#agenda cultural madrid
theromanticcorner · 2 years
Klimt llega a Madrid como nunca antes se había visto en MAD (Madrid Artes Digitales)
Klimt llega a Madrid como nunca antes se había visto en MAD (Madrid Artes Digitales)
Madrid Artes Digitales (MAD) abre este próximo viernes 4 de marzo sus puertas en la Nave 16 de Matadero Madrid, con la exposición inmersiva basada en las obras del artista austriaco Klimt. Este nuevo espacio, que cuenta con 2.000 metros cuadrados, es el centro de desarrollo de cultura digital más grande de España, y el segundo más grande de Europa. De esta manera, MAD apuesta por generar un…
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confettihipster · 9 months
football predictions 2024
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man city or liverpool will win the league. in order of preference liverpool > man city > arsenal. i will not even consider any possibility of villa or tottenham. i am not letting up on the anti arsenal agenda because i'm correct about everything and they do not have IT
tottenham are going to lose the fa cup final. arsenal will win nothing and both sets of annoying fans will claim they had the better season despite both being completely stagnant
i found out recently that after the soviet union lost in an embarrassing fashion to yugoslavia at the olympics, stalin abolished cska moscow bc they made up the bulk of the national side. since i found this out i have had fantasies of this happening to birmingham city. pull the trigger current culture secretary
leeds will bottle promotion. ipswich will make the play offs at least. if ipswich get promoted then being sponsored by ed sheeran is the new luton's away end
lee johnson will get sacked for a third time this season
jose mourinho dutch prison era after feyenoord vs roma
real madrid champions league
villa will win the conference league and i'll have to kill myself
ENGLAND will WIN the EUROS (england will not win the euros)
jude bellingham will get suspended for too many yellow cards at the euros
my serious prediction for the euros is that germany will get knocked out at the group and one of hungary or ukraine (if they qualify which they should) will make the semi finals
speaking of ukraine mudryk will not beat the ukraine bolt allegations. obviously i respect ahmetov for scamming chelsea but also he should be in jail
i continue to be correct about the fact that the saudi league is trying to replace turkey as a home for slightly washed players and 20 and 36 year old brazilians rather than being any real competition for the top 5 uefa leagues
most importantly i am gonna win our fantasy league with no foresight
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victorysp · 1 year
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King Abdullah and Queen Rania of Jordan are on an official visit to Spain and, within the scheduled agenda, both Queens met at a cultural event alone.
Queen Letizia and Queen Rania have visited the Workshop Schools and Employment Workshops of National Heritage, in the Royal Palace of Madrid this morning. June 19, 2024.
📷 semana.es
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kp777 · 1 year
By Gordon Brown
The Guardian Opinions
July 14, 2023
If the anti-feminist, anti-migration Vox seizes power, this will embolden the far right in Germany, Finland and beyond
If you want to peer into the future of Europe, just look to recent events in Spain in the lead up to its general election on 23 July. A billboard on one of Madrid’s main streets demonising feminism, migration and the LGBTQ+ community – by showing their symbols being thrown violently into a bin – has been the latest shock tactic used by the far-right Vox party in its bid to drag the elections into the culture wars under the pretext of defending the traditional nation state.
The rhetoric escalated when Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, falsely claimed during an inflammatory TV election debate that almost 70% of gang rapes were committed by foreigners. These tactics are not new – during the 2016 Brexit referendum, Nigel Farage’s explosive “breaking point” poster depicted a horde of migrants heading towards Britain. It is no accident that exactly the same photograph was blazoned across Hungary’s election billboards by its prime minister, Viktor Orbán, under the headline “Stop”. Hungary is the European country with the lowest level of citizens born outside the country, but Orbán’s “copy and paste” campaign made the demand for walls to stop nonexistent “invaders” the election-winning issue.
Vox’s nationalism goes beyond opposing external migration and involves explicitly anti-gay and anti-feminist attacks defining these movements as a threat to the very existence of the nation state. When in coalitions at the local level, the party has closed down any gender equality initiatives, creating in their place “departments for families”. In Valencia, Vox has forced a change in the definition of domestic violence, reducing it to no more than an “intrafamilial” issue. In the Balearic Islands, the party is removing any formal recognition of the LGBTQ+ movement. Additionally, its ultra-nationalist agenda includes stamping out movements for regional autonomy by banning Catalan and Basque secessionist parties.
