#ahsoka tries to recruit maul to the rebellion
zaddymaul · 2 years
no one ever:
me: fuck this im going to rewrite star wars
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roseaesynstylae · 8 months
This is a followup to this post I made. The Opress brothers time-traveling will always have a special spot in my heart. The question is when do they travel. Here are the options and my thoughts.
The High Republic Era: I'm going to say this going in, I do not know a huge amount about the High Republic. I do, however, know the basics. What would probably happen (based on Maul and Savage's actions during the Clone Wars) is that they'd stroll into the Nihil's house and go, "Hey bitches, we're hijacking you. Deal with it." Would it work? I dunno. But they'd certainly try. And I know that Maul would get a kick out of revealing the Sith to the Jedi again, only this time he wouldn't get chopped in half. (Their horrified faces are hilarious.)
The Original Trilogy: They end up working with the Rebellion. Feral is into it, Savage is going along with it, and Maul is the deranged chihuahua screaming in the background.
The TV Series: They run into Andor and make everything worse. They run into The Mandalorian and Maul immediately tries to make Grogu his apprentice. They run into Ahsoka and she immediately has a raging migraine. They run into Obi-Wan Kenobi and he immediately grabs Leia and runs.
The Sequel Trilogy: Maul will either try to take Rey as his apprentice (and might actually succeed) or storm into the First Order and rant to Kylo Ren about how fucking pathetic his emo ass is being so get the fuck off your ass, you whiny bitch, and kill people in actual lightsaber duels! Back in his day, they were successful without a giant fleet! This goes on for a while, with Savage, Feral, and Hux avoiding eye contact.
KOTOR: They can run around raising a criminal empire while everyone dukes it out. Well, until Maul starts doing his usual thing and they end up in more trouble than usual.
The Legends Future: Whether it's the period of time when Thrawn is attacking the Republic, Luke is recruiting and training his Jedi students, the Yuuzhan Vong are attacking, or the Legacy comics, they'll be an unexpected (and not happy) surprise.
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Today on intricate AUs that cater to an audience of me:
Barriss does not blow up the temple. Instead she's been distributing anti-republic pamphlets, giving presentations, trying to give the clones money, standard stuff.
The senate find out and are furious. They do the same investigation as in canon and blame it on Ahsoka for Reasons. Ahsoka is put in a holding cell. Barriss is freaking out but doesn't want to turn herself in bc she's like 16 and Out Of Her Depth
Anakin breaks Ahsoka out, she goes on the run. Barriss is now double freaking out.
Barriss tries to fix what her actions have caused by helping out Ahsoka while she is on the run. She tells Ahsoka that it was her and apologizes for not turning herself in
Ahsoka still has that alliance with Ventress. this will come up later
Ahsoka still ends up captured and taken before the senate. She doesn't want to give Barriss up bc she knows that she would be executed but then Barriss bursts in confessing bc she is not going to let Ahsoka die for her actions
Barriss is taken away. Ahsoka, upset bc the jedi didn't defend her and didn't object to the senate being down to execute children, leaves the Jedi Order and goes into the lower levels of Coruscant as is compliant with canon
Luminara, not about to sit back and watch her padawan be unjustly executed, breaks Barriss out of prison and helps her escape into Coruscant, but lets her go emotionally for everyone's safety
Barriss tracks down Ahsoka and they both end up working with Trace and Rafa and everything happens the same except Barriss is there also pretending to not be force-sensitive
Barriss and Ahsoka start dating bc I think they'd be cute together
They run around the lower levels of Coruscant for a while and Have Adventures
They run into Ventress every so often and soon end up weird frenemies
Barriss goes with Ahsoka to hunt down Maul on Mandalore, everything happens the same except Barriss thinks "hmm I have a bad feeling about this. we might need some extra hands" and goes and recruits Ventress for the mission bc she owes them a favor or two and they promise they'll pay her a few hundred credits for her trouble
The difference: Since there are three Force-wielders on the ship, they're able to de-chip more clones than just Rex who in turn help them de-chip more until the entire ship is free
Maul is still released to cause a distraction, but after everything is settled they concede that he wasn't lying about the whole Balance Of Power Shifting thing after all and hey, we aren't jedi and he's not sith, and Ventress ended up being cool, and he's not like trying to murder us so might as well bring him along
They evacuate the ship and crash on purpose to fake their deaths.
