#aged up gabrinette
blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
Umbrella - Marieltober 2023
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Day 21 : Rain For the Marieltober in 2023 by @irenea666
warning : aged up, marinette is in her early 20s and gabriel is in his early 40s, fluff, mutual feelings, proffesor/student
Info : This is my first time doing such an event I hope I did everything right. Even though it's not the 21 of October anymore but I hope that is all right.
An actual warm sunny morning had settled over Paris and lured the city dwellers outside. Warm temperatures, a cloudless sky and warm rays of sunshine were perfect. So Marinette had also thrown herself into an airy dress. A creation of her own in red tones and black embellishments, she had designed it herself over several days. Inspired by her Ladybug outfit, of course.
With her bag over her shoulder and Tikki in it, she had made her way to the Paris University of Fashion.
Not only the university, when it comes to clothes and creating, but also her opportunity to become a fashion designer. But that was not the reason why she put her bright lip gloss on her lips and a little mascara on her eyelashes in the bus. She felt so pretty too, but Friday was always her favourite day when she was with a certain someone. Gabrielle Agreste.
The fashion designer Paris. He had been a kind of substitute professor since the building and always had a helping hand over the works of his students. Which is why she at least wanted to dress up a little. What do you think he'll think of my blouse? she murmured to herself and looked out of the bus window to see the colourful university. ,,He must like it," she heard Tikki's voice from her pocket and the little red and black kwami winked at her encouragingly.
,,You're right, I'll do my best," she replied, smiling gratefully at the mystical being before hurrying to the university to avoid being late. The first hours were dry theory, colour teachers and which fabrics harmonised best with each other. Until the time finally came when the professor ended the lesson and she went to her favourite lesson with a joyous heart. 
Like everyone else, Marinette had her own table, her own doll to dress up and her own sewing machine. Her little kingdom from where she could watch Gabriele hidden behind mountains of fabric. She saw with her blue eyes the little smile on his lips as his white hair bounced slightly every time he took a step.
The bright eyes behind the glasses that flew over the students. As handsome as a butterfly, she thought, smiling slightly at the comparison. But as much as she loved to dream and look at the older man, she knew she had to work too. Time flew by as she cut more and more fabric and sewed more and more.
The woman in her early twenties hardly noticed that raindrops were falling on the windows and the sun was disappearing behind rain clouds. ,,I think that's enough for today, students, before you get too wet, have a wonderful day," he announced cheerfully and the students left one by one. All except one. Marinette.
The blue-haired woman was so absorbed in her work that she did not notice how the older man looked at her. His gaze wandered over her work and herself. ,,Little Ladybird…I must say your work is phenomenal, quite enchanting. I'm just afraid you'll have to take the needle off too," he said softly and saw Marinette flinch, she seemed to have only just noticed him.
The student turned around and he saw her cheeks turn a light shade of pink, he saw her lip gloss and her accentuated eyes. He himself felt the warmth coming to his cheeks. ,,Thank you Monsieur Agreste it meant a lot to me that you are pleased with it" she replied and cleared the way to let him have a better look at the blouse.
The purple fabric with the silver ascesoirs and butterfly buttons was perfection. Maybe Marinette liked Hesperia? ,,I hope the other professors see it that way," she murmured, packing her things before swinging her purse over her shoulder.
All of a sudden she felt his hand on hers, a brief touch like the flutter of a butterfly's wings. ,,Hope is the best thing you can do Marinette" he said and the two decided to walk together to the main exit. She knew that the spot on her hand was tingling and he wanted to give her words of hope again.
The two walked together through the corridors, glancing at each other furtively from time to time. They had always understood each other well, what was initially excitement and curiosity had now become respect and love.
The creations of his little ladybug were beautiful and the endless hope and kindness of her handsome butterfly was always during. ,,Rain? Oh no…no umbrella" the younger one stated as she scurried back under the roof of the university and Gabriel stopped, a little taken aback. His eyes went to the dress and he understood what had happened.
He had brought his own large lilac umbrella with him and stepped towards Marinette. ,,Miss Cheng, may I take you to the station…or home?" he asked after a moment's hesitation, not knowing if he had crossed a line. He saw surprise, then consideration and then something like hope in her eyes. Before he handed her the umbrella and took off his coat to put it over her shoulders. ,,Misseur Agr-" she wanted to say, but he took the umbrella from her before he sat down next to her and said, ,,Gabriel please, if I may also call you Marinette" and was pleased to see the hasty nod.
Before she grabbed his arm on impulse and the two of them walked down the street together under the umbrella. The older man felt her press herself closer to him, her hand sliding from his arm to his hand. A smile crept onto his lips as he saw the flush on her cheeks as he squeezed her hand lightly. ,,The rain gives hope for another fine day," he murmured, looking at the drops around him.
