#ai rant from eve what's new
bright-and-burning · 9 months
okay yeah i didn't know that there's the different ai stuff and that this is generative ai BUT GOD AM I HAPPY to see that you know the difference between ai and ml like !!! this is not ai !!! it's such a trend now and it's so wrong and so frustrating beyond the, in this case, misogynistic aspects of it. like this is not ai !! but that sounds catchy and URGH so frustrating. okay that's all i love ur additional tags thank u xoxo
yeah!! i did my undergrad degree focused on this kind of stuff (and dropped out of doing a phd in it at the last minute) so it's Literally my roman empire. like. i took so many courses in this and THEN it blew up right at the end of my degree and the misinformation........ chatgpt getting massive my senior year of college made me soooo mad i legit started to resent my field. like this particular use is particularly egregious (why hire a woman in an area severely lacking in women when we can rampantly misuse important computational and REAL LIFE resources to create a fake woman to "talk" abt SUSTAINABILITY!!!) but in general i am like constantly infuriated by AI bullshit from a lot of different sides bc Everyone overestimates/glorifies it/turns it into something it isn't, essentially. (rant abt AI from an AI perspective under the cut that idk might be informative or interesting LOL. i tried not to get technical but i did get mad)
generative ai drives me BONKERS bc it's literally not artificial intelligence. chatgpt is NOT AI it's fucking glorified predictive chat and all the dumbass tech bros on linkedin and twitter who hail it as like world changing infuriate me lol. like chatgpt literally works by calculating the word with the highest probability to come next in the sentence/in response to that prompt based on the data it trained on. is that super impressive ignoring the real world stuff going on? yeah!! it is! it's doing really well and it's fascinating in an academic sense. but then you put it in the real world context, where dumbass tech bros and business leaders worship it as god and where SEO morons use it to turn the internet to sludge and it's like oh god WHY.
and the ai art bullshit oh my god. ok i took a machine vision class right. and like literally one of my projects was to write code that could take in a photo and output it in the "style" of another photo. like as the cs version of a creative exercise, basically (they give u a Lot of projects that are basically write ur own version of an algorithm that's already been written more efficiently by someone else, bc that's how you can kind of pick it apart and really understand it, it's like reverse engineering) to show us how that works. (photos from that project are below; i took the cactus photo and then i "combined" it with a monet. i am STAUNCHLY anti-ai "art" btw this was Lich rally an assignment lol). but do you know what i learned (and what my whole class learned)? it's not fucking magic. it's LINEAR ALGEBRA. it's linear algebra on a truly batshit crazy level, combined with some crazy optical physics equations, but it's literally math. technically speaking, if you had infinite time, and were really insanely good at math (and really really perfect abt not making mistakes), you could do it by hand lol.
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ai art from prompts? that's just turning words into numbers (not hard!! i did a project that did that in my second year of undergrad in literally 6hrs!!!) and THEN doing some crazy math and turning numbers into PIXELS! the computer does not know what is going on. it is a FANCY CALCULATOR. WHEN U THINK ABT IT LIKE THAT ASSIGNING HUMAN TRAITS TO MATH IS INSANE.
like tech bros who are like bro chatgpt is aliveeee bc they talk to it is like. if i made my high school graphing calculator draw a smiley face and then was like omg it has emotions......
anyways. like do you know how many projects ive worked on that use AI/ML for GOOD??? like. same kind of techniques that ppl use to create generative ai "art" algorithms? used to do things like detect cancer in scans before human doctors can do it with any confidence. isn't that so fucking cool???? i interviewed w a professor who used machine vision (so literally the field that is now seen as being abt ai art) to figure out what nutritional/vitamin deficiencies ppl in remote villages in madagascar are likely to have based on SATELLITE IMAGERY. so that the overworked underfunded public health ministry could more easily meet their needs without necessarily having to do expensive testing on everyone! i mean, shit, i've worked on really cool sports analytics projects using machine vision. that's not exactly saving lives lol but like. just goes to show how many positive applications there are!
in terms of chatgpt vibes like. i've worked on natural language processing! it has so much more potential than spitting out misinformation!! silly projects for classes, like classifying what political party a politician belonged to based on their tweets, but also more serious stuff in the research i did, like analyzing international public opinion by demographic and country on various conflicts based on individuals' social media posts! analyzing covid vaccine opinions based on demographics, and how to encourage vaccination rates based on that!!
idk it's just. infuriating. that ceos and dumbass business majors (sorry to business majors but i have met a Very Specific Type who like to butt into my field and i am Not A Fan) have completely twisted these really and truly interesting projects and applications. to continually make more money and to cut out/replace more and more people. and the way funding has mirrored this kind of interest, in part bc it makes money (the remote villages nutrition thing is never gonna make money. working on chatgpt on the other hand...) and in part bc of like. basically fear-mongering? you get so much more attention for research in these really dramatized fields (and people lie ALL THE TIMMEEEEEEE to get more interest) and it's all CAP. it's BULLSHIT. and it's just to create buzz for big tech companies' bottom lines. they don't care that it's fear based, or whatever. like people being terrified abt the impact of generative ai bc of bullshit headlines and disinformation HELPS THEM make MORE MONEY. and it's so FUCKING STUPID!!!! it makes me SICK!!!!!!
anyways. it's all math, at the end of the day. and i found a job where i get to use it to help people but i still am like deeply grossed out by what comes out of my field and gets popular bc . i got into this bc i loooove data i love information i love finding things out. and i love using those things to help people... and there are ppl using the things i love to hurt people......... it makes me so sad. and mad.
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Ringing in the New Year
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Nathan Bateman x fem!Reader
Warnings: explicit smut, 18+ only, unprotected PIV, Nathan Bateman is kind of a prick, allusion to sex with AI
~1.9k words
“I just– it’s all bullshit. If people really wanted to change, they’d change. Waiting ‘til January does nothing but give them that little dopamine rush because they said they’d do something. It’s all bullshit to sell Weight Watchers plans and gym memberships.” You rolled your eyes and took a sip of the coffee you’d been cradling.
“I get it, Nathan. I’m sorry I asked,” you replied, turning to walk away.
“Come on, don’t– don’t pull that. You asked about resolutions because you knew it’d get a rise out of me and now you’re irritated that you did.” You opened your mouth to snap back at him, but bit your tongue because you knew no good would come of it.
“Did you ever think it’s possible that I asked because I was genuinely curious?” You raised your eyebrows, eyeing him over your mug of coffee. Clearly, you should’ve known better than to ask your boss an innocuous question. You’d forgotten that you were supposed to anticipate his reaction before bringing anything up if you didn’t want to listen to him rant.
“About my new year’s plans?” he asked, incredulously. 
“Obviously.” God, he irritated you sometimes.
“No, I didn’t. I don’t have plans. I’ll probably work or drink until I can barely stand and then pass out. Why?” He folded his hands in front of him, his elbows on his knees, and looked up at you. The look on his face was a mixture of smug, irritated, and bored. You weren’t sure if you’d rather slap or kiss that stupid look off his stupid face.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to get drunk with me and watch the ball drop while we make fun of the idiots freezing in Times Square, but I wouldn’t want to bother you.” You took another sip of your coffee and your lips pressed into a thin line. You waited to hear what he had to say about your tone. He hated when you got snippy with him, but you didn’t care. If he wanted to spend the holiday like every other night of his miserable life, so be it.
