hauntedhomage · 1 year
Please welcome to the stage the 12th century champions of dysfunctional failmarriage: Mathilde and Aimery!
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gacougnol · 2 months
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Aimery Joëssel
Pencil on paper, 2002
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yama-bato · 4 months
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Aimery Joëssel Photography
— in Lorgues, France.
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winterrhayle · 1 year
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tlc characters as random text posts i found on pinterest
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Joachim: Oyez oyez! The Emperor is back from Compiègne! Aimery: And in very good company!
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Napoléon V: Who could resist such beauty? I'll give her my hand, and... my life
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Philippe: A rare beauty, indeed, with a lot of character.
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Napoléon V: Just the way we like them, eh Philippe? Joachim: Are you jealous, Phil?
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Philippe: Not at all, I'm happy for Louis Grégoire: How does it feel, your last night as a free man?
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Napoléon V: I must admit, I don't feel much difference. Is that a good sign?
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Oliver: Don't worry, Louis, you'll soon feel the difference
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Joachim (laughs) Napoléon V: It should go well with a bit of your whisky
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Joachim: Between the whisky and Charlotte, our Emperor's in no position to reign! Thank you Oliver!
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Oliver: Well, I hope the Emperor is sure of himself. He'll soon be looking like a sober man with his soda, surrounded by tempting and delicious spirits
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Napoléon V (teasing): What women are you talking about, my dear friend? Shall I tell my sister?
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Oliver: I just want to point out that once you're married, you'll attract all the more women. Many want the benefits of a wife, without the official duties associated with it. And… In view of your ancestors, my theory seems to be borne out
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Napoléon V: Really?
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Grégoire: Charlotte can look after herself, don't worry Louis
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Napoléon V (can't resist the whisky, drunk): Anyway, I don't need your help, I'm guided by Providence Oliver: Come on
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Napoléon V: I'm doing all this for Phil', poor chap, he nearly became Emperor of the French
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Philippe: Don't talk nonsense Louis Joachim: It's nothing Phil', he's already completely drunk Napoléon V: Shut up!
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Palais des Tuileries, 20 Prairial An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
Napoléon V and a few friends celebrated his bachelor party at the palace. Joachim, his best friend and organizer, wanted to make it a rococo party, as he couldn't have fun outside the palace for security reasons.
(Thanks @officalroyalsofpierreland !)
⚜ Traduction française
Napoléon V et quelques proches fêtent son enterrement de vie de jeune homme au palais. Joachim, son meilleur ami et organisateur, a souhaité en faire une soirée rococo, à défaut de pouvoir s'amuser à l'extérieur du palais pour des raisons de sécurité.
Joachim : Oyez oyez! L'Empereur est de retour de Compiègne! Aimery : Et en très bonne compagnie!
Napoléon V : Qui aurait pu résister à une telle beauté? Je veux bien y laisser ma main
Philippe : Une rare beauté, en effet, avec beaucoup de caractère
Napoléon V : Comme on les aime, n'est-ce pas Philippe? Joachim : Tu es jaloux Phil' ?
Philippe : Nullement, je suis heureux pour Louis Grégoire : Ca fait quoi, ta dernière nuit comme homme libre ?
Napoléon V : Je ne ressens pas trop de différence, je dois l'avouer. Est-ce bon signe ?
Oliver : Ne t'en fais pas Louis, tu sentiras rapidement la différence
Joachim (rigole) Napoléon V : Ca devrait aller avec un peu de ton whisky
Joachim : Entre le whisky et Charlotte, notre Empereur est mal barré pour régner! Merci Oliver!
Oliver : Hé bien, j'espère que l'Empereur est sûr de lui. Il aura bientôt l'air d'un homme sobre avec son soda, entouré d'alcools tentants et délicieux
Napoléon V (taquine) : De quelles femmes parlez-vous, très cher ami? Dois-je en avertir ma soeur?
