#aiba masaki drama
The japanese commercial "Aqura Home" with Aiba Masaki. 2024. 30 Sec Version.
Here's the new advert with Aiba for Aqura Home. Aiba admitted that he hasn't done kabe-dong in a long time. (For those who don't understand kabe-dong, it's an action where a man pushes a girl against a wall, subjugating her to his will).
The new TV spot is a heartwarming drama in which Aiba becomes a shop manager and tries to create the perfect home for his client. ‘Why is there a wall between us?’ complains the woman: and manager Aiba, seeing the man leaning against the wall, urges him, ‘Don't give up!’ And the man leans against the wall with a sad look. The scene changes, Aiba's manager returns to the shop and with a serious look declares: ‘I'm going to build a house without walls and columns!’ and suddenly pushes the junior employee against the wall. The junior employee is shocked, but this getting rid of walls was manager Aiba's idea-using the room more spaciously by removing unnecessary partitions.
With the words ‘Walls can be eliminated’ Manager Aiba used his whole body to eliminate one unnecessary wall and column after another, and even raised the ceiling to create an exorbitantly spacious living room with a solid structure. The end result is a ceiling so high that even a giraffe could live in it with its head held high, with manager Aiba smiling as the couple and children run around with happy expressions on their faces. The highlight of the video is the warm story and powerful performance, which is the result of Manager Aiba's passion for bringing his clients' perfect homes to life.
Filming took place in very hot weather, with temperatures exceeding 36°C. Despite the heat, Aiba kept a smile on his face as he continued filming. He and the film crew enjoyed reminiscing about their summer memories, talking about whether they prefer beetles or deer, sunflowers or morning flowers, and what kind of ice cream they had this year. By the way, he revealed that he prefers the traditional shaved ice to the fluffy ice that is in fashion right now.
During the filming of the ‘Kabe Don’ scene, which is the highlight of the commercial and Aiba's first scene in a long time, there was a slightly tense atmosphere on the set. But Aiba's kindness and care for his partner was also seen during the shoot.
The scene where the walls and pillars are removed and the ceiling is raised is more dynamic. Aiba was saying, ‘This wall too! And these columns!’ and expressed it with powerful movements and voice. In the final scene, he engaged the muscles of his entire upper body with an expression of strength and made dynamic movements as if he was actually lifting the ceiling. The scene was completed with Aiba's passion.
Aiba commented on the Kabe-don scene ‘I haven't done something like this in years, so it feels new!’
As a leader, did you encourage your junior staff a lot?
Mother Teresa used to say: ‘You cannot do big things at once, but however small they are, do them with great love.’ These words have helped me a lot. They taught me that small things should be done systematically, without striving for big accomplishments. By the way, I learnt this by reading the book (laughs).
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dearesthana · 11 months
Arashi dan Aku
Tulisanku kali ini adalah salah satu cerita behind the scene. Artinya, cerita di balik layar yang...well, mungkin belum banyak orang tahu. Aku pengen banget bagikan cerita ini karena harus ada lebih banyak orang lagi yang tahu betapa awesome idolaku ini!
Aku bahkan nggak kenal mereka secara personal, tetapi lima orang ini sudah menyelamatkan hidupku. Literally.
Aku kenal om-om ini sejak SMA. Pada semester kedua kelas X, ada guru bahasa Indonesia memutarkan satu dorama (istilah drama dalam jejepangan) berjudul Yamada Taro Monogatari di kelasku. Tokoh utamanya adalah dua personel Arashi, Sakurai Sho dan Kazunari Ninomiya. Lagu opening nya saat itu adalah Happiness by Arashi. Doramanya seru banget dan jujur aku cukup hooked up sama tokoh Mimura Takuya yang diperankan Sho. Aku minta semua file episode doramanya ke guruku tersebut dan memutuskan akan menontonnya saat liburan.
Dan yes, karena menghabiskan waktu nonton Yamada Taro Monogatari saat perpulangan asrama, aku mulai suka sama Arashi. Aku jadi kenal member selain Sho dan Nino: Ohno Satoshi (Oh-chan / Riida), Aiba Masaki (Aiba-chan), dan Matsumoto Jun (MatsuJun).