“Okay,” he answered, surprising you. He looked up at you, expectantly, the irritation mostly missing from his face.
“Okay? Okay, what?” 
"Let’s do it." The side of his mouth quirked up in a small smile and you hated the way it made your stomach flutter. 
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When you made your way down to the lounge, you weren’t surprised to find Nathan already sprawled out on the couch in his sweatpants. You were surprised, however, to find that he had set up a few monitors, each displaying different streams of the Times Square New Year’s Eve celebration. As you sat opposite him on the couch, curling your legs up under you, he popped the top off a beer and handed it to you.
“Wasn’t sure what your preferred broadcast was,” he stated, gesticulating toward the monitors with his own beer. 
You shrugged, “I don’t pay much attention to it, so whichever is fine.” He scoffed and you turned to face him, raising your eyebrow questioningly.
“If you don’t pay attention to it, why did you want to do this tonight?” He looked irritated and all you could do was sigh.
“Because, Nathan, it’s a good excuse to just hang out and not fucking work for one night, okay? Plus this year was kind of shit and I’m ready to say goodbye to it.” Your gaze was sharp as you stared back at your boss, bringing your beer to your lips. You weren’t sure what you’d expected.
“Sounds like a good enough reason to me.” The tension in his jaw relaxed a bit and he took a sip of beer, maintaining eye contact with you. 
“Really?” Surprise flashed across your face. You were expecting another argument or rant, anything besides his easy acceptance. He shrugged.
“Yeah, really.” He sipped his beer and glanced at the celebratory chaos on the monitors. You narrowed your eyes, giving him a skeptical look. “Contrary to popular belief,” he added, “I do actually enjoy spending time with you.” You narrowed your eyes even further and he laughed. He genuinely laughed. “Occasionally.”
“If you say so,” you replied, your narrowed eyes still watching him with skepticism. For a while, the two of you sat in a surprisingly comfortable silence. You were both lost in your own thoughts, staring either at the broadcasts of Times Square or at the Pollack across the room. 
“So, what are your new year’s resolutions?” Nathan suddenly asked, slowly turning to regard you. You couldn’t help but smile – whether he actually cared or was just making conversation, he was making an effort, and you could appreciate that. 
“I don’t have any specific measurable resolutions, but I’d like to read more for pleasure this year,” you answered thoughtfully. “Most of the reading I do now is for work and I can be pretty bad about setting boundaries around when I’m working and when I’m off, so I want to make sure I take time off each week and read what I want to read, purely because I want to read it.” He hummed as if considering it.
“I have no idea what that’s like,” he started, sounding serious and contemplative, “I happen to be known for my wonderful work/life boundaries.” He nodded as if assuring himself and took a long pull of his beer before allowing his lips to pull up into a smirk.
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled past your lips. “Right, of course.” 
After that, things felt lighter between the two of you. Whether it was the beer or something else, conversation flowed freely from there. By the time the countdown began, you had slowly migrated closer until the two of you were sitting with your thighs pressed against each other. Once you realized the countdown had started, you scrambled to turn your attention to the ball on the screen. 
“5… 4… 3… 2… 1…” the two of you counted down with the broadcast and when the ball dropped at zero, you clinked the necks of your beer bottles together in a cheers. You weren’t sure who moved first but when you and Nathan locked eyes at that moment, neither of you put your beers to your lips, instead pressing your lips to each other’s. The hand that Nathan wasn’t clutching his beer with reached up to grab the back of your neck and held your mouth against his. Your free hand wrapped around his back to press his chest into your own.
Nathan tried to take a step back but the back of his knees hit the couch and he sat down, pulling you down with him. You brought your knees up on either side of him to straddle his lap, and he pressed his tongue between your lips to lick into your mouth. As you fumbled to set down your beer bottle somewhere, anywhere, you pulled away from Nathan for a second to catch your breath. After you turned and set your beer down on the coffee table, and took Nathan’s to do the same, the two of you sat there for a moment, looking into each other’s eyes to take inventory. 
“If I kiss you again, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop, so please tell me now if you don’t want this,” he breathed, trying to read what you were thinking.
“I want this, Nathan, I want you,” you responded, cupping his face in your hands.
“Good, I’ve wanted to do this for far too long.” He hadn’t even finished his sentence before he was surging up to press his lips to yours again. Cupping your ass, he maneuvered your bodies so that you were on the couch next to him and he was leaning over you. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he ground his hips down into yours. You groaned into the kiss at the way you could feel his hardness press against your core. Your hands moved to the hem of his shirt and he only pulled his lips away long enough for you to slip it over his head. Fingers dancing over his tan flesh, you raked your fingernails down his broad chest, making him growl into the kiss. He rolled his hips, pressing himself into you harder. Warmth bloomed in your belly at the delicious feel of his hard cock rubbing against your clit through all the torturous layers of fabric. 
“Fuck, need you so bad,” you moaned, rolling your hips up against his. Nathan buried his face in the crook of your neck, dragging his teeth over your pulse point. His hands frantically moved to the button of your jeans and you groaned in frustration as he fumbled with it. 
“Benefit to sweatpants, sweetheart,” he growled. You started to laugh but it turned into a whine as he rubbed you through your jeans. Feeling you glare at him, he leaned back enough to grin at you before shifting his focus back to the button of your jeans. You slid your hands down the expanse of his back before tucking your fingers under the waistband of his sweatpants and boxers. Your fingertips dug into the supple flesh of his ass and he finally managed to undo your jeans and slip his hand inside. As you gasped, he sat back on his heels so that he could slip your jeans over your hips and off of you, leaving you bare to him. Unable to wait any longer, he pushed his own pants down over his thighs enough to free his cock from its confines. 
Grabbing himself in his fist, he ran the tip of his cock through your slick folds. You shuddered at the contact and he leaned forward again to press his lips firmly to yours. 
“Please,” you begged, “Want to feel you inside me.” As you pressed your heels harshly into him, trying to force him to move, he finally relented and buried himself into your warm heat. You let out a cry and he moved a hand between you so that he could press his thumb against your clit. He moved it in tight circles with the rhythm of his thrusts into you, and you chanted, “Fuck,” and “Please,” on alternating breaths. 
“Not gonna last long, baby,” he confessed against your throat.
“‘S fine, so close!” He pressed down against your clit, setting off your orgasm, and his hips faltered as your walls spasmed around him. The feeling triggered his own climax and he pulled out just in time to spill all over your belly. 
As you both tried to catch your breath, he let his head drop down to your chest. “Fuck,” he laughed, moving to tuck himself back into his pants. He started to say something else, but you cut him off.
“Sorry to interrupt whatever you were about to say – I’m sure it was sweet, but can I have a towel or something?” 
“Oh, right. Right, sorry.” Nathan scrambled to get up off of you to go get something to clean you up with. “Kyoko usually– well, you know.” 
