#alberu has too much paperwork to do
crazydaymycrazyway · 7 months
Cale: Are you getting enough sleep?
Alberu, on his twelfth cup of coffee: Sometimes when I sneeze, I close my eyes
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galaxygirl8880 · 2 years
I literally have no background for this I just want angst.
Cale becomes the caretaker of the super rock villa. He's extremely overprotective of the villa and if anyone gets near it he scares them away.
Because his family is asleep. They've been asleep for years and haven't shown any signs of waking up.
They remain unaging and so does he.
Even the crown prince resides in the villa.
Every so often, he has to check to remind himself that they haven't died, just asleep.
Still asleep.
He's trying to keep his promise to team leader by continuing to take care of the farm as well..
The bastard that is the god of death has been his only chance of waking them up. He's tried many cures for poisons, remedies for sleep potions, traveled places for even the slightest hint for waking them up..
At one point, he did the paperwork Alberu was behind in for said crown prince. Once it became apparent that he wasn't waking up..
Still asleep.
Rarely, a group of travelers or bandits will come and attempt to break into the villa..
The shield has become a permanent addition.
Cale suddenly became aware that his family's resting place won't stay hidden forever.
Kingdoms and Countries are expanding and exploring places they weren't able to before.
He can't protect the villa like this forever.
Cale has quite literally become a legend of the past. His stories actually being a popular bedtime story-
He chooses to ignore this.
Cale occasionally visits the descendants of his siblings, them being aware of his apperant immortality, but stopped doing so at one time.
He feels very alone.
Sometimes he goes out on short trips to collect any ingredients needed for whatever potion he decides to try. When he gets back, he checks on everyone multiple times.
He can't bring himself to use Eruhaben or Rosalyn's rooms, so he modified his study into a temporary potions workplace.
Temporary. He won't need to do this anymore when they wake up.
Hm.. maybe he should start a separate garden for potion ingredients?
Cale still waits.
(He's lost count of how many times he's cried by his children's bedside, pleading at them to wake up.)
He decides to hire builders to build him a greenhouse in an area far away from the villa.
After paying them, he quite literally picks up the greenhouse at night to take it back home.
It looks nice with the garden.
They're still asleep.
When Choi han stirs slightly when he is changing the bedsheets, he stops what he's doing and watches.
He doesn't stir again..
This, surprisingly, gives Cale hope. There's a slight chance that Choi han may be close to waking..
So, he takes to monitoring him a lot more closely.
He does this for two years.
Nothing happens.
The greenhouse has surprisingly started attracting butterflies. They're very pretty.
On one of his trips to the nearby county, he spots two children from the slums. A girl and a boy.
He hands them a gold coin and some bread. That's enough shopping for today.
Ron is awake.
He's awake. He's standing (albeit a bit shakily), he's breathing, he's alive.
Cale realizes just how lonely he's felt all of this time when the first thing he does is sink into Ron's arms and let out a sob.
Ngl I got a little sad writing this-
I hope you like! :D
(I feel like I'm posting too much-)
Part 2 :>
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amarylliasky · 23 days
Number 27!
Five Times Calyan Fell Alseep on His Family and One Time He…
4. Eruhaben
Calyan took a moment to breathe in the almost frigid night air. Who knew late winter could be so cold? He’d gotten too used to the small bit of insulation in the cave where the Super Rock Villa resides, and almost forgotten that there was still snow on the ground and below freezing temperatures on the surface.
That and the Henituse territory has always gotten pretty cold in the winter.
It’s been awhile since he’d stayed at his “first” house. Lately, he’s taken to staying in the Villa or the black castle. And while the castle is definitely above ground, Lord Sherrit has a particular way of regulating temperature so that the cold air of the Forest of Darkness stays mostly outside.
Well, maybe it’s his fault for coming out to the balcony so late at night. Watching as his breath creates little white puffs of stream in the night air, he can’t help but think of the beings currently occupying his bedroom.
The children are sprawled across his large bed, tangled in the plush comforter with a mountain of pillows to cuddle (along with each other); his brother, Cale, at some point during Calyan’s nap, had fallen asleep on the sofa, and Choi Han, as always, had stayed near the door, ready to fend off any potential intruders. Even Alberu, who had been occupied with the aftermath of the last battle of Puzzle City, now sleeps in Calyan’s own room, slouched over a pile of paperwork at a desk he’d gotten from who knows where. He’d also seen traces of magic device blueprints and some ashes on a table in Raon’s experiment corner, no doubt Eruhaben and Rosalyn are around here somewhere; most likely off in their own guest quarters.
His family is here with him. Both the Henituse’s and his new family members are all within arms reach, not going anywhere.
They are safe, but he is not satisfied.
He really is so selfish.
Why now, of all times, does he suddenly feel like something is very wrong? After the years he and everyone else spent to attain this victory, why now does nothing feel right?
He’s spent the last twenty years as Calyan Henituse, a young master of the prosperous Henituse Duchy, but right now, he feels nothing but disdain for his identity. He feels like he doesn’t belong here. He thought he’d long since accepted this new person he’d become, but recently, he can’t even look in the mirror without feeling an overwhelming sense of disgust. What a time to develop imposter syndrome.
What is wrong with him?
“Child? What are you doing out here at this hour?”
Eek! He almost gasped out loud.
