#aislin giverow
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ft. a banner based on the minimalist cover i made [ which in turn was inspired by @anomaly00​ and @vespatrix​ <3 ]
only by uncovering the past can you discover the future;
One unlikely group of friends. One sorceress hell-bent on revenge. One chance to save the world - or doom it to destruction.
Fate has tied six friends together. Now, they have to chase Annelyrin, famed sorceress, across the dimensions, in the hope that they will be in time to stop her from carrying out her greatest plan of all — destroying the world they all love so dearly. All while navigating their feelings for each other and understanding that some things aren’t meant to be known.
and only by discovering the future can you save the world.
ELEVYNNE TRUE ; Guardian ; done with your nonsense ; i will love you until the last star winks out, and even after that, i will still love you.
CHARISS QUIRE ; Scholar ; young talent ; we lose and we love and you know what? i think i enjoy that bit that makes even me human.
AURE DECKER ; artist/shopkeeper ; quietly observant ; how i wish i knew what love looked like so i could paint it [ ... ] love is everything i’ve painted.
AISLIN GIVEROW ; poisoner ; motherly ; love is everything beautiful and everything painful, all at once.
CARHYS BLACKWAVE-ALTHERA ; spy ; constantly moody ; stop telling me that you love me when you don’t.
IANE KESLER ; Chairperson ; too charming ; love? my friend, i will not find love, not when there are so many others forcing theirs on me.
obligatory second header bc i love @rcvolutions​
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ID under cut !
FIRST HEADER ; a dark blue background with a sun-like icon on either side, enlarged so only part of it is visible. on the left, tilted vertically and layered on a constellation, is the tagline “only by uncovering the past can you discover the future”. on the right, a similar setup with a different constellation and the name “asena f.” right in the middle is the title “a flame in the stars”.
SECOND HEADER ; various photographs, all with darker tones. in the middle is an icon resembling an oval-shaped grey firework, and on top of that in cursive is the title “A Flame In The Stars”.
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i got addicted oops
taglist ( message to be added/removed )
@writerfae @inspirited-goddess @mjmnorwood @pen-for-sword @vvrinn @writing-time-corner @hope170 @setipensofiorirai @lawie-schills @marewriteblr @talesofsorrowandofruin @aliasastrid @awritingpadfoot @mothsandmammothfigures @adaparkwrites @ninazeniks @sprigofbasil @novel-novelist @lil-writing-demon @detectivesprince @aelenko @halcionic @silverartistcat @cheshawrites @incipientdream @ashesconstellation @charles-joseph-writes @antebellvm @kais-blurbs // @anomaly00 //
ID under cut!
There are four pictures, all with muted and blurred backgrounds of various photographs of cities.
The first one has a dark blue-white palette, with overlapping sets of double lines. The quotes are: “oh, do shut up” — “and what if I didn’t?” and “I never thought I’d love someone else as much as my family” — “but I’m glad I proved myself wrong, just this once”. The characters involved are Elevynne True and Carhys Blackwave-Althera.
The second one has a light green-white-black palette, with overlapping sets of a simple decorative icon. The quotes are: “love is more than us” — “that’s what makes it so beautiful” and “I once lived my life thinking that I wouldn’t be accepted for who I am” — “but she came along and brought with her a whole new world of hope”. The characters involved are Chariss Quire and Aure Decker.
The third one has a yellow-black-white palette, with a design of lines with a half-starburst in the middle. The quotes are: “guilt only wins because you let it” — “and I’m here to make sure you don’t” and “I didn’t let myself love after I lost it all because it felt wrong” — “but he taught me that loving again shows I’ve forgiven myself”. The characters involved are Aislin Giverow and Iane Kesler.
The fourth one has a red-white palette, with sets of double lines arranged in a zigzag pattern. The quotes are: “please don’t subject me to this torture” — “but what if I did, would you hate me?” and “and to think one, I was sitting alone in the corner watching everyone have fun” — “now I’m in the thick of it with the one person I wouldn’t trade for anything”. The characters involved are Aerin Boudaire and Drae McLaren.
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[ inspired by @atelierwriting, @sourrcandy and @sufjanisms ]
bonus points if you can guess who’s saying what in my dms; i might even present you a page from one chapter of your choice~
transcript + gen taglist under the cut.
1. It’s the days where I have shifts with Guardian Lorra that I dread, even more than the days where I’m assigned to Iane Kesler, disaster magnet.
2. “But I’m sure she’s more disappointed than grateful,” I point out. “She could have collided with the most handsome man on the Dome.
3. I stare at the pile of research papers I still have to grade, and turn around
4. Then again, I don’t know why she wants the tapestry at all. By the stars.
5. Well, shit.
6. There are no gods in this devastated world, only the will to survive.
@sprigofbasil @sidebyside-withafriend @peaches-n-creame @rcvolutions @aelenko @mortallynuttyqueen @theworst-pirate
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CH^2 .4
Wow, four character cheatsheets already!!