He heard her agree with him and the two fell into a small conversation about hope, rain and fashion. It was only when the two arrived in front of the younger woman's flat that they fell silent. ,,I hope you didn't get too wet," he said and saw her wipe a few drops from her bag. ,,No, it's fine," she smiled and saw how the white-haired man seemed to be thinking.
But about what. ,,Marinette, I totally understand if you say no but…would you like to come to dinner and create an outfit together?" He asked, fearing that she would refuse, stay with him or even leave.
His thoughts ran amok, but when he suddenly felt her take him in her arms, he heard her say, ,,Oh, I'd love to, Gabriele, I'd love to". The younger one had embraced him so stormily and they were both standing in the rain again, the umbrella rolled to the ground and she gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. In the end, the happiness of the Ladybug and the hope of the butterfly won out, because together they found love.
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i-have-no-ide4 · 11 months
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Credits: Grey PF.
This wonderful artist has done me the greats favor of making this incredible drawing, unfortunately he doesn't have tumblr, but he has given me his authorization to publish it here, so you don't miss this work.
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ms-nunuvurbsness · 1 year
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Day 2: Fight (?)
... I'm really sorry for being this late, I got carried away
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itsawritblr · 5 months
I've missed these guys.
(sound on)
The first time Ladybug/Marinette sees inside the Agreste mansion.
I love how Gabriel speaks to Ladybug as if she's an adult, not a child his son's age. Of course, he's hoping to get his hands on those earrings.
Why does Ladybug look at her finger?
God, his voice . . . .
Ah, so much fanfic fodder here. Especially Gabriel's little dig at Emilie. "Way too overly dramatic."
The Cocoon Splits on AO3.
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jennrypan · 2 years
... If youre shipping a fucking full grown man with a child. And writing your dirty, fucked up little fics about it and putting it in a public tag you need to be throat punched. Fucks wrong with you??
You werent bullied enough and it shows. The millions of kids Marinettes age wasnt good enough?? Seek help. And tag your stupid shit so normal people dont have to see it cunt. Absolutely rancid.
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Day 4: Time travel.
After a weekend of procrastination, I was finally able to finish it.
Some of my inspirations for this chapter.
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chikorra · 6 months
I must find ways to practice more so I can bring nightmares to all with Gabrinette content. My cute style is too bland for people... 😔
I still remember people harassing other authors for writing even "age-up" already, so imma combat this hypocrisy by doing exactly what they fear and being a menace LMAO
And although people wish me dead, I wish you peace of mind. Life is more than just fictional matters, I hope all of us can make use of it by not intentionally giving each other a harder time
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darksepia · 5 years
We all choose our own fate
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coolfuffles · 5 years
Oh, my goodness! It’s back! My friends just updated with Chapter 16 of “Paper Cuts; Leather Binds”!!!
Rated: M
Summary: When Marinette turns 21 and is finally of age to pick up her soulmate journal, she expects to immediately be put in contact with a certain blond crush of hers like she's always dreamed of. However, when she opens up the journal to find it already half filled with entries from a soulmate who had long given up on ever getting a reply, she wonders what cruel joke the universe must be playing on her. When Gabriel hears the tell-tale sound of pencil against paper coming from a long forgotten leather-bound journal, he nearly thinks he's imagining things. After all, he'd long given up on believing in the soulmate system and had moved on to find love elsewhere. However, he finds himself presented with an opportunity he can't pass up: a chance to get closer to his leading suspect for Ladybug's civilian identity and possibly a new opportunity to get the earrings he so desperately needs to bring back his long-lost wife.All best-laid plans are bound to have complications, though. Actually beginning to harbor feelings for his enemy, however, was not one Gabriel expected.
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chimpukampu · 5 years
Wow, you're really gonna advertise a prompt month based around a pedophilic ship, big yikes.
I think you misread my post.
I didn’t reply to advertise or promote, I replied, in bold letters “Events to watch out for” - which means that fans can start blocking certain words associated to their NOTPs during their appreciation weeks/months. If you know me, you’ll notice that I included begrudgingly my NOTPs on the list. 
Also to clarify, Gabrinette is my BIG YIKES NOTP, and I’m not the only ML fan out there who make PSAs on this ship. Some popular ML creators make a shoutout posts about Gabrinette or Sinsquare fics and arts every September - heck, I don’t even know their alternative ship name was Sinsquare until I saw their old calendar prompts yesterday.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
I don't usually hate people who ship other ships but I'm sorry, gabrinette is a little too much. I don't hate gabrinette shippers per say but I'm high key silently judging me.
I have seen people age it up. Which is still really weird to me. (But in those cases at least it isn't p***)
But in general, I think its super gross.
I dont hate the shippers (I am more grossed out than anything else), But I do hate the ship because WHY?!
And if they don't age it up.
