#akgaes are exhausting
stormblessed95 · 11 months
I'll tell you a story you did not asked for. So i have two frnds both of them are like besties who were bench partners in college so they're pretty close to e/o. One of them is close to me too say the name as A. Now since A nd B were from same class and bench partners everyone knew they're pretty close and always together so they used to say anything to e/o and all used to joke all the time and now in that B has many times said things which hurted A but A never ever said anything about that to B so the things always continued like that. Thing is even tho A and B are Clearly very close to e/o there are still many things which B said to A that made A angry, sad and hurt many times and A still never said that to B but A used to tell me those things so i know what things hurted A nd all. But whenever they meet e/o they're still besties who used to be bench partners in college and talk all the same. Point is just because someone never says something about your some insulting remarks as a frnd does not mean they don't feel hurt or insulted. Everyone needs to know their limit and should stay in that cause you never know what could her the next person.
All the things you linked in that post... there's nothing in there that I haven't seen before since that has my bias in it so yes i do watch og content Cause I'm not interested in watching bickering content on YouTube.
There's a limit to some of the things you say which count as bickering but when it crosses that line it becomes insulting more than just bickering.
Since you put together all of the times yg praised jm let's do how many times yg has praised jk or hobi and see which list out of these three goes longer.
Despite him wanting to do a song with jm, jm still wasn't the one he did the vocal guide from and yes he praised jm's vocals yrs back but does that change the fact he currently thinks jungkook is the best vocalist? No. thing is now if i start pulling out receipts from the times jm was complimenting other members and was being supportive of them you and I we both know that the list will be the longest one cause it doesn't take much for jm to praise his members. if he can he would praise them for simply existing cause that's how he is. in comparison to what jm does for others i honestly don't see anyone can stand against him when it comes to praise them so if they praise him once in a while I'm not gonna gag over that but it's appreciative. Those thing you listed are the things in between 10+ years so i don't find big deal. I didn't say he never compliments jm i said it's hard for him to compliment jm when he does a good job at it when it comes to others like jk.
Anyways, idt you'll post this ( that is if you even read this) infact I'm saying don't since I'm off twitter from tmrw so yeah.
Sorry you have bad friends. Don't project that onto BTS and their relationships together though. Your friend told you that the other guy makes them feel bad. Has jimin told you the same thing? No? Then you are still assuming things. So don't be an ass and let it go, okay?
And regardless of how you are phrasing things, you are still wrong. He doesn't have a hard time complimenting Jimin. Just like Jimin doesn't have a hard time and thinks it's funny when Yoongi teases him. And Jimin also doesn't have a hard time teasing Yoongi either... like for example....
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"Since you put together all the times yoongi praised jimin..."
No I didn't. I gave a FEW examples. Just a few. That I thought of off the top of my head. Bro, you gotta unclench.
"It's examples over 10 years, so it doesn't matter to me"
your examples are also over 10 years, so they don't matter to me either I guess? Lol cmon. Grow up. You don't get to belittle their relationship. It's not your place. They don't have to be your favorite duo, but sit down and let it go. They love each other and they support each other so fully and when one isn't in the mood for teasing or needs geniune words and support, they have it in each other always. They are constantly showing up for each other. That's what matters too. Their relationship and friendship is not yours. So don't be so worried about it, okay?
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Enjoy your break from Twitter, try taking one from here maybe too. Sounds like it could be good for you. You sound like a tkkr bro. Like I have exact messages in my inbox at times from tkkrs just like this. Except instead of shitting on jikook, you are shitting on yoonmin. Aren't yall tired of being unhappy?
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myobsessionsspace · 6 months
This whole goddamn taekook vs jikook 💿🐎 is so exhausting. Honestly.
Was I a bit saddened when Jeongguk didn't mention Jimin? Yeah. But for the wrong reasons because my brain was hard wired into thinking "taekookers are gonna run a mile with it".
It's fucked up. But more importantly, it's not Jeongguk's fault - it's purely a me/army problem.
The fact that everyone in army has some kind of version of the members that's mostly fabricated, isn't something they can control.
They are most likely aware of all the hate they get online, especially if it gets really bad. That it gets really bad for Jimin a whole lot, from within army even, can't be unknown to them. But it's not on Jeongguk to change himself on the off-chance it's gonna reduce hate. Most likely that wouldn't work either. Tkkers, akgaes and Solos will hate on BTS every chance they get.
BTS are whole people, individuals that think differently and experience things differently. To reduce them down to their interactions with others is insanely harmful, but it has been normalised. From what I've seen, a lot of shippers (both taekookers and jikookers) reduce the maknae line to what they do and with whom. I did it too, when I immediately thought sadly about the letter when it's the first proper sign of life we've gotten from our golden maknae in ages.
So, as much as I'm f.e. looking forward to the travel show, I'd also advise shippers in particular to watch actual uncut ot7 content. ITS, BV, concerts and behind the scenes - there's a decade worth of videos. Yes, everyone believes in hybe having a narrative to push, so I don't expect people to actually do this honestly, but it might decode some of the army-internal brainwashing.
Hi lovely,
First of allllll
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I’m here for what you are throwing down!
It’s not a THEM (the members) problem it’s an US problem.
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How does it make sense that ‘fans’ be it solos, shippers, whatever, get mad when people we’ve never met talk about a member who they’ve ate, slept, breathed, played and worked with for 10+ years? How does it make sense to be angry over them interacting, touching, mentioning each other because of what the shippers will say? You damn right it’s exhausting😪.
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⬆️An example 😓 They literally had phones in their faces from all sides and so many think pieces about their interactions VS ⬇️
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I can’t point the finger without three pointing back at me, cos like you said I too have had moments when I’m like ‘those mf’s are gonna have a field day with this…’ as my first thought?! What’s wrong with me??? I get it when real OT7 say shippers & solos (when talking about those that actually are and not the ones they like to label to dismiss valid thoughts) ruin everything, cos as soon as content and good news drops there’s always gotta be some bullshit alongside it, from any subsection 😪
They HAVE to be aware but kudos to them, they keep it moving, they’re so strong to have millions of strangers on multiple platforms speaking on them like they know them, but still have so much love in their hearts to continue engaging because they know the some isn’t the all.
