#age: late teens
Day of Silence
Title: Day of Silence (2011)
Author: thetimesinbetween
Words: 32k;  POV: Alternating;  Rating: T 
Summary: This is a story about support, love, and friendships that are more like family. There is Kurt and Blaine being their spectacularly adorable selves; Santana being Santana in all her fiery, vulnerable glory; Quinn being a strong, independent woman; Dave Karofsky grappling with who he is and who he wants to be; and Nick and Jeff...well, you'll have to read on to see about them.
Review: This is an ensemble story at its core but Kurt and Blaine offer a grounded foundation which the other characters revolve around. Somehow every single character, despite them having vastly different trajectories (and some of whom we have next to no canonical information on) are pitch perfect in terms of characterization; there are even some moments where you’re stopped in your tracks because how did this author possibly predict canon down to the dialogue? There’s incredibly sweet, romantic moments between Kurt and Blaine that demonstrate their soul-deep connection, raw vulnerability from Santana and Dave, and a spirit of camaraderie that Glee should have leaned into harder. This could be an episode of the show (or many) and I wouldn’t have complained for one second.
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kathaynesart · 6 days
Hey so I'm not trying to be rude are anything, I'm just curious, how old are you??? Again I mean this just out of curiosity. BTW LOVE your work
Thank you so much! Hahah all good it doesn’t bother me and I understand the importance of transparency especially online. I’m 40 years old, which I guess in the grand scheme isn’t OLD-old, but it kind of is in comparison to the vast majority within the Rise community. Though I have pleasantly met a lot of fellow old school creatives, many more than I would have anticipated. The rest tend to consider me a cool auntie. It’s why I like to make my sona look like a little ol’ cat lady!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Master manipulator vs Master manipulator
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reineydraws · 6 months
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wanted: marine hunter takanome mihawk
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comradekatara · 1 year
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experimenting w brushes & palettes with the Best Girl
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dykedvonte · 3 months
You wanna talk about House and Benny? Let’s talk about House and Benny. Let’s talk about how House says he saw Benny as a son figure ans a rightful successor to the strip. Let’s talk about how Benny was so charmed by House’s offer that he literally killed a man to get the position to agree to it. Let’s talk about how House was intentionally priming Benny and regrets not doing better, not for the wasted time but of Benny’s wasted potential, how it was misplaced. Let’s talk about how Benny didn’t question House’s leadership until the guy started going radio silent. Let’s talk about House and Benny:
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#cause realistically Benny had to be of an age house could project a parental view on when they first met and combined with how impulsive and#short sighted Benny is with his planning and way of operating makes me think he’s not as old as people headcanon cause he was the leader#the chairmen for 7 years so you have to subtract that from his current age meaning he was even younger and more impressionable to house cuz#how else would house see him as a good candidate if his backstabbing was already a thing seeing as house was aware of his plan from the#start so since house projects and acts like a man ranged late 40s to 50s I’d say Benny is max 25-27 by game start so they met when he was#still a teen cause a theme in the game surrounding older npcs ins a resistance to change and of course someone still young and okay with#change would take an offer such as Houses eagerly along with the fact Benny seems like okay with sudden change actually considering him#giving you the reigns when he thinks his goose is cooked#but this is all to say there was def an unhealthy projection on house part on the role he wanted Benny to play that was likely controlling#and the sudden silence as he tried to acquire the chip would only make Benny more inclined to rebel especially since he is still young and#impressionable if we take he’s only in his mid 20s#and before someone says he doesn’t look it he acts like that and some characters are supposed to be 26 and 37 and I bet you guessed wrong on#who the first time#fallout#fallout new vegas#mr house fnv#robert edwin house#benny fnv#benny gecko
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ash-and-starlight · 7 months
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things i’m going crazay about today: the illustrations in the he who drowned the world illumicrate cover
(artist is glassbearer on ig)
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She just like me fr fr
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koszmarnybudyn · 5 months
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Thank you :D I'm honestly amazed by how many of you there are now, I'm glad you are here :)
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
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@kingofthering i dont have too much else to say for this era of same age au except that we should all consider the MASSIVE discrepancies in their respective vibes from when they were 18/19. tiny on track terrorist with too much talent to contain in his risk taking little body versus god's goofiest soldier. vale effortlessly winning over the masses with his celebrations and laid back whimsical persona (which. he is doing machiavellian little manipulation schemes to team management at the same time it should be noted.) while marc is getting specific quotes about how dangerous he is from riders in the premiere class (AND quotes about how mature he is at the same time !). constantly injured vs constantly silly. and theyre locked in eternal twin flame rivalry. funnnnnn
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Andante, Andante
Title: Andante, Andante (2020)
Author: fionapear
Words: 15k;  POV: Burt,  Rating: G/T
Summary: Burt settles himself down in the chair of the vanity, peering up at the wall-mount TV at the movie. He fishes in his pocket for the piece of paper from the restaurant earlier. His fortune cookie fortune reads: “With time comes understanding.” It feels a little apt, even if he can’t place exactly why. (Or: In which Burt Hummel, slowly, begrudgingly, grows to accept Blaine's presence in his life.)
Review: This is a roughly canon compliant look at the end of season two into the summer as Blaine slowly integrates himself into the Hummel-Hudson fold. There are road trips, beach outings, backyard bbqs and one particularly poignant heart-to-heart which includes some of the most accurate Blaine dialogue I’ve ever read (you could hear the words come out of his mouth, see his gestures of resignation, feel his well-worn defeat!) I’ll admit it made me a little weepy and let’s be real: Burt POV outsells EVERY time.
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weaponizedducks · 2 months
absolutely wild to me that your whole life is defined by exams you took when you were seventeen. their brains are not even fully developed yet. please pick a lane, adults. you dismiss their words. you call young people stupid and unable or not old enough to have good opinions or make choices or participate in the choosing of their own futures and yet you define their futures by one little test. well guess what an exam has a fuckton of choices and if they can't be trusted to have an opinion on their own lives then maybe they can't be trusted to make academic choices on a test either. either you give us a voice or you will not hear until it's too late
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saym0-0 · 21 days
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brainstorming silly human au ideas. basing teen rabbit on her 2016 twitch gamer era
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avesseloflanguage · 2 days
what the fuck do you MEAN im the same age as darry curtis. from the outsiders. what the fuck do you MEAN that motherfucker was my age raising two whole little shits and all their little shit friends. what the fuck do you M
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renshengs · 8 months
the funniest thing about sladick's age gap is the fact that dick could talk about something that went out of use/style several decades ago and go “haha look at this vintage thing” and slade could just offhandedly say “oh i remember that. i owned one of those back when i was young” and dick has to like, sit down. bc this man is 30+ years his senior
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gothic-clownz · 3 months
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had this saved on my pc for a while and finally got around to using it
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