#agatha cristies poirot
modusmumbles · 1 year
Round 1a
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Jasper Teerlink (Belgium - Professor T)
Professor of Criminology helps the police. This show is ART (it won an award for cinematography) and the way they show his train of thought is delightful. He has OCD (cannon) and his friend and colleges love and care for him when he needs help with his OCD. Also he's just a really funny guy. Uncompromisingly himself <3
Arthur Hastings (UK - Agatha Christies Poirot)
I dont really know how to sum him up tbh. He's Hastings! Good egg that man
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icarusfrommars · 1 year
ROUND 1: Sam and Max VS Hercule Poirot
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Remember, you're voting for who is the world's greatest detective(s). I can't stop you from choosing your favorite, but keep that in mind when voting.
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quotesfromall · 2 years
And the beautiful girl that we saw standing at the gate? You asked me if I had not noticed a young goddess, and I replied to you that I had seen only a girl with anxious eyes.
Agatha Cristie, The Murder on the Links
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collinsportmaine · 7 months
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Hercule Poirot is Agatha Christie’s favorite detective. He’s a master of disguises and often goes under cover… as it the popular novel “The Case of the Criminal Circus Clown”
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deatherr · 1 year
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Life is not always so black and white like in Christie's novels
But you can tell Christie was a person who's met people
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ilovekbranagh · 10 months
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lonerangerr · 1 year
Here's the spoiler of the novel,
"The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" by Agatha Christie.
The real murderer of Roger Ackroyd is the narrator 'Dr. James Sheppard' himself. He'd his own reasons for killing Roger Ackroyd. Very cleverly, he pretends to become the comrade of the detective 'Hercule Poirot' but still Hercule Poirot suspects him as a murderer.
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chrissmou · 1 year
June Reads
Hi, everyone, every month I would like to tell you about the books I read this month and what a delight it was. I read 10 books this month, six of which are in the Stay a Spell series by Juliette Cross. I would say a little about the series I have already talked about, but you can go read the post I made last week on the series. So, let’s talk about them in the order I read them. As always, I am going to have their Goodreads links:
1.      The Golden Ball and Other Stories by Agatha Christie: A collection of short stories with topics from mysteries to supernatural and romance. A clear stand-out for me is “The Golden Ball” a story about a couple who fantasized that they were married and looking for a home with an unexpected ending.
2.      The Harlequin Tea Set and Other Stories by Agatha Christie: A Short Stories Collection with topics from mysteries to many others. A clear stand-out for me is “The Lonely God” about a painter and a rich girl who met in the museum looking at a statue.
3.      Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie: An Hercule Poirot with a lullaby about a long-made murder and Poirot’s investigation with the main suspects. It is a wonderful example of her novels with a country estate, good characters, and a twist no one is going to see coming.
4.      Wolf Gone Wind by Juliette Cross: A good start to a good series of books about romance and sisterhood; this one makes you want to go and read the rest of the series. It says about the four creatures and the lives of the sisters and gives you clues for other books too.
5.      Don’t Hex and Drive by Juliette Cross: I liked the characters of the books and the plot I also liked the magic and how the author incorporated Indian culture in this one. We dipped more and into the world of the supernatural world of New Orleans as we follow the second sister going into her love story.
6.      Witches Get Stitches by Juliette Cross: I loved the friends-to-lovers romance of the series about a snarky witch and a lovable werewolf with a little obsessive behavior. I loved the issues of equality it had and how without saying something about the current issues in the real world she talked about them in a new way.
7.      Always Practice Safe Hex by Juliette Cross: I love in general the enemies-to-lovers romance and this had it all. Amazing characters, good rows, a work environment, and steamy sex scenes in a delight of a book.
8.      Resting Witch Face by Juliette Cross: I thought the two characters had chemistry in the previous books but in this one, it exploded with the bonus of going to the United Kingdom for a setting. I loved also, the one-bed plot in this as it was a good one early in the book, too.
9.      Grim and Bear It by Juliette Cross: Did you know that have a soft spot for blond sunshine girls and grumpy dressed in black with a soft spot? I have and this has the addition of butterflies, necromancy, and a murder mystery to solve, all with steamy scenes. Also, it has a romance book club with real books in it and most of them historical.
10.   Ties That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou: I loved all of this book. From the great world-building to the mythology woven in. The murder mystery in this one and the social issues feel very real as it depicts a city with gangs and immigrants. Also, I loved the characters and how they were connected to ancient mythologies and the powers possessed by the descendants of ancient gods like the protagonist, Io who is Moira-born, the descendant of the Greek Fates, and the threads they weave to connect people and their life. It is a great beginning of the series and I can’t wait to read the next when it is published.
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seeing people saying benoit is the next sherlock is. wild.
idk maybe it's just because i'm a big agatha cristie fan
but benoit blanc is so clearly the spiritual successor to hercule poirot it's mind-blowing and everything i didn't know i wanted
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annainnorth · 1 year
After confirming that Rian Johnson is an Agatha Cristie fan (go watch his scene break down for Glass Onion!!) I need people to stop erasing the homage Benoit Blanc is to Hercule Poirot 😭
Sherlock Holmes this, Sherlock Holmes that, yeah fine sure, great, but I need my mustache belgian to receive his attention!!