He hadn’t heard the doors open, though he made sure to close them softly as he came outside in order to not let in any of the cold air. Of course, the ancient dragon could have teleported out here, but how did he know that Calyan was on the balcony in the first place? And why was Eruhaben still up?
“I didn’t expect you to still be up, Eruhaben-nim.” He spoke softly, still mindful of the sensitive hearing of those inside.
The dragon sighed, “Unlucky human, I asked you why you were up so late. Weren’t you the one who claimed that you would do nothing but roll around on your bed for the foreseeable future?”
Eruhaben walked over to the railing, placing one hand on the cooled marble that made up the entire balcony. Calyan couldn’t say anything to that. He had told them something of the sort, and he’d planned to do just that, but he didn’t foresee this anxious feeling and the intrusive thoughts that came with it. So he just said whatever sounded good enough to placate the ancient dragon.
“I just couldn’t fall asleep.” He looked out over the Henituse castle. It wasn’t exactly a lie, he just left out the fact of why he couldn’t fall back asleep. “It’s fine though. I’ve slept pretty much the entire day, I can last a few hours without.” Well, that and, thanks to The Vitality of the Heart, he didn’t exactly need that much sleep to feel energized.
Eruhaben observed him, not entirely satisfied with that answer, but he must have decided it wasn’t an issue since he didn’t pry. What a relief. Calyan wasn’t sure how to even begin explaining how he was feeling, let alone why. The mental strain of trying to come to terms with who he had been for seventeen years and then thirty-six, before finally figuring it out at twenty; and then having an identity crisis at almost twenty-one would be a bit too much to process, even for a great and mighty dragon.
So yeah, he decided to stick with ‘can’t sleep’ as his go to excuse.
The elder looked out at the rest of the castle as well, not saying anything. Although Calyan had come out here to avoid everyone, the ancient dragon’s presence brought a strange sort of calmness to him. Huh, maybe living for over a thousand years does that to someone? Then again, a dragon’s presence; what should be intimidating to him, usually doesn’t affect him thanks to the Dominating Aura, so maybe he’s not the best judge of what should or shouldn’t be comforting. But that’s something he’ll think about much later. For now, all he does is stand next to the dragon as they watch the knights patrol along the castle walls.
Minutes pass gradually, and his eyes start to become heavy. Amidst the voices of his ancient powers, who had been silent until now, urging him to rest, he listens to the wind blowing softly through the trees. It’s nice, to just exist in the moment. How long has it been since he just existed outside of the never ending battles and his records constantly tethering him to the past? He doesn’t care to recall.
He stays out there for a few minutes longer, savoring the last bits of peace he would have before his thoughts threatened to consume him when he eventually has to go back inside. Just a few more minutes.
Eventually, he doesn’t know when, but Eruhaben had guided them both to sit on a nearby bench at some point. That’s fine. He doesn’t know how long he could continue standing like that. And this way, he can lean on the ancient dragon for warmth. Surely, he won’t mind just this once? It is getting rather cold out here.
He lets his eyes close and imagines himself being able to sleep as much as he wants for the rest of his days alongside his family and friends. With more moments like these.
He wouldn’t even mind not sleeping if it meant that he would get to spend more time with them. That is what they all fought for, isn’t it?
He feels a shift under his head.
“Hah. Such an unlucky human.” He stirs as he hears an almost indistinguishable voice speak. “Let’s get you to bed. The children will throw a fit if you catch a cold from something like this. You’ve had enough air for tonight.” But it hasn’t been that long? Wait, how long were they sitting there? Had he fallen asleep? Groggily, he opens his eyes, gearing up to make the short yet long trek back to his bed.
But before he can, he suddenly finds himself in the young looking dragon’s arms. How he got there, he hasn’t a clue.
He stutters, not sure how to react at the sudden action. “E-Eruhaben-nim? I can walk -“
“Nonsense. You would have spent the rest of the night outside in the cold.” Sigh “Just go to sleep, child. You clearly need it.”
He can’t refute that. Despite the fact that he slept nearly the entire day, he feels as if he could fall asleep standing up at this point. So despite his pride screaming at him to be put down, his exhaustion wins and he allows his eyes to close, content to let the ancient dragon do all the work.
He hears one last sentence as he finally succumbs to sleep, warm and comfortable in his bed.
“My unlucky child, just rest. It is okay to lean on us.”
With a light brush of a hand upon his head, the ancient dragon leaves the room. Calyan sleeps and dreams of the present, where they are all happy and alive. At least for now, he casts aside the fear and restlessness plaguing him. It can wait. He has more than enough time to figure things out.
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letcaleslack · 2 years
Cale and co in Korea Part 14
[Part 1]
The next morning a loud sound suddenly filled team 1’s office. Through the intercom came a voice: “Monster attack in Gangbuk-gu. The local guild has asked for assistance. Team 1 will head out. I repeat: Monster attack in Gangbuk-gu-”
Everyone in the office immediately stood up, left their desks and headed for lockers, donning protective jackets and gear. Cale was the only still person. Rok Soo had said they wouldn’t take interns out on missions and this would be an opportunity for him to research the hunter’s whereabouts in peace. After the little work he’d gotten done yesterday he felt this opportunity was solely needed.
Rok Soo came up to him and patted him on the shoulder. “You can stay here and continue with your task.”
Cale nodded. “Yes, team leader-nim.”
