#aka that au where obake and cass are siblings
drkineildwicks · 2 years
The Aken/Hamada Collective--Christmas Bits #3
On the list of Christmas specials the Aken-Hamadas make a point to watch, White Christmas is always a priority because it’s Elaine’s favorite Christmas movie
The collective, during their knockabout years, did indeed go to Vermont one year to try to recreate the movie for funzies (also to get Obake out of Miami, he had done things again)
Elaine got the outfit they wear at the end when she was little and wore it until it fell apart, got a grown-up version of it that year
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
The Aken/Hamada Collective--Christmas Bits #2
Cass will play a ton of old Christmas songs since that’s what they listened to growing up (parents were big fans of Bing, Dean, Frank and the Beach Boys) but she’ll also play a lot of country Christmas and Jimmy Buffet, plus Harry Belafonte, since she got used to listening to that while wintering in Austinbul and Miami with Obake in their knockabout years
She also got him to learn some of the dances over the years so when a really rockin’ song comes on she expects some assistance
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drkineildwicks · 1 year
About the game, if it is still available, would you mind to share fiction ideas of No.18? It is my lucky number 🌟🌟
Yup, it's still available, and it's a good number too. :D
Lucky Number 18 is: The Aken/Hamada Collective!
Being that AU where Obake and Aunt Cass are siblings, which resulted in total chaos and a good chunk of angst but eh, it's Big Hero 6, angst is to be expected. Basically the boys, in addition to their aunt, have a chaos uncle who does not vibe with the law and neither do his friends who also end up being Aunt Cass's friends too. Also the whole star machine thing never happens because Aunt Cass has Opinions about her cafe getting nuked no blowing up the city Bob.
Obake: But science!
Cass: BOB!
There's some one-shots for the series on AO3 here--thanks for the ask! :D
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drkineildwicks · 1 month
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More BH6
Oh look it’s these two goombas—
So most of my writing time right now is occupied by LaL 2, but infrequently I’ll circle back to The Aken-Hamada Collective, AKA that AU where Obake and Cass are siblings.  Do have some stuff written up for them, and in comparing what I have written for the ‘main’ story and what I have written on the side, I seem to prefer writing the stuff that comes pre-canon.  Saying that, I do have some lined up and ready to go, just need to do the illustrations for them.
On the topic of the art…Cass 100% wants to do cute and goofy stuff and Obake doesn’t, especially before coffee, he probably just rolled out of bed after Cass has been up and running for a good five hours.  It’s not his fault he’s a night owl, okay???
Also reference time, Obake’s mug is in reference to the song “Crazy = Genius” by Panic! At the Disco, while his sweater is based on a shirt Krumitz wears on CSI: Cyber.  Now it’s the question of if he’s the nerd that bought the sweater or if one of his relatives did instead. XD
Find it on eclipse here, as always please be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
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More BH6
Mood music~
So y’all remember that AU where Aunt Cass and Obake are siblings, AKA The Aken/Hamada Collective?  Have some art of the siblings being siblings.
So when Obake’s home at the Lucky Cat with Cass he tends to slum down a little—it’s his sister, he doesn’t have to dress to impress, obviously.  Plus when he stays home someone else makes the coffee, which is always a bonus. ;)
Obake’s sweater and mug are in reference to the song “Istanbul (not Constantinople),” which was stuck in my head while working up some of the info for Austinbul—figure if there’s an Austinbul, there’s a Dallastinople. XD
Find it on eclipse here, as always be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
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wake up fam, new Aken/Hamada Collective stuff just dropped
Featuring Obake in his usual role as the chaotic one of the family, guest-starring Kaijo Hamada and Elaine Aken-Hamada. Kaijo’s still new at this point, he’s still hoping for more legal and less violent ways of solving problems.
Done in my sketchy style, and also the first time I’ve committed to a design for Kaijo—my only concrete bit of design for him was dark hair like the boys’ and he has a ponytail, so it was interesting trying to reverse-engineer the boys’ parents while not relying on very tiny fuzzy background pictures. ^^;
As always, please be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
Been watching several Dylan Hollis vids on YouTube (for those who don’t know, that’s the guy who does those TikTok videos on old recipes)
So after laughing so hard I cried I am now wondering if Cass in the sibling AU ever made Obake cook while she filmed it
And then it’s a question of is she teaching him to cook so he doesn’t subsist on ramen and coffee or is she just flexing on him?
The answer is yes
“Hi my sister is forcing me to cook against my will--this is torture your brother with the Aken siblings!”
“She threatened me at knifepoint send help”
“She says this is basic chemistry NO IT IS NOT CASSANDRA this is nothing resembling science this might be alchemy but it is not.  Science.”