Oliver : Je veux simplement souligner qu'une fois marié, tu attireras d'autant plus de femmes. Beaucoup souhaitent les avantages d'une épouse, sans les devoirs officiels associés. Et... Au-vu de tes ancêtres, ma théorie semble se confirmer
Napoléon V : Vraiment ? Je ne souhaite pas faire de mal à Charlotte
Grégoire : Charlotte saura se défendre toute seule, ne t'en fais pas Louis
Napoléon V (ne résiste pas au whisky, bourré) : De toute façon, j'ai pas besoin de votre aide, je suis guidé par la Providence Oliver : Allons donc
Napoléon V : Je fais tout ça pour Phil', le pauvre, il a failli être Empereur des Français
Philippe : Ne dis pas n'importe quoi Louis Joachim : C'est rien Phil', il est déjà complètement saoul Napoléon V : Ta gueule toi!
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nebulardrip · 2 years
WINTER Lunar chronicles
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my dearest lunar chronicles blorbo
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mariaangels · 1 year
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Aimery Joëssel
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joemerl · 1 year
Winter and Scarlet Discussing Aimery's Death:
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shellyseashell · 2 years
Notes: a bit late, but I’m dedicating this chapter to @that-glasses-dog since their birthday was a few days ago. I hope this chapter is angsty enough for you ily <3
Warnings: violence, guns, suffocation, mentions of death, panic attacks
Act 2 - Guard
22: home
“PRINCESS,” IKO CALLED. Her voice barely raised above a whisper. “Princess, where are you?”
They had already scoured the house, but they checked the rooms again. There were three places Winter could have been — cabinets or closets, under Maha’s bed, and the shower — and she wasn’t in any of them.
Iko and Aminah shared a look, returning to the living room. Had Winter already been found? No. She couldn’t have. She was the smarter than that. Or at least, Aminah hoped she was.
At least she knew Ling was safe.
Before either of them could say anything, footsteps stomped outside the door. Iko pulled Aminah with her as she tucked herself under the kitchen counter. They huddled as close as they could, though Iko was nearly unbearably warm, still overheated from their run. Aminah pulled her shirt over her mouth in hopes of stifling her breathing.
The door banged open. “The database confirms this is the residence of Maha Kesley.”
A short silence. “I sense someone, but their energy is faint. Perhaps muffed behind a barrier of some sort.”
Neither her or Iko could be sensed, Aminah was positive, which left one other possibility — Winter.
“In my experience with the cyborg,” said a third voice, “she does not always react as one would expect to mind control and manipulation. Perhaps she is capable of disguising her energy as well?”
“Perhaps,” said the second voice, who was definitely a Thaumaturge. “Kinney, search the perimeter and neighboring homes. West, check the bedrooms.”
“Yes, Mistress Pereira.”
More footsteps. The front door shut. 
The Thaumaturge entered the kitchen only seconds later. Aminah stopped breathing at the same time the Thaumaturge stopped in the middle of the kitchen, her red coat fluttering around her. 
She stood there. And stood there. Just as Aminah was sure her breathing would not be heard and they would be safe, Iko’s fan started up again. 
The Thaumaturge glanced down, startled. 
Iko raised a hand. “Hello.”
Aminah was going to throw up.
The Thaumaturge studied them for way too long of a moment, then said, “Shells?”
“Close,” said Iko, grabbing a towel off the dish counter and lunging. Aminah tucked herself farther back. This was it. She’d finally be discovered and she’d be killed and — and — and Ling wouldn’t even know what had happened to her, not if they got Iko too.
The android in question pressed the towel against the Thaumaturge’s face, stifling a scream. She fought against the grip, but Iko kept her pinned against the wall.
“Just pass out,” Iko said, as if giving someone fashion advice, “and I’ll let you go.”
A guard had spotted them through the window, and within a second he was standing in the doorway, pointing a gun at Iko.
Aminah snapped out of her panic and lunged at the guard. The two of them fell, the gun clattering out of his hold, and then he was on top of her, holding a knife to her throat. 
“Do anything,” said the guard, “and I’ll kill her.”
Iko didn’t have to think long. The Thaumaturge fell, and it must have looked enough like Iko doing something, because the guard retrieved his gun and pointed it at Iko.