Like, sukaaaa banget!
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Aku menemukan video profil perjalanan mereka di YouTube waktu mencari tahu tentang mereka. Menonton video tersebut membuatku makin kesengsem sama om-om ini. They. Are. Cool. Meski debut besar-besaran di Hawaii pada 1999 dan sempat sukses, album dan konser mereka sempat flop banget di era Pikanchi, to the point susah cari penonton buat konser mereka di Yokohama. Nama mereka baru naik lagi setelah MatsuJun ambil role sebagai Domyouji Tsukasa dalam dorama Hana Yori Dango (mungkin kalian pernah nonton dorama ini). Itu pun MatsuJun sengaja ambil role tersebut buat menaikkan nama Arashi. Dalam Secret Talk di single Wish yang jadi original soundtrack dramanya MatsuJun, member Arashi bahkan roasting dengan berterima kasih sama MatsuJun.
Kurang lebih verbatimnya gini, "Makasih ya, MatsuJun. Doramamu bikin member Arashi jadi ada kerjaan,".
Ish, sedih kalau ingat masa itu :")
Kalau dibandingin, mungkin kurang lebih sama kayak sensasi BTS di Korea Selatan, dari awalnya flop akhirnya sukses besar. Bedanya, pasar musik mereka fokus sama Jepang doang.
So, untuk menceritakan lebih lanjut bagaimana aku bisa suka banget sama Arashi, aku akan mulai dari masa-masa sulitku di SMA. Karena untuk alasan itulah aku menulis bahwa they saved my life.
Aku punya ketakutan waktu dapat jatah piket asrama dan sekolah. Piket apapun. Aku takut kalau ketahuan ada satu spot yang masih nggak bersih, dimaki-maki, dan disuruh mengulang. Aku nggak keberatan sih sebenarnya buat mengulang, tapi harusnya...minus makiannya nggak, sih?
"Percuma kamu pintar di sekolah kalau ngerjain pekerjaan rumah aja nggak bisa! Jadi istri macam apa kamu nanti?".
Yah, kurang lebih begitu.
Itu masih masalah piket. Aku juga dipermasalahkan karena dianggap "juggling" dua cowok di saat bersamaan. Padahal, dua orang cowok ini sahabatku semua dan we were so inseparable.
Aku juga kehilangan ruang privasi. Sejak orang tahu apa yang kutulis dalam diari, diariku sering dicari dan dibuka. Setelah itu, yep, they used my own words against me.
Dan sebenarnya masih ada lain-lainnya. But, let's close it here.
Honestly, mentalku jatuh banget. Terutama pada tahun pertama dan kedua, kayaknya nggak ada hari tanpa nangis dan isolated. Aku sampai sekarang bahkan nggak tahu kenapa masih hidup aja diriku ini.
Karena orang yang pernah bully aku at some points mengalami hal yang sama persis kayak yang kualami. Dan dia hampir "lewat" setelah...well, you know.
Dalam masa-masa sulit itulah aku menemukan Arashi. Aku lupa apa persisnya lagu pertama yang kudengar dari mereka. Namun, aku masih ingat lagu-lagu pertama yang kumasukkan ke dalam playlist: Fight Song, Sakura Sake, Pikanchi Double, A.Ra.Shi, Kitto Daijoubu, Kotoba Yori Taisetsuna Mono, Nice na Kokoroiki, dan Hadashi no Mirai.
Dan aku juga masih ingat gimana perasaanku waktu mendengarkan lagu mereka.
Iya, aku nangis waktu dengernya! Tapi, kali ini bukan karena sedih. Aku nangis karena merasa menemukan harapan buat melanjutkan hidup. Aku nangis karena ingat aku masih muda banget, sayang kalau stuck di sini aja. Aku ngerasa seperti ada orang-orang yang duduk di sebelahku, pukpuk bahuku, dan bilang, "Kamu nggak sendirian. Kamu nggak akan pernah sendirian,".
