izatrini · 5 years
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Cockroaches must stay out fowl business! T&T Shia Muslims condemn Trump but pledge peaceful approach - Wired868 http://dlvr.it/RMYtRJ http://dlvr.it/RMYtRJ
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ofinscriptions · 5 years
writeblr intro!
Hey all!! I probably should have done this a while ago but — better late than never, right? (:
Anyway, I’m new to the writeblr community, and I thought it’d be good to make an intro post! It’d be grand if you could like/reblog/reply on this post, and I’ll follow/check your blog out (:
      Here’s a wee bit about me…
I’m David! 26 y/o trans man (he/him pronouns, please), and I love to write stories featuring LGBT characters. I’ve been a bit out of the novel-writing game lately (my poor WIPs have been shelved for at least a year) but I’ve been trying to ease myself back into it by writing (and posting!) some short stories! I’m always down to chat when I’m online, and I absolutely adore writing little things for my friends (:
The most recent stories I’ve written were about a gay man in the 1970s finding a ~mysterious lover~ inspired by a song to boot, which I’ve posted on here. The next few are not posted, but outlined and half written. They are: a story about old friends and how their paths forked (AiaTT), one about historical mlm academics (1922), a fun road trip piece (Run Wild), and one that’s literally just about an EMT that doesn’t know they’re a necromancer and fully believes they’re just a really good EMT (Death Lives).
Hope to see you around!
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an0bleblackeye · 7 years
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Great day hiking the appalachian.
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andimtheteacher · 10 years
Do you have a lot of students coming to talk to you after class? Do you ever find it annoying or bothersome. I mean I know teachers have a lot of work to do and everything. :)
I do have quite a few students that come to talk after the bell, and no, I don’t find it bothersome at all. I usually do have to cut it short, though, because you’re right, I need to prep for my next class coming in, or I need to do a quick errand, and the students need to get to their next class, but I’d be happy to chat longer if we all had all the time in the world.
The only thing that can be annoying about this- I’m being completely honest- is if a student isn’t picking up on social cues that we’re out of time that day, especially if they then ask me to write them a pass to their next class that they’ve made themselves late for. Luckily, most students recognize when I start organizing materials for the next period or tell them they’re going to be late for next period that it means I adore you and all, but it’s time to go.
Thanks for the ask!
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ofinscriptions · 5 years
Aries, leo, and orion!
Aries - Share a line that you’re proud of!
This is from AIATT’s outline (:
Addiction is a terrible thing. It bruises, itches, burns you.
Leo - Do you have a favourite place to write?
I like to write at Starbucks, or in the office at my house!!! I have a secondary keyboard I use from the days of having a broken laptop keyboard, and I need the space to use it still even though Apollo (my new laptop) has an actual functioning keyboard. LMAO
Orion - Do you listen to music while writing?
I answered this before but ABSOLUTELY YES!!! Feel free to ask for my Spotify! I have I think over 3,000 songs saved across all my playlists?? Plus I add new ones to my “”fodder”” playlists (which is to say non-project or character specific playlists) each week when I go through my discover weekly (:
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andimtheteacher · 10 years
How do you feel when students are complete and utterly excited for the lesson you teach and they make that really clear when a topic they like comes along? Do you think it's insincere or nice?
I love it! There is nothing more soul crushing to a teacher than being the only one in the room trying to keep interest and energy up all day every day, so we appreciate every ounce of energy and enthusiasm students bring into the lessons. It makes our work a lot more fun.
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andimtheteacher · 10 years
Me at 10: I know everything! Me at 20: Omg, I was such an idiot, but now I know everything! Me at 30: Omg, I was such an idiot, but now I know everything! Me at 130: Omg, I was such an idiot, but now I know everything!
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andimtheteacher · 10 years
(I asked about having a crush on a student) and I'm so sorry! I didn't realize you were married/had kids, so sorry if that was a little bit awkward, aah, I feel awful
No worries at all and not awkward. It was a sincere question, and I was happy to answer it for you. Before I was a teacher married with kids, I was a single teacher without kids, and then a teacher without kids dating my SO. The answer was the same for those stages, too.
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andimtheteacher · 10 years
I have an amazing teacher who has been such a positive influence on me, and I honestly just want to stay connected after I graduate. Have you ever wanted to be/are friends with a student? After graduation?
