#ahhaa things got emotional
quinloki · 1 year
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
Chapter 1 - Table of Consent -
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Chapter 6: Tick-Tock
"Please," You say the word without even really knowing why. You've long since been caught in the inescapable jaws of the aptly named Sir Crocodile, and there was no saving you.
"How long have you known, Miss (Y/N)?" The cool smooth sensation of his glass fingers sliding over your skin are an effective reminder of how vulnerable you are right now. Naked and exposed, you would be trapped even in the most tender of jaws.
"B-before I applied to work at Rain Dinners," you admit, trying not to sound as terrified as you are. "I... haa..." His fingers send a jolt of pleasure through you unexpectedly, and you internally curse yourself for being so sensitive in a situation like this.
Crocodile leans down, holding your head in place by your hair, and his hot breath against your ear is in stark contrast to the cool wandering glass hand.
"Hmmm... Do you know all of the Warlords?" The question comes out low and warm as your head is tilted to the side, and his lips beginning to trail along your neck.
"Y-yes," you admit, your voice and breath are starting to shake, but the shiver building in you isn't fear alone. There's a thin line between the rush that is fear and the rush that is pleasure, and your body is not separating the two well right now. Sharp teeth seem poised to rip the life from your throat, but the cool light touch along your skin is somehow more dangerous.
"Most citizens of the Grandline Metro aren't so knowledgeable about the darker side of the city." His voice caresses you as skillfully as his hand. You're not sure if he's intentionally threatening you, if he means to try and distract and soothe you, or there's some other motive to his actions. You're too torn between pleasure and fear to think clearly.
"Ahhaa, hnngh," you bite the bottom of your lip to stifle nervous laughter welling up inside you. "I... went to school with s-some of the N-newgate boys."
"Ruffians," Crocodile nearly growls, his displeasure obvious. "But that explains enough. Your honesty is appreciated."
His hands release you and he rolls onto his back, lighting a cigar in the time it takes your brain to catch up with what's going on. You sit up on the mattress and look around in confusion. The heavy, but pleasant scent of the cigar fills the air, and the Warlord speaks.
"You knew who I was for years and have done admirable work for my company in that time," he explains. "Warlords are sanctioned to protect the populous of the city from Emperors and other criminals. We aren't secret agents who are required to remain unknown. I have neither the obligation, nor the desire, to harm you for knowing who I am."
The hooded gaze looks over at you from his relaxed position, and there's something ambiguous in his manner, as though he's trying to conceal his emotions. It's not the perpetually disinterested look of the owner of Rain Dinners, and it's not the hard and focused gaze of a Warlord.
"I'm impressed things got this far with you knowing," he admits, after it's obvious you're not scampering away from him. "It's no wonder you nearly bolted from the café earlier."
Something in his voice twists you heart, despite how even he's keeping his tone. You realize he's neither asking you to stay, nor telling you to leave. He could force you to stay, but he's not. He's not threatening your position at work, or even admonishing you for not saying you knew sooner; when he had been willing to assuage your concerns in the café.
It wasn't just two months of solid conversation that causes you to stay still, though it is the bulk of your hesitation. It was also – if you were going to be honest, the really good sex that had just happened. You couldn't recall the last time you'd been so satisfied. Emotionally, and physically. Leaving right now didn't feel right.
There wasn't much else to think about. You hadn't wanted a one-night stand in the beginning, and while you hadn't entertained the idea of something long-term initially, the idea of it pulled at the corners of your mind.
A dangerous desire maybe, but it didn't have to be an impossible one.
You don't turn to face him; you aren't sure you can keep your voice steady if you do. You wanted to know his stance before you put yourself back into another vulnerable situation. "What do you want?"
"In regards to?"
"This." Your voice almost catches in your throat. "Us."
"In an immediate sense, I want to know what tonight will bring." He says, and the implication of his statement sending a shiver up your spine. "I'd like to see what another two months brings. And, ideally, beyond even that."
You can almost feel the cigar smoke sliding along your skin as he exhales. "I am, admittedly, only half of 'us'."
You were quiet for a moment. "I'm... not strong." You're shivering at your own words. Caught between wanting to stay and not knowing what you possibly offer a Warlord. "I'm not a powerful person, and I don't know how to fight. I don't have any powers, and I can't offer you anything terribly useful."
You're rambling, and you can feel his weight shifting on the bed. "I'd be a terrible burden, and you'd have to protect me, and I mean aside from being a solid administrative coordinator, I guess I'm... I'm... hnngh." Crocodile's hands slide over your body as his legs wrap around either side of you, a rain soft kisses along your back finally breaks your nervous rambling.
"I have all the powerful people I need," he assures you, his breath hot against your shoulders. "I have the resources and power needed to protect you." His lips are feather light against your neck, sending little shivers along your skin. "You need only offer yourself, (Y/N), as you are, and I will grant your desires even if they are numerous as the sands."
Some part of you is vaguely aware of your precarious position. Your avenue of escape was disappearing into the dark before your eyes. Amber gold orbs with slits as sharp as daggers dare you to step forward, demanding whatever choice you make to be final, for a single faltering step is the weakness they're waiting for.
You can feel the heat of him gathering around you. "What do you want from me, Miss (Y/N)?"
"I..." You can feel the jaws of something powerful looming around your neck, waiting to strike. "Want to know what tonight will bring."
Crocodile's arms are around you swiftly and firmly, you don't even have the chance to gasp in surprise as a hot, wet mouth clamps down on the soft and sensitive part of your vulnerable neck. A pleasurable sound is forced from your lips as he pulls you into his grasp, his guttural and needy growl is low and soaks into your skin, rattling through your body.
You can feel the thin cover of his earlier restraint giving way as he begins to truly devour you.
There's no part of your body he doesn't explore. Bright red marks and bruises begin to dot your skin, pleasure overriding the incidental pain of strong hands moving you as he desires. There is little of the calm and collected CEO in his deep kisses, there's no hint of disinterest in eyes that drink in every twitch of your body. The man who is devouring your moans and ripping his name from your lips, pleasure dripping from every sound, is neither Sir Crocodile, nor a Warlord.
This is Sunawani, the part of him that exists only for you, to the point of denying the existence of anything beyond the space between you.
. . . . .
At some point in the storm that was last night, you passed out. From pleasure or exhaustion, you weren't sure - probably both. You move slowly as you begin to wake, fairly certain that your bones are bruised, and your eyes focus on the form beside you.
At some point you had untangled from one another, but you hadn't gone far. It was still early enough in the morning that no light dared to push at the rim of the curtains in the room. You had made it to the hotel room yesterday fairly early, but you remember faintly the red light of evening before you couldn't remember anything beyond it.
More than soreness in your core, there's a sense of satisfaction, and whatever time it is you're sure you slept well.
You move to sit up and feel a series of jolts go through you, mostly in your back, and you collapse back down into the bed with a grunt. If you were going to get up, you were going to have to hope your legs were better condition than your back. How embarrassing to be not yet 30 and nearly broken by... well.
Your face goes red as you recall the various positions and shuddering orgasms that he had brought you to the evening before, and you realize you lost count somewhere along the way. So maybe it wasn't so embarrassing to be broken by hours of sex.
Crocodile's stamina was the most terrifying thing about him, as far as you were currently concerned.
You manage to wiggle out from under the covers and get your feet on the floor, slowly pushing yourself up to some sort of standing position. You're surprised to find you're wearing a shirt. His, by the size of it, but not the turtleneck he'd been wearing yesterday. The white button-up dress shirt was clean, and not buttoned with modesty in mind, so you button a few more buttons idly.
You also feel clean. You're not sticky or covered in anything uncomfortable. You cover your face with your hands as you realize that he bathed you at some point last night and you cannot remember it happening.
The urge that had woken you up overrides your embarrassment, and you make your way into the bathroom. Not that this room makes you less embarrassed than the main portion of the hotel room.
There are handprints, yours specifically, on the bathroom mirror, and the glass partition of the shower. You can feel the heat burn into your cheeks so fast it aches.
