#akyr x reader
hi hebi!! first time sending an ask! thank you for writing so much for paralive i really enjoy your works! 💕💕 if it's not too much trouble could i please ask for hokusai dating headcanons? 🥺🙏
Writer's corner: Oh, it's your first time? Then welcome, dear! Thank you for requesting and, of course! I hope you'll enjoy reading! I'll do it GN! if it's okay. Let me know if you want me to change or fix anything or if you want specific pronouns, okee?~ Enjoy~♥
mc's pronouns: THEY/THEM (GN!reader)
Warnings: sfw, fluff
⭐𝐇𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐢 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬⭐
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⭐Hokusai seems pretty quiet and calm, and it's said that he's also quite introverted.
⭐He learned to love animals and to appreciate more their company because of his past and because of the fact that people were used to bully him because of his father's crimes
⭐So that' why he spends time petting animals, especially cats: because in his opinion cats will be the only ones which will never judge him and will keep him company no matter what
⭐But Hokusai is a kind-hearted and caring young man, actually!
⭐He always cares about his family- i.e. AKYR members- and he's very protective of the ones he loves
⭐So dating him will be a quiet, romantic and calm experience: if you are as calm as him, then you both will enjoy some calm and peaceful time, maybe petting cats, while he would whisper some kind compliments about you:
⭐"I.. I like your eyes.. they're.. sweet.. You're very cute..."
⭐Otherwise, if you are more extroverted and energetic, I feel like Hokusai would appreciate listening to all your words. Even if you're talking about random stuff, I'm sure Hokusai would keep listening to you, while petting Luna, his white cat.
⭐Since he has been bullied and self-isolated, I think he doesn't really know what to do with a partner, so I guess he would receive advices and some help by his family!
⭐Reo, Satsuki, Iori and Zen would help him getting ideas for dates or simply to surprise you with flowers or home-made chocolate
⭐Plus, I'm 100% sure he would bring you to the zoo, especially if you are an animals-lover just like him
⭐You both would explore the zoo together, walking and holding hands. I feel like he would also enjoy petting some animals and even feeding them, if possible and allowed, of course!
⭐I don't know why, but Hokusai gives me the vibes of that kind of boyfriend who would fill your room with plushies!.. Like.. Each special events (your birthday, Christmas, Valentine's, etc..) would be a good excuse to give you a plush as a gift. It would probably be an animal-shaped plush, though.
⭐About his love language, it'd mostly be the physical one, in my opinion. Hokusai would sweetly hold your hand, hug you and even snuggle cozily on you especially during his or your "no"-days. Your warmth would make him relax and feel happier.
⭐"I.. I love you..", he'd whisper to your ear.
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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mcsupernova · 5 months
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— Puppy boys who will be obedient and do whatever you tell them to do. Puppy boys who pant as they wait for their reward for being a good boy. Puppy boys who get in all fours because they're so needy they can't wait any longer. Puppy boys who let you collar them and owning them. Puppy boys who will ask shyly for pats in their head. Puppy boys who let you breed them because the thought of having puppies with you makes them wet themselves. Puppy boys <3
Allen , Shogo , Rokuta , Satsuki , Chisei , Yuto , your favs ♡
— Kitty boys who don't care about anyone but you. Kitty boys who will let you pet them even though they're embarrassed. Kitty boys who will snuggle up to you because they can't say what they want in words. Kitty boys who want to be pampered by you, raising their asses for you to take care of them. Kitty boys who will lose all their pride when you fuck them. Kitty boys who will be cute and purr when you touch their parts. Kitty boys <3
Kanata , Nayuta , Itsuki , Hokusai , Yohei , Hancho , Haruomi , your favs ♡
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seizingthesky · 10 months
Hi! Can i request fennel with akyr? Thank you so much ~
Hi hi!! Absolutely :D AUGH. Fennel is so cute </3 thank you for requesting!!
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FENNEL: What are their kisses like? Where do they like to be kissed the most?
IORI'S kisses are intense. He never does anything without a purpose, and that includes smothering your face in kisses until you're giggling and trying to shove him off- which doesn't always work. When he gets serious, though, he'll leave you absolutely breathless. His favourite place to be kissed is his lips; it's such an intimate place. Plus, if you're on the shyer side, it's cute to see you get flustered about it. He refuses to leave your side before getting a kiss; you stand up to say goodnight, and he just looks at you so expectantly... shithead.
ZEN, on the other hand, is as gentle as they come. He's very sweet and gentleman-like with you, and not just in kissing. He always asks permission before giving you a kiss, no matter how minuscule. He respects you and never wants to make you uncomfortable, so it's the least he can do, no? Zen's favourite place to be kissed is his forehead. A simple yet sweet gesture that makes him red in the face every time; if you want to get him flustered quick, give him a quick kiss on the forehead.
HOKUSAI is affectionate, without a doubt. Although he usually resorts to petting your head or stroking your hair, he can't deny that it's nice to kiss you and be kissed by you all the same. His kisses are soft and gentle, yet filled with so much emotion you could break down into tears. It's clear he adores you just by the way he kisses you. His favourite place to be kissed is the tip of his nose- odd, but that suits him, right? It makes him smile every single time; you're just so damn cute... don't worry, though; he'll return the favour!
REO loves nothing more than to be smothered with your love and kisses. You've got him so spoiled- he'll pout for hours if he hasn't got a kiss in that amount of time. As expected, his kisses are sweet, light, and mischievous in a cute way. He likes to surprise you with kisses by popping up out of nowhere just to plant a kiss on your lips or cheek. Reo's favourite place to be kissed is his cheeks! There's something he likes about it so much that it has him weak in the knees and grinning from ear to ear. You'll indulge him, right? There's no way you could resist your boyfriend's adorable little face!
SATSUKI is still so shy about kissing you after all this time. He loves it, don't get him wrong! It's just... you're so... amazing. And gorgeous. And adorable. And, well, perfect! He doesn't want you to think he's a weirdo or make you uncomfy with anything he does, so he's still a liiittle bit hesitant about kissing you. With some reassurance, though, he'll be a bit more forward! Perhaps a good morning or goodnight kiss; perhaps he gets the courage to cup your cheeks and tell you how much he loves you before giving you one. His favourite place to be kissed is his neck, as embarrassed as it makes him. Really, he loves any kisses you give him, but neck kisses melt his heart.
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underlanternglow · 11 months
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anon asked → Hello!! I really love your writing and your relationship hcs for BAE! Would I be able to request the same for Cozmez and Hokusai please? Thank you sm in advance!!
a/n - "next request is coming soon!" -> posts it two seconds later
anyway thank you anon!!
