kruxton · 9 months
there r rarely any astro originals w actual good writing and gamers mangkuk is a prime example
(the tags got.... Long. feel free to not read)
#HORRIBLE SHOW#if any msians see this just DONT#its about this group of friends tryna become pro gamers#but the script is making me want to throw up#the plot is so stupid#and these characters r so fucking annoying#need astro to stop with their slap stick comedy right NOW!!!!!!!#projek high council happened and they though they could just put amir ahnaf in anhthinf and its gonna be a success#FUCK OFF#his acting here cannot beat him in projek high council coz here he just looks dumb#and dont get me fucking started on the ONE female character in the show#GGGGGGAAAAAHHHH#why is it that every single fucking malay show theyjust HAVE to have the female character relive her trauma again#and every single fucking time its r@pe#EVEN WHEN THERES???? ABSOLUTELY NO POINT TO HAVE JT IN THE STORY??????#EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME#ok in their defense a lot of them are actual sad dramas or romance shows so i can see how the backstory ties in#but this doesnt make any FUCKING sense#theyre trying to be professional gamers#wheres the relation#u want each of the members to have a struggle theyre facing for drama sure#the guys have relatively normal issues#one has to get money bc him and his mum got evicted#another's got social anxiety so its hard for him to compete#another one has a (queer for comedic effect 🙄) older brother thats raising him alone bc their parents died#and despite his brother trying to persuade him to go to uni and get a good life so he doesnt end up like him#hes too fuckimg stubborn and wants to be. a professional gamer. fucking idiot#but like sure!!! those r valid ig#BUT WHAT DOES THW GIRL GEY?????#JFJDJDHJSJDK ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR
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aphroditeaintshit · 2 years
"You departed from my sight and entered my thoughts, travelled from my eyes to my heart"
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umtxqwa · 3 months
al-Ahnaf bin Qais (rahimahullah) said:
I presented myself to the Quran and I did not find any ayah that relates to me like (or as much as) this ayah does
﴿ ‏وَآخَرُونَ اعْتَرَفُوا بِذُنُوبِهِمْ خَلَطُوا عَمَلًا صَالِحًا وَآخَرَ سَيِّئًا عَسَى اللَّهُ أَن يَتُوبَ عَلَيْهِمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيم ﴾
And there are others who have acknowledged their sins. They have mixed a righteous deed with another that was bad. Perhaps Allah will turn to them in forgiveness. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (9:102)
[az-Zuhd of Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah), 1307]
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fluffy-appa · 7 months
Umar رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ once said to Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qais:
"Oh Ahnaf, the more one laughs, the less dignity will he posses. Whoever jokes (excessively/ indecently) is a person who will be taken lightly.
Whoever does something frequently will become known by that thing.
Whoever speaks often, errs often; the more often one errs, the less modesty will he possess; whoever has a low level of modesty will also have a low level of piety; and when one has a low level of piety, then his heart dies."
[Sifatus- Safwah, 1/1449]
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reverthelp · 3 months
Al-Ahnaf ibn Qays reported: A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, give me a word that will benefit me, but keep it short so I can understand it.” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Do not be angry.” The man repeated the question, and the Prophet said every time, “Do not be angry.”
Musnad Aḥmad 20357
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alwaysalreadyangry · 10 months
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abbas ibn al-ahnaf, translated by abdullah al-udhari and g.b.h. wightman (published in the anthology birds through a ceiling of alabaster)
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aysufs · 1 year
Ahnaf bn Qays رحمه الله was asked:
"What is manliness?"
He said:
"Concealing secrets and staying away from evil."
Siyar Alam An-Nubala' (4/93)
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lesewut · 2 months
‘The covenant of love was granted to me on the day when there was no day, in my primal time, before she appeared to conclude the contract. And I obtained my love not by hearing or seeing, not by acquisition and not by an inclination of nature, but I loved her already in the world of divine command, when nothing had appeared, before creation I was drunk.’
