#ai writer for packaging free
aipackaging · 3 months
Revolutionize Packaging Design: AI Writer for Packaging
Elevate your packaging design with the Free Online AI Writer for Packaging. Access a variety of features designed to enhance your workflow and produce packaging designs that meet industry standards and consumer expectations.
Revolutionizing packaging design with an AI writer introduces a transformative approach to crafting captivating and effective packaging materials. Powered by artificial intelligence, this tool offers unparalleled capabilities to streamline the design process and elevate creativity.
By automating content generation, including product descriptions, taglines, and marketing copy, the AI writer simplifies the packaging design workflow, saving time and resources while ensuring consistency across all materials. Its ability to analyze market trends, consumer preferences, and brand guidelines enables the creation of personalized and impactful packaging designs.
Furthermore, the AI writer stimulates innovation by providing creative suggestions and variations, inspiring designers to explore new concepts and push the boundaries of traditional packaging design.
In essence, by leveraging the power of AI for packaging design, businesses can revolutionize their approach, differentiate their brand in the market, and create memorable experiences that resonate with consumers, ultimately driving brand recognition and loyalty.
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zekeanddestroybitch · 2 months
I will never stop preaching about the importance of the arts in today's world.
Art is expression / documentation of emotion and experiences. This could be through any medium that you could possibly think of.
We are spending millions, engineering software that attempts to recreate what humans can create for free with our brains.
I am so fucking fed up of people telling me that unless I pursue further education within Law/Medicine/STEM/etc, that it's worthless, there are so many critical parts of everyday life that can only be upheld through the study/creation of art. Yes, the furthering of AI scares many artists. Yes, AI aims to create new art.... Based off of pre-existing art created by actual people.
So even to perpetuate that cycle of creating ai art , new art needs to be fed into it's databases.
You can preach that I should take maths till the end of my highschool education , you can tell me that art/music will get me nowhere.
But everything we consume contains some sort of design process - architecture, interior design, clothing , package design , app/ web design.
The rate we consume television and media requires a constant stream of people who work in the performing arts , not just the actors.
New music we wish to come from our already popular, favourite artists will require people who work in the arts as well such as session musicians , producers , writers , etc -
People who are paid well to work in the arts.
The misconception that being an artist of any kind is not a "real job" is obviously demeaning but discourages younger people from pursuing vital careers we need to thrive. I'm sick of people - especially many of the older generation claiming that the youth of today just don't want to work real jobs/work hard (which is a different conversation ) - the jobs within the arts are real jobs. Jobs that pay and jobs that can be 10× less miserable for some than a STEM based job. People are needed in the arts. Let your kid express themselves through the arts and if they want to go into a career within that - then good , they can do something they are passionate about and encourage others to find the same joy they did.
Sod off and let people become artists, poets and much more
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marshmallowprotection · 8 months
What do you think about June from The Ssum? Are you interested in that game or maybe decided not to play?
Let's slap out the first statement that needs to be said about the Ssum. I do not support the use of AI. I am disappointed in Cheritz. Someone suggested, and I agree, that they should've utilized the programs that many webtoon artists use to make backgrounds on time crunches if that was a concern; Or, they could've continued to do what they've been doing over the years by using stock images in the game that are royalty free. They did it in Mystic Messenger and the Sssum at the start. There is no ethical or morally correct reason to use AI.
I want that shit to die out like NFTs steadily are because I hate seeing artists, actors, writers, voice actors, etc robbed by these AIs. It leaves a damn sour taste in my mouth to think about the people being hurt by AI right now, and I can't believe Cheritz would ever think it would be okay to do that. I'm very disappointed in them as a company that prides itself on the happiness of others but they stooped to using AI in their game. That's not okay nor will it ever be okay. I pray they stop and listen to their fanbase about this shit.
But, as far as my interest in the Ssum goes outside of that fact?
Ever since it first came out, I simply did not enjoy the gameplay. It didn't take me long to realize that the Sssum wasn't a game for me, personally.
I felt overwhelmed by the amount of options placed in front of me, and while it is a learning curve to pick up a new game, the more that stood in front of me to do, the less I felt I understood and the more I wanted to pull my hair out. The interface was super busy, there was a lot to do! However, I attempted to give it a try for a few days with Teo because sometimes you have to try something to see if you can learn how to do everything and then enjoy it after better understanding the setup of the game. So, I tried to look past the amount of things to do and focus on the story.
Teo didn’t do anything for me interest wise. He didn't have anything interesting about him that worked for me romantically. So, it was hard for me to become invested when I was put in a situation where I didn't have a choice but to romance one character and he didn’t fit my type. That’s not a knock to Teo as a character, either, he just isn’t my type and therefore I had a hard time feeling drawn him to talk to him. 
I don't think Harry is my type, either, so had I tried again when his route came out, I would've inevitably quit again. This is not a knock to the characters. This is personal preference thing! Just because they are not interesting to me doesn't mean that they're not interesting characters, it just means I don't feel interested in them enough to care about their stories. 
If I'm going to be spending all my time focusing on having a major relationship with these characters, I need to be invested in them. I need a hook and something that excites me about them from the beginning. There was no draw for me and I felt no need to continue playing when there was no interest for me to keep doing so. I didn't feel an incentive to learn more about them because they weren’t my type. 
Microtransactions are a real problem these days. The Ssum has a lot of them in its game package. Listen, it is important that companies get money to be able to continue to create their games and do more, and I understand that for some games, microtransactions are always going to be there and there's nothing we can do about that. I miss when you could pay for videos games with a one-time purchase. But, unfortunately, those days are gone and I don't know if they will ever come back. 
People deserve to be paid for their time and energy they put into a game, regardless of what they did for that game, and this is one of the ways that people get paid. Microtransactions help pay for the things that keep these mobile games alive. The servers will always cost them a hefty penny, writers, programmers, artists, etc need to get their money as well. 
However, when you are playing a game that offers itself to you as something that you can play for free, then your enjoyment of that game should not be limited by the fact that you don't want to pay. A lot of major story elements are locked behind a paywall, and that takes away a lot of the enjoyment a player can have in this game. I do think it's complicated to figure out where to place the paid options in a game, but having them lock away key parts of the story that let you enjoy yourself just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. 
Maybe I was spoiled by just how free Mystic Messenger is. My enjoyment of a chat room is not locked behind my ability to pay for a better answer. I can say anything I want to say in the chat room and I can find out what happens in every replay. I don't have to spend money on batteries to be able to pick a better answer to learn more about the character. 
Now, about June as a character.
I do not appreciate his connection to Jumin Han. Because, to me, he is the family man and if he had a sibling, half-related or not, he would be there for them no matter what. If he knew about them, he would be there, and he would do everything within his power to make sure that they had a connection that nobody could break apart. Out of all the characters to make a family connection to, I don't know why the hell they thought it was a good idea to give Jumin Han one when he would've never gone a day without mentioning that he had a brother.
The only way I can reasonably think about this connection is if he was not informed that he had a brother at all until recently. Now, I'm not playing that game, but I do not think that's the way they're angling it. I think it was established that they already know about each other in this universe and they aren't close. That's not how Jumin Han would handle his life.
You mean to tell me that the character who wants nothing more than to have a family is not close to his half sibling? You want to tell me... that he's had a half-sibling this entire time, one that he knows about, and he's not close to him at all? That's not in character for him. All he has ever wanted was a family.