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With every drama and battle online it actually deepens my love and awe of these regular guys, with talent hard worked for, still trying hard to show their goodness to their supporters, not throwing in the towel for their peace. They’re everything 😍
I’m glad people like you are making it your mission to not reduce them to their duos, ships and solo fandoms, but still supporting them as TALENTED INDIVIDUALS. I’m trying too💪. I want to be conscious in appreciating them for them, their talents, their individuality AND their bonds, ALL OF THEIR BONDS.
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Obviously I bias some bonds more than others, it’s human nature🙈
We definitely need to keep pushing about original content, we need to keep pushing about original sources not just clips and cuts and edits, we definitely need to keep pushing about doing our googles!
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We need to not close our eyes to the other interactions, it’s not scary! It helps us appreciate Jikook’s bond more and appreciate them as members, friends & brothers of the others.
Because no matter what people believe those 7 MEN love each other down.
It helps us be able to filter the bullshit when we do come across misinformation and defamation of character. It helps our confidence in knowing we’re stanning and supporting the right ones.
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I’m super geeked for the show coming from Jikook too…whenever it comes 😩 Heck we’re starved, so I’ll start small, I’m desperate for a ‘keep warm, don’t catch a cold’ message from Jiminie even though he’s doing his best in keeping in contact, why are we so thirsty 😅
Thank you for writing in and speaking my heart! 😉
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So I was thinking...
Yesterday, the article about the BTS contracts hit. I read the article and didn't get the big deal. It said they would sign...so they hadn't yet, I thought.
I went to twitter and saw all these people celebrating and I was like...do they not know how to read? Why are they celebrating something that hasn't even happened and that the company is saying will happen.
Why would the company not wait until it has actually happened to make a celebratory article? So I went back to sleep lol
Promise? Oh yeah. What a contract. The board agreed...not BTS. Well, only Rm so far.
But then legit people started talking about it and being serious. I saw the many ridiculous tweets and hateful ot7love remarks, solos being dissapointed, and real Jimin fans feeling sad.
That's when I decided to "believe", although it sounds like media play to me. Why are the stocks tanking even more? Investors didn't believe the news or think Rm's post were enough, apparently. Nothing is set in stone. It hasn't happened yet. The stocks will go up when it actually does happen, though. The investors are worried for now and then future, I suppose.
As someone who loves Jimin and his artistry, I am worried too.
Ot7s and company stans want to make us feel like we are the akgaeist of the akgae for believing that Jimin got sabotaged by his company. But do people seriously think that all that happened to FACE was normal? They can't even offer a rational explanation.
Even if we entertain the idea that his company didn't sabotage him on purpose, they still didn't protect their artist and fix the things that were and are within their reach. Things like:
•Combining Like Crazy Korean and English version
•Restocking the Like Crazy single
•Sending albums to China on time
•Investigating Hanteo sales
•Investigating the erasure of Bb sales
•Properly timing the release of other member projects to avoid interference with other projects
•Fixing the Spotify profile and all that stuff that came along with that
The list is quite long.
Somehow, saying these things makes you a solo or an akgae or a manti (who even came up with this one? so stupid.)
Isn't it more hateful to normalize what happened to Jimin and to want BTS back despite the unequal support the company has given each member?
The people I know don't want Jimin to sign because he deserved better as a soloist and not because they hate BTS. The people I know are neutral and positive towards BTS. They literally only want fair treatment for Jimin. They are Jimin fans. Not solos, shippers, ot7s, rando labels. Just people who appreciate Jimin as an artist.
Somehow, the people who want BTS back, no matter what, and can't wait for the solo ventures to be over are better than all of us... because BTS is 7 and they are brothers who love each other and nothing can break them apart...not even solos, akgaes, shippers, and Chapter 2...(insert sad violin music).
Everything is backwards in this fandom.
I look at the members who told their story and shared themselves through their music and notice how happy they are. They were exhausted before, so done with the generic white garbage songs, and their creativity constricted. We've gotten to see the colors of their real music and therefore, their real selves. That's what being a true artist is about. I don't know how ot7s who want BTS back, no matter what, don't see this.
It doesn't make sense to me why any proper fan would want their artist to give that all up.
And people kept saying that this time around, Jimin's contract would include better deals because that's what contracts are for. Then I thought...where was the contract when he was pushed to the sides and no longer in the front of the group, when he was given 2 lines in a song, when he was the harmonizer but not one of the lead singers, when FACE era began and ended.
I guess I have no faith in contracts. Or that company.
Any proper fan who doesn't live in a weird fantasy bubble should be worried...and/or dissapointed.
If there is anything I've learned in Chapter 2, it's that it is a every-man-for-themselves chapter. Looking back at Chapter 1, it was like that too, except I was drinking too much of that purple kool-aid to notice it.
I guess we will see what happens when actual contracts are signed. I can only hope that things go well for Jimin. That's the only thing that matters to me.
I guess we will see.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
The odds we faced, with FACE
Just as a reminder for the record:
Antis and cult members began systematically targeting Jimin-focused accounts two weeks before his Set Me Free Pt. 2 prerelease, resulting in some key, experienced ARMY getting suspended right when their wisdom and fanbase alerts were needed most.
Ramadan meant that practicing Muslim ARMY could not listen to music during the release time.
The stores ran out of pre-orders multiple times.
Most physicals shipped on time, but some did not. It was a challenge for Target to keep physicals in stock.
We got less than 0.1% radio play, practically nothing in the US at all, it wasn't even a request option for any station that feeds Hot 100.
