#alana lopez
ebechnasheim · 7 months
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This tour has been out of this world. But I think it’s also reminded us that Bad Omens is not just a band; it’s a family that involves band members, crew, fan base and so many other people we don’t get to see. Thank you all for all the hard work and love you give us all. Thank you for making all of this possible.
Pics by Bryan
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Saw these on X. Check out the link for a few more.
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Source: bd_decisions on X
Not pictured — Lord Troy (the skeleton) Strong of Harrenhal and Lord Michael (Taylor) Mormont of Bear Island.
Tumblr only lets me add 10 photos. 🙃
@thefallennightmare @lma1986 @burning-outx @arkiliastuff @cncohshit @xxkittenkissesxx
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digitaldiarystuff · 7 months
Need You
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omg this was heartbreaking and cute to write at the same time, thank you so much for the request!! you can keep them coming and i can try my best 💕
also, slowly becoming a fermin fan acc but no complaining tho lol
pairing: Fermin Lopez x Y/N
summary: Fermin let the fame get to his head and wanted a break, that was 2 months ago. One night he’s pulled out of sleep by a phone call from a hospital saying you’ve been in an accident
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: mentions of car accident, bruises and sprained ankle but nothing too graphic
Fermin woke up to his phone buzzing constantly. The first time he tried to ignore it and not let it get to him but it started ringing again soon. He huffed with annoyance and reached for his bedside table. The number looked ordinary, he didn’t have it saved and he wasn’t planning on answering a crazy fan’s call at 2 in the morning. He let the buzzing stop and left the phone back trying to go back to sleep but something in him worried, with a loud sigh he reached over again typing the number on his search engine finding it belonged to a local hospital in Barcelona. His heart started racing, his initial thought was Pablo but he was okay at the match today so why was a hospital calling him at this hour?
He tried calling the number back but it went straight to a prerecorded message, Fermin was stressed until the phone connected to the reception.
“Hello, this is Alana from Hospital Clinic. How can I help you?” she asked
“Hey, um, I was just called from this number twice. Can I know the reason?” he said fidgeting with his hand trying to understand if it was just a misunderstanding.
“Can I have your name?”
“Fermin Lopez.” Fermin hesitatingly said, he was recently getting recognition from football fans and was also kind of overwhelmed with it.
“Oh yes, I found it Mr Lopez. It looks like your girlfriend Ms Y/N was in an accident, we tried reaching her family members first, they said they’d come as soon as possible but since they’re out of Barcelona it could take a while and you’re just below them on the emergency call list.”
Fermin listened but after he heard about you in an accident he lost focus, everything the woman said going unnoticed by him. If he thought about it, you weren’t his girlfriend anymore, he said he needed a break but hadn’t tried to reach you ever again. It’s been 2 months with no contact other than the night you called him drunk and cursed him for how easy he let you go and he took your scolding, he knew he deserved it and he also wanted you to be safe so he stayed on the phone with you until you went inside your apartment saying he’d call you to have a proper conversation. He didn’t.
He chickened out, he knew you were head over heels for him, that you’d do anything for him but he was just debuting in first team and his career just took off and everyone kept reminding him that he’s too young for this. He should just focus on his football and girls shouldn’t be a priority. He couldn’t do anything he wanted if he’s tied down at 21 and he let those intrusive thoughts get in his head and became irritated with your presence in his life.
He hated himself for it but couldn’t help himself and picked fights constantly tiring both of you. He’d became cold and distant, forgetting important dates and choosing to go out. Even then you tried to keep the relationship going but everyone has their limits and he crossed yours when he forgot your presentation for your finals. It was the most important thing in your whole academic life and he promised to be there but forgot, prompting your biggest fight ever. That’s when he proposed taking a break until he figured himself out, as he hated the state he put your relationship through. You didn’t even fight him on it, just accepted and went upstairs to gather your belongings. He stood still on his place on the sofa not trusting his legs to work if he’d stand up. You came out the room soon and said goodbye to him, kissing his lips one last time and left your keys on the dresser shutting the door behind you. Fermin still remembered that feeling he felt once he realized you really left, he thought it’d be relief as this is what he wanted all along but it wasn’t. It was pure pain.
“Mr Lopez?” the woman at the end of the line repeated as Fermin was too lost to speak.