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hokusai masaki
it’s a little hard to tell he likes you at first. he certainly doesn’t hold back his compliments, but at the same time, it sounds exactly like how he would speak about a small animal
over time, you slowly picked up on the difference in how he treated you. he's significantly more touchy, always giving you headpats, and is just usually in your space 
he seems to really enjoy your company. to him, you’re one of a handful of people that took him in without judgment, and spending time with you was incredibly relaxing. slowly, he found himself paying closer attention to you and the little things about you
it’s obvious to his family that he likes you. you’ve hung out with them before, and satsuki and reo like you, which makes hokusai like you even more. he takes his chance and confesses, and gets the biggest, softest smile on his face when you return his feelings
his dates with you are on the quieter side. he likes taking walks with you, going to many different places and seeing new things, and he especially likes playing with cats with you. he just likes spending time with you, so anything’s fine with him!
he loves learning new things about you (and calling you cute right after), and he’s really happy when you two share your interests with each other. compliment his graffiti work and he’ll look very pleased all day
kanata yatonokami
let’s be honest. it took a while for the relationship to start in the first place. he’s a prickly little kitten left out in the rain, and everything in his body was telling him to scratch at you
but you persist. slowly but surely, he stops finding you as annoying as he originally thought. sometimes you’ll sneak into his thoughts, and he’ll catch himself thinking ridiculous things, such as how much you’d like this song he found, or that his trip to the new record store would be better if you were there with him
he keeps a watchful eye on how you treat nayuta, and he’s incredibly relieved when you treat him as one of your own. it seems like nayuta doesn’t hate your presence either, which is a huge win
you’ll have to take the lead on most things, like confessing. he doesn’t really have a handle on his emotions, so to the untrained eye, it sounds like he doesn’t like you as much as he does. but you know better, so him responding with a red face that he doesn’t mind your company is the greenlight that you two are dating
he’s a bit shy with his affection. it’ll take him a bit to muster up the courage to hold your hand (he kind of just grabs it honestly), but he doesn’t really let it go. it’s his favorite display of affection, and it proves that you’re by his side
he really likes at home dates where you’re just hanging out. sure he’ll take you to the record store, and you’ll take him to food places you recommend, but being in the safest space he knows without a lot going on is truly relaxing, especially when you share music with the other
nayuta yatonokami
he definitely knows what he feels compared to his brother. he’s not harsh with you, but more to the point. for a long time, he doesn’t really know if he wants to let someone else in, but you’ve proven yourself to be a trustworthy person. bonus points for not minding kanata’s comments at first
he also doesn’t really know how to navigate the relationship. he’s only ever trusted two people before, and lost a good chunk of his formative years, so he’s a little unsure of how he should really approach it. he takes his time getting more used to it
if anything, shiki cheers the two of you on. he’s always encouraging nayuta to go for it, which drives him to confess. it’s an awkward one, but he somehow manages to get his point across
he’s more comfortable with affection than you’d think. he’ll nonchalantly hold your hand like they were always meant to be connected, and he’ll keep a straight face while doing so. sharing headphones and listening to music together is his way of showing affection
he likes to take you out shopping for new clothes for the two of you. he likes showing you his interest in fashion, along with suggesting outfits for you to wear, while you find good places for food
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moonstruck-writing · 2 months
Fire and Ice [Iori Suiseki x reader]
Pairing: Iori Suiseki x f!reader | Paradox Live CWs: first meeting, (unresolved) romantic tension, teasing Word count: 1.4K Summary: Your eyes seem to always find him. “I couldn’t help but wonder what all those side glances meant, young lady.” A/N: It's May 2nd in Japan already, so~ Happy Birthday, Iori!
Your eyes seem to always find him, even when you don’t know whether he has arrived yet or not. Sometimes he is there before you are, other times you could’ve sworn you’ve had to wait for him for hours to appear. Except, you’re not waiting for him, because you don’t know him.
You haven’t even spoken to him, much less know his name. The only thing you know is that he comes often enough to the same bar you do and that he is exactly your type. And that despite those things, you’ve found yourself unable to muster the courage to talk to him. How are you going to, anyway, when he is always surrounded by beautiful women who are flirting with him?
That’s what you’d want to do, too, but seeing his popularity makes you unsure. He has an intimidating enough aura as it is, but with those beauties crowding around him, it makes you question what their relationship even is. Are they strangers? New strangers, every week? Or are they women that he has brought with him? Women he knows.
You try to shake those thoughts out of your head by drinking and focusing on the conversation with your actual companions, and it works.
It works, until one of those weeks, he doesn’t have anyone around him. You notice him sitting by himself on one of the coaches, and you’re sure that it won’t be long until someone joins him. Except, no one comes. The bar is as crowded as usual, so you wonder if it’s just a matter of probability, no one he knows is here today. Or maybe it’s something else.
He seems to be drinking by himself, savouring what could be a whiskey on the rocks. Maybe he is waiting for someone? But he seems as calm as usual, and it makes you think that is something he has chosen himself. You can’t see his eyes from that distance, and the light where he is sitting is dim enough to make it even harder, but you do wonder if his gaze has met yours at least once.
It could’ve been a sign. The universe finally telling you it’s your turn to talk to him, but somehow, something in his body posture puts you on edge. It’s not that it’s uninviting, but rather… it tenses you up and makes you want to stay where you are. You can’t help but berate yourself mentally, for what could be a lost chance.
You’re too busy with your little pity party to notice him standing up and walking towards you. When he’s within reach, his presence finally registers, not long before he addresses you.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your evening,” he talks eloquently to the group, and a pulse of disappointment beats within your quickening heart rate. “I hope you don’t mind if I have a little chat with your friend here.” He smiles at everyone and then locks eyes with you as if he has only realized you’re here. Except, by the reaction your friends give, he had been looking for you.
You gape soundlessly, and when he leans away from the sofa you were seated on, you take it as a sign to stand up.
“We can talk there in the corner if you don’t mind.” He points to the sofa he was using earlier, and you nod briefly, not knowing whether you’re still breathing or not. Your brain feels like it’s been drowned in honey, and everything is moving too fast for you to process. Still, you follow him and find yourself sitting on the same side, with a comfortable yet inviting space between your bodies.
“I’ve seen you come here often, nice atmosphere, innit?” He grabs the glass, almost empty now, and gives a short sip, but keeps the glass in front of his mouth.
“Yes, it’s a comfortable and elegant bar, I haven’t seen many like this one.” You cannot look him in the eyes for too long. Now that you’re so close, you feel the intensity he exudes.
“Classy.” He leaves the glass on the small table in front. You smile, uncomfortable by the small talk. “I didn’t say anything before, but I noticed, and…” He gives you a meaningful glance, whose meaning you don’t know yet, but it seems to tickle your skin and make your breath burn. “I couldn’t help but wonder what all those side glances meant, young lady.”
“Oh,” you chuckle, completely embarrassed. You can’t believe he had noticed you – what was worse, he had seen you looking at him. How many times? Every single time? You wanted to die. “I guess you were like a familiar face.”
“Mm,” he makes a sound, something between satisfaction and curiosity pooling in the corners of his eyes. “If I tell you my name, then I can be an even more familiar face.” He makes a pause, as if he is making room for you to pull away, to refuse this incoming nearness that he is building between you. “Would you like that?”
You smile for all response, and for a single second, fear flashes through your body. Fear that maybe it is a name you shouldn’t know. Fear that perhaps he is the type of person who could do way more with your name than simply memorise it. But that moment is broken by a warm smile coming from him, and a hand that is inching closer to your body.
“I’m Iori,” his hand drops halfway, not reaching its destination. “And you are?”
You tell him your name, and even if nothing has changed — he is still sitting at the same distance and keeping his hands to himself — it’s as if something has already happened.
“So now that we aren’t exactly strangers anymore, are you going to tell me about why you kept looking my way?” One of his hands is now covering half of his face, preventing you from knowing if he is smiling or not, but his eyes are already telling. So, he likes to tease? “Or am I going to drown in the mystery, young lady?”
“You asked my name just to call me ‘young lady’?” The smile that shines in his eyes is infectious, and you can’t help but arch an eyebrow.