True OT7s also had On the Street, Smoke Sprite, and People Pt. 2 to support.
Jimin had only 10 uninterrupted days to promote his first solo album. No blame, no shade, I am just saying it's been a challenge for our artists that their timelines are condensed and overlapping like this due to military service.
Fake ARMY boycotted Jimin altogether and came up with bullshit reasons to attack Jimin funders.
Antis dragged Jimin to hell and back online because of a technical in-ears issue that resulted in 10 seconds of a less-than-perfect live encore performance.
Spotify froze streams.
YouTube froze and deleted MILLIONS of streams, not just for Jimin but for all of BTS and ONLY BTS, with no explanation whatsoever.
Other Kpop stans and Jimin-akgaes joined forces to mass vote against him in MCountdown out of pure spite for him topping Hot 100.
His own media began commenting in articles on his inevitable free fall.
The haters also started up again mass-reporting his Insta account to continue his shadow-ban and try to get him suspended.
All that, and Jimin has beat such odds that his success is untouchable.
So I just need to say this...
It has been an exhausting three weeks, filled with extreme highs and lows.
Whatever happens in the charts now, true ARMY worked hard to show Jimin we love him and his work. Nothing will take away the fact that he made history with Hot 100 #1, and won 3 MCountdowns, and raised stocks for Hybe, the Kpop music industry, and South Korea with his solo debut.
All that, and Jimin still made history.
Jimin says he didn't do this for charts or awards, but he got them anyway, and they will forever be proof that true ARMY adore him. So thank you for your hard work.
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Whatever happens now for the second and subsequent weeks, everyone reading this can feel peace in their hearts, knowing they will always give their all.
Well done, puppykittes!
Please rest up because we need to ensure FACE has longevity in our playlists going forward and begin doing our due diligence for D-Day, too. And since YouTube is being a word my mother wouldn't want me to say out loud, we need to focus heavily on Pandora in the US and Apple and Spotify everywhere.
Let's get it for chimchim and lil meow meow, y'all!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
im so confused about that taekook pic. is jimin trolling? it's like he's toying with us? pls plss plss don't forget this ask bpp. pls answer my asks. i don't get why everything feels fake about jikook, tkk, jimin. is he even happy? it's like hybe is pulling the strings and trying to confuse jimin stans to frustrate us.
Ask 2:
At this point I just feel like we're getting played with lol. By who and for what? I don't know. But I've felt this way ever since we got photos/video that jimin did in fact get a cake for his solo and I'm sure big hit saw what the fandom was saying about him not getting one and they still waited to announce that he did.
BTS just isn't fun anymore for me rn. There's just this tension surrounding everything. And not just with shipping. It's fandom wide blatant favoritism. Shifting confusing narratives from the guys themselves (Jungkook claiming he's not trying to shy away from the maknae image when that's all he's been saying for months now???). Tae doing whatever it is that he's doing (bless his heart chile). Namjoon seems to be a mess rn, I wanna give him a hug, he speaks like life is kicking his ass. And our jiminie, I can't get a read on but he seems happy. And the other 3 being in the army so they're not causing trouble lol.
These taekook pics from jimin, hmmm idk, maybe it's his way of telling people he doesn't care about the backlash, and tae bringing jungkook up constantly, and we should back off.
It's all a mess. I never thought I'd long for the day we'd get a real break lol. I WANT to miss them.
I don't hate them. This is just exhausting. It's like them and the company are trying to be strategic with everything and it feels a bit disingenuous? Idk if that's the word. Maybe disconnected is more the word. And I know they've always been strategic in the things they do, so idk why this feels different to me.
Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble in your inbox lol
Ask 3:
Something feels wrong about suchwita. It feels forced. Am I the only one who feels Hybe is doing damage control with jikook to contain the fallout from Golden? BPP I'd like to hear what you think about vminkook's date, suchwita revealing the travel variety in context of all the controversies that happened lately. Does Jimin just not care about taekooker hate? He might be kind but he's still human.
Ask 4:
I give up on Jimin. Tired of stanning a grown man letting himself get played for a fool. Hybe, you won. Gloat away BPP. You and the rest of the OT7 cows win.
Ask 5:
BPP your asks about that RM - FACE credits controversy from Pjms reminded me of one debate I saw btw flat earthers and scientists. It's the most fascinating thing I've ever seen. The part that made me think of you is how flatearthers called the scientists uneducated, said they did their own calculations and made their own observations to arrive at fringe theories that disputed the wider consensus. I found it so strange how both scientists and flat earthers could observe the same thing but reach widely different conclusions. I know you've been going over and over with solos for some months so I hope this can make you laugh a bit BPP.
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=Q7yvvq-9ytE
Hi Anon(s),
Lol, Anons in asks 1 through 4, why are you letting your minds torment you over things that should be obvious? Anon in ask 5, you sent me that ask last week, but it feels apt to post it now given the sort of asks I've gotten in the last few hours.
How many times can we go over the sort of conspiratorial thinking that plagues people who eventually become akgaes, thought patterns that have been shown several times this year to be completely misguided? If the only conclusion you can reach after everything we've seen in the last 10 months, after seeing Jikook, Taekook, Yoonmin, Vmin, and Yoonkook's conversations recently, is that 'someone' must be trying to pull a fast one on you, then maybe you should take a step back.
Honestly, in my opinion, you all fit the profile of people who should engage with k-pop very sparingly. Most times, I've observed these sort of views (also in the case of flat-earthers) are caused by gaps in foundational knowledge about the subject coupled with personal implicit biases. I see this happen all the time, and it's unfortunately the sorts of people who think like this who only get further sucked in, to the point they lose any semblance of a reference point. If you're still at the point you're asking these questions, especially Anon in ask 1, 2 and 3, there's still a chance. I'd suggest a clean break, a detox period, and very limited exposure going forward but starting from scratch and actually watching official content from the early years. A lot of people who joined the fandom post-2020 have only seen compilations and selected clips of BTS's formative years, and so they lack the background to better interpret everything that's happening in Chapter 2 - from why HYBE wouldn't respond to akgaes whining about cakes by posting it right away, to how vminkook have behaved throughout Chapter 2.