- Aislin Giverow
- 27 (she’s actually 27)
- housecleaner of sorts???? and spy. more importantly, spy
- scary good with poisons and antidotes
- ravenclaw/slytherin
- one of the few people who actually like Iane (more on him soon)
A Quick Introduction
Aislin is not afraid to speak her mind, but prefers to stay out of sight. She makes friends pretty easily, but only has a small group of people she really trusts. She’s excellent at poisoning and antidotes, and through mithridatism, is mostly immune to a few herself. She is a mother of a young son, and has a doting husband. She lives in a dorm, in the city center. Strangers would describe her as such: open and friendly. Friends would describe her as such: clever and cunning.
Snippet [draft.3]
“Let go of her, C, J.” Molly is released and she crumples to the ground, leaking blood from a dozen different wounds. Anger races through me, fueling my thoughts. Acting subconsciously, I look around me and a plan starts to form in my mind. It isn’t the best, but it probably will work. At this point in time, I’m willing to try anything, if it means they’ll stop hurting Molly. I pick up a small pebble. With practiced aim, I fling it. It hits one of the men, and he falls to the ground, knocked out. I silently thank my husband for insisting I learn how to throw things with accuracy.
She would do absolutely anything for her son, even if it’s illegal. This is explored in the story.
Tag List: message to be added/removed
@warofmywords @writerfae @inspirited-goddess @mjmnorwood @pen-for-sword @vvrinn @writing-time-corner @hope170 @setipensofiorirai @lawie-schills @hannahs-creations @marewriteblr @talesofsorrowandofruin @aliasastrid @awritingpadfoot @mothsandmammothfigures @adaparkwrites @ninazeniks @inkwelldragon @sprigofbasil @novel-novelist @lil-writing-demon @witchofduva @aelenko
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Last one: Aislin!
Link to link
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sladkmesamdkfdlsapfedslmapefadsfe omg thank y’all so much?? I’ve only been here for almost ten weeks and I’ve met so many wonderful people??? anyway @sprigofbasil has also hit a milestone, go check her out if you haven’t!
SO. To begin, here’s a little thank-you note, written by none other than the afits group.
We’re extremely grateful for your support and interest in our world, our journey, and most importantly, ourselves. Of course, we wouldn’t be here without several people, so here they are: 
This account is dedicated to Alessa, for being Asena’s biggest enabler and the first fan of afits. 
Asena’s close friends, who won’t stop bugging her for new content. 
Milteo, for kindly beta-reading the mess that was the prologue ( “HEY” ). 
Nicole ( @/sprigofbasil ), Pax ( @magic-is-something-we-create ), Cas ( @saintsorrel ), and many others for the sweet tags in the reblogs. 
We see each one, and we are very, very, grateful. 
We also want to say special thanks to Cherri ( @halcionic ), Carmen ( @sinistersparrowz ), Charles ( @charles-joseph-writes ), Hunter ( @linariouswrites ) and many others for encouraging Asena with kind words on Discord, we see all those too and we love you. 
To all the other people who are following this blog, we thank you, and we hope you have a nice stay in the Asenaverse.
With much love, Elevynne True; Chariss Quire; Aure Decker; Aislin Giverow; Carhys Blackwave-Althera; and Iane Kesler
P.S. Aerin Boudaire & Drae McLaren send their love
And, to add on, I’ll be holding a Q&A session! Send in your afits-related questions that don’t fall under WBW & STS categories, and I’ll answer them! ( Characters may make an appearance. ) If you’d like me to write a little something, send in a prompt of no more than twenty words to this blog for flash fiction/short story OR to my sideblog @darkmagic-hours for poetry! [ Will cap requests at ten per blog; this number may or may not change ]
Once again, thank you so much for your support!
// reblogs appreciated! <3
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Elevynne True, Guardian
Chariss Quire, Scholar of the Arts
Aure Decker, Arts shopkeeper
Aislin Giverow, Spy
Carhys Blackwave-Althera, Heir to the title of High Lord
Iane Kesler, Chairperson of Asteri University (Luminaire)
Lovely people who see this: my first (and probably last, frankly) character aesthetic thing that doesn’t really look that good but @aliasastrid is nice so I put it here.
Link to the WIP intro here~
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science fantasy
-> POV
interchanging first-person
mentions of trauma
found family/friendship
enemies/friends to lovers
how far will you go to achieve your goal?
dystopian-style Earth
half-dystopian half-utopian fictional setting, known as the Dome
multiple dimensions
A group of six people are thrown together and have to save the Dome and Earth from a determined lady who intends to destroy it for personal reasons. The story spans several dimensions in what seems like a never-ending game of cat-and-mouse. Allies are gathered, enemies are taken note of. 
Elevynne True
Chariss Quire
Aure Decker
Aislin Giverow
Carhys Blackwave-Althera
Iane Kesler
“We need another, better method of getting the message to him.” 
 “Drop it on their heads?” suggests the Political Advisor, who has a rather alarming penchant for aggressive methods.
Drafts 1 & 2: Chapter 27
Draft 3: Chapter 6
Word Count [combined]: 50k+
I won’t be tagging anyone for this post, as there’s at least two others floating around on my blog. This is merely a more cohesive and official post, for anyone who needs it. Thank you for reading, and for your support!
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