“You don’t like it, point taken.” The ease of his words startles you. With his looks, you didn’t take him for someone who was going to give up on teasing so easily or even show respect for such a little thing. “If I say your name, will you answer me?”
His face is completely bare now, showing you the seriousness and depth of his stare. If he said your name, you don’t know what you’d do.
“I was curious.” It isn’t a lie, but it isn’t the whole truth either. You hope that satisfies him, even if you suspect it won’t.
“Okay.” He stops looking at you as if to give you some room to breathe. “So, I was a familiar face, and you were curious.” He enumerates with his fingers. “Are you still curious or do you wish you didn’t get familiar with me?” He doesn’t look at you until a few seconds pass, as if to prove that he isn’t pressuring you.
“What about you? Why were you so curious about what my looking at you meant?” You lean slightly forward, turning your body towards him in an effort to resist.
“Oh, replying with another question, huh? I like it.” He winks at you, and his words light a flame inside of you. You feel confidence flowing back into your body and realise that, maybe, he isn’t as scary as you were fearing. “Simply put, I liked what I saw. And I saw you were staring, so I thought maybe you felt the same too.”
The flame is now a scorching fire, and his words are the gasoline. He is bold, and you’re not used to such boldness. At least, not so soon. But you don’t hate it. You simply don’t know how to react to it.
“You’re quite good at picking up clues.” It’s all you can say, and it’s already more than you’re used to. You look at him, unsure of what comes next.
“Then I guess I’ll see you next week?”
It’s underwhelming. Suddenly instead of gasoline, it’s a big wave killing all your fire. And it leaves you drenched and cold.
You want to ask why, but you can’t even find the words when the knife of distance is still piercing your skin. And it is another word that brings you back to reality.
“Waka,” a deep voice comes to your ears, and you turn around to see a man looking at Iori. He stands up and places a hand on the stranger’s broad shoulders.
“Until next time, then.”
A/N: First Iori fic! for some reason I thought drinking whiskey really fit him, although he'd probably only drink sake since he's all about tradition...
Hope you enjoyed! Interactions are highly appreciated <3
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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paixarina · 1 year
My Sweet Kitty Maid
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: ̗̀➛ Hokusai Masaki x GN!Reader
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"Nyan nyan"
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"Knock knock."
You heard someone knocking on the door and then get up from your sofa. When you opened the door, you get welcomed with such... awkward surprise. Not a surprise that makes you go "Wow!". Instead, it's a type of surprise that makes you scratch your head and goes "What is going on here?"
The one who knocked on the door is no other than Hokusai, the man who is known for his fondness to cats, as well as owning one. However, his presence is quite different to you because he doesn't wear his usual clothes, instead he wears something that boggles your eyes and mind.
A maid dress with fake cat ears and tail.
You rubbed your eyes with confusion, hoping that this is just a weird dream. Still, it's actually real. Hokusai stares at you with an awkward, bashful face. You assume that he wears that because someone told so. Because, ain't no way someone like him would wear that sexy maid dress just to impress you for no reason.
You take a deep breath to overcome your awkwardness and decided to dare yourself to ask why the hell did he wear that and for what purpose he did that to you.
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"Hi... can I come in? Sorry if these clothes seem awkward to you because I feel the same as well..." Hokusai mumbled in a lower tone. "No, that's fine, you can come in. But... I have one question, why are you wearing that?" You asked with curiosity even though you know how embarrassing it is to ask that.
"Um... Ryu told me to wear it." He replied.
"WHAT- Oh wait, isn't that guy who likes to befriend with you and does random things for no reason?" You asked again with disbelief.
Hokusai nodded. "Yeah, he told me to wear this... even though I refuse gently, but he still convince me to do so, for doing something different..."
"Something different? What do you mean???" You scratches your head in confusion.
"... It's my birthday. Happy birthday to me, I guess I have to surprise you...?" He responds awkwardly while reminding you that today is his birthday.
"Ah, happy birthday to you! I don't know why you should surprise me while this is your birthday. Still, I think you look kinda cute with that outfit even though it seems quite awkward first." You greeted him happily while complimenting his unusual, weird outfit.
"Thanks, I appreciate that." He accepts your greetings wholeheartedly and smiled. "Oh, by the way, Ryu also told me to do something to impress you." He rambled.
"Wait, what? Please, why does he have to suggest you to do some embarrassing things???" You started to feel bad to Hokusai.
He smiled. "Well, he told me to do the "Nyan" pose..." You went dumbfounded and speechless after he answers that. God, why does it become much worse than you thought is beyond you. Hokusai, who stands awkwardly in front of you, trying to do the pose he mentions nervously.
"N-nyan...? Is it like this, right?"
You covered your face after getting second hand embarrassment from his pose. Why does he have to do this? Poor unfortunate Hokusai have to do some weird suggestion from his dear friend who likes doing random things.
Hokusai only stares at you in confusion while you are trying to hold a huge urge to scream and yell internally to whoever suggests Hokusai to do this embarrassing shit.
"Curse you, Ryu!"
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welcometothedopeworld · 2 months
Would you do a request for Hokusai Masaki where one of his brothers accidentally lets it slip that he’s in love with the reader?
Summary: Hokusai is completely in love with you, and while the rest of AKYR can see it, they don't think you can. So they tell him that actions speak louder than words.
Pairing: Hokusai Masaki X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1247
Warning: N/A
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting this! I enjoyed writing it more than I thought I would! I hope you enjoy it too!
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Hokusai is definitely a man of few words. Everyone in Akanyatsura can attest to that. But they also knew that his actions spoke louder than words. And of course, it was no secret to them when he started seeing you more often, that he was infatuated with you. He was always helping you with your chores and hanging out with you, indulging your every whim. And it was so painfully obvious to his Akanyatsura brothers, that some were getting annoyed with his behavior.
"You're going out with them again?" Reo whined as he flopped dramatically onto the table in their living space.
Hokusai nodded. "They asked me to visit. I won't be gone long."
"You say that every time." Satsuki pouted. "And yet you stay out for hours on end with them."
"It's like we don't even exist to you anymore!" Reo cried and wiped fake tears from his eyes.
Hokusai simply watched his brothers, slightly confused. He didn't think he spent that much time with you. Sure, he has been seeing you more often, but that was because you both wanted to. And he was still for Akanyatsura when Iori needed him. He definitely was not shirking his responsibilities. So he had no idea why they were acting like this.
Iori hummed to himself. "Well, I think it's sweet. I think it's about time this family expanded."
"What are you talking about?!" Zen sputtered, which in turn made Iori chuckle.
"I'm simply saying another member of the group would be just fine to me. I'm not implying I would replace any of you; believe me, you're all irreplaceable, but one more person in this family is just what we need I think."
Zen let out a sigh. "I see. Forgive me for jumping to conclusions."
"You need to get your mind out of the gutter, my friend." Iori grinned as Zen blushed.
"But that all depends on if Hokusai actually invites them to join our family!" Reo stated as a matter of fact. "And we all know he won't do that!"
Hokusai tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"It's obvious!" Satsuki replied. "You're not very good with words, least of all when they're supposed to be romantic. We all know the two of you are going to be dancing around your feelings for ages. And the rest of us are going to have to suffer because of your pining."
"I don't make you suffer." He shot back. "And I don't need words to be romantic. You know actions speak louder than words."
"But are they receiving the message you are trying to convey through your actions?" Zen asked, then held his hands up in surrender. "I mean no offense, but sometimes people aren't perceptive to action and need to be told."
