#blaines dad sucks
Andante, Andante
Title: Andante, Andante (2020)
Author: fionapear
Words: 15k;  POV: Burt,  Rating: G/T
Summary: Burt settles himself down in the chair of the vanity, peering up at the wall-mount TV at the movie. He fishes in his pocket for the piece of paper from the restaurant earlier. His fortune cookie fortune reads: “With time comes understanding.” It feels a little apt, even if he can’t place exactly why. (Or: In which Burt Hummel, slowly, begrudgingly, grows to accept Blaine's presence in his life.)
Review: This is a roughly canon compliant look at the end of season two into the summer as Blaine slowly integrates himself into the Hummel-Hudson fold. There are road trips, beach outings, backyard bbqs and one particularly poignant heart-to-heart which includes some of the most accurate Blaine dialogue I’ve ever read (you could hear the words come out of his mouth, see his gestures of resignation, feel his well-worn defeat!) I’ll admit it made me a little weepy and let’s be real: Burt POV outsells EVERY time.
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givethemsmut · 26 days
Dom Mysterio x Reader
Chapter Thirteen | Where It All Started…
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Dom between my legs was exactly the kind of weakness I couldn’t recover from. We were always fixing things with sex. Hell, we even ruined things with sex. It was the one thing we never had an issue with - attraction.
“Dom, I’m serious. They can probably hear us.”
His hips drove into mine and I sucked in a breath of air sharply. “I hate to break it to you but that vibrator wasn’t quiet. Everyone knew, baby.”
My cheeks flushed and I hid under him even more. “Dad felt bad… asked me to give you advice. He had no idea I couldn’t.”
“You did give me advice. Before prom. You went with Marie and I went with Blaine. We all split the suite upstairs in the hotel. I couldn’t help it, watching you all night in a suite.” Kissing his neck I moaned every time he thrusted inside me.
Prom, not any dance but senior prom, was a disaster. Dom went with Marie instead of asking me and that forced me to go with Blaine. Blaine got so wasted he mad a scene about my lack of follow through on the sex part of our relationship. Marie had been by his side all night, caressing him and giving him all the hints that she would put out. Not that she hadn’t before.
Leaning over enough to whisper to Dom, “I’m gonna call an Uber. I’m over it.”
Scrunching up his face he gave me a look. “You aren’t leaving. This is our senior prom. Let’s go to the room, take a break from this.”
Blaine didn’t care, he was sharing a bottle of vodka with his boys and Marie was gossiping with her friends across the ballroom. Taking Dom’s hand I followed him to the room.
I didn’t care who we came with or why anymore. We had avoided loving him more than I already did so much it felt exhausting. I was constantly leaving early, bailing, making up excuses and lies just to not have to avoid it.
Using the keycard he popped the door open, leading me to an empty room with a big bed. “You’re here with Marie. Prom is notorious for sex. I appreciate you looking out for me.” Another lie and excuse.
“Because you came with Blaine. He’s gonna get drunk, handsy, maybe even aggressive and you’re gonna say no. He talks in the locker room, apparently you guys haven’t mad it past second base. A lot is riding on tonight if you wanna keep lying to yourself. I’m asking you to not fuck him, mi amore.” Undoing his tie and kicking off his shoes he stood there in the room fighting for me.
“He’s my boyfriend, Dom. It’s prom. There’s no way out of this.” I retorted.
Padding over to me, his hands found my waist, pawing at me to give into him. “He doesn’t have to know, baby. What’s the difference? I’ve already been inside you.”
The vulgarness of his words skated right down to my lace panties. “Everyone is downstairs. What if someone comes up?”
Pulling my dress up my legs I felt his fingertips skim my skin. “Take your panties off.”
“Do you really care who sees? Blaine? Marie? My parents? When I’m inside you… nothing else matters.” My panties skated down my legs and I stepped out of them softly.
“You care,” I crawled on the bed around him as he got up. On my hands and knees I pushed my ass towards the edge and sat back waiting for him. “We have rooms next to each other, Dom. I can hear exactly how much you care.”
I could hear his zipper scream and the footsteps behind me when he kneeled on the bed behind me. Lifting my ass just enough in the air, I felt his hand squeeze my ass before slapping it. “What do you want me to do? Stay a virgin after what we did at sixteen? You opened a floodgate. I had to have more and you wouldn’t let me.”
“Let you? You took what you wanted.” I sucked in a big breath when I felt all of Dom fill me up to the hilt. Pushing my ass back felt like autopilot. “It wasn’t easy for me either. It’s not easy avoiding Blaine and making excuses.”
His punishing thrust from behind rendered me breathless, forcing to listening to him. “You could have told me the truth about Blaine.”
“What truth? He’s your best friend. You knew it didn’t go far.”
Another wave of thrusts collided into while his moans became jagged. “I didn’t know until yesterday. We all thought… he said you refused, that you only let him touch you if I was around, that the furthest you went was making out and dry humping. Why are you not fucking him? Your right little pussy only wants me?”
I didn’t speak, instead I kept rocking into my palms against the bed. Dom’s hands grasped my tits, and pinched my nipples through my dress, forcing me to drive my ass back into his lap.
“Good girl, hermosa.”
The obvious click of the door rang through the silence and I buried my face in the plush covers trying to keep quiet. Marie’s soft voice called out for Dom more than once while I clamped my eyelids and tried to not feel guilty. I didn’t expect her to parade through the bedroom door. She didn’t seem to have that kind of confidence yet the gasp of her seeing Dom drive himself inside of me from behind must of broke whatever bravery she had left.
Stilling, his hands anchored my ass to his crotch and I couldn’t bear to look up. “Marie. It’s complicated. I can explain.”
She didn’t wait for his explanation I knew wouldn’t help her erase him being inside me instead of her. I was the villain in her story. Hell, we were the villains in a lot of stories. Marie wasn’t the first or last one to walk in on all the ways we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.
The fist against our bedroom door forced my grip on Dom’s arms to sink in. I felt like a caught teenager again when our shaking breaths collided and his thrusts only rocked my core.
“Fuck,” he exhaled as his hips stopped. Getting off the bed I watched him drag the decorative blanket off the end of our bed to cover himself up. It’s was obvious it was one of his parents who we abandoned at dinner downstairs.
Yanking the door open enough to let whoever was on the other side see he was naked he waited for them to talk. “What?”
“Dominik. This isn’t the way to fix your relationship. Papi and I had issues once, I know what she is going through. No amount of sex is going to let her trust you again. We can all talk, figure things out.” His mom begged him to fix it like she knew a part of her was still shattered from her past.
“We both fucked up. We’re even. There’s zero issues now.” Dominik said his words slowly, the alcohol truly working. Every ounce of confidence was lathered in liquid courage.
“That’s a bandaid. Having sex isn’t something that makes trust issues go away. What happens when you leave again, Dominik?” His mom’s voice wobbled and I could feel the pain in her voice from the door. 
Dominik was this ruthless version since he got home, liquor or not, he was willing to hurt everyone. Even his mom. “Yet, you two are just fine now. If you two can make it work then so can we. I’m not a child anymore, no one asked for your advice or opinions. Neither of you accepted this. We’ll this is my house and she’s mine.”
“Please, Dominik, go talk with Papi. For your child’s sake. He can help, Mija.”
Exhaling he mustered up the rest of the malice, “She was mine the minute you gave her the room next to mine. Nothing is going to change that. Do you need to see me fuck her? To make love? When is it enough to actually support our relationship? Your horror stories aren’t going to scare me into anything. I’m gonna make her my wife and she is having my baby. Unless you want to be scarred for life I would vacate the premises.”
Closing the door on his mother he flicked the lock effortlessly before pivoting on his foot. “Dom. She’s really worried. I feel bad.”