But, he didn't get that in his life.
He was an only child who was neglected by his parents, left to fend for himself emotionally all the time. He spent his childhood alone in every sense of the word when he wasn't with Jihyun Kim, and when he wasn't alone, he was either being sexually harassed by his father's partners or being threatened by people who wanted to hold him for ransom if he was caught by himself for just a moment away from his home. Before that, when he was left with his mother, she would lock him away in the basement and demand he stay there until he learned how to be "normal".
God, I think about that sometimes, and I think about the fact that he diminishes his trauma because he feels as though his trauma needs to be diminished because he grew up privileged. He understands his privilege as a child of a wealthy man but he discounts his own trauma in doing so. Anyone can suffer, regardless of status, and it's hard to see him knock himself down. 
The only thing this man has ever wanted was to experience what it felt like to grow up with a normal family. That's why he cherishes the idea of family so much. That's why he is filled with so much love for the RFA and his MC, friends. Because they become the family he's always wanted. They become what he always deserved. So, to think about him having a sibling that he's always known about and he has nothing to do with feels wrong. 
He is the kind of person who pushes for families to talk to each other and be there for one another, so why isn't he there for his brother? The only way you could play that off would be to say that he had no idea he had a little brother until recently.
I think they could take that somewhere if it was written that way, because it would devastate his worldview. He would be beside himself to think that he had a connection out there that he was never allowed to get close to. To think that he was never allowed to get close to his brother because his mother hated him so much. I don't like his mother in any sense of the word. I could see her doing that to him.
She is a materialistic and greedy woman who only cares about her wants and needs, and it's already hard enough for me to imagine her having another child because she does not seem like the kind of person who wants to have children. She seems like the kind of person who would only have a child to ensure her comfort in life. She does not seem like a person who would view a child as their own person, instead seeing them as a money ticket. I don't know anything about June and the way his life has shaped up with Carolyn as a mother. I don't know how that dynamic works with them, but I sure know how horrible of a parent she is to Jumin.
It can't be much better for June.
I can't rationalize anything about the connection between him and Jumin. 
At the end of the day, I want Mystic Messenger and the Ssum to exist as their own games. It is one thing to have Easter eggs in your game that tie back to the things that that company has done before. Like, I think we all love a little callback! Nameless and Dandelion had some references all over Mystic Messenger and there was nothing wrong with that. Those were fun little homages and call back to things that you might have played before.
But, when you tie your new game so inherently to the last game, it cannot stand by itself. People don't play because they want to learn more about the new and exciting characters that are in your new game, they are playing because they want more content about the characters from the other game. I know many people feel the same way about that because I have seen a lot of conversations about what it means to tie these characters together.
It does a major disservice to characters like Teo, Harry, and June.
It was one thing when they did little tie-ins like Jaehee picking up Teo’s phone for a day or Zen being a host at a television show! I had nothing wrong with those instances because it was nice to see them. But, now that they are so inherently tied together and it changes so much canon we thought we knew from the start, I don’t know how to feel. I don't like it. June's story changes Jumin's story and now, when you're playing Mystic Messenger, you're going to have to live with the fact that Jumin has a brother who is never mentioned.
You know, had they established the fact that he had a half brother he knew nothing about in that bad ending dlc, maybe this wouldn't have been such an issue, because then, there would have been something to play with narratively that made sense, but I don't know, I'm losing my mind over here. I have nothing but critiques all day for this shit.
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Lockdown 2023
Dear Readers,
I’m sorry to say but I’ve just had to put everything on AO3 locked to signed in users only. I apologize in advance for the inconvenience it causes.
Why am I doing this?
Well, someone decided to copy and paste pages and pages of my work and then take another person’s work and copy and paste pages of their story, change a few names here and there, add maybe a couple of sentences, steal more sentences from a third person and well….
They said to a friend who pointed out that this was wrong that it was their right to do so because it was transformative and fanfiction is inherently plagiarism anyway, so it was alright for them to use my work as well as the other two writers.
They didn’t ask me if they could borrow my words.
They didn’t credit me.
They are matching up my version/headcanon of a character with someone that’s pretty much a NOTP for me at the worst of times and a dull side character with a weird romance option at their best. I don’t go here but everyone else is more than welcome to, just leave me out of it.
One of the other writers they took from is also a dear friend. They feel terrible that they tried to be friendly and welcoming someone to a small, niche fandom where a lot of us writers all vaguely know the others either through friends or friends of friends. Their welcome was taken advantage of and that really is almost worse than having my words taken without my permission.
I get that fandom has become more permissive of things like AI and assistive writing tools. I understand that all of us are in the process of becoming better writers through our writing—but I don’t stand for taking someone else’s words, copying them into a new document and then calling them your own, not giving credit or not bothering to link to the source. To me that is plagiarism. It’s not writing your own fic. It���s not transforming it into something better.
So, I’m putting my writing in the AO3 equivalent of tamper proof packaging. My words have already been stolen and it wasn’t even by something like an AI bot. This doesn’t feel like winning to do this—it feels almost antithetical. I’ve always had a policy that if you want to leave a critique or something negative you need to have your username attached but now I’m saying you can’t read it unless you’re signed in… which yeah.
This isn’t me winning. This is me trying to protect what’s left. I suspect it’s also useless to do so, but it’s the only option I feel I have.
I apologize to those that can’t access my works anymore. Please sign up for a free AO3 account—it’s worth it for more than just my writing. You can subscribe to authors/works in progress and make bookmarks—great benefits in my opinion.
Thank you for your time and for reading this,
Satashii aka satashiiwrites, 26th of May, 2023
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firespirited · 10 months
Long post. Press j to skip.
I AM SICK OF THE STUPID AI DEBATES, does it imagine, is it based on copyrightable material, are my patterns in there?
That's not the point.
I briefly got into website design freelancing (less than 3 months) before burn out.
The main reason was that automation had begun for generating stylesheets in somewhat tasteful palettes, for automatically making html/xml (they really haven't learned to simplify and tidy code though, they just load 50 divs instead of one), for batch colourising design elements to match and savvy designers weren't building graphics from scratch and to spec unless it was their day job.
Custom php and database design died with the free bundled CMS packages that come with your host with massive mostly empty unused values.
No-one has talked about the previous waves of people automated out of work by website design generators, code generators, the fiverr atomisation of what would have been a designers job into 1 logo and a swatch inserted into a CMS by an unpaid intern. Reviews, tutorials, explanations and articles are generated by stealing youtube video captions, scraping fan sites and putting them on a webpage. Digitally processing images got automated with scripts stolen from fan creators who shared. Screencaps went from curated processed images made by a person to machine produced once half a second and uploaded indiscriminately. Media recaps get run into google translate and back which is why they often read as a little odd when you look up the first results.
This was people's work, some of it done out of love, some done for pay. It's all automated and any paid work is immediately copied/co-opted for 20 different half baked articles on sites with more traffic now. Another area of expertise I'd cultivated was deep dive research, poring over scans of magazines and analysing papers, fact checking. I manually checked people's code for errors or simplifications, you can get generators to do that too, even for php. I used to be an english-french translator.
The generators got renamed AI and slightly better at picture making and writing but it's the same concept.