“Is she okay?” he asked with a trembling voice. He couldn’t believe something this bad can happen to an angel like you.
“Unfortunately I can’t discuss her state on the phone but she’ll be okay, our best doctors are taking care of her.”
Fermin was already up trying to find any pieces of clothing to throw on as he was just in his boxers. He checked the location on his phone and thanked the receptionist quickly ending the call. He didn’t even realize how much he was shaking until he sat behind the wheel. He had tears on his face and in his eyes occasionally blurring his vision for a second until he finally made it to the hospital. He was shocked that he could drive without getting in an accident himself. He couldn’t lose her, there was no way he could lose her. Even though he knew he didn’t deserve you in the slightest, he loved you with his whole heart. You were his first real girlfriend, his first love, even after all the stupid things he did to push you away he knew you’re his person and he’d do anything for you.
He quickly ran to the reception who asked him for ID and sent him to your floor.
“Room 203” he whispered to himself as the elevator doors opened and he rushed over. A nurse was just coming out of your room with charts in her hand and he stopped her frantically.
“Is she okay? Is Y/N okay?”
The nurse was startled but she was used to seeing people going crazy for their loved ones.
“Yes, don’t worry she just has some minor bruises on her face and body and a sprained ankle. She’ll be here tonight but tomorrow after the doctor clears her she’ll be good to go.” the nurse smiled but Fermin couldn’t bring himself to return the kindness. All he could do was feel relieved, she was okay.
“Can I go in?” he asked
“Um, she should really get some rest. It’s been traumatizing for her.”
“Look I need to see her, I need to make sure she’s okay.” he pleaded and the nurse finally gave in opening the door to let Fermin in.
“Fine but not for too long, she needs some sleep.”
Fermin nodded and took a deep breath, it just dawned on him that this was the first time he’d be seeing you in two months and he was so distraught to even think if she’d want him there or not. Maybe she hated him.
Fermin even thought about turning back and just waiting in the hall but he really needed to see with his own eyes that you were good so he pushed the door further, wishing he had peonies to bring you. They were always your favorite.
“Fermin?” you asked clearly shocked seeing him walk in. Your face had some red and purple marks and your foot was in a big black boot elevated. You looked so beaten and tired but Fermin could swear you’ve never looked so good. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, even when you were apart he tried not looking you up. He didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole and he knew if he started he couldn’t stop until he was begging on his knees at your doorstep.
“Mi vida.” he hesitantly said as he stood by the door afraid to come closer even though everything in him wanted to hug you and kiss you.
“What are you doing here?” you asked. If this was under any other circumstances you’d be pissed at him but you were feeling so ran down that you were just relieved to see him. You were in Barcelona for uni and your parents were back in Sevilla, you only had friends here. Well, and Fermin but not anymore.
“The hospital called.” he said and as scared as he was, he walked over to your bed and sat down on the chair next to it. You could see him lift his hand and then retract it until he just went for it and held your free hand. The other one had a tube in it.
As soon as your hands touched you felt your eyes tearing, you were too weak to hold them in.
“No no no please don’t cry. You’re okay, I’m here please don’t cry cariño.” he tried reassuring you.
“I hate you.” you murmured but leaned in his touch, it was like your mind and body were fighting each other but no matter how angry you were at him you were happy to see him.
You knew he loved you and that’s the reason your break was so painful, you knew this was just a phase but he wouldn’t let you help. He just pushed and pushed you until you were out of his life.
“I know. I know and I’m so sorry but I’m here now and I’m never leaving again. Y/N I know I can never undo what I did but I’m willing to try everything. I can give you as much space and time as you need, I just want to be with you and I can’t stand being far anymore. I’ll take care of you and I’ll do anything for you.” he ranted with tears in his eyes and kissed every single one of your knuckles.
You wanted to act tough, you wanted to make him pay for not giving you enough attention, making you feel insignificant but in this state there wasn’t much you could do other than relying on his words. You never wanted to be apart anyway and he said he was willing to do the work this time so you believed him. Maybe it was naive of you to do, but you did. You loved him.
That night Fermin never left your side, he held your hand until you fell asleep and when you woke up he was still there watching you with dried tears on his face. His hair disheveled, eyes bloodshot and bags under them but he never looked more handsome to you.