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Ibn al-Farid was born in 1181 in Cairo, Egypt, during the Ayyubid period. He was a member of a prominent family and received a classical education in Islamic sciences, literature, and poetry. Ibn al-Farid is regarded as one of the greatest mystical poets in Arabic literature. His work has profoundly influenced subsequent generations of poets and Sufis.
The Diwan of Ibn al-Farid is a collection of his poetry, encompassing his famous qasidas (odes) and other forms of Arabic poetry. This compilation showcases his mastery in both poetic form and spiritual depth and reflects themes of divine love, union with God, and the spiritual journey.
Through translations, his mystical odes were known in the European region, first by Viennese court interpreter and friend of Goethe Josef von Hammer-Purgstall (1774 - 1856): The Arabic Song of Love (1854). 1917 the didactic poem ‘Al-Ta'iyyah al-Kubra’ was translated into Italian by Ignazio Di Matteo, critically analysed by Carlo Alfonso Nallino ‘Poema mistico’ and Alleyne Nicholson's work of 1940 'The Odes of Ibnu 'l-Farid' bulding the basis for this edition by Prof. Renate Jacobi.
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Love poetry - Ideal of love
Individual relationship of lovers above the norms and demands of society
Frequent motif:
Conflict, experienced as tragic in a world of social change, as a hopeless relationship in which the lovers who cling to it perish; Typical of ‘udhritic poetry (Bedouin tribe of the ’Udhra): By no means platonic, but sexual fulfilment only in marriage, which, however, is denied
‘The poet and his beloved have known each other since childhood, fall in love and want to marry, but the woman is married off to a richer man by her parents. The lovers remain faithful to each other. They meet, but without offending decency, and in the end the poet, and sometimes the lover, die of grief.’
‘Poets of the ‘Udhra tribe from the 7th century sang of their passionate love for a single woman who outlasts death. Before that, the concept of ‘udhrite love (al-hubb al-’udhri) was derived, which plays an important role in classical Arabic literature, in poetry and prose, as well as in profane love theory.’
Famous couples:
> Djamil and Buthaina (Djamil ibn Ma'mar, d. 701, is the most important poet of the ‘udhra tribe; his divan is considered relatively reliable) > Kuthaiyir and ‘Azza (Kuthaiyir, d. 723) > Qais and Lubna (Qais ibn al-Dharih, d. 689, like Kuthaiyir belonging to a different tribe, but attributed to the ‘Udhrite school; from the tribe of “Amir, called al-Madjnun ”the madman’ and his lover Laila; Poeticised by many mystical poets in many Islamic literatures + symbol of absolute love of God; doubts about historicity, attributed verses probably do not date from the 7th century either;) Basic structure resembles ‘udhritic poetry, yet deviations:
‘After Madjnun loses Laila, he falls into madness. He turns away from human society and lives among the animals in the desert until his death, focussing entirely on his love for Laila. His renunciation of the outside world is so total that he is unable to turn his attention to the real Laila when she visits him in the desert. His inner image of her holds him completely captive.’ [p. 161]
(The poet's response to his lover's accusation that he does not pay attention to her:)
‘You fill my heart so much that I cannot look at you.’
[Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf, d. 808)
'Udhritic love in two genres: Poetic (ghazal) and narrative form; complement each other and are placed in a historical context in Arabic tradition
+ Narratives initially oral, records were collected in the 8th century
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The concept of ‘udhritic love’ reached Heinrich Heine via Henri Stendhal's treatise ‘De l'amour’ (1822):
The wonderful Sultan’s daughter Every day used to rush, Around the evening hour to the fountain, Where the white waters splash. The young slave stood pale At the fountain, around evening,, Where the white waters wail; And his paleness was increasing. One evening the princess approached him With sudden words, like a whip: I want to know your name, Your home and your kinship! And the slave spoke: My name is Mohammed I come from the Yemen that I cherish, And I stem from the tribe of Asra, From those who, when they love, they perish. [Translation by Joseph Masaad]
My (incomplete) notes in German
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By: Nicky Harley
Published: May 16, 2020
Media watchdog rules hate speeches broadcast were 'very serious' and could encourage vulnerable viewers to commit murder.