The artists that designed the web templates are obscured, paid a flat fee by the CMS developpers, the CMS coders are obscured, paid for their code often in flat fees by a company that owns all copyright over the code and all the design elements that go with. That would have been me if I hadn't had further health issues, hiding a layer in one of the graphics or a joke in the code that may or may not make it through to the final product. Or I could be a proof reader and fact checker for articles that get barely enough traffic while they run as "multi snippets" in other publications.
The problem isn't that the machines got smarter, it's that they now encroach on a new much larger area of workers. I'd like to ask why the text to speech folks got a flat fee for their work for example: it's mass usage it should be residual based. So many coders and artists and writers got screwed into flat fee gigs instead of jobs that pay a minimum and more if it gets mass use.
The people willing to pay an artist for a rendition of their pet in the artist's style are the same willing to pay for me to rewrite a machine translation to have the same nuances as the original text. The same people who want free are going to push forward so they keep free if a little less special cats and translations. They're the same people who make clocks that last 5 years instead of the ones my great uncle made that outlived him. The same computer chips my aunt assembled in the UK for a basic wage are made with a lot more damaged tossed chips in a factory far away that you live in with suicide nets on the stairs.
There is so much more to 'AI' than the narrow snake oil you are being sold: it is the classic and ancient automation of work by replacing a human with a limited machine. Robot from serf (forced work for a small living)
It's a large scale generator just like ye olde glitter text generators except that threw a few pennies at the coders who made the generator and glitter text only matters when a human with a spark of imagination knows when to deploy it to funny effect. The issue is that artists and writers are being forced to gig already. We have already toppled into precariousness. We are already half way down the slippery slope if you can get paid a flat fee of $300 for something that could make 300k for the company. The generators are the big threat keeping folks afraid and looking at the *wrong* thing.
We need art and companies can afford to pay you for art. Gig work for artists isn't a safe stable living. The fact that they want to make machines to take that pittance isn't the point. There is money, lots of money. It's not being sent to the people who make art. It's not supporting artists to mess around and create something new. It's not a fight between you and a machine, it's a fight to have artists and artisans valued as deserving a living wage not surviving between gigs.
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resurrection of the author
As ChatGPT and the like are embedded into various software packages and “productivity suites,” it may be deployed as a kind of on-demand textuality, providing on the erstwhile blank page a plausible version of the expected thing suited to (and conditioned by) a particular situation that can be distilled into an efficacious prompt. 
In other words, ready confirmation that there really is “nothing outside the text,” that there is always a ready-at-hand textual equivalent for whatever scenarios crop up in the course of ordinary business. AI models make the textuality we always already swim in more directly manipulatable; it offers a means to inspect the code, so to speak, to render explicit the underlying banalities that characterize the ordinary understanding of a particular condition or situation or task. Rather than having to mystically draw from that ambient field of platitudes when we have some mundane writing task to perform, AI models can just disgorge them as required. (Won’t this mean that more tasks will pivot to video and demand visual evidence of human presence and performance?) 
AI models aspire to be operable models of the discursive field of language that poststructuralist theorists used to argue that we all exist within — that subjectivity emerges from language use, rather than language merely being something that a pre-constituted and centered subject puts to use. I think something similar might be claimed for our imminent use of generative AI as a means of expedited expression, that it will seem like a tool that we use to express ourselves, but in practice it will be a means by which we articulate ourselves as subjects. If that becomes the case — if AI becomes an augmented way of wielding language, with all its biases and connections and associations condensed into an immediately accessible and seemingly navigable terrain — Its capabilities will become the contours of our subjectivity.
In a 1969 talk, “What Is an Author?” Foucault examines the variable relation between a text and its writer, and the historical nature of the bias that overrates the significance of the “author function” (itself “a complex operation whose purpose is to construct the rational entity we cali an author”) over other factors determining a text’s existence and implications.  We need the idea of an author, Foucault suggests, to be able to construe a text as bearing “creativity” or ‘inspiration” or “profundity” or “unity” — or to allow us preoccupy ourselves with matters of authentication (”Who really wrote this?”). 
“We can easily imagine a culture where discourse would circulate without any need for an author,” Foucault claims. “Discourses, whatever their status, form, or value, and regardless of our manner of handling them, would unfold in a pervasive anonymity.” With AI threatening to marginalize or radically redefine “authorship” in ways far more direct and pervasive than the ones Foucault was confronting in 1969, this seems more possible than ever. Foucault’s demand for different sorts of questions seems accordingly even more pertinent:
suspicions arise concerning the absolute nature and creative role of the subject. But the subject should not be entirely abandoned. It should be reconsidered, not to restore the theme of an originating subject, but to seize its functions, its intervention in discourse, and its system of dependencies. We should suspend the epical questions: how does a free subject penetrate the density of things and endow them with meaning; how does it accomplish its design by animating the rules of discourse from within?
Rather, we should ask: under what conditions and through what forms can an entity like the subject appear in the order of discourse; what position does it occupy;  what functions does it exhibit; and what rules does it follow in each type of discourse?
In the revised version of the talk, Foucault suggests that the idea of an “author” has become “a certain functional principle by which, in our culture, one limits, excludes, and chooses; in short by which one impedes the free circulation, the free manipulation, the free composition, decomposition, and recomposition of fiction ... the ideological figure by which one marks the manner in which we fear the proliferation of meaning.” Generative AI (though not “free”) is intended to exponentially expand the circulation, manipulation, composition, decomposition of texts. It will intensify our need for an “author” to impede that proliferation. Regardless of how texts are produced, their authors will likely become even more occulted figures. 
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audreyshura · 21 days
Caktus AI Review: An Affordable and Versatile AI Writing Tool
Caktus AI Review highlights a remarkable AI writing platform designed to assist students with their writing tasks affordably. The platform stands out due to its extensive features, user-friendly interface, and affordable pricing, making it a top-tier AI handwriting assistant.
Innovative Machine Learning-Based Platform
Caktus AI leverages machine learning models to enhance students' homework and learning experiences. It is one of the few AI service providers that also offers prompt customer support.
Comprehensive Toolset
From essay writing and solving math word problems to composing job applications and coding, Caktus AI offers 65 smart tools. The AIChief experts team collaborates with Caktus AI to ensure exceptional content generation.
About Caktus AI
Caktus AI is a web-based platform offering a unique approach to writing essays and other formats. Suitable for students, researchers, scholars, and teachers, it is a one-stop platform for all.
The generative nature of this AI tool allows for faster creation of various writing materials. Users can also code in multiple programming languages such as Java and C++ with interactive feedback.
Caktus AI's iOS application enhances accessibility, especially for students needing to complete writing tasks on the go.
Introducing the AI Writing Tool
The rise of AI has brought numerous software tools that streamline human productivity. Caktus AI stands out as a versatile platform for students, researchers, scholars, and teachers, enabling efficient completion of various tasks using machine learning and neural network algorithms.
Capabilities of Caktus AI
Caktus AI is a generative AI platform that boosts productivity for educational purposes. It allows students and educators to generate assignments, essays, and presentations quickly. The AI tool also helps create citations, papers, and academic sources efficiently. Educators can use it to create assignments for any subject.
Detailed Features of Caktus AI
Caktus AI's user-friendly platform offers numerous features to enhance content generation and productivity.
AI Essay Writing Services
The Essay Generator allows users to create compositions across multiple topics quickly. By inputting a command and a topic, the tool generates plagiarism-free essays in seconds.