“You need to sleep, don’t you have practice in the morning?” you asked as you slowly came to your senses.
“No, what I need is for you to be okay. Everything else can wait.” he said while placing a kiss on your temple and you smiled at him, it had been a long time since you felt that at peace and it was ironic as you were at a hospital bed.
“I also talked to your sister, they’re going to be here today. It’s the earliest flight they could find.”
You smiled up at him, you were feeling a lot better with little pain left and couldn’t wait to be out of this room.
“Did the doctor say when can I go home?” you asked excited to see your family again.
“Yes, he was in here earlier and said as soon as you woke up he’d come and check. Then we’re free to go.”
Just as he finished talking the doctor walked in and asked you some questions about your injuries and looked at his charts.
“Well, I think you’re ready to be discharged Y/N” he smiled and Fermin helped you get up. You still had to use crutches for a while but other than that you were feeling fine.
Even though you tried to argue, Fermin found a wheelchair and brought it to you just for you to get out of the hospital. He was being over affectionate and helpful and you couldn’t help but feel blessed. You knew you had to have a long talk about what happened but right now you were happy to have him back.
“Wait, don’t you dare get up!” he said as you reached his car. You were about to ask him what until you felt his hands under your knees and on your back carrying you bridal style to his car. You missed him lifting you like a feather, you felt so good when he flexed his muscles like that.
You blushed a little when he placed you down and reached for your seatbelt even though you were perfectly capable of doing it yourself, as he buckled you in you couldn’t fight the urge to lean in and kiss him. He was shocked for a second and you thought maybe you misread the situation but soon his hands found your cheeks delicately holding you while deepening the kiss. You knew this was a hospital and you needed to be respectful but his lips on yours made your world stop, it was just you two. He backed off with a smile on his lips. You pouted a little but that changed when he pressed kisses all around your face and your new bruises. You felt safe and sound.
“Where are you going?” you asked when he started the car. “You don’t even know where I live.”
He turned to you looking a little unsure about what he was about to say.
“I was hoping I could bring you home. Like, our home.”
You thought about it for a second.
“I know I said I’d respect your boundaries and wait and I will I promise but I can’t let you be out of my sight ever again Y/N and I’ll do anything to make you feel at ease, I can sleep in the guest room as long as you want me to. Also, your parents have already been there. That’s our home and I’d do anything to prove it.”
You weighed your options, you could go to your 1 bed hundred year old apartment and be miserable with your parents and sister coming in and be far away from Fermin or you could do what your heart wants to and accept his offer and go back to the only place you’d consider home. With him.
“Vale, take me home Fermin.” you smiled and he smiled even more holding your hand and pulling it over to him kissing every bit of it.
“Thank you, thank you for not giving up on me.” he said.
“Thank you for being there for me when I needed you.���
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roseusvinum · 1 month
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Poppy via Instagram by Alana Ann Lopez
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artisticlegshake · 3 months
Rissa Lagguana - THE ROCK
Melania Khait - TECHNIQUES
Sarahi Lopez -Prieto - 4PM DANCE
Mika Takase - NOR CAL
Tabitha Nan - CSPAS
Caitlyn Paik - TO THE POINTE
Braydon Ziegler - ELITE STUDIO
Emily Polis - THE VISION
Brooklyn Ward - CSPAS
Olivia Wong - ELEMENTS
Aracely Lee - DANCE DELUXE
Tayah Klimuck - PAVE
Devyn Scherff - STUDIO 19
Dharma Brown - THE HYPE
Mali Photnetrakhom - IN MOTION
Skyla Lucena - STARS
