haegeumyg · 4 years
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Silver prince
(© bornrapper)
695 notes · View notes
dreamyoongi · 5 years
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english connoisseur
7K notes · View notes
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wow i’ve never been so early 
long live the king
7 notes · View notes
itskimtaehyung · 6 years
When the Stars Align (M)
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Part of the Bangtan Assortment Collaboration 
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: FakeDating!AU with a hint of roommates (well actually more like apartment-mates but roommates is catchier), College!AU, fluff, angst
Word count: 10.5k
Content/Warnings: Mentions of heavy drinking, drug usage, strong language, but also cute things like adopting a dog together
Summary: With cuffing season approaching its end, you thought you had escaped the pressures of finding a boyfriend for the holidays. That is, until your friends set you up on a blind date that goes horribly wrong. This prompts you to enlist the help of your roommate, Yoongi, to fake a relationship so your friends will stop meddling in your love life. And it turns out Yoongi is a lot better at this romance thing than you originally thought...
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Spending Valentine’s Day alone sucks.
Even though some people claim they don’t care about being single on one of the many holidays created by capitalist overlords solely to profit off the purest emotion we as humans can experience, everyone cares, just a little bit.
Valentine’s Day is just about the fakest holiday known to man. Does anyone even remember the original meaning behind it anymore? You’re just painfully reminded of how single you are. No one even gets the day off, so can it really be considered a holiday? Although you admit you still can’t help but fall for its charms: The cute little teddy bears that line the grocery store shelves; pink and red, heart-shaped balloons, boxes, and pretty much everything; and candy, half-priced the following day. Also, seeing all the couples being lovey-dovey with each other kind of makes you wish you had someone to cuddle for yourself.
You’ve never really been in a long-term relationship. (Unless you count that boy in high school, who helped you raise your very own sack of flour in health class, equipped with its own voice box to cry every couple of hours, and you two were together all day, every day, for two months straight. Let’s just say that was a bonding experience in more ways than one, and you did very well in health class that semester. The two of you dated for a year after that.)
The thing is, in this fast-paced, ever-changing world, you get bored easily. Some of your relationships don’t last more than a month, a day, or even past the first date.
There is only one person you want to spend Valentine’s Day with this year, and you know he absolutely does not feel the same. And probably never will.
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Let’s take a little trip back to last December.
You and your group of friends decided to go out for sushi at your favorite all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant. All of you had just finished finals, so you went out to celebrate.
“Y/N! Are you going with anyone to the New Year Ball?” Jungkook asked loudly over the chatter in the restaurant.
The annual New Year Ball is a huge holiday party put on by your school’s Student Association at the end of each calendar year. The original purpose of this social was for frats, sororities, and clubs to recruit new members, but the event is now used as a way for burnt out college students to drink and blow off steam after final exams. The Student Association books out the entire student center (all three floors of it) for the party of the year. You have no idea why the school would allow such a function, let alone fund it, but you can’t complain. You’re a sucker for free food and alcohol.
“No, I was just gonna go with you guys,” you said before stuffing a too-big piece of tiger roll into your mouth.
“Uh uh,” Hoseok interjected. “We all have dates.”
Taehyung, who was seated to your right, reached across you to grab the soy sauce. “Seriously, you don’t have anyone to go with?”
You shook your head, still chewing.
“What about Kai?”
Kai was a guy you met on a dating app last semester who you ended up hooking up and then never seeing again. He was a terrible person, so arrogant and full of himself. You felt your personalities clash the second you two met. But he was also a beautiful god of a man and you weren’t going to let him slip away from you before banging one out with him. After that, you deleted the app and blocked his number.
You forced the colossal piece of sushi down your throat so that you could finally speak. “Nooooo.” You shook your head vigorously. “That ship has sailed. Plus he’s a Capricorn.”
They all gave you a puzzled look that said they needed more explanation.
“Hello? I’m an Aries?” You waved your hands around, gesturing toward yourself, nearly whacking Taehyung with your chopsticks. “Aries can’t stand Capricorns.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Oh no, you didn’t ask him for his birth chart on the first date, did you?”
“No.” You shifted your gaze away from him and sipped your drink.
“Okay,” Seokjin chimed in with half an edamame pod hanging out of his mouth, “but you really need a boyfriend. You’re the only one of us that’s single.”
Namjoon motioned for Hoseok to pass him the wasabi and ginger. “Yeah, sometimes we want to invite you places but worry you’ll feel awkward because all of us are bringing our girlfriends.”
“That’s fine! I love hanging out with your girlfriends! Sometimes it’s too much testosterone when it’s just you guys.”
“No.”  Namjoon shook his head. “We need to find you a boyfriend, too.”
“Joon, I don’t want–”
“How about Taeyong!” Jimin suggested.
“I don’t know, isn’t he kind of a fuckboy? I don’t want our Y/N to get hurt.”
“It’s just one date. Plus they’ll be with us. We won’t let anything bad happen.” Taehyung gave you a reassuring grin.
You huff. “Fine. Can you pass me the rainbow roll please?”
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So, that New Year’s Eve, you got ready for the party as your roommate (flatmate, housemate, or apartment-mate are probably more accurate descriptions for what he is, since the two of you share an apartment/flat, but have separate rooms. However, for simplicity, let’s use “roommate” from now on) made dinner in the kitchen.
“Oooh, got a date tonight?” he teased, whisking together some eggs in a bowl as you were leaving.
“That’s none of your business,” you replied, shoving a gold hoop earring into your ear.
He eyed your outfit. “Don’t you think that dress is a little… I don’t know… Short?”
You resisted the urge to flip him off. “Shut the fuck up, you perv. I can wear whatever I want.”
Yoongi chuckled to himself. “Whatever.”
“Bye, Yoongi!”
“Don’t get too crazy out there, Y/N. You know how NYB can be.”
You simply rolled your eyes and left, shutting the door behind you without saying anything further.
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You had to watch how much you drank that night, because your friends had declared you the designated driver for your date, which you’re still salty about. The six of them arrived shortly after you did, with Taeyong in tow. You had never met the boy before, but right off the bat you could see that he is undeniably handsome. Now you knew why people called him a fuckboy. With a face and body like that, you would use it to your advantage, too.
You greeted your friends in the lobby and before you could say anything further, Taeyong walked straight up to you.
“We’re going to find our girlfriends,” Jungkook informed you. And then the six of them left you alone with your date.
“Hi, I’m Taeyong,” he held his hand out, intending for you to shake it.
Wow, a gentleman. “Hi. Y/N.”
“I know, your friends have told me quite a bit about you.” He shot you a flirty smile.
Since you’re here, you might as well have some fun. “Well, that’s not fair, I hardly know anything about you.”
“Then we should spend the rest of the night getting to know each other, shouldn’t we?” He smirked, not breaking eye contact with you for a second.
Oh, he was good. A smooth talker with shiny brown eyes that could pull you in, hypnotize you, and leave you wanting to give him all of your attention.
“AY, TAEYONG!” The shout rang across the lobby of the Student Center, pulling you out of the little moment you just had with Taeyong. It was one of his frat brothers, marching over carrying three shot glasses. “Let’s do some shots, bro!”
“You know it!” Taeyong greeted his brother with a shoulder bump and took two of the shot glasses from him. He offered one of them to you.
Hesitantly, you took it, suddenly feeling a bit shy since you don’t really know either of these guys. Both of them took their shots and Taeyong looked toward you expectantly, waiting for you to take yours. You downed it quickly, and gave the tiny plastic cup back to Taeyong’s friend.
“Thanks, man.” He clapped his friend on the back.
“Yo, of course, bro. Listen, this really hot ABG was getting all up on me earlier, so I’m gonna go back over to her. I’ll catch you later, alright?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you later, man!” Taeyong waved his friend off. “Let’s get some more drinks!” Before you could say anything, he grabbed your hand and pulled you toward the drink table.
There was a lot of alcohol. More than enough for the entire student body to get absolutely wasted. The Student Association definitely did not skimp out this year. It looked as if they bought out the whole alcohol section of the nearest Costco.
“Oh shit!” Taeyong’s eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. “We gon’ get turnt tonight!” He whooped.
“I have to drive you home later, so I can’t drink too much,” you reminded him.
“All good, Y/N,” he said while pouring himself some beer into a red plastic cup. “I’ll drink enough for the both of us.” He then added two shots of soju to his cup and chugged it quickly until it was all gone. You must have made a concerned face, because Taeyong placed a hand on your shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, I can handle my alc.”
For some reason, that didn’t reassure you too much.
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“So how did you and your friends meet?” Taeyong had to shout over the music and the overall loudness of all the people around you.
You two were in one of the study rooms, which had been converted into a lounge for the party. Sofas lined the edges of the walls. You and Taeyong were now sitting in one of the more secluded ones in the corner behind some fake potted plants.
“I met Jungkook in elementary school, the rest of the guys were accumulated throughout high school and college.”
“Mhm.” He responded in a way that didn’t seem like he was actually listening. His hand was on your thigh, slowly inching its way upward. Maybe Yoongi was right, maybe this dress was a little too short.
“How did you meet them?” you asked.
Taeyong took a sip of his drink. “I know Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok from dance. The other three I just met tonight.” He was a little too close, and his breath smelled strongly of beer.
“Ahh, I see.” You were running out of small talk. You didn’t know what you could possibly talk about with him. From what you’ve gathered, he’s an economics major with enough units to graduate already, but he’s staying so that he doesn’t miss out on any of the parties his fraternity hosts. All he seems to do is drink and fuck, and tonight was no different.
As you were talking, his hand made its way even higher up your thigh, and at this point it was right at the hem of your dress. Taeyong teased the edge with his finger, looking into your eyes to gauge your reaction.
You shook your head and pushed his hand away. You couldn’t deny he was attractive, and you wouldn’t have minded sleeping with him, but this was not the time nor the place. “I’m not having sex with you on school property.”
“Come on, why not? I’ve done it before, it’s no big deal. Plus, I used to work here, so I know which closets we can get into without a key.” He winked at you.
You leaned in so that your lips were right next to his ear. “Save it for later.”
The boy smirked at you. “Fine.”
“TAEYOOOOOOOOOOONG,” you heard someone shout from across the room. You and Taeyong looked over to find an obnoxiously handsome guy in a letterman jacket holding a bottle of tequila. “SHOTS?!”
“HELL YEAH!” Taeyong leapt up from the sofa, throwing his plastic cup onto the floor, and bounded over to his frat brother.
You stayed behind and watched them from afar. A small crowd of dudebros gathered around them, holding out tiny plastic cups as letterman-jacket-guy filled them to the brim with alcohol. Taeyong took six shots, one with each of the guys, and bellowed triumphantly as soon as he downed the last one.
“BEER BONG?!” One of them shouted.
Taeyong hooted in agreement and followed his friends into the next room, completely overlooking your existence.
Where were your friends? You hadn’t seen them throughout the entire party, and you definitely were looking for them. In all honesty, you didn’t really like being alone with Taeyong. The two of you just didn’t click, and he’s very touchy when he’s drunk. Therefore, you were hoping that you would be able to find your friends and hang out with them as well, but you hadn’t seen them the whole night.
You took the elevator up to the third floor, where an actual, literal rave was taking place. The third floor was one big ballroom, and tonight, multicolored lights flashed and loud electronic music thumped as hundreds of sweaty, drunk college kids danced around. If your friends were up here, there would be no way for you to find them, so you gave up on the cause and took the elevator back down. You could still feel the pounding of the bass even after the elevator doors closed, and on your way down you wondered if that was safe, or if the vibrations from the music would compromise the strength of the cables and the elevator would come crashing down, inevitably leading to your tragic death. Yoongi would probably know.
With a ding! the elevator doors opened and you arrived back on the second floor. You were greeted with the sight of your date, a funnel connected to a tube which fed into his mouth, and one of his friends pouring an entire keg of beer down said funnel.
“CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!” The crowd around him chanted.
You sighed to yourself. Frat boys will be frat boys.
“It’s just one date. We won’t let anything bad happen.” You grumbled. That’s what your friends had said to you, but where were they now? Nowhere to be found. You tried texting your group chat with them, but none of them replied.
You went back to the secluded corner from earlier and sat down. You checked your phone again, and still nothing from your friends. You pouted and opened your messaging app.
You: how’s your night going?
You waited a few seconds and then felt the device vibrate in your hand.
Nerd: Shhhhh Halsey is performing You: smh you and your obsession with halsey Nerd: Not so much obsession as admiration Nerd: She’s on my list of top 5 people i want to work with one day You: haha in your dreams Nerd: It’ll happen just you wait Nerd: Also why are you messaging me? your date not going well?
“Y/N!!!!!!!!!” As if on cue Taeyong drunkenly stumbled over to you. He was so inebriated that he could barely walk. His friends had to support most of his weight.
“Oh my god,” you muttered.
When his friends let him go, he collapsed onto the floor, and was too drunk to pick himself up.
“What happened to being able to handle your alc?”
Taeyong struggled to lift his head up. “What are you talking about? I’m totally fine.” His words were badly slurred as he spoke, and you almost couldn’t understand him.
“Oh, jeez. Okay.” You stepped around him and bent over so that you could hoist him up by his armpits. “We need to get you home.”
“No! I’m totally fine!” When you got him to his feet he grabbed a shot glass from someone walking by and poured it into his mouth. The alcohol dribbled down his chin and the passerby shot him a look of annoyance because Taeyong just stole their drink.
You smacked Taeyong on the back of the head. “Stop drinking! You’re gonna kill yourself if you keep going.”
He stomped his foot like a child. “Noooooo!”
You began dragging him toward the elevator and he didn’t resist. When the elevator arrived, you pushed your date into it and pushed the button for the first floor. When the doors opened, you pulled Taeyong out and almost bumped into Jungkook.