Hokusai thought for a moment before he shrugged. "I hope so. But if they weren't, I wouldn't even know what to say to tell them my feelings."
Iori shook his head. "We can't help you with that. Those words need to come from you and your heart. You can do this, I know you can."
He slowly nodded. "Alright. I'll try."
Smiling and nodding, Iori shooed him out the door. "Now go! They're waiting for you!"
Again, Hokusai nodded before leaving the Akanyatsura house. It didn't take him long to get to the park right outside of your apartment building. You both loved hanging out there, whether it was by walking around the pond together, climbing the trees, or finding stray cats to play with. But he knew as he sat on your favorite bench that today would be different. He was going to try and tell you just how much you meant to him and how much he cared about you. He just needed to find the right words.
"You look lost in thought." Your soft voice lightly teased him. "What's on your mind, Hokusai?"
He shook his head. "Nothing. How are you?"
"I'm fine." You nod. "Better now that you're here."
He smiled. "That's good to hear."
You sat next to him, your shoulder barely brushing his. He was thankful you enjoyed just sitting in silence with him. With you there was no pressure to speak. He could just sit there and enjoy the day with you next to him. Perhaps this was how he confessed to you. Not with his words, but with his actions.
"Wow, this is more boring than I thought it was going to be." A whisper catches his attention. Hokusai glances at you, but you don't seem to have noticed the whisper.
"Well, it is Hokusai we're talking about." If he didn't know any better, he'd say that sounded like Satsuki...
Casually looking around, Hokusai finally noticed Satsuki and Reo failing to hide behind a tree. He glared at them, but that didn't stop them from staring and teasing the two of you. He thought he would be left alone with you. But apparently he thought wrong. He just hoped Iori didn't ask them to come spy on him like an overprotective older brother.
Due to his focus being on the two younger members of Akanyatsura, he didn't notice you at all. And how your focus had shifted to him and the boys hiding behind the tree. He didn't notice you hiding a chuckle behind your hand.
"You think he forgot what he told Aniki earlier?" Satsuki loudly whispered to Reo. "That he said he was going to confess to them?"
Reo shook his head. "Maybe he did. He's obviously not going to make a move. He would have done it by now."
"Yeah, he's had more than enough time now to tell them how much he loves them!"
Hokusai grit his teeth. If he wasn't worried about making a scene in front of you, he would totally beat the two of them up right now. But when you tapped on his shoulder stopped him from getting up and having a little "chat" with his younger AKYR brothers.
"Are you alright?" You ask, with a sweet smile on your lips.
He hesitates before nodding. "I'm okay."
Your smile widens as you shake your head. "No, you're not. I can tell you're not. Those boys over there are giving you a hard time, aren't they?"
Again he nods.
"Thought so. And if I didn't know any better, it almost sounded like they said something about you being in love with me?" Your smile was teasing and Hokusai could feel his cheeks turn red at your words.
"I- maybe. I mean, yes, I do." He mumbled.
Your smile only continued to widen. "Well, that's good to know. But it's crazy of them to think we weren't already dating. I mean, we've been together for a couple months now, at least!"
"W-we have?"
You nod. "The way you've acted around me proves how much you care about me and how much you want to be around me. You've more than proven yourself to be a worthy boyfriend. So you don't need to come up with some elaborate confession plan. I'm already yours."
He felt the tension in his shoulders ease and a smile stretched across his face. "And I'm yours."
"That's good to know." And with that, you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He responded by pulling you closer, his hand cupping your face. It was absolutely perfect.
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mera-k1 · 2 months
Hii!! Can we get a first kiss hcs with TCW and/or AKYR, please? Whether its cute giggly ones or the slow and steady,,,🤲🌹
(((I actually sent an anon ask on this but i got a notif that something went wrong with it lol, but lmk if it actually slides into your inbox:0)))
Have a nice one!
it never did come into my inbox but dw!! hope you enjoy the fluff~ later note: GOT WAY TOO LONG... PUTTING AKYR IN A SEP POST!!
First Kiss
TCW x gn!reader
-fluff, idk u guys kiss 😱, not rlly in order so here's order i wrote in -> yohei, shiki, ryu, saimon
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having to watch your boyfriend clean counters and sweep the floor wasn't the most exciting thing in the world. but.. he didn't look half bad while doing it. with the sleeves of his bartender 'uniform' rolled up and his focused expression, you couldn't help but admire him. well, okay.. you hadn't been dating that long but the crush you had on yohei was... you've had to for a little longer than you'd like to admit. so when he accepted your confession, you were extremely surprised that the cold-fronted man had actually accepted.
besides that, you really just had wanted to spend some time with him lately. after all, he'd been working so much! why not take some time off and spend some time with you? that's what you had proposed but-
"i needa finish cleaning, babe."
those were the only words that had been spoken since you had gotten here. letting out a dramatic sigh, you slumped down onto the bar counter that he had just finished cleaning. the damp, cool counter smelled of cleaning supplies and you wrinkled your nose at the sudden strong smell and lifted your head back up to wipe your now wet cheek.
"what're you sighing for?" he looked over after you had let out the dramatic sigh, cloth in hand as he wiped down the opposite end of the counter from you.
"i just wanna spend time with you!" you put your elbow onto the counter, leaning your face into your hand as you stared at him. yohei returned your sigh with one of his own as he shook his head.
"i told you i've-"
"i know what you told me!" you huffed out at him, a pout forming on your face as he walked over to you.
"tell you what," he started, looking at your pouty face. yeah... there was no way he could say no to you now. he was being a little mean, wasn't he? he briefly leaned down, planting a quick peck on your lips before walking back over to the previously abandoned cloth he had been using to clean. "we'll go out somewhere once--" you didn't hear the rest as your face turned pink as you suddenly shot up, shock evident on your face.
"y-you kissed me!" you covered your mouth, half from shock and the other half... you weren't really sure. "that was the first time you've ever kissed me!" he looked over at you, a faint pink color appearing on his cheeks.
"...mh. i- i guess i did."
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okay so.. maybe it was a little bit awkward, eating lunch with your boyfriend. or well... new boyfriend. not like you've ever had one before but it felt awkward to sit by him during lunch uninvited. but... it's kind of an unspoken thing that you're allowed to do that, right? you had been friends beforehand but... this whole relationship thing was kinda hard... especially with your shy boyfriend.
"uh- uhm- th-thank you for eating with me, (name)..." shiki mumbled, shyly. his face growing pink with blush. you weren't sure if he was flustered by you unexpectedly sitting by him or if he had just remembered that you two were technically dating after that mess of a confession from you. god, you didn't even want to think about it right now...
"no problem!" you gave him a content smile which seemed to make his face go redder. even though it hadn't been long, you were happy that this sweetheart of a guy was your boyfriend. he might be timid but you still loved him!
"ah.. (name)?" he looked over at you, a hesitant expression on his face. it was almost impossible to tell what he was about to ask you with that expression. it almost looked like pity, but you knew it wasn't- but it also looked like shyness? but he was shy about a whole lot of things!
"what's up?" you asked, trying to keep the conversation casual and not think about the possible question.
"w- would you like to go somewhere after school?" he mumbled, looking down shyly. "ah-! with- with me! if that's okay..." he quickly added. as if it wasn't obvious enough! of course you would love to go on a little date with him!
"of course! why wouldn't it be okay, shiki?" you gave him a smile as he almost immediately brightened up too.
