mercadoadiesel · 1 year
Bomba injetora S10, kit bomba elétrica, VENDAS 1137294450".
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playerdangeroustime · 2 years
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Otro bus de #TBT que recordando la licitación de la Metrobus que ganó por la empresa Redbus de Lo Ovalle Oriente junto a Bellavista de La Florida, Puente Cal y Canto y Escuela Militar en 2003. Se trata de un bus marca Neobus del modelo Thunder+ en chasis de Agrale y Mercedes Benz de la norma Euro III que viene los recorridos de la Metrobus 59 y 61 desde el terminal Lo Ovalle hasta La Florida, viene traer los televisores en los buses, un periódico Publimetro llamado "De la A a la Z" con cobrador automático para agitar las monedas entre los pasajeros, paneles electrónicos y la tarjeta del sistema Multivía del Metro de Santiago. Entre 2003 y 2005 era operado por Redbus y luego por el cambio de las MB a Líneas hasta el inicio del TS, se pintó una línea roja y el corte de la Zona C, entre 2005 y 2007 los buses se trasalda a Escuela Militar para las fases del Transantiago, y finalmente entre 2007 y 2012 con el inicio del Sistema del Transporte capitalina de la Zona C hasta la renovación de buses Redbus Urbano Transev del sector oriente de Santiago. Tras la reestructuración de los nuevos colores de Transantiago, estas máquinas fueros de los buses dados de baja de circulación, haciendo particulares y privados, así como el transporte escolar y temporeros y agricolas, otras se fueron a regiones para dentro y fuera de Santiago y finalmente estos buses están en desarme y chatarrizan. Neobus Thunder + : Agrale MA 8.5 : Líneas MB-59 (Metro Lo Ovalle - La Florida) y MB-61 (Lo Ovalle - Plaza Vespucio) Redbus : Metrobus Santiago de Chile Lugar: Metro Lo Ovalle Comuna: La Cisterna Fecha: Abril - Diciembre del 2003 Año del modelo: 2003 Empresa: Redbus #Hastag #Neobus #Thunder #Thunder+ #Agrale #AgraleChile #MundoBuses #Metrobus #MetrobusChile #Redbus #RedbusUrbano #LoOvalle #LaCisterna #LaFlorida#PlazaVespucio #InstaRemember #Remember #Recuerdos #Recuerdo #Instagram (en Metro Lo Ovalle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLvV-pI8GQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayhaps-a-blog · 2 months
It's Tuesday! Have another chapter :)
The action begins!
Trapped in the Unknown Regions, Thrawn and the Chimaera stumble upon a secret, one with the power to destroy their enemies – or themselves. Searching for an answer to her nightmares, Che’ri sets off across the stars, discovering long-forgotten mysteries of the Chiss sky-walkers – and that those mysteries were not lost, but stolen. Once more, their paths will cross, and the path of the galaxy will be changed forever.
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The Card Game at the End of the Galaxy.
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They got the Lady as repaired as one could hope. The damned whales apparently used the refined Clouzon fuels to come back here to die after spawning. The Chimaera's crew had been too busy dying or with damage control to see the beasties having it off in hyperspace. Grace and Little Gods only knew if she'd hold together making the jump, but with the materials of other crashed ships, they'd been able to put her back together.
Shipwide Communication: All Hands
Your groups will be called by MOS and rank. Do not wait in the medbay corridors. 
No food after 00:00 - clear liquids only. Take the intestinal prep at the same time.
At 06:00 leave your quarters wearing the hooded jumpsuit provided. Your possessions will be stored away for you.
In the staging area wait to be called with your group. Please do not bring anything with you such as datapads, reading material, or your personal comlinks.
We will soon be home. 
They will soon regret it.
Long live the Empire. 
CMDE Albus Marinith, ISD Chimaera FLAG, 7th Fleet, 
GADM Mitth'raw'nuruodo, ISD Chimaera FLAG, 7th Fleet
They were good soldiers and sailors of the Empire, and rather than await a lingering death from starvation and thirst - or eating dead whale meat (barf) - his Humans got to work. Thrawn, of course, didn't know this. He was in and out of coldsleep, medbeds, bacta tanks, and surgery. His Humans were as determined to save him as they were to get home. They were shocked silly when three crones suddenly appeared on the auxiliary bridge, and the Three Mothers almost joined their sisters before Thrawn stopped them. 