“Hey, Y/N! Are you having fun?” He still hadn’t noticed how inebriated Taeyong was.
“I’m not in the mood for small talk right now, Jungkook. Where have you guys been?” You didn’t even try to hide your annoyance.
“Whoa,” Jungkook gasped, noticing your drunk friend for the first time. “What happened?”
“I don’t want to talk about it. Can you tell the rest of the guys that I’m taking Taeyong home now?” You pulled Taeyong toward the entrance.
“Okay. Are you coming back? It’s still pretty early.”
“I think I’ve had enough for one night. I’m never forgiving you guys for this. Goodnight, Jungkook.”
Jungkook waved you goodbye. “Okay, get home safe, Y/N.”
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You opened the door to your apartment and saw Yoongi sitting on the couch, sipping on a bottle of beer, and watching the ball dropping ceremony on TV.
“You’re home early,” he remarked. “Didn’t like your date?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You kicked off your shoes and walked right passed him and into your room, slamming the door shut behind you.
“Goodnight, I guess.” Yoongi shrugged and returned to watching his program.
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You and your friends regrouped for brunch on the following Sunday morning. Even the barely noticeable smell of alcohol from the mimosas that Jin and Jimin ordered brought back nauseating memories of the party.
“I can’t believe you set me up with Taeyong, who I later found out is a Cancer???? Aries are the least compatible with Cancers!!!”
“I thought that was Capricorns,” Hoseok asserted before stuffing his face with french toast.
“Them too! Capricorns and Aries usually can’t stand each other but when you find two that are compatible it’s like–”
“Anyway,” Taehyung interrupted. “It wasn’t even his personality that you didn’t like, it was his lack of control.”
“It doesn’t matter!” You protested. “It was doomed from the start!”
“Whatever. Enough of this fictitious mumbo jumbo.” Taehyung waved his hand dismissively. “So, Taeyong was an utter failure. Who else do we know who’s single?” The question was directed at the other five boys at the table.
“I don’t want you setting me up with anymore of your friends,” you told them.
“Too bad, we need to find you a boyfriend. You can’t let one bad date stop you from going on others.”
They didn’t seem to be taking no for an answer. You needed to put a stop to this fast. But how? You didn’t have time to think. Before anyone could respond with their suggestions, you blurted out, “I’m dating Yoongi!”
Taehyung nearly choked on his strawberry. “What? Your roommate? Isn’t he a Pisces?”
“Aries aren’t compatible with Pisces.”
“And how would you know that, Tae? Aren’t you the one who made fun of me for looking up Kai’s birth chart? Aren’t you the one who just – not even a minute ago – called it fictitious mumbo jumbo?”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Jungkook holds his hands out to stop everyone. “How did this happen?”
Jimin looked at you curiously. “Yeah, Y/N. You’ve been living with Yoongi for almost a year. Why now?”
“Uhhhh.” You wracked your brain for an explanation. How did you get together with Yoongi? You had to come up with an explanation that your friends would believe. “After I dropped off Taeyong the night of the New Year Ball, I came home crying.” Your palms started to sweat so you rubbed your hands together. “Yoongi was still awake watching the ball dropping ceremony, so he comforted me, and we ended up falling asleep on the couch together.”
“Did you fuck him?”
You kicked Seokjin under the table. “No! Jin, don’t be gross!”
“Owww! What? You’re the type to move pretty fast. I don’t know.” He bent down to rub his shin.
“Wait, hold up,” Jungkook cut in, ready to poke holes in your story. “Since when do you cry?”
“Hey! I cry! What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know. Sounds kind of fake. I’ve known you for more than ten years and I’ve only seen you cry once when your turtle died.”
“I can cry! I’m perfectly capable of crying!”
“If what you’re saying is true, then bring Yoongi with you the next time we get dinner together. Does Tuesday night work for everyone?”
All the boys nodded their heads.
Shit. You could feel your face getting hot. “Uhh, since the relationship is still pretty new, I’m not sure Yoongi would want to make it public just yet,” you lied.
“Come on, Y/N. We’ve known Yoongi for over a year, and we’ve known you for even longer. There’s no reason for you guys to hide from us.”
You groaned. “Fine, I’ll bring him. But don’t think I’ve forgiven you guys for setting me up with that trainwreck.”
“We’re sorry, Y/N. Really.”
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How would you possibly explain this whole situation to your roommate? “Hey, uh, I told my friends we were dating so they wouldn’t set me up with another fuckboy, and now they want to do a septuple date.”???
You just know he would give you endless shit for this. For as long as you’ve known him, Yoongi has always been the sarcastic smartass who loves to poke fun at you.
From commenting on what you wear: “That’s not a shirt, Y/N.” (Also, remember your dress on New Year’s Eve?)
Giving you “helpful” hints when you try to fix something that broke: “You know that’s not going to work, right?”
To helping you with your math homework: “You get to ask me one question per month. After that I’m going to start charging you a fee.”
To some, his treatment toward you may seem harsh or mean. What a lot of people don’t understand is that you two are this way because you’re comfortable with each other. It’s not one-sided. You definitely roast Yoongi back. And it’s never serious. It’s a sibling type of banter.
Although the two of you are comfortable with each other, Yoongi also keeps to himself a lot, only sharing bits and pieces of him with you. He’s serious and stoic a lot of the time, and when he’s home, you mostly see him studying or watching TV. But you guess this is typical behavior of someone who’s studying to be a sound engineer.
He rarely tells you anything about his dating life. He had a girlfriend when he first moved in. You know this because he would bring her over every weekend, and you would hear them in his room. Every. Fucking. Weekend. But all of that stopped a couple of months ago. You know they broke up, but you don’t know why, or whose decision it was. Yoongi rarely talked about her, so you couldn’t tell if he actually liked her or not, or if it was just a sexual thing. Come to think of it, you couldn’t remember the last time he expressed feelings for anyone.
You turned toward your roommate, who sat next to you on the couch, reading one of his textbooks.
“Are you a sociopath?” You asked him, casually of course, as roommates do.
Without even looking up he replied with, “What in that tiny, little brain of yours prompted you to ask me such a thing?”
You smacked him with one of your throw pillows, which took Yoongi a considerable amount of convincing to let you buy because he thought they were “useless and a waste of money.”
“Because I’ve never seen you express emotion toward anything. Not even food.”
“Just because I don’t have an orgasm every time I eat pizza like you do, does not mean I’m a sociopath. For your information, I am perfectly capable of emotion. I just prefer to channel it into my music.”
You rolled your eyes. He’s so pretentious. “Then why aren’t you dating anyone?
He closed his textbook. “Jeez, Y/N. Not everything is about dating. I just got out of that messy relationship with Nayeon, remember?
“I thought you were just with her for sex? I didn’t know you actually liked her.”
“We were together for four fucking years, of course I liked her. You don’t just share such a big chunk of your life with someone and not feel something for them.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that you were together for that long. You never really told me much about her.”
He shrugged. “That’s because you entered my life during the last year of our relationship, and at that point we could already feel our relationship start to all apart.”
“She was here all the time, though.”
“Yeah, we thought seeing each other more would help fix us, but after a while it just got kind of tedious. So we called it off.”
This was good, this was the most information you’d gotten out of him in a while. “Do you still have feelings for her?”
“Of course, but it didn’t work out. It’s in the past now and I need to move on. My friends think that finding someone knew would help me get over it, but I need to take some time for myself.”
You nodded understandingly. “What were you like with her? You know, before all the bad stuff. I can’t imagine you being romantic in any sense of the word,” you jested.
“Hey! I was romantic! I took her to the beach and bought her flowers and stuff.”
“Wow. A real stunner, you are,” you said sarcastically
Yoongi rolled his eyes
“Hey, here’s a nutty idea.”
Your roommate raised an eyebrow at you. You thought long and hard about how you were going to do this. All the scenarios that played out in your head seemed utterly ridiculous, but you had to tell him somehow. This seemed like the least weird way to broach the subject with him.
“What if we like….. Pretended to date?” you asked hesitantly, wiping your sweaty palms onto your throw pillow. See? It’s not entirely useless.
“Why the fuck would we do that?”
“You know… Because my friends are trying to set me up with people… And from what you’ve said, your friends want you to start dating again, too.”
“Yeah, that’s what my friends want, but I don’t have to do what they want.”
“I’m just saying, you know… It might be beneficial for both of us.” You couldn’t look Yoongi in the eyes. Instead, your gaze shifted just about everywhere else: out the window, the TV, the ceiling.
Yoongi definitely noticed and could tell you were hiding something. His eyes narrowed at you. “What’s the real reason, Y/N.”
You shrugged and shook your head. “That is the real reason.”
“You’re a terrible liar.” His gaze grew more intense and you could feel his gaze burning holes into your face.
You sighed deeply. “Fine. So I… Uhh…”
Yoongi looked at you expectantly. Were you really going to tell him? You had to own up to your stupid decision. But it was exactly that: stupid.
“I may or may not have told my friends that you and I are dating.”
“Fucking hell, Y/N.” There wasn’t even any surprise in his voice. It was more like disappointment, exasperation. Like his exact thoughts were, typical Y/N, always up to the same shenanigans.
“I’m sorry! I panicked! I didn’t want to get setup with another Taeyong and you were the first person who came to mind! I just kind of blurted it out during brunch!”
Yoongi was silent for a long time, and you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. What would you do if he said no? What would you tell your friends?
After an eternity, he finally answered. “Fine”
You let out a sigh of relief. “Great. Our first date is tomorrow.”
“Fucking hell! Thanks for the warning!”
“See you then!” You jumped up from the couch and ran to your room before he could verbally abuse you further.
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“Oh my god. Are you seriously wearing that on our first date?” Yoongi was standing in the doorway to his room as you eyed his outfit, which consisted of a white t-shirt underneath an unbuttoned red and cream plaid flannel, accompanied by ripped light wash jeans and old tennis shoes.
“Yeah? What’s wrong with this?” He gave you a mildly annoyed, confused look.
“Nothing’s wrong with it if you’re going to class. But this is dinner with my friends! Our debut as a couple! You can’t wear that!”
Yoongi sighed. “Fine. Then what do you suggest I wear.”
You huffed and pushed past him into his room, him following closely behind. You stared into his closet, eighty percent of which was completely black. Somehow, today, he managed to throw on the only non-black outfit he owned.
“No. No. No.” You grumbled as you sifted through his clothes.
“Why do I even need to dress nicely? I’ve already met all your friends. It’s not like I have to make a good first impression or anything.”
“Still! They would never believe I would date someone who’s dressed like that.”
“Hey! You know, you’re such a bitch sometimes.”
“I know.” You pulled out a red and black swirly patterned button down that was squeezed between two black sweaters. Ugh, there was no method of organization to this closet whatsoever. You caught a glimpse of the tag as you removed it from the closet. “Dior? Damn. I didn’t know you were the type to wear designer.”
Yoongi snatched it out of your hand protectively. “I’m not. Nayeon gave it to me.”
You gently took it back from him. “Okay, so it’s a touchy subject. I guess we’re not going with that one.” You put it back on to the clothing rack and pull out a long wool coat. “Valentino? You’re kidding me, right? Is there any nice stuff in here that you bought yourself?”
Yoongi shook his head.
“Now I know why she bought all of this stuff for you: so you don’t embarrass her everytime you two went out in public.” You sighed. “Well, I guess we’re just going to have to work with it.”
You pulled the red and black shirt back out and handed it and the coat to Yoongi.
“No peeking,” Yoongi warned. You nodded and turned around.
As he changed, you rifled through his closet for some suitable pants, so you wouldn’t accidentally catch a glimpse of your roommate shirtless. You found the pair of black ripped jeans that Yoongi always wore and decided to go with those.
“I don’t like this jacket,” Yoongi whined. You took it as a sign that it was safe to turn around.
The jacket reached almost to the floor, and his arms were tight against his sides, like he could barely move them. “You’re right. You look so stuffy. Like a little old man.”
“Hey! Listen up, bitch.” Yoongi squared his shoulders and took a couple of steps closer to you. “I may be older than you, but I’m also taller.” He prodded your shoulder threateningly with his finger.
“Not if I wear heels. Which is what I’m planning to do tonight.” You smirked at him.
“Fine, then I’ll wear my platform sneakers.”
“That still won’t be enough,” you teased.
He frowned and you chuckled at his reaction.
“I’m kidding. I’m not going to wear heels tonight. So, you still get to be taller than me.”
“Why does it feel like I’m receiving some sort of consolation prize?”
You rolled your eyes. “God, you’re so annoying.”
“Can I just go without the jacket? It’s not that cold outside.” Yoongi struggled to take off his coat so you walked up behind him and helped pull it down his shoulders.
“Okay, but if I get cold, what are you going to offer me for protection? How are you supposed to romantically give me your jacket if you don’t even have one?”
Yoongi groaned. “God, your ideas of romance are so antiquated.”
“And your ideas of romance are nonexistent!” You countered.
“Whatever,” he spat. “Just pick a jacket you want to wear then. It’s too warm out for me to wear one.”
You grudgingly agreed and grabbed a simple black blazer from the closet. The tag on the back said H&M.
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“You guys! I’m so excited to try this place!” Taehyung ran up to where you and Yoongi waited outside the new omurice restaurant that opened up across town.
“I hope it’s good,” Yoongi said. “This would be the first omurice place here and I haven’t had decent omurice since I went to Kyoto a couple of years ago.”
“What is this? You? Min Yoongi? Getting excited about food?”
Yoongi shot you a warning look, which you ignored.
“If you miss it so much, why don’t you try making it yourself?”
“If you paid any attention to me at all, you would know I make it all the time, but it’s never the same.”
You frowned at him, offended that he would accuse you of not paying him any attention at home. “I totally pay attention to you!”
