 14 (just as finnick did)
• andrew also having the same post games experience as finnick did: considered pretty so given away by snow to please citizens of capitol under the threat of snow hurting his loved ones
• andrew learning that even though he cannot escape this fate he can still gain sth out of it - truths. truths about anyone and anything, truths that he can collect like marbles and use as his pleases
• the capitol taking neil prisoner, just like they did with peeta in the movies - conditioning him through torture and modifying his memories of andrew to provoke fear. except neil operated his entire life under the fear of people, especially those close to him, so it all ends up pointless. there is very little that can keep neil away from andrew and it certainly is not fear
• neil struggling with his time as a prisoner bc the capitol erased all physical marks that were left on him. he knows the abuse happened, he can see it in his memory, in his dreams. but there is not a single sign on his body. more often than not he ends up hyperventilating on his knees and begging andrew to believe him, to believe that those things happened to neil, that he’s not a liar anymore (andrew believes, always believes. he knows how it is not to be believed)
• aaron still dying at the end, just like prim did
• ichirou being president snow? or maybe tetsuji?
(if you’re interested in this au pls leave a vote on my latest post)
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kiwiaok · 7 months
I’m rewatching hunger games rn and what if aftg hunger games au?
with aaron getting selected and andrew going in his place by pretending to be him? and then winning?
and with neil running away from district 7 with his mom? (did I choose the wood district bc his father is an axe murderer? maybe)
and then going on a run through many districts until his mother dies and he ends up in the monsters’ district where he is selected for the next games? and neil thinks, everything is better than getting caught by my father and so he goes with it
and then andrew becomes his mentor, because he is the previous winner from this district and they form this tentative friendship that’s all sharp edges and rough words
and neil wins, and he thinks that this is it, he’s either going to finally be free or he’s going to die by the hands of his father, since everyone know him now. but then the next hunger games are announced, and the tributes are drafted from the winners and so he’s back at the arena, only this time with andrew, the only friend (?) he’s ever made
if you wish for extra angst then consider wymack also a previous winner from the same district as andrew and neil
and since wymack managed to rebuilt his life after the games, andrew and neil decide to go together. too angry and hurt to even consider trying to move on from the games, they give the opportunity of life to wymack, the only man they ever met that did not try to hurt them, that helped them even
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kiwiaok · 6 months
even more things from my aftg hungers games au:
• allison being a mix of cinna’s and effie’s characters: she’s neil’s stylist but she’s also with the rebels and accompanies them to district 13
• matt and dan are the capitol’s darlings, the only pair that was ever allowed to win together; during 75th hg they drop the baby bomb except dan actually is pregnant
• renee is the one with the bow and it’s her that destroys the arena
• andrew was involved with the rebelión (as were most tributes during 75th games) but he didn’t share any info with neil, still not trusting him enough to endanger the fate of his family. later, when andrew is saved and neil is taken by the capitol and drew watches videos of neil’s torture he wishes he told neil. he doesn’t believe in regret but when neil from the video starts crying and murmuring “pleasepleasepleasestopnononoplease” the bad taste in his mouth tastes like regret anyway
• during 74th games neil acts like a chameleon. he does what he always did best and accommodates to his surroundings. he fits seamlessly with the capitol, he’s charming, funny, stealing the hearts of sponsors. during 75th games he’s angry, he’s spitting and throwing punches, unwilling to try to get into anyone’s good graces as he’s a dead man walking either way. andrew likes him much more this way
• nathan sending neil a cleaver as a gift during games and not just any cleaver - the exact one neil was forced to use as a kid and that had been used on him. thus: neil absolutely losing his shit and going batshit crazy in the arena
• unhinged, bloody neil, panting and curling his hands around the cleaver as he stands among bodies he just ripped apart (this one scene is very vivid in my mind and it makes me all kinds of hot and bothered tbh)
• jerjean arc hehe. and I ain’t tellin you nothin more
• kevaaron!! aaron becoming a doctor in district 13 like prim did. aaron meeting kevin and teaching him what a healing, gentle touch is. teaching him how it is to belong with someone not to someone. both of them teaching each other how to step out of their brothers’ shadow and become their own people
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kiwiaok · 21 days
since my aftg hunger games au is still in the making and it’ll probably take at least a few months more till I start posting imma just throw snippets in here every now then. just to remind anyone interested that I haven’t given up yet
for now, the very beginning of the very first chapter
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kiwiaok · 7 months
thinking about andrew making neil ride him with hands behind his back. neil’s thighs trembling from exertion but he’s not slowing down or stopping, determined to make andrew come like this. andrew letting his palms rest on neil’s thighs to feel the muscles working, but not helping or stabilising him at all, just watching with a mean grin and making this near silent gasps when neil grinds down just right
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kiwiaok · 7 months
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kiwiaok · 7 months
about that aftg hunger games au…
absolutely no promises yet, but I’ve been making character sheets and plot drafts and I have an important question
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kiwiaok · 7 months
I’m not going to actually write about the games that andrew won, but I can’t stop thinking about them: 14 yo andrew giving absolutely no effort in the training and presentation of tributes, but silently observing everyone and noting their weak spots, remembering conversations, watching truces form. having no sponsors, no outer help yet still winning the games (as the youngest ever!!), with blank face, blood dripping down his fingers and splashes of red under his eyes. not smiling even when the buzzer announces him as the winner
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kiwiaok · 7 months
dare I say… neil josten…
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kiwiaok · 6 days
I fear I got too into planning the hunger games au bc tell me why we’re at the point where the background color of the blog dedicated for this fic (which is also not so coincidentally the same color you can see on spotify when you check the lyrics of the song I named this fic after) shares a name with january’s birthstone (neil’s bday) and holds symbolism that aligns with the story (trust, loyalty, courage)
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