“That has to be a record for fastest I’ve ever regretted sleeping with someone,” you replied with a groan. He at least had the decency to look sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck and cringing.
“I know, just– clean me up first? Then I’ll let you make it up to me.”
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lousimusician · 5 years
Sex Pollen Part 3
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: You make your decision on how to help Peter.
Warning: Smut
You groaned looking at the time on your clock.
1:00 am
You hadn't been able to sleep at all. The whole Peter situation keeping you up.
You knew what you wanted to do. It wasn't a difficult situation to make. You've had sex before (You were a Stark after all) and with it being Peter the decision was even easier to make. 
It just still felt like you would be taking advantage of Peter somehow.
You sighed, sitting up, letting the sheets fall off your body.
You pushed the sheets away, swinging your legs over the side of the bed and getting up, deciding to head to the lab.
You stood outside, seeing that the plant was gone, and your dad and Bruce were pulling an all nighter, as you expected.
You lightly knocked, before letting yourself in.
Tony looked over at you. "I thought I told you to stay in your room?" He said, quirking an eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes. "I just wanted to know if you guys made any progress, you've been down here for hours."
"Well," Bruce said, looking up from the microscope he had been peering down. "We took a few samples of the plants, and just a few hours ago, we got samples of Peter."
You nodded, walking over to Bruce, and looking at the three microscopes that were set up, with an array of swabs just to the side. Bruce had been going on about something, but you ignored him, taking it upon yourself to see the samples.
The first one was a blood sample, but to your disappointment it looked perfectly normal.
You moved to the next one. A cheek swab. And once again the cells looked normal.
The next one was a little personal, but given the situation, you suppose it was necessary, because it was a sperm sample. And once again.
It. Was. Normal.
You furrowed your eyebrows.
"What the hell?" You said, turning to Bruce. "Everything is fine. Do you guys really have nothing?"
"I wouldn't say nothing."
You raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Then what did you find?"
"I mean technically..." He looked like he was in thought. "Okay, yeah it's nothing, but we still have plenty more samples to go over."
You rolled your eyes. "How does he look, then? Is he getting any better?"
"He's fine, go back to bed." Your dad muttered, looking down into his own microscope.
"Fine may be pushing it Tony. He's worse than before. I don't think he's going to be able to get any sleep tonight. Which well then cause even more problems if he's sleep deprived and-" His ramblings were cut off by Tony.
"Bruce, seriously?" He said shooting him a look. "Can't you tell when I'm trying to parent? Stop scaring my daughter, you'll put ideas in her head." He looked at you now. "Now, Peter's going to be okay, we're figuring this out. It's just taking longer than expected. Now will you please go to bed, it's past your bedtime."
"I don't have a bedtime." You muttered, making your dad shoot you a look. "But fine, I'll go."
"Thank you." 
"Yeah whatever." You sighed, walking out of the lab.
You went back upstairs only instead of going to your own room, you went to Natasha's.
It swung open, Nat standing in the doorway not looking tired in the slightest, it seemed like she had been up all night too.
You took a deep breath, ignoring your reddening cheeks. "Talk to Peter and get me his consent."
She quirked an eyebrow, "You seem rather eager now."
"They have nothing, Peter seems perfectly fine by a scientific stand point. They've been down there for hours, I don't understand why they can't find anything, and Peter's probably getting worse and we still don't know how this could affect him-." You ranted.
"Okay, let's calm down first. Now you're sure you're okay with this decision?"
"Yeah, I mean I'm not a virgin, and I am very much attracted to Peter." 
She nodded. "Alright then, I'll talk to him. Wait- what about birth control-"
"It's fine, I'm on the pill." You said, cutting her off.
"Why did I even bother asking, you are a Stark after all." She said with a teasing grin.
"Oh shut up." You blushed, shaking your head. "But thanks for helping me. Now, I need to go overrun F.R.I.D.A.Y's commands so she doesn't tell my dad where I am if he asks. So if he agrees can you tell him it might take me a while to get there."
"Of course." Nat said, stepping out of the doorway and pulling her door shut.
"Okay, thanks again." You said before running off to hack your dad's AI.
Natasha stalked down the hallway to Peter's room. Anyone who had a room down that same hallway had left, finding it impossible to sleep due to the noises he was making.
She approached the door, already hearing him panting on the other side. Nat sighed, feeling bad for him. She gently knocked against the door.
"D-dr. Banner?" She heard him say.
"Guess again."
"Ms. Romanoff?" He asked in surprise.
"Yeah. Listen I heard you were having a hard time.(Y/N) is worried about you."
Peter groaned, cock twitching just from the sound of your name.
Nat ignored it, continuing what she was saying. "It also looks like Tony and Bruce aren't making a lot of progress..So basically...what do you think about fixing this the way those aliens usually do?"
"W-what! N-no, I can't do that to h-her. It's n-not fair."
"Pete, it was her decision. She thought about it and decided it's okay on her end, she just sent me here to get your consent."
It was silent on his end for a few beats. "...I-I don't know. She's my friend."
She sighed. "You kids are impossible sometimes." She muttered to herself. "Yeah a friend who has an unbearably obvious crush on you and I know you like her too. So maybe if your smart you might get a relationship out of this...And look, she's sure she wants to do this. So don't worry about her alright? Just think about yourself, do you want this?"
"Well y-yeah, but-"
"Good. Then I'm sending her up, alright?"
"...O-okay." Peter said in a small voice.
"She may be a while though, she has to make sure F.R.I.D.A.Y doesn't tell her dad what you two are going to be up to."
He groaned, a flush of embarrassment taking over. "I hadn't even thought about M-mr. Stark. H-he's going to kill me."
"Still better than this stupid plant torturing you. I'm going to find (Y/N) now, hold tight."
Peter hummed as Nat walked away, hearing her receding footsteps.
"He said yes."
You jumped up out of your seat. You had been sitting in front of your dad's computer, where you had started overriding F.R.I.D.A.Y's commands.
You quickly turned around to face Nat. "H-he said yes?" You asked, wide eyed.
She nodded. "Having second thoughts?"
"No, no." You swallowed. "I think it just sank in what I agreed to do."
"And you're still up for this?" She asked, walking over to look at the screen of your dad's computer.
"Y-yeah." You said, shakily turning back around to continue what you were doing. "I still want to help him." You said as you frowned at the screen and groaned. "It looks like my dad went through extra precautions so I can't mess with F.R.I.D.A.Y like I did last time. This is gonna take longer than I thought."
By the time you had finished it was already 2:15 am. You didn't even know if Peter was able to fall asleep, until you found yourself standing on the other side of his bedroom door. He was a panting and moaning mess in there and you knew he had to be touching himself.
You swallowed harshly, slightly nervous, you raised a closed fist to lightly knock on his door. But he hadn't acknowledged you, his moans drowning out the noise of your knocking. So, you took it upon yourself to enter.
You took a deep breath you shut your eyes and silently opened the door and shut it closed behind you once you were inside.
His moans were louder now that the door wasn't in the way to muffle his sounds. You slowly peeked your eyes open and the sight made you suck in a sharp breath.