“Then you would know I made omurice just last Thursday!”
“Thursday is my busy day! I wasn’t home all day!”
“Okay!” Taehyung interrupted, clapping his hands together. He was probably afraid you two would either start throwing punches or angrily making out. Neither of which he wanted to witness at that moment. “Let’s get a table and wait for the others inside.”
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“So did you enjoy it? Was it as good as the one you had in Kyoto?” You looped your arm around Yoongi’s and rested your chin on his shoulder.
Yoongi set his spoon down onto his now empty plate and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “It was pretty good.” He didn’t turn to face you because he didn’t want his face that close to yours. “But to be honest, nothing can top the one I ate in Kyoto.”
You moved your hand toward Yoongi’s, which was now placed limply on his thigh. He squirmed as you got too close to his crotch.
“Hold my hand, dumbass,” you whispered so that only he could hear. “And smile please.”
Yoongi turned his face toward you and gave you a soft smile so convincing, your heart fluttered for a split second before you came to your senses. He leisurely intertwined his fingers with yours.
“Thanks, you’re doing a great job,” you told him. Yoongi was never really one to seek out praise and validation, but you wanted him to know that he was doing a good job.
“Awww, you guys are so cute,” Hoseok cooed. “Y/N, I’m glad you’re finally dating someone again.”
“I don’t know why y’all are so damn concerned with my love life. It’s none of your fucking business.”
“It’s just that you haven’t been in a relationship in so long, this is quite interesting to watch.”
You twisted your face at Jungkook.
“So tell me more about how this whole thing happened.” Jungkook sat up attentively, putting his elbows up on the table and resting his face in his hands, wanting to hear every word you had to say.
“I already told you everything.”
“Okay, but I want to hear it from Yoongi’s perspective.” He nodded at your fake boyfriend.
“Shit,” you muttered and squeezed Yoongi’s hand. You raised an eyebrow at Yoongi, an expression that said, “You remember what I told you, right?”
Yoongi nodded. “Well, I don’t know what Y/N told you but, she came home really upset after the New Year Ball, thanks to you guys, and that’s when it kind of happened.”
“We’ve apologized so many times for that.” Jin rolled his eyes.
“And yet I still don’t accept your apologies,” you quipped.
You looked over at Jungkook to see that he was eyeing you warily. Your cheeks burned under his scrutiny. Did he still not believe you? Even after you and Yoongi’s blatant (albeit forced) displays of affection? Maybe because he knew neither of you were big fans of PDA. Or maybe because he’s known you for more than half your life and can tell when you’re lying 90% of the time.
Just when you’re about to crack under his gaze, the waiter comes over with the bill.
“So how are we going to do this?” Namjoon addressed everyone at the table.
“I don’t know. You’re the math major; you tell us,” Jimin retorted.
Yoongi grabbed his wallet from his back pocket with the hand that wasn’t holding yours. “I’ll pay for Y/N and me.”
“How noble,” Jungkook scoffed.
You leaned closer to Yoongi. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Of course, it’s our first date. Let me pay.”
You blushed. “Okay.”
Then the unexpected happened. Yoongi leaned in closer and gave you a quick peck on the tip of your nose.
You gaped at him momentarily and then immediately regained your composure. You turned around to see Hoseok and Jin looking at you fondly, Taehyung and Jimin making disgusted faces, Jungkook with his eyebrows raised in a look of surprise and horror, and Namjoon too distracted by figuring out how to split the bill.
Luckily, because of this stunt, Jungkook forgot about grilling Yoongi with the questions.
“Okay, so I’m going to cover it with my credit card and I’ll charge you guys on BuddyPay.” Namjoon announced, still totally oblivious to the kiss that just shocked the whole table.
Everyone else grumbled in agreement.
After the payment was sorted out, your friends trickled out of the restaurant while you and Yoongi stayed behind. The second they were gone, Yoongi dropped your hand as if you had the plague.
“God, your hand is so sweaty,” he griped, wiping his hand on his jeans.
“Sorry! I was nervous!”
“Aww. You get nervous around me?”
“It wasn’t because of you, asshole.” You slapped his arm. “It’s because I’m a terrible liar! I almost popped a blood vessel everytime one of them looked me in the eye. Especially Jungkook! I know he suspects something.”
Yoongi shrugged. “Well, if it means anything, I think you were pretty convincing.”
“Thanks. It doesn’t. Also why did you kiss me? We never agreed to any kissing.”
“Did that kiss really affect you that much?” Yoongi smirked and got up from his seat.
You huffed. “Fuck you, Yoongi!”
“A kiss is as far as I’m gonna go.”
You scowled and grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair, jogging a little to catch up to him.
By the time you caught up, he was waiting by the door for you. “How are we going to make it convincing if I never kiss you?” Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Also, if you pop a blood vessel, I’m not driving you to the hospital.”
You frowned. “Whatever. Let’s get out of here.”
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“God, I’m so full,” you groaned once you got outside. “Can we walk around a bit?”
Yoongi nodded. “Sure. I’ve never been in this plaza. We can check out what they have.”
Out of the corner of your eye you notice a Critter Castle on the other side of the parking lot.
“Ooh! A pet store! Let’s go in!” You grabbed Yoongi by the wrist and hauled him across the parking lot.
Immediately when you walk in, Yoongi gravitated toward the puppies. There was a small one, with curly brown fur that he took a particular liking to.
“Hey there, little guy.” The puppy perked up and started hopping around in its pen. “You’re an excited one aren’t you? Hi.” He brought his hand up to the barrier, allowing the puppy to stick its nose through and lick Yoongi’s fingers.
It wasn’t often that you got to see Yoongi’s soft side. He was always either serious or sarcastic around you. But seeing him like this made the corner of your lips tug up and your heart feel warm.
What was this weird feeling? It couldn’t possibly be… Could it?
You shook off the weird feeling. “What’s its name?” You asked Yoongi.
Yoongi looked at the sign the hung on the edge of the play pen. “Holly.”
“So it’s a girl?”
“The sign says it’s a boy. Awww and he’s only two weeks old! So fucking tiny!”
You giggled. “Do you want him?”
“Do you want to adopt Holly?”
“I– yes. But would you be okay with that?”
You nodded.
“Oh my god. Then yes, I want this dog more than anything.”
“Okay wait here, I’ll go talk to a worker.”
You returned a couple of minutes later to find Yoongi sitting on the floor, sticking his fingers in the holes of the pen and playing with the little puppy.
“So, I have some bad news.”
Yoongi sighed. “Y/N, always gotta ruin things.”
“Shut up! The worker said Holly is still too young to be adopted, but we can come back in a month and a half or so and if he’s still here we can adopt him.”
“Can we like, preemptively adopt him? Like put him on hold or something?”
“I asked and she said adoptions here don’t work that way since it’s not a shelter. We’re just going to have to come back later and hope for the best.”
You could see Yoongi’s face fall. “Okay.” He stood up. “It was nice knowing you, Holly. Hopefully we can meet again soon.”
“We’ll come back for you, Holly.”
The little dog yapped and hopped with joy, but when the two of you began walking away, he whined and put his head to the floor.
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About a month passes and now it’s the present again. Pretending with Yoongi has gotten a lot easier and more comfortable. Your friends have invited you and Yoongi out to septuple dates with their girlfriends, and you genuinely have fun.
But having a month pass means it’s now February, and everyone knows what dreaded holiday comes in February.
You fling yourself onto the couch right next to where Yoongi is sitting. “So it’s Valentine’s Day next week.”
“And are we going to do something special?”
Yoongi makes a disgusted face. You grimace at his grimace.
“Come on! Jungkook will definitely think something is up if we don’t post something cute on Instagram,” you whine.
For the last month, even when your friends didn’t invite you and Yoongi out to do stuff with them, you still took pictures of the two of you together to keep up appearances on social media. Yoongi was surprisingly good at it, knowing exactly how to pose or what caption to write to get a reaction out of people. Everyone seems to love sharing their relationship with the world, and Valentine’s Day is the prime time to do so, so it would definitely be odd if you and Yoongi didn’t do something sickeningly romantic for the special day.
“How about we just get one of those long candles and light it next to a rose and take a picture of that, then we can go back to living our lives like normal? Most of social media is fake anyway, so I don’t see why we actually have to do something special instead of just pretending we did.”
“Ooh! What if I get a bunch of rose petals and sprinkle them from the front door to your room? And then I caption it something like, ‘Came home from class and was greeted with this, *suggestive emoji*.’”
“No! No offense, but I don’t want to imply that I’m having sex with you.”
“We’re dating, it’s already implied.”
Yoongi’s face twists. “How long are we going to keep this up, anyway? I’m not going to fake date you forever.”
“Oh my god!” You exclaim, ignoring his question. “I’ve got it!”
“What?” Yoongi asks, his tone fearful.
“The pet store has discounted pet adoptions on Valentine’s Day.”
“Let’s adopt Holly together!”
Yoongi’s eyes light up, but he tries to contain his excitement when he says, “So you’re serious about it? You really want to adopt a dog together?”
“Of course! I’ve always wanted a dog.”
Your roommate raises an eyebrow. “You never said anything.”
“Because I didn’t know you liked dogs.”
“So, you’re actually serious about this?” He asks again, just to be absolutely sure.
“Yes, Yoongi! I am 100% serious.”
He jumps up and gives you a big hug, squeezing you so hard that you almost can’t breathe.
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That Valentine’s Day, you and Yoongi walk into your apartment with a new addition to your family. Yoongi insisted on holding him on the car ride home, and wouldn’t even let you hold him in the elevator ride up to the apartment. He is still cradling the small, brown puppy even after you’re inside, where it’s safe to let him run around.
“Hold right there,” you tell Yoongi after you both take your shoes off, with Yoongi struggling because he still will not let go of Holly the entire time. “Let me take a picture for Instagram.”
Yoongi holds up Holly so that he’s obscuring his face.
“No! We need to see your face!”
Yoongi sighs and lowers the little animal.
“Great, now kiss him.”
Yoongi puckers his lips and brings it closer to the curly brown fur.
“Perfect!” You snap the photo and post it to Instagram, captioning it, Father and his brand new son. Happy Valentine’s Day, babe *heart eye emoji*.“Cuuuute!” You exclaim.
“I know I am, but how’s Holly look?”
You give your fake boyfriend an exasperated look.
“I can’t believe we have a puppy now!” Squeal isn’t exactly the right word to describe how Yoongi says it, but it’s a pretty close description.
“I know right? We’re parents now.”
Yoongi plops himself on the floor and lies on his back. Holly hops around him, leaping across his legs and stomach. The feeling that you experienced in the pet store when Yoongi first met Holly returns, and you are filled with an inexplicable fondness. You get down on the floor and join them, and when you look at Yoongi, he smiles at you.
“Thank you, Y/N. I am so happy right now.”
“You’re welcome, Yoongi. I am too.”
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A couple of weeks later, you come home after a rough shift at work. There was a huge dance contest going on at school tonight and afterwards a lot of the spectators flocked to the nearest boba shop– which happened to be the one you worked at. The line was long, the store was crowded and loud, and it didn’t help that your manager was yelling at all of the workers to put out drinks faster. At the end of the night, you had to turn some customers down so that you could close up shop, and a few of them weren’t too happy about that.
You’re exhausted when you step through your front door, your feet are sore and your muscles tense. When you enter, you see Yoongi sprawled on the couch as always, your nostrils assaulted with a pungent odor, quite a juxtaposition to the sickenly sweet smell of the boba shop.
You let out an exasperated sigh. “How many times have I told you not to smoke inside?”
“I wasn’t smoking.” Yoongi shifts his bloodshot eyes back and forth.
“I smelled weed the second I walked in the door.” You saunter over to the screen door that leads to the balcony and pull it open to let in some fresh air.
“That’s….. a skunk got in here.” His voice is mellow in a way that confirms your suspicions.
You cross your arms and give him an incredulous look. “A skunk?”
“We live on the third floor in the middle of the city. There are no skunks here,” you scoff. “Raccoons, I would believe, but not skunks.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“At least share, will you?” You drop your aching body onto the couch next to him, resting most of your weight against Yoongi.
“Since when do you smoke?” He asks.
“I don’t usually. I get a really bad case of the munchies when I do. One time I smoked at Jungkook’s place and ended up eating six of those spicy cup noodles. My intestines were not happy afterward.”
Yoongi chuckles. He then pulls a blunt out of his pocket and lights it for you. You put it up to your lips and smoke it.
“Who’s smoking in the house now?” he teases.
You shake your head. “Where’s Holly?” You ask, ignoring his silly rhetorical question. You shift so that your head is now resting on his chest.
“He’s in my room sleeping. All he does is sleep.”
“Of course, he’s a puppy. He’s still growing.” You pass Yoongi the blunt and he takes a hit before passing it back to you.
“I love him so much.”
“I know you do.”
“He’s so small.” Yoongi remarks, except it comes out more like a whine.
“I know he is.”
He notices that you’re not being your characteristically talkative self, which leads him to suspect something is wrong. “Rough shift?”
“Mhm.” You nod with your head still resting on your roommate’s chest.
He slings his arm lazily across your shoulder. “Want to talk about it?”
You take another long drag from the blunt. “Nope,” you exhale.
Just as before, your cravings set in about thirty minutes later. You haven’t eaten since before your six hour shift, and you're now starving.
“Oh my god I want pancakes!!!!” You wail, springing up from your where your head rested on Yoongi’s lap. “I want pancakes so bad.” Your stomach grumbles at the thought of the fluffy stacks of cinnamon swirl pancakes that they serve at the Pancake Shack, lathered in thick, golden maple syrup, and smothered with butter.
“Y/N, it’s 2 in the morning. Everything is closed now.” Yoongi is always one to burst your bubble.
