legends-and-savages · 6 months
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Rapunzel was not used to anyone but Mother Gothel knowing where her tower was. She'd heard a noise and had stuck her head out the window and let out a gasp of surprise before pulling back quickly the charms in her hair tinking. Whoever this girl was couldn't get up without her so she'd just have to hope she hadn't been spotted. Mother Gothel would be quite upset about it.
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ragewithinthestorm · 7 months
closed for @agoldenlily
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It had been a long day in the studio, in the time since he'd settled on land and opened his studio, he'd began doing annual gallery shows to free up space for more paintings. He didn't need the money himself due to his family wealth, so instead he undersold his paintings and the money went to orphanages, animal shelters, medical facilities that worked with the less fortunate and elderly care homes, just like he did with any money he made from painting people who wanted portraits done. But being physically disabled himself it was hard to be on his feet this much, he had sold most of the paintings and was looking forward to finishing for the day so he could rest.
He was taking a breather as the day was winding down, leaning against a wall, using his cane to take weight off his leg as much as possible, not many knew he was missing a leg as he kept his prosthetic hidden in public. "Papa, a new lady came in," a small voice spoke up from the snack table, his daughter was happily eating the treats, unlike Kid her prosthetic arm was on full display, it was state of the art and clearly he'd spend good money on the seven year old.
"Welcome," he moved from the wall to greet his new guest, she was certainly in there for the first time as he was sure he would recognise someone so, beautiful. "I don't believe I've seen you before, I'm Karol and this is Sophia," he said glancing over to his daughter briefly as he made his way to the new woman, limping as he walked with his cane, family ring shining on his cane hand, Sophia had the family symbol integrated into her prosthetic arm.
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bloodtwin · 2 months
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@agoldenlily sent: ❛ this is unlogical and does not make any sense! ❜ ⸻ [ SOURCE: MY IMMORTAL SENTENCE STARTERS. ] ⸻
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‘ yes, i can definitely see where you're coming from. ’ he does. he really, really does. alas, he also doesn't know how to explain it to her. ‘ the boots just- they can hold a lot of knives, okay ? ’
he doesn't know how they work. they just do. they're not infused with any magic. at least none that he's aware of. there's no secret trick to them either. they really can pack a million knives all on their own. puck demonstrates this by slipping one of his shoes off. he flips it over & shakes, a stream of knives pouring out of it for a stupidly, absurdly long time.
over the sound of them clanging to the ground, he speaks, ‘ so if you ever need a weapon- uh, i got extra ! ’
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luckhissoul · 8 months
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he could let the ship cruise for a bit. letting it drift aimless, he knew with full confidence that they weren't on any radars, that this area was pretty much cleared. no empire, no rebels. just a black hole where no one could find them. he knew the pit falls, he knew where to hide in the shadows and that was why he was one of the best. his training had gone by quick and flawless, something that he hadn't expected. it was a funny feeling getting into something and being really good at it. success was on the list but never on the ladder that he had been climbing up. but here he was. he had made something of himself. but who was there to see it? well, she was there. princess of andor, prisoner of the empire now. another testament to what he had become. he had captured her after a series of successful missions that she had led herself. they had all been briefed on her. he would be awarded for this. he wasn't sure how his family would feel about it. as the empire seemed to swallow up the galaxy his family seemed to grow more and more distant from him.
no, that wasn't something he wanted to think about. or about how he was doing his mission alone for the most part. his crew -- another shake of his head as he gets up to roam. or just to find her. sitting there, not cuffed anymore. she couldn't get one up on him he was sure. but she talked a lot. a little too much about freedom and the rights of every man and woman. he could feel something tight around his neck, almost as real as the actual memory of it. his head was spinning with her every word. but she had been quiet for a while now, hadn't she? terribly quiet. he wasn't sure what it was. but when he had told her that every man wanted freedom. she had looked triumphant. when he had told her that maybe they could rearrange where he was taking her she had gone quiet. completely, like something had suddenly shut down in her. and he couldn't understand why.
he moves about, examining here and there. the wires, the panel on the side, even what they had stocked for food before he finds his way to her. it wasn't that he sought out her company. she was just there. a sore spot in the middle of his ship. and she was sulking! of course she was! women! she said that she didn't want to go to prison, she out right refused. and when he gave her an out she looked at him like she couldn't trust him. why - wasn't that what she had asked. and he wasn't even sure why he was doing it. as he moved up he had seen - no, but he couldn't think too much on it. there she is. sitting there, dressed like any other rebel. she's seemed dejected ever since he had told her. and he had thought that she would be as spirited as ever after. but he supposed that was mad to think. women were too complicated to be that simple. she made him think too much. and he wanted to hate her for it. really hate her. but they had been traveling together so long he was starting to - to what exactly? he's not sure he had even sorted out any of that himself. it wasn't good to think on when there was a mission at hand. he had half of it all drawn out in his head. it'd work. but she seemed to have lost all hope even when he had handed it right to her.