Greta Wagner - SUMMIT
Quinton Chan - THE DANCE ZONE
Karson Powell - AMANDA'S
Kennedy Anderson - THE VISION
Brynn Jones - EXPRESSENZ
Addyson Paul - PAVE
Alana Gordon - NOR CAL
Francesca Jen - THE ACADEMY
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spicywhenspeaking · 8 months
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so let us sing and sing it loud
that we’re not perfect,
but we’re proud of who we are
📸: Alana Ann Lopez on instagram
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xoxoproject21 · 3 months
Radix Nationals Predictions
Top 6:
1st: Mila Renae (Studio X)
2nd: Stella Brinkerhoff (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio)
3rd:Melina Biltz (The Rock Center For Dance)
4th: Mikayla Isler (Club dance studio)
Runner ups: Aspen Brandt (Club dance studio), Emily Collins (Dance Deluxe)
Top 15:
Payton Jetson (Nor Cal Dance Arts)
Brielle Arias (Studio X)
Lauren Allison (Dance Deluxe)
Kennedy Truax (Dance Precisions)
Arianna Claxton (The Pointe Performing Arts Center)
Gemma Holmes (Evolve)
Mila Hiatt (Impact Dance)
Elise Carlson (Evoke)
Zoey Martinez (Stars)
Mila Cayetano (Elements)
Stacy Sun (Elements)
Top 6:
1st: Emily Polis (The Vision Dance Alliance)
2nd: Mika Takase (No Cal)
3rd: Tayah Klimuck (Pave)
4th: Addyson Paul (Pave)
Runner ups: Camila Giraldo (Stars), Devyn Scherff (Studio 19 Dance Complex)
Top 15:
Kennedy Anderson (The Vision Dance Alliance)
Alana Gordon (Nor Cal)
Khloe Kwon (Pave)
Braydon Ziegler (Elite Studio of Dance)
Aracely Lee (Dance Deluxe)
Piper Perusse (The Company Space)
Brooklyn Ward (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio)
Tabitha Nan (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio)
Skyla Lucena (Stars)
Greta Wagner (Summit)
Sarahi Lopez-Prieto (4PM)
Francesca Jen (The Academy at The Brea Space)
Top 6:
1st: Coltrane Vodicka (Evoke)
2nd: Riley Zeitler (Westlake)
3rd: Aaliyah Dixon (Summit)
4th: Georgia Beth Peters (JBP Entertainment)
Runner ups: Kinsley Oykhman (The Academy at The Brea Space), Lexi Godwin (Evoke)
Top 15:
Emmy Claire Kaiden (Evoke)
Kylee Ngo (Nor Cal)
Alexis Mayer (The Rock Center For Dance)
Sophia Schiano (Elite Dance Pro)
Vanessa Soto (Dance Deluxe)
Gage Davis (Dance Deluxe)
Halle Hunt (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio)
Paris Dimos (Brent street)
Allison Shin (The Academy at The Brea Space)
Caitlyn Polis (The Vision Dance Alliance)
Amelia Brackman (YYCDP)
Top 6:
1st: Vadriana Romero (New Era Athletic Dance Facility)
2nd: Sabine Nehls (The Rock Centre for Dance)
3rd: Iliana Victor (Stars)
4th: Angelika Edejer (Evoke)
Runner ups: Kenzie Jones (Elektro), Audrey La France (Nor Cal) + Jordyn Green (Nor Cal)
Top 15:
Louise Hindsbo (Evolve)
Madison Polis (The vision)
Kaitlyn Allen (Studio 19)
Noah Schmidt Smitty's (Performing Arts Center)
Lily Godwin (Evoke)
Grace McKinley (Dance studio C)
Lauren Fuselier (Distinction Dance Company)
Camryn Lanigan (Evolve)
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bigdancefan2008 · 3 months
junior and teen top 15 for radix nationals?
Addyson Paul
Tayah Klimuck
Mika Takase
Braydon Ziegler
Sarahi Lopez-Prieto
Alana Gordon
Caitlyn Paik
Tabitha Nan
Brooklyn Ward
Aracely Lee
Addilynn Sullivan
Piper Perusse
Patience Hughes
Emily Polis
Zoey Claxton
Brooklyn Ward, Mika Takase, Tayah Klimuck, Emily Polis, Piper Perusse, Sarahi Lopez-Prieto
Brooklyn Ward, Mika Takase, Emily Polis, Sarahi Lopez-Prieto
Any of those top 6 could be top 4. It’s a “pick em.” And Radix always seems to throw us for a loop too.
I’ll have to get back to you on that. I made a top 15 mini and junior. I haven’t gone through all of the teens and seniors yet.
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ebechnasheim · 5 months
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📸 Bad Omens x Bryan Kirks | IG
Thank you to everyone in this final leg of the tour. The band, crew and fans. These days have been a wild ride and I’m so happy for all the people that got to experience it 🖤 a huge shoutout to all the fellow fans that shared their experience with us and made us feel part of the crowd. Thank You.