Aminah scrambled to her feet and ran. She didn’t know where she was going, she just had to get out. She knew she was leaving Iko to fend for herself, but her mind was screaming at her to save herself, because she knew what would happen to her if she didn’t. 
She slammed into the other guard in the living room. She stumbled back, trying to clear the fog from her mind to fight back. Her hesitation was enough for him to shove her against the wall, and sliding to the ground, she couldn’t find the will to get up.
She was a coward. 
She knew what was happening. Around her ragged breathing, she could hear all of it. She heard Iko getting shot. Heard the guard — Kinney, she was pretty sure — figure out she was an android. Saw Winter run past her. Heard the insults. Heard Kinney kill Sir West. Heard him give Iko instructions on what was going to happen next. 
And yet, she didn’t move. She couldn’t move.
THEY WERE TAKEN TO AN UNDERGROUND CARGO PORT. Three royal ports stood out against the battered delivery ships. So, that was why they had been ambushed. They only had a watch posted on the maglev platform.
Ling’s arms throbbed, her sleeve sticking to her arm with blood. With every step, her legs grew number and number, and Wolf’s energy was so overwhelming with fear and devastation that she wanted to scream.
A royal guard was waiting for them, someone Ling vaguely recognized as Sir Kinney. Jacin knew him, somehow, she was pretty sure. Kinney’s eyes flashed with recognition as he met her gaze, but he quickly looked away.
“Report,” said Aimery.
“Mistress Pereira and Sir West are dead.”
“We were ambushed inside the Kesley house by an Earthen android and shell girl,” said Kinney.
Ling’s breath stuttered.
“A brawl ensued. The android was immune to mental manipulation, nor did bullets do much to afffect her. She . . . it suffocated Mistress Periera. The shell stopped me from immediately attacking her, but I was able to pin her and threatened to kill her. I was forced to instead fight the android, and the shell escaped. Sir West took her out before coming to help me. The android disarmed me and used my gun to shoot Sir West and our Thaumaturge. While it was distracted, I managed to lodge my knife in its back, severing its . . . spine, of sorts. That successfully disabled it.”
Ling made a sound somewhere between and whimper and a sob. She would have fallen to the ground if not for the guard holding her up. Aminah. Aminah was dead. She had been killed, and Ling hadn’t even been there to help. They had been split up and . . . and nothing good happened when they weren’t together. She never should have let Aminah out of her sight, because now she had no one.
“With the threat removed, I conducted a thorough search of the rest of the house and surrounding properties. I found no other accomplices.”
She couldn’t bring herself to be revelived that Winter was okay.
Aimery stared at Kinney for so long Ling thought he’d lost the ability to speak before he said, “And you’re certain the shell was killed? What became of the android?”
“Sir West had shot the shell, and I found no pulse.” Aimery frowned, upset they wouldn’t be able to use her blood. Ling had never wanted to kill anyone more. “I found and destroyed what I believe was the android’s power source,” Kinney continued. “I threw what was left into the public trash compactor.”
“No!” Cinder stumbled forward, but the guard behind her stopped her from falling.
Kinney spared a small glance at her before saying, “I left the bodies behind. Shall I return for them?”
Aimery waved a hand. “We will send a crew for them.”
Cinder’s head hung low. Wolf and Ling shared a glance, before turning their gazes to Cinder. She glanced at the both of them. 
All three of them had lost someone today.
Ling didn’t feel like she was made of ice, like when her father had died. She didn’t cry because crying was her only option. She felt like some part of her had been cut out. Her chest was hollow. In the hollowness anger boiled, hot and bubbling. It had always been there. She knew it had been, because she’d always had to suppress it for the sake of her family. She didn’t suppress it now. She had nothing left to loose, and she would make sure Levana felt her pain.
A black-coated Thaumaturge and more guards entered the space. “We have not found any more accomplices, or discerned who was firing on us from the factory windows,” said the Thaumaturge. “It’s possible they’ve retreated to a different sector. They might attempt the insurgence elsewhere.”