Read more.
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vitrinanorte · 1 month
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Bienal SACO presenta al jurado de la convocatoria para SACO1.2 Ecosistemas oscuros
La convocatoria de la Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo SACO1.2 Ecosistemas oscuros, presentada por Escondida | BHP,  ya se encuentra abierta y recibirá hasta el 29 de octubre de 2024 propuestas de artistas de todo el mundo que quieran ser parte de la exposición que será desplegada en el Muelle Histórico Melbourne Clark de Antofagasta, Chile.
El evento se desarrollará entre junio y septiembre de 2025 y cuenta con financiamiento del Programa de Organizaciones Culturales Colaboradoras PAOCC, del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio, y la selección estará a cargo de un jurado compuesto por profesionales de diversos campos, tales como la curaduría, artes visuales y gestión cultural quienes revisarán la calidad, pertinencia con el espacio y principalmente, la relación de los proyectos con el concepto curatorial de la edición.
El jurado está compuesto por:
Inés Ortega-Márquez (España-Chile)
Curadora independiente e investigadora, máster en Gestión Cultural por la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. Desarrolla su trabajo a nivel nacional e internacional, en distintos países y continentes. Ha realizado en los últimos 15 años más de 35 exposiciones en relevantes instituciones y museos -entre ellos el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes y el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Chile- curando la obra de más de 50 artistas contemporáneos relevantes y grandes maestros premios nacionales, en Estados Unidos, México, Brasil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Perú, Italia y España. 
Fernando García (Bolivia)
Gestor cultural, arquitecto patrimonialista, profesor universitario, y artista visual. Ha trabajado en Siria, España, Italia y Bolivia, en proyectos relacionados con el patrimonio y la cultura. Actualmente es director ejecutivo del mARTadero, proyecto integral y multidimensional, autogestionado y asambleario, enfocado en la transformación social, concebido como vivero de las artes y ubicado en Cochabamba, Bolivia. Dirige la producción de eventos culturales en el mARTadero, y en espacios públicos para el Gobierno Municipal. Es editor de El Guía, agenda cultural independiente de la ciudad.
Alicja Głuszek (Polonia)
Doctora, productora y curadora de eventos culturales y exposiciones. Anteriormente asociada con el Museo Nacional de Cracovia, los festivales Photomonth y Unsound como coordinadora de exposiciones de arte contemporáneo. Curadora del programa de la feria de arte de Cracovia Brand New Art Fair. Crítica de arte que escribe para Contemporary Lynx, Mint Magazine y Elements Magazine. 
Fernando Farina (Argentina)
Licenciado en Bellas Artes (especialidad Teoría y Crítica del Arte) e ingeniero civil por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Entre 1999 y 2007 fue director del Museo Castagnino de Rosario, y desde su creación en 2004 y hasta 2007 del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Rosario (MACRO), institución que fue inaugurada a partir de la conformación de la mayor colección de arte argentino contemporáneo. Además, fue Secretario de Cultura de la ciudad de Rosario (2007-2009) y director del Fondo Nacional de las Artes de la Argentina por la disciplina Artes Visuales, entre 2007 y 2016.
Dagmara Wyskiel (Polonia-Chile)
Doctor en Arte de la Universidad de Bellas Artes de Cracovia. Cofundadora del Colectivo SE VENDE Plataforma Móvil de Arte Contemporáneo, directora de la Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, SACO. Intervino con acciones objetuales de gran formato Valle de los Meteoritos en el Desierto de Atacama, observatorio astronómico ALMA, lago Amargo en la Región de Magallanes y Antártida Chilena, antiguo barrio judío en Cracovia, costa británica y puerto de Valparaíso. 
Finalizada la convocatoria, los profesionales recibirán las propuestas que hayan pasado las etapas de admisibilidad y factibilidad técnica, a cargo del encargado de vinculación de SACO, Carlos Rendón, y el productor general de SACO, Christian Núñez, respectivamente.