"really?!" you nodded happily in response, getting up from your spot on the bench beside him and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before taking your bag and rushing off as the bell rang.
"i'll meet you outside your class after school, okay?!" you called as you jogged away, leaving him an embarrassed and blushing mess as he stared at you disappear in shock.
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some days, you weren't sure if you should regret asking ryu out. deep down you knew you didn't regret it, of course, but times when ryu was running around the room in a dino onesie, pretending to be a dinosaur made you wonder what you had really gotten yourself into when you asked him out.
"ROARR!! i'm gonna get ya, (name)!!" he made a scary face as he ran over to where you were sitting with his arms outstretched, ready to grab you. you couldn't help but laugh at his childishness when he tackled you down onto the carpet. "iiii... got you!!!"
you both became a fit of giggles after ryu tackled you down, cuddling in closer to you as if being on the floor was a normal occurrence for the two of you. "okay, okay.. it's time to actually get up and ready, ryu." you patted his head as he childishly wrapped his arms around you and shook his head with a pout.
"not yet! just a little longer, 'kay? and then we will blast off, captain!!" he declared, suddenly an astronaut instead of a dinosaur now. you couldn't hold back the laughter that bubbled up inside of you.
"from dinosaur to astronaut? what a drastic switch!" you playfully teased him before he suddenly jumped up, pointing up towards the ceiling (which you assumed he was pointing towards the sky) and brought his finger back down to point at you on the floor.
"yes! we will be blasting off to the moon! astronaut ryu and (name) are making it to the moon!" he declared loudly as you got up from your spot on the ground and walked over to his excited face.
"i'm sure we will, ryu, but it's time to get ready, okay?" you smiled at him before he sighed, seemingly accepting the fact that he couldn't sit and have fun with you all day in his room.
"one thing before we blast off!" he gave a determined look, his hands on his hips. you raised your eyebrows at him as a silent 'go ahead'. "astronaut ryu needs a kiss before he gets ready!" you would have been flustered by his sudden request but seeing him so determined made you forget the blush that had burned onto your face when he said it. leaning in, you gave him a kiss on his smiling face before he cheered leaving you to look at him with a content smile on your face. yeah, he was definitely the one for you.
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"you don't have to force yourself, love," the deep, comforting voice of saimon sounded beside you as you both sat on his bed. you wanted to take your relationship a little farther and sleep beside him instead of sleeping in another room whenever you visited him. "take your time."
"no, no it's alright. i trust you and stuff, but i'm just nervous..." you sighed, nerves getting the better of you as you fiddled with your hands in your lap. his hand lifted from its spot behind you and rubbed your back, gently nudging you closer to him.
"you don't have to rush anything, love. i'll wait for you to be ready." he assured you as he rubbed your back, leaning down to kiss your temple.
your hand reached up to touch his face gently, leaning up to reach his face as well now and kiss him. for real this time. although it was your first real kiss with him, it felt so natural and comfortable as his hand held yours, thumb rubbing over your knuckles as you both held the kiss for what felt like minutes till you had to pull away for air.
"...sorry! i should have asked before doing that-" he had a soft smile on his face as you rambled on, flustered that you had done that without even asking him beforehand.
"it's alright, i enjoyed it just as much as you did. nothing to fret over, my love." god... this man would be the death of you without even trying..
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doppopoppo · 1 year
Impulsive Thought
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Iori Suiseki x F!Reader
Everyone in the group was well aware as to how naughty and mischievous Y/N could be. It's one of the reasons why she gets along so well with the guys. With a small cake sitting in front of them, an impulsive thought came over her. The cake was for funsies anyways and she doubted everyone would still eat the remainder if the cake after what she felt like doing.
Y/N reached up to gently run her fingers through Iori's hair. He welcomed this with soft hum. His little brother's giggling at their older brother being what we now call a simp. Then she held the back of his head and roughly pushed it down to the cake. Everyone froze at what they were doing ans Y/N's mouth was open in shock.
It took Iori a good few seconds to recover from what just occurred to him. Who did what to him.
To be fair, at least Satsuki thought Iori was going to be upset and say you went far this time. Though inside he was cackling so hard. Iori used both his hands to wipe some cake away from his eyes so he could at least look at the culprit. He finally smiled at Y/N and told her to come close, who quickly backed away.
"Awww what happened? Don't want to give your yummy fiance a kiss now?" Iori teased.
On full alert, Y/N was ready to bounce. "NO thank you!"
Too late, Iori caught the love of his life in his arms and gave her lots of smooches on the top of her HAIR! Y/N wouldn't stop squealing and failed at pushing her fiance away. Her squeals quickly turns into cute giggles, joing Iori's own fits of laughter. Indicating she's enjoying this just as much as him.
The younger boys were unsure if they could laugh, but Zen's shocked laughter joins the couples. This eases the others as they join in on the laughter. It was yet another normal day at the AKYR estate.
"How's about we go take a shower together, my girl?" Iori whispered in your ears.
You glared at his smirk and was grateful the guys were too busy trying to salvage the remainder of the cake to notice your blush. Though, you did not disagree to the invitation.
This isn't Vinland Saga, BUT I needed to get Iori out of my system by writing about him 😆 simping real hard for this man. I'm not committed to write for the franchise itself, just Iori for now
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lavenderlive · 6 months
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☾ | Welcome!
Hello!! Welcome to my blog! I'm only here to share my paralive imagines for fun ^^ I'm still new to using tumblr but I love reading other people's imagines here so why not try it for funs
I'm mainly write for Paradox Live x Reader !! Please read my rules below before requesting!
I might not be able to post regularly because again this is mainly for fun/ I'm busy lol
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☾ | Rules
Read my bio for my request status
I mainly do canon x reader
I keep my imagines/headcanons gender-neutral but feel free to specify whether you want me to refer the reader as masc or fem
Platonic/non-romantic and angsty requests are allowed
Max for request is 5 characters just in case you want to submit a full unit like AKYR or gokuluck
I mainly do headcanons (bullet points), scenarios/one-shots aren't available rn as I'm not very confident but they'll be allowed for request once I feel ok with writing them!
I can decline or delete a request if I'm uncomfortable with writing for it
Feel free to ask me any questions if unsure
Apologies if any is ooc, I'm trying 🙏
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☾ | Masterlist
Current Inbox: 11
Last Updated: Photographer Reader (Hajun)
★ | BAE
★ | cozmez
★ | TCW
★ | AKYR
★ | Buraikan
★ | 1Nm8
★ | gokuluck
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seangelfish · 11 months
REQUESTS STATUS: OPEN ONLY FOR #SIL300SPECIAL Sorry, not taking Hypmic requests atm!
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Please note that I may reject requests for any reason other than it being too complex or inappropriate. I am not obligated to tell you why the request has been rejected either.
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Rules for the Ensemble Stars!! Plant Asks are in its masterlist.
For Paradox Live, I’m only taking requests for the first four groups (BAE, TCW, cozmez & AKYR).
Important notes:
★ Requests may take a while depending on what the request is or how busy I am. It also depends on whether I have the inspiration for it. So, some requests may be done quicker than others.
★ Please don't send multiple requests back to back. Please give a chance for others to request too!
★ I'm doing this for fun, so please do not expect too much from me~
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To make a request:
★ Choose between the genres: Angst, fluff, headcanons or NSFW. You can always mix them up too!
★ Be specific as much as you can or give me a brief idea on what you want and I will write the fic from there.