They become a very weird rag-tag found family and become a small rebellion cell, although all they really do is blow up ships in order to rescue stormtrooper clones and de chip them
Luminara is actually alive not a walking corpse like in Rebels but she is still in the prison like in Rebels
After the Rebels crew bust her out she goes "I am not training another padawan I have some BAD trauma associated with that and also it went very bad last time" and they drop her off somewhere random
Barriss senses her in the Force when this happens and immediately goes to look for her because her mom is alive!!!
they find her and reunite and take her into one of the refugee towns of their rebel base and its very sweet
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iellarenuodolorian · 4 years
Mandoctober Day 9
Summary: The first part of this prompt is dedicated to what we actually know about the Darksaber from the cartoon shows. After the “〰️”is when my AU takes over and I get carried away with how it came to be in a certain someone’s possession.
Words: 3.5k (YIKES sorry ya’ll I got carried away!)
Warnings: war, death, fighting, angst (mild), scattered fluff
Pairing: Din DjarinxF!mandalorian reader
The strangest event had happened. Bo-Katan had returned to your clan with a new gift. It was the Darksaber.
As you stared at the silver hilt in Bo’s hands, you tried to remember what you knew about this legendary weapon.
It was created centuries ago by Tarre Vizsla, the only Mandalorian to ever be part of the Jedi Order. The Jedi must have been different back then for Vizsla to agree to be one of them. No Mandalorian these days would agree to such atrocity. Tarre used his skills as a Jedi to bring peace to the war torn Mandalorians and for the first time in centuries Mandalorians knew what peace was. But that peace did not last, because after Tarre died, the peace he had worked so hard to build was torn apart and Mandalorians were at war with each other again.
After Vizsla died, the Jedi kept his saber in their temple, as a relic. House Vizsla “liberated” it from the hands of the Jedi, and the Darksaber became a symbol of leadership to all Mandalorians after Vizsla had wielded it for so long and lead the Mandalorians to peace. That wasn’t to say that whoever wielded the Darksaber was fit to always be Mand’alor.  Anyone who wished could challenge them to combat for the right to be Mand’alor. Mandalorians had always believed only the strongest should lead, and only the strongest should wield such a relic.
House Vizsla had kept the Darksaber in their clan for many years, and the next Vizsla to have a history with the Darksaber was Pre Vizsla. During the Clone War, he created a group of Mandalorians who believed in the old ways, not the pacifist ways of Duchess Satine and her followers. Vizsla and his group he named the Death Watch, Kyr’tsad, were a rogue group of lawless killers who obeyed no one and only followed Pre because he brought them glory in combat. The goal of Death Watch was to liberate Mandalore from their pacifist enemies and restore the mando’ade to Mandalore. Originally Death Watch aligned themselves with the Sepratists, but after many failed attempts to take Mandalore back Death Watch the alliance is broken and Death Watch sets out to try and build their own army.
Death Watch stumbled upon two Sith brothers, Pre makes the mistake of thinking that because these brothers are Sith they could be allies and be joined by their hatred of Jedi. Little does Pre know that Maul is only using Death Watch to start his own crime syndicate, Crimson Dawn. Maul has his own agenda which does NOT include taking back Mandalore in a timely manner.
When Pre realizes this, he challenges Maul to a fight, that he ultimately loses. Bo had told you this part of the story because she had been close with Pre, once upon a time. Watching Maul kill Pre was horrifying for Bo and because she believed no outsider, aruetii, should rule and wield the Darksaber, she deserted and took a handful of loyal Mandalorians with her.
Bo returned to Mandalore with her nephew to break her sister out of jail, but with no small amount of convincing from her nephew, Korkie Kryze. The small group only managed to escape to the edge of the city of Sundari where Satine managed to send a transmission to Master Kenobi with a plea for help. Master Kenobi showed up some time later, only to also fail in his attempt to save Satine, and Master Kenobi was forced to watch as Maul killed Satine with the Darksaber. Bo and the Nite Owls helped Master Kenobi to escape and told him to tell the Jedi Council what has happened but to keep the Republic from sending troops to occupy Mandalore.
After many years of recruiting loyal Mandalorians to her cause, Bo set out with a small group of her loyal Nite Owls to find a Jedi she had met years before when she was part of Death Watch. Bo had hoped that if she could find this Jedi she could use said Jedi to recruit help from the Jedi council to take back Mandalore from Maul. Bo and the Nite Owls eventually found this Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, and recruited her to train in the Mandalorian ways. Ahsoka eventually agreed to talk with her old Masters, Kenobi and Skywalker, and see if there was a way to send troops to Mandalore to capture Maul.