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Masterpost of every character who has already competed
We do take requests for future brackets! Before you request a character be included in a future bracket, check this list first to make sure they haven't already competed.
Lena Adams Foster (The Fosters) Elida Al-Feyr (Vagrant Queen) Nyssa Al Ghul (Arrow) Cassie Ainsworth (Skins) Luisa Alver (Jane the Virgin) Winter Anderson (American Horror Story: Cult) Miss Audrey (Snowpiercer) Babs (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Saanvi Bahl (Manifest) Bambi (Minx) Josephine Barry (Anne with an E) Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun) Bilquis (American Gods) Maya Bishop (Station 19) Sarah Bishop (A Discovery of Witches) Alana Bloom (Hannibal) Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale) Anne Bonny (Black Sails) Kelly Booth (Black Mirror) Nova Bordelon (Queen Sugar) Nancy Botwin (Weeds) Dana Bryant (Mythic Quest) Robin Buckley (Stranger Things) Lena Burnham (Ray Donovan) Calliope Burns (First Kill) Delia Busby (Call the Midwife) Amanita Caplan (Sense8) Wendy Carr (Mindhunter) Chanel #3 (Scream Queens) Max Chapman (A League of their Own) Piper Chapman (Orange is the New Black) Denise Christopher (Timeless) Grace Choi (Black Lightning) Cassandra Cillian (The Librarians) Jade Claymore (Willow) Dani Clayton (The Haunting of Bly Manor) Raelle Collar (Motherland: Fort Salem) Dulcie Collins (Deadloch) Delphine Cormier (Orphan Black) Theo Crain (The Haunting of Hill House) Frannie Crowne (Brave New World) Moiraine Damodred (The Wheel of Time)
Alex Danvers (Supergirl) Ashley Davies (South of Nowhere) Carina DeLuca (Station 19) Jo Deluca (A League of Their own) Bo Dennis (Lost Girl) Clare Devlin (Derry Girls) Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) Franky Doyle (Wentworth) Camina Drummer (The Expanse) Waverly Earp (Wynona Earp) Kat Edison (The Bold Type) Philippa Eilhart (The Witcher) Mabel Elmsworth (The Buccaneers) Camile Engelson (Stitchers) Eretria (The Shannara Chronicals) Isobel Evans (Roswell New Mexico) Dana Fairbanks (The L Word) Juliette Fairmont (First Kill) Emily Fields (Pretty Little Liars) Veronica Fisher (Shameless) Fleabag (Fleabag) Flower (Ghosts) Gabrielle (Xena: Warrior Princess) Lupe Garcia (A League of Their Own) Bibi Garvey (Bad Sisters) Mirror Philippa Georgiou (Star Trek: Discovery) Gigi Ghorbani (The L Word: Gen Q) Stella Gibson (The Fall) Sue Gilbert (Dickinson) Emily Grace (Murdoch Mysteries) Yara Greyjoy (Game of Thrones) Monet de Haan (Gossip Girl) Judy Hale (Dead to Me) Yuri Han (XO, Kitty) Millie Harcourt (The Bletchley Circle) Nicole Haught (Wynonna Earp) Lauren Heller (Younger) Emma Hernandez (Vida) Pamela Isley (Batwoman) Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5) Bradley Jackson (The Morning Show) Alice Jones (Once Upon a Time) Tara Jones (Heartstopper) Quinn Joseph (Harlem) Kate (One Mississippi) Annalise Keating (How to Get Away with Murder) Tina Kennard (The L Word) Kennedy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Yasmin Khan (Doctor Who)
Aneela Kin Rit (Killjoys) Camille L'Espanaye (The Fall of the House of Usher) Victorine LaFourcade (The Fall of the House of Usher) Lagertha (Vikings) Shelly Lambert (Minx) Sara Lance (Arrowverse) Lauren Lewis (Lost Girl) Lexa (The 100) Maggie Lin (Saving Hope) Anne Lister (Gentleman Jack) Veronica Lodge (Riverdale) Santana Lopez (Glee) Lucretia (Spartacus) Lyria (The Shannara Chronicals) Tara Maclay (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Elizabeth Macmillan (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) Queen Maeve (The Boys) Maggie (Good Omens) Sofia Marchetti (Sex Education) Margot (Once Upon a Time) Bess Marvin (Nancy Drew) Cara Mason (Legend of the Seeker) Max (Black Sails) Katherine Mayfair (Desperate Housewives) Ally Mayfair-Richards (American Horror Story) Mazikeen (Lucifer) Shane McCutcheon (The L Word) Betty McRae (Bomb Girls) Lake Meriwether (Love, Victor) Freya Mikaelson (The Originals) Sandy Milkovich (Shameless) Mabel Mora (Only Murders in the Building) Ellen Morgan (Ellen) Rory Morningstar (Lucifer) Aleesha Morrison (Upload) Hayes Morrison (Conviction) Blanche Mottershead (Upstairs Downstairs)
