I randomly saw your blog and its Ayala-themed mission statement, and I was greatly amused! I believe his only spoken words in the entire series were "Right here" right? (I could be misremembering) but brother was there from day one!
I suppose they never gave him a canonical given name, though I understand the Ayala (/Aiara) surname is Basque. Got any headcanons??
I'm glad I could amuse you. I actually have slacked off on the Ayala posting for a while, gotta get back to that...
He speaks a handful more words in the series. But only roughly a dozen overall, spread over four episodes. (Tbh I wasn't fully sure if that information was correct, I had to cross check with memory alpha.)
While they never gave him a name in canon, the fandom did that for them.
He is pretty much ubiquitously referred to with the first name "Mike". (Greg/Gregory/Gregor used to be common a while ago too parallel to Mike, but has since largely dropped out of use.)
Mikel/ Mixtel would be the basque form of Michael/ Mike (according to Wikipedia). But I'm not sure if it can be shortened to Mike?
And I do hope we've gotten over anglicising names by the end of the 24th century!
(In my own culture shortening names isn't really a thing anymore? If you meet someone named Mike it's likely that that is their legal name, not some variant of Michael so idk how it works.)
But anyways, it is such a deeply entrenched fandom that has existed for longer than I have been alive that I have never thought about it before you asked!
But now I definitely imagine Mikel 🙈 so thank you.
This also got me thinking: often we see new federation colonies that are largely influenced by specific cultures, such as Chakotay's home colony. (There are probably also those with a dozen different species and several dozen human subcultures.)
But it is completely possible that Ayala could be from a majority or even fully Basque colony.
It's also not totally inconceivable that another Basque man might have ended up with the last name Torres (Portuguese/ Spanish/ Katalan according to Google so not far geographically). Especially by the 24th century.
What I am saying is, what if Ayala and Torres are from the same colony? Specifically Kessik IV, B'Elanna's canon, (almost) completely human home colony.
I also have a (sorely neglected) sideblog (@the-ayala-archives) for every piece of Ayala content I can find to collect it, because tumblr search sucks. Most of it is my own stuff though because there just is not a lot out there.
Also thank you for the ask!
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raquelvalencia · 2 years
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truetgirl · 5 years
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Well you’ve already met Via and Perra, the protagonists of my planned story, now meet the villain: Aiara (pronounced eye-are-a). Backstory, as usual, under the read more.
For hundreds of years Aiara languished at her menial post on Ravnica. Oh it looked very posh an respectable. Many of the guildless or lower in the Orzhov Hierarchy would have given anything for it. But, to her, it was nothing more than the most trivial of tasks. She oversaw debtor spirits for the Oligarchs. She ensured their continued service when their masters could not. When her masters could not. The thought had always chafed. She knew she was capable of more, practically destined for more, but operating this far up in the ranks meant any false move could draw the ire of the Obzedat, and nobody wanted that.
It was a far cry from her time in the Legion, where action and frankness had never been in short supply, but if she were to choose again she would still take the church over the legion. At least here those in power were honest in their cruel intent. At least here there were no pretenses to justice or purity.
But unlike her other sisters that had joined her here, she was not content to find her own place and stay in it. She was ambitious, she wanted more. The only question was how she could get it.
The answer came one day in the form of a very strange man. Aiara never bothered to remember his name, but she would never forget him entirely. He simply appeared before her one day, as if from thin air, bleeding and gasping for air. As an angel it was certainly within her power to heal the man, but before she did she extracted from him every piece of information she could.
The man, he’d said, was a planeswalker. A mage capable of travel between many worlds using the power of an inborn spark. Seeing an opportunity like no other, she’d next forced him to reveal that these sparks could be transferred from one host to another.
It was like nothing she had ever dreamed. She could travel to another world, perhaps many worlds, and carve out power for herself. She could finally rise above the mediocrity in which she was trapped here.
Aiara healed the planeswalker, but only after binding him in a contract that once she did, he would surrender his spark to her. This done, she left the now worthless man to his fate and strode out into the blind eternities.
Since that day Aiara has traveled to many worlds, each time establishing a base of power and worshipers utterly devoted to her service. She travels often between these places or to new planes, seeking yet more power and worship. She has at last, she thinks, found her calling. It is good to be a goddess.
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a-aiara-blog · 5 years
मुझे पता नहीं , मेरा मन नहीं लग रहा इसलिए आपकी याद आ रही है ., या आपकी याद आ रही हैं इसलिए मन नहीं लग रहा है !!
मोनिका अग्रवाल ‘अयात’
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Had a dream i was at the mall with my mom and they had a rare person sized bird monster thing on display and when i asked what it was, it answered that it was something called an ametharopteryx and that its from Ireland. It was an incredibly rare animal that excelled in vocal mimicry and was the source of a lot of fairy tales in the area.