They had something to offer - and they wanted something in return.
A way to communicate with the galaxy far, far away. A way to rally the resources needed to return home. The hyperlanes were purgill migration routes, the purgill one of the oldest species not just in the galaxy, but in the universe, and a species eating itself out of existence. They came here to spawn, then die, their bones filled with Clouzon, the ships that ran on it the only way for them to get home. With a ring based on the old Jedi fighter hyperspace rings, the Chimaera could fly again. It would take the Mothers back to Dathomir, and the crew of the Chimaera back home.
It was go time.
They found a way to mine the bone belt, then vaporize the bones in a plasma engine, collecting the gasses. The Chimaera's chief engineer's last act had been to shut down the core with his bare hands in a breached engine room. In the weeks that it took to minimally refuel, the air turned stale as vital systems starved. Then, nursing the core back to full power - and holding their breath - engine by engine, they fired the Gemon-4 ion engines and moved slowly into the atmosphere.
Thrawn awoke just in time for the descent.
More devilry, but it could not be helped. Three rickety old hags weighed against the remaining Chimaera crew. 
So they are here now, his loyal crew. Almost all sleep in their stasis units in the catacombs. The Chimaera is vacuum tight and as spaceworthy as possible. Bridger will be stranded. 
Hammerly shuffles the cards, the chrono counting down to 00:00. Pyrondi has a pile of worthless chips and heckles Lomar and Agral that she's cashing in when they get home. Yve doesn't do goodbyes, and is sitting this one out. Marinith is finishing his last commands and a glass of his Corellian whisky. 
Thrawn brings a bottle and takes a seat. "Deal me in, Flag Captain Hammerly."
"Ready to lose your pension, sir?" Pyrondi chirps with her characteristic confidence.
"Hold onto your chips, Commander Pyrondi." Card games such as Five Card Fool Me involve strategy as much as luck. "Remember last time."
She tried to bluff the table with a pair of deuces and fooled everyone but him. 
They talk about what they're going to do when they get home. Some of the acts involve improbable uses for Bridger's head, but most are typical leave activities. They talk about visiting family, partying, indulging in food and drink, or hobbies. 
"What are you planning to do, sir?"
"Apparently, Commander Lomar, I need to plan on posting your bail." Thrawn let a small smirk flit across his face, making the others eye their cards nervously. "Don't worry about the courts martial. I've had enough of them that I can talk you through."
The runup to coldsleep has seen some remarkable behavior in the name of stress relief, and Thrawn has long looked the other way on fraternization. Waking up in a pile of warm and naked Humans has been comforting these past months. They have never disdained his injured body, and many bear scars from horrendous wounds of their own.
Five minutes to 00:00, Hammerly puts the cards away and kisses them all farewell. Lomar and Agral follow. Marinith looks in and bids him goodnight. Yve's farewell is personal, warm, and heartfelt. Pyrondi tidies the room and Thrawn can feel her reluctance to leave.
"I'll look in on you in a few hours." 
She nods, not trusting her voice, and goes. Thrawn would never betray her confidence that coldsleep terrifies her. They've all had the drills, starting with the academy, but this is going to be for a very long time. They don't have enough consumables for the length of time they'll have to wait. Thrawn and a core of stormtroopers will remain awake, with a few officers and specialists to wake when the Eye of Sion arrives.
The prep for non-emergency coldsleep is unpleasant, but he noticed them cutting back on rations and increasing fluids. When he looks in on Pyrondi, as promised, she's pale and fatigued in the aftermath. A weak smile from her and he enters, placing the do-not-disturb on the doorway. He's going to miss her as she sleeps. He will miss all of them. His Humans.
He stays until 06:00, going to medbay and finding everything ready. He nods at the medic to begin.
"Commander Agral, report to medbay."
"Commander Yve, report to medbay."
"Commander Lomar, report to medbay."
"Commander- Commodore Marinith, report to medbay."
Pyrondi is last, and it is for his own selfish purpose. Marinith gives him a knowing look.
The body, reactivating from a cold start, goes through hell. Hibernation sickness can last for weeks if one is not properly inducted. First come the scans to make sure of an empty digestive tract. A protective drink goes down, eye and nose drops are administered, a mouthpiece put in place. Then the thoracic port is hooked up to the infusion pump. There is nobody to see as he takes Pyrondi's hand. She's a good officer, one of his very best.
