#aiden's mike hater friend lore
aidyaiden · 1 month
so my friend (into HP/golden trio, not the marauders) asked me for reasons to why we (marauders fans) hate snape and love james (she says she doesnt like james bc hes a bully (i explained to her we dont care abt canon james but eh) and that he loves snape because hes misunderstood and if he turned bad its bc of james or some shit...)
so. why do we hate snape and why do we love james?
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aidyaiden · 1 month
so i was talking with a friend earlier (the friend that hates james and loves snape) (and she's also the friend that hates mike wheeler, yeah...) and i was talking to her about the one and only bartemius crouch junior and she told me she didnt know who he was
so i said that he was a slytherin during the marauders era and that he became a death eater blabla and then i told her about how when he learned evan was killed he went to find the guy that killed him and killed him (this sentence is horrible but. yeah you get what i mean)
and. she said precisely (i mean in french but urgh) "so that's ok but preferring the love of your life to her baby is not?" GIRL. first of all since when is lily the love of snape's life??? and thats two completely different things???? wtf are you yapping about
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aidyaiden · 1 month
not my friend saying snape to her is like mike wheeler to me, about how everyone hates him but hes misunderstood and shit 🤡
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aidyaiden · 11 months
guys help i have a friend who doesnt ship byler (she doesnt really ship mileven either but like she defends their relationship yk) and her only arguments are "i dont like mike." and "will deserves better than mike." or even "mike isnt good enough for will" SIS WDYM???
give me your strongest arguments to tell her that YES mike is fucking enough and even more than enough for will
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aidyaiden · 4 months
my mike hater friend has striked again.
so we were on a call and i was reading her my little s5 expectations notes (half of them being irrelevent/way too specific to happen) andddd there was "byler being silly goofy" and i read it to her and said "because they're the silliest goofiest guys" and she said "no??? mike?????" and i said "yes, mike!!!! he's literally the og Silly" or something and she said something like "no, he's an annoying asshole" or sum
so i reminded her of his internalized homophobia, societal pressure, his traumas, and the fact that. he's a teenager. so you fr expect him to be perfect.
and she wouldn't. hear. a thing. she said i was just making up excuses for him. but girl. i ain't making them up. he just has excuses.
and anyway she's so annoying when she gets in her mike hater mindset, because i KNOW that she's never gonna change her mind and that's fucking annoying.
and anyway i think i asked that already in a post some time ago but I'm asking again. I'm gonna make her a mike defence powerpoint. so give me arguments 🙏
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aidyaiden · 8 months
yk about my mike hater friend? (i tagged all the posts with aiden's mike hater friend lore, if you want)
well...uh she told me one of her friend asked her her most favorite character of all series/movies she ever watched and her least favorite. and for the least favorite, unsurprisingly, she said mike.
so, i was like...you hate Mike more over Brenner??? ans she was like. yes.
WHAT THE FUCK??? and like. she said that at least, brenner has compation (im not sure, im rereading this months later and im just noticing a all my typos...) and all. no??? he's like THE worst character, with Henry i guess??
AND she compared Mike to a girl she knows irl that manipulates her friend and when she acts like a complete dickhead she blames it on non existent familial problems. that's so not Mike...he's so caring and loving????
LIKE excuse him for being a traumatized teenager that has no idea how to handle or cope with his traumas??? she completely forgot about the van scene and how he makes Will better for being different, etc...
ANYWAY i'm gonna make a slideshow on how Mike is NOT a shitty friend and he is a WELL WRITTEN character, but i need help so please give me more infos to defend our son Mike :)
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aidyaiden · 1 month
my friend (who isnt even in the marauders, she's into the golden trio era fandom and only knows the names of the most popular marauders) just told me that JAMES POTTER IS OVERRATED.
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aidyaiden · 6 months
having a friend that ships byler but is also a mike hater, ships s*ancy and eddie and chrissy is the absolute worst
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aidyaiden · 11 months
(the same friend thats a mike wheeler hater) she kinda ruined my day like im about to cry rn :/ i went to the stranger things experience, i had a great time, i bought wills painting, i was in overall happy and she just had to ruin everything by being a stubborn ass that wont let me talk and express my opinion :(
if i spent the day just with my brother it wouldve been so much better but nah she had to mock (more like shamelessely being annoyed by) my byler hyperfixation and not hide it, which is really unrespectful and hurtful :I
sorry about the whatever-this-is 👍
edit: im so sorry i just noticed all my typos 😭
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aidyaiden · 5 months
so my friend who's a mike hater and who ships st*ncy. AND she's a bi mike truther. which is completely ok! i'm personally a gay or just queer or unlabeled mike truther, but i respect her opinion because it's just the bare minimum human respect.
and yesterday, i uploaded an insta story implying that mike's gay and she answered with "HE'S BI YOU MOTHERFUCKER" ....but. like. ??????? so i said "i see him more gay or just queer or unlabeled, that's my opinion, you have yours" (she just answered with "😔☹️")
and like. 1) respect people's opinion?? it's not hard??? 2) she HATES mike's character, like genuinely hate, so why do you care so much about his sexuality huh
and anyway yeah she really pisses me off when she's like that :/ next time i will damn well call her off because I'm tired of her shit. we have different opinions that's fine, but stay respectful and don't firce your opinions on me, you damn well know i don't think the same
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aidyaiden · 11 months
BRO SHE (an annoying friend, for people who didnt see my previous posts) JUST SAID "but mileven has been together for 4 seasons theyre not gonna break up!!!!!" bro 🤨
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aidyaiden · 6 months
help i have a friend (the mike hater one) with who i had a video call earlier today and like uhh we talked about stranger things and i dont remember how we got there but i told her "for me, Mike is a Homosexual with a capital H" and she was like "no. he's bi. that's it." like sis...i understand we have different opinions/headcanons, that's just normal, but if you could respect mine that would be great <3
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aidyaiden · 6 months
ARGHHRHTHRHZA so like. you know my friend that's a mike hater and st*ncy shipper? yeah well i just had a conversation about Erica's traumas and how nobody (in the series and in the fandom) talks about them and she's just like "but it doesn't help in the plot 🤓" "it's a series it's not supposed to be realistic 🤓" like yeah i get it but it takes literally 2 seconds to make a shot in which she cries. it's not hard. just acknowledging that she's human and has feelings and is traumatized doesn't mean she needs a whole season to her like Max
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aidyaiden · 11 months
i told my melvin shipper friend that el's s4 arc was to figure out who she is (= not a monster, nor a superhero btw) and that will's is about being loved and loving mike. el's arc is achieved : brenner is the monster, she's herself: eleven/jane. will's is NOT, so it wouldnt make any sense for him to stay single cause, lets be honest, if hes dating someone its mike or no one yk
she just "🙄 *sighs*"
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aidyaiden · 11 months
she just admitted she doesnt like mike and el's relationship, a good start!!!
she said the reason she doesnt ship byler is because she loves will and shes scared that mike will do that same with him (not say i love you, etc) HELP ME PRIVE HER OTHERWISE
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aidyaiden · 11 months
BAHAHAA SHE (a not-byler-shipper friend) RECOGNISED THE PLACEMENT AT THE VERY END OF S4 (jancy/byler/jopper + el alone) IS LEGIT BYLER PROOF SOMEHOW EHEHAHA
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