It also had its name on a fancy plaque on the front of its cage; Aiara i think??
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evienovo · 2 years
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fandom challenge | day seven: Game of Thrones
» Lady Aiara Merari
Soft spoken yet strong willed, Aiara is the head and last surviving member of House Merari of Lake Marfil, a minor Dornish house with a long history of scholars, who served as scribes and record keepers for the Martells. Not too politically inclined, she nevertheless supported Ellaria’s rebellion and pledged her allegiance to Daenerys out of a strong sense of loyalty to Dorne. In the chaos that ensued in the South after the death of their leaders in Blackwater Bay, Lannister troops attempted to seize House Merari’s elephants on Cersei’s orders, after she failed to receive any from Essos. Aiara refused, saying she would rather carve her own heart out than give even one of her elephants to Cersei. The Lightwater Palace, seat of House Merari, had enough forces to resist the assault, but was subsequently sieged until news of the Lannisters’ defeat reached the South. The strength and loyalty of the people of Lake Marfil were commended and rewarded by the new Dornish Prince after the war by the elimination of tax payments for two years, as well as the appointment of Lady Aiara as member of his council and overseer of the Martells’ personal library at Sunspear.
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Bola-jokoa or Basque bowling
The bowling alley is either built with a roof or to open air, and it’s part of the town, just like the main square or the fountains. As said in the video above, there are many  many games and variations, we’ll show you some cool examples:
Aiararra - the one from Aiara - played with 9 big pins and the little one set in 3 columns of 3 on a ground with slopes.
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Arabarra - the one from Araba - played with 4 pins. The ball has to slide on a beam without falling and then strike the pins.
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Leongo jokoa - the game from León - played with 9 big pins and a little one. The main difference of this game though is the ball which is actually a half ball:
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The practice of these bola-jokoak is sadly dying due to younger generations losing interest which is a shame if you ask us. Besides being one of our traditions, it’s also a way of socializing, but we all know times change!
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pkjd · 5 years
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An anime PV and character designs for the KLabGames x Kadokawa’s cross media idol project “Lapis Re:LiGHTs” has been revealed. It will premiere sometime in 2020.
Director: Hiroyuki Hata
Series Composition: Kasumi Tsuchida, Hajime Asano
Character Design: Taro Ikegami
Chief Animation Supervisor: Taro Ikegami
Music: Satoshi Houno
Studio: Yokohama Animation Lab
Ashley (CV: Iori Saeki)
Lavi (CV: Ribu Mukai)
Aiara (CV: ukari Anzai)
Rosetta (CV: Risa Kubota)
Rinette (CV: Mizuki Yamamoto)
Emilia (CV: Hazuki Hoshino)
Salsa (CV: Yuu Sasahara)
Garnet (CV: Yoko Nakayama)
Alpha (CV: Tomomi Mineuchi)
Nadeshiko (CV: Rina Honnizumi)
Tsubaki (CV: Arisa Suzuki)
Kaede (CV: Yuuko Oono)
Ratura (CV: Yukimi Hayase)
Chanpe (CV: Seika Hirose)
Merry Berry (CV: Hikaru Akao)
Lucifer (CV: Risae Matsuda)
Angelica (CV: Yuuka Amemiya)
Fiona (CV: Haruka Itou)
Yue (CV: Yuu Sakuragi)
Millefeuille (CV: Saeko Oku)
Eliza (CV: Kana Hanazawa)
Chloe (CV: Yoshino Nanjo)
Angers (CV: Yuuka Amemiya)
Camilla (CV: Sumire Uesaka)
Yuzuriha (CV: Ayane Sakura)
via: lapisrelights.com/anime
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vampeyerate · 5 years
I’ve seen some pretty weird spelling so here’s my headcannons
ok here’s mine
Annabelle Cain
Jurgen leitner
Exault aiara ( I thought but maybe something else) Ex Altiara
Uhhh mikael salasa
Agnes Montaque
?? I ran outta names peace out
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souneve · 6 years
Duro perceber que quem tinha tudo a ver, na verdade não tem nada. Que quem você tinha como alguém especial, na realidade nem se esforça pra isso. É inacreditável a capacidade que temos de enxergar onde não tem, de colocar pessoas em nossas vidas em cargos descabidos. A verdade é que é preciso acordar, abrir os olhos e entender que quem não te acrescenta, precisa ir embora. Nós só conseguimos buscar por melhorias, quando sabemos que é o que merecemos, quando acreditamos que, de fato, somos mais do que nossos erros. Precisamos erguer um cuidado inefável para nossa alma, cuidar dela com cautela e com atenção constante, nos privar de receber pequenos gestos. Isso não é sobre se sentir pequeno e exigir dos outros aquilo que não podem nos oferecer, mas sim aceitar que o que os outros oferecem não cabem dentro de nós, que é pouco demais, é inconstante demais e nossa parte interior anseia por mais. Aprender a colocar cada qual em sua posição, sem pedir por um colo que devemos proporcionar a nós mesmos.  Aceitar que somos obras imperfeitas, e isso não faz da gente conquistadores do médio, mas sim fortes o bastante para nos tornamos obras magníficas, atraindo reciprocidade de afetos, de paixão, de empatia.