Kim Min Ah grinned at him, a jacket slung over her shoulder. “Don’t worry. We’ll be back soon.”
But he wasn’t worried?
The team was about to head out when Director Kim opened the door and came in.
Director Kim looked around at them all dressed in protective gear and his gaze rested on Cale for a second. He opened his arms widely and smiled. “You’re as quick to respond as ever! I won’t hold you up. I know you have to hurry. I just wanted to see how you were dealing with the intern. I’m sure you took appropriate care that he won’t get hurt on the field, but as director I have to double-check these things.”
Rok Soo didn’t answer him. Instead he turned to his team members. “Get the vehicles and other equipment ready. I’ll join you soon.”
The team members immediately left the room and only Director Kim, Rok Soo and Cale were left.
Rok Soo turned back to face the Director. “Bob won’t join us on the mission. He’ll remain here.”
Director Kim’s lips twisted into a smirk. “Isn’t the role of an intern to learn as much as possible? How can he really experience the work our company does if he’s excluded from missions?”
Rok Soo stepped closer to Director Kim and towered over him: “I don’t plan to exclude him from missions. I’ll take him out on planned missions, where I can explain the circumstances and his role to him beforehand, not on emergency missions, where he’ll be thrown into a chaotic and dangerous situation.”
Director Kim wasn’t intimidated. “Team 1 mainly deals in emergency missions. When the intern applied for the position he should have been aware of the dangers. The intern is now a part of your team, team leader Kim Rok Soo, and your team was ordered to deal with the monster attack. So he’ll accompany you.”
Rok Soo scowled down at the director but he couldn't oppose a direct order of his superior.
He ignored Director Kim and strode to the door. “Bob, follow me.”
Cale hurried after him, also not sparing the director a glance.
Alberu leaned back in his chair and allowed himself a small pause as he massaged his aching hand. The room was only illuminated by the moonlight shining in through his window and the desk lamp.
Alberu was once again doing paperwork late in the night. He was behind as he’d spent a large portion of his time the last few days with organizing the search for Cale and his comrades. It had all started three days ago when Mary, Bud and Glenn had contacted him to tell him that they couldn't find Cale and the others. They had apparently been fighting a hunter and Mary, Bud and Glenn had gone to assist them but by the time they arrived the area was empty with only scorched grass and damaged trees remaining as signs of a fight.  
Since then they had been frantically searching for their missing friends throughout the western and eastern continents. Cage and Jack had even asked the gods but got no answer. It was a frustrating situation where they didn’t know what condition their missing friends were in. Eruhaben, Raon and Rosalyn should be able to contact him but they didn’t. Were they too injured? Had the hunters taken them hostage and were keeping their abilities and magic suppressed? (Were they dead?)
Each day with no news continued to fray Alberu’s nerves. He was barely sleeping and had developed a seemingly permanent headache.
He stared down at his hand and the red spots from holding the pen so tightly. He still had a stack of papers to do before he could sleep. With a sigh he grabbed the pen again and began to read through the next document.
The moon moved across the sky while Alberu worked in the light of the flickering lamp. He suppressed his tiredness until the last document was signed, the papers neatly stacked and the ink bottle capped. Then, when he could finally leave the desk and go to bed, all energy left him and he felt too tired to even stand up. He laid his hands across the desk and nestled his head on them. He just intended to rest for a minute before going to bed. Half a minute later he fell asleep.
It felt no different from normally falling asleep. Alberu had wondered about this before. He felt that it should be different, that there should be some indication that his soul was about to be transported into a different universe. But no, one second the was in his office and the next he was looking down at black and white striped paws resting on a concrete pavement. His tired mind couldn’t immediately comprehend it, so he blankly stared down for a minute, then slowly lifted a paw and yes, this was his body, he was a tiger.
Alberu shook his head to clear the last vestiges of tiredness and glanced around. He was in an alleyway surrounded by broken and uninhabited buildings. He quickly concluded that he was most likely in South Korea, that Cale and his friends were probably also here and that the Sun God had interfered again to allow him to travel here.
None of it made sense. Was this a repetition of the sealed god’s test? How did Cale end up here again? But he pushed his questions aside and decided to focus on what to do. From what he knew the Dark Tiger obeyed the humans at the shelter even while he wasn’t inhabiting it’s form. So if the tiger wasn’t at the shelter it was likely that it was out on a mission with some of the people from the shelter. Should he just wait for them to return to him? Or should he look around?
Just as he was contemplating this he heard explosions in the distance.
Ah, fuck it. He was overthinking. He just needed to follow the sounds of explosion and chaos. Then he would automatically find Cale.
So he set off.
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shuuenka · 3 years
LCF Brooklyn 99 AU (brainrot); 
okay so, this is something i started working on months ago, never finished it, used different artstyle. and figured might put it out anyways so. Enjoy.
(also i dont know much about police and i dont care enough to do research, so this is just for funsies after i finished watching B99)
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Cale Henituse:
+has been training with Choi Jung Soo at police academy, with Lee Soo Hyuk as their instructor. Cale is in Roan St. precinct; they still keep in touch (ha! no Soos dead in this AU!)