Two UK television stations, whose founder has been banned from the country for almost a decade, have been fined £300,000 for inciting murder and broadcasting hate speeches.
The media regulator Ofcom found that four programmes on Peace TV and Peace TV Urdu breached broadcasting rules on incitement to commit crime, hate speech, abuse and offence after it aired diatribes that described people “worse than animals” and advocated the execution of magicians.
It ruled that the broadcasts were “very serious” and could encourage vulnerable viewers to commit killings.
The watchdog had threatened to strip the stations, which claimed to reach 200 million viewers, of the licences but both voluntarily surrendered them last November.
“In this case, the potential for very serious harm if this material incited others was clear,“ the watchdog said.
“Ofcom was concerned that the statements made by the scholar had the clear potential to influence impressionable viewers by encouraging serious crime, up to and including murder, and/or leading to disorder in relation to members of the public, in particular to Muslim people practicing magic as part of their faith.
“We also found that the scholar’s religious standing gave his statements greater weight and authority with the viewer, which compounded the seriousness of the breach. Ofcom considers the potential harm arising from such hate speech to be very serious.”
Both the satellite stations are funded by UK registered charity the Islamic Research Foundation International.
The licence for Peace TV was held by Lord Productions Limited, which has been fined £100,000, and Club TV, which held the licence for Peace TV Urdu, has been fined £200,000 over the breaches.
“In reaching its decision on the imposition of a sanction in this case, Ofcom has taken full account of the need to ensure that any penalty acts as a deterrent, including to other broadcasters,” it added.
“In this case Ofcom believed that a financial penalty was necessary to reflect the serious nature of the Code breaches and to act as an effective incentive to comply with the Code, for other licensees.”
Club TV and Lord Productions Limited are both owned by parent company Universal Broadcasting Corporation Limited.
Ofcom previously fined Club TV £65,000 for hate speech violations in 2016.
Indian-born Islamic preacher Zakir Naik, who is based in Malaysia, founded UBCL and is also the founder and chair of the IRFI charity.
Two of the breaches related to him.
The 53-year-old, who preached on the stations, is banned from the UK, India and Bangladesh and is accused by the Indian government of laundering £23m.
India and Bangladesh have accused him of inspiring terror acts, after the perpetrators of two separate attacks had allegedly followed his sermons.
In 2010, Britain banned Mr Naik from entering the country, citing “unacceptable behaviour”, although it never spelled out the nature of the behaviour.
Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures.
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab: Amr ibn Aws and AbulSha'tha' reported that Bujalah said: I was secretary to Jaz' ibn Mu'awiyah, the uncle of Ahnaf ibn Qays. A letter came to us from Umar one year before his death, saying: Kill every magician, separate the relatives of prohibited degrees from the Magians, and forbid them to murmur (before eating). So we killed three magicians in one day, and separated from a Magian husband his wife of a prohibited degree according to the Book of Allah. He prepared abundant food and called them, and placed the sword on his thigh. They ate (the food) but did not murmur. They threw (on the ground) one or two mule-loads of silver. Umar did not take jizyah from Magians until AbdurRahman ibn Awf witnessed that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) had taken jizyah from the Magians of Hajar.
"Peace TV."
Fined for inciting violence and hate.
If it's "incitement to commit crime" and "hate speech" to simply cite the Islamic scripture and doctrine, then Islam is inherently a violent and hateful religion.
Islam is not a religion of peace.
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reformedghazi · 2 years
The poet, ‘Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf wrote:
‎قلبي يدعوني لما يضرني
My heart calls me to what will harm me,
‎زاد حزني وألمي.
Increasing my sorrow and my pain.
‎كيف يمكنني الحماية من عدوي،
How can I guard against my enemy,
‎متى يسكن العدو بداخلي؟
When the enemy resides inside me?