His arm was thrown haphazardly across his face, covering his eyes, mouth wide open as almost every lewd sound you had eved heard slipped past them. But what really made your breathing uneven and face flushing, was the sight of him jerking himself off. You squeezed your legs together at watching his had sliding up and down and hips bucking.
Even for you, who wasn't exactly new to sexual experiences found this extremely erotic.
His deep groan of your name made you snap back to reality, and you realized that you should probably let him know you were there.
With another deep breath you prepared yourself for what was about to happen, and cleared your throat loudly, gaining his attention.
He stopped his movements, and his eyes flew to your figure.
"(Y-Y/N)." He breathed out, pulling the bed sheet over his lower body, no doubt trying to have some decency, and scrambling to sit up against the headboard.
"H-hi." You said in a small voice. "How are you feeling?"
"Awful." He whined, his head already getting fuzzy by your presence. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for all of this."
"Hey shh." you said, trying to calm him down. You walked closer to him so you now stood next to the headboard. You brushed back the damp curls from his forehead. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, this isn't your fault Peter."
Peter shut his eyes tightly, averting your stare, just focusing on your touch. "I just- I feel like I'm going c-crazy- and I- and I don't know how long I can c-control myself around you." He said, nearly on the edge of tears, making your heart clench. "And if you knew the things I thought about today you'd h-hate me."
"Peter look at me." You said firmly. 
Peter relented, eyes fluttering open and they immediately went to you and raked down your body. Noticing the fact that you weren't wearing a bra under your thin tank top, and your shorts that hugged you so perfectly. 
Your hand went to his jaw and lifted it up so he could look you in the eye. "I need you to calm down Peter and know that I'm here to help you." You climbed onto the bed and swung a leg over his lap so you were straddling him now, causing his breath to hitch. Peter sat up straighter, body tense, hands flying to touch your bare thighs. "So." You continued. "Stop feeling guilty and maybe we can try some of those things you thought of today."
He groaned, head falling into your neck, smelling once again all those amazing scents that lingered on you. "This is gonna ruin our f-friendship."
You bit your lip. "I think I can live with that." You whispered before pulling his head back to press your lips to his.
He stopped you though, lips almost touching. "W-wait." He stuttered, and with the sanity that was still left in him asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"
You smirked, and let out a short laugh, "You talk too much Parker." You said before crashing your lips against his.
The effect was immediate as he fell into that familiar haze from earlier that day where the only thing he could possibly think about was fucking you so hard you wouldn't be able to walk for days. Peter gripped your waist and flipped you over, so he was now seated between your thighs. He reconnected your lips, the sheets now a tangled mess between the two of you.
And everything seemed to happen at once, he began grinding his hips against you making you let out a surprised yelp and his hands gripped the bottom of your tank top, pulling it up and over your head. One hand gripping your hip while the other began massaging a breast.
Overwhelmed by the sensations you let out a high pitched whine into the kiss, and he took this opening to practically shove his tongue down your throat.
He pulled away, panting, as he worked to untangle the sheet around his legs. "You wouldn't believe the things I imagined doing to you today." He said breathlessly. He finally kicked the rest of the bed sheet to the foot of the bed, head turning to look down at your own flushed and breathless expression. "Fuck- you're so fucking pretty." He roughly ground against you, eliciting another moan from you. "And you make the prettiest noises."
His hands now grabbed the hem of your shorts, pulling them down with your panties. His eyes lingered on your pussy and he licked his lips, eyes flicking back to your own.
"Peter~" You said so desperately he was sure he was hallucinating again.
He leaned over you, pressing his lips onto your neck, kissing and biting as he worked a hand between you two.
His fingers making it's way between your folds. You immediately bucked your hips into his touch, giving him the most wanton moan he's ever heard. He groaned, "You're so wet." He panted as he slipped a finger into you, making you jump.
"Ahh~ holy shit-" A shiver of pleasure wracked down your spine, toes curling into the mattress and hands gripping the bed sheets tightly.
His thumb pressed against your clit, rubbing tight circles, and he slipped another finger into you and curling them. Your head was thrown back into the pillow as your back arched off the bed. Peter panted against your ear, whispering the dirtiest things you've ever heard and you couldn't tell if it was because of the pollen or he actually had this in him. 
He continued to thrust his fingers faster and faster, telling that you were getting closer. "C'mon princess I wanna feel you cum around my fingers. You're squeezing them so fucking tight." He groaned. "I can't wait to fuck this pretty pussy." You practically screamed as his fingers hit you perfectly.
"W-who the fuck... knew Peter P-Parker could talk... so d-dirty." You said in between pants.
He smirked down at you. "Now look who talks too much." He panted. "Cum for me princess." And not long after, you did. Back arched and mouth slack in a silent scream while Peter continued to work you through your first orgasm of the night. "That's it pretty girl, just like that." He moaned feeling you clench around his fingers.
Once you came down you were left a panting mess, you jumped as Peter pulled his fingers out because of how sensitive you were. He sat up looking down at you, adjusting you so you lined up with his cock.
"I know you're sensitive princess, but I'm not even close to being done with you." You nodded wordlessly before he pushed into you, the both of you groaning at the sensation.
Peter finally felt some of the relief he had been craving the whole day. He started off with a rough pace, gripping your hips so tight you were sure there would be bruises. You had quickly been rendered a moaning mess, not being able to think clearly enough to form any words.
He brought a hand up to lean against the headboard, giving him more leverage as he changed the angle slightly. "You have no idea how ....crazy you've been driving me all day." He grunted. "How fucking ...hard I had been all day ....because of you."
"Fuck~" You moaned. "I-I'm sorry...I... didn't come.. s-sooner
"Doesn't matter,....you're here now." He said picking up his pace even further, the headboard creaking under his hold, wood starting to splinter.
He quickly pulled out and flipped you over, and pulled you up by your hips before thrusting into you again. He leaned over you, his chest flush with your back an arm wound around your waist, holding you tight against him. "You're so fucking tight, feel so fucking good around my cock." Your face was buried into the pillow to muffle your moans. Peter reached up, gripping your hair with his free hand, and pulling your head up, you hissed at the tight pull on your hair. "Wanna hear you, pretty girl." He groaned against your ear. He moved the arm that was wrapped tightly around your waist, bringing his hand down to your clit, making your body jerk at the sudden contact and clench around him tighter.
You let out a whine acken to a sob, overwhelmed by the pleasure. "P-Peter!" You cried out. 
He moaned at your cries for him. "You're doing so good. Such a good fucking girl. I want you to cum all over my cock princess."
And with that you came with a scream of his name falling from your lips. The pleasure so intense you saw white. He continued to thrust into you through your orgasm until he came himself. Moaning your name and curses against your ear.
You whimpered as you came down, body shaking.  
He pulled away, turning you over again to admire the fucked out expression on your face. He leaned over you, connecting your lips again and you kissed back lazily completely exhausted and sore already.
But while Peter felt some relief he still needed more because he was hard again in seconds. Although, his mind was slightly less fuzzy, on a positive note.