Text Summarizer
The Text Summarizer feature enables users to condense essays and improve drafts, providing recommendations for grammar, tone, and writing style to ensure high-quality submissions.
Personal Statement Writer
The Personal Statement Writer helps users compose impactful personal statements for college or university applications, enhancing the chances of admission.
AI-Powered Cover Letters
The Cover Letter tool generates cover letters aligned with job requirements by analyzing job descriptions and comparing them with the user's CV. It also assists in creating resumes with bullet points that highlight the user's strengths.
Paragraph Generator
The Paragraph Generator compiles engaging paragraphs in seconds by expanding on a provided topic sentence.
Humanize Content
The Text Humanizer feature converts generative text into relatable and emotionally engaging content.
Code Generation
Caktus AI's Code Generator minimizes programming efforts and provides feedback on functionalities. It supports multiple programming languages, including Python, Java, TypeScript, SQL, C#, and Go.
Language Learning
The platform offers language learning capabilities, supporting languages such as Spanish, Russian, Japanese, French, Arabic, Mandarin, and Italian.
Additional Features
Caktus AI also provides a Math Solver for solving math problems and a graphical calculator for enhanced learning. Users can convert published paper content into digestible summaries.
Getting Started with Caktus AI
To use Caktus AI, users need to sign up on the official website, choose a suitable package, and provide payment details. The platform offers a free plan version and two subscription models: Base Plan ($14.99/month) and Premium Plan ($19.99/month). Annual subscriptions offer significant savings.
Pros and Cons
Instant Paragraph Generator
Exclusive customization
Multiple language support
Boosts productivity
User-friendly interface
Limited support information
Speed concerns
High automation, less manual control
Plagiarism risks
Academic integrity concerns
The AIChief team highly recommends Caktus AI for its ability to simplify essay writing, solve math problems, and create job or admission cover letters. While there are some areas for improvement, the platform is an excellent tool for enhancing learning and content generation processes.
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export-import01 · 2 months
Simplify Export Import Documentation: Free Online Ai Writer for Export Import
Simplify your export import documentation with Free Online Ai Writer for Export Import. From product descriptions to packaging labels, this AI-powered tool offers a range of features designed to expedite the content creation process and improve efficiency in trade writing tasks.
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vakireview · 3 months
EcoverPalAi Review – Eye-Catching Ecovers Designer App
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EcoverPalAi Review — Introduction Welcome to our comprehensive review of EcoverPalAi! In this post, we’ll delve into the features, benefits, and potential drawbacks of this AI-powered ecover creator, designed to revolutionize your design process.
EcoverPalAi Review — Overview Product: EcoverPalAi Creator: Eric Holmlund et al Official Website: Click Here Date Of Launch: 2024-Mar-30 Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT Front-End Price: $17.95 Niche: Software Coupon Code: $3 Off Coupon = “ECOV3” Recommendation: Highly Recommended! Refund: 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
EcoverPalAi Review — What Is EcoverPalAi? EcoverPalAi is an advanced AI-powered ecover creator that enables users to effortlessly generate stunning ebook covers, illustrations, social media graphics, and more with just a few clicks. With over 500+ design templates available, covering various niches, users can create professional-looking ecovers without any design skills.
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EcoverPalAi Review — How Does It Work? Using EcoverPalAi is simple and intuitive:
Choose your design: Select from over 500+ templates or start with a blank canvas. Customize your design: Tailor your ecover to your liking by adjusting text, colors, fonts, and images. Advanced editing: Enhance your design with shapes, icons, and more using the advanced graphic editor. AI content and graphic generation: Utilize the built-in GPT4 AI writer and AI image generator to generate content and graphics from keywords. Export and publish: Export your design in various formats and resolutions, ready to be shared or printed.
EcoverPalAi Review — Benefits For You Save time and money. Access to a wide variety of templates. AI-powered content and graphics generation. Maximize freelance revenues. Perfect for various industries. Unlimited ecovers for yourself and clients. Beginner-friendly. Instant access and support. Risk-free guarantee.
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EcoverPalAi Review — Features World-class AI ecover creator. Over 500+ templates in multiple niches. Built-in GPT4 AI writer & AI image generator. Smart & advanced graphic editor. Commercial license included. Beginner-friendly. Brand new and exclusive.
EcoverPalAi Review — Who Should Use it? EcoverPalAi is suitable for: Authors and publishers. Freelancers and designers. Online entrepreneurs. Social media marketers. Bloggers and content creators.
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EcoverPalAi Review — What’s In It For You? Stunning designs. Ease of use. Cost savings. Commercial license. Time efficiency. Expand your business. Brand enhancement. Global opportunity. No monthly fees. Risk-free guarantee.
EcoverPalAi Review — Pricing & OTOS Frontend Offer: Personal Use: $13.45 Commercial Rights: $16.95
OTO 1: EcoverPalAi Pro Package: Personal Use: $32.95 Commercial Rights: $37
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EcoverPalAi Review — Pros and Cons Pros: Advanced AI-powered design. Wide range of templates. AI content and graphic generation. Commercial license included. User-friendly interface. Cons: Requires internet connection.
EcoverPalAi Review — Conclusion
EcoverPalAi is the ultimate AI-powered ecover creator, offering stunning designs, ease of use, and cost savings. With a wide range of features and a commercial license included, it’s perfect for anyone looking to elevate their brand and drive sales.
EcoverPalAi Review — Final Opinion EcoverPalAi is a game-changer for anyone seeking professional designs without the need for extensive design skills. Backed by a risk-free guarantee, it’s a must-have tool for designers, marketers, and entrepreneurs alike.
For more details, click the button below to access the sales page
Coupon Code: ECOV3 ($3 Off)
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Thank you for reading our EcoverPalAi review. Make your purchase decision today and unlock the power of AI in design!
Check Out My Previous Reviews: Profitsoci Review, AI FameRush Review, AcquireWeb AI Review, Gen AI Review
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progbdej · 6 months
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CopyGen – is a responsive website template for AI Content Writing/Generator website. We have designed this template for your new AI Content Writing website just how you like it. So, if you want to create a website for AI Writer, Copywriting, OpenAI Content Generator or AI Content Writing website then CopyGen template will best choice to build your own website.
CopyGen Template is fully flexible, user-friendly and responsive that looks great on every devices as desktops, tablets, and mobiles. This template built with Boostrap 5, HTML5, CSS3, Vanilla JS, SASS and Gulp. It includes 5 Homepage/Landing page, and 20+ pre-built inner pages. It built with well organized folder structure, clean & commented code. We have used gulp-based build tools and stylesheet based on scss variables so you can quickly change the colors, font sizes in variable file.
CopyGen HTML Template Features
4+ Homepages
20+ Prebuilt Pages
Pricing & Use cases Pages
Various Component Ready
Working Contact Form
Clean & Modern Design
Fully Responsive
Mobile first approach design
W3 validated Codes
Cross Browser Compatibility
Bootstrap 5, Vanilla JS, SASS
6 Months Free Support
And many more…
What do you get?
Landing Page HTML Template Files
Stand-alone User Dashboard Template Files
Source of Package (Gulp require to build)
Caution: Some images are for preview purposes only and images cannot be supplied due to licensing reasons and have been blurred heavily.