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ataykiri · 1 year
قال حليم العرب الأحنف بن قيس :
كثرة الضحك تذهب الهيبة، وكثرة المزاح تذهب المروءة، ومن لزم شيئاً عرف به.
Halim Al-Arab Al Ahnaf Bin Qais رحمه الله said: “Too much laughter takes away prestige, and too much joking takes away chivalry, and who persists on something is known by it.”
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troonpatrol · 2 years
This case is identical to the example case they use for the rape by deception law.
Stealthing is rape.
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sayacalonibu · 2 years
"dokter X (menyebut nama perempuan) tu padahal suaminya spesialis, lho. Tapi dia (dr X) kok masih kerja di RS ya. Dua RS lagi"
" karena bagi perempuan, kerja di luar tu ga cuma masalah uang. Ada mindset yg tertanam bahwa bekerja di luar itu prestisius. Kerja di rumah itu ga keren. Itu mindset yg tertanam dari para pendahulu. Generasi baby bloomer. Mereka merasakan sulitnya masa setelah peperangan. Pernah disampaikan oleh bu elly risman, saat ada kliennya yg ibu pekerja, mendapati anaknya diperlakukan buruk oleh pengasuhnya. Bu elly sampai minta maaf dan berkata bahwa generasi beliaulah yg menanamkan perempuan harus bekerja.
Di rumah itu capek. Banget. Monoton. Beres2, pas udah beres diberantakin lagi. Masak. Nyuci. Gituu aja. Ga ada hal yg menantang. Tapi capeknya nyata. Giliran anaknya yg menantang, kitanya marah2.
Aku pernah ngerasain kerja di luar, meski cuma setahun. Dan kerasa banget kalau di luar aku adalah aku. Bukan istrinya H, bukan ibunya ahnaf. Tapi aku adalah dokter S. Kemewahan tersendiri bisa merasakan sebagai diri sendiri. Orang menyebutnya aktualisasi diri.
Kerja di luar memang capek. Tapi kerja di rumah lebih capek. Dan bosan.
Tapi aku ga menyesal memilih ini. Karena amanah yg kutinggalkan terlalu besar jika aku kerja di luar.
Aku paham sih gimana perempuan yg bekerja di luar tu. Walaupun suaminya spesialis. Karena ya itu, bekerja di luar itu kemewahan. Bukan hanya soal uang"
Percakapan kami malam itu di atas motor sepulang dari jaga di pondok.
Kisah ini saya tulis sehari setelah ahnaf menyelesaikan iqro 5. Alhamdulillaahi bini'matihi tatimmush shalihat.
Maha Baik Allah yg menjadikan manusia kecil itu memberi pelajaran banyak untuk orang di sekitarnya. Memberi pelajaran untuk bersyukur dan tentu saja bersabar.
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39mmn · 2 years
i’m a sister, which is why i asked anonymously.
i did ‘aalimiyah’ course at a deobandi mosque and after having studied for 8yrs and finished from there, i now realise majority of what i was taught is completely wrong. my family arent very knowledgeable in such matters and rely on me to guide them and so i dont know which books to read or where to turn to for answers. my core beliefs align with salafiyyah however it is simply superficial knowledge and i want to study deeper bc when i’m asked questions, i just freeze
hope that clears anything up
oh right, okay
sorry, I thought you were a brother.
So the foundations which you have to learn correctly is Aqidah and matters of Aslu Deen. This consists of having knowledge of Tawhid and Shirk.
The Manhaj of the Salaf is known through various athar and works. They affirmed the Athari Aqidah which is correct, however I personally don’t align myself with “salafiyyah” due to many reason, although I do hold the positions of the Athari Aqidah.
As a Deobandi I’m guessing you’re a Hanafi too, that is totally fine as there were many from the Ahnaf that ascribed themselves to such positions too. However, I personally adhere to the Hanabilah for Fiqh.