★ For headcanon fics, please pick up to 2-3 characters per request (if it's a 3+ group, then I may let it slide, but I will never write for more than 4 characters). For longer fics, the max is 1.
★ The reader is always written as a girl as default with she/her pronouns unless you ask for them to be gender neutral (they/them). I won't be able to write he/him because I'm not particularly good at doing so.
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What I will write about:
✔ Reader x character fics (the reason why this blog exists)!
✔ Angst, fluff, headcanons and NSFW (smut) fics.
↳ Anything that isn't a headcanon request or something related to it, is considered a one-shot (long fic/story). Depending on the character or the description of the request, longer fics might exceed the 1,000 word limit (I write a lot...)
✔ Sequels to my existing fics.
↳ I will allow a continuation to any of my angst fics if someone wants it (angst with no comfort to fluff) or fluff to NSFW. I will also just continue a fic normally like fluff to fluff too.
✔ General/platonic fics!
↳ With general/platonic fics, I can introduce more characters e.g. character x reader x character. (Just not poly relationships.)
✔ Reader with she/her or they/them pronouns. You must be specific if you want the reader to have they/them pronouns because I write she/her as default.
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What I won't write about:
✘ Character x character fics.
✘ Please no more personality requests e.g. "reader is the kind type." They're honestly hard and not fun to write for. Unless there's a situation where this personality trait comes to play, then that's okay.
✘ NSFW fics of characters under 18.
✘ Extreme NSFW that includes concepts like incest, gore, non-con, etc. I will not write anything around the yandere theme either.
↳ I want to write fluffy NSFW fics, so certain kinks are off limits. Angst to (fluff) NSFW is fine although a little complex.
✘ Poly relationships (not particularly interested in this).
✘ Male reader with he/him pronouns.
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I would like to request some headcanons for shiki, kei, hajun and iori with reader fem whose singing manages to stop and calm giving them a feeling of peace, when they have a trap reaction, eliminating any trace of the trap reaction returning them to normal, but reader doesn't know because her singing has that effect, she only has the feeling of wanting to help them. thanks for the event :') I can't wait for the next activities!! #Hebi100Special
Writer's corner: It's the 18th request I got for the Special 100, and I'm posting now! So sorry for being this late, darl, but I really hope you like the result! Just tell me if you want me to change anything! Enjoy~
Warnings: references to traumas, trap reactions and death.
⋆𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢, 𝐊𝐞𝐢, 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐨𝐫𝐢⋆ 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨'𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠
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⋆Shiki was suffering
⋆His skin was full of metal erosion
⋆His hand's skin was the worst
⋆His cheeks full of tears
⋆His mind was focusing on those memories
⋆The good ones and the bad ones he had lived
⋆He was sure to die
⋆The pain was undescribable
⋆His heart beating faster due to fear of death
⋆He felt the skin breaking away from his bones.
⋆He couldn't feel his hands anymore
⋆And his hands were still holding that cross pendant, his phantometal.
⋆"Please.... Have mercy on me!!"
⋆This was what he was thinking among his screams and crying.
⋆Then suddenly something fell
⋆His phantometal reached the ground and he saw nothing but darkness.
⋆Again a voice
⋆A beautiful and charming voice singing
⋆A light breaking the darkness of his mind
⋆Saving him from the death
⋆It happened in a few seconds
⋆Oh well, that's what he believed.
⋆Seconds before was about to die, his hands subjected to metal corrosion..
⋆Seconds later he found himself between your arms, his cheeks full of your tears.
⋆"Shiki!... Shiki! ... Answer me!.. Please.. Don't ... don't go away!"
⋆When he opened his eyes he had no idea what had happened before
⋆He could barely remember and felt dizzy but instinctively he looked at his own hands.
⋆They were... Fine.
⋆They were fine!
⋆There wasn't any metal erosion!
⋆Shiki couldn't believe it! You had saved him!
⋆But.. How?
⋆He had no time to think more because your arms wrapped around his figure again
⋆Your sobbing but relieved voice filled his ears.
⋆"I'm sooo glad you are fine!! You scared me!!"
⋆Your sense of helping was what characterized you the most
⋆And maybe it was the key of it.
⋆Shiki smiled weakly and hugged you back
⋆"Thank you, y/n..."
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⋆Kei looked at his own hand
⋆That plain bracelet of his..
⋆It was his phantometal
⋆And it was damaging his entire arm with metal erosion
⋆That was in front of his eyes
⋆But he couldn't stop rapping
⋆He had to keep going
⋆But it was painful!
⋆"My arm... It-it HURTS!"
⋆He said, clenching his teeth
⋆With the other hand he maintained his arm, decided to go on rapping
⋆But his words..
⋆They couldn't let his throat.
⋆He couldn't talk!
⋆Some cold sweat let his forehead as he felt his heart slowly stopping beating.
⋆It was his end?
⋆He was about to die?!
⋆Those seconds of his fall onto the ground seemed not to end at all.
⋆That moment looked in slow motion
⋆The world seemed tarnished as his friends' faces did
⋆He could manage to hear a voice, even if not clear enough.
⋆"K...i!... ...N..!! Do...t!....."
⋆After that he saw nothing but black.
⋆His body felt heavy as hell and he couldn't move a finger either.
⋆Kei's mind was focused on his little brother..
⋆On that brother he lost in the past and didn't meet again.
⋆Kei was sure.
⋆It was his moment to leave that world
⋆But something changed his mind
⋆A voice broke that mortal silence
⋆Someone was singing and his body was starting to feel lighter than before.
⋆In some minutes he managed to open his eyes and saw Rokuta and Itsuki.
⋆They were worried, even Itsuki!
⋆Rokuta was crying scared and Itsuki was holding Kei's arm
⋆In front of him there were you too, completely scared but glad he was fine.
⋆You wrapped your arms around his neck as you hugged him tightly.
⋆"Keiii!.. I'm glad you're alive!..."
⋆Kei couldn't understand how it was possible
⋆What saved him?
⋆Who saved him?
⋆It was you?..
⋆But... How did you...?
⋆He hugged you back, wondering what magical power you owned.
⋆Maybe it was your kindness.. Perhaps your sense of taking care of people you love?..
⋆He didn't know.
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⋆"Hajun!! Stop rapping!! Your hand is...!"
⋆That is what Allen yelled after noticing what was happening to Hajun's hand.
⋆His ring, that phantometal, was slowly damaging his hand.
⋆You're a failure, Yeon Hajun...
⋆Maybe that's the reason why nobody wants you!
⋆It's because you're full of flaws!
⋆You're not as flawless as you think!
⋆"Shut up... Shut up... SHUT UP!"
⋆Hajun suddenly put his hands on his head, looking down
⋆Some tears were slowly letting his eyes, which were open wide.
⋆The thought of being unwanted..
⋆That was the worst thing
⋆That was his trauma.
⋆He overused his phantometal days before..
⋆And now not only metal erosion
⋆But even his trauma were destroying him!
⋆He knew he didn't have to listen to those voices
⋆He was aware that those voices, those memories, everything he was seeing in his mind were part of the past.
⋆Back then he was unwanted..
⋆But now he was changed!
⋆He had changed!
⋆Now he had friends and they appreciated him for the way he was!
⋆He couldn't help but face his past
⋆He had to face those voices and memories which didn't let him sleep in peace.
⋆Suddenly Hajun heard a voice
⋆That voice managed to shut those memories which were destroying him
⋆Hajun felt your hands holding him tightly
⋆And his hand, subjected to metal erosion..