Ahsoka was given command of half of the 501st Legion, and the Siege of Mandalore started. It was a long and bloody six months, with neither side making any sort of gain. Maul eluded capture again and again, and finally, after most of Sundari was in flames, was Maul finally captured. Except the Darksaber was nowhere to be found. Maul must have hidden it somewhere only he knew, and now this ancient relic that could unite all the Mandalorian clans was lost, possibly forever.
The Force works in mysterious ways, you could testify to that from your own life experiences, and the Darksaber was not lost forever. A member of House Wren, Clan Vizsla, had come across a shrine on the planet Dathomir dedicated to the late Duchess Satine, and on a pedestal was the Darksaber. Having stolen the saber from Dathomir, this member of House Wren was reluctant to learn to wield it. She knew the responsibility and power it carried and felt that she didn’t deserve it. But after accepting who she could be, Sabine Wren accepted that the Darksaber had come to her for a reason. Sabine was dedicated to the Rebellion, and knew she could not divide her loyalties between her Mandalorian family and her Rebellion family. She passed on the Darksaber to Bo-Katan to unite the clans and to take back Mandalore.
Bo-Katan traveled to some of the larger clans to ask for warriors to come out of hiding and to take back their home with her. Many joined, only some stayed behind to protect those too young to fight and to pass the Mandalorian culture on to the next generation.
Many thousands of Mandalorians gathered Carlac to form the army that would take back Mandalore. You were an anxious mess, knowing at some point Din Djarin would show up and you would be able to see him again after more than a year of being apart. In the last decade you had only managed to spend a few days with him once a year, in a cold dark corner of space hiding from the rest of the Galaxy in stolen moments of passion. The passion was like a supernova, burning hot and bright for a short period of time, only to implode into a black hole with the loneliness and depression of being separated again after such a short time.
It was two days before the attack was to take place, and you were going over plans and cleaning your armor and weapons. You had spent the day training and catching up with Ailyn to distract yourself from the fact that Din still had not come to join the attack group. Ailyn had to end the session early, you were taking all your frustrations out on her. You were so focused on polishing your helmet and checking the wiring in your HUD you failed to notice someone sneaking into your tent. You whirled, blaster aimed, ready to tackle the intruder when he threw his hands up shouting “Hey, its just me! Udesii.”
“Jare’la di’kut.” You lowered your blaster and sighed to yourself in frustration. You watched Din take his helmet off and gently toss it onto your makeshift cot. His arms reached for you at the same time as yours and you wrapped each other in the tightest of embraces, holding on to each other for as long as possible, afraid this was only a dream.
Din began pressing kisses into your neck, as your hands found his curls, gently tugging and pushing the curls around. Din kissed his way up your jaw, and finally his lips found yours. Not wasting any time you eagerly pushed your tongue against his lips, just begging to taste him. It had been so long and you had almost forgotten what his kisses were like.
After you had finished reacquainting your mouths with each other, armor was removed and set at the end of your bed. You had gone out for food and brought it back to your tent, so you and Din could share a meal in peace and catch up.
“How are things going with the Bounty Hunters Guild these days?” You asked him.
“Work is work.” He shrugged as he took another bite. “I keep busy, nothing is too challenging. Sometimes it's almost too easy. But then I remember I’m getting older, and my back loves to remind me of that fact.” You laughed at his statement, almost spitting out your bite of food.
“You are not old! Because if you are old, then so am I and I am NOT ready to accept that fact of life. We are just hitting our prime!”
The rest of the meal was spent with Din telling stories about some of his more, eventful, bounties while you shared that you had not been doing much but traveling to the different hidden clans making sure they had enough supplies and that no one was trying to kill each other. Bo-Katan had given her Nite Owls the task of making sure the clans were taken care of in hiding.
It was late when you had finished telling your stories, so you curled up next to Din under the blankets. Using his shoulder as a pillow, you curled up next to him trying to be as close to him as possible. You would only have tonight to enjoy him as much as possible, tomorrow night everyone was to load up and head out to make the jump to Mandalore. You played with his hair until if put both of you to sleep, and for just one gloriously perfect night, you slept peacefully.