You were a mild-mannered administrative aid whose most risky behavior since the last time you went to a Newgate party in college was eating grocery store sushi that Buggy would bring into work during long shifts. Having sex on a collection of surfaces until you were almost too sore to move the next day, and so lost in pleasure you couldn't hardly remember any of it weren't really a part of your 5-year plan. Certainly not doing such things with your boss' boss' boss!
But – you were clean. There were a couple band aids on your skin, and there was a soft scent of salve. You had been cared for, even if you couldn't fully remember it. Something about the tenderness associated with such care warms your heart.
Stepping out of the bathroom, you saw that he was still asleep. You're not only completely awake, but also acutely aware of him, and too embarrassed to wiggle back into bed. Instead, you walk out onto the balcony, after noting the time.
It was 3:30am. The city never really stopped entirely, but this was certainly the quietest hour that there would be on an early Sunday morning. The sky was clear, and the slight breeze was almost warm, or at the very least not cold, even though you were in nothing more than a dress shirt. You took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.
You have a few moments to yourself before you hear the sliding glass door open. You turn your head toward the sound and smile at the sleepy, shirtless, and thankfully pants-wearing, Sunawani that was coming out to join you. You felt your face go red and turn back to look out into the sky.
There's a hand on either side of the balcony, caging you between them, as his head nuzzles against the back of yours gently.
"Morning," you greet him, a smile on your face as your embarrassment starts to fade.
"How'd you sleep?" He questions, his own voice slurring a little in his sleepy state.
"Deeply." You admit. "I... uh, don't seem to remember you cleaning me up and," you clear your throat, "tending to me, but thank you for doing so."
"My apologies, despite my efforts to restrain myself, you ended up in quite the state." His tone was truly apologetic, but his proximity was suspect.
"Well, I guess technically, you kept your word." You admit, your voice wavering slightly as you're dangerously aware of him. "I did not break."
"Mm, but it seems, Miss (Y/N), I will need to be more mindful of you in the future." He leans down, his lips slipping over your shoulders as he murmurs into you. "I have no desire to see my employees injured." His tone is playful, and the blush in your face is more from embarrassment than desire.
"I was absolutely mortified, you know." You admit, face disappearing into your hands.
"Mm, you didn't even accept my assistance."
"What's hilarious, thinking back on it, is that I was distracted because I wanted to finish with work, to get home." You turn to face him, smiling somewhat shyly despite meaning to tease him. "To talk to you, as it turned out."
He hums softly, half-lidded gaze looking down at you as he leans forward. He doesn't say anything, but holds your gaze until his lips press against yours. The soft kiss deepens, but he remains gentle, taking care not to ignite yours, or his own, desire too deeply.
36 notes · View notes
sir-sunawani · 1 year
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
20 Chapters - 46,838 words
Read it on Ao3 or Wattpad
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
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Chapter 6: Tick-Tock
"Please," You say the word without even really knowing why. You've long since been caught in the inescapable jaws of the aptly named Sir Crocodile, and there was no saving you.
"How long have you known, Miss (Y/N)?" The cool smooth sensation of his glass fingers sliding over your skin are an effective reminder of how vulnerable you are right now. Naked and exposed, you would be trapped even in the most tender of jaws.
"B-before I applied to work at Rain Dinners," you admit, trying not to sound as terrified as you are. "I... haa..." His fingers send a jolt of pleasure through you unexpectedly, and you internally curse yourself for being so sensitive in a situation like this.
Crocodile leans down, holding your head in place by your hair, and his hot breath against your ear is in stark contrast to the cool wandering glass hand.
"Hmmm... Do you know all of the Warlords?" The question comes out low and warm as your head is tilted to the side, and his lips beginning to trail along your neck.
"Y-yes," you admit, your voice and breath are starting to shake, but the shiver building in you isn't fear alone. There's a thin line between the rush that is fear and the rush that is pleasure, and your body is not separating the two well right now. Sharp teeth seem poised to rip the life from your throat, but the cool light touch along your skin is somehow more dangerous.
"Most citizens of the Grandline Metro aren't so knowledgeable about the darker side of the city." His voice caresses you as skillfully as his hand. You're not sure if he's intentionally threatening you, if he means to try and distract and soothe you, or there's some other motive to his actions. You're too torn between pleasure and fear to think clearly.
"Ahhaa, hnngh," you bite the bottom of your lip to stifle nervous laughter welling up inside you. "I... went to school with s-some of the N-newgate boys."
"Ruffians," Crocodile nearly growls, his displeasure obvious. "But that explains enough. Your honesty is appreciated."
His hands release you and he rolls onto his back, lighting a cigar in the time it takes your brain to catch up with what's going on. You sit up on the mattress and look around in confusion. The heavy, but pleasant scent of the cigar fills the air, and the Warlord speaks.
"You knew who I was for years and have done admirable work for my company in that time," he explains. "Warlords are sanctioned to protect the populous of the city from Emperors and other criminals. We aren't secret agents who are required to remain unknown. I have neither the obligation, nor the desire, to harm you for knowing who I am."
The hooded gaze looks over at you from his relaxed position, and there's something ambiguous in his manner, as though he's trying to conceal his emotions. It's not the perpetually disinterested look of the owner of Rain Dinners, and it's not the hard and focused gaze of a Warlord.
"I'm impressed things got this far with you knowing," he admits, after it's obvious you're not scampering away from him. "It's no wonder you nearly bolted from the café earlier."
Something in his voice twists you heart, despite how even he's keeping his tone. You realize he's neither asking you to stay, nor telling you to leave. He could force you to stay, but he's not. He's not threatening your position at work, or even admonishing you for not saying you knew sooner; when he had been willing to assuage your concerns in the café.
It wasn't just two months of solid conversation that causes you to stay still, though it is the bulk of your hesitation. It was also – if you were going to be honest, the really good sex that had just happened. You couldn't recall the last time you'd been so satisfied. Emotionally, and physically. Leaving right now didn't feel right.
There wasn't much else to think about. You hadn't wanted a one-night stand in the beginning, and while you hadn't entertained the idea of something long-term initially, the idea of it pulled at the corners of your mind.
A dangerous desire maybe, but it didn't have to be an impossible one.
You don't turn to face him; you aren't sure you can keep your voice steady if you do. You wanted to know his stance before you put yourself back into another vulnerable situation. "What do you want?"
"In regards to?"
"This." Your voice almost catches in your throat. "Us."
"In an immediate sense, I want to know what tonight will bring." He says, and the implication of his statement sending a shiver up your spine. "I'd like to see what another two months brings. And, ideally, beyond even that."
You can almost feel the cigar smoke sliding along your skin as he exhales. "I am, admittedly, only half of 'us'."
You were quiet for a moment. "I'm... not strong." You're shivering at your own words. Caught between wanting to stay and not knowing what you possibly offer a Warlord. "I'm not a powerful person, and I don't know how to fight. I don't have any powers, and I can't offer you anything terribly useful."
You're rambling, and you can feel his weight shifting on the bed. "I'd be a terrible burden, and you'd have to protect me, and I mean aside from being a solid administrative coordinator, I guess I'm... I'm... hnngh." Crocodile's hands slide over your body as his legs wrap around either side of you, a rain soft kisses along your back finally breaks your nervous rambling.
"I have all the powerful people I need," he assures you, his breath hot against your shoulders. "I have the resources and power needed to protect you." His lips are feather light against your neck, sending little shivers along your skin. "You need only offer yourself, (Y/N), as you are, and I will grant your desires even if they are numerous as the sands."
Some part of you is vaguely aware of your precarious position. Your avenue of escape was disappearing into the dark before your eyes. Amber gold orbs with slits as sharp as daggers dare you to step forward, demanding whatever choice you make to be final, for a single faltering step is the weakness they're waiting for.
You can feel the heat of him gathering around you. "What do you want from me, Miss (Y/N)?"
"I..." You can feel the jaws of something powerful looming around your neck, waiting to strike. "Want to know what tonight will bring."
Crocodile's arms are around you swiftly and firmly, you don't even have the chance to gasp in surprise as a hot, wet mouth clamps down on the soft and sensitive part of your vulnerable neck. A pleasurable sound is forced from your lips as he pulls you into his grasp, his guttural and needy growl is low and soaks into your skin, rattling through your body.