Con una primera revisión por separado de cada uno de los proyectos y una deliberación grupal por medio de videoconferencia, el jurado determinará cuáles serán los siete site specific seleccionados, resultados que serán anunciados en enero de 2025. 
Texto curatorial, bases y formulario de postulación disponibles en https://bienalsaco.com/convocatoria-bienal-saco1-2/ hasta el 29 de octubre de 2024 a las 23:59 horas (Chile continental).
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head-post · 3 months
Barcelona bans apartment rentals to tourists to address housing crisis
The Spanish government will create a register of seasonal accommodation and require grounds for their temporary letting, thus limiting short-term rentals, Spanish media reported.
The government will check listings on platforms such as Airbnb and Booking.com to see if they have licences, Consumer Rights Minister Pablo Bustinduy said. He told state broadcaster TVE:
If a house does not have a tourism licence, its advertising on online platforms should be illegal and therefore punishable.
Housing and Urban Agenda Minister Isabel Rodriguez told reporters on Wednesday:
The period for which housing can be rented will depend on the justification of the reason. If the housing is rented for the school year, the contract could last nine months. For a cultural or sporting event, it will be a month or however long it lasts.
The Government’s measure is designed to provide assurance that temporary rentals are actually for students, educators, temporary workers, academics and others.
The minister said that a future single register of short-term rentals would reduce fraud in housing law and curb price rises in this area.
Residents of Barcelona, the Canary Islands and Málaga have organised protests in recent weeks against the increase in rental prices. Seasonal hospitality workers have struggled to find accommodation in these tourist centres, with many forced to sleep in caravans or even in their cars.
According to property website Idealista, rents in June were up an average of 13% year-on-year, with rents in tourist cities such as Barcelona and Madrid up 18%.
Barcelona Mayor Jaume Collboni has announced his intention to phase out short-term rentals in the city by 2028. The Spanish Constitutional Court is considering the legality of such a step.
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lagacetapuntoes · 3 months
La Comunidad de Madrid despliega más de 200 actividades artísticas en 135 municipios de la región con el V Festival Escenas de Verano
La Comunidad de Madrid despliega más de 200 actividades artísticas en 135 municipios de la región con el V Festival Escenas de Verano Escuchar La agenda cultural de la Comunidad de Madrid de este fin de semana está protagonizada por el inicio de la quinta edición del Festival Escenas de Verano, que comienza mañana viernes y se prolongará hasta el 1 de septiembre, con una oferta cultural…
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theculturedmarxist · 3 months
Yves here. We are overdue on giving a full-bore treatment on Project 2025, but this post will hopefully serve as a starting point. Sadly, ambitious and well-organized right wing campaigns to greatly increase the acceptance of their social and policy agenda have proven to be extremely successful, witness the Powell Memo and the Project for the New American Century. Trump is the explicit target of this Heritage Foundation scheme. Because the first Trump presidency was very much a “dog that caught the car” event, Trump had perilous little in the way of plans, and on top of that, weak cabinet members. For instance, Steve Mnuchin’s tax reform plan was an embarrassment, barely rising to the level of a napkin doddle. So after that misfire, the Administration took up the anti-tax lobby’s plan, include their off-the-shelf language. Trump might be a tad better prepared to be President if he wins again, but that does not make him any less receptive to pre-packaged programs from his fellow travelers. So this initiative very much bears watching.
By Diana Cariboni, who started writing for Tracking the Backlash in 2018 and is now openDemocracy’s Latin America editor. She was previously co-editor-in-chief of the IPS news agency and led its Latin America desk for more than ten years. She wrote the book ‘Guantánamo Entre Nosotros’ (2017) and won Uruguay’s national press award in 2018. Originally published at openDemocracy
Last month, populist leaders from around the world gathered for the Europa Viva 24 summit in Madrid. Headlines from the event were dominated by the big names in attendance – Argentinian president Javier Milei, France’s Marine Le Pen, Chile’s José Antonio Kast, and Italian and Hungarian prime ministers Giorgia Meloni and Viktor Orbán – and the fact it ended in a diplomatic row between Argentina and Spain.