Aimery smiled. “Let them try. We are not afraid of our own people.” He settled his gaze on Cinder. “This little rebellion is over.”
Cinder and Ling lifted their chins, but it was Wolf’s low growl that gained Aimery’s attention. Wolf snarled at him, looking like he’d like nothing more than tear apart everyone in the room.
Aimery laughed. He stepped forward, cupping Wolf’s chin in his fingers and squeezed. “Besides, how could we ever lose when we have beasts such as this at our disposal?” Aimery released his chin, instead slapping him tenderly on the cheek. “Alpha Kesley, isn’t it? I was there for the queen’s tournament, the day you won your position in your pack. It seems you’ve been lead astray by these Earthens. What shall we do about that?”
If looks could kill, Aimery would have been dead ten times over. 
One of Wolf’s knees gave way and he knelt before Aimery. A moment later, Wolf had bowed his head. 
Ling’s stomach turned. She knew how much Cinder struggled to control Wolf, and Aimery did it so easily. She would have had that power too, one day.
“There’s a good dog,” Aimery said, patting Wolf’s head. Ling growled, but Aimery ignored her. “We will take you before Her Majesty and let her decide the punishment for your betrayal. Does that suit you, Alpha Kesley?”
Wolf’s voice was robotic, clearly forced, as he said, “Yes, Master.”
“As I thought.” Aimery turned his gaze to his entourage. “Should there be any lingering pockets of rebellion, ensure they are swiftly stamped out. There is to be a royal wedding tomorrow, amd we will not tolerate any more disturbances.”
The Thaumaturges bowed and scattered, after which Aimery tucked his hands into his sleeves and turned on Cinder and Ling. “Which leaves only the question of what to do with you two.”
Cinder held his gaze. “You could bow before me as your true queen.”
“Kill her.”
Ling flinched as the guard behind Cinder whipped out his gun and held it against Cinder’s forehead.
“Stop, I’ve changed my mind.”
The guard put the gun away. Cinder sagged. 
“My Queen has requested the pleasure of deciding your fate herself. I think I will suggest she offer your head to Emperor Kaito as a wedding gift. As for you,” he said, turning to Ling, “your trial will ultimately end in your death, but I will keep you alive until then. I have been waiting for this trial.”
Ling snarled, but Aimery only laughed. 
“Thaumaturge Park?”
He turned to the Thaumaturge that had spoken, who had her palm on the side of a small podship.
“This is a royal pod, and it looks like it arrived recently. Hardly any dust. Odd for it to be way out here.”
“I am not surprised there are thieves about, and it might help us locate the missing rebels. Run a search on its tracking numbers and see what you find.”
The guards loaded the three of them into Aimery’s ship, placing them on separate benches. No one spoke, and soon they were on their way to Artemisia. 
Ling didn’t want to return. The idea of returning to Artemisia had scared her before, but now it made her feel sick. Her family had died there. It wasn’t a home anymore — she wasn’t sure where home was. She didn’t want to return, only to be killed on the same floor her family had died on. She would rather die here.
The ship stopped in Artemisia’s underground port. Guards pulled the three of them up, and they were greeted by a dozen more guards and three Thaumaturges. Once again, none were Kalise.
“Thaumaturge Park?”
“Sir Kinney.”
“Permission to seek immediate medical attention?”
Aimery examined the blood on Kinney’s uniform. There was a lot, but Ling couldn’t tell where he’d been hurt. “Fine,” he said. “Report back as soon as you are cleared for service.”
Ling’s anger boiled. Of course. Of course an injury that might not even exist could be treated, but an illness garunteed to kill couldn’t. Ling wanted to kill Aimery. 
The three of them were led through the halls, and Ling immediately knew where they were going. But when they stopped at an elevator bank, Wolf was pulled away from them. 
“Wait,” said Cinder. “Where are you taking him?”
Wolf growled and struggled, but he was subdued under mind control. Ling said, her voice barely above a whisper, “There’s a reason they’re called special ops.”
Understanding dawned on Cinder’s face. “Wolf! No!” She stumbled forward, but she was held back. “Wolf!”
