fruit-teeth · 5 years
perhapse,,,,, 7 with spy/medic?? with b as spy?? 👀
(Sleeby Spy...sleeby Spy Hell yeah)
7. Person B falls asleep in A’s lap.
Saturday night was when the sci-fi channel played corny old horror movies late into the night, and knowing this, Medic convinced Spy to stay up with him to watch a marathon of strange black and white films.
Yet, Medic realized very quickly that Spy was already somewhat tired, so it was no surprise when he started struggling to keep his eyes open about halfway through the first film.
Spy yawned a little, before shifting and laying his head against Medic’s shoulder. “I hope you don’t mind,” he mumbled, blinking his sleepy eyes.
“Mm?” Medic turned to look at Spy, peeling his eyes away from the scenes of giant spiders terrorizing people. “Oh, schatz— you can sleep if you’re tired!”
Spy hummed, fighting to keep himself alert. “Perhaps...but, you’re my source of heat,” he yawned again. “Perhaps I work too hard,”
“Eh? True, that’s how I feel about myself,” Medic shrugged, before he got an idea. He shifted, taking Spy into his hands and easing him down so he could rest his head in his lap. “Here— this is better, yes?”
Spy obeyed, laying his head down, allowing himself to relax against Medic’s lap. “Yes...I suppose,” Spy let his eyes fall shut again, curling into Medic’s warmth. “I suppose...”
Medic laid against the couch, stroking Spy’s head with a hum, focusing back on the movie. By the time the film was reaching its conclusion, Medic glanced down to look at Spy. “Are you still awake?”
There was a silence, and then Spy snored softly, his whole body still except for his breathing. Medic couldn’t help but chuckle, still stroking Spy’s head as he felt himself getting drowsy as well. “Mm, you can rest for as long as you need,” he assured in a quiet tone, getting comfortable as the next film started, his hand moving to rub Spy’s cheek sweetly.
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