"But I want Pancake Shack!"
"Pancake Shack is closed."
“Make me pancakes!!!!!”
“I am not making you pancakes.”
“But I want pancakes!! Like so bad. I think I might die.”
“You may be the only person who gets more high-strung when you smoke.” Yoongi doesn't budge.
You pout at him.
Finally, he resigns. “Fine, I’ll make you pancakes.”
“Thanks, Yoongi.” You hug him and rest your head on his shoulder. The two of you lock eyes and your gaze lingers for longer than it should, and for a second, your heart stops. The intensity of the moment startles you and you pull away from him. “You know what. It’s late. Never mind, you don’t have to make me pancakes.”
“Y/N, I don’t mind if you really want me to.”
You shake your head. “No, it’s okay. I should go to bed. I have class in the morning.”
“Okay, if you say so.” Yoongi raises an eyebrow. You were just insisting that he make you pancakes. What made you change your mind so suddenly?
You get up off the couch and make your way to your room.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he calls after you.
“Goodnight, Yoongi.”
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Jungkook: hey jieun just broke up with me :’( can you come over?
You get the text late at night, a couple of days later. You’re already in your pajamas and getting ready for bed. But still, you don’t hesitate, because Jungkook is your best friend, and you could really use something to take your mind off of the forbidden feelings you’re starting to develop for Yoongi.
You: yeah i’ll be there in 10
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“Hey.” Jungkook greets you with a sad smile when he opens the door to his apartment. His hair is a mess and he’s also wearing his pajamas.
You return the greeting and enter. “How are you holding up?” You ask him.
“Honestly, a lot better than I thought I’d be. I’m not as heartbroken as I expected.”
His place is a one bedroom studio apartment, so inside is just his bed, desk, kitchen, bathroom, and video game system. It’s cozy, and the two of you have had many heartfelt talks here. You used to come here whenever you wanted peace and quiet when you still had two other roommates at your old place.
“Why did you call me over? I thought you’d be a mess.” You kick off your shoes and jump onto the bed.
Jungkook shrugs as he sinks down next to you. “You’re my best friend. I just wanted someone to talk to.”
“Well, I’m here for you. Whatever you have to say. Whatever you want to talk about.”
He smiles at you. “Thanks, Y/N. How are you and Yoongi doing?”
“We’re alright.”
“I can tell he really likes you.”
You sigh, wondering if now is a good time to break the news to your best friend. What are you really waiting for? Why keep this going? Who does it benefit? “Jungkook, I have to tell you something.”
Jungkook raises an eyebrow.
You take a deep breath. “It’s fake. My entire relationship with Yoongi is fake. We were never actually dating.”
“I don’t believe that.” He shakes his head.
But it’s the truth.
Jungkook shakes his head again. “No. I know you both really care for each other. I can tell your feelings for each other are real.”
You remain silent. You and Yoongi have definitely grown closer in the last two months, especially after the two of you adopted Holly together, and you were having some feelings toward him, but you knew Yoongi didn’t feel the same. In the beginning, he made it explicitly clear that he had absolutely no romantic feelings toward you. Just last year, you two had The Talk about not being attracted to each other.
“You guys even adopted a dog together for god’s sake. You don’t just do that with anyone.”
Still you say nothing.
“That was real right? That dog is yours?”
You nod.
Jungkook runs his fingers through his hair. “I’m not going to brag, but I knew it was fake at the beginning, especially because it lasted more than a week, which is some sort of record for you.”
“Shut up.”
“But as time went on, I could tell you were growing to like each other, genuinely.”
You shake your head, still refusing to believe it. “He’s a Pisces, though. Aries aren’t good with Pisces.”
“Stop making excuses, Y/N. I think you should talk to him. Sort this out.”
"I may have feelings for him, but I'm positive he doesn't feel the same way about me." You grab one of Jungkook’s pillows and fiddle with a loose thread on the pillow case.
Jungkook sees what you’re doing and takes the pillow away from you, setting it down on the side of the bed that you can’t reach. "If you think that way, then you should end it. It's not fair for the both of you.”
You sigh deeply, knowing he’s right. “I thought we were here to talk about you.”
“We were. But I feel much better now, having my best friend with me.”
You give him a half hearted smile.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, too, Jungkook.”
He holds out his arms. “Come here.”
You crawl forward and give him a firm hug.
“Can I, like, at least practice in front of you? Because I have absolutely no idea how to approach this.”
“Of course. Anything you need, I'm here for you.”
You squeeze him a bit tighter. "Thank you, Jungkook."
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The next night, you pace back and forth in your room, trying to figure out how you're going to bring it up to Yoongi. He's right on the other side of the door, on the couch, watching TV and petting Holly, as usual, and can probably hear you burning a hole in the carpet. You take a deep breath. It’s time. But what if he’s not watching TV anymore? What if he’s studying or doing homework? You shuffle over to your door, slowly cracking it open and peeking your head out.
He’s still exactly where he was when you got home earlier. Doesn’t he have things to do? Why is he always watching TV? You then realize that you just want an excuse for him to be too busy to talk, so you can avoid this conversation and postpone it for another time. Another time when you’re more prepared, when you’re older, and therefore wiser. But for some reason all the signs (really, just Jungkook) are telling you to do it now, providing you with the perfect opportunity, the perfect setup for you to break up with your fake boyfriend. Nothing like the present, right? You just gotta do it. Rip it off like a bandaid.
Apprehensively, you tiptoe out of your room. "Hey, Yoongi, I need to talk to you."
He turns his head toward you. “What’s up? What’s wrong?” His brows furrow when he notices your unease.
You walk over to the couch and sit down next to him. "Nothing’s really wrong, per se. But we do need to end this fake relationship."
“Well, it’s about time.” He sighs and picks up Holly from his lap and places him onto the floor. “We’ve been going at this for what? Almost two months?”
Your heart drops at his words, feeling like it's shattered into a million pieces. You know he didn’t feel the same way about you, but hearing him confirm it hurts a lot worse than you imagined. So, it really was all just pretend to him? You had been so stupid to let yourself fall for him, and now you have to deal with the consequences.
“I– Wow– has it really been that long?” You force a chuckle, trying your best to hide your disappointment.
“Yeah. It’s about time we start dating for real, right?”
“W– what?” You stutter, completely caught off guard. Out of all the scenarios you thought of, this was not one of them.
“Y/N, don’t tell me you don’t think there’s something between us.”
“I– I do. I just didn’t think you did.”
“Of course I did! Are you really that dense? I wouldn’t have volunteered to make you pancakes at two in the fucking morning if I didn’t.”
You breathe out a sigh of relief. “Thank you. You just saved me from a really difficult talk.”
“Were you going to break up with me?”
You nod.
“Did you plan out everything your were going to say? Rehearse it in front of the mirror and everything?”
“No.” You cross your arms in defiance. “I rehearsed it in front of Jungkook.”
Yoongi chuckles and it makes your heart warm. “You got Jungkook to help you?”
“Yeah. Don’t make fun of me.” You pout. “I’m not good at this type of thing.”
“You’ve broken up with plenty of guys before, though.”
“But none that I’ve cared about as much as you.”
Yoongi takes both your hands in his. "Don't worry. You don’t have to."
You feel as if a tremendous weight has been lifted off your chest. "So what now? What's different?"
Yoongi uses his hand to brush aside a stray chunk of hair that had fallen from your ponytail, and then delicately caresses your cheek. "Well, this, for one." He leans in and places a firm kiss on your lips. Yoongi had given you soft kisses on your cheeks and nose when the two of you were just pretending, and for a long time you wondered what it would be like to kiss him for real. Now you know, and it's so much better than you ever imagined.
You know how in those cliche movies, when a couple shares their first kiss, fireworks explode in the background and everyone cheers? That's what it feels like. It feels like every bad date, every disappointing hookup has led to you finding Yoongi. It's like the spring finally arriving and the clouds getting clear after a long, cold winter. Jungkook's right. Who cares if you're an Aries and he's a Pisces? The stars aligned in just the right place for you to find each other.
"And this," Yoongi breathes, softly brushing his hand against your breast and running it along your body until it reaches your thigh, all while still kissing you. "And this."
You squeal as Yoongi's hand moves under your legs and he scoops you up as he stands. You wrap your arms tightly around him, giggling and burying your face in the crook of his neck while he carries you bridal-style to his room.
Holly follows closely by his feet, wanting to follow his parents and see what they're up to. Once Yoongi gets to the threshold of his room, he gently shoos the little puppy away with his foot. "Not now, Holly. It's special mommy and daddy time." He then enters the room, letting the door close behind him.
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“I can’t believe we adopted a dog together. That’s so incredibly stupid. What if we break up?” You slip on your boots and put a harness around Holly, getting ready to take him out for your daily walk.
Yoongi slings on his jacket and shakes his head.  “Y/N. We’re literally getting married next week. I don’t think we’re breaking up any time soon.”
“But you admit that it’s a possibility!”
“I never said that.”
You peek outside the window to see that it’s still drizzling a little bit and grab Holly’s raincoat off the coat rack and put it on him. “There we go, baby.” You then attach Holly’s leash to his harness as Yoongi grabs an umbrella. “Damn, I can’t believe I still like you. I can’t believe you still like me!”
“Hey! How many times do I have to tell you! I have feelings!”
“Yeah, horny.”
“You’re insufferable.”
You step forward to fix the collar of Yoongi’s raincoat. “No, I’m not.”
“You’re right. You’re very right. I love you very much and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” He leans in to kiss you on the nose.
You react by scrunching up your face. “Damn, that’s a long time.”
“You’re not having second thoughts, are you? Do you want to call off the wedding?”
“Of course not! We’ve been planning this for over a year! I definitely still want to marry you!”
“Okay, but I think I want to marry you more.”
“Will you stop that?”
“Stop what? Wanting to marry you? Uhhh… Not possible.”
You get on your tiptoes so that you could kiss him, and while you’re kissing him, Holly starts barking and pawing at your boots. “Okay! Okay, Holly! We’ll take you on your walk now!”
You give Yoongi one last kiss on the lips before the three of you set out into the rain.
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A/N: Yoongi and reader’s dynamic is pretty much how one of my old housemates and I used to treat each other (except we never dated, however, we did adopt a fish together). Also this story in no way reflects my opinions on astrology. It’s all light-hearted I promise.
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apgujeon · 7 years
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yoongi watching himself perform ‘no more dream’ in 2017
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dearmyjimin · 7 years
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ʜᴇʀ.ᴅɴᴀ sᴇᴘᴛ ɪssᴜᴇ | mockup - video magazine layout - do not reupload/crop watermark
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absolutelythrilling · 7 years
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SuSu out there gettin’ that suCCESS
Bonus: Walkin’ off like royals 
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an-exotic-writer · 7 years
yoongi; cuddling overtime
❝ when the boys see you and yoongi spending awfully a shitton of time together, in his bedroom, they could only think that the two of you are... ►3187 words // scenario, prompt-based © photo credit
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From the moment the boys got to know and meet the person that Min Yoongi has officially turned weak for is the time where they knew they would be seeing more of you than hearing Yoongi fawn over you throughout the days of the week. What started out as a movie-like scenario of a love-hate relationship, blossoms into one that revolves around the first word of the initial stage that transitions into the second word half of the time. It would be confusing to those who didn’t have context of how your relationship started but... ah, you’ll get the hang of it if you stuck around.
Movie night lasts until the third movie comes to an end and you are beyond tired. Honestly, you’re amazed by the fact you could last so long without falling asleep or falling flat to Yoongi’s chest and drooling on his chest. But it seems like he has, face pressed to your skin, breathing against your neck and when everyone’s started to disperse back to their rooms, you’re slapping Yoongi’s thigh.
“Wake up, gramps. You can sleep out here if you want but you have a king-sized bed for a reason,”
The boys burst out laughing, especially the younger ones who dare to see the day Yoongi actually allows someone to talk to him like that. In actual fact, they’re already look someone who is.
They watch as Yoongi groans to a wake, arms tightening around your waist, feet planted to the ground but refusing to get up. You’re already leaning forward, watching as his body follows along and Jimin’s offering to: “Do you need help, Y/N?”
“Depends,” You coo, hands smoothening over Yoongi’s arms, “Do you dare to?”
Before Jimin can fall to his death with just a simple tug to bring Yoongi up as a simple gesture to help you, Hoseok’s hand pulls him back, “Don’t. It’s a trick question,”
Jimin scoffs a laugh and pushes Hoseok’s hand away, “How is that a trick question?”
Jungkook and Taehyung shudder, shying away from offering their services of being able to carry Yoongi back to his room like he weighs nothing but the morning after they do, it’s gonna weigh more than the actual weight, “You wouldn’t want to know,” They answer in unison, the same time you decide to fuck it and get up even though Yoongi’s latched to you as such. It wasn’t the easiest thing in the world but sitting like this on the sofa for a couple of hours does a shitty job to letting your spine go back to the way it should be.
They’re marvelled at the way you’re still alive as you get Yoongi to unlatch himself from you, his hands resting on your waist as you pull him towards the direction of his bedroom. He’s slumping over your figure and resorts to walking behind you with his hand in yours as you literally drag him even if he doesn’t like it. Miraculously, never tripping over your or any sort but for the most part, walking to his best ability.
All eyes are on you as you bring Yoongi to his room and when the door closes after, Namjoon proposes a question that gets everyone to raise their hand.
“Anyone wondering what kind of witchcraft Y/N has on hyung?”
Even Seokjin raises his hand.
Yoongi opens the door of his room to stalk out with just his loose shirt hanging on his shoulders, basketball shorts lining his hips as he heads to the kitchen. He doesn’t make much sounds on his way there, but on his way back, he gathers looks and stares from the boys present in the living room. Taehyung peers out from the sofa, having guts to ask: “Hyung, you joining us for lunch?”