"Anesthesia in three, two, one. Commander, count backwards from ten."
"Ten. Nine. Eight. S-sevix. Fi-" 
Pyrondi's eyes haze, close, and are then delicately taped to protect them. The mouthpiece and airway tube are placed, then her exposed face covered with bacta patches. It doesn't look like her any longer. Thrawn starts to tuck her fingers into the mitt, then looks at the other four caskets waiting, lights blinking. It's not a Chiss custom, but he presses his lips to her warm fingers. 
"I'll see you soon, Commander Pyrondi." 
He tucks her hand back in, straightens and nods at the medic.
"Coldsleep prep dose underway… now." He can't see the warmth drain from her face, but he can see her in infrared when he blinks his nictitating lid. She changes until her body gives only a cold blue signal. "Patient is stable. Beginning induction."
He waits. She or one of the others waited for him - there every time he woke up. 
"Induction successful for Pyrondi, Commander, Senior Weapons Officer, female, twenty-six years of age."
The casket closes, carbonite gas filling the space, the light flashes and then settles into a steady red. 
Thrawn nods to the medic, one of the few crew members left awake.
"We'll take good care of them, sir."
When the troopers come to take the five caskets, Thrawn turns and walks away.
Now all he has to do is wait.
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aeon2407 · 2 years
Inspired by the USS Texas and habitual_line_crosser on Instagram.
Sometimes, Artur really hated his job.
He wasn't trained for this, but with Thrawn being summoned by the Emperor, Faro confirming her new rank, Woldar on leave, and Hammerly bedridden with Terran influenza of all things, he was de-facto commander of the Chimaera.
And now his stormtroopers are getting torn apart by a surprisingly well-equipped rebel cell, and they're too far from the surface at too awkward an angle to provide fire support.
Any closer and surface defense systems will tear them to shreds.
And that's when it came to him. All those weeks learning Terran history finally paid off.
"Sir, comms from the rebel leader."
Artur, trying to keep the smugness off his face, accepted the call right there on the bridge.
"I'm guessing it's too much to assume that you're calling to negotiate terms of surrender?"
"Hah, you're getting slaughtered down here, and you can't provide fire support without getting yourself shredded. If anything, I'm giving you a chance to surrender."
Artur finally let his smug grin show, and the rebel leader, whose name he didn't know, visibly reeled back in surprise and trepidition.
"The word "can't" is like rebels. I'm not a fan. Agral, deactivate all portside engines and gyroscope. Pyro, overcharge the cannons."
"Bu-but that could destroy your systems", the rebel said, fear seeping into his voice. Artur only gave him a grin, smug, sadistic, and a little crazy.
"Well, unluckily for you, my sense of equipment preservation is significantly weaker than my urge to hit Delete on your entire kriffing cell. Standby."
"GET TO THE BUNKERS!!" could be heard before the comms channel went dead.
"They did what?" Thrawn asked, already feeling a headache approaching as he got a call from Kuat with a bill for dragging the Chimaera halfway across the galaxy to the KDY for repairs.
Sometimes, he really hated his job.
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timmy zahn said i am going to borrow from star trek and dune extensively. and no one can stop me
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aethergeologist · 1 year
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Trying to work out my WoL's body type so I can draw her in my style rather than as a more-or-less undefined potato person.
I'm not entirely happy - as a dragoon main, she should really have some more arm muscle but that pushed her out of the canon lala silhouette and made her look more like a generic fantasy dwarf with an incongrous face.
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thehollowofgroves · 9 days
Part 2 of my Admiral Prawn series.
Hopefully, I'll have the last story out soon
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ouradmiraldaala · 5 months
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Incomplete and a mix of canon and legend characters.
XO = Pallaeon or Faro
Sensors = Hammerly (Female, Human)
Weapons = Pyrondi (Female, Human)
Communications = Lomar (Male, Human)
Helm / Navigation = Agral (Male, Human)
Chief hanger master = Xoxtin (Female, Human)
Engineering= Geronti (Male, Human) 
Security = Tibbale (Male, Human)
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starlightgames · 1 year
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The Jewel of the Crown, Lillana Ikza. One part of the five leaders, Lillana plays a very important role in the governing of entirety of Agral. With the benefit of being a part of the nobility her entire life, Lillana knows how to navigate and play politics to her benefit.
character portrait by fantastic @al-norton!