“She’ll be fine,” crawling into bed he held himself above me, wedged between my legs. Staring down at me worried he exhaled in a labored way. “Nothing can fuck with fate. Were fate. I’m pissed, you’re pissed. Eventually we won’t be. Right now? I’m drunk and I want to taste your pussy. Is that alright with you?”
Nodding my head up and down I laid back against the pillows. “I never wanted anyone but you, Dom.” His mouth covered my pussy and all I saw was his head between my legs. My breath hitched and my back arched all at the same time. “Fuck. Dom. Slow, slow.”
“You want me to lick you slowly? Like this baby?” His warm tongue swiped at my clit and I felt my body scream. 
“Dom,” I begged and pleaded but nothing was going to stop him. His mouth sucked and kissed while his tongue teased me until I felt like I was going to fall off the edge entirely. 
“Already baby? I barely got to taste you.” His hands wrapped under my legs and I felt his palms against my hips trying to keep me in place. 
“I’m scared it’ll happen again when you go back out. Your parents were picture perfect, married 28 years. How did we not know they went through the same thing?” Dom stopped his mouth from working up to my neck in favor of hovering over me. 
“I knew. I mean, I didn’t know for sure but I knew something was going on.” I stared at him above me wondering why he never said anything. Sighing out loud he crashed down beside me on the bed, “I heard them arguing more. My dad kept saying shit like if you won’t put out, someone will. He kept defending himself. When he came home they stopped fucking. You didn’t need to worry about them when you already had your own family issues.”
I analyzed his face, my hands trailing up his sides and I wanted to cry for him. His parents were the couple everyone idolized. 
“Being on the road doesn’t help. It’s not easy. Our life hits pause but none of those urges do. Your family doesn’t pause. No one wants to fuck up like that. It’s a necessity.”
I whispered between us, “Exactly. So it’ll keep happening. I’m pregnant, I can’t be on the road. I’m gonna be home like your mom and wonder if it’s happened again.”
Dom snickered, “And they fuck like rabbits still. They got over it.”
“So it’s okay, as long as we get over it?” I inched away from him, pushing him away. 
His hands boxed me in, “It’s not okay. It’s not okay that Randy can rub it in my face everyday that he knows how you come. Not even Blaine shit like that in the locker rooms. Fuck, it’s not okay that I fucked up. But it happened and now we have to move on.”
Pushing him down I straddled his lap. “And what happens when you leave again? What happens if Randy uses it as leverage? What if you can’t control yourself?” 
His hands smoothed up me, squeezing my breasts. His tongue licked his bottom lip as he softly forced me back down on the bed, “it’s not going to happen again. You either trust me or don’t.”
I was silent under him, letting his hands touch me and myself spin out of control.
“What more do you need? Beg forgiveness, every detail, beating up Randy, getting suspended - you’re having my baby. I’m committed to us.” He said it while pulling my dress from my body, over my head. 
Marriage didn’t mean more trust or less infidelity yet I wanted him to ask me. I wanted to be his in a way that made it hard for us to leave. 
It was like he could read my mind, “you want a ring, that’s it, isn’t it?”
A small, single, tear rushed down my face, “you feel like everyone’s except mine.” My hands on his chest I slowly impaled myself on every inch of him. Small whimpers escaped my lips before I started riding him the way I wanted. 
“You really think I don’t plan on asking you to be my wife? Everyone knows I call you my wife. Everyone knows you’re mine. You know me, you know you aren’t just having my baby. You’re my life.” His hands dragged my hips over his lap forcing me to pick up the pace. “Just like that, mi amore. Jesus. Still so fucking tight.”
My face hiding in his neck I whispered, “Still?”
“I’ve been fucking you since we were kids, how are you tighter than at sixteen? Fuck baby.”
Smiling against him I kept swaying my hips, moaning uncontrollably, and shaking the closer I got. “Dom. Dom.”
We didn’t fuck the way Dom wanted, instead we made love. Every movement painfully slow, every moan hushed and tortured. Somehow it felt like it could have fixed us. If we just focused on the love instead of all the ways we sabotaged it. Planting a kiss on my temple, Dom announced he was getting food from downstairs. Cuddling into his pillow I took a death inhale of his scent. He was leaving again and all I could do was trust him.
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hevanderson · 5 months
oh also. can i ask what the glestern au cast is so far. which characters do u have
YES LET ME PROVIDE A LIST + SHORT SUMMARY OF THEIR JOB AND/OR ARC HEHEHE!!!! im putting it under the cut because . it's long. also these are just kind of their starting positions here
quinn, the daughter of the head preacher as well as her family having government ties, who is unhappy about the situation she's been put in and longs for rebellion and freedom
santana, the owner of the local saloon who is also in sue sylvester's girl gang
puck, co-owner of the saloon
tina, a saloon employee
brittany, a dancer who performs at the saloon and is also a farmer, as well as partially a seamstress who is Also in sue's gang
mercedes, a performer who also occasionally performs at the saloon and creates the costumes the staff uses and easily the most sensible person in this town
sam, the new town sheriff who has almost no clue what he's doing due to a lack of training and understanding of what this job fully entails– he'll find out soon, enough, though, and he may just find he doesn't like being a sheriff after all
finn, a man who ran off before the events of canon due to quinn's pregnancy from the year before (an event that is expected to be a secret and not discussed ever)
zizes, a famous criminal who is the definition of chaotic neutral
becky, another famous criminal who somewhat works with zizes
burt, a man who takes care of horses and essentially rents them for people if they need a source of transportation and the second most sensible person in town, also the town dad
carole, a woman who used to be a bit reckless but settled down with age who grows her own crops (and lends them to burt and the hummels, free of charge 👀)
kurt, an aspiring clothing designer who takes sewing lessons from carole while also helping burt care for the horses, although he's not as interested in horses as as his dad
sue, the leader of an infamous band of criminals who also sometimes double as hit(wo)men
sugar, the daughter of a rich businessman who wants to pursue a career in performing, even if she isn't the best at it
emma, town nurse who kind of sucks at her job but does truly care about everyone
rachel, the daughter of the two most successful farmers in town
blaine, the second in command leader of a rival town who feels unappreciated and neglected, hating all of his duties (as well as the guy he's forced to work with thanks to his brother's A+ governing) and yearning for a better, less stressful life (that will still make him feel important)
sebastian, the guy blaine has to work with who has more than a few screws loose
and then there are some minor characters who are mostly off screen and are just there to set other things up:
will, the former sheriff who died due to mysterious poisoning before being able to fully teach sam the ropes
terri, will's (former) wife who may or may not have gotten sue and her girls to poison will's food so she could escape her loveless marriage
cooper, the actual governor of the rival warbler town
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bitbybitwrites · 5 months
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Thanks to @forabeatofadrum and @onthewaytosomewhere for the tag!
Got a number of items I'm working on so here some bits for you: from a few WIP of mine.
