#again Im sorry half of these are so depresso
c-c-cherry · 4 years
Any family headcanons for the gang members who's families we weren't told about??
Guess who was doing headcanons again at 4am??? ME!!! I’m sorry also with the much wanted help of @jjadegreen because she’s officially my headcanon pal and she always helps me a lot with this shit :)
I’m literally posting these at 5:45 am but they sounded good in my sleep-deprived head and they looked good on paper from my sleep-deprived vision so I’m just gonna post this now and worry about it tomorrow!
I use these headcanons regardless of whether its an Everyone Live’s situation or not so there are clashes between fics like the Storm and The Unknown (I usually just use most of these headcanons regardless of what I’m writing and what universe and whatever)
I know I say this whenever I post ANY fucking headcanons, but I’m sorry.
-There’s not much to say about his parents. They were pretty average. All they wanted was for him to be successful; get a nice job, find someone to love. They weren’t too close with him, but they were there.
-He did, however, have an older sister by the name of Pantera Abbacchio
-And she was even more goth than he was.
-When lil Leone was just starting out in high school, she already was in her last year and by then she was already a fully-ascended goth goddess
-They weren’t that close (they had a 4 year difference) and she always thought he was too enthusiastic about everything. They never really connected
-He got really curious and thought she was really cool so he used to steal her clothes and makeup all the time and all her friends made fun of her for it, but she secretly thought it was adorable
-She was cold at first, but soon started sharing everything with him (she lent him all her fishnet clothes and purple dresses and crazy silver jewelry and even let him use her lipstick sometimes
-His parents thought it was a bit...unconventional at first but they wanted him to be happy so they supported it
-One day after school he got dragged into an alleyway (bb Abba was puny I don’t make the rules) and just got the absolute shit beaten out of him. She had poetry club after school so as she was walking to the parking lot she found him there bawling his eyes out because he got blood all over her favourite shirt
-She took him shopping that day (she put concealer on him in the mall parking lot to hide the bruises from their parents)
-They also got ice cream
-She didn’t approve of him becoming a cop (she don’t like cops one bit) but when he let his partner die and learned that he took bribes, she was so fucking angry. She never wanted to talk to him again
-His parents tried to stay connected, but the family seemed too fragmented and everyone was still angry at him
-Years later, she decided that maybe she should talk to him, to try and reconnect
-When Giorno picked up the phone instead and explained everything to her, she realized she was too late
-She was a sobbing, screaming mess and she felt like a terrible sister
-She felt like if she had called sooner, he wouldn’t have gotten wrapped up in the mafia
-Giorno invited her to the funeral, and they properly met there
-It was an open-casket, and in his will he requested that he wore the first dress that his sister bought him. (It had to be tailored a bit, but it fit)
-She planted purple lilies by his grave, and although she hasn’t talked to the gang since the funeral, the flowers are always watered.
-His parents were assholes. Rich assholes.
-They gave him everything he wanted in exchange that he keep up their reputation, but even now, he still felt like he never did that right
-He had a little brother, Budino Fugo
-His brother was the last thing on his mind when he went to University, Panna would almost call himself an only child
-They weren’t close at all. They were always separated because of Fugo’s unpredictable anger and their house was so big that the only time they would see each other were during family greeting card photoshoots and for the painting of the giant portrait that sat in their foyer
-They got it re-painted once they kicked him out
-Budino was only three when Fugo was disowned, so by the time he’s older, his mysterious older brother is nothing but a distant memory, only someone he would pose with for photos and large gatherings
-Any photos of Panna are gone by the time he’s five, as are any traces of him existing. Anytime he would ask about the blond that disappeared out of their lives, he was always denied any answer
-He learned not to answer any questions
-Unbeknownst to him, he ended up looking exactly like his brother. If you were to place two photos of them side-by-side at the same age, you would barely be able to tell them apart
-He grew up without ever really knowing that his brother existed and he always thought of himself as an only child
-He grew up to be the perfect child. Charming, happy, calm, intelligent. He became the Pannacotta Fugo that his parents always wanted
-Everyone loved him, and although he didn’t go University that young, his charm and good reputation made up for it
-Budino would like to say that he lived a good life, but sometimes he wakes up and wonders who the blond look-alike is that always seems to pop up in his dreams. He wonders why he feels like something is missing, like there’s something that everyone isn’t telling him. He wonders who was holding him during photoshoots and who his parents used to yell at in the fragments of his memories
-But he shrugs it off. He has everything he could ever need, so why should he worry about that?