He pulled back, looking down at you again. His hand brushed back the hair from your face. "You're not tired are you."
"N-no." You lied, because while you were, you'd let him take you over and over again as many times as he needed to.
He hummed, a grin painting his lips. "Good." He said, fingers going back to your clit and gently rubbing, your body jerking at the touch. "Because I plan on making sure you won't be able to walk for the next few days."
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faux-fires · 3 years
finally finished the citadel dlc in me:le and from here it's a straight run to end game. i'm not ready.
(ranting about the ending under a readmore because i know yolkinthejump hasn't played through before).
every time i get to this point in the game i remember how mad i am at the ending. the thing is, UP UNTIL THAT LAST MOMENT me3 is my favourite game of the trilogy BECAUSE it pays off on so many emotional beats laid down by the first two games. talking wrex down from the brink in me1, pushing mordin on his morality throughout me2, seeing the grumbles of the krogan on tuchanka in me2 as they undergo a modernization program - all of that comes to a head in me3 and there is no moment in any video game that GETS me more than wrex calling me his brother/sister and eve trusting me with her name.
i loved chatting to tali in me1 and legion in me2. chewing out the board in tali’s loyalty mission? i literally have a save game right before i get to it so i can replay it at LEISURE. so rannoch in me3?? all the little callbacks like shepard teasing joker about geth ships not having windows, or tali complaining about the time i sent her into the vents, all building up to that moment - when joker tells you you're the first person he's heard of to end a three hundred year old war by YELLING!! i cried, i laughed, i yearned to sling a quarian admiral voiced by loghain mac tir off my ship again.
and then you all of that emotion and all of that passion and you end it all by asking me to choose between three different flavours of cornetto.
just - there are so many moments in me3 that work so well because they pay off all your hard work across three games. according to steam i've put in over 200 hours on me:le and i've played the damn game so many times that i pretty much know exactly what i'm doing, and still: 200 hours for jack to tell me she drew strength from the the long walk of the suicide mission, miranda to apologise for wanting to put a control chip in my head, garrus ('leadership potential' overshadowed by shepard) to step up and run the turian war effort from my gun battery. 'there goes the next shadowbroker!' 'NOT FUNNY'; ‘i am the very model of a scientist sal -’ all those hours of my time and investment in this bloody franchise rewarded with little lines of dialogue, with conrad verner's surprise doctrate, (and kelly chambers theoretically giving me back my fish, the fucking bandit) and then...
hey. what flavour cornetto d'you want. we've only got three and they make no sense.
i think the thing that draws me to ME over and over again is that the ending feels like such a fizzle i can't let go. i feel like the stupid reaper AI; came to a dodgy conclusion and stuck in a loop. with other fandoms i read fic because i want more of what the canon already gave me - more flirting, more banter, more explicit on screen gay romance - but for mass effect i just want closure.
and the thing that gets me is i have no confidence the me4/5 team have learned from it. weekes said casey hudson & mac walters locked themselves in a room and wrote the ending all by themselves and presented it to the others writers as a triumphant fait accompli. the backlash is infamous, so much so they had to release a patch to close SOME of the gaping plot holes. and mac walters STILL says he hopes with me:le his endings will finally be appreciated:
200 hours of gameplay, and for what?
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man. i don’t even LIKE cornettos.
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4, 21, and 24 for the book ask!✨
4. FOR ONCE I CAN SAY YES!! Aaa, I’ve spent so much of my life just re-reading things, I kind of felt like I was getting just as stale as my comfort reads, and was missing out on having new favs, so this year I made a real effort to broaden what I was getting into.
Shortlist of Male Authors I read this year that somehow skipped male author syndrome and should be valued bc that shit is a diamond in the rough (not listing excellent male authors I already knew about): 
The Lies of Locke Lamora, by Scott Lynch
I don’t know how he did it, but that was such a fun and fast paced read, and I cared about the main two protags a whole bunch, the precious assholes. That’s it XD Very. Short. List.
New Female Authors I had never read before, who wrote stuff I super enjoyed or felt a lot of feels for, or was just a super cool concept with stand out characters (again not including new reads from authors I already knew about):
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman (HOW WAS IT SO EVOKATIVE … WITCHCRAFT???)
Cinder by Marissa Meyer (binged this whole series, a very easy read and sweet concept, lots of fav tropes)
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling (defs trigger warnings for this one … very killing eve)
Ancilliary Justice by Ann Leckie (i fell in love with an AI again gdi)
We Hunt The Flame by Hafsah Faizal (recommended for fans of assassin’s creed and beautiful aesthetics, and authors of colour)
Vicious by V.E. Schwab (u two need therapy)
The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley (VERY 80s, but how often does the girl get captured but instead of being abused actually gets taught how to wield a sword and kick ass. I’D RECOMMEND MCKINLEY’S OTHER ONE TOO - the hero and the crown - BUT IT READ LIKE A FEVER DREAM)
Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner (another 80s one, it wasn’t emotionally deep, but it was SO much fun and high society politics i loved it)
God’s War by Kameron Hurley (a gross and depressing world without a happy ending, but again I FELT A LOT OF THINGS)
Captive Prince by C.S.Pacat (controversial and full of trigger warnings I know, but I was both highly confronted by this series and couldn’t put it down for 24 hours straight literally)
I have way more considering I read or half-read hundreds of books this year, I’m going to stop the list there before this post gets out of hand XD
21. I watched a LOT of booktube this year, both the writing community on there and the channels that just review and analyse books. I didn’t realise either of them existed before this year, so there was a lot of procrastination binging that went on XD   I realise I just love listening to people ranting about books they’re passionate about??? Also hearing out why they might have liked or hated books differently to how I felt about the same books, the opposing opinions are super interesting. I’m not sure I followed any specific drama though… other than booktubers coming together to absolutely anhilate Onision’s books. Best. Thing. Ever.
24. Yes, a lot of books I had to donate back to the secondhand charity shop. I’m a fast reader, but if I’m struggling to care about anything by 200 pages in, then good lord I have better books waiting to be discovered, it ain’t worth it. …A lot of DNFs this year were due to male author syndrome. I really can’t unsee it after my friend pointed out what it was that was bugging me about the books I hated.
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Showtime, Chapter 5
@andiwriteunderthemoon, @the-starlight-chills, @ieppiq, and @fishymom-art​
Pass the Tests
They waited for Ted.
Out in the hall, Liza could hear the animatronics eagerly talking among themselves. It was clear the trio was friends. She probably could’ve rolled her chair over to eavesdrop and see if she could make out some kind of pecking order or personalities or anything that could help her, besides Rex stealing her hat for no reason. Instead, she sat frozen in her chair, the back of her chair between her and the door. The ghost girl (Doll?) was seated on top of the cabinet, watching Liza and the present box. Together, they listened as the heavy footsteps drew closer.
Then Ted Bear himself was in the doorway and Liza stifled a scream.
He was the one who was in the best condition. Of course, he is, her mind whispered. He’s the brand face. Her scars started to ache as her fingers clenched the back of the chair. Her eyes lingered too long on the cruel brown ones aimed at her before golden eyes lowered in submission. They moved to her current protector, the Puppet in the box. Ted growled.