1.) From the next chapter of Puppy Love (RWRB fic)
“Tia Nora is pretty fun,” Alex admitted. ”That’s why we’re best friends.”  He sighed and stared up into the sky. “I know it’s tough Raf.  Us being all the way in New York, so far from family and your other friends back in Texas.” “But Tia June is here. And I’m making friends, Papi,” Raf reassured him. “You are?” Raf nodded as he took a handful of snow and tossed it up in the air so it fluttered down on them both. “ There’s Milo and Becky and Thomas and Belle . .” “Wait, like the Disney princess?” “She told me she’s named after her grandmother.  Isabelle, I think?” “Oh.” “Those are my new friends at school.  Milo is nice.  He has glasses.  Becky shares her snack with me at lunch time.  Her mom gives her CAKE.”  Raf turned to look at his father with wide, amazed eyes. “CAKE, Papi.” Alex rolled his eyes.  “I doubt its as good as Abuelita’s Tres Leches," he sniffed. “Well, duh . . “
2.) From Falling For You (Klaine fic)
“Who is Carole?” Kurt smiled and grabbed his phone to open up to a picture of his Dad and his stepmother smiling and laughing with each other.  It had been his father’s birthday and the two of them had cracked each other up with some silly joke or reference.  Kurt quickly took a picture to freeze that moment in time. “This is Carole, “ Kurt said as he showed Tracy.  “Dad met her when I was in high school.  And they fell in love and got married.  Now that doesn’t mean he forgot my mom or anything.  He just had a lot of love in his heart - enough for both of them.  Carole loves my Dad a whole lot.  She loves me just as much too.  She’s amazing.”  He leaned in a bit closer to Tracy.  “I’ll let you in on a secret.  She also makes the best cookies.  Remind me to make you some of her recipes some time.” “Like Christmas cookies?” “Exactly.” “Mr. Kurt?”   “Yes, sweetheart?” “Can I meet Carole one day?” “I think we can arrange that.” Kurt said.  “And maybe if we’re lucky, she may bring some cookies when she comes. “
3.) From Sanctuary (Klaine fic)
It was a good handful of time before he got to his destination, having managed to successfully slip by a number of the palace guards in the process.  Blaine was able to sneak just outside of the castle walls.  He followed a well-worn path into the wood to a small cottage hidden just a few feet hidden in the trees. In the front yard, a young woman paused in her task of hanging her wet wash to dry. She stood, she groaned, rubbing the small of her back.  As she did the swell of the growing babe in her belly protruded forward.  She smiled to herself, caressing her abdomen, forming a beautiful picture even Blaine could appreciate: her soft blond hair escaping from her kerchief, brushing her brow.  The young woman’s brown eyes danced as she spotted the princeling approaching. She dipped into as low of a curtsey as she could manage without tipping forward.  “Your Royal Highness,” she said in a soft voice.  “Good morrow.  I was wondering when you would come by this day.” Blaine smiled sheepishly as he held aloft his offering from the head cook.  “Mistress Fabray,“  he said proudly.  “I come bearing gifts!”
4.) Untitled Klaine Valentines 2024 Challenge fic
OK, am loving all the work I'm seeing from the folks doing the Klaine Valentines 2024 challenge set out by the @klaineccfanficlibrary
I got an idea for something, inspired by their first day song selection (Padam. by Kylie Minogue) so here's just a little bit from something I started . . The best way I could sum up this fic is this section of the story:
The young men from Dalton House weren’t just lookers.  They were well versed in everything from English Literature to economics. They could hold their own in academic debates while also using those dexterous mouths and tongues to suck your brains out of your cock.  Brains and beauty - and all of them looking for older (preferably more financially well off) “patrons.” Or so the rumors went.
So yeah, there's a bit of an age gap planned , Blaine in his mid-late 20s, Kurt in his mid-late 30s. and a bit of a Pretty Woman vibe to the story . . you know, hooker with a heart of gold type thing :)
And the selection from the fic so far:
“The auction.” Kurt’s mind puts two and two together. Elliot nods and motions towards the front of the ballroom.  Up on the stage there were three large gilded cages, each with a young man, scantily clad within them.  The boys were dancing as seductively as they could manage.  The two on the far right and far left of the stage (one brunette, and one blonde) kept throwing worried glances to one another as Dalton House patrons gathered at their feet, appraising them. “The ones on either end . . . despite flouting the refusal clause, they were caught with each other in bed.  Fraternizing with another student in contract is strictly forbidden.” Elliot said in a low voice.  “Nick and Jeff were just stupid.  I had warned them, but they weren’t careful.” Elliot shook his head. “And now I can’t protect them. They go to whoever is the highest bidder for them tonight, no matter what.” “And the boy in the center cage?” Kurt was hypnotized watching the young man sway his hips, his arms raised above his head, eyes closed to shut out the world around him.  Dark curls fell gently over his brow - curls that looked so soft, Kurt realized he wanted to run his fingers through them. “Blaine?”  Elliot sighed.  “I don’t know why he signed with Dalton, to be honest.  He just didn’t seem like the type, you know?  But again,  he refused one time too many for the administration’s liking. And now it’s come to bite him in the ass. He’s up for auction too.” “That’s . . . too bad . . “ Kurt murmured, still transfixed with watching Blaine.  Kurt couldn’t explain it - it was like the blood was rushing to fill his ears. And all he could hear was his own loud heart beat in syncopation with the music in the room: Padam, padam Padam, padam Padam, padam
OK . . tagging folks ( jump in only if you want to!) : @hkvoyage, @kirakiwiwrites, @little-escapist, @myheartalivewrites, @wordsofhoneydew, @14carrotghoul @fallevs, @spaceorphan18, @gleefulpoppet, @madas-ahatters-world, @rockitmans
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forabeatofadrum · 7 months
The Still Untitled Klaine December Challenge Fic (1/21)
Summary: Kurt and Blaine fell in love in Ljubljana, but all things must come to an end. Kurt's semester abroad and Blaine's job are finished and they must go back home, with each of them living on the other side of the country. It's difficult to be long-distance, especially since Blaine doesn't know how to come out to his family and Kurt's friends have all moved on to bigger things while he was away. But all is not lost. Kurt's trying to figure out if he can do an internship in Los Angeles and Blaine's aiming for a job in New York. The problem is that they're unaware of the other's plan.
Notes: Yes, the placeholder title is a mouthful, so I am once again open for suggestions. I almost titled it [placeholder Slovene title], because yes, Slovenia! This is a sequel to last year's Klaine Advent fic Ljubim te! Ever since I finished that one, I've been going back and forth on this sequel idea, so full disclosure, I have no clue where this is going and I think this fic will be shorter than Ljubim te, but I'm excited to find out. I really like this universe that I created and even though I haven't been away for that long, I am glad to return. I hope y'all enjoy it as well.
AO3 | S&C
“I love you.”
This isn’t the first time that someone confessed their love for Blaine at an airport, but this is the first time that Blaine can say it in return.
“I love you too,” he says with a big smile that matches the one on Kurt’s face.
“It’s only for a little while,” Kurt reminds Blaine.
Blaine nods. He knows this, but that doesn’t make it any easier. He’s been dreading this moment for a while. Blaine is going back to Los Angeles, leaving Kurt behind in Ljubljana.
Well, it’s not like Kurt’s staying that much longer. He’s flying back to New York tomorrow. But it is the end of an era. He’s moving away and the time that he’s shared with Kurt in this city, in this country, is about to end.
Kurt’s right. They will see each other soon. Blaine will return to LA to fix whatever mess he and Quinn have made and then he’ll visit Kurt in New York. Kurt also doesn’t know this yet, but Blaine’s looking into getting a position in his dad’s business’s New York office. Only Quinn knows of this plan. Okay, and Sunil, because Blaine just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. But Kurt doesn’t know it, because Blaine doesn’t want to possibly disappoint him. Blaine’s dad was satisfied with the work that Blaine did in Ljubljana, although Blaine can hardly call it work, so there’s a chance, but a position in New York would be bigger and Blaine’s not sure his dad will let him do it.
But first, Blaine will just visit Kurt.
“Alright, this is it,” Kurt says, and Blaine hears that he’s trying not to cry.
“I ljubim te you,” Blaine says back and they share a private smile. They know it is grammatically wrong, but this is their thing now.
“I ljubim te you too. Have a safe flight. Text me when you get home.”
“I will.”
“And say hi to Quinn and Denise for me.”
“I will,” Blaine repeats.
Then, Kurt pulls him into a warm embrace. Blaine breathes in Kurt’s scent. They’re acting as if they’re never seeing each other again, but that is how it feels in this moment. Blaine almost wants to plead to some higher power to let them stay here, just for a bit longer, but Kurt’s semester has come to an end and Blaine’s job is also done. They can visit Ljubljana again, and they will, but they won’t be living here.