⋆It healed in front of his eyes.
⋆Your voice was softly singing about being proud of oneself
⋆About remembering that people are not alone and they are loved.
⋆Hajun focused on your words and couldn't hear those bad memories any longer
⋆He hugged you back and started crying
⋆It wasn't usual to see him crying, but he was, even if hiding his face against your chest.
⋆It was clear that the power of your care for him had healed him
⋆You had saved him with your heart!
⋆"...I love you... I love you a lot."
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⋆That phantometal
⋆It was a disaster!
⋆Iori found himself onto the ground
⋆While he was rapping his mind was caught by memories of his past
⋆Memories linked to all his friends died
⋆All their voices screaming and then the silence of death
⋆It had been horrible
⋆That day had been horrible!
⋆He had seen his friends dying in front of his eyes
⋆And couldn't do anything to avoid it or to protect them
⋆While rapping it happened
⋆He was sure to be able to go on but..
⋆His chest was starting to feel heavier than before
⋆His heart did hurt a lot
⋆And then he was there on his knees, putting an hand against his own chest
⋆It hurt as hell!
⋆He was sure there was some metal erosion on his chest
⋆He was aware of it
⋆But he couldn't stop rapping
⋆He had to go on!
⋆Iori tried to stand up but fell again on his knees.
⋆"ANIKI! (Big brother)"
⋆All the other Akan Yatsura members ran to him as he fell again
⋆Iori tried to calm them down
⋆"I'm... I'm fine. Don't worry about me!", he forced a smile
⋆But Zen approached him and discovered Iori's chest full of metal erosion signs.
⋆That's when you joined AKYR, scared and worried for Iori
⋆You were aware of your power
⋆Of that ability to cure trap reactions
⋆So you told AKYR to move away and to let you taking care of it
⋆"Please, y/n... Help Aniki!"
⋆Reo whispered hugging you before giving you space
⋆Iori had his eyes closed and his breathing was heavy
⋆You approached him terrified by the fact that the metal erosion might have touched his heart
⋆And you started singing, hugging him
⋆Iori opened his eyes softly only to see yours pointed on him
⋆He had never seen something like that
⋆It looked like a sort of magic!
⋆Those metal erosion signs were flying away just like glitters in the air
⋆His eyes opened wide as he realized that it was thanks to you!
⋆You had made it!
⋆He couldn't explain how it was possible!
⋆And he felt...
⋆He felt better...
⋆Iori asked for explanation later that same day and got surprised to hear:
⋆"I don't know how I do but... I manage to do it when I'm scared to lose someone I really care about.."
⋆..so you managed because you cared about him?
⋆Iori smiled.
⋆"Thank you.. I care about you too, y/n.."
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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mcsupernova · 1 year
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Dont be shy; play with their nipples. pinch them, bite them, suck them, whatever, they will be so happy if you do it that they are going to come in their pants with just your fingers playing with their sensitive nipples !! You don't even have to do something else, just leave their nipples swollen and reddish from playing with them, they are gonna love it and ending up moaning for more <3
Zen, Allen, Chungsung, Rokuta, Kanata.
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seizingthesky · 8 months
can i ask sunflower for Iori and Zen
YES!!!!!! Thank you anon have a great day. Sparkle on, as they say
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SUNFLOWER: How would they confess their feelings to their crush?
IORI briefly considers going all out and doing something dramatic and ridiculous that'll make you laugh and smack him on the arm but decides against it. Sure, it would be a good way to catch your attention and make the whole thing memorable, but deep down, he wants his confession to be between the two of you and no one else. After all, he's spent countless hours mulling over the intricacies of the whole confession thing (some while just a bit drunk), so he wants it to be special. It happens when he surprises you by coming home early that night from his shift, gently pulling you by the arm to take you outside so you can watch the stars together for a while. As you sit down, he wraps an arm around your shoulder to have you rest against him, leaning his head against yours as he says in an uncharacteristically quiet voice, "I love you."
Despite what you may assume, ZEN is incredibly nervous about telling you his true feelings. He knows he can be a little hard to handle and a bit pushy sometimes, but he doesn't want any of that to come across while confessing to you. So, he puts it off. He tries to get it out of his head, and it works until he's holding you in his arms after you get hurt. You try to tell him that it's nothing, that you'll be fine, and maybe you even joke that he's such a worrywart as always, which is when it hits him. He can't lose you. He can't stand the thought of not having you here with him, of having to go through a day without hearing your voice or seeing your face... so he tells you exactly that, albeit through some tears. There's no way he can lose you because he loves you too damn much to let it happen, so be careful from now on, okay?
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underlanternglow · 10 months
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anon asked → hiii this request is a commemoration of the little mermaid because I went to see it and I'm still very excited opdd >^< so I was thinking headcanons about ryoga, iori, kanata reacting to their mc with a beautiful voice like a mermaid~ (bc I'm addicted to Hailey's song srry ;u;) ..I know the request is cringy heh but if you want you can do it, otherwise it's fine, I'm happy to share my idea ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა
a/n - IT’S NOT CRINGE IT’S CUTE!!! and regardless, never be afraid to be cringe. be free <3
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ryoga tosa
he’s in shock. he’s staring at you, almost as if he’s never heard anyone sing before. it’s a little distracting, his wide-open mouth taking some of your focus away from your song
he sits and waits patiently, silently taking in your voice. honestly, he feels a little undeserving of it, but it comforts him nonetheless.
he looks a little disappointed when the song ends (it ended far too quickly for his liking), but it soon changes to determination. he really, really, wants to tell you how much he liked it
it takes a little bit, and he fumbles on his words a little, but he manages to tell you that he thinks your voice is nice. he’s quiet after that, still maintaining eye contact, but you can tell he really wants you to continue
your voice is the most relaxing thing to him, and he’ll sometimes ask for you to sing again, especially if he’s had a few rough days
iori suiseki
he has the world’s biggest grin on his face when he hears you sing, like he’s never been happier. he nods, silently cheering you on as you continue
compliments, compliments, compliments. he does not hold back in telling you that you have the most angelic voice he’s ever heard. you might think he's exaggerating, but he does genuinely think it, and once the excitement calms down, he assures you your voice is beautiful
he schemes to get you to go to karaoke more with him. he'll always say how your voices were meant to sing together, and how much he wants to hear you sing different songs
he likes hearing your voice when he needs a bit of grounding. after a long day at the club, and whatever he gets involved with after, hearing your voice is the ultimate method of relaxation. it soothes him, and lets him know everything's alright
kanata yatonokami
like ryoga, he also quietly listens to you sing. he picks apart every note in his head, trying desperately to commit the sound of your voice to memory
he nearly feels like he can hear the music behind the song, but quickly shakes the thought away to focus. it doesn’t last very long before he starts envisioning you singing other genres, or better yet, something he wrote
he’s a bit quiet once you finish, already missing your singing. after a while, he gives a short, but sweet compliment, saying that he thinks you have a nice voice. it isn’t long before you hear him humming the same song later
when he can’t sleep, he craves the sound of your voice. he’ll call you, quietly asking for you to sing something. it seems childish asking for a lullaby, but your singing truly relaxes him
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moonstruck-writing · 3 months
Zen Gaho | Wearing his clothes
Pairing: Zen Gaho x reader | Paradox Live CWs: fluff, domestic fluff, established relationship, gender-neutral reader, suggestive (M), jealousy, light angst, comfort, reader is smaller than Zen Word count: 1.5k Summary: Zen wakes up to you wearing his clothes.
