#aizou your gay is showing
lilac-melody · 1 year
Okay screw it I have to yell a bit
As we all know, Yujiro and Aizou didn't get along when they became idols and to this day still fight.
This is a tiny little thing in the novel, but it's just something that makes me smile.
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Of course, Aizou is focused on work related things, but the fact the novel had him drop Yujiro off at the station is just...sweet.
Yes, it's night time (or at least late evening) at the moment for them, and they could have easily separated so Aizou can focus on his important things. But no, the novel specifies that Aizou first walks Yujiro all the way to the station before running to the bookstore that was about to close.
If they'd separated sooner, he wouldn't have had to run in hopes they didn't close before he got to the bookstore.
But no, it's simply a given that they're close now and Aizou will walk Yujiro to the station, even if they don't talk on the way. Whether Aizou just likes being in Yujiro's presence or he wants to make sure Yujiro stays safe while he can, I don't know, nor do I particularly care.
It's just sweet that it happened.
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banaannagirl · 3 years
Does someone did this already?
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Go for it, aizou!
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yume-fanfare · 6 years
one of my favorite parts of dream fanfare are aizou's expressions
he's way harsher in his actions —as he seems to generally be an angrier person—, and you can see it in how he grabs yuujirou's lapels or he lifts yuujirou's chin up. he does everything in a resolute, decide manner. he's so convinced that he's right that it almost looks like he's angry, because how dare yuujirou be embarrassed about doing something that he's so good at? and he's already come so far! they both have, they're partners, they're on it together!
so yeah, he cheers yuujirou up in his own way
but then
then, right there, on stage too, yuujirou does the same thing form him
and aizou looks so surprised.
he wasn't expecting that.
he wasn't expecting anything in exchange, he just did it because he felt like he had to. but now he's receiving gratitude. and yuujirou might look a bit more insecure when singing, but that's because it's genuine
honestly, i would've paid to see yuujirou's face when he put his hand in aizou's chest. because it might have been strategical, it might have passed off as part of the choreography or as an act, but aizou is looking at him like he can't believe his eyes, like he just heard something he should have been told a long time ago, like a new world just appeared before his eyes
and then yuujirou half-hugs him and i can only imagine what he might have told aizou
and this shot right here? hell yeah
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overlordofships · 5 years
I'm gonna pretend for a sec that Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is popular ok
Imagine this: Yuujirou frantically calls Aizou over. Aizou walks over, visibly confused by how excited Yuujirou seems
Yuujirou shows Aizou his phone. "Look! I made my camper look like the trans flag!"
Technically, it doesn't. There are only three lines of color, not five (the game only lets you have 3 colors) - the top one is blue, the middle is white, and the bottom is pink
But Yuujirou looks so genuinely proud of himself and it's so adorable that Aizou just kinda says "Neat" and looks away before he falls anymore in love with this absolute dork
Bonus: "Too bad YOU can't make yours look like the gay flag, huh? Too many colors"
"YOU LITTLE SH-" Aizou doesn't know why he's so offended by that, but he is
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banaannagirl · 4 years
Yuujiro :
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Aizou : *don't smile, don't smile*
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Aizou : ah screw it.
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lilac-melody · 2 years
hi i'm new to the heroines run the show fanbase! i see a lot of your posts and just wanted to ask why do you not like liphiyo? don't the guys like her? also am i allowed to follow you?
Hello! Welcome to the fandom, first off! Yes, following me is fine, if you're okay with the fact I don't ship the "main ot3" and ship aiyuu and nagihiyo instead (and consistently lovemail them)
As for why I don't like the ship and your other question...
Well, the short answer: I just don't vibe with it.
For the long answer...tagging this as "ship hate" even though it's not really hating? I'm just gonna explain why I don't like it, why I prefer aiyuu/nagihiyo, and ramble about spoilers for the movie/anime/novels.
If you really like the main ot3 and the other variations of them, consider yourself warned if you read ahead. These are my personal opinions and everyone is entitled to them.
Where do I start..?