+Cale wants his slacker life, after serving enough time in the force
+Cale wants to serve quielty, solving easy cases; but joke's on him, he solves the worst and hardest to solve cases
+often pairs up with Choi Han or Bud, the newbies
+he often ends up in ER if they have some action going, making literally everyone worried
+he has a binder calld ''Cale's road to slacker life'', which was filled with things like med insurances etc. now its filled with children's drawings and photos
+On, Hong and Raon are orphanage kids, that after saving, started hanging out at the sation
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Alberu Crossman
+sergeant; aka Sun of Roan St. Station
+his family has long tradition of becoming comissioners and he also aims for this
+usually stays at the station, between mountains of paperwork; sometimes does some fieldwork too
+Alberu and Cale have desks right next to each other, and often drink tea side by side, while gossiping over cookies
+he is both stress baker and workholic and the worse paperwork becomes amount of cookies brought from home rise;
+great shooter, with high accuracy
+great at interviewing suspects, has 99% of confession rate; often plays bad cop-good cop with Cale, roles change and those two bastards have a lots of fun
+has his own teapot and god forbid anyone touching it
+allows kids to draw by his desk while he does paperwork
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Bud Illis
+newest to the force, detective
+in perpetual state of wtf since he transferred; because this station is wild
+he is smart but dumb, he is great at finding clues at crime scenes, but aslo looses dumb bets with Cale so
Choi Han:
+newbie detective, but was serving in the army before as sniper; so senior in age but junior in ranks
+often confused with step by step detective work, but helps by being intimidating
+saved on action by Cale, so has deep gratitude towars him
+wants to resign and retire every week, but nobody allows him
+fails at acting high and mighty, and worries about members of the station daily
+has a soft spot for the kids, and allows them to play with his gold dragon figurines
Rosalyn Breck:
+works as civillian administrator; has desk before Eruhaben's office
+also great at IT, and definitely collects dirt on everyone
+considers joining the force at some point but as IT specialist; for now helps out whre she can
Ron Molan:
+older detective, not active in field anymore; 
+acquainted with Cale's parents, so pays close attention to him; 
+servs him lemonade tea ofc
The White Star: 
+a criminal, somehow couldn't be put to jail and convicted because they always lack evidece etc.nemesis of Roan St. Station
+when he is finally caught and shoot dead, after his memorial all crew took photo by his grave and hung it on the wall
Clopeh Sekka: wants to transfer to Roan St. Station to follow legend, but somehow his application is always lost, cannot be read etc... hm. 
Mary: IT specialist from the basement
Beacrox Molan: currently in SWAT team, but hans out at the station
+all my aus are alcale aus, so they are stupid idiots in love here too <3
+roan st station has badly photoshopped poster of Alver, and has inside joke of "SWEAR ON THE SUN" while pointing at it. (inspired by Derry Girls)
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mypromptlair · 3 years
TCF Prompt 7
Alberu sighed. It seemed everyone wanted something from him, well more so than usual in any case. Be it finished paperwork, meetings, or visits. Or in Cale's case: money. As he once again hands him yet another golden plaque, for some scheme of his. His lips can't help but twitch in amusement and fondness as he sees the happy gleam in his little brothers eyes.
And granted, this is what he has worked so hard tirelessly for all these years. So, this burden on his...slightly thinner shoulders, is worth it..
Although...as he stares at the blood in his hand after yet another coughing fit he has had lately with a frown, perhaps he has worked a little too hard.
But there's still so much to do...
An overworked Alberu makes himself extremely ill. Giving those around him quite the scare.
And perhaps, getting the appreciation and love from his found family and allies he never knew he actually needed, or had.
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icyteaa · 3 years
AlbeCale Headcanon
[The Emperor and The Continent's Hero]
Part 1
Part 2
"Just why the hell do you like to come here?" Alberu once asked Cale when he realized the hero who never accepted his title constantly presence in his sight every now and then. But Cale just shrugged his shoulder and answered, "Your cookies taste good, hyung."
Alberu stopped asking when he realized it was useless. Cale really doesn't know what private means and other than constantly stealing cookies and making the emperor brew tea for him so casually, Cale really doesn't bother him. (Alberu decided to forget about the real reason Cale came to him even if he knew; remembering that he just wants to escape from his protection squad and to make him annoyed this and there just makes him more annoyed).
Something they don't know is, everyone in the Roan Empire (except Cale's protection squad, Alberu and Tasha), didn't know the truth. They thought the constant presence of the continent's hero was because Cale wanted to meet his beloved sworn brother and help him with the paperwork; to make the Roan Empire better and better in both sworn brother care.
It's rumour fast spread to everyone and has become good news in this peaceful Empire. Everyone feels joy because of the warm and strong bond between their Emperor and the Continent's Hero.
When Tasha told Alberu about the rumour, a long sigh escaped from his mouth. "Why... Everyone always thinks that bastard is a good person even if I'm the one who is suffering from his bothering every time...." He lamented, his expression solemnly told her that he felt wronged.
Tasha just giggled after seeing the grumbling emperor. She thinks her nephew is so cute and tsundere sometimes. The fact that Alberu never refused Cale's arrival is enough to prove that Alberu doesn't hate Cale's presence in his surroundings. Even the cookies he saved in his study had increased ever after.
She thinks Alberu just likes to complain about his dongsaeng sometimes because Cale is the only one he can consider as a warm presence in this cold war for power. Sure, he is the emperor of one of the strongest empires on this continent, but it doesn't make his headache decrease because there will always be a lot of idiots and greedy nobles in the back.