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bugendaitechgerman · 6 months
Power of ChatGPT: Elevate Your WordPress Experience with AI Automation
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In the modern era of technological marvels, automation reigns supreme, dictating the course of our lives. And amidst this wave of progress, there is one technology that has captivated the attention of writers and content creators worldwide: ChatGPT. This remarkable artificial intelligence tool has surged in popularity thanks to its unparalleled ability to generate meticulously researched content. It possesses the uncanny knack for responding to your queries and delivering output that is both natural and comprehensive. As the global user base embraces ChatGPT, numerous avenues for leveraging its potential in content creation have emerged. Recognized as a complete AI package for WordPress, ChatGPT offers an array of possibilities to enhance your blogging experience. By integrating ChatGPT into your WordPress platform, you can effortlessly elevate your writing process, accelerate your productivity, and unleash your creative prowess. Brace yourself as we embark on a journey to discover the myriad ways in which you can seamlessly incorporate ChatGPT into your WordPress ecosystem.
What is ChatGPT?
Welcome to the world of ChatGPT, also known as Chat Generative Pertained Transformer, a remarkable AI tool that brings human-like depth and insight to your questions. As a trained model and computer program infused with artificial intelligence, ChatGPT has the ability to engage in conversations that feel just like interacting with a human. What makes ChatGPT truly special is its unique and advanced format, allowing users to have follow-up discussions and receive regenerated responses. This adds an element of interactivity and creates an intriguing chatbot-like experience, offering a diverse range of detailed answers.
What are the benefits of adding ChatGPT to WordPress?
Benefit ChatGPT to your WordPress platform brings forth a multitude of advantages and opportunities. Here are some key benefits of integrating ChatGPT into WordPress:
Multiple Features ChatGPT can act as a helping hand with not just one but multiple features. It can function as:
A content writer
Bulk content writer
Auto content writer
WooCommerce product writer
Image generator
Many other AI training capabilities
Customizations Experience the power of ChatGPT, where you have the ability to modify and customize various content-related actions effortlessly. This remarkable tool offers a plethora of intriguing features that allow you to effortlessly generate and regenerate responses, ensuring that you obtain the most relevant and suitable content for your needs. ChatGPT becomes an invaluable asset in automating functions, streamlining your workflow, and freeing up your time for more creative endeavors. When you integrate ChatGPT into your WordPress platform, you unlock a world of possibilities, harnessing the tools capabilities to enhance your content creation process and ignite your imagination. With ChatGPT by your side, the boundaries of what you can achieve are expanded, enabling you to create captivating and engaging content with ease.
Increases Productivity ChatGPT has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we work by providing a user-friendly interface that simplifies our tasks. It has significantly reduced the need for manual labor, allowing for more efficient and streamlined communication processes. With ChatGPT, complex interactions become effortless, and it presents solutions promptly, saving valuable time and boosting overall productivity. When you find yourself pressed for time, ChatGPT becomes an invaluable ally, delivering superior results and ensuring that you achieve your goals efficiently. Say goodbye to time-consuming endeavors and embrace the power of ChatGPT for quick and effective outcomes.
Enhances website Harness the power of ChatGPT to elevate not just your content but your entire website performance. This exceptional tool offers a range of fast-paced features that have a profound impact on your productivity, flexibility, and overall user experience. With ChatGPT, you gain access to quick solutions and effortlessly generated content, ensuring that your website thrives with engaging and informative material. By integrating ChatGPT into WordPress, you create a seamless user experience, allowing visitors to interact effortlessly with your site and find the information they seek. Embrace ChatGPT transformative capabilities and witness the remarkable enhancement it brings to your content and WordPress ecosystem.
If you want to empower your website and content with AI capabilities, then ChatGPT is the answer for you. With ChatGPT, you can redefine and regenerate your content in many ways, and there are many more exciting features coming in the near future. However, it would be best if you are prepared with what, when, and how to use these tools in order to maximize your potential. By embracing ChatGPT, you can add more functionality to your website and unlock new possibilities for your content. The content will undergo a transformation, benefiting from ChatGPT capabilities. To make the most of these tools, it is essential to understand how to effectively utilize them. Get ready to harness the power of AI and leverage ChatGPT to enhance your website and content in remarkable ways.
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futureailist · 8 months
Unleash Your Writing Potential with Grammarly: The Ultimate AI Grammar checker Elevate Your Communication Game Are you tired of second-guessing your writing? Look no further than Grammarly – the trusted AI writing assistant that empowers millions to communicate confidently and efficiently. Whether you're crafting an email, polishing a document, or posting on social media, Grammarly ensures your message hits the mark. The Power of AI Assistance Grammarly revolutionizes your writing process. With its intuitive AI free online grammarly check suggestions, you'll achieve clarity and coherence while maintaining your authentic voice. Say goodbye to the uncertainty of grammar and style – Grammarly is your reliable companion. Where Writing Excellence Begins Say hello to Grammarly's versatile reach. Seamlessly integrated into desktop applications, social media platforms, and web browsers, Grammarly offers real-time assistance across the board. As you switch between tasks and platforms, Grammarly remains by your side. From Emails to Social Media Compose flawless emails using Gmail, Outlook, or Apple Mail. Convey your thoughts with precision on Slack, and effortlessly engage on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Master Documents and More Grammarly isn't limited to casual writing. Enhance your projects on Google Docs, Word, Salesforce, and Notion. Wherever your work takes you, Grammarly ensures perfection. Beyond Grammar and Spelling Embrace the complete package. Grammarly goes beyond mere grammar and spelling, addressing style, tone, and intent. Your writing will resonate with your audience like never before. Confidence in Every Word Entrepreneur and co-founder of Venture Out, Jeanette Stock, attests to Grammarly's transformative power. "Grammarly allows me to get those communications out and feel confident that I’m putting my best foot forward," she says. For Jeanette, Grammarly is a true superpower, elevating her output to 110%. Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Writing Enhancement Tool In today's fast-paced academic and professional world, producing original and well-crafted content is of paramount importance. With the advent of technology, it's easier than ever to access a vast pool of information, but it also comes with the challenge of unintentional plagiarism. Fortunately, Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker offers a comprehensive solution to this issue while also enhancing your overall writing quality. The Power of Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker Detecting Plagiarism and Writing Issues Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker is more than just a tool to identify copied content; it's a holistic writing assistant. By scanning billions of web pages and academic databases, it can promptly identify instances of duplicated text. Whether you're a student striving for originality or a seasoned writer aiming for authenticity, this tool can help. Writing Enhancements Beyond Plagiarism The Plagiarism Checker is just one facet of Grammarly's comprehensive writing app. It offers advanced insights into grammar, spelling, stylistic choices, tone, and more. This multifaceted approach ensures that your content not only remains plagiarism-free but also engages readers with impeccable language and style. Why Utilize Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker? Safeguarding Your Work Unintentional plagiarism, even in small portions, can lead to severe consequences in academia and professional circles. Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker acts as a guardian, ensuring that your work is entirely your own and properly cited. Universality Across Fields Originally designed for students, this tool has expanded its horizons to cater to professionals across various domains. Whether you're an essayist, teacher, or content creator, Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker is a reliable companion for authentic content creation. Functionality Unveiled Cutting-Edge Comparison By leveraging its access to 16 billion web pages and academic papers, Grammarly compares your text to a vast repository of information.