Listen to how you feel and please step back.
With flat earthers it's funny because in a bid to be skeptical, to 'question everything' so they aren't "played as a fool", they end up becoming just that. For most other people there's no joke, but for them the joke is always on them.
Thanks for the video, Anon in ask 5. But rather than make me laugh, it did the opposite. The conclusion of the video is that no flat-earther, not one, changed their minds after debating with the scientists. I had a theory that the people who end up as akgaes were always going to be that regardless of any arguments that run contrary to their beliefs, because at the heart of it, it's not about the arguments but about them. But I hoped I could be wrong. Extrapolating the conclusion of this video to my theory, the suggested implication is bleak as hell.
Anyway, stream Golden and enjoy jikook jikooking. Sounds like we're about to get a full calendar of content.
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dearweirdme · 3 months
Anon, the one acting as an akgae is you. Is always the same thing. Someone mentions that JK has always been the more promoted member and his stans start to cry about him not having a solo MV before solo era, and list everything that the other members got that he didnt. That's the biggest proof how spoiled you all are. You just expect him to get everything and more. You also dont care how much he would be exhausted by doing it all. You just want to have everything so you can fight other solos but cry about injustices at the same time.
Each member had a diff promotion strategy during solo era and only solos cant accept that. Tae focused on Asia, exploring his huge popularity there, Yoongi wanted to tour, all the other members literally said that they didnt have enough songs to tour. You may disagree with them, but thats what THEY believe.
JK promotion focused on the US, as expected. He had a full English album targeting the general public. If you dont like his strategy you should message him on weverse, create hashtags to harass him, if you think it's productive.
After what happened to Hobi with his album that he felt bad about ppl feedback and decided to release a new version, I decided to never talk over them. If they are trapped in a company/ situation that they are unhappy with, they should've left but, contrary to ALL SOLOS EXPECTATIONS, they didnt. They resigned and they all talked about how much they want to be reunited as a group. Even if it's all bs, it's the bs that they are all selling, no exceptions.
Scooter push his projects and make them sell. Dont think he didnt do the same for JK and wont be doing the same for any project that he's involved. It doesn't matter how much we all hate him, he's still involved with Hybe and will keep this way.
Hi anon!
I think the hard thing for fans is when their bias doesn’t take the path they feel is right. Not everyone knows how to come to terms with that. It doesn’t mean nothing bad ever happens, it doesn’t mean i trust BH or Scooter, but the way I saw Jk during solo did not make me think something was wrong.
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taehyungfirst · 6 months
I think the problem with the fandom is only going to continue. Because yes, there will clearly be a comeback and group efforts. That's the whole point of enlisting together. But there is also no way they are going to give up on their solo activities. They want to continue in their own individual endeavors, which are not only unique from each other but from the group. And that will be hard to navigate with a fandom this splintered and dysfunctional. There will be clear pressure points. And like we are seeing now with Tae and JHope, when members activities overlap or seem competition, the dysfunction shoots through the roof.
There is likely the most potential for that when it comes to JK's solo efforts. His sound and his goals (mainstream/Western pop success) are in most direct competition with the group. JM solos are bonkers but committed. So they will keep streaming and crying about how persecuted he is. And while Tae clearly has challenges when it comes to the company and the fandom, I do think he has one of the strongest long games because he has spent this time wisely establishing his unique sound/approach and continuing to build not only his immediate support network but his broader one.
Hi! I agree it’s going to continue but they will have to wait some time when they come back for other solo content. I believe they will be immediately rushed into working on the bts comeback, then the tour, and after that (2 more years?) they will resume again their individual projects. Or else they’re gonna be overworked and exhausted. In the meantime, they’re gonna have to interact with group content and I hope that stan twt will grow a backbone by then and bully off the akgaes. Or at least don’t be intimidated by them? 😭
When projects overlapped, for awards season, they always said to vote it for the member who was leading, what changed is that they get jealous when it’s the member they don’t want to lead, so they should drop the ot6/ot2 mask.
Jk is being recognized by the gp so he could get that push, Jm I feel is strictly connected to bts and still didn’t make a name for himself (must be the sound? I feel like he’s still navigating), Tae is being smart and building his loyal fanbase so we will see how things go.
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mimikoolover · 1 year
people forget fandom is its own experience and it’s the fans’ experience. not the members. jungkook decided to only focus on people that care about him. that is how he’s controlling his own experience. it doesn’t mean he doesn’t see the shit that happens but he’s not focusing on it. i’m pretty sure it’s the same for all the members. fans need to do the same and control their own experience. if you want to focus on the shit, that’s your choice. but the same as people who focus on the positive recognise that the negatives still exist, the people who focus on the negatives need to see that the positives still exist too. if all day long you listen to akgaes of any member about how unfair everything is you will end up being radicalised into believing all that and eventually become a hater of the other members, or start to diminish their achievements, or claim to love them but refuse to “celebrate” because of some perceived bs that you’re manipulated into believing by shitposts online. i mean for the love of god check your sources and don’t believe everything…especially not biased sources on things you know nothing about to begin with? akgaes already don’t like the other members. the other members’ success is a threat to their fave apparently (it’s not) but only because they want only their fave to be successful. if you ever loved bts as a group, i would strongly recommend not ruining your own experience listening to these people. all the members receive a massive amount of love and success which they should be able to happily take without fans claiming that it’s not real/isn’t good enough.
as for the company we don’t know anything that goes on behind closed doors and there’s nothing we can do about it anyway. i’m not going to pretend i know what goes down. there’s always a bigger picture than what we see. because we know nothing about the company fans tend to use that as a manipulation tool and paint the company in a bad light so they can force their perception and make it sound legit aka how tkkers claim the company is forcing tk in the closet with such bs “proof” that it’s ridiculous. but bc they want to believe that, they can use the fact that we know nothing about how the company works to their advantage and fill in the gaps with whatever they want. i just find it all exhausting to speculate on the company now when we have 0 info about anything.