Well, I guess first off, when I joined the fandom back in 2020, I was actually fine with the ship. Above neutral but below "I ship it". A lot of fans on twt and yt comments ruined it completely for me, though. A lot of rude people who scream at aiyuu fans when they're just in their own bubble. Some who scream "the novel has so much content for them, you look ridiculous!" and calling us fujoshis. (Granted, I know there are some aiyuu fans who are way too extreme and rude and harasss others and I want to clarify that this is NOT okay either!! However, I've seen much less of those than I have of people who ship Hiyori with any or both of the two LIPxLIP boys)
Another reason...is given the boys backstories, and how much they went through even before they met Hiyori, they had a strong bond. Their bonds only get stronger with new content that pops up.
Aizou doesn't want a girlfriend. He said so himself as well.
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And given he has trauma with women thanks to his abusive and alcoholic mother, he's likely not going to change his mind just because a girl is sporty and not feminine. I can relate to that.
I have trauma with men. I'm 100% fine being friends with men, but I can never see myself dating a man.
As for Yujiro, he's a loner who has never had any friends until he met Aizou. I personally don't see him getting easily emotionally attached to anyone, especially in a romantic sense. I feel like he's kind of on the ace spectrum, somewhere? Demiromantic gay? Given that Yujiro is shown to be annoyed with girls but he's more comfortable being around guys. (And yeah, one can chalk that up to him being being an awkward teenage guy, but again, everyone's entitled to their own opinion)
With what they have gone through in the movie (which is finally english subbed. It's fan-subbed, so it's not on any official sites, but I personally use gogoanime since you don't have to really fight tooth and nail to make gross ads go away lol), as well as the Romeo novel, one can really see their bond and how they grow to care so much about each other.
Their stories are always about how they grow as a team. The hanipre events show us this as well. They're translated somewhere on tumblr. There's "If I go on a Trip with You", the Valentine's Event, the White Day Event, and the Halloween Event. And of course, the solo events. These events are all about Aizou and Yujiro and their bond, which only grows more and more.
What is LIPxLIP's story with Hiyori?
Getting used to having her around as their manager, and helping her dress up to become a heroine and, in the MV, confess to the "mystery boy" she likes. In the anime, it's to prove to her childhood friend that she can be pretty too, given Hiyori opened up about her insecurity with being feminine.
Now, the anime...
I'm not gonna lie here, you shouldn't really look to the anime for what's canon, and what's not canon. They took away a lot of what made these three characters stories charming. They also changed up a lot of the characters personalities and made everything so ridiculous and...it was just...straightbait. Even in episode 5, which I consider to be one of the better episodes (1 - 8 were good, 9 - 12 were not), the anime team made Yume Fanfare seem as though the song is made for Hiyori.
It wasn't. These two have a personal moment before their first concert with this song, and they dedicated the song to each other. (Also, Yamako's fanbox states that the song is for them, so...no idea what the team was thinking, tbh? Kinda lied to everyone, and if you're unfamiliar with the lore, then it can definitely be misleading).
I already made a post about my grievances with Herotaru here though, so if you want to read why you shouldn't accept that as canon, go read that. I'll just end up repeating myself too much and making this longer than it already is.
I got off track.
Anyway, so...to me, while forcing the boys- after everything they go through together and the suspiciously homoerotic things they do (like, canonically applying kiss marks to each other...)
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...into a relationship with a girl, in which their story arc mostly revolves around helping her get a boyfriend...I just can't see it. It feels very comphet to me. (And, given I myself have trauma with being comphet for most of my life, I have very strong feelings about that)
(Also, twice, they have something about keeping a secret..? I dunno, feels a bit too sus for me. Here's to hoping it's not just queerbait lol. The second image is for Samishigariya which, you should 100% check out. It literally compares Aiyuu with Shibarisa. They're both singing of love to their most important person...which is another reason why I don't think that Aizou or Yujiro like Hiyori. If they did, why haven't they gotten an MV yet? Sure, Nonfantasy exists, but that MV was just a dream on Hiyori's part, and dreams don't really have to mean anything. She fell asleep watching the Nonfan MV, so of course she's gonna end up thinking about it. I have a whole rant about that from a psychologist perspective but that's not for here...anyway, the MV here proves that the two care more about each other than anyone else- otherwise, other people would have been shown as well)
Anyway, onto Hiyori...