Clara Francisco compartilhando sentimentos com Naiara Régis.
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raquelvalencia · 4 years
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✨👁👁✨Cada experiencia es como una pieza de puzzle que ha de encajar en nuestra vida.⁠ ⁠ ✨🦔🦔✨ A veces, no encaja en el momento en el que nos encontramos, pero en nuestras manos está. Ahí, esperando a ser puesta en el tablero.⁠ ⁠ ✨👁🦔✨¿Qué hacer? Observar y colocarla con tristeza incluso en dicho tablero a la espera de que su posición en el mismo cobre pronto sentido⁠ ⁠ ✨🦔👁✨¿Por qué si duele? Sencillamente porque ha venido y hemos de aprender algo.⁠ ⁠ ✨👁👁✨¡Venga vamos! Se que es difícil pero con el tiempo veremos como todo encaja. ⁠ ⁠ ✨🤜🏻🤛🏻✨Tómate tiempo a solas para llorar, coger aire y respirar. Después apóyate en los tuyos. Y toma decisiones. Eso al fin y al cabo es trabajarse. YO ... estoy igual que tú.⁠ ⁠ ✨🦔🦔✨Dime mi Nomi ¿Te ha sucedido en alguna ocasión?⁠ ⁠ ¿Verdad que darías con todo al traste? Pues no, te reintentas, te reinventas y resurges....⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #puzzle #lavidateponeaprueba #2021 #estotambienpasara #experienciasdevida #nomi🦔 #nomis🦔 #holasoyaiaraytengomiedo #aiara #aiarayahoraque #aiaraeslahora #simétriko #simetriko #desarrollopersonal #dharma #sonrie #piedrasdelcamino #desarrollodevida #miproposito ⁠ ⁠ 🎈🎈🎈Puedes leerme y escucharme también:⁠ ⁠ https://raquelvalencia.com/blog/⁠ ⁠ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYvyQjzK6oP3ez_1CP-cM-g?view_as=subscriber⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ttps://open.spotify.com/show/1ODqx9UE3N3m3FFfkMfKXi?si=yabAb2CMTzSPV6PfbKlI4Q https://www.instagram.com/p/CKY4gboLPE_/?igshid=gd0hgzw68ivg
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verdades-e-vontades · 7 years
Na trajetória da nossa vida nos deparamos com várias pessoas, mas nem todas elas tem a capacidade de nos tocar profundo, de nos fazer viajar pelo mundo sem ao menos sair do lugar. Você é meu passaporte rumo à felicidade e desde que me permiti embarcar nesse amor e desvendar cada detalhe seu, me sinto repleta de experiências das quais levarei pra sempre comigo. Toda vez que repouso meus olhos nos teus olhos castanhos, me sinto em casa, me sinto especial. Quero caminhar ao teu lado, sentir teu afago e um arrepio de um beijo bom. E quando me perguntar para onde será nossa próxima viagem eu poder responder: “Rumo às estrelas…me faça flutuar meu amor.” E assim, me perder em cada partícula do seu corpo e em um instante te fazer sentir tudo aquilo que sinto aqui dentro de mim, toda esta intensidade que não tem fim. Você que faz cada sensação ter um significado, ao seu lado sinto segurança para sorrir e chorar. Cada momento ao seu lado é uma viagem à tudo que eu jamais senti com outro alguém. Eu fico feliz em saber que somos recíprocos um com o outro, que nossos olhos se encaixam em sincronia e sua companhia é sempre a minha favorita, assim como a minha para você. O seu toque me faz estremecer e o seu sorriso, faz sorrir o meu coração de uma forma singela e completa. Entre todos os dias e todas as horas ao seu lado, sou grata por ter te encontrado, sou grata por cada segundo com você e cada viagem no silêncio da noite em companhia com as estrelas. Tudo em você é especial, cada centímetro de quem você é me dá segurança e me permiti ser quem sou, com defeitos e inseguranças. Eu sinto saudade de você em cada minuto do dia e meu amor é só você que tem a chave certa pra abrir meu coração e sentir cada vez mais o meu amor transbordando por ti.
Lidiane Guimarães and Naiara Régis.
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ligarenspain · 3 years
Buscar pareja en Ayala - Aiara.
Buscar pareja en Ayala – Aiara.
