#aiyuu canon
femme-malewife · 1 year
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Okay so, we all are aware of the little scene where Ken goes “I’m borrowing your clothes” and Aizou goes “you’re already wearing them...”, yeah? From Samishigariya.
And we know that this is what he wears on the date with Arisa.
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In the LOVE&KISS novel epilogue, we see this exact scene with the lines being expanded on.
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And Ken says that he and Arisa were going to see Aizou and Yujiro’s play (as it’s the final day of the play and Aizou gave his brother two tickets) because Arisa wants to see it.
Well, the whole novel is about the bond between Aizou and Yujiro (in and out of universe). The two work through their trauma- with Aizou finally remembering his passion for singing that he lost after his mother screamed at him as a child, and Yujiro was able to finally perform on stage and even did a kabuki dance just for Aizou.
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And in the MV for Samishigariya, we got Aizou singing about how Yujiro is the only person who truly understands him.
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Assuming that Ken and Aizou speak after the play (not necessarily right away, but rather when they’re both at home) that could mean that Ken’s final “Congratulations!” of the song is actually aimed at Aizou finding someone important to him, like Ken did with Arisa. No more theories, but actually and genuinely Ken seeing the bond that the two have on stage.
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And yes, one can point out that you can’t really see the bond someone has when they’re on stage, but that’s not true.
The entire point of the novel, in chapter 5, is that Yujiro (who in chapter 3 couldn’t do this one scene and worked on it for over 2 hours with no break) was only able to do a certain scene because he had Aizou by his side. 
Even Aizou noted that he did better than the previous day.
So no, you can definitely tell that you and someone else have a strong bond on stage.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
tfw your ship
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kissed each other on the (corners of) the lips…
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went on 2 separate honeymoons…
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fed each other doughnuts…
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helped one another get dressed…
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made heart poses together (twice)…
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sang a love song about being each other’s other halves…
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held hands and literally got married…
and y e t they still aren’t confirmed to be canon
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accelerandy15 · 6 months
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Made a comic omg 💙💛💋
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cyellolemon · 1 year
I never do fanarts so don't follow me for this but im a big honeyworks stan and have done some doodles and stuff over the years so take them! I'm starting with old ones! mostly LipLip tho
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I'll post a part 2 with recent ones later! (i actually have a lot more than i thought lol)
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littlemmmonster · 1 year
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OMG I'm sooo happy to see your feedback!!! Thank you I also have a lot of arts that I want to post and soo many that i haven't drawn yet!!
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kimidi · 10 months
A cada rato entro al canal de youtube de honeyworks a ver si le perdieron el miedo al éxito e hicieron a los lipxlip canon de una vez por todas
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lycoliltea · 2 years
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did a redraw of that soft yujiro scene from samishigariya
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purplepirates · 1 year
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berries28 · 1 year
UwU what’s this? A new Honeyworks song? Lets see...
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Goddamn it Honeyworks! Not another hetero love triangle-!
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Do I spy with my little eye someone saying “I love that about you” in that vague way and the other blushing in response?
I wonder how that’ll turn o-
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Nvm im calm again But istg the only way honeyworks and japanese mainstream media in general can ever make it up to me for the nth unrequited queer to get their heart broken is by making AiYuu canon
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Thats it thats my post
Enjoy this hanipre card of LIPXLIP sitting under raining money
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posebean · 1 year
Sometimes I remember that Ken legit told Aizou that he had been wanting to tell Arisa that they’re siblings since he wants to marry her and I go into tears <3333
one (1) good thing to come out of herot*ru
also technically arisa already knows!!! (thank u hanipre. ily. u will be missed) its silly and they clowned on ken when they were interacting in that one story but weeps i need more arisa aizou interaction sobs like its all aizou watching ken change and how arisa is like one of the girls he doesn't mind because he can see how much his brother has grown
sorry anon im going to drag samishigariya into here (would they be samishigariya quartet? shibasaki family?? idk but they make me so :))) ) ill put it under read more but youve just unlocked my deep samishigariya quartet feelings again
samishigariya is both brothers lore, going over how they were close, grew apart, and then see how one person changed the other
honeyworks is seriouslly sleeping on prime content that i would devour whole and especially now that hanipre is shutting down there's even less of a chance for them to interact and have more core character development </3
but i REALLY love the potential in dynamics between all four of them ( Ken, Aizou, Arisa, Yujiro((+kuro and YUJIRO KITTY. YUJIRO KITTY BECOME REAL))
i guess this is why i really love the roleswap me and lisi concocted, and u can kinda see it as a recurring topic in my fics haha but i just think they'll all get along really well
like here are the canon relationships established by haniwa:
Aizou and Ken: two brothers that used to be close, fell apart because of their family falling apart, have been slowly piecing their bond back bit by bit
Ken and Arisa: two people that never thought they would fall in love!! ken being the type of person arisa hated!!!!! arisa being very different from the usual girls ken messed around with; tthey're different, but end up loving each other so much! it's a little messy, but they're working through it at their own pace. its nothing like ken's previous relatioships, but it makes him so happy aizou and yujiro: two idols that absolutely HATED each other at the start, forced to work together! but they realized that they really weren't that different, and had the same dream! and they care SO much about each other!!! though they're bad at showing it , haha . taking it from aizou himself, yujiro taught him what love was :')
aizou and arisa: these are mostly hanipre / one scene from the novels but!! aizou approves of arisa :) and they even laugh together and tease ken!!!! theyre literally already sibligns he's already accepted his sister in law sobsssfjsf
yujiro and arisa/ken: also hanipre exclusive, yujiro sees arisa and ken and thinks that that's the type of relationship that he would want..