Wolf turned the corner, and he was gone, leaving Cinder panting and shaking, and Ling staring numbly at where he had been. 
Cinder and Ling shared a look as they were forced into the elevator, and they both realized the same thing: they may never see Wolf — or any of them — again. 
“I’m sorry we aren’t able to give you a private tour,” said Aimery, “but we’re rather preoccupied with wedding preparations. I’m sure you understand.”
“I’m sure it wouldn’t have been a very good tour anyway,” Ling said. 
The doors opened, and they were led through a dim corridor that reeked of stale air and urine and bodies. Technically, they were in the prisons, but it really did feel much more like a dungeon. 
“I hope you’ll find your accommodations acceptable for such a distinguished guest,” Aimery told Cinder. “I understand you’re already accustomed to prison cells.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” said Cinder. “The last one could only hold me for a day.”
“And this time, she’ll know how to get out,” Ling added. She hadn’t been down to the prisons much, had always avoided them when she could, but she knew the palace like the back of her hand, and she was a certain a tunnel led down here. She was confident she could get them out.
They paused, and a guard unlocked the door, the ancient hinged creaking. The smell got worse as the door opened.
“You will remain here until Her Majesty the Queen has time to see to your trials and executions,” said Aimery. “Of course, you’ll want to use the time to get reacquainted.”
Their bindings were cut off and they were shoved into the cell. Cinder stumbled and caught herself on the wall. Ling on the other hand, fell to her knees, and hissed as they absorbed the shock of the fall. 
There was a whimper. As the door slammed shut, Ling lifted her head. Two people huddled together in the far corner. Even as her eyes adjusted and Cinder turned on her flashlight, Ling didn’t recognize them. 
Cinder seemed to though, because she slumped against the wall and said, “You can’t be serious.”
Taglist: @salt-warrior @yeah-asbestos @cinderswrench @linh-song @cindersassasin @healing-winston-pratt @just2bubbly @gingerale2017 @thestarryeyedsapphic @zephyr-thedragon @that-glasses-dog
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natequarter · 3 months
“God, you’re sexy when you talk history,” Humphrey said. “Well, the stuff that’s not about archbishops and torture, anyway.”
“But the torture is the best part!” she said. “Especially the torture of archbishops.”
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kestarren · 1 year
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'Untitled • Indonesian Portraits Series', Bali, by Aimery Jöessel Photography.
0 notes
hauntedhomage · 1 year
An inaugural post for this blog!
I, Ciarán @butcheredtongue, am writing a novel. So far it is untitled, but my working title, Haunted Homage, is covering most of my bases. It's a Mediaeval Gothic novel, set in twelfth-century Brittany (for now) and seeking to examine the various social codes of Mediaeval familial, marital, and feodal duty-bonds as a tragedy of inadequacy in meeting these. The novel is plotted out, but, except for an early draft of one central scene, has not yet been written; this blog exists to aid me in writing it.
The story I am looking to tell has four central characters, these being the Lord, Guillaume, the Lady, Constance Adela, the Vassal, Aimery, and the Young Wife, Matilde. They exist both as fulfilments of Mediaeval cultural archetypes and as incredibly warped individuals.
Though this blog will often turn to being light-hearted or silly, the tone of the novel is in keeping with its Gothic genre, and, as such, expect potential mentions or descriptions of sexual violence, severe mental illness and unreality, eating disorders, and gore.
Enjoy your stay here, and I look forward to update you on the progress I make in writing.
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gacougnol · 1 year
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Aimery Joëssel
☞ DI RUMAH AJA 2 ☜ 59
L'art félin de la sieste #7
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yama-bato · 1 year
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Aimery Joëssel Photography
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aurianavaloria · 3 months
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The final result of the genealogy project I mentioned previously.
For personal research purposes, I've compiled the immediate relations of the royal family of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem at about the year 1181AD. I'm posting it here in case anyone else finds it useful for their own research.
Do take note of a few things, however:
I wasn't able to put absolutely everyone on it - the tree is difficult enough to read as it is, so I only included those I considered relevant to the local politics; for example, the vast majority of the Komnenos Dynasty is left out, but those listed are all related in some form or fashion.