Now, I love Hiyori. I really do- she's one of my favorite fem characters of honeyworks. She's adorable and relatable. That being said, I personally think she can do better than Aizou or Yujiro (who have a LOT of trauma with them anyway and I don't think she can handle all of their baggage, and the fact that she doesn't know their trauma, but they know the extent of each other's trauma...anyway, I digress).
She's always thinking about how cruel the two were, in the novels. She's dreaded being in their presence multiple times and they've made her genuinely cry. She has also thought "they make me feel so stupid" (which...idk about anyone else, but if someone makes me feel stupid, even if it's a super hot woman, I really don't think I'd want to be in a relationship with them...but eh, whatever you're into?)
Are they good friends? Yes! And I LOVE their friendship! I think their friendship is super important!
Do I think there's any romantic undertones? ...No.
A problem I have with Hiyori with the guys is...they just...don't work out that way, imho. I mean, when Hiyori went back to her usual self after her makeover, the guys were upset and confused.
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To which, she replied that she shouldn't be wearing dresses when she runs. (She's finally accepted herself and knows she can be a heroine)
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One can say that the two were just curious, but...no, they're actually pretty shallow with women. In the MV, they made her dress up because in their eyes, no one will accept her love if she's not conventionally attractive.
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I dunno, that kind of thing never sat right with me. It only amplified in the anime seeing them mock her about being a heroine when she was finally happy with herself. Sure, they were only teasing her, or that they genuinely wanted to help her, but the way it went about it just felt off to me.
For Hiyori, being paired with a guy who would want her to dress up more and be more like the typical woman, vs someone who loves her no matter what, it doesn't feel like it's right for her either.
For the boys being paired with her, to me, it feels like comphet.
For Hiyori, being paired with them, it feels less validating that she's a heroine no matter what she looks like.
I also made a post about why I think nagihiyo works, which you can read here, if you want to read about why I personally think Nagisa is the best fit for Hiyori.
I prefer to just stay in my own little aiyuu community bubble and I don't touch the liphiyo, yuuhiyo, or aihiyo bubbles. They have their own communities they can vibe in.
I do think, however, we can all co-exist. Let's bond about the other ships.
Let's talk about sarauru. Let's talk about shibarisa or kotahina. (or, if you really want a good OT3, I recommend kazufuuyui. It's not really a popular ship, since pretty much all of their content is in Fuuma's novel, but I personally like those three, and all variations of the ship! So I'm happy with kazufuuma, fuuyui, and kazuyui...but this post isn't about that! I'll happily accept asks about why I love it though!)
So, yeah. Those are why I don't ship liphiyo, or the other few variations of the ship. Of course, there's another very personal reason, but I'm not comfortable disclosing that in public, and I don't trust just anyone with the information.
I love their friendship to pieces, but I just can't see them in a romantic light.
Especially when a lot of their interactions remind me of me and my older brother and his friends??? Like- a lot of the Yujiro and Hiyori interactions in the novel just reminded me of me and my brother, because we've done a lot of similar things. And in the anime, those actions were transferred to Aizou and Hiyori. So, seeing them as a couple makes me think of me and my brother which ...is very gross to think about lmaooo.
Anyway, sorry that this is so long. If you still ship them, good for you. Like I said earlier, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This ^ is just mine. And we can still talk about other ships we do agree with. It's not hard to just avoid talking about the ships we disagree with.
I like looking at couples and their impact on each other. If something is canon and healthy, then I'll ship it. If it's not canon but healthier than the canon ships, then I'll ship it and not whatever is canon. I just prefer to analyze the relationship before making a decision.
...Being queer myself also gives big bonus points. I get stupid happy seeing healthy same sex couples.
Anyway, that's all, for reals.
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