You can feel the thin cover of his earlier restraint giving way as he begins to truly devour you.
There's no part of your body he doesn't explore. Bright red marks and bruises begin to dot your skin, pleasure overriding the incidental pain of strong hands moving you as he desires. There is little of the calm and collected CEO in his deep kisses, there's no hint of disinterest in eyes that drink in every twitch of your body. The man who is devouring your moans and ripping his name from your lips, pleasure dripping from every sound, is neither Sir Crocodile, nor a Warlord.
This is Sunawani, the part of him that exists only for you, to the point of denying the existence of anything beyond the space between you.
. . . . .
At some point in the storm that was last night, you passed out. From pleasure or exhaustion, you weren't sure - probably both. You move slowly as you begin to wake, fairly certain that your bones are bruised, and your eyes focus on the form beside you.
At some point you had untangled from one another, but you hadn't gone far. It was still early enough in the morning that no light dared to push at the rim of the curtains in the room. You had made it to the hotel room yesterday fairly early, but you remember faintly the red light of evening before you couldn't remember anything beyond it.
More than soreness in your core, there's a sense of satisfaction, and whatever time it is you're sure you slept well.
You move to sit up and feel a series of jolts go through you, mostly in your back, and you collapse back down into the bed with a grunt. If you were going to get up, you were going to have to hope your legs were better condition than your back. How embarrassing to be not yet 30 and nearly broken by... well.
Your face goes red as you recall the various positions and shuddering orgasms that he had brought you to the evening before, and you realize you lost count somewhere along the way. So maybe it wasn't so embarrassing to be broken by hours of sex.
Crocodile's stamina was the most terrifying thing about him, as far as you were currently concerned.
You manage to wiggle out from under the covers and get your feet on the floor, slowly pushing yourself up to some sort of standing position. You're surprised to find you're wearing a shirt. His, by the size of it, but not the turtleneck he'd been wearing yesterday. The white button-up dress shirt was clean, and not buttoned with modesty in mind, so you button a few more buttons idly.
You also feel clean. You're not sticky or covered in anything uncomfortable. You cover your face with your hands as you realize that he bathed you at some point last night and you cannot remember it happening.
The urge that had woken you up overrides your embarrassment, and you make your way into the bathroom. Not that this room makes you less embarrassed than the main portion of the hotel room.
There are handprints, yours specifically, on the bathroom mirror, and the glass partition of the shower. You can feel the heat burn into your cheeks so fast it aches.
You were a mild-mannered administrative aid whose most risky behavior since the last time you went to a Newgate party in college was eating grocery store sushi that Buggy would bring into work during long shifts. Having sex on a collection of surfaces until you were almost too sore to move the next day, and so lost in pleasure you couldn't hardly remember any of it weren't really a part of your 5-year plan. Certainly not doing such things with your boss' boss' boss!
But – you were clean. There were a couple band aids on your skin, and there was a soft scent of salve. You had been cared for, even if you couldn't fully remember it. Something about the tenderness associated with such care warms your heart.
Stepping out of the bathroom, you saw that he was still asleep. You're not only completely awake, but also acutely aware of him, and too embarrassed to wiggle back into bed. Instead, you walk out onto the balcony, after noting the time.
It was 3:30am. The city never really stopped entirely, but this was certainly the quietest hour that there would be on an early Sunday morning. The sky was clear, and the slight breeze was almost warm, or at the very least not cold, even though you were in nothing more than a dress shirt. You took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.
You have a few moments to yourself before you hear the sliding glass door open. You turn your head toward the sound and smile at the sleepy, shirtless, and thankfully pants-wearing, Sunawani that was coming out to join you. You felt your face go red and turn back to look out into the sky.
There's a hand on either side of the balcony, caging you between them, as his head nuzzles against the back of yours gently.
"Morning," you greet him, a smile on your face as your embarrassment starts to fade.
"How'd you sleep?" He questions, his own voice slurring a little in his sleepy state.
"Deeply." You admit. "I... uh, don't seem to remember you cleaning me up and," you clear your throat, "tending to me, but thank you for doing so."
"My apologies, despite my efforts to restrain myself, you ended up in quite the state." His tone was truly apologetic, but his proximity was suspect.
"Well, I guess technically, you kept your word." You admit, your voice wavering slightly as you're dangerously aware of him. "I did not break."
"Mm, but it seems, Miss (Y/N), I will need to be more mindful of you in the future." He leans down, his lips slipping over your shoulders as he murmurs into you. "I have no desire to see my employees injured." His tone is playful, and the blush in your face is more from embarrassment than desire.
"I was absolutely mortified, you know." You admit, face disappearing into your hands.
"Mm, you didn't even accept my assistance."
"What's hilarious, thinking back on it, is that I was distracted because I wanted to finish with work, to get home." You turn to face him, smiling somewhat shyly despite meaning to tease him. "To talk to you, as it turned out."
He hums softly, half-lidded gaze looking down at you as he leans forward. He doesn't say anything, but holds your gaze until his lips press against yours. The soft kiss deepens, but he remains gentle, taking care not to ignite yours, or his own, desire too deeply.
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natsumiheart · 6 years
I gotta say, I started following your blog after you made the 100 reasons why I ship saiouma post, because at the time I was getting alot of crap from people saying why do I ship the ship because they disliked it and they prefer other ships like oumota/saimota/oumeno or consider saiouma unhealthy/generally disliked it. I found your post to be kinda comforting really and I really enjoy reading your content. I love you + your blog, and am really grateful to you. Also sorry I spam your ask box
Aaaa I’m crying thank you so much ;; feel free to spam as much as you want dun worry about it! 😂
I’m honestly glad my blog feels like a safe space for fellow Saiouma shippers. I definitely know the feeling of getting a lot of crap from other people just because they otp something else (don’t get me started on those people from amino who shipped before the game came out then attack you just because Kokichi ended up having feelings for someone else). You can come to me anytime to assure you what they’re saying is wrong and is just a result of their insecurities towards their ship. To be honest, no ship with Kokichi is unhealthy, because Kokichi is not who they think he is. I believe in the end anyone who hates Saiouma just misunderstood Kokichi or Shuichi’s character. There’s a reason why most youtubers who have played the game end up acknowledging the existence of the ship after all.
When I started falling for the ship I had no dr friends who liked it so I was just fangirling on my own, reading fanfics on my own, drawing fanart and never showing anyone XD (it was sad really but it was fun to draw for my otp and being so happy about it) one day I decided maybe I should just post all that art onto dr amino as some huge art dump, but then still got some controversial comments everytime I posted something and didn’t get that much recognition. I already didn’t like that amino cause I wasn’t a huge fan of the dr fandom itself, don’t know if I was even considered a part of it. But those incidents where my friend had to keep stepping in to protect me just made me hate it to death. (thanks for protecting me @souda-nouda ;;)
I still post my drawings here and there but not as much, it’s all art dumps. Plus I never talk there, because 1. already hated the fandom and 2. one time I joined a chat and after someone (it was obv what their otp was but I’m not gonna mention it, dun wanna generalize those shippers because I’m sure not everyone is like that) noticed my Saiouma pfp they sent a “meme” ridiculing Saiouma 😂  basically a screenshot of the “you’re alone and always will be” scene with the caption “Oh I love Saiouma so much best ship” or something like that. I ended up never talking that much, was scared of being there and it was worse with my anxiousness. I ended up ranting to myself yet again then just keeping that rant in my notes, and later referred to that rant in an answer to an ask asking about how I feel towards the opinion that Saiouma is just onesided. You can find it here if you want to XD You can tell which parts I had to refer to my rant to.