-Mista’s parents weren’t poor, but they weren’t exactly rich either. Living in a big family, they had to learn how to spread out their spending, and sometimes they didn’t exactly have enough to eat every night
-Both of his parents worked endlessly long hours and barely made it back by dinnertime, but sometimes they did, and every night when they didn’t, they still had food on the table
-Mista never hated his parents, but they were pretty dependent on him. They needed him to look after his sisters while they were working, and although he found it irritating, he never resented them for it
-The only time Mista can confidently say the number four without wincing is when he’s talking about his sisters
-Four of them, to be exact
-Mela was the youngest, around six or seven the last time Mista heard from her. She was pretty fragile most of the time and had to stay home from school a lot because of how weak her immune system was
-Mista missed a lot of school taking care of her, but she was always fun to be around and he managed to graduate with pretty good grades by the end of it
-He soon found out that she shared the same name as Narancia’s mother. He knew the two had more in common than they thought
-Stella was around nine the last time Mista saw her. She was the most professional and serious person he had ever met. She got incredible grades in school and her teachers often said that she was destined to be something like a doctor or a famous scientist
-Although she wasn’t exactly a jokester like her brother, he always managed to get her to crack a smile once in a while
-Gioia was thirteen, and she fit her name perfectly; she was the most joyous person Mista had ever met. Almost the exact opposite of Stella (she would always make fun of her for being such a prude)
-She loved cooking and would always help Mista out with taking care of Mela, but she loved animals even more than food
-They couldn’t afford a pet, but she always befriended the neighbourhood cats and Mista was even saving up to buy her a cat or snake (she loved snakes)
-Sera was fifteen, and somehow even quieter than Stella. She always seemed very reserved and closed off from the rest of the world, even Mista couldn’t get her to laugh
-She had a soft spot for Gioia, Mista noticed that the two of them would sneak out of the house at night and he wondered if she was a different person away from the rest of them
-Mista sees Sera and Giorno as almost one in the same, which is why he doesn’t exactly know how to react when he sees Gio in such a state in Stormverse
-After he went to jail, no one went to visit him. His parents were furious that he could murder a man, and he never saw his sisters again
-Stella was so angry and disappointed the last time he saw them all in that holding cell, she refused to even look at him. Gioia was bawling her eyes out and Sera gave him the hardest stare he had ever seen. Mela asked when he was coming home.
-He never did.
-When Bruno bailed him out of jail, he managed to give both of his parents a pretty large raise and promotion in their jobs
-They were always there for dinner after that, always there for them, and that’s all Mista ever really wanted for his family in the end.
I’m sorry, bros. I have no headcanons for him. Only child, shitty family. All he really had was Gold Experience’s presence and a pack of cards.
-Donatella Una was a single mother, and her and Trish were very close because of it
-Her mother was beautiful and taught her everything she knows about the fashion world
-She had the most beautiful singing voice and always dreamed of being in the music industry -When Trish voiced interest in trying out for a few local parts, she was overjoyed and they instantly bonded over it. Trish claims later when her music career kicks off that her mother was her biggest inspiration
-Donatella was the absolute QUEEN of Girl’s Nights™—she would always go all out on snacks, makeovers, shitty romcoms...you name it and she probably spent way too much money on it
-They would do each other’s nails all the time and her mother taught her how to do her hair every morning
-She was in the middle of teaching Trish how to do winged eyeliner when she had to go to the hospital. She died before she could finish teaching her
-She never resented her father (well, before she met him, that is), even her mother knew that there was no way he could have known she was pregnant, but she always liked to think that he would have taken care of them if he did
-That opinion changed very quickly
-Always had that mineral water on hand—Ms. Una said hydrate or diedrate
-She couldn’t cook for the life of her so they got takeout A LOT and Trish has been to a fair share of fancy restaurants
-Her and her mom were going to go out together after school and get pedicures before the school got a call that she had been rushed to the hospital
-He was an only child and his mother was always very kind to him
-She was the kind of mom who would cut your sandwich into a different shape every morning and made sure you got enough water and sunscreen and stuff
-Before she got her eye infection, the two of them would always be spending time together. His father was nice enough to the both of them and was never cruel while she was alive, but the moment she was admitted to the hospital, something inside him kind of unclicked and he never bounced back from it
-Although his father would come with him for hospital visits, he mostly stood to the side and spoke with the doctors while Nara would sit with his mama
-The hospital had all this stuff for sick patients like therapy animals and music and a really beautiful garden so Narancia would bring his mom outside all the time to sit under the apple trees
-And YES, he DID grow an apple tree in the backyard in Stormverse thanks to Giorno
-It was just him and his dad after his mom left
-Bruno was a lot like Paolo in the way that the two of them were super stoic and rarely showed weakness around each other
-They were still very close
-They would go fishing together!!! Bruno was taught about boats and fishing and pretty much everything about the trade
-When he was little, he wanted to be just like his father :)
-When Paolo would go out for the day, he would hang around the dock in the summertime waiting for him to come back
-All the fishermen’s kids would hang around there too whenever there wasn’t school, so Bruno used to play with them all the time
-He got his first point as “cool mom friend” when he saved a tourist’s kid from drowning when they fell off the dock when he was around nine or ten
-The tourists gave Paolo an extra big tip that day :)
-He absolutely got his savior complex when his parents divorced and he chose to stay with his dad
-Pretty much nothing scared baby Bruno but thunderstorms hit different
-His father was always really careful about going out on really cloudy days, but once in a while a storm would hit and he would be forced to dock somewhere else until it passed through
-Bruno would sit there for hours not knowing if he was okay or not
-Bruno Bucciarati does not cry, but on those nights he did.