When a match is found, a plagiarism alert is triggered, allowing you to address the issue promptly. Premium Perks Opting for Grammarly's Premium version unlocks additional benefits. Specific sentences are flagged, and reference information about the source is provided. An overall originality score is calculated, complemented by advanced writing feedback and corrections. Grammarly Free Citation Generator Master the Art of Proper Citations with Grammarly In the fast-paced world of academia, accurate citations are a must. That's where Grammarly's Free Citation Generator comes to your rescue. Whether you're tackling an APA, MLA, or Chicago-style citation, this powerful tool, crafted by seasoned writing experts, ensures your citations are impeccable and your references page is pristine. Why Opt for Grammarly's Citation Generator? 1. Unparalleled Convenience: Grammarly simplifies the citation process for various citation styles. Whether you're a student, educator, or professional, you can easily create well-structured citations for books, articles, and more. 2. Beyond Just Citations: It's not just about citations! Grammarly offers a suite of writing assistance tools, from proofreading to plagiarism detection. It's your one-stop solution for academic excellence. 3. Elevate Your Grades: Join the 94% of students who attribute their improved grades to Grammarly Premium. With real-time feedback and suggestions, you'll be well on your way to crafting standout assignments. Seamless Integration and Precision 1. Time-Saving: Grammarly's browser extension allows you to pull citations directly from online sources as you research. It's a seamless way to keep your reference list growing as you explore. 2. Consistency Guaranteed: Say goodbye to citation formatting woes. Grammarly follows the latest APA, MLA, and Chicago style guidelines, ensuring your punctuation and formatting are always spot on. 3. Plagiarism Prevention: Avoid accidental plagiarism with Grammarly's proactive approach. As you write, the tool highlights passages that may require references, making sure your work is ethically sound. Craft Clear, Compelling Ideas 1. Enhance Clarity: Grammarly goes beyond grammar and spelling checks. It helps you refine convoluted sentences, making your ideas shine through effortlessly. 2. Effortless Proofreading: With just a few clicks, eliminate typos, subtle grammatical blunders, and misplaced punctuation that might slip past your initial review. Grammarly Free Essay Checker In the realm of academia, presenting your thoughts with precision and clarity is paramount. That's where Grammarly's Ai essay checker steps in, offering a robust tool to elevate your writing to its highest potential. Grammarly: Your Writing Ally Why Grammarly? Whether you're a diligent student or a dedicated professional, Grammarly is here to refine your written expression. This tool isn't just for correcting typos; it's your partner in achieving impeccable writing that commands attention. For Work and Education Grammarly caters to both the scholarly and corporate worlds. Seamlessly integrated into your workflow, it assists in crafting flawless emails, persuasive reports, or insightful essays. Compare Plans Explore Grammarly's range of plans to find the one that best aligns with your needs, whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or just beginning your writing journey. Unveiling the Power of Grammarly Check Your Essay The essay-checking feature analyzes your content for grammatical blunders, unclear passages, and word misuse. Time-saving and confidence-boosting, it ensures your work stands out for all the right reasons. Crafting Excellence, Step by Step Add Your Text: Input your content, and watch Grammarly's magic unfold. Underline Identification: Grammarly highlights potential issues, guiding you to enhanced clarity. Suggestion Deliberation: Hover over underlined portions to receive insightful suggestions. Refinement with a Click: Click on a suggestion to seamlessly incorporate it.
Elevate Your Writing Game Write Better Papers and Essays with Grammarly, Your essay isn't complete until Grammarly gives it the green light. Discover errors, enhance sentences, and receive feedback to elevate your paper's overall quality. Beyond the Basics with Premium, Upgrade to Grammarly Premium for advanced writing insights, including plagiarism detection. Your writing will not only shine, but it will also maintain its integrity. Masterful Wordplay and Style Crafting the perfect sentence is an art. Grammarly aids in synonym selection, ensuring your word choice is impeccable and tailored to your context. Free Paraphrasing Tool by Grammarly In the realm of written communication, precision and clarity reign supreme. The Free Paraphrasing Tool by Grammarly, a pioneering name in AI writing assistance, empowers you to effortlessly reshape sentences, whether for essays, emails, articles, or any written endeavor. Why Opt for Grammarly's Paraphrasing Tool? Enhance Your Work: Whether you're a professional or a student, Grammarly's Paraphrasing Tool is your ally. For businesses or educational pursuits, this tool is a game-changer. Streamline Your Message: Comparing plans? Navigating educational waters? Grammarly helps you seamlessly convey your thoughts in the most effective manner. Unlock Plans and Possibilities: With Grammarly, you gain access to a spectrum of tools and guides, tailored for various contexts. Choose your path – For Work, For Education, or explore plans. Reframe with Confidence Enter your text, up to 500 characters, and the tool springs into action. Harness the power of generative AI to rephrase complex sentences, saving you precious time. Articulate Your Thoughts In a click, even intricate sentences are simplified, yet their essence remains. Modify the paraphrase length and formality for a custom fit, empowering your message with eloquence. Clarity Beyond Language Barriers Even if English is your second language, Grammarly instills confidence in your rewrites. Precise paraphrasing knows no linguistic boundaries. The Craft of Paraphrasing Paraphrasing involves restating another's words in your own, a vital skill for effective communication. Whether clarifying concepts or integrating external ideas, proper citation is paramount. Beyond Words Grammarly offers more than just paraphrasing. Effortlessly glide through citations, stave off plagiarism, and refine your prose, leaving room for grand ideas and impeccable communication.
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audreyshura · 26 days
Caktus AI Review
Introducing Caktus AI Review, a standout AI writing platform that provides students with an affordable way to tackle their writing tasks. With a plethora of features, this platform sets itself apart from the competition. Its user-friendly interface, accuracy in essay writing, and competitive pricing make it an exceptional AI writing assistant.
Caktus AI Overview
Caktus AI leverages machine learning models to enhance the homework and learning experience for students. It’s one of the few AI service providers that offer prompt customer support, making it a reliable choice for students. Whether it's essay writing, solving math problems, job applications, or coding, Caktus AI boasts 65 smart tools to assist users. The team at AIChief collaborates with Caktus AI to ensure exceptional content generation.
About Caktus AI
Caktus AI is a web-based platform designed for essay writing and other formats, catering to students, researchers, scholars, and teachers alike. Its generative nature speeds up the creation of various writing materials. Users can also code in multiple programming languages like Java and C++, with interactive feedback to enhance their skills. The iOS application further increases accessibility, especially for students.
Introducing AI Writing Tools
AI technology has revolutionized productivity and efficiency. Caktus AI, with its machine learning and neural network algorithms, delivers quick and effective results, ideal for students and educators. This platform addresses common academic challenges, offering innovative solutions for tasks like Spanish homework translation.
Capabilities of Caktus AI
Caktus AI is a versatile tool, offering a user-friendly interface and a range of features that make it one of the top AI writing tools available. For content generation needs, it’s a highly engaging and effective solution.
Caktus AI Pros & Cons
Instant Paragraph Generator
Time-saving platform
Exclusive customization options
Support for multiple languages
Productivity boost
User-friendly interface
Limited support information
Speed concerns
High automation, less manual control
Plagiarism risks
Academic integrity concerns
Features of Caktus AI
Caktus AI's machine learning model offers a range of capabilities for students, authors, programmers, math solvers, and language enthusiasts. Here’s an overview of its key features:
AI Essay Writing Services: Generate essays on various topics quickly and plagiarism-free by simply providing a command and topic.