But honestly, the worst one is when friends diss it in front of me with no regards for my feelings about it. When it’s others I can ignore but when it’s friends you can say “I take the beating” and laugh it off even though they’re seriously hurting me. (I know it’s just a ship, but it’s my otp for god’s sake 😂) The reason why I started disliking some ships even though I shipped them in the past is that of people trying to tell me why Saiouma sucks and why their ship is better. It was worse too when it was irl 😂 One of my only friends irl that knows danganronpa dissed my otp really badly when I had no one else and I just laughed it off 😂😂😂 (again won’t mention their ship, but it def affected my opinion on that ship and them as a person. tbh have come to seriously not like that ship at all, cause most fans of it treated Saiouma shippers the same way)
Life was like that for a while, the only one I could rant to was myself or my friend in class who knew nothing about danganronpa “I’m dying these fics are killing me and I have no one to talk to about it save me, Person B has the hanahaki disease and ran away! at this rate he’s gonna die on the streets!” poor friend
One day my friendo on kh amino for like two years now told me to post the drawings I’ve been hoarding to tumblr with her (hey @xs-xs ily thanks for dragging me to tumblr ;;💕💕💕) and she soon joined me on the ship becoming my first ever friend to have shipped Saiouma! I ended up legit spamming her with a bunch of fics that I read and loved and even a bunch of Saiouma artists I followed here on tumblr! Honestly, she helped me at such a rough time, bless her. I love her so much utcjgcfsyrehtsefxjd
my lil sis somehow joined me as well after playing the game pfpfp we fangirl together sometimes
You may laugh at me but I seriously feel safer on tumblr as a place to post these stupid drawings, I hate them, I want to get better constantly, but meeting fellow shippers and getting support for doing what I do just makes me so happy ;; and now I’m just so happy that I could you help you through something I’ve gone through as well. Because of this place I feel like I can just post drawings for me and my little circle of followers and mutuals who love the ship as well, and I ended up meeting really imp friends to me now that I speak to every day (hey @reichiroll and @my-own-special-atmosphere thank you so much for talking to me even though all I did at the time was just post drawings and was srsly new to tumblr 😂)
As you can see having been questioned multiple times as to why I ship them I ended up with tons of nights staying awake and just remembering each and every detail of why I loved the ship so much, why did I keep staying awake at night reading fanfictions of them? why did drawing them make me so happy even though I was going through such a rough time in my life? Why did I feel like I’m on cloud 9 just talking about them? Why did I want someone to talk to about it so badly? One day, I was left without internet, and away from home, I felt so horrible, but to make myself feel better I just whipped out my notes app again and just started typing the many reasons I shipped Saiouma.
It wasn’t supposed to be 100 tbh, and it almost ended up more than 100 (I didn’t mention all those cute moments between Shuichi and Kokichi before the fte starts, the “Shuichi you understand me I’m so happy I’m crying!”, the time they ran away from Kaito together, or the time Kokichi taught him stuff about lying. I don’t even think I mentioned the funny backhanded compliments in salmon team, like Kokichi wants to compliment Shuichi but doesn’t know how to so he does it in his own Kokichi way 😂 “no matter how many times I’m reborn I’m no match for the likes of you” and “You’re really amazing Shuichi” hhhhhh), it didn’t even take much time to write. but somehow (due to the unhealthy amounts of hours I spend thinking about Saiouma) I wrote all that, and somehow that post got a lot of notes proving to me that I was actually not alone. It made me so happy.
and that’s how that post came to be! XD It’s awesome that you’ve been here for that long ;;💕
Sorry for the sudden rant, you can already tell that I can’t help but rant alot XD your message hit me right in the heart, I almost started crying from happiness 😂 thanks again and as I said earlier spam me all you want, answering your asks is fun! and for the friends who I ended up tagging, hey sorry I just love you and can’t hold this love back XDDD
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limpblotter · 7 years
taakitz & blupjeans fall-themed double date (apple picking or some other romanticized autumn activities?)
Silence fell upon the living room where a pair of twins eyedtheir significant others, dressed warmly and endearingly in fall attire. “Youwant us to—“ Taako’s voice drifted.
And Lup picked up seamlessly right after, “double date?” Theyshared a collective look that didn’t seem as pumped as their counterparts.Personally Taako had big plans to …do nothing all day and Lup thought she andBarry were going to kanoodle around in private. “I don’t know I mean, doubledates are kinda lame, where would we even go?”
“Well, there is an autumn festival happening in town. We cancheck it out…” Barry smiled at Lup who’s face went from unsure to completelyuninterested, he decided to sweeten the pot a little. “There is a ‘dunk’ gamewhere you toss balls at a target and dunk a person into a vat of port wine.”
Lup’s eyes seemed to gleam with a unsettled fire formischief. “Ooo~” She purred already quite interested. “And who are we dunking?”
“I believe the person who volunteered was Magnus. Its forcharity and…OFT!” Before Barry could finish Lup had bounded over to him andlinked arms pulling him towards the door.
“Well come on, babe! I want to get first dibs to sink thatmeathead into some good sherry~”
Barry chuckled allowed himself to be carted off by hisbeloved. He gave Kravitz and Taako a small wave and yelled out, “we’ll meet youguys there!” And just like that they were gone. Kravitz bashfully turned hisattention to Taako who was still on the couch, sprawled like a model waiting tobe painted. He carefully looked over his nails showing the same amount ofdistant disinterest as before.
“Like I said, I-I-uh had some serious plans to do…nothing,absolutely nothing. Now I have to reschedule for some…outdoorsy, folk thing?” Taakorolled his eyes at Kravitz’s direction. “Plus if I wanted to see Mangus dousedin wine I could have done that myself without throwing a thing.”
Gently and with very minimal touching Kravitz sat down onthe couch by Taako’s feet. “Actually I was hoping you’d walk around the appleorchard with me. Pick some fresh, seasonal apples.” He spoke with a softnessthat made Taako’s ears droop and flush at the end of them. Kravitz gentlyplaced his cold hand on Taako’s covered arm. That devilishly handsome face combined with the wholesome sweetness thatcoated every inch of his expression, it was downright unfair.
“Apple picking might be nice…pie season is among us.” Hebegan to melt a little.
“And I believe there is going to be a pie tasting contestand…” just as Lup had done to Barry, Taako was suddenly on his feet. In onefluid motion of getting up he had also transformed into another outfit. Anorange, thick knitted sweater and high waisted shorts, even his hat changedcolors and was decorated with pinecones and twigs for a more festive look.
“What are we waiting for, Taako is making a surprise debut~”
The fall faire was pretty much as one would expect it to be.As promised Magnus was shirtlessly displayed, sitting on a geared platform thatwould drop and dunk him into a vat of old port wine. Somewhere around Lucretiaand Davenport were discussing coolly the tragedy of the wasted wine once Magnus’sbody tainted it. To everyone’s surprise it was a fairly hard target to hit. Notat all charmed by Angus who Magnus asked politely to help him, a charm thatwould have been detected and demolished the second Lup stepped up to the plate.Magnus, who was dry at one point was at the mercy of Lup and without fail shemanaged to dunk him each and every time he took his seat back on the top of thestool.
There were after little stands, mostly food and candles,trinkets that were homemade. Taako and Kravitz enjoyed some quiet applepicking. Taako spoke only to talk about the different traits and qualities ofthe types of apples. Sampling each one without the intention to pick most ofthem, a free sample was a free sample. They would have stayed longer around thetrees if the two didn’t run into Merle having a very intimate conversation witha Granny Smith. With Kravitz’s hand in his, Taako very slowly retreated out ofthe orchard with a small basket of goodies.
The day was nice, Taako would admit and having Kravitz onhis arm was well, eye candy for miles. But his grasp on his boyfriend wasloosened when the sign to a ‘pie bake off’ was put up and just like that,Kravitz found himself partnerless.
“Taako! Oh gosh, TAAKO!” Ren waved from a table where her,Angus and Mavis were setting up prep work.
“Ren, Aggie…Mauve?”
“Close enough.” Both Angus and Mavis adjusted their glasseswith a small smile. “Are you gonna be baking here too, sir?” Angus beamed.
“Well i—“
“That would be a tad unfair to the rest of us, Taako bakingwe might as well pack up shop.” Ren smiled with only a smallest defeat in hereyes. Taako had planned on joining in …but she had a point, it would have beena waste of time for everyone involved if Taako was going to enter. Taakopondered for only a second, tapping a slender finger against his lips.
“Actually” he smiled constructing a natural lie, “I’m hereas a celebrity judge~”
“Really?! What an honor!” Ren clapped her hands together,the defeat replaced with unmatched ambition to impress her long time idol andher current mentor and business partner.
