#alberto fujimori
the-ides-of-march · 1 year
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Sasakawa Foundation Linked to Peruvian Sterilizations
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The Sasakawa Foundation is a Japanese non-profit organization founded by Ryoichi Sasakawa, a wealthy businessman and philanthropist. During the 1990s, the Foundation was involved in a population control program in Peru, which included the forced sterilization of approximately 300,000 Peruvian women. This program was part of a larger effort to control population growth in the country, and was implemented with the support of the Peruvian government under former President Alberto Fujimori.
Alberto Fujimori was the President of Peru from 1990 to 2000, and is currently living in Japan as a refugee. Peruvian authorities have been seeking to have him extradited to face trial for a number of crimes, including "crimes against humanity." These crimes stem from his role in organizing the Colina Group, a death squad that was responsible for the elimination of members and supporters of the Communist Party of Peru, or the Shining Path, during the internal conflict in Peru in the late 20th century. The Colina Group is accused of committing numerous human rights violations, including extrajudicial killings, torture, and forced disappearances.
It is important to note that while the Sasakawa Foundation was involved in the forced sterilization program in Peru, it is not directly implicated in the human rights abuses committed by the Colina Group. However, the Foundation's involvement in the population control program raises questions about its role in supporting government policies that violated the human rights of Peruvian citizens.
On Albert Fujimori, Peru, and Puerto Rico: On Sterilization as a Tool of [Anti-Communist] Fascism and Neo-Colonialism
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Words cannot fathom the extent to which I desire for this man and his ilk to be erased from this earth.
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wisegardenbluebird · 7 months
Con una novela y un ensayo sobre Sartre el Nobel anuncia su despedida ADIÓS CON MÚSICA          Vargas Llosa nos ha sorprendido con el anuncio de su adiós a la literatura tanto como con el tema de su última (y definitiva) novela, la música popular del Perú. En “Le dedico mi silencio” (Alfaguara) propone, superpuestos en una alternancia que ya practicó en obras anteriores, un ensayo sobre las…
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prensabolivariana · 7 months
Fujimori en libertad como síntoma del tiempo
Oleg Yasinsky* No, no me parece increíble. Increíble me parece exactamente lo contrario, que recién ahora lo liberaran, justo un año después del golpe de Estado en Perú. Ese que derrotó al presidente legítimo, Pedro Castillo, y puso en el poder a las oligarquías nacional e internacional representadas por el régimen de Dina Boluarte. Me sorprende que Alberto Fujimori, sin más juegos en el Estado…
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k-star-holic · 9 months
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Jun Hyun-moo, 'G' luxury bag 'FLEX' in Daniel, Germany, marrying a Korean
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realidadpe · 9 months
Alberto Fujimori pide restituir el indulto humanitario que se le otorgó en 2017
El expresidente Alberto Fujimori solicitó ante en la Tercera Sala Constitucional de la Corte de Lima que se restituya el indulto humanitario otorgado en 2017 por el expresidente Pedro Pablo Kuczynski y que la Corte Suprema anuló en 2018. En audiencia virtual, el expresidente señaló que la anulación del indulto por el Poder Judicial fue “totalmente injusto”, ya que esta cumplió con los requisitos…
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Un Final Irónico: Hernando Guerra y la Tragicomedia de Defender un Sistema que Mata
La irónica muerte de Hernando Guerra García García es un sombrío recordatorio del poder opresivo inherente al apoyo a políticas neoliberales, que perpetúan la desigualdad y desmantelan los pilares sociales.
La irónica muerte de Hernando Guerra García García es un sombrío recordatorio del poder opresivo inherente al apoyo a políticas neoliberales, que perpetúan la desigualdad y desmantelan los pilares sociales.Guerra respaldaba férreamente el gobierno dictatorial-genocida de A. Fujimori (1990-2000), que abrazó el neoliberalismo, y defendió un sistema económico que solo benefició a las élites y…
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aptitudpe · 10 months
PJ entrega S/ 7.5 millones producto de juicio contra exministro fujimorista
El Estado Peruano recibió aproximadamente siete millones y medio de soles obtenidos a consecuencia de la ejecución de la sentencia impuesta al exministro del gobierno de Alberto Fujimori y exjefe del Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, José Villanueva Ruesta. El Vigesimoprimer Juzgado Penal Liquidador de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima hizo entrega de esta suma a la Procuraduría…
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Peru has a prison which is for ex-presidents. An astonishing number of recent Peruvian presidents have been in trouble with the law because of corruption or human rights abuses.
Maybe they could go international and build an addition in this cárcel to accommodate Donald Trump. Let's all drink more Peruvian coffee!
The Barbadillo prison is located on the grounds of a police academy in a working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of Lima. Due to violence and overcrowding at Peru's standard prisons, part of the police compound has been converted into a kind of VIP jail with three custom-built cells that are more like small apartment units. Barbadillo's first inmate, former President Alberto Fujimori, arrived in 2007. He is serving a 25-year sentence for human rights abuses. Former President Pedro Castillo arrived last December after he was arrested for trying to dissolve congress and rule by decree. Alejandro Toledo, who faces charges of money laundering from his time as president in the early 2000s, arrived at the prison in April.
Trump's hypothetical cell could be decorated with faux classified documents wallpaper. Across the hallway within sight of his cell would be an electoral vote map from 2020.