But away from all of this noise and fury was a lesser-known speaker: Roger Severino, a former official in Donald Trump’s administration and the vice-president for domestic policy at influential US think tank The Heritage Foundation.
In a six-minute speech delivered in Spanish, Severino described Trump as a victim of lawfare launched by “the lefties” and said young people are subjected to a “culture and a medical system” that tells them to “explore all sexual appetites at age of 10” and that “abortion is not about destroying babies but about healthcare”.
Adding that young people are also taught “that if you are uncomfortable with your sex you were probably born in the wrong body, and surgeries can fix that mistake”, he said: “I’m here to tell you that God doesn’t make mistakes.
Severino is one of the architects of the Heritage Foundation’s blueprint for a second Trump term, named ‘Project 2025’. This aims to reshape the federal state in 180 days, fire tens of thousands of public servants and replace them with people loyal to the conservative cause, undermine the separation of powers, attack public education, and erase or restrict the rights of women, LGBTQ people, workers, migrants and Black people.
It also seeks to dismantle policies to tackle climate change and push for an energy agenda reliant on fossil fuels.
Its plan for doing so is set out in the ‘Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise’, an 887-page playbook published by the think tank, whose mission is “to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual liberty, traditional American values, and strong national defence”.
It is not absurd to say that some of the Heritage Foundation’s suggestions may well become law if Trump is elected in November. The politically well-connected organisation was founded in 1973 and published its first ‘Mandate for Leadership’ as Ronald Reagan took office in 1981 – later boasting that Reagan had enacted more than 60% of its policy recommendations.
Severino, who was Trump’s director of the Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services, wrote Project 25’s section on health. Of the 199 times the word ‘abortion’ is mentioned throughout the document, 149 are in this chapter, which urges the federal government to remove (or restrict as much as possible) any sexual and reproductive healthcare and rights whose oversight it has responsibility for.
Severino suggests eliminating the approval of abortion pills and banning their distribution by mail; barring the use of federal funds to transport people seeking an abortion in a state where it’s illegal to one where it isn’t; cutting federal funding to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers; and removing emergency contraception from workers’ health insurance coverage.
In contrast, it’s hard to find any proposals to tackle the US’s real public health crises: opioids, falling life expectancyand rising maternal and infant mortality rates. This is perhaps unsurprising; the Heritage Foundation sees the Supreme Court’s overturning of the 1973 Roe decision that protected abortion up to 23 weeks as a victory – but also as “just the beginning”.
In the two years since Roe’s repeal, 21 states have banned or drastically restricted abortion, and legislative and judicial battles are raging in others attempting to follow suit. But the number of abortions carried out annually has actually increased, according to multiple studies – and so grow the dystopian battleplans for the continued war on reproductive autonomy. Several US cities have made it illegal to use their roads to transport people seeking abortions from a state where abortion is prohibited to one where it is permitted.
Project 2025 wants the Department of Health to go further still, urging it to “protect life, conscience and bodily integrity” and place “strong respect for the sacred rights of conscience” at the top of its agenda. Severino’s chapter calls for legislation requiring states to record data on abortions, including the number of terminations carried out, the reasons for them, the method used, the length of the pregnancy, and the state of residence of the person seeking an abortion.
It also suggests that scientific research conducted with public money should focus on “the risks and complications of abortion” and on “correcting and not promoting misinformation about the health and psychological benefits of giving birth compared to the health and psychological risks of intentionally taking a human life through abortion”.
But Project 2025’s focus isn’t only on reproductive health.
The president who takes office in 2025, the foreword says, must “remove from every existing rule, regulatory agency, contract, grant, regulation, and federal law the terms sexual orientation and gender identity, diversity, equity, and inclusion, gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of First Amendment rights” (which protects freedom of religion, freedom of speech and press, and the right to petition the government for redress of grievances).
The future government must also “immediately cease the collection of data on gender identity, because it legitimises the unscientific notion that men can become women (and vice versa) and encourages the phenomenon of the constant multiplication of subjective identities”, Severino adds.
