#again idc of this is already common knowledge because i thought of it MYSELF
sea-jello · 2 years
ive noticed a pattern in the music that repeats in jeremy and christines relationship so heres my analysis
first up, we have the "christine" tune. you know the one im talking about. i think this tune is used to represent the stage of their relationship when their feelings are not mutual. mostly its used whenever they are talking ABOUT her, or jeremys love for her. for example when she appears and jeremy watches from a distance, or when the squip uses her and jeremys crush as leverage, like in upgrade. it’s also used in the play when christine gets squipped, and professes her “love” to jeremy. again, it’s still technically not mutual
then, we have the whole melody with “why am i telling this to you / guess there’s a part of me that wants to / i guess a part of me likes to [whatever]”. now this bit is used to represent when the feeling IS mutual, or when jeremy (and the audience) thinks it’s mutual. it’s in ilpr, a guy that i’d kinda be into, and when christine finally decides to go out with jeremy in voices in my head. in ilpr that line obviously makes us and jeremy believe christine has some sort of attraction or whatever to jeremy and just the SLIGHTEST chance the feelings might be mutual. in guy that i’d kinda be into the verse is again obviously MAJOR hinting at jeremy and us that maybe christine IS talking about jeremy, maybe it IS mutual. and voices in my head is self explanatory. i’m specifically repeating the word mutual just to make it more obvious
also fun little extra in a guy that i’d kinda be into, “she is totally into you” is the same tune as “why am i telling this to you”. the “why am i telling this to you” tune is a sort of god i can’t think of the word rn but like beginning?? hinting?? at the mutual-ness, which could totally tie back to the i guess voices in jeremy’s head telling him “yeah she IS into you, the feeling is mutual” yk what i’m talking about. it’s all a concept in my brain that i can’t articulate roll with it
now case in point, i think the little scene that made me realise and come up with all this bullshit can better represent everything. the scene at the halloween party, a guy that i’d kinda be into reprise. it starts off with the second melody, the mutual melody. “it’s kinda killer to sit and chat with you” and all that of course leads jeremy (and us) to believe christine might reciprocate his feelings, that it might be mutual. and then it shifts into the first melody, the not mutual melody, when jeremy’s gearing himself up to ask her out and christine turns him down because it’s not mutual
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