The others respectfully moved back so he was the only one in the doorway. They hung back as silent support behind him.
And all Liza had was a ghost girl and a tiny puppet in a cardboard box.
Dios mios, she was so screwed.
Ted took a step forward, jabbing a short paw-like finger. “You.” Liza squeaked. “I’ve been sick and tired of your idiocy, sweetheart,” The pet name was spat out like poison. “Been sick of you giving us trouble since the first night. I’m not made for running,” As he talked, she noticed there was a slight up and down motion to his fake fur, like he was panting. There was a winded note to his voice, she noticed in the way all trapped people did. It also looked like he couldn’t raise his left arm correctly. Liza was no genius. But she had been raised by the man who created these animatronics and she had done some mechanical tampering through the years. 
Up close, she could also see the cosmetic damage on Ted.
She had to wonder if it hurt.
Ted’s rant was broken by a soft “Ted.” from Kitty. The bear spared a glance over his shoulder, much kinder and warmer than his glare at the night guard. “Look.” She pointed to the present on the desk. The bear followed her point.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There was no twinkling music from the music box and the bow didn’t so much as give a shudder. There didn’t seem to be a need for it. Ted stared at it. The anger slid from shock back to greater anger and a bit of hurt. “Her?! Out of everyone, her!?”
“Excuse me?!”
Ted gritted his teeth. Liza wisely closed her mouth. She resisted the childish urge to squeeze her eyes in hopes that the nightmare would go away.
“What do we do?” Rex whispered. He was peeking out from behind Bun, who was staring at Liza. It looked like the pirate was examining her, especially focused on her scarf. Liza risked a quick look back. Doll had moved to be behind her, watching the proceedings with curious eyes.
“What can we do?” The captain said when it seemed like Ted wasn’t going to speak. “There’s no other choice. We’ve tried to reason with the Black Devil, but it’s not having any of it. Haven’t seen it like this in ages, since...you know. The other one.” All eyes turned to Bun and Liza felt what little remained of her patience snap.
“Reasoning?! You tried- no you did not!” All eyes returned to her, but the tidal wave of anger consuming her helped her ignore that as she scrambled off the chair. “You were going to kill me anyway until the puppet-guy-thing whatever,” She jabbed a finger at the box. “Stopped you! That’s not reasoning! You were going to ignore it!”
“She even understands us now…!” Rex groaned like the situation was an unfortunate burden the animatronics had to deal with. Or they were the victims of some great tragedy. Whatever it was, it stoked the flames of her anger.
“Watch your mouth, swabbie.” Bun hissed at Liza, eye plates downwards to give her a glare.
“N-No!” God, where was this coming from?
“Liza.” Doll said gently. When she glanced back, she had a mask of calm on. “Calm down.”
“I said NO!” She stomped her foot, feeling like a toddler having a tantrum. The animatronics could still kill her- Puppet was only three feet to their hulking masses. Liza grabbed the present box and hugged it to her chest. If this was her only shield, she had the right to hold it! Everyone went silent, staring at the box like they expected the Puppet to rise out and deal with her itself.
It did not.
Liza breathed in and out, trying to gain control of her temper and her heart rate. “I-I have ev-every right to t-talk! You guys, for two nights, have been trying to stuff me in a suit! I’m not an endoskeleton, which should be obvious to you if your AI is this advanced!” Crap, she felt tears prick at her eyes. “I’m not even metal!” Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry! “I mean, what kind of Hell is this place?!”
Rex cackled. “Be it ever so humble, home is home.” The others were less amused.
“We don’t appreciate that kind of language, Miss…” Ted paused, clearly not sure of her name.
“Dorado. Liza Dorado.”
Ted paused. There was a moment of silence where he just stared at her. It almost felt like he was stunned. Liza shifted awkwardly but before she could talk, he continued. “Dorado. We are a family-friendly establishment.”
“Yeah, ye better keep your language squeaky clean or ye face the jar!” Bun said with a wave of a hook.
“The jar?” A moment passed before realization struck. Liza blinked. “You...have a swear jar.”
“It’s mostly for the summer workers.” Kitty huffed, crossing her arms. “Those teenagers have such an attitude sometimes!”
She nodded faintly, still gaping at the new knowledge. “Okay...makes sense.” It was kinda charming, in an Addams Family way.
“And if you don’t have money for the jar,” Rex continued, malicious grin returning. “Ted’ll chase you down and wash your mouth out with soap!”
“Geez, either getting my mouth washed out with soap for some salty language or being brutally maimed for existing, I wonder which one’s worse?” Behind her, Liza could hear Doll stifle laughter. The sound gave her a little bit of confidence.
Bun snarled, and it disappeared. “Don’t be mistaking our tone, swabbie. There’s still a black mark on you. You could still be strung up and stuffed if you fail the tests.”
“Wha- Tests?! But I already got the job! I already got the job!” She aimed the last one at the box. Maybe when the bots left, she could try and wheedle information out of the Puppet. ‘Tests’ made it sound like it was holding something out on her.
“You’re not out of the woods yet, Dorado.” Ted snarled. He turned and stomped out of the room, the others making a path for him. Liza stared at his retreat before realizing that the others were staring too.
“I’ve never seen him like this before,” Kitty whispered. “Do you think he’ll be okay? I mean, this has happened before, but-”
“Aw, don’t worry sis!” Rex patted the cat on the shoulder. “Ted’ll come around. It’s not like we don’t know what to do if Liza here fails.” Despite the cheerful tone, the dog still snarled at the human. Liza frowned, grabbing the remote to press the down button for the door. “Wha- Hey!”
“It’s Elizabeth. Liza’s a nickname.” she shot as the door went down slowly. “And I want my hat back-!” Before the door finally settled, the hat smacked her in the face. “Gracias.” She waited at the door, listening as the group whispered amongst themselves before hearing their footsteps walk away.
She let out a gasp of air, collapsing in her chair and dropping her hat. Her world still hadn’t righted itself, but it was getting easier to swallow. Questions chased themselves around and around as she set the box on the desk and grabbed the tablet. Doll seized her chance and sat in her lap. Liza absently stroked her hair, staring at the box. How much trouble was she or the Puppet in because of its inaction?
The lid moved back, revealing the Puppet. It rose until it and her face were level. “That went...well.” The whisper came from between her ears. It was an odd feeling, but Liza held back her shudders. There was no need for her protector to think she was frightened by it.
“I’d hate to see what poorly is,” Liza said, shifting to get comfortable. Doll had no weight, but the cold feeling she brought sent pin and needles through her legs. When she looked up, Puppet was shaking its head.
“Do not take their retreat so lightly. They are upset by my decision- I do not blame them.” It gave a hum of thought. “Give them time. It’ll change.” The porcelain face moved, taking in the cramped security room with what looked like interest. “Things always change with time, Night Guard.”
“You keep calling me that,” Liza noted. “I...have a name, you know.”
A blank stare met her words. “No. This is your job.” The Puppet leaned forward, eerily close. It was close enough that she could’ve heard the bot’s inner workings.