Cale is Alberu's dongsaeng and friend; someone who he trusted the most after his mother's family. To be able to discuss something else other than his responsibility as an emperor makes his sanity still in check (though Cale himself is a headache sometimes).
There was also something Alberu realized after a few visits Cale had done. The important reason Alberu didn't banish Cale in his study, and even hoping for him to come sometimes; it is because his vassal and the nobles are wary of Cale's presence.
Even if there is no one who can insult him or spread hatred about him being an emperor after what he had done in the war, there are still a lot of greedy noble and vassals that make him annoyed every now and then. But Cale, who was loved by everyone in this empire (or even the continent), makes them worried and a bit scared. They can't be on the bad side of this hero, so they reatreted themselves from pressuring and annoying him whenever Cale's around.
So it's become a habit to not accept a lot of guests in his study when Cale's around. Just Alberu's trusted subordinate (mostly dark elves who didn't need to disguise themselves now when they had accepted as Roan Empire's people) who could enter his study.
Times passed, even Alberu's trusted subordinate became used to Cale's presence in Alberu's study. At first they felt astonished because, well, Cale is a phenomenon. Not just for humans but other species including dark elf. They remember too—no, they can't forget. The reason they can walk with pride and not hiding in the underground city now is most likely because of this hero.
Even maid and subordinate who work for making snacks for their emperor became accustomed to the amount of cookies requests that always come from Alberu's study. They felt proud that their cooking was cherished by the continent's hero.
It was really rare, but once in a while, Cale will help Alberu with the paperwork. Mostly it is just because of a whim. But sometimes, Cale felt pity for his hyung when he saw a black bag under Alberu's eyes that made him similar to a blonde panda. In times like these, Cale's ability, record, was very convenient to make him read a lot of paperwork at a fast pace.
"Buy me the best dinner after this." Cale scoffed and frowned when he realized how much work he should do with the blonde, but Alberu just chuckled when he heard that.
In fact, even if Cale didn't want to help him, when they have dinner together (with children or just two of them) it is always the best meal. But Alberu didn't bring that fact aloud, a bit scared that Cale would change his mind to help him.
When Alberu realized how much support that Cale gave when he decided to help, Alberu should surpassed his urge to make Cale as his prime minister. He already promised Cales that he could have a slacker life, so Alberu shouldn't break the promised now.
When children do not join them for dinner after much faster work they have done with Cale helping Alberu, they will have a feast and drink glasses of the best wine.
It makes Alberu more relaxed, something that really he missed a lot even if he wasn't as lazy as Cale. With the sound of fork and plate collided, the calm and silent dinner with the red hair was really the best dinner he could have for a long time.
Alberu felt much better even before sleeping that day. And when his body became one with the extravagant bed in his bedroom, he felt satisfied. Sometimes having Cale around really is a good thing, he thought, before falling asleep that night.
< The Emperor and The Continent's Hero : END >
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shuuenka · 3 years
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many wild alcale doodles folder: Trapeze artist! Alberu x young noble Cale (The Greatest Showman AU)
might as well pour out all of this au brainrot. warning for incohesive ramblings. 
So actually the one who acquired circus was Choi Jung Soo while his friends Cale Henituse and Lee Soo Hyuk were away. He quickly realizes he can't deal with this alone so he goes to Cale, his best friend naturally. 
Cale is in state of shock as of "CJS r u dumb or r u dumb???", because what disasterous fanacial decision is that? Cale is young noble from Henituse family (they are rich, but not lcf canon rich). 
CJS is begging Cale to join and help as a partner. Cale is like "no.", but he at least promises to visit the circus and help out financialy if its really bad. (ngl he's tsundere he would join anyways). When visiting the circus he meets various folks, and lo and behold, stumbles into Alberu during his practice *cue slow-mo shot*
Cale has a full on crush mode, because have you seen this guy??? 
CJS is surprised as to why Cale suddenly accepts his offer as being a partner, but won't complain. 
When LHS comes back from his trip, he is terrified by his juniors business endeavor.
LHS: i would expect this from CJS, but you too Cale???? 
meanwhile Cale is busy checking out very nice muscles. 
LHS: ...i see.
Alberu is new a hire, has been there for like a week, along with his friend, magican Rosalyn, and his aunt make up artist, Tasha. 
He actually negotiated highest paygrade from CJS, thanks to his scammer smile, but this guy knows whats he's worth ok?  
Cale flipped over when he saw how much CJS promised to pay him and decided to confront this guy about it, but during their convo he quickly realizes that they both try to outscam each other, so that fails and they have a moment of ''mkay that wont work on this guy.'' 
but it's ok, after negotiations Alberu’s pay gets somewhat more reasonable but at the same time Cale has already decided to make Alver a star of the circus, so the pay will go up anyways so. win-win.
Cale absolutely hates being a showrunner, but will do that if CJS can't, he's taking care of the business and money, plus helpes out to manage the programme of performances. CJS is the showman. LSH is helping out where he can, and in the end recognizes that they actually onto something with that circus business
Cale also quickly realizes that Alberu is beauty + brains package, and if at the beginning he had a *a crush*, now he's total (not so hidden) simp mode. Also if you though only Cale is pining, you're wrong. They're both pining idiots. Everyone and thier mother can see it.