Text Summarizer: Summarize essays and drafts, enhancing grammar, tone, and writing style.
Personal Statement Writer: Create impactful personal statements for college or university applications.
AI-Powered Cover Letters: Generate cover letters aligned with job descriptions by analyzing your CV and the job requirements.
Paragraph Generator: Create engaging paragraphs effortlessly by writing the first sentence and letting the AI generate the rest.
Text Humanizer: Convert generative text into relatable, emotionally engaging content.
Code Writing: Generate code in multiple programming languages, providing feedback to improve programming skills.
Learning Languages and Solving Math Problems
Caktus AI also offers language learning and math problem-solving features. Students can solve complex math problems with step-by-step explanations and convert published papers into engaging summaries.
Getting Started with Caktus AI
Starting with Caktus AI is straightforward. Follow these steps:
Sign up on the official website. Choose a package that fits your needs. Provide payment details to activate your subscription.
Pricing Overview
Caktus AI offers a free plan with basic features and two subscription models:
Base Plan: $14.99/month, includes unlimited outcomes and math solvers.
Premium Plan: $19.99/month, offering comprehensive functionalities. Save 44% with an annual subscription.
Caktus AI Promo Codes
Currently, there are no promo codes available. However, opting for an annual subscription can save you significantly.
Caktus AI Ratings
AIChief’s research team has evaluated Caktus AI, highlighting its effectiveness in enhancing student learning through essay generation and math problem-solving. Despite some speed and automation concerns, it remains a valuable educational tool.
Is Caktus AI worth paying for? It benefits those familiar with its features.
Is Caktus AI still free? Basic access is free, but a subscription is required for content generation.
Can Caktus AI solve quadratic equations? Yes, using the Math Solver.
Final Thoughts
The AIChief team’s thorough examination of Caktus AI confirms its usefulness in crafting essays, solving math problems, and creating job or admission cover letters. Despite minor drawbacks, it’s highly recommended for those looking to boost their learning and content-generation processes.
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dohadoha2020 · 1 year
DFY Prompt Agency           information/review2023
What is DFY Prompt Agency Information? How does it work? What is the new DFY Prompt Agency information?
What is DFY Prompt Agency Information?
With the AI-assisted content production platform DFY Prompt, you can create an unlimited number of high-quality marketing materials for your company.
You can create prompts and ideas for your marketing materials with the use of DFY Prompt and ChatGPT, a free AI language model. While DFY Prompt helps you organize and preserve your marketing materials, ChatGPT creates the content.
With DFY Prompt Agency information you can
STOP purchasing those "prompt packages" of Excel sheets that are nothing more than a slightly modified version of the same prompt reproduced repeatedly.
Harness The Effectiveness of ChatGPT Without a Strict Learning Curve
With the automatic writing of ALL of your prompts for you, our app instantly grants you ChatGPT Superpowers!
The first-ever "ChatGPT Supercharger" is like nothing else currently available.
Our app automates ALL of the labour-intensive work so that you may instantly become an expert in ChatGPT.
How does it work?
It's fairly easy. All you need to do is take a couple of minutes to install our Chrome extension. You can then access HUNDREDS of DFY prompts to have ChatGPT write you ANY sort of material by opening ChatGPT in Chrome and selecting a DFY prompt. Plus, there is zero guesswork because you are using proven suggestions. With our turbocharger, you'll always receive an incredible outcome.
Was this developed using the ChatGPT API?
No. We created a unique Chrome Extension that integrates with ChatGPT to generate your prompts for you. Do not be deceived; ChatGPT does not have an official API as of the writing of this page. (March 6, 2023) Any software claiming that it was created using ChatGPT is lying or employing an unofficial "hack" that might be disabled at any time.
The first web application that truly levels the playing field for utilizing ChatGPT's power is DFY Prompt.
We developed an app that automates ChatGPT while everyone else is trying to teach you how to use it!
Indeed, do you think that?
A competent prompt writer can earn between $235k and $350k per year because ChatGPT has created an entirely new business!
And these are individuals who have devoted countless hours to mastering effective ChatGPT usage. Most likely, these are either writers who make a living as writers or those who have a natural flair for language.
Not everyone has the necessary talent, time, and perseverance to become proficient at writing prompts.
What Does It Cost to Use This ChatGPT Supercharger?
Trust us; we also had trouble with this.
Yes, since at first, we had a hard time accepting what we had produced. For anyone who wants to utilize ChatGPT but lacks the time or resources to keep purchasing courses, we have essentially levelled the playing field for them.
Indeed, the automation we've developed for ChatGPT is fantastic.
You're probably feeling the same way right now. Whoa, can I truly master ChatGPT instantly without spending a lot of time or money learning how to use it?
These incredible bonuses are also yours when you create your account now!
Free Use of Twice the DFY Prompts That Are Integrated
$297 Value
This is a CERTAINLY priceless bonus that allows you to advance this combination.
With the help of this extra, you'll be able to access an additional 100 of our platform's HOTTEST and most lucrative DFY prompts. Referring to the agency plan,
By enabling you to swiftly create additional material at record speed, at any moment, you will be able to nearly double or even triple your profit! It's comparable to changing Neo's disc while he is in the "training machine."
This was a simple upgrade that we could have marketed separately. Alternatively, we could have sold them as one-time prompt packages that we would later add.
$297 Value
This extra prompt complements our DFY prompts, which are already present. To make it simpler for you to locate exactly what you're searching for, we're going to categorize all of our prompts.
Moreover, we'll be placing some of the more complicated prompts in other categories. By receiving this bonus, you'll guarantee that you have access to DOUBLE as many categories as you would without this launch!
Access To Our Agency License Is FREE!
$497 Worth
The most potential profit is easily packed into your wallet with this incentive! Some human authors produce stuff for other people for insane sums of money.
However, as I previously indicated, even BIG businesses are now beginning to pay BIG money to individuals who are "prompt engineers."
Imagine how much money you could earn by charging individuals to write material for them while letting DFY Prompt and ChatGPT handle everything.
With this extra, you will have FULL rights to use DFY Prompt for your clients' content as well.
Everything we mentioned above is available to you for the insanely low one-time price you see here.
                                 ZERO monthly fees, indeed.
Choose The Package That’s Right for You
1: DFYprompt (LITE)
Align to the left
Align in the middle
Resize to full width
Align to the right
Align to the left
Align in the middle
Resize to full width
Align to the right
Use of ALL five and ten built-in DFY prompt templates is unlimited. All Built-In Categories Are Available
HUGE Double-the-Prompts Bonus as a Bonus (25 additional DFY Prompts unlocked)
HUGE "Double the Categories" Bonus as a Bonus (5 additional categories unlocked)
Bonus: Clients may use the agency's license. usually, $77 per month
Buy it now and take advantage of the one-time discount below.
2: DFYprompt(AGENCY)
Align to the left
Align in the middle
Resize to full width
Align to the right
Align to the left
Align in the middle
Resize to full width
Align to the right
Use of ALL 10 and 25 built-in DFY prompt templates is unlimited. All Built-In Categories Are Available
HUGE Double-the-Prompts Bonus as a Bonus (100 additional DFY Prompts unlocked)
HUGE Double-The-Categories Bonus as a Bonus (10 additional categories unlocked)
Bonus: Clients may use the agency's license.
Do you provide training videos?
Of course, I say. You can use our instructions to learn how to install, activate, and utilize ChatGPT with our extension for the best outcomes.