From France to Brazil to South Korea, many countries have prosecuted and jailed former presidents, while in the United States, former President Donald Trump could be sent to prison if convicted of mishandling classified documents after he left the White House. But Peru may hold the record for the most ex-leaders behind bars at one time, according to Rosa María Palacios, a Lima lawyer and political commentator.
This would be a great niche business for Peru. They could start work on a Putin cell. Every day he would wake up to a recording of Ukraine's national anthem sung by a NATO choir.
In Peru's case, kickbacks seem to pave the road to Barbadillo for many of their ex-presidents.
Nearly every Peruvian president over the past three decades has been accused of corruption. In most of these cases, they became entangled in a wide-ranging scandal involving Odebrecht, a Brazilian construction firm that admitted to paying $800 million in kickbacks to politicians across Latin American in exchange for public works contracts. In fact, the only reason there was room at Barbadillo when former President Toledo arrived in April is because another former president, Ollanta Humala — who had spent 18 months of pre-trial detention there — had been released, freeing up one of the three cells. Both former presidents face charges related to the Odebrecht scandal.
Odebrecht is a Brazilian company. That reminds me that Jair Bolsonaro ought to be eligible for a cell at a multinational version of Barbadillo.
So props to Peru for coming up with this concept. When people at the top are not held accountable for major crimes then that only encourages lawlessness throughout the population.
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makiruz · 1 year
Just remembered that after Alberto Fujimori was ousted from the government of Peru he fled to Japan where he got citizenship because his parents were Japanese, and then the government of Japan refused to extradite him
Like, first off, how the fuck the president of a foreign country gets citizenship in Japan? Second, after this literal foreign politician gets a Japanese citizenship due to ethnic nationalism; the government of Japan refused to just hand over this criminal so he could be tried for his many, many crimes against humanity and the people of Peru, (apparently Japan won't extradite citizens even if they're actually foreign dictators, who are fleeing their crimes)
And it's so fucked up in every level, also why I believe Japan is probably a dystopia
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Crisis política en el Perú: Pedro Castillo terminó su presidencia con un autogolpe de Estado
#Mundo #Análisis #Política | Crisis política en el #Perú: #PedroCastillo terminó su presidencia con un autogolpe de Estado
El Presidente Pedro Castillo declaró un autogolpe de Estado “Disolver temporalmente el Congreso de la República e instaurar un Gobierno de emergencia excepcional, convocar en el más breve plazo a elecciones para un nuevo congreso con facultades constituyentes para elaborar una nueva constitución en un plazo no mayor de 9 meses” Horas antes de que el parlamento del Perú debatiera la posible…
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Black Propaganda under Fujimori: A Note on “The Shining Path”
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△ Pictured: Imprisoned “Shining Path” combatants who transformed their prison into a revolutionary school - these combatants were largely executed in a series of massacres from June 18-19, 1986 The Communist Party of Peru, often referred to as the Shining Path by the reactionary media, has come up on this blog recently when discussing Albert Fujimori’s sterilization project among Indigenous women, which received funding from the US and a Sasakawa-affiliated NGO primarily to combat this organization. Many have an incredibly violent conception of this organization, including tales of their guerilla fighters boiling babies. Though this organization, like any, did not exist without errors, much of what the media and education system teach about this organization are outright lies.
There is evidence of both the CIA and the government of former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori using various forms of propaganda, including black propaganda, to counter the Communist Party of Peru (Shining Path) and other insurgent groups in Peru during the internal conflict in the 1980s and 1990s. The use of propaganda and disinformation was a common tactic employed by the government and its security forces to undermine public support for the insurgents and to create an atmosphere of fear and mistrust.
Fujimori, who came to power in 1990, implemented authoritarian measures and widespread human rights abuses during his presidency, including the use of extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances, to combat the Shining Path insurgency. He was also known for his use of propaganda and manipulation of media outlets to control public opinion and discredit political opponents.
The CIA has been widely criticized for its role in supporting authoritarian (fascist) regimes and promoting US interests in South America, including its involvement in Operation Condor, a coordinated effort by several South American countries to suppress political dissent. A number of sources claim that the CIA provided support to Fujimori's government in its counterinsurgency efforts, including the use of propaganda.
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kaydub80 · 2 years
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A very lengthy thread by a person whose parents lived in Peru and is herself of Peruvian origin.
The takeaways:
Castillo never stood a chance
Keiko's father was a horrible person when he was in power
The legislative branch in Lima has way too much power -- so much for checks and balances
The nation's elite really hates the indigenous population
There are fascists in Peru just like Bolivia but the Peruvian ones aren't as religious
Castillo wanted to nationalize certain resources while Keiko wants more privatization (and she really wants to be president)
Those resources could have been a repeat of 2019
Northern media have been painting the picture as if Castillo was the one who was trying to engage in a coup when the neoliberal opposition pulled off a successful parliamentary coup
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
treinta años después, Castillo imitó a Fujimori
treinta años después, Castillo imitó a Fujimori
El día del “fujimorazo”. El 5 de abril de 1992, el mandatario decidió cerrar “temporalmente” el Congreso y llamar a elecciones. (Foto AFP). La decisión del presidente de Perú, Pedro Castillo, de cerrar temporalmente el Congreso, llamar a elecciones y mientras tanto gobernar vía decretos remite al llamado “fujimorazo” de abril de 1992, cuando el entonces mandatario Alberto Fujimori también dispuso…
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nakeddeparture · 2 years
Today in History: Alberto Fujimori
Abuse of power! Naked!!
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