You wished you could always wake up to Din in the morning, his bed head was legendary. You weren’t sure if it was from sleeping, you playing with it in your sleep, or both. Either way his face in the soft morning light made you wish for just a moment that you both had different lives and that it was possible for you to always wake up like this.
The day was spent doing some light training with Ailyn and Din, making sure everyone’s weapons were functioning at 110%, armor was polished and functioning properly, and everyone’s munitions belts fully stocked with charges and spare power packs. When everything was as ready as it could be, you, Din and Ailyn went to your respective ships to start the pre-flight checklist. Your secure comlink connection to Din’s helmet kept you entertained through the checklist as you talked about silly memories to keep you distracted from the nerves of the coming battle. It was entirely possible that one of both of you would not return from this mission.
You were leading the squadron of Gauntlet fighters to the underground tunnels in Sundari. Your group was tasked with taking the tunnels while Ailyn was taking a group to secure the loading docks. Bo-Katan was taking another group to the Palace to capture Saxon, and secure the throne.
As soon as your group came out of hyperspace, something in your mind was screaming, “trap!!” The recon and intel that had been gathered for weeks before the mission had to be accurate, there was no way that the Empire could have changed anything in such a short amount of time. You would have to trust your training, which was more like automatic reflexes, and trust Bo-Katan and her strategy.
Suddenly, a Star Destroyer came out of hyperspace on your port side. I have a bad feeling about this, you thought to yourself as swarms of TIEs came streaming out of the Destroyer.
Bo-Katan’s voice sounded over your speakers, “All fighters head for the surface! Only engage if you have to. We need as many troops on the ground as we can get!”
After dozens of close calls, minimal damage, and only one Gauntlet lost along the way, your team made it to the surface. Your thoughts momentarily wandered to Din, wondering if he had managed to make it to the surface with Bo. He was part of her group responsible for taking the Palace. But you had to focus leading your own group through the tunnels so that you could set as many traps for later when Imperial troops were fleeing.
The Imperials were more than prepared for your attack on the tunnels. The nagging feeling in your mind that something was just wrong kept pushing its way to the front of your thoughts. You were met with squads of stormtroopers at every junction in the tunnels, and it was taking far too long to try and flank them to get around and to the central drain that would lead to the surface of Sundari. You knew the surviving members of your group would need to be split between reinforcing the loading docks and helping to secure the Palace. But something was just wrong about the entire situation. The stormtroopers seemed to know every move before you even made it. If you didn’t know better you would have said that whoever was leading them had a book on Mandalorian tactics and had studied it very well.
After what felt like days of fighting, your group had finally reached the main tunnel that led to the surface. With your comm working again, you reached out to Ailyn to see how her fight was going at the docks. Her group had things held down for now, but Ailyn had not heard from Bo-Katan in hours. She should have checked in by now with a report, good or bad. And that was when the nagging feeling hit home. Something had gone terribly wrong in the Palace, and the two people who meant the most to you in the Galaxy were stuck in the trap. You had to come up with a plan, but what?
You couldn’t just charge into the Palace, shooting at anything that moved and being a one woman show. The Mand’alor was in there, probably held captive by Saxon, and surrounded by troopers. Ailyn pulled up a holo of the Palace, and together the leaders of the four squads that were going to pull off this rescue mission.
With a plan in place, you took your squad on the long route to the throne room. Ailyn was going to create a distraction with an attack at the front, one squad served as the backup for any team that needed extra firepower, while the last squad was being saved as the last effort to save the mission.
You were amazed at how many troopers were stationed in the palace, far more than there should have been after the estimate you had added up in your head from your own experience in the tunnels and from what Ailyn had told you from the docks. The only way that there could have been this many troops to reinforce the original recon numbers was if a Moff or someone higher than that in High Command had pulled strings to make sure Mandalore did not fall.
The nagging feeling in your mind only grew stronger the closer to the throne room that your squad came. You knew Din was still alive, and you hoped that Bo-Katan was alive too. Without her the clans would surely fall into civil war again, and this time it would be a civil war that ended the Mandalorian culture.
Upon finally reaching the doors to the throne room, both yours and Ailyn’s squads stormed the room, taking out the troopers stationed around the spacious room with ease.
Your eyes fell to the throne, and the man sitting on it. That man was not Tiber Saxon. Who was this man with dark hair and dark skin, and black stormtrooper armor?