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
Since I started stanning bts as a Jimin bias, this year is the worst of my stanning experience. We worked so hard during face. We faced the worst hate train. Ot7 turned on him, ot6 akgaes were writing defamatory articles on pannkpop, YouTube, hanteo, Spotify, billboard, rapline stans were the most miserable, releases dropping left and right, still we moved on. We matched on because jiminie is worth it. All that hardwork for what??
YouTube suddenly remembering to function properly? Radio and ads are fine now?? I deactivated my Twitter and tumblr yesterday but I’ve been so worried about jiminie that I came back on tumblr nothing less than 24 hrs to check up on him…I promised myself to stay away until his birthday and support him in private because what’s happening right now is breaking my heart😭😭😭. I’m so hurt, we worked really hard for him and it’s all slipping away. I’m out of the loop, did jk really got more versions?
It's exhausting. It really is. But jimin deserves our support. Jimin gave his everything in this album and I'll support him till the end.
And jungkook is getting every f*cking thing in the book. Like they really had no faith in his talent and knew they had to do all this to pull numbers. How embarrassing that is.
They can't pay money for each and everyone of jk's comeback. At some point he has to do something on his own and then we'll just look at the difference.
Money is temporary but talent is forever. And jimin is blessed with talent from all areas. I know he'll be successful in the long run. Like people are saying that jimin's story is so similar to bts. Bts too got all this sabotages. All these people directing their hatred towards them and even then in the end who won? Bts.
Jimin's story will be just like that. This is what happens when you're the main character. Everyone tries to stop you but at the end the happy ending is under your name. Jimin's the main character in all these pathetic people's stories lol. Jimin will win in the end. I know this. His hardwork will pay off.
This fraud can't take hybe Or jungkook anywhere in a long run. The fall will hurt them a bit too much.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 8 months
How do you guys read hate tweets/comments about Jimin without it upsetting you? I see some Jimin focused blogs here posting screenshots about Jimin antis saying the most awful things about him, and I ask myself 'how do they do that?'. I read something terrible being said about Jimin, I get so heartbroken that it puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Sometimes I wanna respond to these comments but when I try to type down what I want to say, I literally already feel so exhausted. So I just report the person, block them and stay out of social media altogether for the rest of the day. Sometimes this feeling can stretch on for days to a week, so I'd stay off social media for that long
I really want to know how to read anti stuff and not let it get to me so much because all that hate just can't be escaped if you love Jimin and follow socials about him. Even if you curate your timeline and block Jimin stans who like getting into petty fights with rival stans, it all finds a way to slip through in some way. So how do I become emotionally strong?
I used to be a lot like you, too. Maybe it wouldn't ruin my day but I've cried. Many times. Last year, when these things didn't even matter to me as much as they used to, the things I read one day were so bad that I threw up. Now... I have low blood pressure and a meek stomach so I used to throw up a lot even on good days (now it's under control), but sometimes it was triggered by stress or negative emotions. And that's what happened that day.
2021, 2022 I used to get back at people. Not all the time, not even often, but yeah sometimes. And my tweets used to get lots of engagements too. I mean, at least what was "a lot" for solo spaces back then; 200, 300 likes. Nowadays I see akgaes tweets getting 2k likes, but it started being like that after face. Anyways, I used to get back at people who were lying, because that's what's always bothered me the most.. the lies. As I've said before, it wouldn't bother me if the things they said about Jimin were true. If he was a terrible person, or if let's say he had actually gotten any special treatment, then I'd understand if people were mad. For example, you can't call Jimin names and say he sleeps with his boss only to have photos of Jungkook having dinners with said boss. The hypocrisy, the lies always bothered me. The character assassination mission people have been on when it came to Jimin. The gross edits, I never knew what to say to that because I don't have it in me to be sexually violent to other people and I also never wanted to bring that stuff to others. But lies were something I could at least try to correct.
I'm not sure I have a real advice, though. I don't exactly know when I started getting desensitized to it. To be fair, I don't read the tweets. Maybe it's once a week that I come across some report page or some pjm profile where they're having a back and forth with another akgae. But I usually don't see the hate lately.
I think what worked for me was deactivating my Twitter account every once in a while. Everytime I came back, I would go back with less "emotions" if that makes sense? I would not react so strongly like I did before; you'll start seeing things as less important than before. I used to deactivate whenever Jimin didn't have schedules, or sometimes I just felt like I had had enough and wanted to take a break. Maybe nothing happened, but I just felt like it was necessary. You have to learn how to deal with fomo, though, and then you'll be able to do that. I used to deactivate and then check stuff from fanbases and not fan accounts. I still do that, mostly though I do check a couple of fan accounts, too.
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stormblessed95 · 11 months
This just sounds like anon is thinking that Jimin is like a doormat and I am pretty sure he isn’t. He’ll cry about it, drink on it but he doesn’t seem one to stay in a toxic relationship. The excuse that they are bandmates does not hold up either because we know they can be in a group and yet not be friends as some other bands are. And the amount of times they mention that they talk?
Yoongi can be abrasive because he doesn’t sugar coat and has that level of comfort with Jimin. But Jimin can take care of himself and can speak to Yoongi straight too. If anon doesn’t believe, the latest one is on Suchwita with Taemin. And the one that is still fresh in my mind is Run BTS episode when Jimin said to him “read the room”.
