sinrevi-art · 9 months
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Alright, 2023 is almost over, but still ✨Happy 30th Anniversary✨ to the Lufia series! 🎂🎈
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This was the original unfinished drawing. Next time I do a big group picture I'll pick a more simple coloring style than that😅 So I made a quick alternate colored version using the paint bucket for now, I just want this out before the year is over since 2023 is the 30th anniversary of the Lufia series
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In the original version I was going for a traditional media feeling.
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tiny-design · 2 years
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Combat encounters throughout Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories make full use of the card-chaining system by allowing players and enemies to respond to each other’s newly added cards until they reach the end of a card combo, or the card combo itself is broken with specific special cards. This provides an ebb and flow to combat, where the player pushes to counter their opponents at just the right moment, while also memorizing the opposing cards in order to prevent over-extending their card combo at a crucial moment.
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sar3nka · 9 months
Sometimes I text him "BREED THOSE MARES NOW" cause we started a howrse account and I want it to be successful so bad
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
Scusate ma se il personaggio di Nicmopà in Noi siamo leggentag si chiamasse veramente Jacopo io come farei ad essere normal about that
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mikey180 · 5 months
gotta cook up a request so aaay id like to request dates headcanons with khun,baam, hansung , like what kind fi stuff they di on a date aay :D
thank you so much for requesting and I know it's been a long time, but I've had so much to work through.
Date with Khun Aguro Agnus, The 25th Baam, and Yu Hansung.
Type- headcanons
Flavor- fluff
Tw- bugs and death...love that for a fluff fic, don't we?
I feel like Khun would take you to a fancy restaurant on the first date, but he'd much rather have a movie night and cuddle with you.
If you want to go to a restaurant he'll take you to one of the best in the tower. Ya know, the kind that serves fresh seafood. he'll make sure it has good reviews and might even have someone go to see if it's as good as people say it is.
If you go with the movie night though, it's a different story.
He will make sure to have all of your favorite snacks and drinks. He'll have candy and basically anything else you could possibly want.
He definitely wants to pick the movie, but he'll let you pick if you want to.
I can see him enjoying psychological horror, but getting annoyed at the same time because he's already figured out what's going to happen within the first five minutes.
He doesn't mind almost whatever genre you want. I don't see him as being one for romance or comedy, but if it's what you want to watch, he's fine with it.
he would absolutely love it if you were to get scared during a horror movie and cling to him. I don't think he'd be the kind to jump or show that he's scared. The only way you could tell if he's actually scared is the way his eyes widen a bit at the jump-scares.
You and Khun are curled up with each other, under a fluffy blanket, covered in crumbs from all the sugary treats he brought you. Your legs draped over his lap as he leaned close to you and held the large plate of snacks on top of your covered thighs. the scream from the movie echoes through the living room while the two of you watch intently. You shiver a little as the suspense picks up to which he chuckles and rubs you back a bit, throwing a few smart mouthed comments your way as you watch.
Baam enjoys small picnic dates.
He'll definitely cook for you and he'll try to make whatever you want. He picks out the best spots he can find and you bet he'll lay down the red plaid blanket that he sees at all the picnics in the movie.
This cinnamon roll just wants you to be happy. He'll defiantly take you on whatever date you want, but his first choice will usually be a picnic.
If you let him, he'll probably cling to you the entire time(not me adding this because I love clingy and needy people).
You'll be sitting side by side with his leg draped over your lap and when he's done eating he'll probably rest his head in your lap, not caring if you're still eating or getting crumbs on him.
He most definitely enjoys peaceful silence, as long as you're okay with it, he'll space out, head on your lap, just staring at the clouds.
Wants to stay long enough to watch the sunset with you, but he probably gets tired of it's summer timer when the sun takes longer to set.
The picnic blanket becomes a regular blanket in the fall though, poor baby gets cold easily and even if it means sitting on leaves, sticks, and risking being a bug hiking trail, you let him do it anyway without complaint.
You and bam rest there, the food mostly gone as you watch the sunset from the hill you've chosen as your spot. The orange fading to a yellow and finally out to blue after a small ring of green. He looks up at you, moving his head on your lap as you run your fingers through his hair. The moment you look down, you're met with his tired little smile, the light shifting through his lashes to reflect in his half closed amber eyes, soft like a fire on a snowy night, a picture you want engraved in your mind till the end of your forever.