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azya: 3, 8, 11
pig: 4, 5, 6
wolf: 1, 3, 5
aaand 18, 21
Azya Zaavim (check "read more" for some lore)
3) I suppose that he always knew that he's into men. He probably saw some musician in a magazine at a certain age lol.
8) He never did, really. He grew up with a foster family and lost contact with them when he moved to the capital with his adopted sister, who was very much ok with anything he did. So did his band really. Most prominent musicians in Ajidiali are queer. He did have some issues with his party members tho since while Ecres just calls itself an "agral union" they have a lot of conservative members.
11) He doesn't feel the need to talk about it much. There's no systematic homophobia in Ajidiali so. He probably would be more open about it if he lived in our world and use his platform to speak about queer rights. He will talk about his husband a lot if asked. He's a divorce lawer!
4) When she used to be in the army it was... well, as unsupportive as could be, really. After deserting she was mostly a loner before meeting Steel Soldier and Unit 81, and then Blink and the rest of the gang, who are all very supportive people. A lot of her hypersexuality is just posturing but she've made a lot of friends in various lesbian bars around the Solar system.
Here's a bonus "before" and "now":
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5) Uh, I dunno. Came to me in a vision, like with most of my ocs.
6) She would never police other people but about herself... She would say that she's "bisexual but men don't dig this handsome face anymore". It's a short response that works for her well enough.
Wolf Tangermann
1) "Oh, my gen-der? What, you want to steal it? To black-mail me? Well, you won't get it!" There are two theories on its gender - some say that it's simply hiding it, as it hides any other information about itself, and some say that it doesn't have it. Have it lost it? Who can say. Maybe it has just discarded it, like a snake discards it's skin.
3) In truth, it itself doesn't know. It's certain that it known it while on the surface but perhaps some things are better left behind.
5) I didn't and I think that it actually fits it well.
18) I figure them out eventually, like any other part of their character. Generally, I think that oc's relationship, or lack there of, to a label is more important than the label itself.
21) Below the cut 👇
Family structures and queerness in Ajidiali
As the concept of "sexuality" as known in modern western society is quite new on our Earth, I've decided that in Ajidiali it's nonexistent, outside of academic fields. An Ajidialian would rather use a word "preference".
- Mountain people
Mostly monogamous. Households are mostly isolated so close family lives far away from other people (around half a day of walking). It is however possible to "swap" wife (or husband in more matrialchal groups) with another couple, if both parties agree. Parents usually live with the adult youngest child. First marriage is expected to be heterosexual but one can "swap wife for a husband" (tho this is frown upon if it's done before having at least one older child). In modern day, swapping is less common, as parents don't have this much say in what the original marriage should look like.
- River people
Mostly polygamous, living in groups of 3 adults (two women and one man or two men and one woman) per house + one women's parents (as it's usually their house). Taking care of children is a community's job. Small kids can choose where they want to sleep and play but teenagers are expected to stick to one household (of their choice). This is to this day the most common family structure in the country, both on the country side and in the cities. People who don't want to have children of their own are still expected to take care of other's small kids but not of teenagers and are expected to live in monogamous relationships or remain single.
How a household itself functions is very much dependand on a region and group. These marriages are to this day often arranged and romantic love within them is not generally expected. Everything outside of these 3 people households, or changing their inside rules, is what is considered to be "queer".
- Sea people
Most of their family habits were lost when that started to consider themselves as part of Ajidiali. The main differences from River people are that they are more often patriarchal and queer people tend to be more isolated from the community.
- Ex-nomads
Despite being a completely different group, they don't have much differences from the River people either. They have lost a lot of their culture when they abandoned their nomad lifestyle. However, their differences are more noticable - their family units are bigger (usually 4-6 adults with their parents) and there is less pressure on having children (which seems to not impact the demography).
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mercadoadiesel · 1 year
BOMBA-INJETORA-MOTOR-MWM-4,mwm-3 Olá, boa noite! Hoje recebi encomenda de uma empresa do PA- Cidade Novo Progresso, do amigo Sr. Paulo e Sra Lucia, também da Cantóia transportes de Curitiba do Sr. Jurandir, de duas bombas injetoras diesel para motor MWM-229-3, BOSCH em linha. Serão aplicadas em grupos geradores e motores de pick-ups, barcos e bombas d’agua, num total de 8 bombas diesel. Faltou…
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amrutatbrc1 · 20 days
Salted Butter Market : Technology Advancements, Industry Insights, Trends And Forecast 2033
Overview and Scope Salted butter is a type of butter that has had salt added to it during the production process. It is commonly used in cooking, baking, and as a spread. The addition of salt enhances the flavor and also acts as a preservative, giving salted butter a longer shelf life compared to unsalted butter. Salted butter is commonly used in cooking and baking and is a spread for bread and other foods.