“My name is Moff Gideon.” A baritone voice drawled. “You may remember me from years past as the Imperial Security Bureau Agent in charge of rounding up and executing Mandalorian traitors to the Empire. As you can see I managed to escape from that pitiful prison the Rebels tried to hold me in. You do not know the extent of the powers I have, nor the powerful friends I have in high places. You have underestimated me. And now you will pay for your costly mistake.”
He ignited the Darksaber, and held it to Bo-Katan’s neck. “Lay down your weapons and surrender if you want your precious Mand’alor to live. I have no qualms using this blade to kill her, and the rest of you for that matter.”
With a glance at Ailyn, you knew that your final contingency plan was going to be called into action. Din wasn’t too far away, with a jump and a quick burst of your jetpack, you should be able to protect him from what was about to happen.
“Lower your weapons. Now.” More troopers began filing in from behind the throne, and slowly you and Ailyn signaled to your troops to set their blasters on the floor. The audio sensors in your helmet had picked up the sound of the jetpacks of the fourth squad, and your jump to protect Din had to be timed perfectly or it would give the whole plan away. 3… 2… 1…. JUMP!
You wrapped Din up in your arms and curled your body around him as much as possible to protect him from the missiles that were being sent into the throne room from the Mandalorians outside. Ailyn made a jump similar to yours  for Bo-Katan, and in the chaos of the dust and blaster bolts the Mandalorians made their escape.
Back on the base at Carlac, you and Ailyn sat down to talk about what happened with Bo-Katan. She would need several days rest before she could be moved back to her clan’s hiding spot.
“Who was that man and how did he manage to defeat us so easily?” You asked her.
“Many years ago, in the first Siege of Mandalore, when we asked the Republic for help in dethroning Maul we made the mistake of thinking the Republic was on the right side. It turns out we only made it easier for the Empire to occupy Mandalore after the Clone War ended. Gideon was put in place to oversee the submission of Mandalorians to the Empire. When we refused, we were imprisoned and killed. Gideon spent his time interrogating his prisoners before he would kill them, so he could learn as much as possible about us to make it easier for him to wipe us out. And now he possesses the Darksaber. I fear Mandalore is lost, for without the Darksaber to unite the clans there will be civil war again. We must go into deeper hiding, to protect ourselves, our families, and our way of life.”
After saying goodnight, you and Ailyn left Bo to sleep for the night. Tomorrow would come and be a new day to look at the problems facing the Mandalorians.
You told Ailyn you wanted to check on Din before heading to your tent, and admitted you would probably end up staying with him for the night.
As you walked into his room, you saw he was already asleep. The droid had told you outside that he would be fine, his wounds had already been healed with some bacta slave. The only injury that would require a bit longer to heal was the broken ribs. You walked over to his side, and kissed his head brushing a few curls off to the side and running your fingers through to the ends a few times. Tears formed in your eyes as you thought about everything that had happened the last few days, and how you could have lost him. You refused to let more than one tear fall though, because he was here and everything was going to be fine.
You pulled up a chair next to his bed, and laid your head on your arms next to his legs, and wrapped your hands around his and fell asleep with your face next to his hand.
In your dreams, you had visions of a man in silver beskar’gam, wielding the Darksaber. He felt familiar to you in the way that dreams tend to blur the line between reality and dreamland, but in dreamland grasping at familiarity is like trying to smell colors in reality.
Aruetii- traitor, foreigner, or outsider [ah-roo-AY-tee]
Mand’alor- sole ruler [MAHN-dah-lor]
Mando’ade- sons and/or daughters of Mandalore [mando-AH-day]
Kyr’tsad- Death Watch (lit. Death Society) [KEERT-sahd]
Udesii- take it easy/calm down/relax [oo-DAY-see]
Jare’la di’kut- you’re asking for it dumbass [jah-RAY-lah DEE-koot]
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Thank you for taking the time to read my silly little story!! It mean the world to me 💙💙
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maulieber · 4 years
Over all these years I always wondered why Maul wanted all that power and wealth for. It just didn’t seem right in him. Like, on the one hand, he was obviously looking for fortune (he even says so when meeting the deathwatch), but on the other hand he was always saying money is not important.
It always seemed to be off. You can say ok, but craving power is a sith thing, and yeah, I agree, but with what purpose? There’s no way Maul would make such a fortune only to remain like a rich, powerful man without using that wealth for something.