It's time to go, but before Blaine moves, he kisses Kurt. Kurt wraps his arms around him and kisses back. It sucks to leave, but it is how it is.
It really, really is time to go. Blaine breaks apart and says a quick goodbye. He can’t dwell on it any longer. Kurt understands.
Blaine turns around and walks towards customs.
A couple of hours later, he’s at LAX. As promised, he texts Kurt to say he’s landed safely, and he also texts Quinn to say that he’s going to the baggage claim.
QF: Okay, we have a situation here
BA: Are you stuck in traffic???
QF: No
QF: worse
BA: ???
QF: we’re stuck with your fucking brother
BA: ??????????????
Blaine frowns deeply. Cooper? Blaine had let Cooper know that he’s returning home today, but he also very clearly told him that Quinn is picking him up. He meant to imply that he wanted “a private moment with his girlfriend” or something, since Cooper doesn’t know that they’re broken up and that Blaine’s gay. That, and Quinn asked if Denise could join them and Blaine agreed. How on earth did Cooper get mixed up in this?
He assumes that Quinn tried to hold Cooper off, but if Cooper’s put his mind on something, it’s hard for anyone to convince him otherwise.
Blaine braces himself. This is the last thing he needed. He wants to call Kurt, but it’s past midnight in central Europe now. Kurt said he’d try to wait up, but he hasn’t replied to Blaine’s text, so he probably failed. Blaine doesn’t mind.
So, after half an hour, he’s face to face with Quinn, his best friend and ex-girlfriend, Denise, his ex’s new girlfriend, and Cooper, his brother who doesn’t know he’s gay. This must be some kind of slapstick.
 “Blaine!” Quinn immediately runs towards him and she throws herself on him.
Blaine spins her around. He’s missed her, even though he last saw her in April. Blaine puts her down and moves his attention to Denise.
“And you must be the famous Denise Jackson-Smith,” he holds out his hand.
“The famous Blaine Anderson,” Denise says back and she shakes his hand. Quinn’s told him that Denise didn’t always like him, but that was before the whole gay realisation and break-up happened. Denise’s warmed up to him, and this is the first time they’re meeting.
But they can’t spend too much time on why that is a big deal, because Cooper breaks in.
“Welcome home!” Cooper also hugs Blaine, which admittedly is nice.
“What a surprise,” Blaine feigns happiness.
“I haven’t seen you in so long, squirt!”
Blaine’s touched, truly, but the timing is just icky. Cooper must pick up on some of Blaine’s displeasure, because he leans in to whisper something in Blaine’s ear.
“Sorry for crashing your reunion with your girl, but if Quinn’s new bestie can crash it, so can I.”
My girl, Blaine thinks. Meanwhile, his boy is on the other side of the world.
Cooper pulls away and he takes one of Blaine’s suitcases.
“Shall we?” he nods towards the entrance.
 Blaine takes a deep breath. It feels so silly, but when he leaves the airport, then it means his adventure is over and that he’s back home to his old life.
He’ll see Kurt soon enough. That’s what he needs to remind himself. He feels like a love sick puppy, but the thought does put him more at ease. The Ljubljana chapter of his life might be over, but his story with Kurt is only just beginning.
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klaine-a03-feed · 26 days
Accelerated Intimacy
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/sFdDGgi by imklainish Kurt and Blaine are best friends. They never met in school but they live across the hall from each other in New York. Both of them have been head over heels for each other for years on end but they're both too stupid to realize. Kurt gets sick of not knowing if anything will ever happen between them, and decides to put an end to it. He knocks on Blaine's door with a stack of cards, each with one question. [Based on the 36 question experiment.] Words: 9769, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Glee (TV 2009), The Big Bang Theory (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson & Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: 36 questions, Longing, Yearning, they're in love they're just idiots, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Modern, Best Friends, Neighbors, Episode: s08e16 The Intimacy Acceleration, Sad Kurt Hummel, blaine andersons dad sucks, kurt hummel orphan, Autistic Blaine Anderson, Shirley Temples, lattes, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Autism, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, they never met in highschool, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Past Drug Use, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, First Kiss, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Sex, One Shot, stupid klaine, Daddy Issues, Praise Kink
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cinnatwo · 6 months
Beginning | Previous
Cinnamon had been walking in circles for almost an hour. "5539, 5540, 5541, 5442- Oh?"
A little crack had started forming near the top of the egg. Cinnamon started bouncing with excitement. "DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD!" Blaine chuckled. "Looks like you did it! Come put it here on the table."
Cinnamon ran over to the table and set the egg down. Their tail was wagging in excitement. "I'm going to name them Flower because I found them in a patch of flowers!" "You don't even know what it is yet..."
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"AUGH!" Blaine rushed forward to catch Cinnamon before they could fall. "ARE YOU OK?"
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Cinnamon mumbled something unintelligible. Thank goodness, they were still alive. Ash was barking angrily at the new pokemon sitting on the table.
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Blaine helped Cinnamon back to their feet. "Are you ok?"
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"I'm fine, I'm fine! Wow, they're already so strong! Is that a shiny? They're so cool!"
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You couldn't see it behind his sunglasses but Blaine was glaring at the new pokemon. Why was it staring at Cinnamon like that? "No, shiny riolus don't look quite like that. This one is very... weird..." Cinnamon bent down to pat Ash on the head, who was still barking at the riolu with rage. "Calm down buddy! This is Flower. They are your friend now."
Ash gave a little growl but stopped barking. Flower decided to growl back at him. Tenmai flew around Flower a few times. "Female. She still has the weird energy." Cinnamon went to give Flower a pat, but Blaine stopped them. "Cinnamon. This thing attacked you, and we don't know what's going on with it. I don't think keeping it is a good idea." Cinnamon looked up at him with a frown. "What? I'm sure it was an accident! Lots of pokemon are weird!" "I don't-"
"I'll go to bed on time! I'll eat less candy! I'll clean my room! I'll stop feeding clefairy crayons! Please?" "What cray- nevermind." Blaine looked away from Cinnamon. They had a look of genuine betrayal and desperation he couldn't handle.
"Dad, give her a chance. If something does go wrong, Ash and I can handle it."
Blaine hesitated, then sighed. "Alright." He pulled an empty pokeball out of his pocket and handed it to Cinnamon. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Cinnamon tackled Blaine in a big hug, then turned to Flower and patted her on the head. "Don't worry, proving dad wrong is pretty easy." "What-"
"POKEBALL GO!" Cinnamon tapped their pokeball on Flowers forehead and she was sucked inside. It shook 3 times, then clicked. They jumped up and down a few times. "YAY!" Blaine couldn't help but smile at how happy Cinnamon was.
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daydadahlias · 2 months
i want to hear the glee thoughts and feelings
ok ur so gonna regret u asked this
So, I watched glee way back when in middle school (before I knew what a lot of the words they said meant <3 I remember watching the first time episode and having no fucking idea what was going on <3) and I really loved it!! who doesn't love a jam yknow?? and, obviously, i attached myself to Blaine very quickly because his voice is just my favorite and he puts out nothing but bangers. this last week, I've gone back and rewatched seasons 2 and 3 (because that was peak Blaine Anderson) and - because I'm the world's most needlessly passionate person - I'm getting a little fucking worked up about it !!