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Sizing and Forecast The salted butter market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $35.94 billion in 2023 to $37.92 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to the rise of online shopping platforms, the rise in health awareness, increasing demand from professional chefs, increasing population growth, and increasing consumer preferences for natural products.
The salted butter market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $47.54 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to a growing understanding of the negative health effects, rising popularity of bakery products, increasing demand for artisanal dairy products, increasing demand for artisanal dairy products, and growing influence on global food. Major trends in the forecast period include technological advancements, growth in artisanal varieties, organic options, gourmet cooking, innovations in packaging, and emphasis on sustainable sourcing.
Order your report now for swift delivery, visit the link: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/salted-butter-global-market-report
Segmentation & Regional Insights The salted butter market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Product: Blocks, Sticks, Other Products 2) By Distribution Channel: Online, Offline 3) By Application: Household Use, Commercial Use
Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the salted butter market in 2023. The regions covered in the salted butter market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa.
Intrigued to explore the contents? Secure your hands-on a free sample copy of the report: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=16786&type=smp
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The rising popularity of bakery products is expected to propel the growth of the salted butter market going forward. Bakery products encompass a variety of food items, such as bread, cakes, muffins, and pastries that are typically baked in an oven. The rising popularity of bakery products can be attributed to increasing demand for convenient, ready-to-eat foods, diverse flavor options, artisanal craftsmanship, health-conscious ingredient choices, and cultural culinary trends. Salted butter is essential in baking as it improves the flavor, texture, and overall quality of various bread goods. For instance, in April 2023, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a US-based governmental agency, the Italian bakery products industry produced 13.10 million tons of goods overall in 2021, a 2.6% rise from 2020. Therefore, the rising popularity of bakery products is driving the growth of the salted butter market.
Key Industry Players Major companies operating in the salted butter market are Lactalis Group, Royal FrieslandCampina NV, Arla Foods Group, Land O'Lakes Inc., Ornua Co-operative Limited, Organic Valley, Tillamook County Creamery Association, Anand Milk Union Limited, Devondale Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co. Limited, Crystal Farms Dairy Company, Vermont Creamery, Daylesford Organic, Granarolo SpA, Straus Family Creamery, Challenge Dairy Products Inc., Anchor Foods Ltd., Finlandia Cheese Inc., Meat The Butcher Pte Ltd., Horizon Organic, Agral SA, Mainland Cheese Company, Valio Ltd., Tyner Pond Farm, Organic Times, Dukeshill Ham Company Ltd.
The salted butter market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Salted Butter Market Characteristics
3. Salted Butter Market Trends And Strategies
4. Salted Butter Market - Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Salted Butter Market Size and Growth .........
32. Global Salted Butter Market Competitive Benchmarking
33. Global Salted Butter Market Competitive Dashboard
34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Salted Butter Market
35. Salted Butter Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
36. Appendix
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Inrecar geminis II NQR916 | 62 Mi expreso (Crunchyroll)
Micro 08 (Ex sol de lebu y 302 Sotral)
Me gusta La 08 como favorita de la mi expreso y quedando Estacionada. A pesar de que es de 2016 contamina debido el cambio de motor por una mercedes LO812 o LO814. O agrale.
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Fic dump.
Things Said Over Whiskey (968 words) by cathouse_mary Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Wullf Yularen, Gilad Pellaeon Additional Tags: Drinking, Gossip Summary: Two old navy men in a bar ten years after RTS.
Care (73764 words) by cathouse_mary Chapters: 25/? Fandom: Star Wars: Thrawn Series - Timothy Zahn (2017), Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy Trilogy - Timothy Zahn, Star Wars Legends: Thrawn Trilogy - Timothy Zahn, Star Wars: Rebels Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Relationships to be added, Pellaeon/Marinith, Pyrondi & Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Thrawn/Pyrondi Characters: Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Pyrondi (Star Wars), Hammerly (Star Wars), Gilad Pellaeon, Albus Marinith, Voss Parck, Dagon Niriz, Lomar (Star Wars), Agral (Star Wars), Original Imperial Characters (Star Wars), Original Female Imperial Character(s) Additional Tags: Being Lost, post-Lothal, Whump, injuries, Emotional Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Blankets, No Beta We Die Like Clones Summary: The 7th fleet is decimated, lost, and trying to survive being abandoned in deep space. Thrawn is recovering from his injuries, his officer corps dead or injured.