Mulan (Once Upon a Time) Leighton Murray (Sex Lives of College Girls) Raffi Musiker (Star Trek: Picard) Susie Myerson (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) Nadja (What We Do in the Shadows) Nicky Nichols (Orange is the New Black) Nico (Vida) Nina (Good Omens) Allie Novak (Wentworth) Dani Núñez (The L Word: Gen Q) Ola Nyman (Sex Education) Shona O'Keefe (This Way Up) Kelly Olsen (Supergirl) Van Palmer (Yellowjackets) Marjorie Palmiotti (Veep) Gail Peck (Rookie Blue) Aline Penhallow (Shadowhunters) Valencia Perez (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) Laura Peterson (The Morning Show) Lindsay Peterson (Queer as Folk) Anissa Pierce (Black Lightning) Brittany S. Pierce (Glee) Naomi Pierce (Succession) Alice Pieszecki (The L Word) Eve Polastri (Killing Eve) Bette Porter (The L Word) Bill Potts (Doctor Who) Arthie Premkumar (GLOW) Amae Rali (Vagrant Queen)
Scylla Ramshorn (Motherland: Fort Salem) Amy Raudenfeld (Faking It) Logan Rawlings (Young & Hungry) Maia Rindell (The Good Fight) Arizona Robins (Grey's Anatomy) Eve Rothlo (How to Get Away with Murder) Root (Person of Interest) Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Kenya Rosewater (Defiance) Susan Ross (Seinfeld) Siuan Sanche (WoT) Ellaria Sand (Game of Thrones) Jenny Schecter (The L Word) Jinju Seong (Snowpiercer) Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager & Star Trek: Picard) Toni Shalifoe (The Wilds) Kalinda Sharma (The Good Wife) Carson Shaw (A League of Their Own) Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest) Leslie Shay (Chicago Fire) Amy Silva (Vigil) Bea Smith (Wentworth) Petra Solano (Jane the Virgin) Rose Solano (Jane the Virgin) River Song (Doctor Who) Kitty Song Covey (XO, Kitty) Serena Southerlyn (Law & Order) Zelda Spellman (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) Maya St. Germain (Pretty Little Liars) Moira Strand (The Handmaid’s Tale) Della Street (Perry Mason) Tamsin (Lost Girl) Kit Tanthalos (Willow) Stahma Tarr (Defiance) Jamie Taylor (The Haunting of Bly Manor) Thirteen (House, MD) Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who) Tara Thornton (True Blood) Bess Till (Snowpiercer)
Tituba (Salem) Toni Topaz (Riverdale) Callie Torres (Grey’s Anatomy) Fabiola Torres (Never Have I Ever) Taissa Turner (Yellowjackets) Two / Portia Lin (Dark Matter) Alex Vause (OITNB) Mel Vera (Charmed) Villanelle (Killing Eve) Karen Walker (Will & Grace) Martha Walker (Silo) Poussey Washington (Orange is the New Black) Ellen Waverly (For All Mankind) Kerry Weaver (ER) HG Wells (Warehouse 13) Sterling Wesley (Teenage Bounty Hunters) Nora West-Allen (The Flash) Jayne Wetherby (Dracula) Lucy Westenra (Dracula) Ilana Wexler (Broad City) Ryan Wilder (Batwoman) Carol Willick (Friends) Lana Winters (American Horror Story) Bernie Wolfe (Holby City) Camile Wray (Stargate Universe) Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess) Meh Yewll (Defiance) Yorkie (Black Mirror - San Junipero)
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I have a few ideas for a second part, if you have some too I'll do one. Not that many people reading (indie) comics will see the polls so only main pairings and relatively well-known comics please (or eventually niche ones by big names).