An Anti-Rights Past and Future
The Heritage Foundation is not the only highly influential institute involved in the writing of Project 25. Of the 100 organisations that sit on its advisory board or directly contribute to the playbook, several have been crucial to the advancement of extremist agenda in the US in recent decades and years.
In 2018, four years before Roe was overturned, Mississippi banned abortions after 15 weeks in the state – with legislation modelled on a bill conceived by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which the Southern Poverty Law Center lists as an anti-LGBTQ hate group and which sits on the Project 25 advisory board. The law was challenged and stayed by two courts on the grounds that it was unconstitutional because it violated Roe.
The law’s promoters took the case all the way to the Supreme Court, aiming to challenge and ultimately overturn Roe. Their strategy relied on the court having a right-wing majority, which was ensured by Leonard Leo, a conservative lawyer and activist who has founded a network of groups and funding hubs. Leo, who had already been influential in the appointment of three other justices, successfully lobbied Trump to appoint three anti-abortion members to the court – achieving a conservative supermajority of six out of nine justices. Leo’s network of nonprofits has reportedly donated millions of dollars to organisations that sit on the Project 2025 advisory board since 2021.
The result has been that around a third of women of reproductive age in the US, as well as other people who do not identify as women but can get pregnant, now live in a state where abortion is banned or severely restricted, according to the Guttmacher Institute.
The Heritage Foundation, ADF and Leo didn’t answer our requests for comments.
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lungamadrides · 4 months
Where does the Best Cannabis Social Club in Madrid?
Are you trying to find the top Madrid cannabis social club? No need to search further. For cannabis lovers looking to mix, unwind, and indulge in premium goods, our club offers a distinctive and friendly setting. Our knowledgeable team is committed to creation sure that every member has a fun and safe experience, with an emphasis on community, education, and responsible ingesting. Our club welcomes you to join us as we travel the world of cannabis in Madrid, regardless of your knowledge level. A Look inside Club Cannabico, Madrid's Cannabis Scene In addition to its ironic history and many cultural attractions, Madrid, the active capital of Spain, is well known for its thriving cannabis culture. Madrid has become a midpoint for cannabis aficionados looking for premium goods and friendly social areas as cannabis ratification sweeps the globe. Club Cannabico is the place to go if you want the best cannabis experience possible in Madrid.
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Finding a Hidden Gem at Your Neighborhood Cannabis Store A hidden gem for cannabis enthusiasts, Club Cannabico is well-known despite being surrounded by busy streets in Madrid. A wide range of luxury products, such as edibles, concentrates, accessories, and premium strains, are available at our carefully chosen cannabis shop near me.
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Taking Up the Madrid Spirit: Social Club Madrid
As an ardent constituent of the Madrid community, Club Cannabico is dedicated to maintaining the principles of tolerance, variety, and acceptance. In a welcoming and safe space, people from all walks of life may join together to celebrate their love of cannabis at our Club Social Madrid, which acts as a beacon of tolerance and understanding. Club Cannabico Madrid: A Look Into the Greatest of Both Worlds
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desoslayo · 4 months
Publicación: RE:Zamuria («Ediciones Tigres de Papel», 2024)
Enlace a selección de poemas publicados por la Revista Aullido
Enlace a selección de poemas publicados por la Revista Poesía
Agenda Cultural de «Los Pequeños Seres»
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Autor: Manuel Gerardi
Editorial: Ediciones Tigres de Papel (Madrid, 2024).
ISBN: 978-84-128619-0-7
Tigres de Papel
Estamos ante un libro de poesía que constantemente oscila entre lo documental y lo oracular. Una obra cuyo hilo conductor es el empleo simbólico de la figura del zamuro (o buitre negro americano) y la exploración de la urbe como nombre propio de violencias y nostalgias por igual. Concienzuda y solemne, por momentos desplegada con la cruda dureza del concreto, «RE: Zamuria» hace gala de una poderosa apuesta lírica para narrarnos el testimonio de una caída. La caída del Zamuro. La caída del valle devenido en llanura. Lo que esa caída revela sobre la íntima relación entre el vuelo y el naufragio. De la memoria y el mar, por sobre todas las cosas, lugares que se entrelazan como torbellino de sombras; hojarasca de alas negras de aquellas las innombrables aves del destino.