It will never fail to bewilder me how much of a literal SHIT HEAD Kurt Hummel was. Like, I know that we as audience members are supposed to align ourselves with him because he's an OG character and he's a queer kid just trying to be himself or whatever, but frankly it doesn't pay that much to "just be yourself" when yourself SUCKS! kurt fucking SUCKS dude. He is so whiney and so selfish and blatantly rude. and he is a shitty ass boyfriend to Blaine!
this is also rooted in my absolute maniacal frustration that Blaine never gets to be a character of his own. His character is always (throughout the entirety of the show) written within the context of Kurt and Klaine. It's very much Ken and Barbie-esque with the whole "Ken only has a good day when Barbie looks at him." Like we never get to know anything about Blaine's personal life except for ?? a throwaway line that his dad (who we never meet) is homophobic? and also that he was gay bashed when he was 15. And, just to bitch about that, it will never not piss me off to insane lengths that Kurt wanted to go to prom so he made Blaine go with him even though Blaine was blatantly triggered by it. The literal dialogue exchange in the episode (S2E20) is Blaine detailing this very traumatic experience and saying "this is just a bit of a sore spot for me" and Kurt replies "this is perfect." LIKE WHAT?? WHATTTT?? what do you mean it's PERFECT?? your boyfriend is clearly uncomfortable and triggered by this!! do not make this man go to prom with you!! And then, in that same episode, Kurt very blatantly outs Blaine's secret trauma to his family without any fucking care whatsoever for what Blaine actually went through (which is crazy considering Kurt was bullied too and should have some goddamn sympathy for the situation??). and look at my boy!! he's CLEARLY UNCOMFORTABLE!! does Kurt give a fuck?? no he does not! and he literally never apologizes for this!!
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gif credit (love this set and creator btw)
This is after they're dating and there are MANY more instances when they're dating that Kurt blatantly bulldozed over Blaine's boundaries with reckless fucking abandon. And any single time they ever get into an argument, Blaine has to be the one to apologize to KURT? like even when Kurt is the one who cheats on him in Season 3?? Blaine has to apologize to him for being insecure?? Or in Season 5 when Blaine is experiencing a lot of insecurity (which was also a crazy arc considering how attractive his actor, Darren, is?? and I always loathe when shows add unnecessary fatphobia plotlines for literal skinny characters but that's a different tangent) and he told Kurt and Kurt's response was quite literally "I'm not going to apologize for being better than you." Like that's a fucking insane thing to say to your boyfriend who is standing in your kitchen crying, saying he's scared you're "going to wake up one day and realize [you] don't love him anymore" (S5E16). AND THEN?? IN AN EVEN MORE INSANE TURN OF EVENTS?? literally a handful of episodes later that's EXACTLY what happens!! Just out of the blue, Kurt decides he doesn't love Blaine anymore and breaks up with him?? Which was an absurd plotline?? (as most plotlines from season 4 and on are).
I'm also just going to add that Ryan Murphy does not know Blaine Anderson like I do, clearly, because there is nothing at all in his character that insinuates he'd be a cheater especially considering his ENTIRE PERSONALITY REVOLVES AROUND KURT. which is some fucking lazy ass writing, I'm just gonna say.
Also, further defending Blaine and calling Kurt out for being a SHITHEAD! there's that whole episode "Blame it on the Alchohol" where Blaine and Kurt go over to Rachel's house for a party and Blaine gets literally blackout drunk and kisses Rachel during a spin the bottle game. Immediately, the fact that Kurt gets so upset over them kissing says a lot about how self-involved and psychotically jealous he is (considering he and Blaine were NOT together at this point and Blaine had literally actively said he did not want to be in a relationship with Kurt).
And then this will also always bother me?? Blaine was blackout?? So Kurt drove him home?? and let Blaine sleep in his bed??? with him??? which, based on the way Kurt was acting and how possessive he always was over Blaine, this was Weird. Like if you can drive your drunk friend somewhere, why aren't you driving them back to their OWN home?? especially when Blaine wakes up in the episode (looking very cute, I will say) and his immediate reaction is "Where am I?" Like that's fucked up???? And then, later, in the same episode, Blaine says he thinks he might be bi and Kurt goes off his fucking ROCKER. and is so blatantly biphobic !! and it's gross !! and the only reason he is is because he wants Blaine to himself even though Blaine literally said he wasn't interested!!!
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including gifs of drunk!blaine bc he's cute <3
And to talk down to your supposed best friend?? And act like you know him better than he knows himself?? yeah it was fucked up and biphobia is never cute. and, also, all Kurt ever did was pretty much blatantly pressure Blaine into dating him?? Like he was constantly all over him and then, the second they got together, the writers were like "ok and now blaine's only personality trait is loving Kurt." Which never made any sense to me considering that Kurt is constantly talking down to him? He constantly (multiple times in multiple episodes) complains about how talented Blaine is. Which is just not something you fucking do to someone you supposedly love and respect??
Before they were even dating, Kurt complained to Blaine that he "always has solos" and "right now, it feels like we're Blaine and the pips" and also a very underhanded comment about how "I know we're all supposed to be do-whopping behind Blaine while he sings every Katy Perry song" (S2E16). All of these things are just blatantly belittling? Also, tea time, but Kurt's ass was not fucking talented enough to be making bold ass claims about how he should be singing lead vocals.
Once they're dating, Blaine and Kurt both try out for the musical. When Kurt finds out that Blaine is trying for the lead, he immediately becomes standoffish and Blaine clearly panics, making a comment about how seniors should get the leads, not juniors. And Kurt goes "yeah that's usually how it works!" So then Blaine completely fucking forfeits the part! He auditions for a side role so that Kurt can get it and Kurt won't see him as a "threat" but then, because Blaine is so fucking good (and better than Kurt cough cough), he gets cast and Kurt is fucking pissed about it !!! (S3E02).
Once they are dating, Kurt literally cheats on Blaine, then claims that it's "okay" because it's "just texting" and, when Blaine says he's hurt, Kurt calls him crazy?? (S3E17) He never once apologizes to Blaine for what he did, only saying "I'm sorry if this upsets you but it's okay" which is not a fucking apology!! And Blaine ends up being the one apologizing to Kurt at the end of the episode, saying that he's insecure!! But Kurt does about fuck all to actually care for him!! And, during that scene, he says "Do you know how many times I've had to sit on a stool and watch you perform?" Like how fucking shitty is that to say to someone you love? Literally All Kurt does the entire series is make Blaine feel bad about how good he is??
there's a lot of other moments where Kurt is really just blatantly fucking mean to Blaine but I'm going to stop there because this is getting <3 really long <3 and I'm going to take a deep breath.
Blaine literally transferred schools to be with Kurt because Kurt pressured him into it?? Like there were literally scenes where Kurt was like "you should change schools" and Blaine went "aww no I don't wanna :(" and then Kurt continued to pressure him into it?? it's not something he ever should have even proposed in the first place?? But then when Blaine actually did transfer - and made it blatantly clear to Kurt that he did it for him - all of a sudden Kurt was like "aw noo u shouldn't have done this for lil ol mee!" (S3E01). Which was some BULLSHIT! but i am gonna include a gif of new kid blaine because look at this fucking cutie !!!
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gif credit (i luv u klainegifs)
ok so, after Kurt pressures Blaine into going to his school and all of Kurt's friends are blatantly fucking mEAN to Blaine (despite him being the most talented member of the club cough cough), there's the scene where they all go to prom. Now this one.... oh this one makes me mad. And this makes me mad because it's just clearly rooted in the outright racism of Glee. And here's the reasons I'm mad:
Darren Criss (Blaine's actor) is Asian-American but Glee pretends like Blaine Anderson is a white character.
A fun fact for you about Glee is that Darren Criss auditioned for Glee's first season with his natural hair (big, fluffy, curly, beautiful) and he did not get a part. However, he auditioned again for the second season with his hair short and gelled back and he did get the part. Notice anything fucking weird about that???? he was just as fucking talented with the curly hair !!
Glee gels Blaine's hair so fucking much in later seasons that he literally develops helmet head. Look at the difference between season 2 and season 6:
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4. There was one episode (a different prom episode in season 3) where they did release the curls. and they pretended like my boy was UGLY!?! LOOK AT HIM
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he's literally precious. But also, the producers of Glee went out of their way to try and make his curls look bad?? like they purposefully tried to give him bad hair?? and make fun of his natural curls?? and this was kurt's actual fucking reaction to seeing his boyfriend's natural hair for the first time:
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he says "oh my dear god" in horror. like kurt literally go fuck yourself. Everyone is so fucking mean to Blaine when he ungels his hair!! and it's because they're RACIST!!!! name one curly-haired character in Glee. I'll wait.