but what if!!!!!! what if haniwa pushed the samishigariya quartet more!!!!!!!!!!! think of what we can have!!!!!!!!!
think of arisa!!! resident narumi sena superfan!! ken brings her home and aizou is there with yujiro writing a song or smt and instead of fangirling over them being idols or treating them differently she just treats them like normal students!!!! i think about big sis arisa soooo much like normally aiyuu are really against girls and think they're shallow because literally everyone and their mom is always praising them at school because theyre bigshot idols and then there is arisa, treating them like shibasaki aizou and someya yujiro, and not as aizou and yujiro from lipxlip. (like she literally calls aizou shibasaki-kun's little brother aizou or something close to that, and we KNOW that she's a narumi sena superfan so she most definitely knows who aizou actually is but she still chooses to call him based on his relation to her shibasaki :)). she also doesn't use her knowing them at all doesnt flaunt it or use them to get to sena
like ahh i like to imagine that aiyuu look up to her like a big sister figure (even though shes shorter lmfao) she's very kind and also manages to control the mess that is shibasaki ken i think they'll admire her for that and omg imagine them working together and asking sena for a favor for arisa like they go out of their way to make their big sister figure happy breaks down crying ueeueeuhsnje
ok now this is just me rambling haha but also imagine ken and yujiro.... they make fun of aizou toggether and ken tells yujiro what aizou was like as a child and they laugh evilly
and and and ad na yujiro and arisa mostly being quiet but in comfort? sometimes they see their shibasaki's being idiots and in unison exasperatedly sigh. i think their dynamic would be amazing. cat-like people 4ever.
sorry that this is so long but i love the shibasakis so much and you're so right anon ken's absolutely fallen and him wanting to ask aizou so he can let arisa know is so so important to me like its essentially asking aizou to let arisa into their family...... and aizou accepting her wholeheartedly sobsssbfhjknfsdl
so yea honeyworks realyl should make that samishigariya another story. i will die for it. arisa and yujiro arent siblings? u are wrong. not by blood but by bond. they are to me. siblingsisms so true.
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femme-malewife · 2 years
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I love how it’s universally agreed that this was the exact moment that Aizou realized that he was completely in love with Yujiro 🥺 that little “oh...oh...” moment... 💛💙
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months
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~just an attempted tl of meoto~
I’m waiting impatiently for you to return home
My heart completely belongs to “you”
Ah 嫁ぐだけ
I know absolutely nothing about you
Ah I’m being married off to you 
This is just my destiny
I’ll give myself up for my family’s sake
I’m not interested in you in the least
I have no feelings for you either
I’ll marry you
But I’ll never love you
Such will be our politically-motivated marriage
Every time the snow melts
So do our hearts
As we grow closer
It becomes natural to be around each other
Our unspoken words of love
And our unrestrained expressions of love
With a telepathic understanding of each other
We’re husband and wife till death do us part
I’m waiting impatiently for you to return home
My heart completely belongs to you
Are you freezing?
Don’t catch a cold, okay?
Here, put this haori on
As I touched your slim, pale shoulders
I vowed to protect you
That clumsy kindness of yours
And that brave front you put on
With your soothing voice
The two of us fell in love…
We will never leave each other’s sides for all of eternity
We’ll be drawn to each other even in our next lives
With a reciprocated love for each other
We’re husband and wife through thick and thin
I’m rushing in my haste to return to you
My heart completely belongs to you
雪化粧 寄り添う冬
Spring, with cherry blossom petals blowing in the wind
Summer, with the cooling tinkles of wind chimes
Autumn, with the changing colours of the leaves
Winter, with us cuddling close amidst the snow
Our unspoken words of love
And our unrestrained expressions of love
With a telepathic understanding of each other
We’re husband and wife till death do us part
I’m waiting impatiently for you to return home
My heart completely belongs to you
We will never leave each other’s sides for all of eternity
We’ll be drawn to each other even in our next lives
With a reciprocated love for each other
We’re husband and wife through thick and thin
I’m rushing in my haste to return to you
My heart completely belongs to you
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accelerandy15 · 1 month
Last Stage frame predictions (only this part) 🙏✨ doodle edition
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yume-fanfare · 11 months
APPARENTLY PPL SAY THEYRE ROOMMATES. which ultimately make the whole thing funnier. blue boy transcended common haniwa trope of ending the pining after high school and lived with his old crush instead. incredibly hilarious and the song is FANTASTIC i need to know what was up with touka during mv production bc blue boy is gonna canon faster than aiyuu
no yea im p sure it's something like. himitsu no valentine theyre high schoolers -> sekaiichi no tomodachi datta anata e they graduate n the guy confesses to the girl while blue guy cries -> masaki jyanai the two guys moved away for college (?) and also. moved in together. the other guy is still dating the girl but kinda long distance ? its wild
NO LITERALLY this time it's literally aiyuu walked so touka could make these guys run. this time the meme is entirely factual
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kuriruki · 10 months
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banaannagirl · 3 years
Does someone did this already?
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Go for it, aizou!
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