Likewise, most relations extending to Western Europe are also excluded (IE: Aimery and Guy's other siblings).
I've provided a key to help read it as well as color-coded annotations where appropriate regarding state relations/major houses. Do note that the persons labeled as "deceased" are deceased by 1181. Several dates are unknown, however - no death date was provided for Countess Beatrice de Saone, so I didn't mark her as deceased, even though it is probable that she is by that date.
Be sure to follow the marriage lines closely. There are several cases of second and even third marriages. The marriage ties are especially intriguing in regards to the controversial Ibelins...
Andronikos I is highlighted differently because... he's Andronikos. Seriously, read up on him sometime if you haven't yet. He's... something.
Finally, I've also included the dynastic coats of arms when available (mostly from wikipedia). Some of these arms are different between the European and Levantine family branches, as well as different from attributed arms given in later centuries. An example of this is the arms of de Lusignan, which appeared as shown on the chart until Richard the Lionheart granted a red rampant lion charge on top of it later on. The arms of the Jerusalem cadet branch of the House of Anjou (d'Anjou-Jerusalem) are debated at this point, so I've just given the ruling family the later-known arms of the kingdom. Makes it easier to follow the path of the crown.
Obviously, you'll need to view it in a new tab/window to get all the details. Some of the words/names also bleed over into other lines here and there, but that's just the way the tree generator smashed them together.
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Presenter Julien: A week after the celebrations, it's time to take stock of the festivities for Their Majesties' wedding. Presenter Sophie: This is the third imperial wedding in Francesim history. A rare and grandiose event, which heralds the splendor of the next coronation.
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Presenter Sophie: His Majesty the Emperor married Empress Charlotte, a love affair born of a long childhood friendship. The young couple were married by His Holiness Pope Benedictus XIX, the Emperor's godfather. Welcome to Mr. Arthur Thomas, our specialist on crowned heads…
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Journalist Arthur: Thank you, Sophie. Presenter Julien: What should we take away from this imperial wedding, Arthur?
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Journalist Arthur: A lot! First of all, Empress Charlotte has once again won over the French. She's a charming, well-educated young woman who, above all, knows the Emperor by heart. She has mastered imperial protocol to perfection this day, and I'd go so far as to say, better than the Emperor!
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Journalist Arthur: Indeed, the image that amused the entire empire was His Majesty's discreet micro-nap during the mass following the Pope's blessing. If this royal somnolence amused the majority of spectators, some of us hope that the Pope or the Empress didn't take offense at such a lack of control.
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Journalist Arthur: Speaking of control, as far as foreign personalities are concerned, Madame Royale de Thornolie has once again distinguished herself by her perfect self-control. The sharpest tongues may regret the usual over-rigor displayed by Her Royal Highness at every public appearance.
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Presenter Julien: Isn't she nicknamed the Ice Princess back in Thornolia? I think that at a wedding, Madame Royale could have shown more sympathy for our young Emperor…
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Presenter Julien: ...By contrast, the Duke of Rothsey, who had been repeatedly refused attention by the imperial family, was very smiling and exemplary. In fact, he attended the imperial banquet with the Emperor.
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Journalist Arthur: Indeed, many fans were delighted to see Oliver and Hortense together again. The two lovebirds gave each other several glances during the ceremony. Is this a sign of things to come? It probably does!
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Senator Aimery: I believe so too, Francesim needs to reunite around the Imperial family after these difficult times. What's more, Their Imperial Majesties have Madame Hortense's well-being at heart.
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Presenter Sophie: Thank you, Senator. We'll now give the floor to Madame Gérard, president of the opposition Third Party…
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Opponent Madame Gérard: Thank you for your invitation. Presenter Sophie: What do you think of His Majesty's marriage? Opponent Madame Gérard: We have great hopes for His Majesty Emperor Napoléon V. We must (…)
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Napoléon V: I'm sorry about the nap, I was… Charlotte: I know, you were tired. It's all right, Louis.