I never liked Kurt but him reacting so cruelly to blaine's natural hair (and then Blaine never ungelling his hair again) is one of my biggest problems with him.
in conclusion, I will never fucking forgive the way that Glee treated Blaine. My beautiful baby boy and his bowties deserved better.
the end.
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green-loser-lover · 7 months
Imitation X (au)
Im sure that you guys have heard of theories for different shows? Not the interesting MatPat kind, the horror/bizarre ones that suck the childlike wonder from kids shows? Like the Phineas & Ferb theory or the Rugrats theory (both saying that all the kids are dead except for Candice/Angelica)? Well theres one for PPG called "the imagination theory" and my au is based off of it. (if interested keep reading but it gets long and i dont want clutter)
The imagination theory while interesting doesn't get.. explored often and just gets explained by youtubers some times? If you don't want to read all of it: the girls are normal and just play pretend superhero, the villains are all people from their lives and the Professor is their dad (duh)
I think the entire concept could be expanded on without changing the whole "normal girls thing". Enter imitation X! Basically everything happening is through the girls eyes and equate to something in the real world! Monsters are like shootings/bombings, villains are ordinary people, everything that happens is just them coping with their less than ideal lives. So i want to fit all the characters (main ones at least) into that idea as well as different episodes!
For now though lets start with the girls (this post is too long bezus)
In Imitation X her real name is Blaine (meaning yellow.. yk how the prof gives bubbles/blossom names based off of how they act and buttercup just bc it also starts with b? yeah i kinda did that to bloss bc i wanted their named to sound similar oops)
When the girls came up with the game she was the one to make the rules which really just meant she tried her hardest to make up reason after reason for her to be special while her sisters couldn't do half the stuff she could. Eventually she just started having fun with the game and stopped being so controlling. When Buttercup/Bubbles played at first the whole thing was a mess (Butter wanting all gore and Bubbles wanting all cutesy stuff) so she came up with the girls backstory and set a middle ground for them
Shes not smarter than her sisters! I'd say shes more clever/quick to think but shes not like a super genius or anything and shes wrong pleanty. In imitation X Blossom is extremely responsible as always but she can also be selfish and throw the other girls under the bus. Out of the three of them shes the most willing to deal with their real world problems without the game and is the most tethered to reality. Which is how i think she can get away with things she herself did and blame it on buttercup or bubbles!
Her name is Briar (meaning thorny patch/strength or exalted one)
She loves all things superheros(in this au at least), so she was the one to come up with the game HOWEVER it was a totally gritty solo game that she wanted absolutley no one else to take part in.. until she got lonely lol. 1 punching all your villians with no plot gets boring quick. Eventually she asked bubbles to draw her superhero for her (her supersona??) and bubbles wanted to play bc it looked cool. Ofc Buttercup put her through different trials to let her join,, and even then Bubbles became her sidekick at first (which led to squables)
Shes willing to deviate from their game to hang out with her friends who think its lame or whatnot (did i mention theyve been playing since they were five up until theyre 12?) She made the whole game as an escape from the real world so its pretty easy for her to get back into it after a while. Buttercup isn't a hot head in imitation X! She gets angered/annoyed easily but instead of blowing up she. freezes? up? She'll stop talking when shes been angered and isolate herself! Which is why Buttercup (in game) is so violent! Real world Butters cant express herself the way she wants so she uses the game as an outlet. Shes very defensive of her sisters (for reasons that will be revealed later) but at the same time shes very ready to abandon them when they get on her nerves. And i mean abandon, she will leave the house for days!
Last but not least (shes my beloved guys i just never mention it) Blair! (meaning dweller on the plains and is meant to invoke images of meadows/fields.. shes the main character if you didnt notice /j)
When Buttercup told her to draw for her she fell inlove with the idea of being a superhero and was willing to do all the trials and whatnot just to play. She ofc loved being a powerpuff and made the strongest connection with the game.She did get tired of being a sidekick though bc she got to make almost no choices so she came up with monsters and played as them until she got tired of it and started to argue with buttercup about the whole thing. Yeah it def took time for her to become a real superhero duo w/ Butters but when it happened she'd never been happier
Bubbles constantly sees things through the game. No shes not crazy she knows its not happening but she almost never stops pretending. It took a long few years before Blossom got her to stop at school (for the most part). Bubbles goes through the most in the au and therefore she likes to actively cope. Its extremely hard for her to snap into reality and when she does shes really not herself, very muted and disgruntled. It takes her a surprisingly long time to start coping again as well, awareness throws her for a loop and she will make a fuss of it. Shes more of a crybaby and is easily scared in the real world (she tries not to cry in front of others though ofc) people like her but she'd rather stay to herself than be around other people. Bubbles in the game is far more sassy than she is because she wished she did speak her mind and do whatever makes her happy whenever she felt like.
Thats! It! For the girls lol Professor, Mojo Jojo/rrb, or HIM will probably come next because they are all significant in the AU! After them probably the Mayor, Bellum and Sedusa or the GGG! Hope you enjoyed and stick around to read more :3! R&R and have a good day!
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invisibleraven · 8 months
20 questions writer meme!
I wa tagged by my beloved @bananakarenina <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? In total across 5 fandoms, 124, 84 of those are JatP, and 5 of those are prompt fill compilations.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,674,136 uploaded as of right now, and I know that over 1 million of those words are JatP.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently just Julie and the Phantoms, but in past I wrote primarily for Glee/Glee RPF, and Teen Titans. There's no other fandom really interesting me enough to write for it at moment.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm going to limit this to my JatP fics, but if you wanna check out my stories in my previous fandoms, well here's my AO3
And giving yourself to me can never be wrong my collection of smut prompt fills with 235 kudos
I Know Who I Want To Take Me Home the first installment of my Semisonic Sunset verse with 192 kudos
But came the dawn the show goes on (and I don't want to say goodnight) my PeterPatterLina soulmate AU with 169 kudos
Maybe this news can wait Part three (and the only non smutty part) of Semisonic Sunset with 124 kudos
Better walk the line my single dad Reggie PeterPatter fic with 124 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Honestly no I don't. I tried, once upon a time, but I just felt like no one really cared what I had to say, and then I didn't have the spoons for it, so I stopped. I know I should though, my brain just doesn't seem to like letting me.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hands down it is Haunted by the moments of what we used to be because every comment I got on it was some variation of how very dare you.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Generally I try to give all of my stories a happy ending, but for this one, I'll go with Yellow Wood  because it gave everyone a happy ending, no matter the path taken.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Currently no, but when the blacklist was a thing that happened, my name was second on there, so that kind of sucked.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Out of my 84 JatP fics, 24 are rated E, and my smut prompt fills are currently sitting at 80 something chapters, so you tell me. In honesty, I don't write smut as much anymore, as I find it a little more difficult to write and the response to anything rated above a T is vastly lower than anything else. But when I started in this fandom, it was what I was known for; see my point regarding the black list.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I actually kind of hate crossovers? If I'm looking for a fic to read on AO3, I always click the Exclude Crossovers choice. I'll write any and every AU I can, and I might add minor characters from said AU, but that's rare, and that's as close as I get.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Unfortunately yes. There was a person on WattPad who went and stole a bunch of different smutty JatP fics over a year ago, and one of mine was amongst them. They were reported, and the fic was taken down. This is why now my fics on AO3 are only available to registered AO3 users.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but if anyone ever wants to do a translation or podfic of any of my stories, they have my permission as long as they credit me and send me a link afterwards!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, and no one has ever asked. It's something I'd love to try if the chance ever came along, and had the right idea.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I mean I can't pick just one, I've been involved in fandoms since I was a teenager. Like for Teen Titans Raven/Beast Boy will always own a piece of my soul. In Glee, Kurt/Blaine was such a formative part of my life. And even with Jatp I don't think I could choose between Rulie and PeterPatterLina, they both mean so much to me. And those are just the fandoms I've written for!