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blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
Marieltober - Travel
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Day 30 : Travel
For the Marieltober in 2023 by @irenea666
warning : fluff, gabriel is in his early fourtys and marinette in her early twentys
Info : My second short story for this lovely october event check out her blog and have fun reading everyone :)
Marinette's love language has always been advice, tips and humanity coupled with some delicious baking from her parents or her own baking talent. The colorful mackaraons did wonders as many of her friends said.
The warm sweet pastry with a cup of cocoa and talk about the problems. She was the love you needed in your heart - her partner Gabriel Agreste knew this too.
The older designer appreciated her love when he stayed up late working on the last creations and she came to him. ,,I baked you something" whispered to him and snuggled up to him while his hands gently slid to hers. ,,Thank you my dear" crossed his lips and they settled down together on the couch he gently pulled her to him and cuddled a round and ate the warm baked together.
It was nights they both loved since they got together after she graduated from college. He already knew her through his son and had listened to his words and given her an internship.
She had fascinated him from the first day and her creations were exceptional. He praised her more and more and at some point took her to fashion shows. He exhibited her clothes and finally invited her to a date.
She accepted this and from there on the two entered into a relationship that had now existed for more than almost three years. They were well aware that the headlines of the gossip press would roll over. The early forty year old Agreste in a scandalous relationship with his almost twenty years younger co-worker / with designer.
But the two didn't care and he protected her from the press as best he could. But in all this time she realized that the love language of her Gabriel were gifts. Gifts that were not exactly cheap, but for the multimillionaire they were small things.
She was everything for him and she should get only the best. ,,The best for you, my love, a trip around the world, just the two of us and the countries we will see", he had told her the contents of the envelope before she fell into his arms.
He knew that in the last days and weeks she was always longer at her work, which is why she needed a break. A break that the two of them took a few days ago and flew first to China, the country of Marinette's roots, which he knew she really wanted to see. ,,I took the liberty of having you design a dress," he said, reaching for the box with the red and black ribbon wrapped around it as a bow. He saw her surprised look and the slight blush on her cheeks that she always got when he gave her something.
A reaction he loved to watch as she became slightly nervous and he always gave her a kiss on the forehead. ,,Not at all" he smirked and leaned down slightly to place another kiss on her forehead. Before she opened the box and a traditional dress came out in a mix of red and black.
Her favorite colors. ,,Wow...Gabriele this is beautiful" she murmured and her fingers slid over the fabric, the embroidery was handmade and the fabric was self woven. ,,A beauty for my beauty" he replied and gave her a little time before she got dressed in the new dress.
The fabric clung perfectly to her body her bluish hair matched it beautifully and as she twisted it into two small balls she seemed closer to her culture than ever before. ,,But for what?" she asked as she turned back to him, seeing the small smile on his lips and how he had apparently had a new suit made for himself. He handed her two tickets and saw her eyes light up when she saw they were going to a traditional play.
She hugged him again and this was one of many occasions where they went. ,,I love you," he murmured and placed a soft kiss on her lips, pulling her to him and feeling her return it. It was another kiss, another journey, another gift of their common love. It was only the first stop on their journey around the world and there would be many more to come.
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i-have-no-ide4 · 11 months
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Marinette couldn't even process it, she was just thinking “oh shit, he's hot”.
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ms-nunuvurbsness · 6 months
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Can't decide 🤔
Also hello, I'm very much alive! Life just loves to keep me busy 😂
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cartoontrashe · 7 years
I made a post a while ago about how people should be able to ship whatever they want even gabrinette/mariel whatever Anyway I change my mind it’s gross and there’s no reason to ship them other than some sick power fantasy Like I don’t hate the PEOPLE who ship them but the ship itself is actually really grim I’m tired so I won’t go into detail but fuck me
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 years
PSA time again
It came to my attention just now thanks to @lenoreofraven that a couple people (such as @walks-the-ages) are accusing me of pedophilia because of a post I made mentioning Gabrinette. While I acknowledge this may have been a mistake, let me make myself very clear.
I never in my life have been a pedophile, and I don’t plan to be one anytime in the future. Like any other sane person, I firmly believe that pedophilia is one of the most revolting and disgusting thibgs the human mind can manifest. I am not exactly a child but I am still very young, and I’d never wish molestation on any child, let alone support it; fictional or no.
Not only that, I have never once given any indication of supporting Gabrinette. I have many ships in this fandom, but I have never for a second shipped Marinette with Gabriel. I have made that explicitly clear.
If you EVER accuse ANYBODY of pedophilia, you’d better have solid evidence to back it up. As you can see, I have zero evidence on my blog of me being a pedophile. If you falsely accuse someone of pedophilia, you are not only tarnishing their reputation, you are making it harder for people to believe when ACTUAL cases of pedophilia happen.
I’m sorry to those of my followers who view this as too harsh. But this is an issue I take very seriously. As a Cassarian shipper, I already get heat and accusations on Twitter. If there is one thing I will NEVER tolerate on my blog or about it, it’s false accusations.
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