Said person pauses with a glass of water in his hands, looking over his shoulder with a gaping mouth and a moment to think of whether he actually wants to or not. After a numbered of seconds, he gives a curt nod, “Sure,”
Without waiting to see if the conversation carries on from there, Yoongi heads back to his room with heads following his movements until the door closes.
Although you know Yoongi trusts you more than he does himself, you still think it’s a little early in the relationship for you to have the spare key to his dorm. Plus, it’s not like he’s the only one living in there, his group mates are too and it wouldn’t be fair. (Taking into consideration that you could be invading their privacy, c’mon you’re a decent human being what are they thinking?)
You had to turn down Yoongi’s suggestion when he has his arms around you and chin on your shoulder. It wasn’t necessarily easy (especially when you crave for how affectionate he can get) but you knew the answer the moment he asked. So here you stood outside their door, waiting for someone to get to you but you’re certain it would be - “Hey Y/N,”
With a grin, you step in and return Seokjin’s hug before entering their home. Seokjin makes sure he locks the doors properly to tend to you. However, when he does turn around, he’s unsure if he’s seeing things or if he made up that you came earlier than expected because - “Y/N? Where are you?”
“In here!” You holler, past a closed door of... Seokjin walks closer to the sound of your voice to see it’s coming from... Yoongi’s door.
Case closed.
It’s a Thursday and that means that Seokjin would be making lunch and everyone is expected to the dining table when he calls for everyone to stop, come out here and eat and you can head back to wherever you came from. No one dares test him when it comes to meals because one, he’s cooking - so he decides when. Two, he’s Seokjin.
So when almost all are gathered by the table, six of them are left waiting for... the two who comes stalking out of Yoongi’s room who looks like they just came from another planet. Granted, everyone sleeps in until the Sun would rake their ass awake but you and Yoongi look so disoriented, it’s like... the only reason for this... well...
Taking into consideration of all those times the pair of you spend being locked up in his room... hm...
“Smells good,” You hum, sitting crossed leg with one of your kneecaps atop of Yoongi’s thigh and he doesn’t mind, his palm smoothening over the material of sweatpants before reaching for his eating utensils.
“Yeah, thanks - just what on earth were the two of you doing?” Seokjin takes the stance of being the oldest, raising a brow from across the table and while everyone is minding their own business and eating, they’re most definitely listening. You accept the piece of chicken Yoongi feeds you and chew slowly before turning your head to make eye contact with him. Swallowing, you can see that Yoongi is just as confused as you are.
Facing forward, you shrug, “Nothing, really,”
“Really?” Seokjin tilts his head, “Nothing?”
“Look if it’s because we took too long to get to the table,” A hand on your chest for emphasis, “In my defense, Yoongi sometimes has two left feet when he wakes up. Pity me here,”
Yoongi snorts as he stuffs his mouth with rice, “That’s a lie and you know it,”
“Really?” You turn to face him slightly, food long forgotten, “What about that time you tripped over air to get to the bathroom?”
“That was one time,” He scoffs.
“That was yesterday. And after your shower,”
Meanwhile, on the other side of the spectrum, Seokjin intends to press more into getting some real answers but Namjoon places a hand on said person’s shoulder. Seokjin turns to Namjoon who shakes his head, signalling that there’s another time than this and everyone else at the table is far more amused to hear you and Yoongi debate whether he does or does not have two left feet when he wakes up.
Six heads are in front of the door of a person who is probably still half-dead inside but they decide that it’s time and it’s a mixture of not giving a shit. They make a pact that okay, if we’re all dying, at least we have each other. And it’s ridiculous how all of them are this afraid of one person who they could easily overthrow if they really wanted. Well, guess they said aura could depict how scary a person could truly be.
So, Hoseok makes the first move to barge in and the five of them follow his lead. What starts off so confident with hyung we need to talk to you to not being able to answer when Yoongi pulls off his headset and turns around in his seat, calmly asking: “About what?”
He looks genuinely surprised that all of them are wondering just what they might’ve been on to suspect anything but whatever, let’s get back on track here.
Jimin and Jungkook stalk over to drag Yoongi by his chair despite his protest of what the fuck! But with Taehyung in the mix, the three of them manage to pull him out of his room and drag him all the way to the living room. All six of the circle around him and damn right, they’re making full use of you not being here to be brutally honest with him.
As him, to them.
“What the fuck is going on?” Yoongi’s seething with anger, mostly confused as he quickly checks to see if his headset is ruined and is fuming when it is because of how hard they ripped it off to get him out here. “And you fucks just ruined my headset that Y/N got me, you guys better have a solid reason for this,”
The room falls into a tensed silence when no one dares to speak up. A mutual agreement around the circle and Namjoon decides to clear his throat to get the conversation going.
“Hyung, we just want to know for the sake of knowing and also just to make sure the two of you don’t do anything stupid,”
“What on rat’s ass are you going on about, Joon?” Yoongi clutches onto the headset, narrowing his eyes at the younger peering over him from the height difference and even more when Yoongi is the only one seated and everyone’s standing around.
“Well, we’ve noticed that you and Y/N spend awfully a lot of time together ever since you got together,” Hoseok tries to explain, while Jimin takes over from there when Hoseok doesn’t know how to continue.
“And while we know it’s normal for couples to do so, we just realize that it’s a lot of time spent in... well... in your...”
“In your bedroom, where there’s a bed,” Jungkook takes a chance to fill in, and everyone slaps their forehead at the comeback that he presents Yoongi with.
“Yeah? That’s why it’s a bedroom? Like how a bathroom has a bathtub?” Yoongi laughs in disbelief, but you can tell he’s still angry based on the fact that your hard-earned money is torn off in his hands. He tries to get up and end the whole discussion but with hands from Taehyung from behind that pushes him down and all of them hurdling in, Yoongi starts to think if he fucked up anywhere in between to make them think he sold his soul to the devil.
“Are the two of you having sex whenever you’re in your bedroom?”
Yoongi doesn’t even know how to answer that when Hoseok’s being direct. Too direct in front of everyone but Yoongi would only be Yoongi because he answers just as quick.
“Depends. Do you want us to?”
“He even talks like Y/N,” Jimin laughs, in return, getting hit by Jungkook who then apologizes after.
“You’re not answering the question,” Seokjin clicks his tongue, and Yoongi rolls his eyes to glare at, well, all of them.
“Neither are any of you. Why does it matter?”
“Just answer us!”
“You answer me first! You guys literally just broke my headset that Y/N took three months to earn to pay for and none of you are apologetic for the shit you just did,” When Yoongi raises a valid point, they want to pull their lip over their head and swallow their existence away for being so brash with things - “And for what? To know if me and Y/N have sex every time we’re in a bedroom together? What the fuck? So what if we do? What does it have to do with you guys?”
They can see that Yoongi’s about to make the headset crack with the pressure in his hand if they don’t answer. 
“Someone better answer me and make this time worth it because if you guys wanted a discussion, that’s what you’re going to get - so someone, I don’t care who, give me an answer,”
Jimin does just that.
Or at least he tries to.
“W-Well we didn’t want you two to get in trouble if... any mistake happens because it’s way too young for anyone here to get anyone pregnant-”
“We use a condom if we fuck so does that answer your question?” Yoongi raises a brow, much like the sound of his disappointment as he exhales deeply. He kicks his chair back and it rolls until it hits the wall to make a loud thud that snaps everyone’s shoulders into a jolt. He lifts up the headset that probably isn’t functioning anymore, making it clear in their eyes, “You guys better apologize to Y/N for this,”
Their eyes follow to where Yoongi throws the headset to, the sofa. In the next, Yoongi’s gone and they dare not move even after they hear rummages coming from his bedroom. Before any of them can decide to, they watch as Yoongi comes back out but this time he’s opening the main door and putting on his shoes. None of them say anything, and when they do, it’s Hoseok asking if he’s coming home for dinner and Yoongi slamming the door on his way out.
In a situation like this, Namjoon only stares at the closed wooden door and asks in a small voice: “Who here thinks we fucked up?”
...everyone raises their hands.
It’s been two days since Yoongi returned back to the dorm.
To be more specific, two days since the incident and him actually sleeping here. They’ve got the confirmation from you that he’s at your place to stay for a while but that only makes them sink to their guts at how Yoongi is so mad, he doesn’t even want to see them. He came back within the timespan of the two days, to only get a couple of things, stuff them in his bag and then he’s completely missing in action in their own dorm.
That makes them feel worse than they actually thought they would once they got their answers. Which they still haven’t got but well, it’s not the time for them to be getting answers when they should be getting forgiveness.
So here the same six appear in front of a door, but this time it’s a door to someone else and that someone else is the other half of Yoongi who is also you. Knowing that you could be on Yoongi’s side to not open the door for them, they got to contact your roommate who Namjoon has the number to in case of emergencies and of course, the leader. Your roommate was nice enough to understand and hear them out from their point of view and decides to open the door for them to welcome them.
They head inside with a variety of snacks, a cake and a bunch of balloons that range from love you to forgive me you sack of shit we just care for you. When everything is set up on the table, they wait around for your roommate to get you to come out. But when it all gets too quiet for anyone to be alive, the six boys decide to follow to where your room is, only to see the possible reason that would paint them to be horrible human beings than the intended thought they have in their mind.
It seems like your roommate is already used to it, saying that it would be best to leave the two of you a while and she excuses herself to head back out from six dudes staring at the scenario unfold. There Yoongi is, in the bedroom with you, but doing things they should’ve known from the beginning. You’re wrapped in Yoongi’s arms, the blanket draped over your figures and Yoongi looks so peaceful in his sleep. You on the other hand, is the exact mirror but curled up in Yoongi’s chest and if it wasn’t for the fact that they fucked up, they would be taking pictures now but they can’t quite do that unless they want a death wish.
Instead, all of them back out and Jungkook carefully closes the door, only to raise his hand to Namjoon’s question.
“Who thinks we’re all idiots for thinking all they do is have sex?”
Now your roommate is raising her hand too.
((”you guys think we have sex every time we’re in his room? do you guys have any idea how tiring that would be?” your arms are folded in front of your chest when you see your headset you’ve bought for yoongi is broken on the table, alongside a cake that writes: ‘we’re sorry we broke your headset :(’. while you’re not entirely mad, you just think it’s ridiculous and yoongi follows your suit beside you, facing the row of boys across the dining table. (your roommate left, something along the lines of not wanting to witness a family argument unravel)
“well! we’re just worried! what if hyung gets you pregnant or-”yoongi stares at hoseok, who now shuts up without another word.
“guys, we admit, we do have sex every now and then-”
“oh my god-”
“seriously? you fucking shits dragged me out of my room to ask me that and now you-”your hand pushes yoongi by the chest gently, calming him down to stop mid sentence so you can take over calmly. “but most of the time, we’re just taking naps together and sleeping. though i’m flattered you think we’re able to do so,”
“...we’re sorry, y/n,”
“and to hyung, too,”
“we should’ve just asked directly than to... well...”
“eh, what’s done is done. but-”
“don’t worry!”
“we’ll buy hyung another headset, just the same one!”
“nah, i have something else in mind.”
here six guys stand, by the side walk, with a board that holds up saying: ‘we’re dudes that broke our friend’s very expensive headset because we wanted to know if he has sex with his partner when all they do is take naps we’re stupid’.
“this is why i love you,” yoongi grins, taking many, many photos.))
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become-the-story · 7 years
@sarcasm-olala :   Hi! If it's okay I'd like to request a bts reaction where he confesses that he is in fact still a virgin and wants you to be his first since there are so many vice versa versions out there and I feel like it's not too unrealistic that some of them still have their v card (V/Jimin/Suga/Hobi)
V/Taehyung : Would definitely be blunt about it, but still with a hint of shyness, nothing big tho, because like he said in previous interviews and such, he doesn’t know anything about girls, and never dated before so it’s all very new to him. He’d definitely ask you to show him what you like and how to do it right, and soon enough he’d be a pro lol
“Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it, I just want to make you feel good Y/N-ah”
Jimin : This guy in the opposite, will be totally shy and almost ashamed if I can say it like that ? But as long as you don’t laugh at his face after he tells you, he would get relaxed right after telling it. He will make sure that you know even tho it’s his first time he’ll make sure that everything’s perfect for you, from the situation, the place, and the sweet little nothing he would murmur while undressing you
“I’ll be gentle, and caring, and I’ll make love to you like no one ever did baby.”
Suga/Yoongi : I think Yoongi might get ashamed, like for real, thinking that “wtf at my age I never got laid before, she/he’s gonna think that I have a problem or something” and yeah he would just get stressed over it too, that it might change your feelings for him or smth like that. When he’d tell you that he wants you to be his first, it would mean a lot to him, because he’s been in relationships before, but he never thought it was serious enough to take it to the next step, now he is, so yeah, it’d mean a lot to him. When he’d see your reaction, and your eagerness to go to bed right the instant, he’ll get cocky af, trust me
“I maybe never did it, but I did have some practice, my tongue really can take you to hong kong baby girl, just wait and see”
J-Hope/Hoseok : TOTALLY AWKWARDDD. Like he’d probably try to make a joke out of the situation, making everything awkward for him because you most likely will not understand lol poor hobi. More seriously I think he would take his time to sit down and tell you everything, while holding your hand lovingly and looking at you in the eyes, proving to you how sincere he is. The first time will probably also be awkward, because he wouldn’t whether to top or not, the things you liked and what you didn’t, the speed (...) but he’s a quick learner lol don’t worry about it, those hips can work magic !
“Y/N-ah... I really want you to be my first, I feel like you’re the right one, the one I want to pass that step with”
Admin K
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16ad · 7 years
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happy birthday agust d
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jiminddeok · 7 years
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10K notes · View notes
haegeumyg · 4 years
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Galaxy eyes, prettiest smile and the precious shoulder laugh.