“Oh yea, I wasn’t going to join because nat, would have wonby a landslide. I figure I could uh-uh use my vast knowledge of the cookingarts to uh-you know, eat some mad rad pie.”
Kravitz didn’t intervene much. He did look over at Lup andBarry, hand in hand constantly as she howled with laughter, tossing flamingbaseballs at the target and dunking Magnus before he even had a chance to fullyreset himself on his seat. Kravitz noticed, truly, how different the twins werein personality. Lup was raw power, raw emotion, everything she felt and she wasclear on the surface like a crystalline raging river constantly moving andpowering through. He looked away from the inseparable pair at his boyfriend andsaw something different.
If Lup was a raging riptide of glass like translucency thenTaako was a misted lake. Taako was still water lake, murky and misted withemotions. He knew Taako had many fronts, the ones he wore so perfectly like asecond skin. He wore the part of over the top celebrity, acting as though thiswas all his original intentions. He spoke, joked, teased and smiled living forthe publicity in them moment. Kravitz enjoyed observing him, he had for a whileand that hadn’t changed even now while they were together.
Watching Taako, the century old enigma that stole him away fromwhat was supposed to be a pretty bleak eternity.
“Ugh…” Taako groaned leaning against Kravitz. The both hadstolen away after Taako had completely destroyed Lucas with criticism over hispie. Of course, Ren and her team managed a pie so good Taako might have takenmore than one piece. “I’m stuffed.” He laid back on a bile of hay watching thewarm, orange sunset settle by the tops of the tricolored autumn colored trees.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have went in for thirds of Ren’s pie.”
“They roasted the cinnamon themselves, you can taste thedifference.” Taako smiled up at Kravtiz, “this was fun.”
“But?” He gently wrapped his arm around Taako making surenot to touch any bare or exposed skin.
“But nothing, I’m happy.” Taako paused and then chuckled abit, “huh…you know its weird to say that outloud. Like I’m pretty fuckingstoked about life these days.”
Kravitz turned slowly, his head inclining towards Taako whowas already semi beginning to coil himself around his reaper. “I wonder why”
“I wonder~”
“TAAKO” Lup pulled Barry around and paused finding herbrother with a deadpan expression and his leg half hitched on a now embarrassedto death Kravitz. “Oh…”
“This better be hilarious”
“Magnus is purple.” She answered immediately, then startedto bite back tearful laughter. “I dunked him—so much…he’s actually stainedpurple and-and Merle and Carey and trying to …hose him down in front ofeveryone—PFT AHHAA” She held her side again and started to laugh.
“Babe…Lup…you’re actually going to laugh yourself to death…”He spoke with some concern that Lup’s physical form would give out.
Taako’s eyes lit up a bit and he unfurled himself from hisboyfriend. “I gotta see, this, my god this is great. I’m totally going totransfigure the water into wine again.”
“OH GOD, TAAKO THAT’S HILAROUS” Lup roared in joyfullaughter and abandoned her link with Barry to link arms with Taako and take offto cause more mischief.
“…those two are going to terrorize the town if we let them.”Barry watched their happy, retreating figures. A sight everyone would have diedto see.
“Its…pretty great.” Kravitz stood by Barry with a smile.
“Yea…yeah it is.”
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bellabooks · 7 years
Kaitlyn Alexander on the finale of the groundbreaking “Couple-ish” and what’s ahead
So, gang, the series finale of Couple-ish has played, and what an absolute ride it’s been! I got the chance to chat with writer & actor Kaitlyn Alexander about the series. I’m calling the interview “Two non-binary kids walk into a bar…”   TJ Wiltshire:  What’s been your favourite moment of season 2? On camera and behind the scenes? Kaitlyn Alexander: Ooo that’s a good question. It’s always hard to pick out favourite moments because I want to say, like, every single second I get to work on this show is my favourite. But, that’s totally avoiding the answer so… My favourite moment of season 2 on camera would’ve definitely been Episode 18. Premika (Leo) and I shot the entire scene after I closed the curtain and only did one take. I’ve never had a one take wonder scene and that was so so cool. Behind the scenes would probably have to be that entire Bar location shoot day. We had so many awesome people on set (including Elise Bauman, Annie Briggs  and Aaron Chartrand), and everyone was just happy to be there and joking and having a blast. We also got to talk to some backers in person and it was just absolutely an amazing environment to be part of.   TW: I don’t recall spotting Elise? Did she get lost in the crowd? (I say as though I’m not literally 5ft tall myself…) KA: Elise was definitely there chatting with Annie and Aaron the whole time but she blended in   TW: Why does Dee & Amy’s mom call their Dad Mr. Warson? KA: Rita called Dee and Amy’s dad Mr. Warson because they’ve been going through a bit of a rough patch, which has been hinted at a few times over the season. You never really see him and that’s because Mrs. Warson has been trying to reach out to Dee and he doesn’t really approve. I think him not showing up to the rehearsal or the wedding really was the last straw. So it’s a distance thing. TW: Has there ever been a question you’ve mentally prepared an answer for but then you’ve never been asked it? KA: I honestly am never prepared to answer anything, if I’m honest. I guess part of me has always been curious as to why no one’s ever asked why I chose to write Dee and Rachel’s relationship the way I did. It was really obvious to me when I was writing that their more-than-friendship was extremely unhealthy in so many ways, they never have and never would have been good for each other. Last season they were both kind of in desperate, undesirable, reckless head spaces and making a lot of terrible decisions which is the worst place to start any kind of relationship from, and this season they found that they help each other stay afloat as long as they’re not drowning in each other’s bullshit which is kinda fun. I think the question I’ve always wanted to answer is why did I choose to take a staple AU plot like “Fake Relationship AU” and completely turn it on it’s head? The answer is because I’ve never seen one that says “hey this started in lies and maybe that’s not good, but look how good we are for each other as buddies”, and so that’s what I’ve kinda done.   TW: As someone who is also non-binary, I know I had a lot of feels about a web series starring a NB character (played by a NB actor). What do you think Baby Kaitlyn’s reaction to this show would have been? KA: I feel like baby Kaitlyn would have found out who they are a lot sooner if this show was out when I was younger. Seeing someone live a normal life, making the same stupid decisions every human makes, and being unapologetically NB? That means the world not only to baby Kaitlyn but to me because even though I’m the actor playing the character, knowing that there’s people who watch a show where someone like me is the lead? That makes me emotional as hell. I grew up thinking I was broken and also convinced I needed to be a femme lesbian in order to find love, and I hope this show makes people’s perceptions change.   TW: I can tell you with absolute certainty that it made a world of difference for this NB kid. I’m still struggling with the whole “introducing myself to people as NB” but it’s things like seeing myself represented that give me the courage to stand up for myself, you know? KA: And seriously, you don’t know how much it means to me that something like the show has made a difference for you. That’s…I’m tearing up a bit. Also thank you so so much for taking time out of your busy life to not only watch the show but also write about it. I appreciate it beyond words.   TW: Are you hoping for a season three? Do we need to brace ourselves to say goodbye to these characters or is there a chance they’ll be back? KA: There’s probably not a chance for a season 3. Candice (Hudson), RJ (Lackie) and I have kind of all agreed that Season 2 is where the train stops for these characters, so we tried to make this finale really give everyone the ending the deserved. I can say that sometime in the next year, there will be one final story told for Dee, and that’s the prequel with Dee/Elena’s relationship at the front and centre. I’m very excited about it. We even managed to get the actor who was in the photos from Dee’s picture box (Courtney Keir) to reprise her role as Elena. She’s so talented and the story and the style of the prequel is just something so delightful to watch. It’s a short film/standalone piece if people don’t know the series they could watch it and get a whole story. The prequel really rounds out the entire series so people can be excited about that for sure.   TW: I am totally ready for the prequel. I am fully prepared to hate Elena and I have no doubt you’ll make me love her first and it will be an awful, brilliant emotional ordeal.  Is there room for another British character on the show/scriptwriting team? KA: There’s always room for more Brits- love ’em ahhaha. TW: Sweet – I’ll book my flight. Tell Chachki to make room for me on the couch!   KA: And hahahah done and done. Chachki will be happy for the company ahhaa.   TW: Seriously, it’s been the best talking with you. I’m gonna go ahead and assume we’re besties now. KA: Oh total besties. 100%     You can catch the entire Couple-ish series now on Youtube. http://dlvr.it/Pp1jDT
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monkeyland-blog1 · 8 years
   15-20 minutes after breakfast Monkey was already out in the street because it is some sort of a crime to stay indoors when the weather is fine and you are on holidays. Maybe ‘fine’ isn’t the most appropriate word, the weather was really fantastic as for winter! Soft snow all around, shining brightly in the sun and making you forget all the troubles and feel pleased with everything in this world, even though blinding your eyes a bit; dark blue sky with not a single sign of a cloud on it; a little frosty but not that much as to get a frostbite… Monkey was walking along Tiger Street, which starts in the Western part and ends only in the Eastern one, thus crossing the whole Monkeyland-City and being the longest in the capital. There are some two-, three- and even five-floored block of flats (the sort of place Monkey and her grandpa dwell) and a ruin of an old castle (one of the historical places) in the beginning of Tiger Street. The houses are mostly on the right side, there is a field and a planting on the left. But if you go further along Tiger Street (and that was Monkey’s destination) you can face an area with both small old houses and recently build big new cottages, which embrace everyone with their size and architecture, and seem rather odd in the neighborhood of old dreary, scanty houses. Luckily, Monkey’s friend and classmate Druzhock Belokurin lives in a brand-new brick cottage.