There was nothing but silence.
“I will call you as you are. You will remain this way until you die, or otherwise.”
“Each night guard was similarly considered. All of them were flawed. I allowed the animatronics to...dispose...of them.” The Puppet leaned back in its box. “It was kind to them.”
Logically, it was best to stay on the good side of the thing keeping her from a suit. But Liza was not known for logic unless it involved machines. Rafael said it was one of her most charming qualities, combined with her bravery. But she didn’t feel very brave.
She felt like she was going to throw up.
“Wha-What do you mean- you let the others dispose of them? How- they were humans!” Distantly, she noticed Doll turn more see-through like she was paling.
“No. They were adults.” The Puppet spoke like she was a very small child, making her bristle. There was a frantic whisper in her head to stop arguing with whatever this thing was. It reeked of power. Every action it did carried weight.
But she ignored the voice.
“Yeah, and that meant they were kids once too! I mean, what chévere man?! Where were you the first night? Why am I the golden girl all of a sudden?!” The anger that consumed her while talking to the bots came back, full of righteous fury for herself and the others before her. “What about the phone guy?! It sounded like he loved this place much more than I did!”
“This is not about love, Night Guard.” The Puppet’s voice was low, sending her spine through ice. “This is about justice.”
“Justice? On what?”
Her question was waved away with a careless flip of a hand. “Do not concern yourself with the details yet. Right now, it should be on creating and maintaining a positive working relationship with the others. Their aid will be invaluable if you can sway them.”
Liza sputtered. “Wa- You mean, play nice?! No way!” Despite her fear, she flipped the tablet closed without checking and shoved it on the desk. She crossed her arms.
“Alright. But know that my protection will be revoked and you will be disposed of.”
She stared.
“Better to just agree.” Doll whispered.
“...This is blackmail.”
“This is business.”
This time, she shuddered. What did she have to lose? A lot, apparently. For now, to stay alive, she had to make undesirable choices. She sighed. “Alright.” She held her hand out. For a moment, the two stared at each other. “Um...dude?”
“Yes, that is your hand.”
“No, um...I figured that we would shake on it? You know, like making a deal. You keep me from a suit, I’ll play nice?”
“Shake...on it?”
Liza resisted the urge to grin. “People do it when they’re making a deal or a promise. You give me your hand and we’ll make a promise. Like, I promise I’ll play nice with the killer bots and you promise that you’ll keep me from being murdered.” After a long moment, the Puppet mimicked Liza. They shook hands.
The Puppet seemed lost in thought when they finished, withdrawing into the box without another word. Though it did give Liza a strange, completive look before the lid closed and the music box started to play. It played twinkling notes softly for a few seconds before finally stopping.
“That was...weird,” Liza said finally.
Doll shrugged. “It’s old.” She said this like it was some type of explanation.
Even if it was old, who didn’t know how to shake hands?
That was such a little kid thing.
She waited in the office, making an absent note to start taking notes. Any bit of information could be useful to keep her arse from a suit. When six AM finally came, she walked slowly out. In the main dining hall, she couldn’t resist giving the bots on-stage the finger.
“See you tonight,” she grumbled out.
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-04 15 TECH now
Ars Techica
YouTube shooter IDed as woman angry at site’s “age-restricted” policies
Apple has hired Google’s head of search and artificial intelligence
Panera accused security researcher of “scam” when he reported a major flaw
Two founders of cryptocurrency offering arrested, charged with fraud
Google bans cryptomining Chrome extensions because they refuse to play by the rules
Buzzfeed Tech
Today’s Shooting Showed How Bad Twitter’s Misinformation Problem Is
This Country Said It Would Punish Journalists For Writing Fake News But Changed Its Mind
Grindr Is Letting Other Companies See User HIV Status And Location Data
Chick-Fil-A Will Soon Be Bigger Than Taco Bell, Burger King, And Wendy's
Sen. Ed Markey Says "Congress Must Act" When Facebook Fails To Maintain Safety On Its Platform
Watch a great white shark interrupt police in Australia - CNET
Piano playing with LEDs is like Guitar Hero in expert mode - CNET
YouTube HQ shooter has been identified as Nasim Aghdam - CNET
YouTube HQ shooting: Three injured, suspected shooter dead - CNET
Google Doodle celebrates Dr. Maya Angelou - CNET
Clean Technica
Tesla Model 3 — Cash Cow When Tesla Needs It Most
Tesla Begins Rolling Out Solar Roof Tile Installations In California
WB Mason Receives Ryder-Managed Fleet Of Workhorse E-GEN Electric Vans
California Gets 33rd Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car Refueling Station — Why The Slow Pace Of Infrastructure Development?
Ford Exec: We Could Begin Making EVs In Germany After 2023
Hacker News
CVE-2018-0492: Local privilege escalation in Linux program that plays a beep
Suspect in YouTube Shooting Posted Rants About the Company Online
BuildZoom (YC W13) is hiring a data engineer
Zipline's Drones Will Deliver Blood in the United States This Year
Microsoft calls for dismissal of U.S. Supreme Court privacy fight
Battered by tourists, the Thai beach from 'The Beach' to close temporarily
Qantas using its cargo hold for sleep and exercise? It's one of many wild ideas
Bumble counters Tinder's parent company lawsuit on patent infringement
Massive solar power project will be 100 times larger than any in the world
New Zealand's privacy commissioner is also done with Facebook
A Note About 'Shenzhen's Homegrown Cyborg'
Facebook Deletes Hundreds of Accounts Controlled By Russian Propagandists
San Bruno Police Are Responding to a Shooting at YouTube HQ
The World’s Fastest Commercial Drone Will Drop Blood on the US This Year
What Kind of Maniac Wants 16-Person Snapchat Video Calls?
New York Times Technology
Executive Who Sold Self-Driving Truck Start-Up to Uber Departs
A Quick Online Divorce for $60? Not So Fast, Denmark Says
Several Wounded in Shooting at YouTube Headquarters; Police Say Female Suspect Is Dead
Spotify’s Wall Street Debut Is a Success
Grindr Sets Off Privacy Firestorm After Sharing Users’ H.I.V.-Status Data
Four people have been shot at YouTube HQ in Silicon Valley
At $27 billion, Spotify is the seventh-most-valuable internet company to go public in the U.S.
Facebook is banning hundreds more accounts run by Russian trolls
Spotify’s first day of trading ended up being surprisingly normal — and that’s a win for the direct listing
One of Pinterest’s top product executives, Jon Alferness, has left the company after less than a year
Reddit Technology
For the first time, the U.S. government has publicly acknowledged the existence in Washington of what appear to be rogue devices that foreign spies and criminals could be using to track individual cellphones and intercept calls and messages
Apple hires Google’s former AI boss to help improve Siri
A YouTube manager’s Twitter account was hacked to spread fake news during shooting.