Aku ingat pernah sedih banget karena suatu hal. Kemudian, aku dengerin lagu Fight Song, lupa sih ini di sekolah atau di asrama. Waktu sampai di lirik ini:
Hito wa hito jibun wa jibun (Orang lain ya orang lain, kamu ya kamu) Kurabeta jiten de maketeru (Kamu udah kalah begitu bandingin dirimu sama orang lain) Jibun ni makenai tsuyosa ga (Semangatmu untuk nggak pernah kalah sama diri sendiri) Donna kabe wo mo kowashiteku (Bakal meruntuhkan halangan apapun di depanmu)
Aku langsung nangis sejadi-jadinya.
Dan aku masih nangis kok sampai sekarang kalau dengerin bagian lirik itu, haha.
Lima om-om random ini memberiku hidup yang baru lewat lagu-lagu mereka. Hidup yang sepenuhnya milik diriku sendiri. Hidup yang gimana pun sucks-nya bakal tetap kunikmati.
Aku ingat ada tiga orang pelaku bully yang udah minta maaf langsung kepadaku. Dua orang di antara mereka pernah bertanya begini:
"Kok kamu bisa sih kuat banget, Nis?".
Aku nggak bisa jawab dengan proper pada saat itu. Namun, kalau diijinkan menjawab sekarang, aku akan menunjuk Arashi. It's all thanks to them. Lagu-lagu mereka bikin aku mau melanjutkan hidup. Lagu-lagu mereka bikin aku mau buat berjuang, meski rasanya tuh pengen memaki shibal setiap saat ya, haha.
Asli, aku akui banyak boyband yang secara visual, vokal, dan koreografinya jauh lebih baik dari Arashi. Secara standar hiburan, apalagi kalau merujuk Korea, mereka ga cakep-cakep amat.
Namun, apa yang bikin mereka juara buatku adalah liriknya yang menyentuh hati orang lain.
Lirik-lirik sederhana itulah yang menyelamatkan hidupku.
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ayarina34 · 1 year
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5 billets !
Pour ce 5ème poste, je vais cette fois-ci, parler d'un célèbre groupe de J-pop !
Arashi est un groupe de chanteurs japonais. Il est composé de cinq membres : Masaki Aiba, Jun Matsumoto, Kazunari Ninomiya, Satoshi Ōno et Shō Sakurai. Le groupe s’est officiellement formé le 15 septembre 1999 à Honolulu, et a sorti son premier album le 3 novembre 1999.
J'ai également connu Jun Matsumoto dans de nombreux J-Drama et films.
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mostlyfate · 3 years
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Wadake no Otokotachi (2021)
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runawaylildevil · 3 years
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2008.06.27. 「花より男子・特別編」
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arashigossip · 4 years
Sakurai Sho to starring a new drama next year.
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Bushun revealed that Sakurai Sho (38) will make a serial drama next april. The tentative name for the drama is “Nemesis” and it will be broadcast on sundays at 10pm (NTV). He will co-star again  with Hirose Suzu (22). Sakurai co-starred with Suzu at the movie Laplace no majo on 2018 and also at Kohaku Uta Gassen the same year.  
Source also says Hashimoto Kanna (21) will appear in the drama.  In fact “Nemesis” is a large scale project that includes a movie after the drama.
Sakurai who is well know as an MC and news caster will return to acting after 3 years of starting a “Saki ni umareta dake no boku” in 2017 Meanwhile during the arashi hiatus, Ohno moves with his girlfriend to an isolated island in the south and Aiba also moves with his partner to a new big villa with hot springs that he bought recently. More scoops to come.
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dramanomikata · 3 years
"Kizoku Tantei"
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Title: “Kizoku Tantei” (The Noble Detective) Genre: Mystery, Detective, Comedy Season: Spring 2017 TV Station: Fuji TV Theme Song: “I’ll be there” by Arashi Starring: Masaki Aiba, Emi Takei, Katsuhisa Namase, Kenichi Takito, Miho Nakayama, Yutaka Matsushige, Yukie Nakama Date Finished: April 28, 2021 My Personal Reason for Watching: An Arashi member starring drama is always on my to-watch list;)
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(^^ And with Aiba that sharply dressed, of course I had to tune in!)