I've other polls about books and art on my pinned post.
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hurricanesfollowyou · 7 months
The pain in Noah’s face as they played Sympathy together in tribute to Keaton. And now some of those frames are in the video for Novocaine.
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73link · 29 days
2024 Virginia Beach Pro Presented By Coastal Edge ECSC
Aug 21 - 25, 2024 QS1000
Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
Blayr Barton Wins!
0 notes
batllethinker · 6 months
The submissions masterboard
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Overview: a mix and mash of several different teams, now including wbb teams
Warnings: ageplay, bd/sm, d/s relationships, agere
Doms: Rebecka, Poppi, Dominique, Svenja, Merle
Subs: Lena, Lynn, Jule, Ewa, Sveindis, Vivien
Doms: Michelle Betos, Cassie Miller, Sam Hiatt, Mandy F, Sinead F, Esther G, Lynn W, Katie S, Crystal, McCall
Subs: Margaret Purce, Maitane, Rose L, Yazmeen, Kristen E, Emily S (switch), Delanie S, Taryn T, Jenna N, Maycee B, Tierna D, Nealy M, KO, Bruninha, Abby S, Ella S
Aston villa:
Doms: Rachel Daly, Kenza Dali, Lucy S, Mayumi, Danielle T, Rachel C, Adriana L
Subs: DVD, Anna L, Sarah M, Anna P, Lucy P, Noelle M, Jordan, Freya G, Ebony S, Simone M, Kirsty H, Miri, Alisha L, Maz, Sabs
NC Courage:
Doms: Marisa B, Hensley H, Haley H, Estelle J, Rikako K, Kaleigh K, Denise O, Landy M, Victoria P, Bianca SG
Subs: Malia B, Sydney C, Julia D, Mille GJ, Tyler L, Manama M, Maya M, Narumi, Casey M, Brianna P, Felicitas R, Ashley S, Meredith S, Natalia S, Danielle W, Ryan W, Olivia W
Portland thorns:
Doms: Janine B, Bella B, Meghan K, Christine S, Hina S, Gabby P, Meghan N, Izzy D (switch), Shelby Hogan
Subs: Katherine A, Sam C, Payton L, Jessie F, Kelli Hubly, Lauren K, Marie M, Isabella O, Nicole P, Sophia S, Morgan W, Reyna Reyes, Janine (switch)
San diego wave:
Doms: Kailen S, Abby D, Emily VE, Amirah A, Sofia J, Alex M, Kristen M, Savannah M
Subs: Naomi G, Hannah L, Sierra E, Jaedyn S, Kennedy W, Makenzy D, Kaitlyn T, Mya J, Kyra Carusa, Christen Westphal, Hillary B (switch), Elyse B, Danielle C, Morgan M
Seattle reign:
Doms: Lauren B, Nikki S, Angharad J, Jess F, Sofia Huerta, Ryanne, Veronica L, Laurel Ivory
Subs: Claudia D, Alana Cook, Quinn, Bethany B, Jordyn H, Olivia A, Julia L, Lily W, Sam M, Phoebe M, Tziarra, Shae H, McKenzie W, Maddie M, Ji So-Yun
Doms: Ash N, Molly B, Martha T, Amanda N, Becky S, Eveliina S, Drew S, Matilda V(switch, cg), Ramona P, Luana B, Amy T, Celin (Graces)
Subs: Grace C, Beth E, Charli C, Celin B, Rosella A, Barbora V, Kit G, Olga A, Wang S
Iowa State
Doms: Molly Davis, Sydney Affolter, Kylie Feuerbach, Kennise Johnson, Jada Gyamfi, Sharon Goodman
Subs: Taylor McCabe, Gabbie Marshall, AJ Ediger, Ava Jones, Addy O’Grady, Hannah Stuelke
Switches: Kate Martin, Caitlin Clark, Monika Czinano, Megan G
Doms: Aubrey Griffin, Aaliyah Edwards, Dorka Juhász, Caroline Ducharme, Amari DeBerry, Ayanna Patterson, Jana El Alfy
Subs: Paige Bueckers, Azzi Fudd, KK Arnold, Quadence Samuels, Ashlynn Shade, Inês Bettencourt, Nika Muhl (switch),Lou Lopez Sénéchal, Ice Brady
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metalshockfinland · 1 year
IMPERIAL TIDE Announce New EP "Existence in Crisis", Share New Single 'R.A.T.'