Es por ello por lo que se vale de diversas técnicas expresivas y muta entre registros discursivos para entablar un diálogo en la lengua muerta de estas aves. Lengua que fue y que pudo ser mundo, pero nunca más (como diría aquel cuervo o profeta). Zamuria es la criatura o tal vez su reino, un acontecimiento imborrable o aquello que viene, tras la tempestad, a hacer de las ruinas su templo. Epistolario o teodicea. Elegía o canto equinoccial. Esta es la reconstrucción de los hechos.
Fecha y lugar de la presentación
Madrid. Librería «Los Pequeños Seres»
22 de junio de 2024. 18:30 horas.
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
As European Union voters prepare for June elections, far-right leaders gathered in Madrid for a weekend rally hosted by Spain's Vox party—a gathering at the Palacio de Vistalegre that drew protests and warnings about their plans for the continent.
Rally speakers delivered "strong messages against illegal migration and the bloc's climate policy while declaring their support for Israel in its war against Hamas," according toThe Associated Press.
France 24reported that the audience at Europa Viva 24 "jeered at every mention of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, the United Nations' 2030 Agenda, feminism, or socialism."
Participants included French National Rally party President Marine Le Pen, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and Portuguese Chega party President André Ventura, with some joining by video.
"Dear Spanish friends, we patriots must occupy Brussels," Orbán claimed in a video message, according toEuractiv. He framed the upcoming elections as a "great common battle" against those who he said are "unleashing mass illegal migration" and "poisoning our children with gender propaganda."
Right-wing Argentine President Javier Milei traveled to Madrid for the event. During a speech, he suggested that Sánchez's wife is "corrupt," which led the Spanish government to recall its ambassador to Buenos Aires.
"Political freedom, prosperity, social cohesion based on fiscal redistribution, respect in public debate are pillars of the E.U.," declared Josep Borrell, a Spanish politician serving as the bloc's top diplomat. "Attacks against family members of political leaders have no place in our culture: We condemn and reject them, especially when coming from partners."
The Party of European Socialists Secretary General Giacomo Filibeck similarly condemned the "totally unacceptable attack by Milei on PM Pedro Sánchez and his family."
"Death and poverty—this is what fascism brings, as Spain knows all too well. That's why voters reject the far-right and embrace Pedro Sánchez and the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party," Filibeck continued, also calling out Meloni and Alberto Núñez Feijóo of the Spanish People's Party. "We know where we stand for a democratic and respectful society, we can't be so sure about them."
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Agenda Cultural de la Comunidad de Madrid: ¡Un Fin de Semana Lleno de Arte y Entretenimiento!
La Comunidad de Madrid se prepara para un emocionante fin de semana repleto de eventos culturales para todos los gustos. Desde música urbana hasta teatro, exposiciones y conciertos corales, hay algo para cada amante de la cultura en la región. Acompáñanos en un recorrido por las actividades más destacadas que se llevarán a cabo del 8 al 10 de septiembre. Madrid Urban Fest: Una Explosión de…
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usmaradiomagazine · 2 years
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🔴 ON AIR - Today Tuesday 7 March 2023 at 7:00 pm (CET) - usmaradio.org USMA for Radioart106 #𝟭𝟱𝟰_𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗯𝘆 𝗧𝗼𝗻𝗶 𝗗𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘃 [60 min] Macedonian multimedia artist, cultural producer, radio host, curator, label owner, mountain climber and nature lover Toni Dimitrov, has been working in the field of sound art, experimental electronic music and radio for more than 20 years. Dimitrov made his way into the new experimental music and sound art scene with his solo projects, bands, collaborative releases, radio art and art installations. He is the curator of the labels ‘post global recordings’ and ‘élan vital recordings’. He participated at the sound art exhibition Audiosphere Sound Experimentation 1980–2020 at Museo Reina Sofía Madrid, curated by Francesco Lopez. Dimitrov’s recent professional engagements are on projects related to political analysis of media at the Institute of Communications (Macedonian Institute for Media) and the Agency for Audio and Audio-Visual Services (AVMU). Currently he is the director of the city cultural center ‘Cultural and Information Center – Skopje’.