There is a million examples. There is a decades worth of examples. Lol I cherry picked 10 from before. You showed up with another. It could go on forever. Solo stans aren't worth it though. It's like arguing with a wall. You can talk to them until you are blue in the face and they still are going to turn up their nose at anything that isn't whatever they wanna hear. It's not worth it. Lol
Idk why some people are so determined to believe that Jimin doesn't give as good as he gets. And that he starts it half the time too. He enjoys his relationships with his members, all of them and they are all unique and special to each bond. If he didn't like the teasing, he wouldn't participate in and encourage it. Lol
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kookiecrush · 1 year
Why are some of these people on twitter so damn dramatic 🙄. It is a screenshot from the end of the mv. It looks a little vague. Maybe they didn't make a connection immediately. They are crying and feeling offended because two people couldn't recognise the mv.
Also, why do these solos hate army so much? Do they not realise that almost all of the og army are ot7. They've been with BTS since the beginning. Yes some of them are biased but why hate the entire fandom? Solos didn't make BTS. Solos are def breaking the fandom though.
It's so damn dramatic and delusional on twitter rn that I had to log out for my sanity.
Some tkkrs are also embarassing the rest of is real hard, matching flanells, and what not. Not long before we get our own 13 😑
I'm so sorry I'm only replying to this now! I somehow managed to overlook it because I had a bunch of other asks straight after yours.
People really are so dramatic on there sometimes. They act like it's a battlefield, and they're at war with each other. You would think defending their fave online is their full-time job the way they go on, and honestly, some of them need to get off their high horse. It's sad to see what a lot of the fandom has become today with people more concerned about fighting each other and finding faults with every little thing. Solo era really exposed the cracks, and unfortunately, they just seem to be getting bigger. Tw has just become a breeding ground of toxicity, negativity, and hate, with everyone constantly at each others throats. It's exhausting.
I don't know why solos hate army so much, but to be fair, a lot of army also hate solos back. A lot of them think their fave is being sabotaged and treated unfairly compared to the rest of the members, so maybe they think ot7's aren't doing enough to support their fave, idk. But I'm sure there's plenty of solos out there who just focus on supporting their fave and don't bash the other members but unfortunately they're drowned out by the akgaes who always seem to be the loudest.
As for the taekookers, like I said recently, some definitely have a tendency to overdo it in my eyes 🤷‍♀️
And all of this is exactly why I try to stay off tw as much as possible 😂
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why people care about your opinion when u are a tae anti is beyond me. Jkkrs are already seen bad and now we have u and mrs-monaghan to make it all worst (and the fact that somehow both of u have a platform and a bunch of fans who listens to whatever u have to say, wow). In the end, you r setting jkkrs up. You probably will say that u dont care about what people say and think and blablablabla, which is worrying. How can someone not care about being seen as an anti of a person that their fav loves very much? U dont like to be put in a box, but there is a name to people in this fandom that behaves like u, yk? Its called being a solo (or akgae, considering your hate towards tae), and thats what u are.
Hi anon,
I'll answer you and hopefully this answers a lot of past, present, and future people who will want me to meditate on my behavior, change, repent (lol).
I'll use my terms since I don't use the other ones. Also, let's break this up into parts to clear some stuff up:
why people care about your opinion when u are a tae anti is beyond me.
People don't really care about my opinion, though. They really don't and I don't write for people, I write for me. You have no idea the number of people that have me blocked. I am blocked and unfollowed everytime I don't write an ot7 love and peace post, for disliking Tae, for saying Jimin doesn't want to perform Tony Montana, for saying Jimin was sabotaged, for agreeing with some pjm stuff, for not loving Jungkook like I love Jimin, for saying Jikook has had breakups, for loving Jimin too much.
So yeah, people don't care about my opinion. But now I'm wondering...if you don't care about my opinion, why haven't you blocked me and why are you in my inbox?
Jkkrs are already seen bad and now we have u and @mrs-monaghan to make it all worst (and the fact that somehow both of u have a platform and a bunch of fans who listens to whatever u have to say, wow).
Again, I don't have a bunch of fans. And also, don't you dare say that Shaz is making it worse. She has never said anything bad about any member. I even asked her publicly what her opinion on Tae was and this is what she said:
So yap all you want, but there is nothing to criticize her about. If you are there reading her posts, well that's on you. Block her too?
But also, we don't speak for all Jikookers. If you don't like what we say, open your own blog so people scrutinize your every word. You will find how exhausting it is...but not gonna lie, it's fun.
In the end, you r setting jkkrs up. You probably will say that u dont care about what people say and think and blablablabla, which is worrying. How can someone not care about being seen as an anti of a person that their fav loves very much?
I don't care because I'm not going to do something just because Jimin does it. I'm my own person with my own opinions and ideas. Caring about what people say is for someone who is a teenager or someone insecure. But I'm an adult who has gone through some serious stuff in life and I do what I want. People in fandoms move and think in herds. I'm past all that. So yeah, I don't care about setting jkkrs up either. If you want to defend jkkrs or anyone, set up your own blog and fill it up with happiness and butterflies and you will see how hard it is because that's not how real life works. Unless you censor yourself so much that it's no longer you really speaking.
U dont like to be put in a box, but there is a name to people in this fandom that behaves like u, yk? Its called being a solo (or akgae, considering your hate towards tae), and thats what u are
Well, I don't care about this fandom so call me whatever you want. I call myself someone who thinks for having eyes and ears to notice what is pretty obvious, an adult, or simply someone who dislikes someone else. Don't pretend that you love every person you have met in your life, anon. Why should I love all the members in BTS if I don't even like some of my family members? Also, Tae is not the only member I don't vibe with. And I don't even hate Tae. I hate his very obvious behavior.
If I really wanted to hate Tae, I would post all the asks in my inbox of people who agree with my observations. But I try and try not to. But in the end, I do what I want so I end up posting the tamer ones.
So I've addressed your message. If you have a problem with Shaz, go to her but also don't hide under the anonymous button.
And if you have a problem with me, block me. And let me tell you one more thing....