-Because he couldn’t lose his dad, too.
-He would always come back, of course, and he would always ask why Bruno’s eyes and nose were so red
- “Just Summer allergies, papà. Don’t worry about it.”
-He loves the rain, but thunder still kind of freaks him out 
-After his father got attacked, he dropped out of school to work for Passione. When he was well enough to go home, his dad finally figured it out and they had a huge fight about it
-Bruno slept half-awake by the front door with a pocket knife in his hand and he would board up all the windows
-The longer he worked for Passione the more him and his father drifted apart. Bruno was always paranoid after that, but he could never tell him why and it caused a huge rift between them
-His mother didn’t come to Paolo’s funeral
-He moved out almost immediately after the funeral and Polpo got him a place to live after he heard what happened
-He doesn’t often visit his father’s grave, but he constantly thinks about him with every decision he makes
-He always wanted to retire someone close to the sea.
Yeah ahaha did you know I’m capable of really sad headcanons? YOU DO NOW. Were Fugo and Abba’s ridiculously long? YeAh :) Were Nara and Trish’s ridiculously short? Also YeAh :(
Again, a wonderful beautiful thanks to @jjadegreen because my small brain self can’t come up with all the headcanons on my own ;’)
If you’ve got a question, come and vibe and hit up my inbox!! <3
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zhewhoisfate · 4 years
Tips and Tricks to eat when you're Depresso™
Because if i need them so do you probably
Eating anything is better than nothing. Seriously. Those two and a half crackers gave you energy you didn't have before, even if you couldn't feel it, and that's a victory.
You don't have to eat it the way it's "supposed" to be eaten. You can eat soup out of the can. Hotdogs don't have to have buns. You can eat sandwich meat without the bread, or vice versa.
Rice cooks just as well in a glass bowl for 5 minutes on high in the microwave as it does on the stovetop for ten. You dont need a fancy cooker bowl. Just stand there and make sure it doesnt over-dry. If the water's gone, it's done. One part water to one part rice.
A can of beans and a handful of onion flakes goes a long way for taste and protein.
Protein and meal replacement bars are your friends.
Juice is good. It's full of nutrients. Make sure it's not grapefruit, because medication, but yeah drink that shit bro. Eat a cracker with it or smthn dry though bc juice on an empty stomach makes your stomach...upset. That's how juice cleanses are supposed to work, in part. It's all the sugar I think.
Food doesn't immediately go bad sitting out for a few hours. If you're afraid of wasting it, dont be. If you feel sick, set it aside and start eating again when you feel like it, whether that's 2 hours or 12. Its honestly safe until you hit the multiple days mark, especially if you heated it.
Eating warm food will make you feel better than cold food, if you can manage it.
You absorb more nutrients from food you enjoy. Yes, that's empirically tested, look it up.
Coffee or tea on an empty stomach are going to make you pee and if you're not lucky, shit. If you're dehydrated, it's going to be worse, and you're going to feel worse, because caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it dehydrates you by making you piss.
Yeah, im gonna tell you to drink water. Im aware its not easy. I've been using the same cup for weeks. Dont message me about this.
That said, cups are cleaner than bottles. They mold less.
Don't chug your water. You know what I'm talking about; you get really thirsty and it finally compels you to go get some water and then you gulp it down like a fish, I know. That's how you make yourself throw up, though, so be careful.
Eating (even an hour or so) after you wake up can help reset your circadian rhythm - useful for when you become nocturnal.
Smaller meals are going to be easier. Use that. You don't have to eat a "full meal." Portions are fake.
Personally, I get nauseous and a headache when im hungry, and eating makes me tired because of the blood sugar spike. Don't fight your body. I mean, if you have diabetes that's different, obviously, but depression can impair your hunger signals. Just eat a little, and sleep when you have to.
This is a little off kilter but don't take cough syrup or pills if you're on an antidepressant. Dextromethorphan can send you to the ER with its interactions and its in many cold medicines as a cough suppressant. If the label says don't take with MAOIs, don't take it with SSRIs either.
Disposable dishes. No, really. You can feel bad about the turtles when you have the capacity to consistantly feel joy.
Alcohol will probably make you feel worse. I know, it sucks, I'm sorry.
Its ok to puke. If you eat and then puke, don't feel bad about wasting the effort or something. The worst thing that happens is your mouth tastes bad and you only absorbed some nutrients instead of all of them. No harm done, just eat slower next time.
Sit in front of a window, or turn your lights on. It sounds stupid, but the more awake and aware you are the easier it is to realize you're hungry.
You're ill, not lazy.
Treat yourself like you're recovering from a cold. It will help the stress, which will help you eat more, which will help you feel better.
Yeah i know its all easier said than done. But it won't always be this hard. Remember that.
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