Love's Sucker Punch (1526 words) by cathouse_mary Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: Thrawn Series - Timothy Zahn (2017), Star Wars Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ilyana Pyrondi/Artur Tagge Characters: Original Imperial Characters (Star Wars) Additional Tags: These Idiots Summary: Artur Tagge meets the most infernal pest.
This is a fanfic of a fanfic of a fanfic - the fanfic of my fanfic is below and I am cocreator because we FAFO this thing.
Pyro's Pyrotechnic Love Life (27258 words) by cathouse_mary, Aeon_2407 Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Thrawn Series - Timothy Zahn (2017), Star Wars: Rebels Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Hammerly/Pyrondi (Star Wars), Ilyana Pyrondi/Artur Tagge, Karyn Faro/Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Agral/Yve (Star Wars), Ezra Bridger/Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Alrich Wren/Ursa Wren Characters: Original Characters, Artur Tagge, Pyrondi (Star Wars), Hammerly (Star Wars), Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Karyn Faro, Gilad Pellaeon, Agral (Star Wars), Lomar (Star Wars), Yve (Star Wars), Woldar (Star Wars), Cassio Tagge, Domina Tagge, Lapin Tagge, Original Imperial Characters (Star Wars), Original Stormtrooper Character(s) (Star Wars), Chimaera Crew Members (Star Wars), Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, C1-10P | Chopper, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, Ursa Wren, Alrich Wren, Tristan Wren, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Wilhuff Tarkin, Conan Antonio Motti, Wullf Yularen, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, The Force (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Chimaera means family, Sorta angsty at the beginning, but a lot more fluffy and funny later, I promise, No Beta We Die Like Clones, Everyone Is Gay, The Mandalorian Darksaber (Star Wars), Canto Bight | Capital City of Cantonica (Star Wars), Planet Krownest (Star Wars), Clan Wren (Star Wars), Unresolved Romantic Tension, Romantic Angst, Everyone Needs Therapy, Especially Artur, Established Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo/Karyn Faro, Established Hammerly/Pyrondi, Force Visions (Star Wars), The World Between Worlds (Star Wars), Alternate Timelines, Blood and Injury, Violence, Child Abandonment, House of Tagge Summary: What is it about the obscenely rich yet kind and funny officers that has Pyro gravitating to them her entire love life? Luckily, there were only two so far that fit the criteria. And her ex is transferring to the Chimaera. Not too bad. Right?
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aeon2407 · 1 year
Chapters: 4/?
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Thrawn Series - Timothy Zahn (2017), Star Wars: Rebels
Rating: Teen And Up
Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Hammerly/Pyrondi (Star Wars), Karyn Faro/Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Agral/Yve, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Characters: Original Characters, Pyrondi (Star Wars), Hammerly (Star Wars), Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Karyn Faro, Agral (Star Wars), Lomar (Star Wars), Yve (Star Wars), Woldar (Star Wars), Gilad Pellaeon, Albus Marinith, Cassio Tagge, Original Imperial Characters (Star Wars), Original Stormtrooper Character(s) (Star Wars), Chimaera Crew Members (Star Wars), Sabine Wren, Ursa Wren, Tristan Wren, Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, C1-10P | Chopper, Alrich Wren, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Wilhuff Tarkin
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Chimaera means family, Sorta angsty at the beginning, but a lot more fluffy and funny later, I promise, No Beta We Die Like Clones, wlw, Everyone Is Gay, The Mandalorian Darksaber (Star Wars), Canto Bight | Capital City of Cantonica (Star Wars), Planet Krownest (Star Wars), Clan Wren (Star Wars), Unresolved Romantic Tension, Romantic Angst, Everyone Needs Therapy, Especially Artur, Established Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo/Karyn Faro, Established Hammerly/Pyrondi Summary:
What is it about the obscenely rich yet kind and funny officers that has Pyro gravitating to them her entire love life? Luckily, there were only two so far that fit the criteria. And her ex is transferring to the Chimaera. Not too bad. Right?
Source: archiveofourown.org
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