The fundamental errors of the Deobandi’s lie in the early works of their elders, many which include Kufr and Shirk, they also have ghuluww towards them. Many of them also have the incorrect Aqidah which can often entail Kufr due to beliefs such as Hulūl and Wahdatul Wujūd.
With regards to studying I could suggest you some works from the Salaf and early muhaddithīn, as the ahl al hadith held the correct aqīdah, however quite a lot of their works are quite in depth and it’s better to start of with something a lot simpler.
Therefore, I’d suggest Sh Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab’s books, such as the Three Fundament Principles (Thalathat ul Usool), The Four Rules (Qawaa’id Al Arba), Kitab at Tawhid (Book of Monotheism), The Removal of Doubts (Kashf ash Shubahat) and The Six Principles (Usūl as Sittah). The first title mentioned here should be studied first followed by Kitab at Tawhid, the others aren’t in any particular order.
You could directly read these books as they are readily available and mass translated. However, it would be a lot more beneficial if you could study these under a shaykh. I’m aware that this isn’t as easy to come across as it seems. However, there are some very good recorded lectures on YouTube that you could use, in Arabic, Urdu or English, so please let me know if you’re interested.
After you have gone through these please go through Sh Al Islām Ibn Taymiyyah’s work ‘Aqīdah al Waasitiyah’, this again is readily available, but I personally recommend the explanation of the book by Ibn Uthaymin.
You should also read a small treatise by Imam Ahmad called ‘Usūl us Sunnah’ where he lists the main points of Ahlus-Sunnah
What I have suggested here should give you a good grounding إن شاء الله
This is just the base level understanding, ultimately we must go back to the Salaf and those who followed in their footsteps.
I’ll give you some notable names that you should know or get to know إن شاء الله, these are in no particular order;
Ibn Abi Dawud, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ash Shafi’i, Al Tabari, Imam al Bukhari, Al Nawawi, An Nasai, Ibn Hajar, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Majah, Ibn Qudamah, Ibn Rajab, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al Qayyim, At Tahawi, As Suyuti, Imam Muslim, Imam Malik, Is’haaq Ibn Ruwayhah, Harb al Karmani, Ad Darimi, Ibn Battah, Ibn Abi Dunya and Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Shaybah.
There are countless other examples, many beneficial beginner works too, but it is important to not overwhelm yourself, I hope this information was beneficial. Please do not hesitate to ask again if anything needs to be clarified.
جزاك الله خيرا
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almasakmaliyah · 1 year
Ramadhan tiba, Ramadhan tiba, marhaban ya Ramadhan, marhaban ya Ramadhan ~ #sapaikutnyanyi? 😆
Alhamdulillaah, terima kasih banyak ya Allah, biidznillah masih dapat kesempatan bisa menjalani rangkaian ibadah Ramadhan tahun ini. Walaupun baru masuk hari ke tujuh sih hehe, semoga Allah mampukan sampai selesai. Aamiin.
Akhirnya nulis lagi karena mau menyimpan sedikit cerita dari puasa Aira. Aira alhamdulillah dari di TK udah mulai ikut puasa, tanpa kita paksa, dia sendiri yang mau. Dari awal ga langsung full puasanya. Pas usia 5 tahun dia mulai belajar puasa setengah hari, jadi Dzuhur dia buka puasa dan lanjut lagi sampai Maghrib. Ada juga hari-hari dia ga mau puasa, its ok buat kami, masih 5 tahun ini hehe. Masuk usia 6 tahun dia bertekad mulai ikut puasa full masyaaAllah, walaupun ya ada beberapa hari dia ga sanggup full kayak waktu di perjalanan mudik, dan itu gapapa banget lah buat kami.