Hansung Yu
Tell me this man isn't doing a coffee date? Even better if he goes to one of those tea ceremonies only to mix in instant coffee when no one is looking.
He would probably choose the best seat in a shop, a nice quiet one by a window.
It's mostly likely mid day or a little later though he'd take you at 8 like a dinner date, but caffeine at that hour might just kill you though, he can handle it.
Will order for you if you don't know what you want, assures you you'll like it.
Might just fall in love even more if you take your coffee black, but if you take it light, he'll think it's cute and probably say some things about how you can't handle straight coffee...he's right.
Expect him to pull that "wiping drink or food off your face" move like he's in some sort of romance k-drama, might even lick it off.
Will say something surprising, or spicy depending on how far along you are, just to get a reaction out of you.
*Warning*Has made you choke on coffee like this before*Warning*
You are in danger, with the way he slyly watches as you sip on your coffee, you can tell he's just waiting for the most inconvenient time to tell you humans have a water to dead body ratio they're okay with, hence swimming in the ocean with thousands of them, but not swimming in a pool with one of them
...what the heck man?
Will laugh if you choke or laugh so hard the coffee comes up your nose (fun fact, I've drank orange juice through my nose with a straw as a very stupid child)
Does hold your hand as you walk there and home though
As you play footsies with Hansung under the table, he sips on his coffee like nothing is happening. You sigh a bit as you accept your loss as you feel a bruise forming on your shin. You close your eyes to take and savor this sip of sweet, sweet coff- "cockroaches would eat you alive if you couldn't do anything about it."
You appetite for coffee is immediately gone as you slam the cup down and cough a bit on what you had in your mouth as he chuckles a bit.
"don't worry...the vibrations of your breathing are supposed to scare off bugs...or so I've heard"
He had to, don't get mad at him, it's funny, right?
Low key lost my appetite writing that last bit actually, it's true.
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pwlanier · 7 months
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LA RIOJA, 1970
Triptych composed of three acrylics on canvas decorated with a polychrome kinetic composition.
Each canvas signed on the back "Aguro" and dated "70", mention on the back on one "La Rioja".
Tinted wood frame.
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peculiarstudent · 1 year
"I already took the CET; what's next?" - aguro
There was a girl; she was waiting for the college entrance exam. And the day came. While the teacher was discussing what they were going to do, she was praying that "she should not do anything stupid." But I guess destiny has already written her story. While filling out the documents for the courses she will pick, she accidentally made a mistake. She accidentally put her courses under someone else's name, not her own. She was saying sorry to the guy who owns the name. While saying sorry, she didn't notice that she gave him her extra ballpoint pen. And the guy stared confusedly at her, but she was busy saying sorry. Later on, the guy poked her shoulder, then asked something, which she answered. But the guy didn't hear it clearly, so he bent and put her ear in front of her face, enough to feel the butterflies inside her stomach. The exam ended. While walking to the pedestrian lane, she was eating mochi manju, which is super hot. While chewing it, she was fanning her mouth while also talking and laughing with her friend. In that scenario, she accidentally made eye contact with none other than that boy. 'Destiny's playing cupid, huh?' she thought. He was also looking at her while they passed on the opposite side of the road. Seconds later, she cut eye contact because she was feeling the butterflies once again. But she still felt that someone was looking at her, so she looked back at the guy again. And there he was. Still staring at her until he disappears. Months have passed. She passed the college entrance exam. She was so happy because that university was her dream school in college. Their first day of school came. She was humming with the song in her earphones while walking to the entrance of the university she passed when she heard someone calling her name. She looked back and saw her friends running to her while giggling. Breaktime came. They were now heading to the school cafeteria. While they're in line, waiting for their turn to order, she sees a familiar ballpoint pen, and then she remembers the guy. Apparently, after a few minutes, she decided to tell the story to her friends. When she finished the story, her friends shrieked hard and then slapped her arms while laughing. After the laughing scenario, they heard a boy's voice saying "So this is her, huh?" and then burst into laughter. Her friends then turned to her after seeing the look they gave the boy. One of her friends mumbled, "The guy on your back is cute," which got her attention. She slowly looked back, and she saw the boy her friends thought looked cute. And he is none other than, again, Him. She realized real fast who that person was, so he said, "That's him!" She looked at her friends, and her friends then again slapped her arm while giggling. "So he's really cute," said her friend. After that exhausting but happy day for her, she lay down on her bed thinking about him and that he also passed the exam and is now attending university. Months later, after only making eye contact, someone followed her on Instagram. It was him. She shrieked in silence and did not think otherwise; she followed him back. It's not even been five minutes since he messaged her. "Good book." He says.It was a comment to her Instagram story that asked her followers, "Is the Gentle Reminder book good?"She replied, "Omg, thanks!"Days, weeks, and many months later, after chatting He courted her and said, "The first time I saw you, the people around you were blurry. I thought it was just the effect of the exam. Turns out, I just felt "love at first sight" while smiling.I smiled and hugged him; little did he know that's what I also felt the first time we met.