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? *looks at my GDocs which is a WiP graveyard* Oh gosh there's so many.
16. What are your writing strengths? My brain is not being kind to me ATM, so I don't think I have any? Like maybe how much I write? Does that count?
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything. Editing especially.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I have done this quite a bit, even if it's just plugging what I want to say into Google Translate. So I know it's not entirely accurate, but I think I have been getting better about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first fic I ever wrote that wasn't done like on a dare was a smutty fic for the anime Trigun that still exists on my ff.net page if you find it (no I'm not linking it) that I wrote in high school. It is Not Good.
20. Favorite fic you've written? I give the same answer to this question every time: But came the dawn the show goes on (and I don't want to say goodnight) and I don't think that will ever change.
Honourable mentions
-For better or for worse (Even if it's just tonight) 
-So Close To Reaching That Famous Happy End
-Yellow Wood
-Dress You Up In My Love
Not tagging anyone, but if you wanna do this ask game, go to!
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daisyishedwig · 8 months
Mr. Smythe - A Seblaine Mrs. Winterbourne AU
A/N: I was hoping to have more of this written in time for today, but it's going to be a lot larger of a project, and I want to do it well. So instead, here's a little prologue for today, and hopefully I'll be able to actually start posting the full story sometime next year.
For Day 5 of 10 Days of Seblaine: Parents AU @seblaineworld
Summary: Blaine Anderson boards a train to Boston not entirely sure what he’s going to do once he gets there. All he knows is that he has less than a thousand dollars in his bank account, his two-month-old nephew in a carrier, and the sound of his father’s voice telling him not to come home. On the train, he meets Barry and Devon Smythe, a newlywed couple returning to the States with their recently adopted child to meet Barry’s family for the first time. But when the train crashes and Blaine awakes in the hospital to find out that he and his nephew have been mistaken for Devon Smythe and his child, he gets sucked into a whirlwind of lies trying to do what’s best by the child he doesn’t have the money to raise and Barry’s grieving family. But Barry’s twin brother, Sebastian, doesn’t trust that Blaine is really who he says he is, he just doesn’t know how to prove it.
Blaine’s brother was dead.
And Blaine didn’t cry.
Blaine didn’t cry when he got the phone call. He didn’t cry when he boarded the plane or when he got off. He didn’t cry at the funeral or at the moment a squirming infant he’d never met was placed in his arms for the first time. 
He didn’t know why.
If he felt numb, he’d understand it. But he didn’t. His heart was crushed by grief so much he didn’t know how it was still pumping. He wanted to scream at the world and curse at the sky and beg the god he didn’t believe in to just bring his brother back. He wanted to hold the baby so tight they merged into one person. 
The baby didn’t know what he’d lost. He was far too young to understand the pain Blaine was feeling. And all Blaine wanted to do was give him some of his pain so he could just fucking breathe. 
But he didn’t cry.
And he didn’t hold the baby tight enough to break it. 
He just sat resolutely, held his nephew with the most ridiculous name only Cooper could have come up with, and filled out the custody paperwork.
And then Blaine Anderson was a father. A single one at that.
Technically he was just an uncle with legal guardianship over his nephew. But that just sounded like a fancy way of saying 21 and a broke dad. 
He checked his bank account again. The amount hadn’t changed in the last ten minutes. 
Not the worst number to see. But not the best when you were trapped in New York City with a baby and no home to return to. 
“I’m not taking care of another one of your brother’s mistakes. Leave the kid in New York or don’t come home.”
Blaine had been tempted to do that. He didn’t have the money to raise a kid. Nor was he sure he had the temperament for it. And without his father’s assistance? There was no way he could feasibly keep Cooper’s child. 
But then he’d held him. And he’d opened his eyes. And they were Cooper’s. 
He couldn’t let go of the only thing he had left of his brother. This baby needed him and he needed this baby. So fuck his father, he was going to keep it. 
His nephew cooed in the baby carrier beside him. He lifted his hand to rest it on the baby’s stomach and he quieted. “Well, Cookie,” he said, “your father has left us with a real mess. And this time… I’m not sure I can fix it for him. 
“For you. 
“For us.”
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little-escapist · 1 year
kiss prompt 36 + klaine pleasee ?
Thank you! This prompt marinated in my head and turned into something I'm really excited about, so I hope you like it! Set in some sort of vaguely historical place in time.
(also psst, there is going to be a continuation to this in the next couple of days in the form of another kiss prompt fic)
36. A Kiss to Give Up Control
“My fate is in your hands.”
Kurt can’t handle the soft yet so, so strong devotion in Blaine’s eyes as he looks deep into Kurt’s, so sure and full of trust. Kurt feels like he might shatter under that look, under Blaine’s love.
“You can’t just say that,” he whispers, hardly getting the words out. “There must be a way…”
“I can’t delay the wedding anymore. Aunt June is going through with it this weekend no matter what I say, and she’s pissed that I’ve managed to stall this long.” Blaine’s hands are shaking slightly where they hold on to Kurt’s even though his voice and eyes are unwavering.
“I will not fault you if you decide to stay away,” Blaine says and his eyes are growing wet. “It might be the easier route. I wish I didn’t have to ask you to exile yourself from your family and friends just for me, but… Kurt, you’re my only hope anymore.”
Kurt swallows. He knows what his heart wants – it wants the impossible. His heart wants to keep the young prince as his lover, as his partner, but also to stay close to his dad, Carole, Finn, and Mercedes back in the city. If he chooses Blaine, he chooses a life on the run. They can’t stay in the kingdom if they stop the wedding. Kurt’s name will be ruined forever. If he chooses his home, his family, and the life he knows, he dooms Blaine to an unhappy marriage and separates them from each other for good. June Dolloway is no fool and she’s onto them already. She will not suffer Kurt under her roof once Blaine is married.
“I’ve done all I can to defy her. I’ve tried everything, and the truth is that I’m tired.” Blaine looks down, stares at their joined hands for a moment. “I’m tired of fighting her. I hate the constant confrontations. So, I’m good with whatever you decide. I’m with you, if you want to leave with me. If not, please go on with the knowledge that I’ll love you forever.”
“I love you,” is all Kurt can say, his mind overwhelmed with indecision.
“I’ll be yours either way,” Blaine promises softly before lifting his eyes and looking into Kurt’s with so much love shining through that it takes Kurt’s breath away. Blaine leans in, presses a longing kiss on his mouth, sucking his bottom lip and touching it with his tongue. Kurt opens his mouth, lets Blaine in, but Blaine only gives his tongue a short caress with his own before retreating and kissing his cheeks, his closed eyes, and rising to his tiptoes, his forehead.
“You don’t have to decide now. We have until the end of the week.”
Kurt nods, numb. He can’t open his eyes, can’t face Blaine, because he’s torn and he doesn’t want Blaine to see that.
He doesn’t know what to do and with those kisses Blaine just placed his whole life into Kurt’s hands.
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unholybinchicken · 2 months
💖 for glee opinions 👀
💖 idk if these are unpopular opinions but
None of the glee kids are 'terrible people'.
Rachel's parents (i.e. her dads and Shelby) and Brittany's parents all suck.