After TPA, it makes much more sense. It all comes together. All his appearances in the clone wars were orchestrated to the reveal of his ultimate plan. My biggest guess is, Maul did thought this plan in Lotho Minor. Perhaps he was well aware of what would happen ever since TPM, perhaps even before. I’d love to see the moment of the realization, tbh. 
I can guess after Order 66 he feels like he’s the only survivor of the disaster and it’s in his hands again to bring Sidious down. Thus, he keeps running the Crimson Dawn, perhaps in the hopes of finding someone that could help him in his quest. Perhaps he’s actually looking for Luke (I suppose it’s possible that he knew Padme was pregnant since she was a public figure, and he probably tied together who the father was), perhaps he was still hoping to find Kenobi, Ahsoka or any other surviving jedi.
This means all this wealth and power could be used to be a thorn on the Empire’s side? To start the rebellion? Perhaps Maul’s trying to find and recruit force sensitive children? (Remember how we see the inquisitors killing children in rebels? probably to prevent any Jedi upbringing?). In Jedi Fallen Order there’s a list of children that could be up to the task. Perhaps Maul was looking for it too.
I mean I can see a subtle path here. I’d love to see how this will develop, now that we know that Maul was the first fucking rebel in the galaxy. Hell, perhaps he even tried to talk to senator Organa and help the rebellion with resources? 
Man the implications of this episode are HUGE. I don’t know if this is the big revelation Sam talked about (and still he talked about something we didn’t know had happened that actually happened that we still haven’t been shown), but anyway this is WOW. Honestly I’m still not recovered from the episode and it’s getting me emotionally exhausted.
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talkstarwars · 7 years
Obi-Wan Kenobi - A Star Wars Story Idea
What will the inevitable Obi-Wan Kenobi movie be about? Will he stay on Tatooine or will he go off world? I just recently listened to the audio book of Kenobi by John Jackson Miller, and I have a few ideas about what I'd like to see in a Kenobi movie. Read on for more…
So in John Jackson Miller’s Kenobi, we see an Obi-Wan who has recently arrived on Tatooine. A man who is getting used to being alone. A man trying to explore the Force and connect to his former master, Qui-Gon Jinn and a man feeling the intense loss after the events of Star Wars Episode III Revenge Of The Sith. These are some of the things I'd like to keep, albeit in a slightly different form.
Here is what I'd like to see…
The cold open should be the closing scene of Star Wars Episode III Revenge Of The Sith reshot with the original actors. Obi-Wan handing over baby Luke to Owen and Beru, before riding off on his eopie (kind of a Tatooine horse). I'm not sure howling we should spend with Obi-Wan in the cold open, perhaps long enough to see him in his home, the small abode we see in Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope. Maybe even a scene of him trying to reach deep into the living Force to reach Qui-Gon. Then we cut to the opening logo…
After the logo, we need to introduce some new old characters. Maybe Bail Organa, which would be a great excuse to get Jimmy Smits back into the movies. This could take place on Coruscant and give us a peek into the Empire some years after the events of Revenge of the Sith. I'd suggest ten years feels like a nice amount of time to elapse, but that would be dictated by some of the other characters I'd like to include. If ten years passes then Ahsoka Tano will have been working with Bail Organa as Fulcrum for some time. I'd suggest Ahsoka would ask Bail for Kenobi’s location so that she can reach out to him for assistance in addressing the Emperors Jedi Purge. 
Sith Inquisitor
Every Star Wars movie needs a cool villain and if they sport a red lightsaber, all the better. This is where I'd enjoy a little fan service. I would live to see Starkiller brought into canon as a Sith Inquisitor, hell bent on taking down a high-value Jedi target in order to impress Darth Vader. Maybe we will get to see Vader via hologram, or maybe he only allows the Inquisitors to talk withVaneé at this point in time. Starkiller heads out into the galaxy to hunt some Jedi and heads to Coruscant.
At some point, Starkiller will need to become aware of Ahsoka and her place in relation to the Jedi. He follows her as she seeks out Obi-Wan.
When we head back to Tatooine we meet an Obi-Wan Kenobi, now very comfortable in his new life as Ben Kenobi, as he helps some local farmers chase off some invading Tusken Raiders. I have this image of a rugged looking Ben Kenobi in utility clothing, riding his eopie at speed across the desert, blaster rifle slung over his back, working alongside the farmers from the area, including Owen. The two men are close, good friends who trust each other. This will give us an opportunity to see a happy Obi-Wan. A man who has found a place he belongs. 