About the creations
Non-Verbal Communication (2020) 
The starting point of Eco's semiotics is the fact that, in both industrialized and nature-based civilizations, human beings are evolving in "systems of signs". A distinguished feature of Eco's theory is that in addition to words and language, it also addresses non-linguistic and even natural signs, which do signify, based on a code or previous learning. The sender and receiver must share a common code, that according to Eco is, "a series of rules that will allow one to attribute a signification to the sign". In this sound piece, you can hear a discussion between frogs, bees, rain, goats, cat, firework... No humans were involved in this discussion, and as you can hear the communication still works.
Macédoine: the utopian South VS. the dystopian West (2017)
A sound research that includes a discussion about the country Macedonia and/or continent Europe where it belongs, on the political, social, cultural and historical level, but as well geographically compared to the west. Through sound, I enter some aspects of Macedonian life; nature, politics, people… as an anthropological and sociological sound map of this south-east European country, presented as a utopia vis-à-vis the dystopian west.  Many questions can be raised here, but let’s focus on one: could the identity processes of the west be implemented on our local contexts or vice versa? 
How South Becomes North (Long Live Macedonia, Long Live Republic of North Macedonia, 2019) 
Sound documentary about Macedonia changing its name from Macedonia into North Macedonia. Several hundred people have protested against Prespa agreement and changing the state name in front of parliament over the past years without any success. The illegal government was still pushing its agenda against the will of the people of Macedonia, expressed at a low turnout referendum. The sound piece contains field recordings from some of the protests in the summer of 2018, and also other related documentary materials from parliamentary sessions, news, etc.
Against Civilization (2022) 
part of the split release 'Dystopian 001', showcasing the more abstract, dark, obscure and politically infused side of Dimitrov’s sound. It is inspired by everyday life during the last several years, realizing dystopian visions and dark predictions. We are all aware that the future of our civilization is not bright, but that doesn't mean we are not living in an exciting epoch. 'Against Civilization' is a longer piece, presenting the dark side of the mystical long form experimentations and field recordings of Sound art naturalist Toni Dimitrov. Through this piece he is trying to explore the potential of change for society.
https://www.facebook.com/tonidimitrov >>  Radioart106 explores radiophonic works of worldwide radio artists. Radio art is a subset of Sound art where radio art is produced for the medium of radio and is specifically intended for broadcast. A new radio work is aired every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm CET on usmaradio.org
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diariodelvino1 · 2 years
Newsletter de Cultura de #DiariodelVino. Buenos Aires-Buenos Vinos: La Ciudad celebra el Mes de la Cultura Independiente.
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(Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 1° de noviembre de 2022) - El Ministerio de Cultura de la Ciudad, a través de la Dirección General de Música, presenta la programación del Mes de la Cultura Independiente (MCI), una celebración que tuvo su primera edición en 2021 y que se extiende durante todo noviembre. La propuesta contempla una agenda con más de 400 actividades en las que participarán más de 450 artistas, tanto locales como de distintas regiones de la Argentina.  Se trata de una iniciativa que, además de acercar la cultura independiente a la ciudadanía, impulsa el trabajo de hacedores y espacios culturales.
Para anunciar la programación que tendrá este mes, se realizó un lanzamiento junto con artistas y hacedores culturales en La Casa del Árbol -uno de los espacios culturales seleccionados, en el barrio de Palermo- donde hubo un show del artista multinstrumentista Mat Alba. En este encuentro, el ministro de Cultura de la Ciudad, Enrique Avogadro, expresó:“Promover el trabajo con todo el abanico del sector independiente es una prioridad que establecimos como eje de nuestra agenda. La cultura independiente es un exponente de nuestra identidad cultural que incluye distintos matices, expresiones, colectivos y también es clave como motor económico y de transformación social. El Mes de la Cultura Independiente es un mes para festejar la diversidad de ideas, la creatividad y el talento emergente”.