I really don't care.
Thanks for stopping by and thank you for sharing.
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irishhorse-blog · 1 year
How the fuck are people measuring Jikook's relationship/bond over a TIKTOK video. Oh my God?????? They're just reaching at this point, just scrambling for anything they can to debunk and invalidate Jungkook's love for Jimin and vice versa.
It's just a TikTok. Just a ten second video of two people doing a silly little dance challenge. It doesn't matter if Jungkook doesn't make a TikTok with Jimin, they're not obligated to do literally everything together, they can have other friends, they can do things with other people, they still EXIST outside of their relationship/bond, and that's perfectly normal. It doesn't change anything in their relationship. They're not KIDS who will be upset with each other for doing things with other people. They're both grown ass men who show support to each other in their own way and how they chose to do it is no one's fucking business but their own! They know what they mean to each other, they've been showing it to us for TEN YEARS, and now suddenly just because we aren't getting BTS content and we don't see them as much, they're over, they hate each other and Jungkook has stopped caring?
Do you even know Jungkook at all? Do you even stop to really look at how he looks at Jimin? That boy stares at Jimin like he hung the moon on the sky. A ten year bond like that doesn't go away just because of a fucking TikTok video. We shouldn't even have to say that.
We don't know what goes on behind the cameras. We don't have their phone numbers, we don't hang out with them - hell, we didn't even know Taehyung was constantly seeing his girlfriend for God knows how long, so what the fuck makes people think they know ANYTHING about Jikook's bond/relationship besides what they CHOOSE to tell and show us? And do you honestly think they'll tell us EVERYTHING?
Especially when people already suspect them enough and they know that?
THINK, people. Jungkook and Jimin being the only ones who are extra private is already sus on its own.
All this mess over a TikTok video. Jesus Christ, why do they have to keep proving themselves all the goddamn time?
It's exhausting, isn't it? These antis/Tkkrs/akgaes or whatever the hell they are will go out of their way to jump on ANY little thing and make it into some grand declaration of a break-up or spite or something similar. I'm consistently amazed by how they seem to think that being in a relationship means you are no longer permitted or able to see, spend time with, or enjoy the company of friends outside the couple. How limiting! How unhealthy!
The part that leaves me half annoyed and half amused is how they choose to grab these tiny, minuscule crumbs of nothingburger and bring them over here to a Jikook zone to flap their jaws about it. Why can't they just sit in their own little swamp and talk to the other toads? Why do they have to come here? They have to know they're not going to find a receptive audience. What are they trying to accomplish?
They're just trying to make themselves feel better while they're dog paddling in the water over their sunken ship.
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red-velvet-akgaes · 2 months
@ preciousrenebae
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"For those who aren't aware they're also here on Twitter
@ preciousrenebae block them. I don't care if you think they take decent photos, they need to be called out not get tons of engagements here on Twitter." "girinnation/status/1812119755928777103
🗨️ x.com/tsumugirintaro/status/1812121025947296231 x.com/Blissylvia/status/1812127012477350140 | 2 even 100 people aren't "seulmates" sincerely a seulmate who will never hate Irene ever let alone for some fucking idiot bitter fansite. [post/42856]
🗨️ "majority if their posts are reposts of other accounts/publishers so yeah lol. was never really a good content account either and now this" Lumos__101/status/1812151921962262960
🗨️ So based on their weibo profile, (1) preciousrenebae is a woman…the female tag is on there, (2) she doesn’t care about dragging Seulgi because CSeulgi fans are jerks to Irene and because a lot of fans of the others attacked Irene when 1022 happened. Because she’s active on twitter as well, people have access to her, but she’s not really different from any other Cfan. I do not think she’s a wandarener. A lot of them are solo fans. | You keep saying this over and over again when you don't know shit, browsing weibo doesn't make you in the know. Stop defending assholes btw, they are not Irene and will never represent her as some of you act. Being a possessive insane stan who is jealous other people are close to the person you stan is pure insanity, it's not "not really different" it's pure insanity stop normalizing it because many of them are like this. | This is the first time I commented on this thread in a day lol, check my IP. Secondarily, I think it’s your perspective that it’s motivated by jealousy of Seulgi being close to Irene. It’s more likely it’s that they just dislike the other members/fans of the other members and wanted to get back at them after how they did Irene during her difficult times. the Cfan world is full of solo fans. They do not give a fuck about anyone outside of their bias. You don’t see this as much on the Ifan or Kfan side because Ifans and kfans like Seulgi [post/42911] | A friend of mine is literally bffs with those who followed Irene in Europe, i know what their motivation is and i know their reaction to seeing her with Seulgi. I never said they weren't all akgaes, but some are wr shippers and others are fans who are insanely possessive to a sick level. They dislike everyone who isn't their bias, but Seulgi is at the top of the list of their insane hate particularly because of her closeness with Irene. [post/42916]
🗨️ FTR the same cfans dragged Yeri (*joke made from FMR behind YouTube video) to the point there was a trending supertopic about her disrespecting Irene. They call Joy a pig and insult Wanda all the time too. There are different factions of Cfans, yes there are overt wandareners and they seem to be well monied but the vast majority of Chinese Irene fans are true solo fans who don’t care about the group. Just compare the cost and value of the birthday decorations and gifts for her vs the others. [post/42912] | I always thought that too, but there is anon who insists that most of them are wr shippers just because 3 unhinged c-fans and sinrinaring | I agree completely a vast majority are solo fans. Also this fight with that fansite talking about seulgi started after seulgi fans started comparing *[1, 2] what seulgi did to irene saying irene is worse and she’s the true bully which led to backlash. All cfans are toxic and attack each other constantly and daily. Seulmates and akgaes now speaking ill of Irene and saying they hope she doesn’t get her solo and baetokkis are jealous and insecure 💀 are stupid af when it’s obviously toxic akgaes who ruin everything. The day will never come when people go directly after akgaes instead of the members when fights break out. It’s so exhausting. [post/42920] | da Look at the screenshots, some of them are dated from last year and years before? That day will come when we ourselves stop equating insane akgaes to their biases and lowkey defending them by pointing out who started what.