Then a mysterious outlander starts to ask around about Kenobi. 
Ben, fearing the worst goes in search of the mysterious visitor from off world and encounters a cloaked and hooded figure in a bar in a local town (Mos Eisley or Mos Espa seem a nice fit). The cloaked stranger soon reveals herself to be Ahsoka and the two old friends are reunited after years apart. Ahsoka visits Kenobi at home and pleads with him to return with her and help establish the Rebellion with Bail Organa. Obi-Wan will not reveal why he is on Tatooine but simply tells her that he has taken the Barash Vow and will only return when the time is right. At some point Owen should arrive at Ben’s home, thinking his friend is in danger. Ben introduces Ahsoka to Owen and they all head to the Lars homestead to eat. Ahsoka meets a young Luke and plays with the child whilst the group of friends eat and trade stories of simple life on Tatooine. 
On the ride back to Ben’s home, Ahsoka reveals that she sensed who the boy was and understands why Obi-Wan must stay. She asks Ben to share what happened to Anakin. Ben tell’s her that he killed her former master on Mustafar because he had fallen to the dark side. This will add weight to the moment where Ahsoka learns of Vader’s true identity. She will long to tell Obi-Wan the truth about Anakin. We should see the Skywalker lightsaber, and he should show that to Ahsoka as if to prove that their friend is in fact dead. 
When Ahsoka tries once more to convince Ben to return with her, and she mentions the Emperor’s purge and Darth Vader, we should get the impression that Obi-Wan realises this Sith Lord is Anakin. 
Then another mysterious visitor arrives on Tatooine…
When Starkiller arrives in pursuit of Ahsoka, he should leave a trail of bodies in his wake. Word travels across the wastes to the homesteads, and Owen once more rides out to help his friend, Ben Kenobi. 
When Starkiller arrives in the desert to confront Ahsoka, it should be a call back to Star Wars Visionaries. When Maul tracks Obi-Wan to the Lars homestead and realises there is more hidden in the desert than just the old Jedi. In this movie, we should first get the reveal that Starkiller is on the trail of Ahsoka and the presence of Obi-Wan Kenobi is simply a bonus. Ahsoka will use the Force and her white bladed lightsabers to engage the Inquisitor. Ben and Owen watch on as the two do battle, Starkiller taunting Obi-Wan as they fight. 
It's not until Starkiller senses an extraordinary presence in the Force that Ben is provoked. Starkiller reveals that he knows the presence is the son of Anakin Skywalker, a powerful gift for his Emperor. Owen enters the fight with his blasters, showing no fear, just fury as he defends his “son” from this fearsome warrior. Pushed to his limit, Ben ignites his lightsaber and joins Ahsoka in during the highly skilled warrior. Owen takes off on his speeder bike back to the homestead and Starkiller follows with Ben and Ahsoka in pursuit, 
The fight resumes at the homestead where Beru takes young Luke to hide in the garage. Ultimately Obi-Wan, now complexity enraged, gets the better of the Sith Inquisitor and ultimately kills him right next to the entrance to Owen and Beru’s home. 
Furious that Ben could have brought this Sith Inquisitor to their home, Owen tells Ben never to return and banishes him from Luke’s life. This could be made to tie into the events of the comic books and take place prior to the great drought that had Obi-Wan protecting the Lars from Jabba the Hutt’s men, in secret. An act that would lead to Owen insisting Obi-Wan keep his distance.
Ahsoka, keen to return to the Rebellion and inform Bail about the Inquisitor, makes one last attempt to recruit Obi-Wan to the cause. He refuses, asking her never to return.
When the movie ends we should witness Obi-Wan connect with Qui-Gon through the Force. Qui-Gon reassuring Obi-Wan that Luke is safe and Ben must remain a distant guardian for the child, that he has a great destiny.
I think a movie like this would allow Obi-Wan to remain on Tatooine throughout, but can still have some high stakes for the characters. It will allow for the live action introduction of Ahsoka Tano and explain how Ben fell out of favour with Owen. It will allow for some clarification about who knew Anakin was Vader, how Obi-Wan mastered the living Force and it introduces the concept of the Inquisitors so we can hold back Vader for the later films. 
Thank you for reading, 
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