  She quickly walked along the street and reached her friend’s house. It has only one floor (some houses nearby are really huge in comparison with Druzhock’s) though there are three big rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen on this floor, an attic and a garage. The whole house is quite ordinary but as for Monkey, it is simply marvelous. In addition, our friend also thinks that the best garden in the world is Druzhock’s garden. There’s nothing special about it, too: a hedge going along the brick fence, a path comes from the house door, crosses the whole garden and comes to an end near the garage, some apple and pear trees and two benches aside this path. But Monkey, Druzhock and their best friends Tiger and Tuzik have a lot of unforgettable emotions and memories connected with this quite ordinary garden as they spend a lot of time here, even in winter. They often talk, play, make up different things here.
  So, Monkey perfectly knew that Tiger (a guy older than her in a year) and Druzhock – her lifelong buddies – were there… And indeed, the striped member of the cat species (the largest of them as a fact) and the white dog with black spots (probably he has the Dalmatian breed genes though he surely isn’t a pure one) were in the center of the garden, talking and laughing just as they always do when they are together! 
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   Druzhock, who had already noticed her coming up, ran to the gate and opened it. In an instant Monkey rushed into the garden (fortunately, she didn’t run into the block fence, so that she was near to), taking both Tiger and Druzhock into a huge hug and clapping their backs with joy. “Mornin’, guys!” – she shouted. “Yeah, great morning!” – said Tiger, getting out from Monkey’s embrace  and pulling on his navy blue hat, which fell over his eyes as a result of Monkey’s hugs. ”The weather is really awesome, we can do anything we want!” – added Druzhock, straightening his coat that also slightly slid down from Monkey’s friendly clapping.
   ‘I think the bears are looking forward for our snowballs!’ – grinned Tiger after a while when the three friends finished exchanging gleeful exclamations that were a result of their meeting (They haven’t seen each other for more than 12 hours, that’s a long time indeed as for lifelong buddies!).
  ‘Yeah,’ – agreed Monkey, but without real delight in her voice. ‘Er, I think we’d better go sledging or skiing. Never mind looking for those nasty bears or waiting for them to come. I stand for the idea that they’ll come themselves when we really need them’.
  ‘So I’m going for my new sledge, - said Druzhock, rushing towards his garage, - You must see and try it! Really awesome!’
  ‘A new sledge?’ – asked Monkey in surprise though Druzhock was already far near the garage and didn’t hear her.
  ‘Yeah, haven’t seen it, too, yet, - said Tiger, - must be something really nice, - How’s your Etibeti by the way?’
  ‘Cool, - answered Monkey a bit sarcastically, the two of them following Druzhock. - I’ve finally finished the first level. That was very, very hard!’
  ‘Oh, I am sure that me completing that one was only an accident’, - said Tiger, thinking about the first level of “Etibeti 4 World of War” – a computer game about war, - Go playing online today! .. in the evening.’
  ‘Ok. Its gotta be easier, - Monkey sighed, but then her attention was taken completely by the brand-new sledge of an enormous size, painted red and blue, with blades shinning brighter than the snow itself in the winter sun, - Wow! Simply wonderful!’ – she shouted.
  ‘Here we go!’ – Druzhock looked at the sledge with joy. Monkey and Tiger came up to the garage, too. ‘I don’t know how about skiing, – said Druzhock thoughtfully, - it’ll take a lot of time to prepare the equipment.’
  ‘And don’t really want to go back home for my skiing costume..’ – said Tiger.
  ‘Me too!’ – agreed Monkey, scratching her head.
  ‘Never mind! Sledging is also wonderful! And we can find something else to do in the park – it’s always a fantastic place foe different adventures!’ – Druzhock summarized their discussion. ‘Luckily, I’ve got some older sledges somewhere here..’ – he added, searching among the stuff his father kept in the garage (different tools, machines etc.).  
  Druzhock quickly found two pairs of older sledges (one smaller for Tiger, the other – bigger for Monkey) and a few minutes later the three friends were on their way towards the park where they usually sledge or ski in winter. Monkey, Druzhock and Tiger were moving and pulling the sledges fast. To say the truth, this park is not very far away from Druzhock’s house, which is situated on some hills aside Tiger street. Just behind those hills starts the area, which you can without any doubt call a part of the park. But this same place is a lowland – very marshy and difficult to go through as there are a lot of weeping willows, old stumps (mostly willow too) with a terrifying amount of shoots and bushes with sharp branches. More than that there isn’t a single plot of dry land – only water and mud everywhere. So it was wise of our three friends, so as it is referring to other animals, to reach the park by more comfortable although distant paths.  It would be worth telling that the last known animal who tried to get through this marshland was Monkey’s classmate and enemy Lupoglazyi. He is often quite fearful and was running away from some older guys. Of course, they didn’t follow him but Lupoglazyi wanted to get through the marshland and to the other side of the park. ‘That would be safer,’ – he thought. Not a good idea. Especially on a November evening. He nearly stuck in the marsh. Luckily, he got out but the water was very cold so he caught a cold, had a fever during several nights that passed after that and coughed for three weeks. Only real bear spirit, which is hiding inside Lupoglazyi and showing itself only when he definitely needs it, helped him to recover…
  ‘How’s Tuzik? – asked Monkey as they passed on eof the huge cottages and came up to the beginning of the park wall, which surrounds most of the civilized part of the park.
  ‘Oh, he’s fine for sure. Probably a bit fed up with his grandmother’s meat patties, - said Druzhock and added, - Well, the last time I called he was certainly choking with one.’
   ‘Ahhaa,’ – Monkey and Tiger laughed.
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  ‘Though everything else’s normal, just as it always is at his Grandma’s place. He continues studying Math, he simply loves that stuff… something monophanical in it, isn’t it? Maybe? But he has a lot more chance of getting a fee in the university or collage than all three of us do, you know. But the amount of those patties…’ – Druzhock continued (Tuzik Sobakin, Monkey;s classmate and a friend of our three fellows, usually goes to his Grandma’s place in Doggie – a small village in the east of Dogland. There both much (like all the house work, cleaning, gardening etc.) and nothing to do there (no Internet, no computers, except only for the one in the mayor’s office). And as you see, his Granma always thinks that he doesn’t eat enough, though Tuzik doesn’t object)
  ‘You are simply jealous!’ –grinned Tiger.
  ‘Jealous? – Duzhock laughed, - Maybe I am, or maybe I’m not. Just wishing the best to my fellow. See, he isn’t slim enough and a lot of food won’t make him fitter. By the way, I don’t like eating the way he does, as you know.’