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Emperor's private jet, 29 Prairial An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
Napoléon V and his wife Charlotte leave for their honeymoon. During the trip, they watch a live broadcast reviewing the imperial wedding.
(Oliver is from @officalroyalsofpierreland, Eleanor (Madame Royale) from @theroyalthornoliachronicles, we also see Queen Viviane II of Iona from @funkyllama. Thank you! <3)
⚜ Traduction française
Napoléon V et sa femme Charlotte partent en lune de miel. Durant le voyage, ils suivent une émission en direct faisant le bilan du mariage impérial.
Présentateur Julien : Une semaine après les célébrations, il est temps de dresser un bilan des festivités données pour le mariage de Leurs Majestés. Présentatrice Sophie : Il s'agit du troisième mariage impérial célébré dans toute l'histoire de la Francesim. Un événement rare et grandiose, qui annonce le faste prévu lors du prochain couronnement.
Présentatrice Sophie : Sa Majesté l'Empereur a épousé l'Impératrice Charlotte, un amour issu d'une longue amitié d'enfance. Le jeune couple a été marié par Sa Sainteté le pape Benedictus XIX, parrain de l'Empereur. Bienvenue à M. Arthur Thomas, notre spécialiste des têtes couronnées...
Journaliste Arthur : Merci Sophie. Présentateur Julien : Que faut-il retenir de ce mariage impérial, Arthur ?
Journaliste Arthur : Enormément de choses ! D'abord, il faut souligner à quel point l'Impératrice Charlotte a une nouvelle fois conquis les Français. C'est une jeune femme charmante, bien éduquée, et surtout qui connaît l'Empereur par cœur. Elle a maîtrisé le protocole impérial à la perfection cette journée, et je dirais même, mieux que l'Empereur !
Journaliste Arthur : En effet, l'image qui a amusé tout l'empire, c'est la micro-sieste discrète de Sa Majesté durant la messe qui suit la bénédiction du pape. Si cette royale somnolence a amusé les spectateurs en majorité, certains d'entre nous espèrent que le pape ou l'Impératrice ne se sont pas offusqués d'un tel manque de contrôle
Journaliste Arthur : A propos de contrôle, du côté des personnalités étrangères, Madame Royale de Thornolie s'est une fois de plus illustrée par une parfaite maîtrise de soi. Les langues les plus déliées regretteront peut-être la trop grande rigueur habituelle dont fait preuve Son Altesse Royale à chaque apparition publique.
Présentateur Julien : N'est-elle pas surnommée chez elle, en Thornolie, la princesse de glace ? Je trouve qu'à un mariage, Madame Royale aurait pu montrer davantage de sympathie à l'égard de notre jeune Empereur...
Présentateur Julien : A côté, le duc de Rothsey, à qui la famille impériale a pourtant refusé maintes fois de lui prêter attention, a été très souriant et exemplaire. Il a d'ailleurs participé au banquet impérial auprès de l'Empereur.
Journaliste Arthur : En effet, de nombreux fans se sont d'ailleurs réjouis de voir à nouveau réunis Oliver et Hortense. Les deux tourtereaux se sont d'ailleurs lancés plusieurs regards durant la cérémonie. Cela annonce-t-il de prochaines fiançailles? Probablement!
Sénateur Aimery : Je le crois aussi, la Francesim a besoin de se réunir autour de la famille impériale après ces temps difficiles. De plus, Leurs Majestés Impériales ont à cœur le bien-être de Madame Hortense.
Présentatrice Sophie : Merci Sénateur. Nous allons à présent laisser la parole à Madame Gérard, la présidente du parti de l'opposition, le Tiers parti...
Opposante Madame Gérard : Merci pour votre invitation Présentatrice Sophie : Que pensez vous du mariage de Sa Majesté ? Opposante Madame Gérard : Nous avons beaucoup d'espoir avec Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon V, il faut espérer que...
Napoléon V : Je suis désolé pour la sieste, j'étais... Charlotte : Je sais, tu étais fatigué. Ce n'est pas grave Louis
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