What improvements are there?
A. The first upgrade will give you access to ALL of our pre-built DFY prompts and built-in categories. You were only allowed a total of 100 DFY prompts and 10 categories on the FE. There are still 200 more prompts and 10 categories to open. Also, you will be able to access all of the categories and prompts that we will be introducing in the future. Each month, we intend to offer 10 to 20 new prompts. This will be available to you for $47 per quarter.
B. The second upgrade gives you access to our Custom Prompts functionality. You'll start to get better and better at creating your own unique prompts as time goes on. particularly given that you'll be using DFY prompts and observing how superbly written prompts are produced. As you go, you'll be able to start contributing your Prompt templates to our extension once you've unlocked this upgrade. You can save it once and use it as many times as you'd like, which will be useful if you find yourself using the same type of prompt repeatedly. This will be unlocked for a timely payment of $67.
I'm done now. A stop to upgrades
DFY Prompt Agency information/review2023
I'll complete my discussion of the DFY prompt here. I appreciate you reading all the way through. Simply purchase this product, then wait for the positive effects to appear. I won't launch a product that won't be useful.
0 notes
dustinhays · 1 year
Get the best quality service with AT&T Cable Internet Companies
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We all know how the Internet has changed the way we live. It’s the main source of knowledge and it is used for entertainment purposes. You will find a wide variety of things on YouTube. But there are many other platforms that you can use to watch TV shows or movies online.
We searched for an internet provider and found a review article about AT&T Cable Internet Companies which gave us a lot of information about them. We were curious to see what was so special about this company, so we made an appointment for us with their customer service representative to get some more details. It turned out that they have different packages, which include different speeds and unlimited data plans, you can choose any one according to your needs without any obligation whatsoever. The representative also told us that they have 24/7 AT&T customer service, and their response time is very quick with less than 15 minutes wait time on average!
AT&T is a well-known, trusted brand for cable internet service
AT&T is a well-known, trusted brand for cable internet service. They are ranked among the top 3 in the United States. As a brand, they have been in business for over 125 years and employ over 253,000 people. AT&T has been working to improve customer satisfaction with their internet service and has come out with high-speed internet connectivity for both DSL and Fiber Optic connections. The company can offer these very different types of connections because they have a large nationwide network of wires and cables which reach into many neighborhoods in America.
They offer some of the best quality service available
For centuries, people have turned to the professionals in their area of expertise, and they offer some of the best quality service available. Therefore, according to a recent study by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC), AI writers are being increasingly used in several industries across the world. This is because AI writers provide additional assistance to human writers, freeing up time for them to focus on what they are best at – creativity and emotions. The demand for AI writing assistants has been increasing in recent years, which is why we need to further investigate how this service will be implemented in the future. AI-generated content provides companies with an instant boost to their content marketing efforts and can help them introduce new products or services quickly and cost-effectively. This makes it worthwhile for firms from different industries to invest into AI writing assistants as they allow producing high volumes of copy at low costs.
Their customer service is top notch
Customer service is one area where customer satisfaction can be improved. Customer service is critical for any business to survive and thrive in today's competitive market. Our company has customer service specialists 24/7, who can answer your questions and help you solve your problems. In this section, I will explore how customer service levels will have an impact on the future of customer satisfaction and why customer service is important to a business in the digital age.
Customer Service: The key to Customer Satisfaction
Customer Service: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle
The Future of Customer Satisfaction
They have a variety of plans to choose from
They say that they have a plan for everyone. That includes novice bloggers, freelancers, and small businesses. The plans are not set in stone. They have an easy-to-use slider to help customers find the right balance between features and affordability. They believe that you should be able to choose the amount of storage, how many blog posts you want to create, what percentage of your own content you want for your site, and how often your site will update automatically.
You can get started with them in just minutes
It has helped businesses take their services and products to a global level. However, the process of creating content - be it text or video content - is still a time-consuming one. Combining that with the numerous content creators needed for an effective campaign means that companies are spending more than what they should on content creation. This is where AI writers’ step in and make your life easier by helping you out with this tedious process. So, how do these AI writing tools work? There are two types of tools: automated and assisted AI writing assistants. The automated assistant produces textual based content without any human input while the assisted writer allows you to input your ideas into their system and they will turn it into pre-written copy or convert your speech into text automatically.
AI writing assistants have been around since 2010 when Siri was released as an app on iOS devices but only recently have, they come into limelight as more
They're always expanding their reach and improving their services
As the world has become more interconnected through technology and digitalization, there is a need for an efficient way to communicate with one another. They're always expanding their reach. They have designed apps and chatbots that allow people to reach anyone, anywhere in the world. They also have a customer service app that allows people to resolve customer complaints through chat on their phone. They're always improving their services. They have new features being released every day, which includes things like AI-powered translation so it's easier for people to use WeChat around the globe.
Thank you for choosing us as your internet provider!
We are happy that you found us, and we hope that you have a great time on our network. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know.Call on (844) 905-5002 to know more about internet services!
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memoryterri · 2 years
Premiere rush templates
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Premiere rush templates pro#
Premiere rush templates software#
editing apps including Premiere Pro, Premiere Rush, Premiere Elements. Share Your Craft on the Envato Forumsįinally, if you put one of these Rush templates to use, please do let us know on the Envato forums. These motion graphics templates let you drop images or videos Flexible Motion. It was originally published on Novemand later updated by Maria Villanueva, a staff writer with Envato Tuts+. You can read more about how we select items at How We Pick Templates to Feature on Envato Tuts+.
Premiere rush templates software#
We looked at projects and considered all kinds of variables, including organization, complexity, experience required and overall difficulty, minimum hardware specifications, included versions and options, formats, resolution, file size, dependencies and required plug-ins (if any), language options, software versions supported, style, design, and cost. And g ive your brand's channel a boost with our comprehensive guide for video marketing content creators. Reshot has free photos, icons, and graphics. PlaceIt lets you make high quality motion graphics in your browser, no software needed. Keep learning about video with these free tutorials for Rush:Įnvato has lots of resources to try. This kit of Adobe Rush templates is perfect if you need minimal lower thirds. This pack gives you ultimate creative flexibility, especially for anyone more than one channel to promote Use the social media video template lower third titles or full-screen animations. Adobe Social Media Pack brings the logos of all your favorite social media platforms to your videos.
Premiere rush templates pro#
It's unobtrusive but stylish, informative without being dull. freeload Motion Graphics templates (.MOGRT), free Adobe Premiere Pro templates & presets from our AI-driven marketplace with over 3 million. Social Media Lower Third - All in One lets you overlay your social media presence on any video in just a few clicks.Text Messages Package MOGRT Templates includes text messages, vertical and horizontal photo messages, location messages, voice messages and more.Adobe Social Media Pack Toolkit has 56 animations, including adjustable in and out animations.Instagram Pack MOGRT Templates will give help build a uniform and professional look. Motion Graphics Templates for Rush inspirational stock assets Adobe Stock Motion Graphics Templates for Rush Transform your videos. Modern Instagram Story Templates is another great option with cool animations. Three Instagram packs: Urban Typo Instagram Story Templates is perfect if you're fan of kinetic typography.Here are a few more social video templates packs for Rush. With unlimited downloads from Envato Elements you can try as many templates as you want. More Social Media Video Templates on Envato Elements
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