With reading comprehension one can see no one is defending anyone. I was just setting out the background of how it blew up to this extent and called them all toxic. I literally just said all akgaes should be attacking other akgaes directly and not members period. I also disagree the day will never come when people don’t equate akgaes to biases or akgaes defending their own it’s part of this toxic environment of kpop which will never go away. [post/42927]
| DA FR, there's this one anon who is set on pushing the most-jieqis-are-wenreners agenda and gets incredibly defensive every time someone points her out that most jieqis are in fact just obsessive solo stans and not shippers. For some reason she seems to be under the assumption that pointing this out equals to defending them. | DA yeh I think anyone with two eyes can see that, like the other anon said just look at the gifts they give to Irene or when they publicly claim that they are bulk buying over 100k, 200k albums. Most of them are really invested on her only.  [post/42928]
| Da yeah it’s all akgae fighting. Justifiable? No. Predictable? Yes. Personally as someone who biases Rene idgaf really we’ve kind of seen it all by now  [post/42942]
| 🗨️ you're right anon, it's always the same akgaes who just wait for an opportunity | Da to me these aren't stans, they're mentally ill cockroaches who use random idols to hate and project their insanity. Because as a seulmate why would I ever wish for no bjh1? My bias literally adores this woman and will be the biggest simp for that solo. I watched her act like a loser in front of Irene like a week ago, in what world would she enjoy me acting hateful toward her? [post/42947]
🗨️ Irene as my bias this is all so common to us now that nothing like this fazes me. We have been saying for years now that wakgaes and joyfools have been pushing these defaming articles about Irene every time she steps out of her house and some people still think it’s knetz. It’s time for people to wake up and see that this has always been coming from inside the fandom. It’s also not because they are threatened by seulgi these are akgaes who will die on the hill that Wendy and joy are more popular then Irene. They would have attacked seulgi a lot earlier than this if they had the opportunity. The shoe thing was their opportunity and they ran with it. Anything to throw mud at every other member to put their bias in a good light is their plan. This smells more like a wakgae doing this because of Irene’s interactions with seulgi which has been going viral when it should’ve been Wendy. Irene going viral every day and Seulgi being in some of that content is a trigger also of course the possibility of Aseul2. Keeping in mind that Irene is their number 1 target. This will never end btw because baetokkis and seulmates are not unhinged enough to do the same to those two fandoms. It’s only when people on x start waking up that we may see them slowing it down in fear of retaliation. [post/42945]
🗨️ I agree these are unhinged mentally unwell people and It’s akgaes like this one that we have been warning seulmates about because there’s many more of them and they are moving like wakgaes. It’s good to see seulmates telling that person to stfu because it’s a recipe to set seulgi up. This is what other annons were saying about these fans turning into akgaes after her solo thinking seulgi in anyway brings relevance to Irene is pure delusion and is exactly the wakgae way of thinking. Also shows their insecurity by always wishing there’s no bjh1. The same people will be the first to talk smack if there’s Aseul2 and if seulmates don’t cut them again at the start there will be fandom fights. This is why so many just want solo activities because they are sick of this shit. | The reaction shouldn't be "let's not have Aseul" "hope they don't interact" because in no way does our opinion matter to them. If Seulgi and Irene decide to do Aseul again, people need to learn to sftu and stop acting like we're their managers. Do I want Seulgi to get hate like this just because her and Irene are close? No, it doesn't mean I get to tell this grown woman what to do. The sense of entitlement fans nowadays have is crazy to me. Plus I find no reason here to hate, I get both fandoms going after Joy or Wendy because they have problematic behaviors towards those two, but never Aseul towards each other. What needs to happen is sane people either tell these bastards to stfu or to report their accounts. | Da we just saw in real time how sh1tty knetz and people can be to these girls. And the answer for some people (akgaes) to solve that is to also be sh1tty and demand the girls isolate themselves from one another, not interact? Like do you hate your bias or what? Why would I want to rip away one person who has helped seulgi navigate her personal and professional life for her 10’s, 20’s and 30’s. She needs more support and love, not less. And whether people like it or not that does mean having Irene in her life. [post/42951]
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aphrodite1288 · 2 years
Imagine gaining millions of net worth and considered as one of the richest in the entire industry but you have broke momagers on the internet demanding or telling you what to do with your OWN career. I would be laughing. Ks and ji would be too.
They complain about Ksoo's career and him being hiatus and mistreated, they don't want to accept that their Ksoo is a human and can't do many things at once. They don't know filming for 3 dramas and learning scenarios and filmings end at 5am sometimes 7am and they still want him to promote his album. They're exhausting him and yet they come and hate on us because we say that it was his decision not to promote for his album calling us his haters while they're the ones asking too much from him without thinking about his health. Toxic ass mfs.
They don't want to accept that he doesn't want to interact with them or else he would have made SNS accounts to communicate with them. If it wasn't for Bubble 💭 and $M and them stupid akgaes eating him up saying they paid money for him to talk to them yet he ignored them for 2months,if it wasn't for Bubble Y'all would never hear from Ksoo lol 🤣 and Y'all deserve it ! Y'all treated him like shit and forced him to come talk to you on Bubble saying you pay him money to talk to you how dare you come here hating on us and calling us his haters just because we say that he doesn't want to promote his album, while y'all called him names and that he stole your money and ignored you! Y'all forced him to join bubble and to talk to you and still feel okay when he messages you? Don't you think he's not doing it genuinely? He's just writing to you because y'all forced him to and not because he really has something to tell to his fans ?? How do y'all sleep at night?
You're his first haters, but y'all deserve the cold shoulder he's giving you.
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