Photo credit: Alana Lopez(@lanalion) IMPERIAL TIDE  — Landon Hill, vocals; William Barber, guitar; Keene Dadian, guitar; Tanner Galambas, bass; and Russel Schoenbeck, drums — have announced their new EP, Existence in Crisis, out August 18 via Mascot Records. They have shared the new single “R.A.T.” Listen here.  “This track echoes the sentiment of the entire EP: ‘..if I light the match, I can…
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grimmbrookhq · 4 years
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The Lopez family has been involved in politics for generations and it was the same for Alana’s father. Thus she was raised like all women before herself, to look nice in front of the cameras. Her teenage years brought some amount of trouble to her father’s image, as well as her uncle, the president of Mexico at the time, but it was only after her cousin’s, ariela, kidnapping that her father made the proper decision to send her abroad. Alana finished high school in an English boarding school for girls.
Alana never lost her spirit, but every summer she came home, she seemed a little less like the reckless teenager she once was. It turned out that being somewhere her name doesn’t bear as much weight or expectations allowed her to grow at her own pace, and she became genuinely interested in her studies. Not only that, but documenting her experience abroad with pictures, she learned she loves to be on the other side of cameras, and found a lifetime passion for art in photography.
Once graduated, Alana returned home to attend the Monterrey University’s photography program. It took a little getting used to, after all she was home and her name wasn’t one to take lightly. Her father insisted that she had security and it made her incredibly uncomfortable around campus, so much so that she started looking up programs abroad. When abuela got sick, however, she decided against leaving, in case something happened to her while she was away.
Life was relatively normal until she got involved with the wrong person and ended up at the wrong place and time. The shooting between gangs left many dead and even more injured and though she came out relatively unscathed, watching her then boyfriend die along many others changed her. Alana had to leave Mexico, and she did a few months ago, only now arriving in Grimmbrook to reunite with her cousin, Ariela, and hopefully put everything behind her.
ARIELA LOPEZ: They grew up like sisters. Alana remembers when Ariela was taken, when she came back and when she left again. Initially, she was upset that Ariela was leaving Mexico and thought maybe she didn’t value family as much as she did. But in light of recent events and losses, she understands better and wants to make amends for being bitter towards her cousin. Before she left, Abuela made her promise not to tell her Ariela that she was sick. Their grandmother knew that the political life their family led would only lead to more heartache for each of them. They were better off away from it all. Alana can’t say she disagrees but she feels guilty holding onto the secret of their grandmother’s ill-health. 
LUKE MASON: He was just trying to get coffee and the cashier didn’t have change for his bigger bill. Alana offered to pay for his drink. There wasn’t a big thank you, just a sigh and a nod and it struck her as really...sad. Whenever she sees Luke, she sees someone carrying the world on their shoulders. She’s tried to make friendly conversation since that incident but it seems like he’s got a lot going on in his head. 
LILY REDSTONE: The woman nearly ran her over with her bike and Alana lost a camera lens as a result of jumping out of the way. To say she’s bitter is a bit of an understatement. She knows it was an accident and the other woman seemed frazzled enough for her not to demand repayment, but that doesn’t mean Alana’s forgiven her, or is ready to become friends. 
NOEL ENRIQUEZ:  Alana doesn’t think he means any harm and of course she feels bad that he went through what he did, but she doesn’t like how much he relies on Ariela. She doesn’t think any good can come of it and that her cousin will only end up overextending herself or getting hurt. Besides, there’s something off about the entire situation of what happened to him. Who would want him dead in the first place? And will they shift their focus to Ariela next?
ANASTASIA CAMERON: Alana was contacted by Anastasia when she saw her work on social media, with a Grimmbrook location tag. They asked her to shoot their new summer collection and do some promotional shots for their brand. She’s enjoyed working with them so far, appreciating their professionalism and their talent. She’s new in town so Alana hasn’t really heard rumors other than their step-mother died a few years back and their step-sister lives in town too. Alana doesn’t pry, however, knowing family is a tricky business, and does the work. They pay well and she’s gotten a few free pieces out of it too, which she can’t complain about. 
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