(© suga moon)
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dreamyoongi · 5 years
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emotional yoongi
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taehnwnho · 7 years
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497 notes · View notes
itskimtaehyung · 7 years
Waiting Game (M)
“You’re so pure, so innocent,” he whispered. “I would hate to ruin that.”
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, College!AU
Word Count: 8.8k 
Summary: You and Yoongi both know you’re extremely attracted to each other, so what’s stopping you from sleeping together?
Content/Warnings: Smut, masturbation, language
Prompt: “That was barely a kiss! Do it again- please?”
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Min Yoongi was that not-so-tall, dark, mysterious stranger who always lurked in the corner of your vision. He was sexy and brooding in ways that any young adult novel protagonist could only dream of. And in all honesty, you may have fantasized about him a few times.
Maybe more than a few.
You saw him in every single one of your classes, always sitting in the back. There were plenty of empty seats back there, and from time to time, you almost, almost, mustered up the courage to go and sit with him. Almost. It never happened, though, so you stuck to ogling at him from afar.
On the rare occasions that you left your dorm to go to a party your friends dragged you to, you saw him there. This first struck you as odd, because you never took him for the party type. You guessed you were half right, since whenever you saw him at one, it seemed he was only there for the free booze and avoided most interaction.
At those parties, your glances at him were mostly sidelong, being too shy to make eye contact, and afraid of the confrontation that might result from staring. Therefore, your views of him were brief, but often, and you hoped to god that neither he nor your friends noticed.
As your blood alcohol level increased, so did your boldness, until you caught yourself staring one too many times. But Yoongi was always looking at his phone or talking to his friend, and most importantly, not noticing you.
You wished there was a way for your shy, introverted ass to talk to him, but you didn’t know how. Thankfully, one day your prayers were answered when your marketing professor assigned a group project at the end of the year wherein you had to find a local business and present a marketing strategy for it. As if honing in on your desperate need to talk to Yoongi, your professor assigned you to him. When she called your names out, you looked back at him, ready to raise your hand so that he could locate you in the two hundred person capacity lecture room, only to find that he was already looking at you. He smiled when your eyes met, and you smiled back, ready to pack up your things to join him in the back row. As you were getting up, he tried to do the same, but you motioned for him to stay, wanting to have a little more privacy in the back of the room, instead of having to yell over the bustling of the rest of the students, trying to find their partners in the center of the lecture hall.
“Hi,” you said to him first, taking a seat next to Yoongi and setting your bag down on the empty seat on the other side of you.
“Hi,” he said back with a smile on his face.
It turns out that you did not think your plan through, because once you got settled into your seat, you felt secluded from the rest of the class, since everyone was gathered towards the middle, trying to work out a plan for their project. This felt far more intimate than you had expected and you hoped that Yoongi couldn’t sense your uneasiness.
“So… About the project...” you began. “Did you have anything in mind?”
Yoongi contemplated for a second, then said, “My parents own a restaurant. I feel like that would be the easiest option.” He paused and looked at you. He then dropped his voice lower and said, “Do you like taking the easy way, Y/N?
The gravity of his question surprised you. What did he mean by that? And why did he say it like that?
Seeing the startled look on your face, Yoongi laughed. “Why do you look so scared?”
“I– uhh. I don’t know. I just wasn’t expecting you to say it like that?”
He laughed again, a pleasant sound escaping his throat, almost drowning out the sound of the students around you. “We are going to have quite some fun getting to know each other, Y/N.”
You gulped, partially because the way he said it sounded mildly threatening, but partially because you’d been wanting to get to know Yoongi ever since you first laid eyes on him.
And so, you did get to know him. By the end of the project, you didn’t feel like you knew him, but you knew more about him. He had a dog named Holly whom he pretended he didn’t love with his whole entire heart, but you saw the way Yoongi looked at him when he thought you weren’t looking. And his parents were amazing cooks, so he wasn’t that bad himself, at least, the one meal he made you while you were cramming to finish the project at 3am the day it was due was not that bad.
After the project was done, one of Yoongi’s friends threw a party to celebrate the end of the school year, and again, your friends dragged you along with them. Although, you couldn’t really call it dragging since you went voluntarily, in hopes you would see Yoongi again. You hadn’t spoken to him since the two of you had presented your project a couple of days ago, which disappointed you because you were starting to think that he was becoming your friend.
You walked into the house wearing your nicest party dress and killer yet comfortable heels. Yoongi was in the kitchen when you spotted him, downing numerous shots with his friend in celebration of another year finished. His friend said something to him and he laughed, his smile so wide it took up most of his face.
To your relief, that gummy smile didn’t falter when his eyes met yours. And he drunkenly waved you over with his hand. You left your friends and joined him, smiling in greeting as you stood by his side.
“Heyyy, Y/N,” he greeted you, slurring the syllables of your name.
“Hey Yoongi, what’s up?”
“Here,” he offered you the tiny glass in his hand. “Take a shot with me.”
“I can’t,” you replied, holding up your car keys. “I’m the DD.”
Yoongi glanced over at your friends who were enthralled by an intense game of beer pong happening in the dining room. “Based on past observations, I don’t think they’re going to be leaving here tonight.”
You looked at them to find your roommate chugging straight from the keg. “I guess you’re right,” you sighed, taking the shot glass from him.
You winced as the alcohol burned down your throat, which only caused Yoongi to smile even wider.
“What?” you asked, noticing his cheesy grin.
He shook his head. “Nothing.”
You looked away from him as the corner of your mouth tugged up.
He continued talking with his friend while you grabbed a cup and helped yourself to some beer, sipping on it to give yourself something to do while Yoongi was occupied.
After a while, his friend left to talk to some other friends, leaving you alone with Yoongi.
“Hi,” he said again, grinning widely.
“Hi,” you replied, not bothering to hide your smile this time.
“Do you want to move to the couch?”
You looked over at the couch, which was now vacant. “Sure.”
Yoongi led you through the crowd and into the living room, allowing you to take a seat first before plopping down next to you.
“Oh god,” he groaned. “I sat down too fast.” He leaned against your arm. “I am so drunk, oh my god. The world is spinning.” He then shot up abruptly, sitting upright and facing you. “Okay,” he declared. “I’m going to say this before the alcohol wears off and I lose like 98% of my confidence.”
You stared at him. “...What is it?”
“Y/N,” he slurred. “I think…” He took a deep breath and attempted to collect himself before continuing. “I think I like you. Oh god, I said it. I think you’re nice! Super sweet! And my parents really like you too!”
“I know you like me. I’ve noticed you staring. I noticed even before the project. How can I not notice such a pretty. Girl. Like. You.” He said the last few words choppily as he reached a finger up to poke your nose after each one.
You weren’t sure what to do with this information. It had been exactly what you wanted to hear ever since you laid eyes on him, but not how you wanted to hear it. You didn’t even know if he was being serious, or if he was just so drunk that he thought he had feelings for you.
You were about to ask him if he really meant it when you noticed he had already slouched over on the back of the couch and passed out. You shifted awkwardly in your seat, looking around and not really knowing what to do. Yoongi just dropped this huge bomb on you and was now too inebriated to discuss it with you.  
Eventually, seeing that Yoongi wasn’t going to wake up any time soon, you got up and joined your friends again. You didn’t see him for the rest of the night and went home the next day still trying to determine whether he meant it.
He sounded sincere.
But then again, he was really drunk.
Why did he have to do this to me??
You moped around for the next few days before mustering up enough courage to go talk to him again.
You walked up to his apartment door and knocked, only to be greeted by his roommate.
“Hey, Jin,” you greeted him. “Is Yoongi here?”
Jin paused for a moment as his brows furrowed in confusion. “Wait he didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what…?” You asked hesitantly.
“He’s in the US for a study abroad program. I thought he would tell you of all people.”
“No… He didn’t tell me at all.”
“Hmm. That’s weird. Anyway, he’s not here. He left a couple of days ago. Would you like to come in anyway? I made ddeokbokki.”
“Nah, I’m good. Thanks for telling me.”
“Sure.” He gave you a half hearted smile. “Get home safely.”
“Thanks.” You feebly returned his smile.
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You lay on the couch and groaned, your head resting on the lap of your roommate, Chaeyoung.
“What the fuck. Why would he say that to me and then leave? Is it so he wouldn’t have to face me if I didn’t feel the same? Why is that a thing? Going to study abroad to avoid your problems? Like in all those tv dramas whenever there’s a scandal or something the character goes to study abroad! That’s an expensive way to run away from your problems.”
“In Yoongi’s defense, he’s been planning on going before he met you. But then again, it was shitty of him to do that.” Chaeyoung stroked your hair reassuringly.
“He didn’t even really say goodbye. Nor has he contacted me since he left. Ugggggh. Why is he like this?”
“Men are dumb assholes,” she sighed. “I’m not saying you should wait for him, but if you want to, there’s not much harm in doing so. He does like you back… It’s just that the timing wasn’t all that great.”
“I know,” you pouted. “I had been wanting to hear him say that for the last, I don’t even know how long. But now that he has I’m just – I don’t know I’m confused. Am I confused? I guess I am confused since I’m confused about being confused.”
“Okay, now you’re losing it.” Chaeyoung giggled as she continued to play with your hair.
“Uggggh, I hate boys,” you groaned.
“Same,” your roommate sighed.
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You tried your best to forget about him, but it never quite seemed to work. Little things would remind you of him. You would see a dog in the park that looked like his, or the stranger sitting next to you on the train wore the same cologne, or you would pass by his parent’s restaurant, and debate going in to say hi. You kept walking each time.
You dated other guys, and they were pretty okay guys. But after each date, you would be left thinking about how differently the night would have gone if it were Yoongi instead. All those months of waiting for someone as good as him to come into your life turned into a year, and missing him took a backseat to your busy life.
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It was your final year of university, and you were trying to cram all the classes you needed into the next two semesters so you could graduate on time. You might die in the process but at least you’d be free soon.
Chaeyoung decided to move in with her boyfriend, so you opted to get a one bedroom apartment by yourself. It was lonely at times, but at least you’d have peace and quiet whenever you wanted it.
You began to accept the fact that you would most likely never see Yoongi again. He probably forgot about you, the space in his memory occupied by all the amazing adventures he had while studying abroad.
You looked over at your overflowing recycling bin one evening and sighed. You had been so busy lately that it had been weeks since you emptied it. It now overflowed with empty boxes of ChocoPies, which you had a habit of stress-eating while doing homework at your desk.
When you were younger, you thought that you’d have your life together by this age, but here you were, not quite feeling like an adult, with your trashcan overflowing with empty snack containers.
You hefted the large plastic container into your arms. Craning your neck to see over the pile of brown and red boxes in it, you made your way over to your door, pulling it open with one hand, while keeping your recycling bin balanced in the other. You managed to get outside into the hallway and locked your door behind you.
When you turned away from your door, you bumped recycling bin first into something, or rather, someone, causing a couple of boxes to topple onto the floor.
“ChocoPies, huh?” The person said, bending over to help you pick up your trash. It was not until he stood back up and met you face to face that you recognized him.
“Yoongi?” You nearly dropped the bin in shock. “What are you doing here?”
He smiled at you. “Hey, Y/N.”
Yoongi looked different. His hair, which was pitch black the last time you saw him over a year ago, was now dyed a silvery grey. His face was a tad thinner than before, really emphasizing his insanely sharp jawline. And there was this air about him, something you couldn’t quite place your finger on, something that just felt different.
He gently balanced the falling boxes back on top of the rest of them. “I got back from the US before the semester started and moved into the apartment next door a couple of months ago. I can’t believe we haven’t bumped into each other until now. I had no idea you lived here too. What happened to Chaeyoung?”
“She moved in with her boyfriend for this year. Their place is over by our old apartment.”
“Ah, and what about you? Are you living with anyone?”
You blushed. “No, I’m by myself.”
“Yeah, me too.”
You nodded, not sure how to respond. “Well,” you lifted the recycling bin slightly higher to bring attention to it, “I gotta take this down to the garbage room.”
“Do you need help?”
“No, I’m okay. It’s not that heavy,” you lied as you felt your arms about to fall off. “It’s mostly just…”
“ChocoPie boxes?”
You blushed again and smiled sheepishly. “Yes.”
“Well, don’t let me hold you up. It was nice meeting you again, Y/N. I hope we see each other again soon.”
You nodded as he opened the door to his apartment and left you alone in the hallway.
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You face planted onto the couch, having returned from your garbage trip, and groaned into your white, fuzzy, heart shaped decorative throw pillow.
“Why….?” You said to yourself.
The good thing about having an apartment to yourself was that you could talk to yourself or scream or lie on the floor and have an existential crisis whenever you wanted to. Now was one of those times.
“Why did he act like that? Like we were just acquaintances? Like we weren’t friends before he left?” You turned yourself around to lie on your back, hugging your pillow. “Did he forget? Oh my god, did I forget? Have I constructed this false memory of him where we were actually friends? Maybe in his mind we were just classmates, and I was just reading into it too much? But he told me he liked me, didn’t he? But then again he was also very, very drunk when he did that. Maybe he doesn’t remember. Maybe he didn’t mean it.” You groaned. “You tried so hard to forget about him in the last year, and you see him for like – what? – two minutes? And now you’re back to square one. How dare he make me feel this way! I hate him!” You chucked the pillow in a random direction. Unfortunately for you, that direction happened to be where your glass flower vase rested on top of your otherwise empty TV stand.
The pillow hit the vase with an absurd amount of force, knocking the vase against the wall, causing it to shatter, displacing your flowers and spilling water all over your carpet.