he cleared his throat to get her attention. "you asked me why ---" a bad starting line. this was the conversation he didn't want to have. "what if i said you convinced me." bad starting point. he shoulve've stayed away. he smiles, edged, a little unsure. standing there like he doesn't know what to do. and in his own ship! this was ridiculous. he wished he hated her for it. - @agoldenlily
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lockedtowers · 3 months
&& @agoldenlily ;; SC
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"technically--" hand quickly falls, stopping the growth spell in its tracks, freezing the roots from maturing further as the cat breathes in, head turned towards the other with a raising brow. "it's hemlock, not wild carrot, so eating this wouldn't do quite well for anyone."
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adversitybloomed · 10 months
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🌸  ┊ meme letter received from @agoldenlily         𝑬𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒏𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒏𝒅 : “   well   . . .   nothing lasts forever ,   you know ??   ”
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          mulan knew her words to be true, though she could not deny that there were times she wish it were not. but life was ever changing, the seasons coming and going with each passing day was physical proof of this notion. time itself had changed her for she was not always a warrior, but instead once a girl who simply wanted somewhere to belong. life on a poor farm had not been easy, and duty always weighed heavily on her shoulder, but she could never have predicted the change of her fate until it was far to late to do anything about it.
          she never could have imagined this life, nor stealing her fathers armor and taking his place within war. but when the decision came to choose whether to save his life or to stay behind and loose him ━━ she knew what she must do. now, two years later she was a war hero to her people, a phoenix who was born to protect others. yet there were times where the darkness of her mind took over, and she more like a monster then the hero they sung her to be.
          many still could not understand her decision to leave the emperors service, especially since she had become a well known general within his command. but her time in both her training and missions had tainted her spirit in a way she could not begin to describe. it had changed her ━━ made her see the worst of herself and wonder if she could be more then what she had been given. her last mission in her service had left a bitter taste upon her tongue, and so with a heavy heart she had left her homeland and found herself changed once more as she entered upon new soil and a land different then her own.
          pangs of loneness still consumed her, especially at how she saw the treatment of others and felt helpless in doing anything to stop it. there were moments in which she stepped in to try, and though she had saved some, she still felt lost in what she was supposed to do with her life and where she belonged.
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        ❝  i know this to be true,  ❞    she whispered softly, her fingers curled around a small tea glass, with the scent of jasmine lingering in the air. her dark brown eyes were fixated upon the circular motion of the steam rising from the glass, a sigh escaping her lips as she knew there was no sense in denying the truth behind the redheads question,    ❝  it does not make it any easier, does it ?  ❞
          lifting her gaze slowly, she gave the girl a small but sad smile,     ❝  but though we cannot stop the future, we can still live within the present and hope that those we spend it can be that someone we cherish.  ❞    shifting ever so slightly, she removed the cup from her hand in favor of moving to rest her chin within her palm.
        ❝  though we have only known each other for a short while, i have come to enjoy spending time with you  ━━ and it may be none of my business, and perhaps i have misunderstood the undertones spoken in your question, but i can hear it in your tone that you are worrying about loosing someone or perhaps have already lost them... do you wish to talk about it ? ❞   
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hearkenedsouls · 9 months
@agoldenlily liked [x] for a King Caspian starter
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"Your Majesty, it is good to see you again. How was your journey?"
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wendyfulmother · 2 months
@agoldenlily liked for a starter!
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"Excuse me ma'am, I do not mean to intrude." Wendy told the woman, hands fidgting nerviously. She was trying to remain calm fo she seemed to be far away from home, but she didn't really know for sure, "Could you possibly be able to tell me where I am?" She asks.
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tothedevilsshow · 11 months
continued from ( xxx ) @agoldenlily & @caracarnn
they were making the whole thing more frustrating. if they left things up to her and elayne she was sure that they would come a lot more further in this situation. they might even be out of here if they had been. but they kept making them stall, making things more difficult than they had to be. she lets out a heavy breath, easing only when elayne addresses her.
from where she's standing she eyes mat cauthon's neck bruises. they look bad. but he's survived, that's what mattered. he survived. so she thinks he's in the clear. there's no reason to linger or fuss over it. but elayne seems to think that she has to.
"he looks fine." she says, a little dismissive. she looks around the place, alert. then she turns to look at them again. "but maybe you shouldn't waste your energy." her eyes go back to rand al'thor this time, as if challenging him to protest to any of this in any way. he better now. it would only end up being exhausting.