  ‘He’s clever, maybe he doesn’t even need to be that fit’ – said Monkey thoughtfully. Meanwhile, the animals passed one of the entrances to the park. However, the gate to this road was closed and that wasn’t strange at all. In fact, that was a path, which isn’t used much nowadays. So, our friends went on walking and talking.
  ‘Maybe, but we lost our last match versus the bears because of his mistakes. He was better at football when he was slimmer!’ – said Druzhock disappointedly.
  ‘His mistakes weren’t the only reason we lost,’ – said Monkey ironically, - ‘If someone, not to mention his name, had scored from a penalty and a dead ball situation, we would have won the score back..’
  ‘Oh, not to mention his name! You’ve trolled me with that stuff thousands of times! I know I was bad on the field that day but you let Belobrys score twice!’ – said Tiger, he was angry a bit, to say the truth.
  ‘Oh, don’t be angry, my dear friend, I wasn’t good, too. However, we can hate Belobrys and the bears but we have to admit that his second goal was brilliant. A strong strike, the ball hit the bar and flew straight into the goal – he didn’t leave me any chances!’
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   ‘Yeah, maybe the best goal the bears ever scored!’ – agreed Druzhock.
   ‘Ok, Ok!’ – said Tiger for he wasn’t really angry with Monkey. Best friends often make fun of each other - that’s normal. Anyway, all of them: Monkey, Tiger, Druzhock and Tuzik knew that they could have played better in their match versus the bears. Their lose 2:0 wasn’t a result of somebody’s concrete mistake. It’s all complex.
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  The three friends were on half way to the park. They were just passing the gym with all the horizontal, parallel bars and simulators in the yard nearby. Of course, there is even more trainers inside but doing sport outside is doubtless better. Without much hesitation, Monkey, Druzhock and Tiger decided to train a bit. Despite the fact that it was quite cold, they put off their coats, jackets and mittens, and began doing different exercises on the bars. The animals did many interesting and useful things…
  When Monkey, Tiger and Druzhock were about to leave the sportsground the door of the gymnasium opened and Tiger’s classmate Motia Begemotov went out. ‘Hello!’ – he said, smiling though looking serious as he always does. In fact, Motia is the incarnation of health, strength and calmness. He also looked cool in his muscular T-shirt out there in the cold. ‘I saw you training. Well done, guys!’- Motia said as he shook the animals hands. Monkey, Tiger and Druzhock looked pleased.
  ‘Motia’s cool!’ –said Monkey at a length, as they continued walking along the brick park wall, which is not only tall but also long, - ‘He goes in for sports, doesn’t smoke and drink! He’s especially cool in comparison with his brother though. I can even say I like him.’ Moinkey smilled in a strange way.
  ‘Yeah, by the way, Motia’s twin will possibly be expelled from our school,’ – said Tiger, who wasn’t pleased with monkey’s last words, though he didn’t know why exactly. Anyway, he decided to turn their conversation to Motia’s brother topic for he had something interesting to say.
  ‘What?’ – both Monkey and Druzhock looked surprised. ‘We don’t know something important!’
  ‘Yes, as a fact my dear classmate…’ – Tiger put a sarcastic emphasize on the last words.’…did much harm on the last school disco. Crasavchick told me everything,’ – he explained for none of the three friends has been to the disco and Monkey and Druzhock were a bit surprised by Tiger talking about it. ‘Well, Hippo Begemotov provoked a big tussle between our pupils and the students of lyceum №3, who also came to the disco. The fight was stopped after a while by the huge efforts of the duty staff and some adequate senior students. To his misfortune some of the fighters complained to the teachers that it was exactly Hippo, who called out the lyceum students with bad names and gave a huge amount of kicks to the youngsters. And the worst thing for Motia’s twin is that he was drunk as hell and the teachers noticed that just after he was accused of provoking. For some reason it’s their own fault: they must have confiscated the alcohol Hippo brought to the disco. But never mind… Our dear deputyheadmistress Svetlana Ivanovna was informed about the incident very soon and… since Hippo has had a lot of misdeeds during the last school months Svetka and the headmaster decided to call his parents for a conversation on Monday, that means today… When Svetka telephoned the twins father they had a very long strict talk so … Motia told Crasavchick and thereafter Crasavchock told me that possibly Hippo will be expelled and has to look for another educational institution.’
  ‘I’ll be glad if this idiot will be turned out from our school!’- said Druzhock cordially, he just remembered how Hippo locked him in the school toilet with some younger students a few weeks ago but he decided not to tell this unpleasant story to his friends.
  ‘Yeah, that’ll be great!’ –agreed Monkey… ’What about you, guy? – she asked Druhzock at a length, - Are your parents still angry with the grades?’
 ‘Oh, yes,’ – Druzhock sighed. ‘They are very bothered about my “4” in Maths and Physics … and Chemistry. “So important subjects” they say! Damn school, I hate it! … But they do not understand my bad mark in Music, I’m good in it, they know.’
  ‘Oh, don’t pay attention, - said Tiger, - Svetka teaches this subject.’
  ‘Yeah, that explains everything,’ – agreed Druzhock grinning.
  ‘What about your marks? – Monkey asked Tiger after a while; she smiled ironically, - You’re very nearly good this semester, weren’t you?’
  ‘Oh Mon, you’re got me with this same question a goddamed number of times!’ – Tiger said irritatingly. ‘It’s not that hard to be good when your class con is such a cool guy as Peter is.’
  ‘Oh, yeah,’ – Monkey agreed, still smiling.
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quinloki · 1 year
If you haven't read Quicksand up to chapter 5 you're going to be terribly confused.
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
ADDITIONAL CW: Dub-con, kidnapping, imprisonment
The alternative version picks up at Chapter 6 - there's a lot of overlap for the first few chapters as the story slowly peels away from the original. The alternative chapters explore Sir Crocodile's yandere tendencies in a setting where the reader rejects him (vs the original where she never ran).
You can read it as it posts to Tumblr, or sate your curiosity on AO3 // Wattpad immediately.
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Chapter 6: Tick-Tock
"Please," You say the word without even really knowing why. You've long since been caught in the inescapable jaws of the aptly named Sir Crocodile, and there was no saving you.
"How long have you known, Miss (Y/N)?" The cool smooth sensation of his glass fingers sliding over your skin are an effective reminder of how vulnerable you are right now. Naked and exposed, you would be trapped even in the most tender of jaws.
"B-before I applied to work at Rain Dinners," you admit, trying not to sound as terrified as you are. "I... haa..." His fingers send a jolt of pleasure through you unexpectedly, and you internally curse yourself for being so sensitive in a situation like this.
Crocodile leans down, holding your head in place by your hair, and his hot breath against your ear is in stark contrast to the cool wandering glass hand.
"Hmmm... Do you know all of the Warlords?" The question comes out low and warm as your head is tilted to the side, and his lips beginning to trail along your neck.
"Y-yes," you admit, your voice and breath are starting to shake, but the shiver building in you isn't fear alone. There's a thin line between the rush that is fear and the rush that is pleasure, and your body is not separating the two well right now. Sharp teeth seem poised to rip the life from your throat, but the cool light touch along your skin is somehow more dangerous.
"Most citizens of the Grandline Metro aren't so knowledgeable about the darker side of the city." His voice caresses you as skillfully as his hand. You're not sure if he's intentionally threatening you, if he means to try and distract and soothe you, or there's some other motive to his actions. You're too torn between pleasure and fear to think clearly.
"Ahhaa, hnngh," you bite the bottom of your lip to stifle nervous laughter welling up inside you. "I... went to school with s-some of the N-newgate boys."
"Ruffians," Crocodile nearly growls, his displeasure obvious. "But that explains enough. Your honesty is appreciated."
His hands release you and he rolls onto his back, lighting a cigar in the time it takes your brain to catch up with what's going on. You sit up on the mattress and look around in confusion. The heavy, but pleasant scent of the cigar fills the air, and the Warlord speaks.
"You knew who I was for years and have done admirable work for my company in that time," he explains. "Warlords are sanctioned to protect the populous of the city from Emperors and other criminals. We aren't secret agents who are required to remain unknown. I have neither the obligation, nor the desire, to harm you for knowing who I am."