“That’s the softest pillow I own! What the fuck?” You groaned again and pulled yourself off the couch, dragging your feet as you went to the kitchen to grab a roll of paper towels to clean up the mess.
After soaking up most of the water and picking up about half of the broken pieces, you heard a knock on your door.
You got up to open it, only to find Yoongi standing on the other side.
“Hey,” he greeted you. “I heard a loud crash against my wall. Is everything okay?”
At this point you were irritated. Both because Yoongi left you a year ago and also because if it weren’t for him, you would not have broken your vase. “That was like ten minutes ago. If things were not okay, I’d probably be dead by now.”
“Sorry, I was in the middle of something…” His eyes grew wide as he looked at your hands. “Oh my god, is that blood?!?”
You looked down to find that one of your fingers was bleeding. Quite a lot, actually. You must have been so frustrated that you hadn’t realized you’d cut yourself.
“I– I– oh my god. I’m bleeding.”
Yoongi pushed his way into your apartment. “Do you have a first aid kit?”
You nodded. “Yeah, it’s under the sink in the bathroom.”
He placed his hands on your shoulders and guided you toward the couch, pushing you gently to sit down. “Wait here.”
You didn’t really want to listen to him, but at the same time, you couldn’t move. Min Yoongi, the biggest crush of your life, was here in your apartment, and you were bleeding, and the carpet was still wet, and there was still glass everywhere. This situation was just so strange that your mind had trouble processing it.
A few moments later, Yoongi came back into the living room holding a box of bandages and a tube of antibiotic cream. “Some first aid kit you got here. These are the only two items in it!”
“Well, what more do you need?” You couldn’t hide your irritation. First, he had the audacity to play with your feelings, and now he was insulting your first aid kit?
“That cut looks pretty deep, and bandages are not going to cut it.” Yoongi chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. “Get it? Cut it?” You rolled your eyes at him. “Anyway,” he continued, “you need something to disinfect the wound, and some gauze to wrap around it.” He stood up, setting the bandages and cream on your coffee table. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.”
He left you and you kind of zoned out. The next thing you knew, Yoongi was sitting in front of you again, gently holding onto your hand. You were brought back to reality when he pressed an alcohol soaked cotton pad to your finger, causing an immensely painful stinging sensation.
“Ah!” You cried out, wrenching your hand from his grasp. “That hurts!”
“Y/N, you’ve gotta clean the cut so it doesn’t get infected.”
You frowned and let him continued, gritting your teeth as he pressed the cotton pad to your finger, soaking up the blood that was still leaking from the gash.
“What even happened?” Yoongi asked as he cleaned your cut.
“I threw my pillow at the wall and accidentally hit my vase.”
Yoongi couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his lips. “Why did you throw your pillow?”
“I was mad.”
“Why were you mad?”
You sighed. “Because of you.”
Your words were immediately met with a frown. “Me?”
“Yes. I’m annoyed because I really liked you and you told me you liked me but then you left.”
“Yes, liked. I don’t like you anymore, or at least I’m trying not to.”
Yoongi unraveled a piece of gauze and cut it, focusing on wrapping it around your finger instead of meeting your eyes. “I’m sorry about that. I never meant to tell you, but you saw how drunk I got that night. Honestly, I was hoping you forgot about that.”
“How could I possibly forget something like that?!”
“You’re right. That was unfair of me.”
“Wow, you didn’t have to agree with me so quickly.”
“But it’s true!”
“I know, I know. How about I make it up to you? Let me take you out sometime.”
“Take me out? Like murder me?”
“What?! No! I meant like a date!”
“Oh.” You should have been thrilled that Yoongi asked you out. You should have been screaming “YES!” at the top of your lungs. But that little voice in the back of your head was reminding you, he is the reason you suffered in the last year.
Sensing your hesitation, Yoongi replied, “It’s okay. You don’t have to give me an answer right now. I can wait for you to make up your mind.”
You stared at him blankly as he finished wrapping up your finger and cleaned up after himself in silence. It wasn’t until he got up to leave that you decided to throw all qualms out the window.
“Yes!” You shouted as he stood up.
“Yes?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow.
“Yes. I will go out with you.”
“Like a date?”
“Isn’t that what you meant?”
“I- Yes.”
“Then yes, Min Yoongi, I will go out on a date with you.”
He nodded. “Okay, cool.” He then began making his way to your front door.
“Wait!” You called after him.
Yoongi furrowed his brows and tapped his chin, thinking theatrically. “I’ll surprise you.” And with that, he was gone.
“What the fuck?” You collapsed onto your couch and huffed, not sure what to do now.
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A few days later, you were awakened by your phone buzzing on your night stand.
“Hey, Y/N.” His voice was soft through the phone. You looked over at the clock that rested on your night stand. 4:01AM, it read.
“Yoongi? What is it? Everything okay?”
“So how about that date?”
“I mean if you’re up for it? But no, I did not originally intend it to be right at this very moment.”
“Then why are you calling me at four in the morning?”
“Four-oh-one, actually. And because I couldn’t sleep. So I got to scheming, and I wanted to ask you before I forgot.”
“Um, okay, sure. Just tell me where and when.”
“Thursday night, 7:32pm, you don’t have to wear something nice, just normal clothes are fine.”
“Why so… specific?”
“Don’t question it. Are you in or not?” He asked you the same way one would ask someone if they wanted to rob a bank or something.
“Where are we going? Why on a thursday? Don’t you have class the next day?”
“You ask a lot of questions, Y/N. Just tell me if you want to do it or not. You trust me, don’t you?”
“I– Honestly, no. Not after what happened last year.”
“Come on, how many times do I have to apologize for that?”
“You’ve apologized like once, Yoongi.”
You heard Yoongi sigh through the receiver. Then there was a shuffling noise that sounded like he was walking, and a few seconds later you heard a door open and close. Suddenly, there was a knock at your door.
“Yoongi, what is this?”
“Just come to the door,” he said.
You begrudgingly got out of bed, your limbs heavy with the grogginess of sleep. When you finally swung your door open, Yoongi was nowhere in sight, but at your feet was a glass vase filled with plump pink roses. You took the vase in your hands and a card fluttered to the ground. You bent over to pick it up and read it.
I’m sorry about leaving you like that and I’m sorry I *indirectly* destroyed your vase. Here’s a new one. I hope it makes up for it :)
– Yoongi xx
You sighed, and then suddenly remembered that you were still on the phone with Yoongi.
“You still there?” You asked.
“Yeah.” Yoongi yawned.
“Yes, Thursday at 7:32 works for me. And thank you. For the vase and flowers.”
“No, thank you, Y/N. I’ll see you thursday.”
Before you could say anything else or wish him goodnight, he hung up, and you were left staring at the vase, standing in the doorway of your apartment. You went back inside and closed the door, setting the vase on the TV stand, taking the place of your old one, and then went back to bed. You drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
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“What the fuck do I wear?”
Chaeyoung sat on your bed, watching you run around your room after you called her over on that Thursday afternoon.
“Well, did he say what kind of date it was? Where is he taking you?” She asked, playing with a corner of your blanket.
“He just said it was a surprise and that I don’t have to wear something nice.” You sifted through the items in your closet, pulling aside the garments you considered wearing.
“Sweatpants it is!”
“Chaeyoung, no!” You threw one of your dresses in her direction, meaning to hit her, but missing terribly.
She burst into laughter. “I know, I was kidding. You’ve got shit aim by the way.”
You scowled. “This is a very serious matter, Chaeyoung. I’m finally going out with Yoongi after crushing on him for almost two years.”
“Damn, has it really been that long?”
You nodded. “Unfortunately.”
“He said you don’t have to wear something nice, but do you want to?”
“I don’t want to end up going to like a burger place or something and being overdressed.”
“How about something slutty? Something that’ll really rile him up so that he can’t wait to take it off you later tonight.”
“In theory that sounds like a good idea, but so many things could go wrong with that.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. But knowing me, something will probably go wrong.”
Chaeyoung paused for a moment, as if recalling every instance of your misfortune. “You’re right.”
“Like what if my skirt ends up being shorter than I had originally thought and I walk around all night with my ass hanging out?”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing but I’m not hearing any bad things with that.”
“Okay okay! What about that dress you wore to that party?”
“Which party?”
“You know. The party. The one where Yoongi told you he was in love with you or whatever.”
“He told me he liked me. He never said anything about being in love with me.”
Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at you.
“And I don’t know. It’s more of a party-slash-clubbing kind of dress. Not really a date kind of dress.”
“But you looked hot in it.”
“But it was so short.”
“But you looked hot in it,” Chaeyoung repeated for emphasis.
“Fine.” You turned back toward your closet and looked through your clothes one by one. God, you really needed to to organize your stuff. “I don’t know if I even still have that dress. I might have burned it when I tried to burn my memory of that night.”
“Now if things go well for you tonight, you won’t have to get rid of that memory!”
“I sure hope you’re right.”
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At exactly 7:32, Yoongi knocked on your door. He wore black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black leather jacket, which went nicely with your black dress.
“Nice dress,” Yoongi said to you as leaned against your doorway, eyeing you up and down. “Have I seen you wear it before? It looks familiar.”
“I have worn it around you before.”
“Really? When?”
“That night.”
“What night–Ooooooohhhhhh. I remember now.” He smirked. “You look hot in it.”
“Shut up.” You grabbed your purse and stepped out of your apartment, locking the door behind you.
Yoongi ended up taking you to a drive in movie theater where they were playing The Shining. The two of you sat in his car, one hand holding a bucket of popcorn, and the other in Yoongi’s firm grasp. Every time a scary or suspenseful scene happened, you squeezed his hand a little harder, and by the end of the movie, Yoongi had to pry his hand from your tight grip before it turned purple.
“Sorry,” you apologized, rubbing your hand with the other.
“Don’t worry about it.” He gave you a reassuring smile.
You were simultaneously grateful for and annoyed by the center console because it prevented you from jumping into Yoongi’s lap during the scary parts of the movie.
Afterward, he asked if there was anywhere you wanted to go out for dessert. “And don’t say the market to get ChocoPies,” he jested, to which you laughed and told him to surprise you.
And so he took you to an old fashioned ice cream shop near your apartment, where you got a scoop of matcha on a cone and he opted for classic vanilla.
“Vanilla? I didn’t know you were so bland, Yoongles.”
“Yoongles? Since when did you call me that? And how does my ice cream choice reflect my personality?”
“I called you that once but I don’t think you heard me because you were passed the fuck out after working on our project for 11 straight hours.”
“Damn, I can’t believe I missed that.” A playful smile tugged at his lips.
“Also like, only boring people get just vanilla. Why don’t you spice it up? Get something zesty like, I don’t know, French vanilla, the one with the little flecks. Live with some pizazz.”
“I see no correlation. Can you just let me live? I like vanilla. My mom used to get it for me when I was a kid.”
You smiled at the thought of little Yoongi jumping up and down in excitement when his mother bought him vanilla ice cream. “How are your parents doing by the way? How’s the restaurant?”
Yoongi took a lick of his ice cream before answering. “My parents felt like they were getting too old, so they sold the restaurant. They’re now enjoying their retirement.”
“Man, I can’t wait to be retired.”
Yoongi chuckled. “You haven’t even joined the workforce yet and you’re already dreaming about the day you leave?”
“Of course! We only work to make a living. People say you should get a job you love, but really it’s more about getting a job you can tolerate more than any other, because, let’s be real, who actually enjoys working? Who thinks ‘Wow I would hate to retire and never have to work a single day in my life ever again’? Like, I can’t wait for that day when I can finally chill on my front porch while petting my cat, not having to worry about finances and all that.”
“Is there a husband in that vision of yours?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Possibly, but it’s not a priority. Also, everyone knows that women outlive men. It’s a fact of science. So maybe he’s dead.”
“Fair enough.”
At the end of the night, he walked you up to your apartment. (He kind of had to since his apartment was right next door.)
“Do you want to come in for some coffee or... something else?” You offered.
“I would love to, but I shouldn’t.” He smiled at you coyly.
“What does that even mean?”
“Have a goodnight, Y/N. I’ll see you soon.” He stepped forward and placed a soft kiss on your lips before turning around to leave.
“That’s it? Just a kiss?”
“Did you want more?”
“I–Yes?!? Do you even have to ask? That was barely a kiss! Do it again– please?”
He leaned in and kissed you again. It was fleeting, ending way before you wanted it to. So quick that you barely had time to kiss him back.
“Yoongi! Stop teasing! I’ve waited almost two years for this!”
“Well, no harm in waiting longer, then.”
“Fuck you.”
Yoongi smirked. “Oh, wouldn’t you love to?”
“You know what, go home, oh my god.” You hid your face in your hands and watched him leave through the space in between your fingers. He had on that stupid gummy grin and you couldn’t help but smile in response.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Yoongles.”
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The second time he asked you out, it was a few weeks later, and it wasn’t technically out. Yoongi invited you over to his place for dinner, in which he prepared a whole four course meal for you.
“Yoongi,” you said while sitting at the breakfast bar and watching him cook in the kitchen, “this is so fucking extra you really don’t have to do this.”
“Oh, but I want to. I’m just trying to make up for that shitty thing I did to you. You know, prove to you that I’m not a total asshole and all that.”
“I don’t think you’re an asshole. Or, I mean, I do, but that’s totally unrelated to that incident.”
“Hey! What the fuck? What did I do to deserve such a title?”
“I don’t know, maybe it’s your dumb beautiful face?” This elicited a shy grin from him. “Or the fact that it seems like you’re playing hard to get?”
Yoongi walked over to you and you stood up to face him.
“I can assure that’s not what I’m doing,” he uttered. He was so close, you could feel his hot breath on your face.
You also felt a blush creeping into your cheeks just from the fact that he was standing so close to you. “Then what are you doing?”