They just have good pokerfaces (or so they think...) and there's definitely a betting pool between other circus folks of "when" not if; started by Rosalyn.
(LHS seeeng them fliriting-not-flirting in main area: right in front of my paperwork???)
Cale likes to make Alberu flustered - but joke's on him, Alberu can do that too and with twice as much intensity
Alberu absolutely wears make up for performances, like golden or red eyeliners, and he makes it work!! cue some make outs before performances (make up artist tasha atp is caling cale a demon and telling him to stay away and not mess up Alberu’s make up or so help her gods)
when they get together you bet Cale would randomly walk up in the middle of Alberu practice to get some upside down aerial kisses. he also claims he doesnt want to be lifted. its a lie and Alberu capitalizes on that a lot. 
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icyteaa · 3 years
So … I just read the recent manhwa. I don't know why, but I don't find anyone who talks about this, so I will speak up.
This picture:
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I don't know why, but this picture makes me very sad. I imagine the hardships Alberu had gone through since he was just a kid after his mom died, until he finally found a new family and friends (Cale and Co.).
My heart shattered as I thought about it. And I can't help but want to write something for him. So this is it. Headcanon that I dedicated to our beloved Crown Prince.
TCF Headcanon
[Found A Family]
Alberu dreamed last night. He didn't know he should say it was a good dream or a nightmare. He sure, finally met his mother again even if it's in a dream is a very good thing that rarely happens, but he too can't avoid the sorrow he felt after he wakes up from that dream. It makes him remember short but precious moments—the best memories he has in the twenty-four years he lives, mourning about it and wanting it to come back; to feel it again.
Alberu sighed without he can even resist. His morning felt rather gloomy because of that, but his responsibility as a Crown Prince in the middle of war never waited for him to get ready; so he took a bath and let the maid help him with the clothes. Push aside his feelings to the corner of his heart and wrap his prince-like behaviour that should never disappear in front of his people just like any other day.
He found a particular message in his communication device while he sorted all messages from his vassal and subordinate there. It's from his Aunt, Tasha. It's not something related to his duty, he thought, as he saw there were no formalities in the first greeting. So he just read it after he went through another meeting with noble about preparation for war and had a moment to rest for himself. Because responsibility always comes first than his own interest.
—If you want it, I can take charge of your task for today so you can visit your mother's grave. Don't push yourself too much. At least you can do that today.
Alberu chuckled. But there is no smile in his void eyes. Finally, someone brought it up. After all the silence his subordinate reluctantly acted in front of him, or even just normal behavior because they didn't know what date is today as they didn't have much care for the deceased person; someone finally showed care to him in the way most sincere than any bullshit talk all noble threw. And just like any year he passed, it's always and only his aunt.
Maybe that is why he has a rare dream today. Today is a special and gloomy day. He will never forget it. Nintheen years had passed, but he couldn't erase the grief in his heart. His most beloved person. The only one who is on his side in this cold palace. The only one who looked after him when everyone turned their eyes. The one who affectionately caressed him. It's just five years and still, Alberu can't get away from the sensation; or the fact he wants to feel it once more.
But remember the mountain stack in front of his eyes and duties that he should do today, he shook his head before answering his aunt's massage shortly. Rejected her offer softly before continuing with the paperwork he should read and sign. It's not the time for it. And he knew, he couldn't do it because it meant there would be people who see his weak side. And in this critical moment, that kind of weakness will be very dangerous if the enemies (any other princes or princesses) hold it.
Just like that, there is nothing different in Alberu's schedule. He read and signed paperwork—mountains of it, before he went to another meeting. And without even he realized, the time passed to the night as he found the moon shining brightly and illuminated his study.
It's tiring, of course. But it's not like he can complain much as this is the path he chooses himself. Alberu frequently questions his own decision. Why did he still stand when the favor of King had fallen from him? Why did he still choose to fight his step siblings to get the throne? Is it really just because of the power he will hold as the new King? Or is it because that is his right to have it? Is this continual tiring activity worthy enough for that?
Alberu can't help but let out another sigh. As time passed and he had let his subordinate get a rest while he finished a few more paperwork, he let himself not act as a strong prince without weakness to be pointed out. His too much absent-mindedly thought made him not realise someone had already transported into his study and observed him with absolute silence.
"You look more tired than normal, hyung." Alberu jolted when he heard the man's voice. His face narrowed with a big frown and his body all tensed up, before he realised his body again after he saw whose voice that he heard. He scoffed when he found the man so-called his sworn brother, stoicly staring at him while sitting on the couch opposite him. He huffed under his breath, "Can you step into my room with more proper attitude just like any other noble do?"
Unfortunately, the man is a few people that he can't really scold or punish even with any improper behavior he did in front of the Crown Prince. So even after receiving just a shrugged shoulder from the man as an answer to his sarcasm question, he just let out another sigh. Really, he didn't know why this man could be very unafraidly approach him. And then again, he didn't know too why he himself was never really angry because of his behaviour. He shook his head and reached another paperwork, "So, what business did our busy young master do in my study this late at night?"
At least Cale, the name of a young master that weirdly came to his life just a year ago, didn't come with an empty hand. They have yet another small meeting, discussing things they should prepare for war while Alberu finishes his paperwork left. It may be close to midnight when they finally end their discussion and Alberu finished his work. He stretched his stiff body before letting out another sigh. As time passed, it seemed he was too comfortable enough to let this young man see his un-prince behaviour somehow, so he didn't care and did it while Cale still observed him silently.