¿Quién, estando soltero, no tuvo jamás la tentación de registrarse en una interfaz de citas online para localizar por fin el cariño?   Buscar pareja en  Ayala – Aiara ya es posible gracias a varios sitios de citas fiables y de calidad. Los días en que Meetic era el único ubicación que ofrecía citas on-line quedaron atrás, y en este momento la oferta está suficientemente desarrollada para…
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transpassada · 7 years
Ele é o momento mais lindo do meu dia, quando toca minha alma, meu coração dispara e meus sentidos se envolve no colorido que é amar ele. Ele que destrói as minhas inseguranças e faz a paz se alojar no meu coração, fazendo morada e revivendo em mim a riqueza de um sorriso simples e sereno, um coração leve e uma alma transbordando alegria. Ele é o amanhecer quando dentro de mim só há tempestades, cócegas quando me falta o riso, completo quando o vazio se aconchega no meu peito. O porto seguro do meu coração, me protege e cuida dos meus dramas e medos. Ele é abraço forte e mãos dadas, fluindo o nosso amor e o deixando livre para sentir a raridade que o amor nos trás. É uma mistura de querer e medo de perder. Todos os dias ao acordar é ele quem imagino ao meu lado e nós dois felizes, um completando o outro na síntese de um amor puro e verdadeiro. Tenho tantos planos, tantos sonhos, e queria mesmo só ter ele. Tê-lo em uma manhã ensolarada para caminharmos de mãos dadas e admirar o pôr do sol. De noite poder contar as estrelas e me perder nessa contagem e poder começar tudo de novo, desde que seja com ele. Sabe, não existe música mais perfeita no mundo do que a batida do coração dele. Aquela respiração é música para os meus ouvidos e quero sempre sintonizarmos na mesma estação. Me acolhe, me envolve, me deixe ser o abrigo para os dias de temporal. Não tenho medo de me molhar na chuva desse sentimento. Cada gota é eu falando um “eu te amo” pra ele. Eu quero tanto, me queira também meu amor.
Naiara Régis and Lidiane Guimarães
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vipeoples · 4 years
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#senegal http://vipinfos.net/rupture-du-couple-babcar-gueye-racky-aiara-a-la-fin-cest-mari-louise-qui-gagne/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B_gH7eHHuQ7/?igshid=19lwzoujj219a
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Lapis Re:LiGHTs, le magic idol della serie si mostrano in un primo trailer
Svelato lo staff al lavoro sull’anime dell’originale progetto crossmediale di Kadokawa e KLab Games.
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Annunciata originariamente nel 2018, torna finalmente a mostrarsi la serie animata di “Lapis Re:LiGHTs”, l’originale progetto crossmediale di Kadokawa e KLab Games che ha come protagoniste delle giovani idol in grado di usare la magia.
L’anime, il cui debutto è previsto per quest’anno, è diretto da Hiroyuki Hata (Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga, Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi!) presso lo studio Yokohama Animation Lab (Miru Tights). La sceneggiatura sta venendo curata da Kasumi Tsuchida (Nekopara) assieme ad Hajime Asano (Mayo Chiki!). Il character design è ad opera di Taro Ikegami (Gamers!) che supervisione anche il comparto animazioni, mentre le musiche sono composte da Satoshi Hono (Demon Lord, Retry!, Aggretsuko).
Di seguito il numeroso cast, formato dai diversi gruppi idol:
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Ashley: Iori Saeki
Lavi: Ribu Mukai
Aiara: Yukari Anzai  
Rosetta: Risa Kubota
Rinette: Mizuki Yamamoto
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Emilia: Hazuki Hoshino
Salsa: Yuu Sasahara
Garnet: Yoko Nakayama
Alpha: Tomomi Mineuchi
Konohana wa Otome
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Nadeshiko: Rina Honnizumi
Tsubaki: Arisa Suzuki
Kaede: Yuuko Oono
Sugar Pocket
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Ratura: Yukimi Hayase
Chanpe: Seika Hirose
Merry Berry: Hikaru Akao
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Lucifer: Risae Matsuda
Angelica: Yuuka Amemiya
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Fiona: Haruka Itou
Yue: Yuu Sakuragi
Millefeuille: Saeko Oku
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Eliza: Kana Hanazawa 
Chloe: Yoshino Nanjo 
Angers: Yuuka Amemiya 
Camilla: Sumire Uesaka 
Yuzuriha: Ayane Sakura 
Il franchise comprenderà anche un videogioco per dispositivi mobili, delle novel, dei concerti e un manga ad opera di Hiroichi (High school DxD - I contratti segreti di Asia e Koneko!) e Shingo Nagai. Il primo album legato al progetto, chiamato Start the Magic Hour, è stato pubblicato lo scorso 5 febbraio.
Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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