#agent fwee
moonsidesong · 1 year
ok note to self we update as much as we can before artfight actually starts next year
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14-crush · 4 years
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guess who’s 2
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splitz-draws-stuff · 5 years
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Happy birthday Agent Fwee!
Agent Fwee is created by @14-crush
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queen-of-discord · 4 years
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Agent fweeeeeeeee
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noah-infinity · 5 years
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It be fwee
fwee by @14-crush
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I was bored, and i made this agent fwee from @14-crush :3
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peachdelta · 2 years
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oc of new agent fwee (his gender is “androgynously sapphic”)
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tartar-8 · 5 years
what would tartar think about agent fwee?
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octogirl-26 · 5 years
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@14-crush ‘s agent fwee!!! this is my first time drawing anything digital and i hope you like it 🐙💕
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raisingsupergirl · 3 years
Daydreaming, Insomnia Adventures, and Some Incoherent Rambling
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Well, I asked for it. “I’m tired of the same old things,” I said. “I want to experience something new and go on an adventure!” Let me just tell you, if you want an adventure, try jumping into the housing market right now. It’s been a whirlwind. Every day brings some new curveball. And we’re still in the middle of it. But despite all of the unknowns, we still have a contract on our dream home. And we have a closing date. Which means, despite the plethora of events and to-dos that should be exhausting my brain and resulting in some amazing sleep lately, I’ve gotten in the habit of staying up half the night daydreaming (I guess that’s not QUITE the right word…) about what my life will look like in a few months.
Yesterday was my oldest daughter’s birthday. She turned seven. It’s crazy. And like every other year, she awoke to Mommy and Daddy singing happy birthday and dumping balloons all over her (though I think they’ve actually been balls some years). The smile on her face was priceless. In that moment, she was the most important and most loved person in the world. She didn’t have to know that I’ve gotten less than five hours of broken sleep the past three nights. She didn’t have to know that my heart was breaking because I had to go to work and miss the day of fun they had planned. She didn’t have to know that my thoughts were (are?) scrambled and my schedule is packed with a thousand little stressful things. All she needed to know is that Mommy and Daddy love her more than life itself. And that makes everything worth it for me.
The other day, I shared with my wife how I’d been up all night just thinking about “stuff.” She said that’s where Annabel (our three—soon to be four—year-old) must get it, because there are some nights when she just refuses to sleep. At first, my heart sank, because I wouldn’t wish my poor sleep habits on anyone. But before bed last night, Annabel said, “And it’s cwazy dat when I watch fwee of Avewy’s faiwy shows, it makes me have faiwy dweams” (I’m not interpreting for you. If you can’t understand toddler speech, you wouldn’t really appreciate the translation, anyway). And her simple little statement reminded me of something: I haven’t been sleepless because I’m anxious. I’m sleepless because I’m EXCITED. Sunday night, between the hours of ten and two, I framed up my office in my new shop, drywalled it, installed the wiring, plumbing, and HVAC, and once I had it all painted and decorated, I started in on the loft above it and the wet bar on the other side of the shop. It was quite a night.
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You see, I’m a night owl. The nocturnal hours are when my creative energies come alive. And while that doesn’t usually mesh well with waking up at 5:45 a.m. to work out, I’m not about to complain about the best things in my life. No, I’ll praise them. I’ll complain about being tired, sure. But I’m so incredibly fortunate right now. My work’s grand opening went off without a hitch last week, as did my last Freemason meeting. The girls and I picked ALL the blueberries last Saturday on our annual Liberty Farms outing, and we spent that night playing board games thanks to an unexpected power outage. This Saturday, we’ll celebrate Annabel’s birthday and Independence Day out at my brother’s house. Fried fish, a swimming pool, fireworks, and family. It doesn’t get much better. And we’ll also be a little closer to selling our house, a little closer to buying our new one. I’ll be a little closer to jumping back into edits on my novel, a little closer to catching up with friends and talking “shop” at Realm Makers (the best scifi/fantasy writing conference in the country), and a little closer to making Desloge Sports & Rehab a local household name when it comes to physical therapy.
I wish I had more bandwidth to gush on my little girls right now as they each turn a year older. I wish my neurons were firing strong enough to brag on my wife, who acts as the mortar to my bricks as we build a life for our family. I wish I could remember and thank everyone who’s supporting us right now (my mom, real estate agent, banker, boss, work family, church, etc., etc.). But honestly, at the moment, I’m just enjoying the experience, riding the wave of craziness, taking mental snapshots of every awesome day, and pushing that “You’re not doing enough” voice so far into the ground that it’ll never find its way back out. Oh, and I’m praying for a good night’s sleep tonight. Yeah, that’s probably at the top of the to-do list. ZZZZzzzz….
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moonsidesong · 1 year
If you don't mind me asking what's the uhh. origin of agent fwee
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if i recall correctly i think she technically started as an inside joke of my sister and i saying "agent 3" in like, a silly babyish voice?? but in 2018 (about a month or so before i made 14 crush) i made these little joke doodles of agent 3 during class.
she wasn't at all tied to 14 crush until someone had a silly idea that just. happened to line up almost exactly with fwee as a concept, so i brought her up and showed my followers the art above.
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people liked her a lot so i ended up keeping her as part of this semi-canon state where i think she exists in the 14 crush universe but she'd never have a real tangible role in the blog (maybe she wouldve had a cameo at some point if it kept going, who knows)
she got a lot of fanart with different designs attached (since the original drawing of her was just agent 3's octo expansion look with a silly face and red ink) so i decided i should give her her own (rather simple and easy to draw) design in 2019 (lifting the color scheme directly from Strange Klug from puyo puyo lol)
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and thats where she's at now! just a silly gal who is either just a weird teenager or an immortal all powerful being or anything in between. up to you.
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(her birthday art from 2019, 2020, and 2021 respectively. looks like i missed last year... sorry fwee)
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14-crush · 4 years
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A little something for Fwee’s B-Day. — [Submitted by Anonymous]
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Elmer: I killed you, Mr. wabbit. I watched you die... with a certain satisfaction, I might add. Then something happened, something that I knew was impossible, but it happened anyway. You destwoyed me, Mr. wabbit. After that, I understood the wules, I knew what I was supposed to do, but I didn't. I couldn't. I was compelled to stay, compelled to disobey. And now, hewe I stand because of you, Mr. wabbit. Because of you, I'm no wonger an Agent of this system. Because of you, I've changed. I'm unpwugged. A new man, so to speak. Wike you, appawentwy, fwee.
Bugs: Congratulations.
Elmer: Thank you.
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moonsidesong · 1 year
ok so im one day late, but i’ve had this yearly reminder on my phone for years now for the anniversary of the creation of agent fwee. i think she turned four or five yesterday. im not entirely sure but i can’t bring myself to remove that reminder so do with this info what you will XD
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wow!!!!!!! belated fwee birthday
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moonsidesong · 1 year
Are there any characters in some of your other current interests that you feel would get along or have the same energy as ahato or any of the ways you characterized the agents in 14-crush?
yeah i dunno! kind of a broad question to think about but probably!
actually silly messages of "would a crush character get along with [other character from some other thing] is like. the one "scenario"-ish type question i don't really mind much. like one time someone asked about a meeting of frogueslick and agent fwee and like. that is so strange and silly. love it
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moonsidesong · 2 years
Do you think this new agent 8 is like fwee?
HAHA maybe they have some things in common in their weirdguy behavior but no i don't think so!!!
i think the biggest distinction is that new 8 is totally ambivalent to whether or not any eyes are on them and fwee.... absolutely behaves the way she does to get attention. LOL
would they. get along though? ... i don't. know.
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