"Aren't you push yourself too much, hyung?" The reddish brown eyes observed him thoroughly. Cale rose his eyebrows with disbelief, as if Alberu's appearance right now made the young man pitited him. Alberu eyebrows rose too, "And whose mess do I take care of the most?" He said jokingly. Yeah, joking because even if he looks quite not like what the man did as he roamed and spread mess, it's too for the greater good of Roan Kingdom. They two know well about that. But still, found Cale scoffed when he heard Alberu complain, sure amusing to be watched.
"Seriously, your highness. I just state the fact, but it looks like our sun is too tired and wronged his subordinate without him even realizing." Cale stood from his couch and bowed in proper manner this time. Alberu could see unpleasant glints in the young man's eyes as they stared at each other, "Then I will take my leave so our sun can rest."
Alberu chuckled. This type of sulky face Cale has made him a bit better. It looks like teasing this young master can make his stressed out body more relaxed. "It's hyung." Alberu rose one side of his lips, "If our beloved hero can help this tired human, how about accompanying me with a few glasses of wine?"
They have a quiet night with just the voice of glasses collided with each other. He let his sober fly away as the wine passed his throat. His memories of his mother filled his mind. He didn't even realize that he talked about his memories with the young master. He didn't remember much, but he knew Cale heard his stories patiently until his body flopped into the table and his consciousness faded.
"I miss my mother." Alberu heard himself mourning as his body was lifted and Cale carried him in the shoulder. This can happen just because his consciousness disappeared bit by bit, and he wasn't in the state to care about pride. He is sad. And he really misses his mom. Cale, who is still by his side, is the only place he can mourn as he pleases.
He could see his way to the bed not smooth as the weak young man staggered to support him. Nevertheless, Alberu succeeded in plopping on the bed surface before Cale dragged his body again so he could lie down properly. He saw Cale's face that sat on the edge of bed. The young man still shut himself even if Alberu wanted to hear his response. It makes him a bit upset, so he scoffed, "You don't even react. Are you don't care about that either?"
Cale sighed softly. Alberu felt a warm hand in his forehead pat him stiffly after that. "If I didn't care, I would have left you alone a long time ago." Alberu shut himself as he felt the warmth caressed his head. It is surely not as soft as his mom did; but he can feel the same warmth. The one he really likes, and the one he really misses. His body relaxed more as the hand adjusted the hand move and running in his head more gently. "If you care … don't die. Don't leave me alone."
The hand stopped for a moment before doing his task again while another one moved the blanket to Alberu's neck to keep him warm. "I'm not planning on dying." He can hear Cale's voice. That voice calmed him down; like a lullaby his mothers always sang to make Alberu sleep. And finally, Alberu shut his eyes slowly and his consciousness faded fully as he heard the last sentence from the young man, "Rest, hyung. You deserve to have it."
In his dream, he met his mother again. But unlike today, he can feel this is going to be a good dream he has tomorrow as he finally comes to the realization that, he isn't alone. His mom couldn't support him again nor caress him, but someone had filled the hole in his sorrowful heart. Someone had reached his hand toward Alberu. Someone who can he call his younger brother—dongsaeng. Maybe he will not admit it openly, but he knew his heart had already accepted the man's existence.
If tomorrow he felt embarrassed because of his mourn in front of the young man, let it be the story for tomorrow. Just for today, he felt content. Because finally he realized; he had found a family.
I labelled this as TCF Headcanon, not AlbeCale because I want to write this not as AlbeCale stan, but as a fan of Alberu Crossman. I love him and I want him to be happy after all he has gone through up until now.
Please shower Alberu more love. Not just because of his looks or his relationship with Cale, but because of his entire existence. He deserves it🥺
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icyteaa · 3 years
AlbeCale Headcanon
[Rainy Day]
It was raining outside but Cale and Alberu are still trapped in the mountain of tasks they should do.
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Maybe visiting Alberu today was the wrong decision.
Cale thought if he could report the progress of their plan for future war quickly, he could rest faster too. But the Crown Prince in front of him didn't let him just go and drag another small meeting between them; make him stuck in his study, looking very distracted because of the cozy atmosphere and sound of rain from the window that made him twice more sleepy than he normally does.
"Don't fall asleep before we finish our talk." Alberu glared at Cale before lending him a blanket that was large enough to cover up his figure that sat on the couch with two fur bundles beside him and one young dragon in his lap. As the young dragon dropped his chin to his shoulder, Cale's chin leaned to the black dragon's body. He sighed as he found the warmth he needed from the dragon and the kittens that glued more tight in his right and left side.
Actually, Cale has his own blanket—a few of them, to be more specific, in his spatial pocket just so he can cover the children if the weather is too cold. Given the fact that even Raon, the little dragon, could get sick because of the weather before. But he will not budge to use his too if the Crown Prince just gives him without Cale even asking. Free things are always more after all, let alone this is a thing from the royal family. The fluffy and warm blanket he uses now is definitely more comfortable than the one he has.
"Your highness, the sun of our Roan Kingdom. Don't you think this weather makes our discussion disturbed? This lowly subject demands that we should choose another time to have this meeting."
Cale tried to persuade Alberu to let him just fall asleep in this perfect situation, but of course, Alberu didn't buy Cale's bullshit.