Las actividades se extenderán en 31 barrios de la Ciudad. Entre la programación de todo el mes, se destacan las siguientes actividades con acceso gratuito:
Beckett Barrio: Almagro Dirección: Guardia Vieja 3556 Obra destacada: Artaud Fechas: 24 de noviembre a las 21 h. Espacio Callejón
Barrio: Almagro Dirección: Humahuaca 3759 Obra destacada: Los finales felices son para otros Fecha: 26 de noviembre a las 19.30 h.
La Carpintería Teatro Barrio: Balvanera Dirección: Jean Jaures 858 Obra destacada: Enseguida vuelvo Fecha: 25 de noviembre a las 20 h.
Luzuriaga Club Social Barrio: Barracas Dirección: Luzuriaga 348 Obra destacada: Barby Aguirre & la Soñadora Fecha: 18 de noviembre a las 21 h.
Quetren Quetren Barrio: Belgrano Dirección: Olazábal 1784 Obra destacada: Farsa Mag Fecha: 25 de noviembre a las 23 h.
Al Escenario Barrio: Boca Dirección: Gral. Gregorio Aráoz de la Madrid 1001 Obra destacada: Instantes (música/performance) Fecha: 17 de noviembre a las 20.30 h
La Casa del Árbol Barrio: Palermo Dirección: Av. Córdoba 5217 Obra destacada: Colectivo artístico dibujo de noche (artes plásticas) Fecha: 27 de noviembre a las 20 h.
921 Casa Cultural Barrio: Parque Chacabuco Dirección: San José de Calasanz 921 Obra destacada: Festival Ritual (música) Fecha: 12 de noviembre a las 17 h.
Neu Kultur Haus Barrio: Paternal Dirección: Maturín 2770 Obra destacada: Balvanera (música) Fecha: 4 de noviembre a las 21 h.
La Biblioteca Café Barrio: Retiro Dirección: Marcelo T. de Alvear 1155 Obra destacada: Edith & Marlene (música) Fecha: 18 de noviembre a las 21 h.
Café Vinilo Barrio: San Cristobal Dirección: Estados Unidos 2483 Obra destacada: Mishka Adams y Beto Caletti (Música) Fecha: 10 de noviembre a las 21 h.
Moscú Teatro Barrio: Villa Crespo Dirección: Juan Ramirez de Velazco 535 Obra destacada: La vida sin ficción (teatro) Fecha: 25 de noviembre a las 21 h.
Espacio TBK Barrio: Villa Gral. Mitre Dirección: Manuel Ricardo Trelles 2033 Obra destacada: Hijas (danza) Fecha: 25 de noviembre a las 21 h.
Teatro del Pueblo Barrio: Almagro Dirección: Lavalle 3636 Obra destacada: La patria al hombro (teatro) Fecha: 26 de noviembre a las 20 h.
Andamio 90 Barrio: San Nicolás Dirección: Paraná 660 Obra destacada: En qué piensan las chicas pobres (teatro) Fecha: 28 de noviembre a las 18 h.
Animal Barrio: Almagro Dirección: Castro 563 Obra destacada: Le fin infinité (teatro) Fecha: 25 de noviembre a las 22:30 h.
Lea mas sobre la actividad cultural de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires en esta dirección.
Amigos del mundo y argentinos en el exterior: Pronto mas novedades para ustedes en este espacio de Buenos Aires-Buenos Vinos.
Pero no se vaya todavía: le vamos a mostrar aprovechando este espacio, un video de la Colección de Diario del Vino Televisón, que le enseñará de dónde viene el vino (  Visite y suscribase gratis:       Material Canal de Diario del Vino Televisión en Youtube).
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rivaltimes · 2 years
Cultural agenda in Madrid for Hispanic Heritage Day: Camilo concert and Hispanic-American film marathons
Cultural agenda in Madrid for Hispanic Heritage Day: Camilo concert and Hispanic-American film marathons
There are five days left until October 12, but Madrid has already been celebrating Hispanic Heritage Day since last Tuesday with a cultural and leisure program that intensifies from this Friday. Apart from the traditional parade, the Community of Madrid has organized activities ranging from theater to music and literature under the motto “all accents fit in Madrid”. Nearly 1,500 artists, both…
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