“I’m–I just have so many feelings for you and I don't know what to do with them right now.”
“Fuck me?”
He rubbed his chin. “Hmmm… That’s tempting. But not yet.”
“Why not?”
He leaned into you until his lips were right next to your ear. “You’re so pure, so innocent,” he whispered. “I would hate to ruin that.”
Your jaw dropped and you pulled away, about ready to slap him.
“Nah, I’m kidding. God, the look on your face.” He chuckled. “I’m not some creep who’s obsessed with innocence or some bullshit like that. I just. I want the timing to be right. And right now, it’s not. But someday, someday I guarantee you it’ll happen.”
You frowned and let him get back to his cooking.
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You saw him a few times after that, but only in passing. The two of you tried to schedule a date on numerous occasions, but school had you both too busy to meet up.
One day he somehow ended up in your apartment. You couldn’t remember how, but you remembered watching Yoongi as he gave himself a tour of your place.
“Did you think about me when I was gone?” He had asked you.
You nodded. “I did. A lot actually.”
He slowly wandered around your room, taking in his surroundings, as if trying to learn as much about you as he could. His lips curled up into a smirk. “So do you ever masturbate to the thought of me?”
You froze, completely taken aback by his question. It was such a personal thing to ask, and you didn’t know why he was asking until you saw that he was standing in front of your vibrator, which lay atop your dresser because you so stupidly forgot to put it back inside. You weren’t sure how you wanted to answer him. You stared at him, deliberating, until you finally decided to tell him the truth. “Yes. All the time.”
He snickered and turned around, stepping toward you until he was so close that if either of you leaned merely an inch closer, you would be touching. He leaned forward until his lips were right beside your ear and whispered, “Same here.”
Was this it? Was it finally happening? Were you finally getting the opportunity to have sex with Yoongi?
You, dizzy with the thought of what would come next, and being so intoxicated and dazed by his proximity, feeling like his cologne was suffocating you, didn’t quite grasp the meaning of his statement. “You masturbate to yourself too?”
The smirk was abruptly wiped from his face and he pulled away from you. “Okay, I’m leaving.”
“Wait! Yoongi!” You grabbed a hold of his hand and attempt to stop him from leaving, but alas he was too strong for you, resulting in you being dragged along your bedroom floor by your sock clad feet. “Where are you going?”
“You’re obviously not in the right mind to be doing this, so I’m going to come back when you are.” He proceeded to walk out your door.
“Min Yoongi! Get back here right now!”
“Bye!” he called from the hallway, snickering as he slammed your front door shut.
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“Hey, let’s go out to dinner.” Yoongi called you one Thursday night after you had just finished a wave of exams. “Somewhere fancy to recover from the trauma we just suffered through.”
“Oh? Like where?” You lay on your bed, staring at the ceiling, having nearly passed out after finishing your last exam.
“How about Casa Del Mar by the seaside? I know you love seafood.”
“Min Yoongi, is this a date?” You asked teasingly.
“I can’t believe you even have to ask that at this point.”
“Just making sure. Should I wear something fancy this time?”
“Yes, definitely. The fancier the better. We need to look ultra stuck up and pretentious for this place.”
You laughed. “Alright. When?”
“Is Saturday night okay?”
“Yeah, sounds good to me.”
“Okay. I’ll see you then, Y/N.”
“See you then, Yoongi.”
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Saturday came around and you were dressed in the fanciest dress you could find in your closet. It was a rich red velvet number that hugged the curves of your body in just the right places.
You heard a knock on the door and jogged out of your room to answer it. You swung the door open and there Yoongi was, in all his glory. He was dressed in an extremely expensive looking black suit, with a deep crimson button down that was the exact same shade as your dress.
“How did you know what I was going to wear?” You asked him when you took notice of his shirt color.
His eyes roamed your body, taking in your outfit. “I–I most definitely had no idea you were going to wear that,” Yoongi stuttered.
“So you’re saying this was a coincidence?”
Yoongi gulped and nodded, unable to form words.
“Oh my god, what are the odds that we both put on the same color!” You let out an airy laugh. “Wait, Yoongi, are you okay?”
Yoongi opened his mouth and paused before speaking. “... I… Fuck, I have a boner.”
You looked down at his crotch and saw that he was, in fact, getting a boner.
You giggled. “Do you need help with that?” You asked, the corner of your lips curled teasingly.
“Nope, go away. I can take care of myself.” He abruptly turned on his heel and walked out of your apartment before you could protest. You heard his front door slam and ran to the wall that you shared with Yoongi.
If the layout of his apartment was the same as yours, then his bedroom should be on the other side of this wall. You pressed your ear against it to see if you could hear anything.
“Y/N.” You were startled to hear him say your name through the wall. “I know you’re leaning against the wall right now and I know you’re listening, but if you would so kindly fuck off right now, that would be much appreciated.”
You felt you should have been embarrassed that you were caught listening in, but that was the last thing on your mind at this moment.
“I really think I should help,” you called to him.
“Nope, you’ve done enough, Y/N. Just leave me alone for like five minutes.”
“You sure five minutes is all you need? I was expecting you would last longer.”
“Fuck you.”
“Oh, wouldn’t you love to?” You teased, using his own words against him.
“Fuck,” Yoongi muttered.
From the sound of it, Yoongi had started stroking himself. There were moments of silence occasionally interrupted by a moan. You could feel the warmth growing between your legs and the wetness pooling in your underwear.
“Wait! Yoongi! Stop for a second!”
“The fuck you mean, stop for a second?”
“Just… Hold on!” You ran into your room and grabbed your vibrator, then ran right back out. You sat yourself on the floor, with your back against the wall, pulled off your panties, and hiked up the skirt of your dress so you wouldn’t mess it up.
“Okay, now you may continue.”
“Oh god, you sound like a teacher ordering me around like that. What did you even do?”
“I went inside and grabbed my vibrator.”
“Ah, fuck.”
“You okay?”
“Y–yeah,” Yoongi croaked.
His breathing was getting heavy enough that you could hear it through the wall. You spread your legs open, pressing the button on your vibrator, and sliding it in. You were so wet that it went in easily.
You let out a moan.
“Are you using your vibrator now?” Yoongi asked.
“Yeah. Fuck, Yoongi, right now I’m just thinking about how it would feel to have your cock inside of me instead.”
You moved the toy in and out of you, pretending it were Yoongi who was stroking your walls. “Yoongi, you feel so good.”
“Ah, god, Y/N.”
You rubbed circles into your clit, building up the tension in your core.
“I’m close, Yoongi. Are you close?”
“So close.”
“Cum, Yoongi.”
“L–ladies first,” he gasped.
You rubbed your clit harder and position the vibrator so that it hit all the right spots. You moaned loudly as you came, and when you were coming down, you heard Yoongi through the wall.
“Fuck, Y/N. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
It was such a great feeling hearing him say your name as he reached his orgasm, and you hoped that you’d be able to hear it again soon without any walls separating the two of you.
“You okay, Yoongi?” You asked after a few moments of silence.
“Yeah. I should have taken off my shirt, though. I think I just ruined it.”
You chuckled. “Are we still going to dinner?”
“Hell yeah. Just let me change first.”
“Okay, I’ll see you soon.”
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A week or so later, Yoongi sat in a coffee shop on the other side of town. The only reason he travelled this far, when there were numerous coffee shops within walking distance of your apartment, was that Jin had invited him out for coffee, and this place was across the street from his office.
“Hey, Yoongs,” Jin greeted as he took the empty seat across from Yoongi, setting his latte down on the table.
“Hey, Jin! It’s been a while.” Yoongi placed down his mug and sat up.
“It has, hasn’t it? And whose fault is that?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t contact you when I got back from America.”
Jin raised his eyebrows. “Mhm, you better be.”
“Anyway, how’s work life?” Yoongi asked, deflecting the subject.
Jin chuckled. “It sure as hell beats school life.”
Yoongi shook his head. “Man, I can’t wait to graduate.”
“Soon, bro. Really soon.”
Yoongi nodded and took a sip of his coffee.
Jin leaned forward in his seat to ask, “So how are things with you and Y/N?”
“I–Hmmm.” Yoongi’s brows furrowed. “How do I answer this? We’ve been dating for a few months, if you can even call what we do ‘dating’.”
“Oh?” Jin quirked an eyebrow.
“No, not like that. I still haven’t slept with her.”
“Oh.” Jin almost looked disappointed.
Yoongi stared out the window as he thought about you. “She’s just so… Nice… And pretty… And smart… And sweet. She’s pretty much everything I want in a girl. And sexy. She is unbelievably sexy, oh my god. I’m so attracted to her I just– I have to have her.”
“Well then why don’t you?”
“You see, that’s the thing.” Yoongi sat forward in his seat. “It’s kind of like this game we're playing, or rather, I’m playing. A waiting game of sorts, to see who can hold out longer. I just know that it'll be so much more satisfying when it finally happens.”
Jin leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “If it ever happens.”
“What do you mean?”
“If you keep her waiting too long, she might get bored and find someone else.”
“No, she wouldn’t do that... Would she?” Yoongi grabbed his mug and fiddled with it’s handle.
“Considering she waited a whole year for you to come back, probably not. But also considering she waited a whole year for you to come back and is still waiting, maybe…”
“Shit, I really hope you’re wrong.”
Jin brought his latte up to his mouth and sipped. “I’m just saying, bro. You should take the chance while you still have it.”
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“You should take the chance while you still have it.”
“If you keep her waiting too long, she might get bored and find someone else.”
“If it ever happens.”
Jin’s words were all Yoongi could think about as he tried to fall asleep that night.
“Should I just give in?” He asked himself. “What even is the point of this stupid game? Why did I even start it?” Yoongi sighed and stared at the ceiling. He lifted his head up to grab his pillow from underneath him and smashed it against his face. Thinking about how satisfying it was to see how flustered you got in his presence, he shouted into his pillow, “Fuck!”
He lay there for a bit, suffocating himself, before violently throwing his pillow aside, causing it to fly against the wall and knock over one of his old basketball trophies. “Fuck!” He yelled, louder this time.
He heard a knock on his bedroom wall. “Everything okay, Yoongi? That sounded kind of loud.”
“Yeah, Y/N. I’m fine. Everything’s fine,” he answered. Yoongi picked up the trophy and then flopped back down on his bed with a groan. He thought about it, and then suddenly sat back up.
“Fuck it,” he muttered, and got to his feet, marching out of his room in just a t shirt and boxers.
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You heard a crash against the wall that sounded like it came from Yoongi’s room. You cautiously tiptoed over to it in your PJs and knocked.
“Everything okay, Yoongi? That sounded kind of loud.”
“Yeah, Y/N. I’m fine. Everything’s fine,” you heard him reply.
You nodded to yourself and returned to your couch, grabbing a ChocoPie and your laptop to continue the episode of the drama you were watching. After a few minutes, you heard a persistent knocking at your door.
“Y/N! Open up!”
You quickly got up and answered.
“Yoongi, what’s wro–”
Your sentence was cut off my Yoongi’s lips slamming into yours. He cupped both your cheeks in his hands and kissed you deeply. When he pulled back, you were still trying to catch your breath.
“Do you want this? I want this, but do you want this?” His eyes searched your face for an answered.
If by ‘this’ he meant finally being with him, then yes, you wanted it, and he was stupid to ask. You wanted to tell him that, but in the moment, all you could do was nod.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Yoongi. I’m more than sure. What made you change your mind?”
“I’m just tired of waiting.”
“Me too.”
Yoongi was taller than you, so you had to stand on your toes to kiss him. He bent down toward you as his hands grabbed onto your waist, allowing you to stand back on your feet. You wrapped your hands around the back of his neck, trying to pull him closer, because no matter how close he was, it wasn’t enough. You pressed your body against his before he grabbed the back of your thighs and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around him as he carried you into your room.
Once in your room, he laid you gently onto your bed, his lips never leaving yours. You could feel his bulge growing between your legs and urged Yoongi to grind into you.
But Yoongi was getting impatient. He didn’t want to play games anymore, he didn’t want to wait. Fuck foreplay. He knew you were ready and so was he. He could see your wetness soaking through your panties and onto his boxers. He needed you and he needed you now.
Yoongi pulled away from you. “Take your clothes off,” he commanded.
“You too.”
He yanked his shirt over his head and slid his boxers down his legs. “Fuck, why did I wait so long?”
“Because you’re a dumbass,” you replied as you undressed.
“This is the one instance where I actually agree with that statement.”
Once you were completely naked, Yoongi crawled back on top of you. He positioned himself at your entrance, teasing you with his tip.
“You ready?”
“God, yes, Yoongi, just do it already!”
Without further hesitation, he pushed himself into you. You could feel your body tingling as you took in every inch of him. You couldn’t stop the moans that left your throat as he thrusted in and out of you, creating pleasurable friction against your walls.
“Yoongi… You feel so much better than I imagined.”
“Don’t fucking say shit to me like that unless you want me to cum this very instant.”
“You were right, maybe five minutes is all you need,” you teased in between moans.
“Yeah, that’s right, fucking roast me even when I’m fucking you.”
“Oh my god, just shut up.” You pulled him down and kissed him hard.
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After you both came, with Yoongi breathing your name as it happened, he held onto you and kissed you gently on your temple.
“Was that worth the wait?” You asked him, tangling your fingers with his.
“Definitely.” He kissed the same spot again.
“So are you happy you waited?”
“Fuck no. We could have been doing this the whole time! Why am I so stupid?”
“There are still a few more hours til morning. We can make up for lost time.” You rolled onto your side and smiled at him.
Without another word, Yoongi wrapped his arms around you tighter and pressed his lips to yours.
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apgujeon · 7 years
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yoongi’s realization that he can’t live without wifi 
15K notes · View notes