The Kizoku Tantei (Aiba) is an aristocrat who does detective work as part of his hobby. He is a mystery of his own as no one knows where he came from or what his real name is. Aika (Takei) is an up-and-coming private detective who always seems to bump into the Kizoku Tantei on her cases. Aika competes with the Kizoku Tantei to solve cases. She is also on a continuous search for the killer of her former boss. Officer Hanagata (Namase) is always on the scene with these two detectives as well as the Kizoku Tantei’s loyal servants, Sato (Takito), Tanaka (Nakayama) and Yamamoto (Matsushige).
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(^^ Kizoku Tantei and his entourage are at it again!)
While this drama did take me a while to get through (since I started it last September and finished it this April…eep), there were enjoyable moments. I’ve mentioned this before, but with detective dramas, it’s always the same kind of storyline where every episode is one case that gets solved in those 45 minutes. With the same kind of format, you get the same recurring jokes. Kizoku Tantei is another example of that reused format. However, I will say that I liked that Kizoku Tantei’s servants did all the work and the reenactments were the best part of this whole drama.
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(^^ His chauffeur, maid and butler are all detectives, too?! And actors? Well, I’m impressed :D)
I don’t think that Aiba and Emi are the strongest actors, but it’s the comedic timing of Namase as Hanagata as well as the Kizoku Tantei entourage that make up for the casting! Hanagata had me laughing out loud with his reactions to Kizoku Tantei and his “magical” ways. Yukie Nakama had a small appearance, mostly as the voice of “Giri.” I just wondered why Aika never just looked up stuff herself and had to use Giri all the time…is she really that lazy which is why she can never one-up the Kizoku Tantei? Hmm…I wonder.
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(^^ “What?! You guys were just there! And now you’re here!” Oh Officer Hanagata XD)
If you like mystery/detective dramas, you can try and watch “Kizoku Tantei.” If you’re an Aiba fan, go right ahead and watch it. For me personally as an Arashi fan and a fan of dramas in general, I think there are other mystery/detective dramas that I would recommend over this one (such as ATARU, which I also reviewed!).
Favorites: Favorite Character: Probably Hanagata for comedic relief! Favorite Episode: I liked episodes 6 and 7 which was a continuous storyline. Favorite Scene: Definitely the reenactments and breakdowns of the cases from Kizoku Tantei’s servants!
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(^^ What will they think of next?:D)
“Kizoku Tantei” Rating: Story: ✭✭½ So-so detective drama Acting: ✭✭½ The supporting cast had great comedic timing! Theme Song: ✭✭✭ Not my favorite Arashi song but I did love the ending credits which fit it nicely! (also why were the next previews always half in English and half in Japanese? What was the point of that?lol) Total: 8/15
Next Up: “Kita no Kuni Kara”
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(^^ “I’ll be there for you”)
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arashi-avril · 5 years
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yuuyu1964 · 6 years
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Aiba Masaki
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anjerinfordream · 6 years
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Mission 'kyaaa' Possible 😎 Vs Arashi 3-hour special 2018.07.26
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oh-my-asian-boy · 6 years
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Sakanoue Animal Clinic Story Boku to Shippo to Kagurazaka (僕とシッポと神楽坂) Release Date: October, 2018 -- Tatsuya (Masaki Aiba) is a veterinarian. He quits work at an animal hospital and he is supposed to work for Veterinarian Tokumaru at an animal hospital in Kagurazaka, Tokyo where he was born and grew up. Suddenly, Tokumaru entrusts the animal hospital to Tatsuya and disappears. Tatsuya is confused, but he treats the animals with a warm heart and interacts with the animal owners. Based on manga series "Boku to Shippo to Kagurazaka" by Michi Tarasawa (published from 2012 to 2017 by Shueisha).
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thethera-rossa · 7 years
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midori-sunshine · 6 years
Aiba’s drama subs? (update)
Hi ^w^ umm, Does anyone know any person/people who are going to be subbing Aiba’s new drama? I would love to watch it subbed if I can and would be thankful to anyone who are subbing it ^^
I’m not on livejournal but I do have a dreamwidth account so i’m hoping someone there is subbing the drama. If someone is subbing it on livejournal buuut the post will be open to public that’s fine too ^^ Please help QuQ
Thank yooou! 
https://a-drop-of-time.livejournal.com/6186.html are subbing it for anyone else looking! ^w^
Special thanks to @ansifee for providing the link /hugs/ :3
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runawaylildevil · 4 years
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2007.10.01. 「嵐の宿題くん」
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neeewplayground · 6 years
Aiba's new drama "僕とシッポと神楽坂" starting in october.