She has to talk him through it but she also gives him old recipes she finds that she thinks might work but is questionable and she likes watching her brother flounder
Tadashi puts it all on his YouTube channel alongside Obake’s brief extreme sports phase
The playlist is titled dumb things my uncle does and every time a new video goes up Obake hides all of Tadashi’s ball caps
Tadashi has learned to have an emergency stash
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drkineildwicks · 3 years
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Y’all remember this piece from a hundred years ago, right?  Finally finished it up for BH6 Month. \.o./
Moving on--some Aken/Hamada Collective for y’all, featuring elder sister Elaine Aken dealing with feral gremlin younger brother Bob Aken, AKA Obake.  Stay tuned for accompanying story but this is about a decade and a half before the events of Big Hero 6 so Obake is still firmly entrenched in his young-and-dumb my sister will fix this for me phase.  To put it in context, he was in trouble in Austinbul, called Elaine, and then picked up a thermos of coffee on the way because he was totally convinced Elaine would mop up.  Which, yeah she did but hey.
Now for the fun part...figuring out how to embed images on AO3 again....
As always please be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
In other news, during my writing of more Aken/Hamada Collective stuff, I discover that Cass was the one who met Dibs first (Momakase had enlisted him to move dorms).
Dibs is stunned to learn that this nice girl is related to that Scary Guy and tells Carl about them
Carl hears they live in that rundown apartment on the corner and the Team Mom instinct kicks in
Door is kicked in moments later, Obake startles awake at Carl asking him do you seriously live like this?
Five seconds later Carl has him over his shoulder with his belongings under the other arm, telling him no this does not spark joy you’re staying with us you can have the couch now let’s get some warm tea in you while Dibs panics in the background Carl you can’t just STEAL people--
Obake, very confused, texts Elaine with think I’m being kidnapped, will update as situation develops.
Elaine isn’t sure if she should be worried for Obake or his kidnappers
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
Sibling AU—Height
Obake is the tallest of the sibs, he takes after their dad who was also Tol and slender
He’s also taller than Kaijo Hamada, so he was real comfortable in his role as top-shelf retriever
And then Tadashi started getting his growth spurts and threatening to also inherit that Aken height
Obake and Tadashi were both really invested in finding out who would end up the tallest and when Tadashi started getting close Obake started investing in wingtips with heels
Cass finds this hilarious and teases him to no end about it
We’re still not sure who’s the tallest of the two since Obake refuses to find out, you can take his height superiority from his cold dead fingers
(most likely they’re the same height, it’s just Tadashi also has a bit more muscle by dint of actually being physical and thus looks bigger)
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
BH6-Sentence Snippets--9/17/22
Been a while since I did one of these...anywho, have a bit from this Aken/Hamada Collective short I’m working on:
So if you asked Obake this was going fairly well.
Well, no, wait, that wasn’t true and honestly just a generalization.  They were at the very least getting to the point where he didn’t have to walk them through the very very very basics of operating a computer and could finally move on to the basics of hacking.  That had only taken, what, three weeks?  Probably would have taken less time but someone (Tadashi) was being all recalcitrant and slowing the whole thing down.  Honestly, you try to impart some life skills.
Tadashi has a very strong moral compass while Obake’s looks like Captain Jack’s compass in Davy Jones’ Locker so of course the personalities clash. XD
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drkineildwicks · 3 years
BH6 Snippets--2/7/2022
Again after midnight but I promise I’m working on it--
Anywho--was working on something else when this dialogue occurred to me, it made me laugh so there you go.
This is from The Aken/Hamada Collective, by the way.
“Bob, no,” Cass said sternly.  “No interfering in our nephews’ love lives.”
“Point of order,” Obake countered, a finger up before pointing at her.  “You’re interfering in our nephews’ love lives right now by trying to introduce Hiro to that Megan girl.”
“Well yeah, Bob—I’d like…like great-nieces and nephews.  I’d like to be a great-aunt someday.  And you,” she said, gesturing at him.  “I’d like you to be a…moderately decent uncle someday.”
“Excuse you!”
“Am I wrong?”
“Yes you are I am an excellent uncle.”
“Excellent—you let the kids play with the chainsaw, Bob.”
Obake hesitated on that one—she had made her point here before. “Supervised.”
“Supervised Bob we didn’t even have a chainsaw before that.”
“And see?  I filled a crucial gap like a responsible adult would.”
“How on earth do you figure?  No wait don’t even answer that,” she said, waving him off.
Obake huffed at her.  “The point remains that I’ve been very helpful over the years, Cassandra.”
Narrowed her eyes at him—oh, full name meant it was on now. “Really.  You want to commit to that?”
“You start whipping out exemptions and I’ll start flinging all the dirt I have on you.”
“You don’t have any dirt!”
“Oh really?  How many times did you decide that ice cream was a suitable breakfast?”
Hesitate.  “You know just as well as I do that was the only way to get them eating again!”
“Yes, the first couple of months—what about the following ten years?”
“At least I don’t take our nephews to Good Luck Alley!”
“Oh that’s rich considering how many times you were there.”
“Every single time I was there was your fault, Bob.”
Please don’t let Obake babysit he just enables the chaos.