Karena udah 2 kali ngerasain ikut puasa Ramadhan, pas udah SD ini alhamdulillah dia jadi lebih siap menjalani puasa dengan tetap sekolah. Empat hari pertama Ramadhan sekolahnya libur. Jadi awal puasa dia di rumah aja. Hari kelima dia mulai masuk sekolah, Senin 27 Maret 2023, daaan dia terlambat masuk sekolah (5 menit aja sih sebenernya 😂). MasyaAllah nya adalah karena dia ternyata mau diajak mengevaluasi diri, cari tau kenapa bisa sampai terlambat padahal jam masuk setengah jam lebih siang dari biasanya (biasanya masuk jam 7.00 WIB, selama puasa masuk jam 7.30 WIB). Dia menyimpulkan kemungkinan penyebabnya adalah karena dia tidur lagi habis sholat shubuh 😂. Jadi di hari kedua masuk sekolah dia mau coba untuk ga tidur lagi setelah sholat shubuh. Setelah sahur, sholat shubuh jamaah, dia lanjut ngaji dan ikut dzikir pagi. Setelah itu boleh ambil jeda main hp atau membaca atau menggambar selama 15 menit. Kalau udah habis waktu jedanya, langsung mandi dan siap-siap untuk berangkat ke sekolah. Di percobaan pertama alhamdulillah dia sampai di sekolah jam 07.15 WIB, happy banget dia masyaAllah 😆. Dia seneng kalau ada waktu main sebentar sebelum mulai berbaris dan masuk kelas. Hari ini hari ketiga dia masuk sekolah dan dia menerapkan hal yang sama, ga tidur lagi setelah shubuh, masyaAllah alhamdulillah ga terlambat lagi. Akhirnya dia menyimpulkan kalau dia ga tidur lagi setelah sholat shubuh ternyata lebih banyak manfaatnya buat dia.
Keliatannya mungkin hal sepele ya haha tapi entah kenapa aku terharu sendiri. Yakin bangettt semua karena Allah yang menggerakkan hati dan pikirannya. Seorang anak mau belajar puasa, mau mengevaluasi kesalahan dan mau memperbaiki, masyaAllah tabarakallah, laa haula walaa quwwata illa billah. Semoga Allah jaga selalu mbak Aira, mas Ahnaf, dan Ali. Robbii hablii minashshoolihiin. ❤️
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duckyface27 · 2 years
ah... Tumblr, el lugar en donde nadie me ve
I mean, sure, cualquier persona con habilidades pasables de casual stalking me podría encontrar, but it's not like anyone wants to do that anyway
se aproxima el 8m. El día en donde millones, tal vez miles de millones, de personas --mujeres, personas trans, aliadxs, papás y hermanos de desaparecidas-- se juntan. No se juntan juntan como tal, pero se unen. Because there's one thing that took a very important thing away from them, one thing that they fear may take something away from them tomorrow or the next day. The patriarchy.
El 8m-9m me cambió la vida hace 3 años. Yo no fui a la marcha y regresé quemada con ácido. Yo no fui a la marcha porque mi hermana fue asesinada el año pasado. Yo no hice paro porque mi trabajo invisible es vital para una compañía dirigida por hombres. No, yo nada más estaba ahí, medio ññd out porque ugh, being surrounded almost exclusively by men in school was,, ppmhnb...
Like I was thinking the other day. Talking to Ahnaf in my head. Why are we here? Why are we here, and not nibbling on a half-dry, half-rotten piece of lamb from a sheep my father raised, who had no choice but to watch as my brother uttered a silent prayer and, with eyes unfocused by tears, tore down on its abdominal wall? Why are we here, on a country where worry is not the norm? Why are we here, and not fighting for our rights, hoping that this time they will listen instead of try to silence us?
Es que el mundo no es real. That's what it is for me. No puede ser real que, en otra parte del mundo, un tercio de un país haya estado bajo el agua. No puede ser real que, en otra parte del mundo, un terremoto más o menos igual de fuerte que el que yo sentí con mis propias piernas hace unos años haya matado tanta gente. No puede ser real.
Shit, so much talk of how fantasy is actually real... when actually, it should be the other way around. At least I know that fantasy is not real. And that's a comfort????
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