The hooded gaze looks over at you from his relaxed position, and there's something ambiguous in his manner, as though he's trying to conceal his emotions. It's not the perpetually disinterested look of the owner of Rain Dinners, and it's not the hard and focused gaze of a Warlord.
"I'm impressed things got this far with you knowing," he admits, after it's obvious you're not scampering away from him. "It's no wonder you nearly bolted from the café earlier."
Something in his voice twists you heart, despite how even he's keeping his tone. You realize he's neither asking you to stay, nor telling you to leave. He could force you to stay, but he's not. He's not threatening your position at work, or even admonishing you for not saying you knew sooner; when he had been willing to assuage your concerns in the café.
It wasn't just two months of solid conversation that causes you to stay still, though it is the bulk of your hesitation. It was also – if you were going to be honest, the really good sex that had just happened. You couldn't recall the last time you'd been so satisfied. Emotionally, and physically. Leaving right now didn't feel right.
There wasn't much else to think about. You hadn't wanted a one-night stand in the beginning, and while you hadn't entertained the idea of something long-term initially, the idea of it pulled at the corners of your mind.
A dangerous desire maybe, but it didn't have to be an impossible one.
You don't turn to face him; you aren't sure you can keep your voice steady if you do. You wanted to know his stance before you put yourself back into another vulnerable situation. "What do you want?"
"In regards to?"
"This." Your voice almost catches in your throat. "Us."
"In an immediate sense, I want to know what tonight will bring." He says, and the implication of his statement sending a shiver up your spine. "I'd like to see what another two months brings. And, ideally, beyond even that."
You can almost feel the cigar smoke sliding along your skin as he exhales. "I am, admittedly, only half of 'us'."
You were quiet for a moment. "I'm... not strong." You're shivering at your own words. Caught between wanting to stay and not knowing what you possibly offer a Warlord. "I'm not a powerful person, and I don't know how to fight. I don't have any powers, and I can't offer you anything terribly useful."
You're rambling, and you can feel his weight shifting on the bed. "I'd be a terrible burden, and you'd have to protect me, and I mean aside from being a solid administrative coordinator, I guess I'm... I'm... hnngh." Crocodile's hands slide over your body as his legs wrap around either side of you, a rain soft kisses along your back finally breaks your nervous rambling.
"I have all the powerful people I need," he assures you, his breath hot against your shoulders. "I have the resources and power needed to protect you." His lips are feather light against your neck, sending little shivers along your skin. "You need only offer yourself, (Y/N), as you are, and I will grant your desires even if they are numerous as the sands."
Some part of you is vaguely aware of your precarious position. Your avenue of escape was disappearing into the dark before your eyes. Amber gold orbs with slits as sharp as daggers dare you to step forward, demanding whatever choice you make to be final, for a single faltering step is the weakness they're waiting for.
You can feel the heat of him gathering around you. "What do you want from me, Miss (Y/N)?"
"I..." You can feel the jaws of something powerful looming around your neck, waiting to strike. "Want to know what tonight will bring."
Crocodile's arms are around you swiftly and firmly, you don't even have the chance to gasp in surprise as a hot, wet mouth clamps down on the soft and sensitive part of your vulnerable neck. A pleasurable sound is forced from your lips as he pulls you into his grasp, his guttural and needy growl is low and soaks into your skin, rattling through your body.
You can feel the thin cover of his earlier restraint giving way as he begins to truly devour you.
There's no part of your body he doesn't explore. Bright red marks and bruises begin to dot your skin, pleasure overriding the incidental pain of strong hands moving you as he desires. There is little of the calm and collected CEO in his deep kisses, there's no hint of disinterest in eyes that drink in every twitch of your body. The man who is devouring your moans and ripping his name from your lips, pleasure dripping from every sound, is neither Sir Crocodile, nor a Warlord.
This is Sunawani, the part of him that exists only for you, to the point of denying the existence of anything beyond the space between you.
. . . . .
At some point in the storm that was last night, you passed out. From pleasure or exhaustion, you weren't sure - probably both. You move slowly as you begin to wake, fairly certain that your bones are bruised, and your eyes focus on the form beside you.
At some point you had untangled from one another, but you hadn't gone far. It was still early enough in the morning that no light dared to push at the rim of the curtains in the room. You had made it to the hotel room yesterday fairly early, but you remember faintly the red light of evening before you couldn't remember anything beyond it.
More than soreness in your core, there's a sense of satisfaction, and whatever time it is you're sure you slept well.
You move to sit up and feel a series of jolts go through you, mostly in your back, and you collapse back down into the bed with a grunt. If you were going to get up, you were going to have to hope your legs were in better condition than your back. How embarrassing to be not yet 30 and nearly broken by... well.
Your face goes red as you recall the various positions and shuddering orgasms that he had brought you to the evening before, and you realize you lost count somewhere along the way. So maybe it wasn't so embarrassing to be broken by hours of sex.
Crocodile's stamina was the most terrifying thing about him, as far as you were currently concerned.
You manage to wiggle out from under the covers and get your feet on the floor, slowly pushing yourself up to some sort of standing position. You're surprised to find you're wearing a shirt. His, by the size of it, but not the turtleneck he'd been wearing yesterday. The white button-up dress shirt was clean, and not buttoned with modesty in mind, so you button a few more buttons idly.
You also feel clean. You're not sticky or covered in anything uncomfortable. You cover your face with your hands as you realize that he bathed you at some point last night and you cannot remember it happening.
The urge that had woken you up overrides your embarrassment, and you make your way into the bathroom. Not that this room makes you less embarrassed than the main portion of the hotel room.
There are handprints, yours specifically, on the bathroom mirror, and the glass partition of the shower. You can feel the heat burn into your cheeks so fast it aches.
You were a mild-mannered administrative aid whose most risky behavior since the last time you went to a Newgate party in college was eating grocery store sushi that Buggy would bring into work during long shifts. Having sex on a collection of surfaces until you were almost too sore to move the next day, and so lost in pleasure you couldn't hardly remember any of it weren't really a part of your 5-year plan. Certainly not doing such things with your boss' boss' boss!
Oh gods, your boss’ boss’ boss! You just had a full night of passionate sex with the CEO of a major corporation and a WARLORD to boot. Panic wells up in you and you fight to keep yourself calm.
You need to leave. You need to just collect your things and go back home and maybe just find a new job. You only promised tonight, to know how it would go, and he promised not to hold how things went against you at work. It should be fine.
You should be fine.
He’s been reasonable the whole time you’ve known him. You didn’t need to uproot your whole life, you just needed to go home. Right now. Before he woke up and coaxed you back to bed with that velvet voice and those warm hands.
You work your way around the dark hotel room, slipping on enough of your clothes to be able to leave and folding his shirt neatly on the dresser. You wrote a quick note:
I’m so sorry, but I can’t see this through. Thank you for everything. Best of luck.
It was short, but you couldn’t risk writing a novel, and you didn’t want to complicate things. The gap was just too wide, and you were too scared to try and leap it. Sixty days of getting to know one another or not.
You mouthed a nearly soundless farewell as you closed the door softly before heading down the hall and to your car. You kept expecting to hear the door swing open. When you reached the elevator it seemed to take forever to reach you, and even as you got into the compartment, you expected to see a large hand stop the doors from closing. Such was Sir Crocodile’s presence.
The knots in your stomach didn’t relax until you were nearly home, and even then they didn’t disappear entirely. You still had to go to work, a job where the man you just left was unavoidable. It would be months before the next company-wide meeting was held at your branch again, and that was enough time to look for something else.
Promises or not, there was no way you could stay at Rain Dinners. Your desire to be near him wasn’t going to fade like your first crush had. The night had been too intimate, too intense, too nearly perfect.
If he wasn’t a Warlord.
If he wasn’t the CEO.
How could you dare to say such things to him? What if he did step down for you? You doubted he would, you doubted someone so driven and powerful would simply wash his hands of his ambitions just for you. But if he did the guilt might kill you, given the idea of it was already making your heart hurt.
This was for the better.
Gnawing on your bottom lip you set it up so that your phone wouldn’t ring, vibrate, or give you a notice if he called. You needed a couple days to steel yourself, to make sure he didn’t pull you into his pace again like he had before.
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