Tesla Autopilot confuses markings toward barrier in recreation of fatal Model X crash at exact same location
Comcast Pushes Net Neutrality "Compromise" That Isn't
Reuters Technology
China's Meituan Dianping acquires bike-sharing firm Mobike
Woman wounds three at YouTube headquarters in California, then kills herself
Amazon may offer to buy India's Flipkart: Mint
Exclusive: Facebook CEO stops short of extending European privacy globally
Microsoft calls for dismissal of U.S. Supreme Court privacy fight
Swedes Turn Against Cashlessness
YouTube Shooter 'Nasim Aghdam' Reportedly Had Website With Manifesto That Targeted YouTube For Censorship, Demonetization
Schools Won't Like How Difficult the New iPad Is To Repair
Facebook CEO Says Not Planning To Extend European Privacy Law Globally
MIT Severs Ties To Company Promoting Fatal Brain Uploading
Chinese bike-sharing pioneer Mobike sold to ambitious Meituan Dianping for $2.7B
JUMP Bikes weighing Uber $100m+ acquisition, investment offers
Spotify’s missing money-maker is artist-to-fan messaging
Amazon opens Echo Button games to developers
Apple steals Google’s AI chief
The Next Web
Apple snaps up Google’s AI chief to fix Siri
Facebook confirms: Donald trumped Hillary on the social network during 2016 election
Facebook update shows which of your friends are suckers for fake news
Malaysian Prime Minister promises harsh prison sentences for ‘fake news’
YouTube shooting spree: Here’s what we know
The Verge
OnePlus CEO confirms key OnePlus 6 specs
Apple hires Google’s former AI boss to help improve Siri
Facebook suspends 273 accounts and pages linked to Russian misinformation agency
A YouTube manager’s Twitter account was hacked to spread fake news during shooting
Facebook says it will not extend GDPR privacy protections beyond EU
WSJ Tech
Spotify's Splashy Debut Pressures Banks
Three Wounded, Suspect Dead in Shooting at YouTube Headquarters
Tesla Misses Model 3 Production Goal but Shows Progress
Apple Needs to Fix 'Do Not Disturb' Mode---Here's How
iPhone Users Are Pestered to Enroll in Apple Pay
The Politics of ‘Black Panther’ Are What Make It Great
You Know, for Kids
The Life Issue
‘The Sky Is Yours’ Combines Dragons and YouTube
The Uber Crash
0 notes
recentanimenews · 7 years
3-gatsu no Lion – 34
Despite all of the good vibes sent Hina’s way by her sisters, her grandpa, and of courses, Rei, the bullying is still going on, and it has cast a pall of black, miasma-like mist over the entire classroom and school. Takagi Megumi won’t stop stirring the shit, and Hina won’t stop bravely confronting it head-on. Both can probably keep the battle going indefinitely, but their teacher has had enough.
This isn’t the first time her class has been thrown into shadow and chaos by one shit-stirrer and one defiant victim, and the stress that comes from her helplessness to ever resolve such situations, combined with the dread that comes with the certainty it will happen again, proves too much for the poor woman, who unleashes a desperate rant before passing out.
Now that Takagi has not only sent a victim off, but the supposed authority figure as well, one would think she’s “winning” this particular war. But whether she actually really wants this to go on or not, she seems almost as powerless to stop this as her victims. That makes whatever victory that might come feel not only hollow, but Pyrrhic.
This is some Scorched Earth-kinda shit going own, so who better to deal with averting apocalypse than Ikari Gendo himself? Just kidding; a 3GL-Eva crossover would be too weird (though not altogether unwelcome!) But the ruined teacher’s temporary replacement Mr. Kokobu is voiced by the same guy, doing a more causal performance more indicative of Zaraki Kenpachi.
Kokobu comes in not only knowing pretty much exactly what’s going on, but on whom to pin the blame. He laments that a class so close to high school entrance exams must be disrupted by a faculty shake-up, but also says, basically, “you little shits have no one to blame for not making a peep when one of their classmates had to change schools because of the bullying.”
And of course, he’s right. Takagi and Hina aren’t as powerful as a classroom united against bullying and conflict. But Takagi has spent so much time and effort neutralizing them with threats of retribution that they’ve kept quiet all this time. But it’s not like I expect the class to en masse decide to take a stand.
The overarching problem is that no one is in a situation they can control or pull themselves out of alone. It will take a unity of will and intent, and Kokobu likely hopes the unpleasantness of the situation to date will start bringing this mess to an end.
The last thing Hina wanted to do was bring her sister Akari into this, but that’s what has to happen, and Akari doesn’t shrink before the task at hand, nor does she hesitate to spoil Hina with some of her favorite foods (some kind of french toast drink and a beef croquette) on the eve of their parent-teacher conference.
Akari even fends off Grandpa, who has an important sweets order to take care of, so seriously does she take her promise to her dying mother that she’d take care of Hina and Momo. That she made this promise in her uniform, showing she’s still a child herself, makes it the dream much more heartbreaking.
It’s a dream that keeps Akari up late, so even if she had a particular game plan against the eventuality of encountering Takagi’s formidable mom in the hall (and she does not), she wouldn’t be at 100% to execute that plan.
Any thoughts of Takagi losing her hold on the class anytime soon are dashed when two of the classmates lure Mr. Kokobu away with a lie about a broken window, leaving the two students and their guardians alone together. Takagi’s mom immediately sets to work telling Akari to sort Hina out, and Akari falls all too easily into a trap where the mom asks her for proof of her daughter’s malfeasance, for which there is only Hina’s word.
Unaccustomed to such aggressive confrontation, overwhelmed by the promise she made to her mom, and fatigued from last night’s lack of sleep, Akari quickly falters, but before Mrs. Takagi can finish her, Kokobu returns, and it is Hina who takes Akari’s hand and sends her of to calm her down, not the other way around.
In this horribly shitty situation, Hina maintains her composure and is able to stand and endure the black mist. In the nurse’s office, she vows, like a shounen hero, that she’ll survive and graduate, she wins, so she’s not going to spend a second of her life worrying about the words and actions of c-words like Takagi again. Even if that’s better said than done, Akari is heartened.
Meanwhile, Kokobu calmly listens to Takagi’s Mom’s grievances, but cannot accept them without proof Hina is lying (which she obviously isn’t). The burden of proof both Takagi and her Mom were touting works both ways, and without the opportunity to pawn all the shit her daughter stirred up on to someone else, neither are ever going to be happy about the situation any more than Hina and Akari.
That means we have something of a stalemate.  Hopefully the escalation has been halted, the miasma somewhat cleared, and that with Kokobu’s guidance, the possibility of productive peace talks isn’t as remote as it once was.
3GL always seems to know when I’m hankering for a Kawamoto-heavy episode, and this one pretty one delivered everything I could have hoped for, with phenomenal performances by Kayano Ai and Hanazawa Kana and  a sweet guest appearance by the always authoritative Fumihiko Tachiki— (not to mention some nice work from Yuuki Aoi as Takagi).
The episode leans on the 3GL habit of using stark contrasts in light, dark, water, and color as the mood of the episode changes. We also get a new OP sung by Unison Square Garden and a sensational new ED featuring “I Am Standing” by Ruann. Forget March, it’s January that comes in like a lion with this, probably the best episode yet of 3GL’s second season.
By: magicalchurlsukui
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