I hate like 80% of Santana's post season 3 outfits. she had all these cute eclectic outfits in season 2 and then especially in season 5 it was like "let's just get a bunch of bodycon dresses in different colours and call it a day"
Blaine had the single worst outfit on Glee
all the Glee girls except Quinn and Kitty are autistic (as are Blaine and Roderick)
Mason McCarthy is a trans guy (he told me himself)
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hevanderson · 3 months
thank you @kurtsascot for the wip wednesday tag!! im tagging anyone who wants to do it :-3 ! this is, of course, an excerpt from the second chapter of the lis au. some stuff is supposed to be italicized but tumblr italicization sucks so.. you'll have to wait for the chapter to be finished to see i guess >:-3
Blaine blinked. What the hell? What happened? Who would wreck his room like this? He didn't think he was gone for long enough for someone to come into his room and trash it. Why would anyone even do this? Blaine was new here– he had no enemies, as far as he knew; he barely had any friends! Speaking of friends… Blaine grabbed his phone (which was still mercifully intact and exactly where he left it) from his nightstand. A few notifications filled his screen. The first one he concerned himself with was the one from Kurt. He opened it immediately. 'I'm going to be running a little late, my dad wants help around the house before I leave', it read. Blaine sighed with relief. Thank God. He was stressed enough about time this morning, and his room's state wasn't helping. 'I might be too. This morning has been crazy.' Kurt's reply came immediately; 'your whole life is crazy, isn't it?' Blaine smiled. 'You could definitely say that.' He closed out of Kurt's messages. Most of the other notifications all came from one number– one he hadn't seen before. He rolled his eyes. He hated that these telemarketers were starting to text people. Somehow, that was more annoying than receiving calls. Regardless, he hated having unread messages, so he opened it up anyway. He thought his heart stopped when his eyes read the message.
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justgleekout · 8 months
3 and 9 sfw and 1 11 12 and 14 nsfw🤭
I think this is the post you’re referring to! If I’m wrong let me know!
Shipping Headcanons! Send Numbers & Ships!
3. Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?
Well obviously thats Kurt. He literally grew up working in a garage. Kurt definitely helps Burt out a lot and actually enjoys working with cars. Fuck yeah breaking stereotypes! (Please if you are interested in Kurt working at hummel’s tires and lube check out the little fic I wrote about it HAHA)
9. Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?
Ooh I’m sure Blaine knows at least some Filipino!
Okay first a little hc family background: Blaine’s mom is Filipino Pam who? Lol and his Dad is white/American. His dad was married before and had cooper with his previous wife. When he remarries he has Blaine. This also explains the big age gap between Cooper and Blaine and why they have such a complicated relationship.
Now back to the language: I think Blaine tries to teach Kurt some little words when Kurt eats at Blaine’s parents house. Blaine speaks some Filipino with his mom and Kurt is eager to learn what they are talking about. So Blaine will teach him some useful words and phrases like ‘food’, ‘sorry’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ but also important words like ‘love’, ‘kiss’, ‘boyfriend’ etc. I dont think Kurt will ever be fluent in Filipino but he likes that he knows the words Blaine has taught him!
1. How often do they have sex, if at all?
I think that sex and that physical connection is really important to them. They hint on this quite a lot in s5b (my beloved). So I think they have sex pretty often. Usually at least a few times a week. Not necessarily full on penetrative sex each time, but they like to make the other feel good by getting them off in various ways whenever they can <33
11. Favourite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm?
I love this one! I am a really romantic sex enjoyer so I have a few for you:
Kurt always says “I love you” when he comes. He can’t help it. It’s just how he feels.
Blaine wants to be held close when they have sex. It makes him feel even more connected and in the moment. Kurt is more than happy to provide.
Kurt always whispers words of praise and admiration to Blaine. Especially when they are trying new things or when he pushes Blaine’s limits.
Their foreplay is really disgustingly romantic. The lightest of touches. Cheek caresses. Stroking the other person’s hair. Taking their time (whenever they can) and really loving each other.
They compliment each other a lot. On their acts, on their bodies, the noises they make.
Honestly? Kurt bottoming. My boy is a top 90% of the time. To bottom you really need to trust your partner and Blaine is the only person Kurt trusts 100%. He isn’t afraid to be vulnerable around him. He trusts him enough to give up control like that.
They never stop asking if the other person is feeling good/liking what they are doing. Communication is key and they always want to check in.
12. How are their afterglows?
Blaine gets really snuggly and sleepy when he comes. He wants to glue himself to Kurt’s side and never leave. He likes to doze off with his face buried in Kurt’s neck.
Kurt still feels a little mad with arousal after he comes. It takes him a while to come down so he just needs to keep kissing Blaine for as long as he can. Nipping his ear. Leaving light sucking kisses under his jaw. Holding onto/squeezing Blaine’s butt. All that good stuff. This in return makes Blaine feel incredibly loved so its a win win.
14. Lights on or off? Do they look at each other? Or is someone embarrassed?
Usually they keep the lights on. Even their first time they had the lights on. Yeah they both felt really shy but they are also just really curious and really into the idea if seeing the other person. They love looking at each other. Even if they sometimes get insecure about their own bodies they just wouldn’t want to miss out on looking at the other. Now, when they have late night sleepy sex they can’t be bothered to turn the lights on and just focus just more on feel and touch. They also love this.
I’m sure that in s5b Blaine would want the lights off more because of his insecurities but Kurt keeps reminding him how beautiful and attractive he is. And they work through this together <33
This was really fun to answer!! Im glad you dug up this old post again :)
If you want to send me more numbers from this post or have other questions about some of my hcs please send me an ask!!
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cassioppenny · 1 year
are there any other nightmare insecurity entities haunting any of the characters besides missingno in milesverse..........ALSO. if theres anythnig different from canon abt any of the gym leaders id like to hear it :)
hm well dawn and serena are possessed by giratina and zygarde respectively but that probably doesn't count. i don't have any plans for anyone else being tormented by evil shadow selves rn. maybe i'll think up something as i continue my marathon but rn nightmare insecurity entities are red exclusive sorry
as for gym leaders
surge, koga, sabrina, and blaine are or have been affiliated with team rocket. koga and sabrina aren't really willingly working with them for koga his daughter is being threatened and for sabrina they promised if she works with them that the pokemon tower will not be torn down for a radio tower (her family runs the tower and even though she's scared of ghosts she doesn't want an important burial ground for hundreds of pokemon to get torn down for capitalism). blaine assisted in the creation of mewtwo along with fuji and some unimportant blond guy. and surge is just an asshole (he becomes less of an asshole after red beats him)
blue kept getting in trouble for not using a monotype team while he was a gym leader. he eventually got fired post gsc and green replaced him lmao.
falkner, bugsy, and whitney were brendan's childhood friends before he moved to hoenn
not exactly differing from canon but mv hoenn is basically an orasified emerald so wallace is champion and juan exists
again not really differing from canon but NORMAN ISNT A SHITTY DAD like yeah he sucks ass at communicating with his son but he's not abusive like pokespe norman
anyway brendan's parents didn't know brendan went off on a journey and they don't learn until brendan (and wally) show up at norman's gym since he ran away without telling them
i think it would be funny if fantina had a weird gay thing going on with johanna. send tweet.
i really like the unova gym leaders as is so idk what to change about them except for kurusu obviously. maybe hilbert will challenge all three butlers like ash did in the anime idk.
dude i have no fucking clue with the kalos guys they're really forgettable sadly
mina find the weird kanto simulation thing (let's go) along with the kanto trio so that's why she's in let's go
this is more of a team yell thing than a piers thing but even though team yell started out as a a bunch of spikemouth residents it quickly explodes in members as marnie becomes the most popular gym challenger to the point piers can't control the hype around his sister at all. this gets so bad that rose ends up pitching to marnie to rig all of her future matches to her favor so they could make a ridiculous amount of merch about her so her fans could be happy
i saw a comic about larry coming from the real world but then getting eebied into paldea and i thought it was funny so i might incorporate it into milesverse. though im not sure yet incase the dlc gives us actual larry lore or something who knows
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