Yes! I’m in sporadic contact with many former students. I love hearing from them, catching up, knowing how their lives are working out. I have only two former students who have crossed fully over the line into being a friend. These are people that have become enough of my everyday life that I think of them now through that lens, not so much that they were once my student. These two just happened to have interests very similar to mine that were enough to maintain a genuine friendship after they left school and got back in contact, so they now know and spend time with my family and the rest of our friends.
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andimtheteacher · 10 years
Hey! Sorry if this is too personal to ask - I won't mind if you don't want to answer it - but have you ever had a crush on a student? And would you ever follow it up after graduation if both were available and wanted it?
I have gotten lots of teacher crush questions in my ask since I started this blog (there must be LOTS of you out there, or a handful of very dedicated askers). Some questions have been answered, some not, depending on if they were a repeat of something previously answered and still somewhere on the blog, or if they were polite, or if they were even something I could reasonably answer, but I was surprised when I saw this one tonight that this is the first time I’ve ever been asked if I’ve ever had a crush on a student.
Because you were so polite, Anon, I’ll answer. I haven’t. Between the business of my focus being on my job, and being the older one in the equation so feeling like connections are mentor-ish, not romantic, and being married to a really great SO, I have never reciprocated or had any crush feelings toward a student.
I can only speculate on the second part of your question, but my assumption would still be no. Even once graduated, I can’t imagine a circumstance where it still wouldn’t damage a teacher’s reputation beyond repair.
I have to assume this isn’t the answer you were hoping to hear, but it is an honest one.
Best to you!
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andimtheteacher · 10 years
So for catholic schools week we had to write teachers letters. And I wrote the teacher I kinda have a crush on a letter. I wrote like thank you for being a good teacher and everything I learn in your class is interesting and I like how your very helpful. Do you think he'll find that weird or anything? Idk for some reason I can't stop worrying about it and it makes me really nervous because I'm not very outgoing or loud to begin with. What do you think? Btw love your page
He won’t find it weird at all. It sounds like your letter was very appropriate- nothing awkward included. Kudos to you for keeping it that way despite your crush. We love when students take the time to give us positive feedback about our class- means the world that we are making a connection. I wouldn’t worry another second about it. I bet the only thing he thought when he read it was that you are very thoughtful.
Best to you!
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andimtheteacher · 10 years
What would you do/say to a student who told you they had a crush on you?
I have given a more in-depth answer to this somewhere on my blog before that I wanted to link for you, but I can't find it on mobile, so here's a short one! Students having crushes is not uncommon at all (I had two on teachers when I was a student), and it depends on the situation for how I handle it. If the student is respectful and maintains enough distance that allows me to still be professional but interact with them, I just make sure they know that while they are lovely, and I am flattered, it can't be a thing. Doesn't mean we can't still develop a close teacher/student relationship. If the student is overt and aggressive about it, I'm much more forceful about creating boundaries because I have to protect myself and my job.Thanks for the ask!
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andimtheteacher · 10 years
How did you know you wanted to become a teacher? Because I think I want be a high school teacher but I honestly don't even know.
I wandered a bit getting to where I should be. I knew I was fascinated by how we learn, how the mind works in general, and that I wanted to work in a field where I was helping other people. I was also the kid that had school for all my stuffed animals and checked out my books to them, so that should’ve been a big hint, but since we are often clueless idiots about ourselves, I majored in social work for awhile, and quickly decided that I was not a good fit for that. I tried business, painfully bad match there really. Made my way through a few more majors and finally double majored in English and another field because I still had my eye on money instead of fulfillment. I went to work as a technical writer out of college, and I was making good money, but I realized I enjoyed volunteer work I was doing tutoring, teaching language classes, and helping people get GEDs more than I liked my job. I went back for my teacher certification, and here I am. I love teaching. I know we can whine like huge brats sometimes because the job has some definite complications, but there is no other job for me. It pushes me to my limits creatively and emotionally every day trying to meet my kids’ needs, and it feels great to do something that matters.
If you love people, and I don’t mean that you’re an extrovert, because I’m certainly not- I just mean that you care about people, and you like to help them accomplish things, it could be a great fit for you. The job isn’t about your subject area as much as it is about connecting with the students put in your care for that small block of time each day. The ability to laugh easily, forgive quickly, and dust yourself off and push forward are helpful, too.
Thanks for the ask!
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