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drkineildwicks · 3 years
Big Hero Six-Sentence Snippets--12/10/2021
Working a bit on some Christmas-themed BH6 stuff (worked on Obake Itoko a little bit today too) aaand...have some nonsense from The Aken/Hamada Collective that started with Fred trying to tell Aunt Cass not to forget marshmallows on her sweet potatoes:
Gogo checked her phone.  “Fred, you hit send all.”
“Oh.  Oh.  Well people need to know this.”
Wasabi was examining his phone, squinting at it—finally looked at Fred.  “Fred, WHY do you have Steamer’s phone number?  How does he even have a phone the man hates modern technology.”
“Okay, so the last time since that was close to like, big tests, I told him to shoot us a text first to make sure our schedule was clear—which then necessitated helping him, y’know, get a phone—got him set up with one of those Suzumushi phones—”
“Go back to helping him get a phone.  No, wait, go back to scheduling our villain fights.”
“Well you know there’s rules—”
“You’re not talking about that bull Uncle Bob drafted up,” Tadashi said.
“Read through it and it’s actually pretty solid.”
“Suzumushi,” according to WordHippo, is Japanese for cricket--basically Fred helped Steamer get a Cricket phone.  And I think punch-clock villainy is probably more common in the Aken-Hamada-Collective-verse. XD
And no it’s not six sentences but shhh
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drkineildwicks · 3 years
BH6 Snippets--2/11/2022
Oh my gosh it’s before midnight something’s wrong with me
Anywho--got a scene idea for The Aken/Hamada Collective which means PROGRESS which means good things. :D
Moving on--this is the AU where Obake and Cass are sibs, and this is a scene that would take place during “Food Fight”:
Okay, despite being warned by Obake that this was going to be a thing, she wasn’t quite ready for a collective of kid heroes to come storming in like they owned the place. Honestly, she thought he had been pulling her leg.
So when the lead one told her to hand over the device, she wasn’t quite able to hold back the dumbfounded expression.
“Oh good grief he wasn’t joking,” she muttered.  “Superheroes? Seriously?  I thought we raised you better than that!”
“Aunt ‘Kase, not in front of my friends,” Tadashi hissed.
“Your foul fallacious felonies stop here!” the lizard-guy declared, hopping forward a little more.
“Oh brother—who is this guy?” she asked Tadashi—was surprised by the lizard-guy holding a card out next to her.
“Fredzilla, my card, I had cards printed,” lizard-guy said.  “Team name subject to change we’re still working out the kinks.”
Momakase arched an eyebrow as she took it and read it.  “’Big Hero Seven’?”
“Simple and easy to remember, amirite?”
“Back to why we’re here,” the yellow one said testily—ooh she liked her.  “The anti-gravity device.  Hand it over.”
“Mmm, unless you’re my buyers…no,” she said.  “I stole it fair and square.”
“Stole it you stole it and then sliced Krei’s office to ribbons for good measure,” Tadashi said, irritated.
“Excuse you he drowned my sushi in soy sauce he deserved every slice.”
“That…is fair,” lizard-guy said, pointing.
“Glad you agree.”
With that she grabbed the box and kicked the desk over, buying her enough space to draw a sword—
Her phone rang.
“Oi,” she muttered.  “Hold on I gotta take this.”
“Seriously?” the little one said, confirming her suspicions that this was Hiro.  Tuck the box under her sword arm, pull out the phone—
“Just in case the kid heroes show up, don’t slice them up TOO much,” Obake said when she answered. “My sister will kill me.”
“No promises,” she said, hanging up immediately after.  “Now, where were we?”
“Banter and then the big fight,” lizard-guy offered.  “Ooh—your vile victual villainy stops here, villainess!”
Momakase couldn’t help the look she was giving Tadashi.  “Is he using real words right now?”
“We don’t know,” green guy sighed.
“Oh well, back to business.”
From my understanding of Japanese dining etiquette, drowning your sushi in soy sauce like Krei did in canon is like one of the biggest insults to the chef--I had read it as not tasting the food before adding a condiment, but learning about this really explains why Momakase was so peeved.
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drkineildwicks · 3 years
Y’all ready for some Aken/Hamada Collective content???
In other news, enjoy this oneshot of Elaine having to rescue her feral gremlin little brother Obake from one of his shenanigans. :D
Also brace yourselves I’ll be posting oneshots of pre-series shenanigans now and again.
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
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Oh look, more stuff for The Aken/Hamada Collective~
So this summer I’ve been working on some more background stuff for The Aken/Hamada Collective, AKA that AU where Obake and Cass are siblings, which includes how Dibs/Globby meets the Aken sibs.  Hopefully we’ll be seeing another short story from this universe before the year’s out.
Anywho—had this scene from Ice Age 2 on the brain and it fit too well.  Not that Obake agrees. XD
(also I love how I’ve done Obake’s outfit in the PLA AU so many times that I actually started trying to do it with this one too X’D)
Find it on eclipse here, as always please be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Ice Age © 2002 Blue Sky Studios
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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