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siiinfully · 6 months
❛ No one will harm you. I won't allow it. ❜ - @ delphini from @agoldenlily <3
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"I know, Elayne." The softest of admissions, one rarely heard from The Augurey. But before she had been given a lofty position by her father, Delphini already had Elayne as a friend. She was the only one who was there not for glory or power or riches, but because they were friends.
And so, the same protection was given to Elayne, and everyone knew it.
The young witch smiled and slid the plate of sugary cakes closer. "You're the only person I fully trust. No one will harm you as long as I'm around."
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incissam · 7 months
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legends-and-savages · 6 months
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@agoldenlily sent: ask me anything you like. i’ll tell you the truth. (For Odette)
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Odette looked at the other girl. "How did you find the tower?" She asked softly. She didn't know how the other girl had found her, but she was curious.
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wildskissed · 7 months
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Actions Speak Louder Prompts - @agoldenlily mused: patch, sender patches up receiver's wounds. (*waves*)
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There was nothing quite like a SURPRISE battle, and while Eve had thought she was on top of her game with it, she had taken an arrow to the side. That wouldn't usually be so bad, except her wild magic had also gone off during the fight, and she was too afraid of not being calmed enough, that she dare not use her own healing magic.
That's where Elayne came in.
Eve smiled a little at her as she tended to her side. "I do APPRECIATE you...don't go too far out of your way though." The last thing that she wanted to be right now was a burden on the other. She'd been through far worse, so she knew she'd survive. "Are you alright?"
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ssolessurvivor · 7 months
[ hug ] sender leans in and initiates a hug with receiver
memes - always accepting! - @agoldenlily
Logan hadn't known what he was expecting or wasn't. For some reason, he never allowed himself to think something like this could happen between them, given everything they'd been through. Everything they'd talked about. He hadn't requested the day off even when he was in so much pain he couldn't really focus, everything seemed a little fuzzy around the edges.
So when Elayne appeared from a gentle touch to his shoulder, rousing him from a daydream in an attempt to numb the ache in his bones, he watched with a slow dawning of what was happening.
It didn't fully register until she had leaned into him, her head resting just under his chin, her arms wrapped around him. Her presence instantly seemed to soothe some of the flares of pain in his vertebrae, he could rest his chin atop her head of auburn curls first before he wrapped his own arms around her and held her in close. There was nothing professional about this hug, nothing formal. This was as informal as it could get: no space between them, the way he rubbed her back with one of his hands, his chin atop her head turned into his cheek, eyes closing as blonde hair falls loose over her fiery waves.
He doesn't speak but takes a singular deep breath in, the scent of her and the familiarity seeming to make some of that pain melt away. He could stay here forever, in her arms.
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luckhissoul · 2 months
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@agoldenlily "I know what you're trying to say but your eyes got really big and intense when you got a glimpse into that safe. Why? Are you surprised I have what I say I have? Or did you just not expect me to have it on hand?....Or have you been waiting to see it?"
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he can tell what she's doing. she's playing a little game here, isn't she? testing him here. she's leading the conversation. maybe he had been a little obvious. and that wasn't good. but he was starting to get anxious about this whole arrangement. he was starting to want to back out. he wasn't sure what it was that was pulling him out. was it her? sometimes he found himself a little strung up over her. thinking of her soft voice, her bright eyes, all those sun colored curls falling around her face, her sweet eager mouth. he shakes his head. it would do him no good just then if he kept thinking about her. he knew that. he would do something stupid - and he had.
it was only a few more weeks. and then the plan would finally fall into place. then he wouldn't have to see her anymore. and that was what he wanted. ruin for her family? it seemed such a heavy and cruel thing. something twisted and ugly. he feels so heavy he can't seem to swallow down whatever was running through his head. he just looks at her a moment before he lets out a small laugh.
did she trust him still? just a look wouldn't give away what was planned. and it wasn't even against her. maybe he could tell her. after everything he had heard about her father would it really be so bad? and her husband, too? none of this would be so bad. and yet - she had trusted him. was that guilt? he didn't like the feeling. it got so ugly and heavy when it wrapped itself around him. he does his best to shake it off. he had spent a long time talking himself into this plan. so why just eject himself now?
"i've just never seen anything like that." he says with a small shake of his head. "never knew someone could have so much, you know." and it sounds real, doesn't it? like he actually means it.
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potestmagice · 8 months
@agoldenlily asked: ❝ way too many spiders. ❞ - @ ellie rose halliwell
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Ellie nodded vigorously. "Tell me about it! I swear, every time I turn around, another one lurks in the corners. It's like they're plotting something."
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