Reader wears their clothes series: Zen - Part 1 - Part 2 (coming soon) | Satsuki (coming soon)
There were very few days in which Zen wasn’t the first one to wake up in the Suiseki clan’s household. Many of those involved him rolling in bed, palming the mattress to find the warmth you’d left, but finding no other trace of you.
He opened his eyes, looking around the dimly lit room. The stubborn morning light that couldn’t be controlled by the bamboo blinds only revealed you weren’t there. Zen yawned and rubbed his eyes, sitting up on the bed.
Before he could make it his mission to go and find you, you were back from the bathroom.
“Morning, babe,” you chirped with a wide smile on your face. However, Zen was too distracted to greet you back. His senses were paralysed the moment he saw you wearing his white shirt. He could only think of the way the piece of clothing hung from your shoulders, how it was long enough for you to use it as a dress, and how it seemed to highlight your soft skin and tender form.
“Did anyone see you?” He asked in a worried tone. You chuckled as you approached the bed. You didn’t understand the question or the way he had phrased it.
“No? I didn’t see anyone, why?” You pulled aside the covers, getting inside.
“Good.” That’s all the explanation he gave you before sliding a hand on your cheek and planting a good morning kiss on your forehead. You giggled, but before you could stretch yourself to kiss his lips, he hugged you and pulled you down with him, making you lie down on top of him.
“What’s going on?” Zen was a very affectionate person but seeing him act like that felt different from usual. It was almost as if…
“You aren’t allowed to wear my clothes outside our bedroom.” The pout and puppy voice made it impossible to not laugh at his declaration. Then, the warmth filled your mind. ‘Our bedroom’. It was only Zen’s, but you spent so much time there, that he had started to make accommodations. You nuzzled your face on his chest, basking in the feeling of being treated as special.
“Why?” You looked up to find Zen had his eyes closed.
“You don’t know how dangerous you are.” He pulled his arms tighter around you, effectively anchoring you in place. “Or how dangerous the world can be.”
“And why is everyone so dangerous this morning?”
You heard him sighing through his nose, and you knew he wasn’t going to tell you. At least, not now. Instead, he moved one of his hands to gently play with your hair.
“Are you trying to make me fall asleep again?” You weren’t complaining – his fingers felt delicious massaging your scalp – but you also knew Zen’s routine. “Shouldn’t we be getting up and getting ready—” Before you could finish your sentence, the hand Zen had around your back trailed down to the thigh you had on top of him.
“Everyone knows you’re here.” He caressed the back of your thigh, kneading slightly. His movements were gentle and slow, but deliberate. “And you’re only wearing your underwear,” he whispered to himself, opening his eyes in frustration. “Didn’t you bring a pair of pyjamas the other day?”
“Why aren’t you wearing them?”
You hesitated, unsure of what was going on, but sure that the conversation was getting heated for some reason.
“Are you angry at me?”
Zen closed his eyes, and you saw his nostrils flaring. When he opened his eyes again, he had a gentle smile to show you.
“Sorry. I—” he chuckled slightly, embarrassed. “I got jealous and scared.” You felt him give your thigh a soft squeeze.
“Of what?”
The smile widened like he couldn’t contain whatever your perplexity was producing inside of him. His arms circled back around your back, and he pulled you tightly against him like he needed to confirm you were there, and you weren’t going anywhere.
“You’re not going to like it.” His chest rose and fell as he spoke, and his grip on your frame relaxed, setting you free to adjust and dig your chin on him so you could look at his face again.
“I’ll be the one to judge that. I still want to know.” When you felt his smile falter, you felt your heart flutter painfully. Was it so bad? You trusted Zen and knew him deeply. Was there something he had never confessed?
“I am…so disgustingly scared that someone will see you and snatch you away from me.” He squeezed you in his arms. “Not that I think you wouldn’t be loyal!” He quickly added, seeing the way your gaze was swimming in sadness. “I know you love me, I feel it, and I hope you know and feel my love for you. It’s just… You are way more attractive than you think you are. And that scares me. You don’t know your power. But you also don’t know how other men react to you.” He lowered his gaze, his voice trailing down to a whisper. “Sometimes I think I must be the luckiest man alive, for having found you first, before anyone realised your beauty – outside and inside.”
The tears fell from your eyes onto Zen’s bare chest, and his embrace loosened. You heard his gasp and felt the way his body buzzed with worry.
“Sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—” his voice softened even more, making it difficult to hear him through the overwhelming emotion.
“Zen,” you sobbed, not wanting to make a scene, but not knowing what else to do. “I love you.” Those were the only words that came out, and maybe they were the only ones that accurately represented the mess that was moving inside of your heart.
“Oh, baby,” he muttered, holding you gently and pulling you closer to his face. He managed to rest your head on his shoulder, touching his head to yours. “I love you, too, so much.” He took one of your hands and placed it on top of his beating heart. The gesture stripped your throat of a new set of sobs. “Those are… happy tears, I hope?” He asked with a breathy voice. You nodded and freed your arms from under your body and from his gentle hold, linking them around his neck.
You stayed in that position for a while, Zen drawing abstract forms on your back with his fingertips. When you calmed down and it felt like a regular cuddling session, he spoke again.
“On a lighter note, I think I need to say,” he removed some hairs from your face, “you look too sexy in my clothes.”
You laughed and he felt the vibrations on his torso. Then, your eyes met and you moved to trace his lips with your finger. He kissed the tip and pretended to bite it, while you felt his hands roaming from your back to your bottom.
The familiar warmth of desire trickled through your bodies, and you moved slightly on top of him, accommodating to be able to kiss him.
Suddenly, a few sharp knocks made you jump and frantically pull away from each other.
“Zen, I regret to be the one to have to retrieve you from your lovers’ nest, but we had this meeting today, remember?”
Zen cursed under his breath.
“Waka, just give me a minute—”
“I’ll give you ten, ‘s best to make sure to leave satisfied, yeah?” The sound of his wooden sandals echoed away with a loud chuckle.
You looked at Zen as he quickly picked up his overalls and began pulling them up. As he zipped them and buckled his belt, you noticed the bulge his underwear was barely able to contain couldn’t be successfully hidden with the new layer of fabric either.
“Like what you see?” He teased lovingly when he caught your gaze. You looked away instinctively, but then you thought maybe he needed the shirt you were wearing.
Before you could take it off, he caught your hands, kissing them.
“Keep it.” He squeezed your hands before letting go. “Maybe just… don’t go outside only wearing that?” He took his black tank top from his wardrobe.
Once he was wearing it, you approached him, and you melted in a slow, sensual kiss. He pulled your body closer to his, and you felt his hardness against your waist.
“We still have some time…” you suggested, pressing against him. He chuckled shyly and proceeded to pepper your face with pecks.
“I’ll think about something else, and it’ll go away.” He lowered his head to rub your noses together. “Besides, we’ll have something to look forward to later, then…”
He winked and pulled on your clothes, teasing.
“I love you,” he kissed you goodbye, leaving you a bittersweet feeling and the throbbing anticipation of something more.
“I love you, Zen.”
A/N: It’s been so long since I last wrote fanfiction, plus it’s the first time I've written Zen, and idk if this feels OOC or if it’s just me :/ but then again, it’s just my headcanon.
Hope you enjoyed! Interactions are highly appreciated <3
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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