I’m loving these movies, feels the same as reading Cristie’s books when I was younger, same fun same presentation almost
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rev3rb · 10 months
Thanks for tagging me @cassthecringe! Let's see here.
Last song I listened to: Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park lmao Love that song to death. Though I will say it was primarily so I could figure out what LP song to learn the drum part for next (it will sadly not be this one)
Currently watching: Joj-- No, it's actually nothing right now. A shame but true.
Currently reading: I'm between books right now (unless you count manga volumes) but next up on the list is Poirot Investigates by Agatha Cristie
Current obsession: JoJo (who'd have thunk LOL)
tagging: uhhhh. hmm. how about @shinyas-ashes @biggie-chcese aaaaaand hmm @frogs-wearing-a-hat if any of you wanna do it. If YOU reading this wanna do it, consider yourself tagged.
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penny-nichols · 2 years
the next ace attorney game will come when Hercule Poirot is in the public domain. unfortunately Agatha Cristie died in the 70s so we have quite a wait
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azizhayri · 6 months
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BÜTÜN YAZILARI Önce kitabın macerasını anlatayım. Bu üç harfli marketlerin birinde görüp almıştım bu kitabı. Son zamanlardaki kitap fiyatlarına bakınca oldukça makul görünmüştü gözüme. Birde Can adını görünce düşünmeden almıştım. Okuduktan sonra diyorum ki ‘iyi ki almışım.’ Yaklaşık 400 sayfalık bir kitap kolay okunur. Tabii bazı zorlukları da var. Örneğin biraz eski dilde kullanılan kelimeler var. Lafız, Telakki, Münevver gibi. Yazılar genellikle “İnkılapçı Gençlik, İşte, Yaprak, Yeni Gerçek, Varlık gibi dergi veya gazete olduklarını düşündüğün eserlerde yayınlanmış. O dönem hakkında Orhan Veli ile çağdaş şairler hakkında birinci ağızdan fikirler verdiği için güzel ve önemli bir kitap. Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında var olan Türk Edebiyatına meraklıysanız, 1930, 40 lı yıllar hakkında bilgilenmek istiyorsanız mutlaka okumalısınız derim.
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Bir ince kitap daha. Topu topu 152 sayfa. Hikmet Çetinkaya’nın eseri. Güzel rahat okunan bir eser. Çok yönlü. Turgut Özal döneminin yanlış politikalarına da dokunuyor Turizmede, Mitolojiye de. Özellikle Bodrum’u Bodrum yapan Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı’yı anlatıyor. Doğal olarak da onun çevresini. Okudum, beğendim. Her şeyi çok çabuk unutan belleğimin bir kenarına Halikarnas Balıkçısı adını not ettim. Bununla ilgili Kuşadası limanında bir tekne var onun resmini de paylaşayım.
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POIROT ARAŞTIRIYOR Tam bir klasik. Özellikle de polisiye sevenler için. Agatha Cristie demeye gerek yok sanıyorum. Yine Altın kitaplardan. Standart kitap kesimi ölçüsünden biraz daha küçük boyda ve 190 sayfalık bir kitap. İçinde Poirot ve arkadaşı Binbaşı Hasting’in çözdüğü 11 kısa gizem var. Kolay okunacak bir kitapken biraz daha ekonomik olsun diye küçük boyunu alınca yazılarda küçülmüş oluyor ve bunun doğal sonucu okuma da zorlaşıyor. Yine de polisiye ye meraklıysanız ve Agatha Cristie’yi seviyorsanız mutlaka okumalısınız diyorum.
İyi okumalar diliyorum
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quotesfromall · 2 years
Be he friend or foe, I must hear what he had to say.
Agatha Christie, The Big Four
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body-in-a-library · 8 months
A Haunting in Venice (movie review)
Just saw the new Agatha Cristie movie, and omg it was so good! The movie is beautiful and probably the best of the Hercule Poirot movies that have come out in the last few years. And with its October release, it's the perfect movie to watch if you're looking for something spooky but not too scary. It's not a spoiler, but there is one actress who isn't as strong as the rest of the cast. It's the only minor thing I can't think of to criticize, and everyone else is just so charismatic and compelling that it's easy to overlook. The only other thing is that the movie is so different from the book it's based on, so if you want to go and read the book after seeing it or go in expecting to see the book you read, you'll be out of luck. But overall, it was fantastic. And I absolutely recommend watching it, and if you don't want to see it in theaters, it should be up on Disney Plus in the next couple of months.
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acedmagazine · 9 months
"A HAUNTING IN VENICE" A Halloween Horror Night
"A HAUNTING IN VENICE" A Halloween Horror Night
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  In most cases if you follow sequels of a favorite genre or storyline, you are anxious to find out what happens next. This is a case for Agatha Cristie fans who cannot get enough of Hercule Poirot. This latest follow-up to Death on the Nile and Murder on the Orient Express called A Haunting […]
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