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teefa85 · 3 days
Well...I've a project. I was looking up pictures of Teefa and Salah's stepsiblings for my eternal writing prompt to see if I ever gave them official ages. Didn't put any years on any of the characters in any of the family folders (checks...I had to freaking look up a list to figure out who of the many people in Aguro and Alley's family were their parents and which siblings were older or younger) but did see a bunch of names I didn't recognize. Turns out, I started giving children to siblings of the Muses who weren't also in the dorm but never really did anything with it so it was only like that one folder!
So now it's actually planning ages and relations for EVERYONE'S extended families...because it's me and I'm insane!
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E la storia gli amori vanno e vengono e gli amici restano è una gran cagata.
Le persone vanno e vengono indipendentemente dal ruolo che hanno nella tua vita e dal tipo di relazione che hai con loro.
Le persone arrivano nella tua vita volente o meno, che ti piaccia o no, e prima o poi se ne vanno
Alcune meglio prima altre le vorresti tenere per sempre
La vera cosa che cambia è il tempo che trascorri con loro e ti aguro sia sempre bello.
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mrslittletall · 2 years
Lufia Update: After I looked around in Lorbenia, I left to wander and found Grenoble. There was an Old Cave nearby which seems to be the predecessor to the Ancient Cave. I went into it and then I got stuck. After looking it up, I learned that I need to rest at the inn in Lorbenia so that Aguro comes! My guys weren't hurt so why should I have done that! Arghl! Anyway, in there we learned about a kid that stole from Lufia earlier and he clearly is a descendant of the inventor Lexis from the prequel-sequel. I finally could continue the story and then... ...got my ass kicked in the northwest tower. Several times. Yeah, that game is harder than the prequel-sequel. I managed it though after I had to come back two times or so (and loaded a save state because I am not dealing with this long ass ways full of random battles all the time) and learned where Artea is. He still is very far away though, so yeah, will take some time until we meet him. I wonder when we will get the fourth member for the party?
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Okay but I've learned if you leave SOTC on the Main Menu long enough you eventually get a screensaver of your horse Aguro galloping around the land and having adventures while waiting for you, all while playing one of the happiest pieces of music in the game ;0; I fucking can't I love her so much
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justicebeetle · 6 years
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oh i forgot i redesigned aguro again lol here you go
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verumleonhart · 2 years
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Developer: Jupiter
Publisher: Square Enix
Director: Tetsuya Nomura/Aguro Tanaka
Music: Yoko Shimomura
Scenario: Daisuke Watanabe
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meliohy · 4 years
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swan2swan · 6 years
Remember when Maximus tapped into the legendary powers of Video Game Horses to scale an insuperable wall and get behind Rapunzel off-camera?
Because that happened.
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11natrium · 2 years
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A commission piece for KronoGarrett on twitter - a set of 9 icons of pooltoys of his design!
In order: Aguro the Kaiju, Boss Jegaruu, Garuda the Phoenix, Garurumon, Gauss the Cyberwolf, Kerr the Wolf, Kronosaurus, Scout Wolf and Tanner the Lion!
Drawn in January 2022
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