Cale didn't know why Alberu was so persistent to make Cale stay here and so moody today, but the two of them ended up repeatedly bickering with each other after a few serious sentences. Of course, their bickering is always with flowery words that will make everyone misunderstand with their 'intimate' conversation.
Thankfully, the children are the only witnesses of their conversation today. And as they feel this conversation just like any other day, they choose to fall asleep while surrounding Cale's warm body.
As they always had another little argument while having a meeting, their conversation got longer than they normally do. Cale thought maybe Alberu was so stressed and needed some distracting today. That is why he is so different and didn't act as Perfect Prince that the man always wanted everyone to think of him.
But man, why is Cale the one who is stuck with Alberu? Honestly speaking, seeing the mountain of paper between him and Alberu already makes him want to sleep even more. Let alone cozy and cold temperatures that made him just want to cuddle with the children's warm fur and body while having a nice dream.
Cale's head repeatedly falls and up again as he holds back from falling asleep. And as his body screaming to let him sleep in this situation, he couldn't pay much attention to the Prince in front of him and ended up not seeing an amusing smile in Alberu's face when he saw Cale.
Alberu still dragging conversation with Cale for a few minutes after that, so he can enjoy this rare cute side of Cale. Seeing the man that is always scowling or making flat expressions desperately holds back from falling asleep like a child really amusing to him. But after he was satisfied enough, he let this so-called hero by everyone to fall asleep soundly on his couch.
Alberu sighed when he realized he was the only one who was still awake in this room. He saw the paperwork in front of him that got abandoned as he was too focused while having a meeting-half-bickering with his dongsaeng. He didn't know that he had this kind of side; the side that made him doesn't use time efficiently and let not related conversation distract him from finishing his work.
But maybe, it was fair enough. Honestly speaking, he felt very pressured right now because the nobles and royal family tried to suppress him and demand great results for the upcoming war. It was such a headache and made him feel restless from a few days ago until today. And just like he needed Cale for his plan, it looked like he needed Cale too so he could stay human, sane and rational.
Cale is the only person who Alberu could pull such a thing for. Maybe because the man already knew his nature and deepest secret, and obviously didn't expect perfection from him. The one that doesn't just see him as a Prince, but as Alberu Crossman, a human (and quarter black elf) that has his own limit.
Alberu saw the man who was 3 years younger than him once again before he stretched his back and stood from his couch. He took another blanket and covered Cale and his three children, so they couldn't get cold in this kind of weather.
Alberu peak to the window before walking to his couch again. He could feel the cold atmosphere in his skin, heard the sound of water that competed with each other to fall on earth vaguely, and saw the hazy look of outside his study from the window that was covered with condensed vapor.
And just like that, he continues his work with a light hearted as he finally charged his energy with the presence of his dongsaeng.
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icyteaa · 3 years
AlbeCale Headcanon
[The Emperor and The Continent's Hero]
Part 1
Once in a while, Cale likes to visit Alberu, the Emperor of Roan Empire, in his study.
The first reason was, surely, because Cale wanted to escape from his task of farming. Bringing excuses to have discussions with the Emperor and telling Choi Han and others to help him instead. (It didn't really succeed though. They have already known each other for a long time, so they know what Cale really intended to do. But when Cale did it, they let him be nevertheless).
Sometimes, Cale escapes too from the worried nagging they throw at him just because he doesn't really move from his bed except for eating, bath, and farming (that almost the time Choi Han and others did for him), after the world becomes peace once again. (They know Cale deserves to rest, but we know too, what kind of unhealthy rest Cale did all the time).
After he comes from nowhere in Alberu's study, success makes the owners feel baffled because of that, Cale will munch cookies on the couch opposite Alberu. Staring back at the annoyed looks that his hyung gave him, until he was satisfied. His eyes will start to blank after that, minds float in space for a long time. That really is his speciality; to not do anything.
What can Alberu do? Nothing. After staring much more at the blanking stare Cale had, with his right hand still on the job for transport cookies into his mouth, Alberu sighed and decided to let him be and continue to work.
After that, Cale found himself oversleeping on the couch still in the same posture; but there was a blanket to warm him up in the afternoon when Raon woke him so they could have dinner.
Cale didn't immediately transport with Raon. He gave Alberu a long stare, still with his nonchalant demeanor. Alberu rose one of his brows, "What is it? Just go. Don't you have plenty of pleasures to not do anything today already?" His left hand waving to make gestures to banish Cale from his sight.
Cale's mouth went up to make a smirk. He shrugged his shoulder and said something before transport with Raon immediately. "I will come again some other time, your majesty, the shining sun of Roan Empire. Please excuse us for now."
Cale thought displeased looks Alberu gave when he heard what Cale said really was the best.
That's why, the second reason was, definitely to make Alberu annoyed. It became Cale's entertaining property for some reason. When Cale saw Alberu suffering from tons of paperwork hell, he felt refreshed. He felt grateful now that his life really went well without any work to do except from farming.
It pleased him. And then without Cale even realizes, his visit to Alberu's study has become more frequent to the point that he always does it at least once a week.
The children who knew Cale would not do anything there, not really clinging to Cale and asking him to join everytime, other then when they wanted to steal all the cookies in Alberu's study.
So in the time being, sometimes Cale will go there with the children, but often now, it is just the two of them.
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