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dramanomikata · 4 years
“Last Hope”
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Title: “Last Hope” Genre: Medical Season: Winter 2013 TV Station: Fuji TV Theme Song: “Calling” by Arashi Starring: Masaki Aiba, Mikako Tabe, Seiichi Tanabe, Eiko Koike, Yukiya Kitamura, Fumiyo Kohinata, Masahiro Takashima Date Finished: June 11, 2020 My Personal Reason for Watching: Aiba, of course! Also, I started watching it during my last months living in Japan and never got around to finishing it.
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(^^ Dr. Aiba, let’s go!)
“Last Hope” is a medical drama, set at Teito University Hospital. The drama focuses on department of translational medicine at the hospital and the team that has been gathered to cure the “incurable,” using cutting-edge technology. Coming from various backgrounds and all walks of life, these six team members come up with ways to save their patients together.
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(^^ We’re trying to save someone here! No time for 3 p.m. snacks, Hatano!)
When I first heard Aiba was going to star in a medical drama, I thought: 1. “Aiba as a doctor? How would that work?” and 2. “Medical dramas are kind of boring. Not sure if I would be interested in this.”  After watching the drama, I can say that it definitely wasn’t boring (although the medical jargon used in each episode is spoken very fast and sometimes, it just goes way over the viewer’s head).  Each week, there would be a new patient and you would end up rooting for the success of the team to save that patient. 
The back-stories of each doctor provided a great twist to the same old medical dramas.  The backstory of Dr. Komaki (Kohinata) losing his son was the most heartbreaking but they were all pretty tragic.  Each of these doctors had a painful past, which is brought up throughout the series.  It definitely keeps you interested, wanting to see how their past concerns and troubles are resolved in the present.  As for Aiba being a convincing doctor...*awkward silence*  Just kidding. He played the part of Dr. Takumi Hatano (or “Machisha” a.k.a. “Private Doctor) well and they definitely tried to bring in some comedy with his character, always having a 3 p.m. snack at the worst possible timing.  I must say, those snacks looked delicious!
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(^^ Why isn’t anyone taking Hatano’s snacks?? I want one!!)
Some scenes were definitely made to pull at the heartstrings, especially the story about the last patient where his estranged son agreed to the lung transplant (which definitely made me cry).  Other times, they would go over the top and play for the dramatics.  I know Asian dramas are, at most times, very overacted and over-dramatized, but when your boss just collapses all of a sudden mid-sentence, do you just stand there and watch?? That was one scene that actually made me go “WTF?” out loud.
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(^^ He’s falling in slow motion…should we do something? Um…you guys are doctors, right?)
In summary, “Last Hope” defies the “boring medical drama” trope with intriguing storylines and sympathetic characters.  However, my one gripe: do they really have to say the drama’s title in every episode?  It’s like when a movie character says the name of the movie in the movie and you go, ‘Hey! That’s the titleofthemovie OMG!’ *insert Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme here*
Favorites: Favorite Character: I guess, Hatano? Although Komaki comes as a close second.  Favorite Episode: Personally, I liked episode 6 where they had to decide whether to save a patient or obey the patient’s request for him to see again even if that meant sacrificing his life.  My grandma also suffers from macular degeneration like the patient so it really hit close to home for me.  It just goes to show that eyesight is such a precious thing we take for granted and having it taken away is a cruel fate to live with.        Favorite Scene: Obviously, the 3 p.m. snack times XD
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(^^ A photo of the doctor who learned that the patient’s wish is most important)
“Last Hope” Rating: Story: ✭✭✭½ (a solid storyline with a clear ending) Acting: ✭✭✭ (Aiba convincing as a doctor, who knew?  But I got to give it up to the supporting cast!) Theme Song: ✭✭✭½ (Not my favorite Arashi song, but a catchy one nonetheless!)
Total: 10/15
Next Up: Maybe “99.9 Keiji Senmon Bengoshi”
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(^^ “We’re your last hope.” WE GET IT!)
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