#albino pac man
x0starboy0x · 1 year
Wait wait wait
Did i show yall my frog??
Have a million pictures of them
Idk if its a boy or a girl, its too young to tell, 🤷
its name is Pickle.
And It is an albino Pac-Man frog !! Very silly species
Its very territorial and hates people so uh, it loves to bite!! Doesn't hurt tho lol.
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orcdaddy · 2 years
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True story. Barely exaggerating here, my frog just wouldn’t stop coming out of the earth…
He/she/not sure yet is an albino Pac-Man frog. My bby.
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fins-n-swag · 5 years
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scalygems · 5 years
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Two more recent commissions 🧡 Clementine & Belvedere! Thank you, Emily and Mikayla. ☺
Commissions open again in ~4 hours, check out my Instagram or message me for deets.
Instagram / Facebook / Redbubble 
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sunshine-frog · 5 years
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Sunshine chilling at the water’s edge!
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kirstielol · 2 years
Hello! My name is Ronnie, I just got myself an albino Pac-Man Frog from repticon last Saturday, I let them stay in the cage without bothering him for a couple of days but when I tried last night (I wore gloves) I picked him up but he pooped and peed on me. Is this something where the more I socialize them the easier to handle they’ll be or is that just their natural response to handling? Again sorry for the long question, I saw your Pac-Man frog and it looked really healthy so that’s why I’m asking your advice!
sadly i think that's just their normal response 🤣 mine always pees on me when i pick her up.. another good reason to be wearing gloves!
frogs are more of a "look only" pet. they don't like being handled and i don't think you can get them used to it.. it just stresses them out. i only handle my frog once a month-ish when i clean her tank and weigh her.
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pluralprogramming · 5 years
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i desire a frog, just like this.
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radwolf76 · 4 years
FLASHBack: Week 75 - Pong: It’s Not Just a Game
FLASHBack time again, and this week we're going to look at the Flash Pong: It's Not Just a Game. While this animation was uploaded on Newgrounds on 14 June 2002 (under the title "Pong Gets Personal"), and even earlier to Albino Blacksheep on 19 February 2002, I've found evidence of it being published for widespread online consumption as early as sometime in November 2001 on a site called madblast.com. Newgrounds and Albino Blacksheep list the author as Oska, but who is Oska? Oska is actually Oska Software, an Australian Developer that started out writing educational software for the Japanese market. One edutainment game they wrote featured a koala mascot, and they got the bright idea to repurpose all the animations of the character that they'd already made. Possibly inspired by Microsoft Office's Clippy, they made their koala Oska into a piece of software that would show character on your desktop, floating over other programs, playing different interactive animations. Oska was the first of the company's DeskMates®, but he would quickly be followed by a whole host of others.   Oska had been appropriate for all ages as was another of their DeskMates®, TeeCee, who was sort of a knockoff BonziBUDDY minus the malware nastiness. There was also Fat B an obese beer swigging redneck bastard whose animations were slightly more questionable. However the bulk of the DeskMates® made by Oska Software were straight up pornographic stripper girls who would dance on your computer screen for you. They originally started with just 2D Animation, then evolved to 3D models rendered in 3D Studio Max, and finally they used the profits this venture was turning to hire models for video capture.
Oska Sotfware would advertise their DeskMates® by having their animators work on funny Flash animations when they weren't putting together a new stripper girl. They would embed ads for their web store into the Flashes themselves, and then upload them into the usual places in hopes that the animations would go viral. These Flashes were also the basis of an eCard website they operated, cards-n-toons.com. The bulk of the Flash content on that site was either USA ultra-patriotic post-9/11 propaganda cartoons, or just straight up smut humor, in a similar vein to the software they were trying to sell (and sometimes even staring some of the DeskMates® girls). Both of these categories were likely to be passed around virally among their target demographic. Pong: It's Not Just a Game, being a homage to first generation videogaming as well as a stick figure beatdown Flash, was a bit of an outlier compared to the rest of Oska's Flash content. However, once Oska had the assets drawn for it, they went ahead and made two sequels: Pong: Breakdown, in which the accelerating ball of a continued perfectly horizontal volley breaks the right paddle, and the stick figures inside the paddle decide to go beat up Pac-Man instead, and Pong: Assassin, where the right paddle is letting loose with some Williams Sisters -style Tennis Grunting until a stick figure with a knife comes from offscreen to backstab it.   Even with the implausible storylines, Pong: It's Not Just a Game and its sequels did accurately portray a few aspects of the original Pong Arcade game by Atari. The timing chips on the original motherboard for Pong were not precise enough for the game's sprite drawing routine to keep up with the offset needed to interlace scanlines across both fields of the 30 frames per second refresh rate of the CRT monitors of the time. Instead, it just drew the second field of scanlines directly on top of the first, resulting in the every-other-line appearance that the Oska Pong flashes reproduce.   Secondly, the incident that kicks off the It's Not Just a Game animation, an argument about the ball being "Out", is actually reflective of a real hardware limitation of the original game. The paddles were not allowed full vertical travel of the screen, because of a quirk in how the ball movement logic was wired onto the motherboard. If the paddles had been allowed the full range of motion (or if the adjustment pots on the motherboard were miscalibrated), it was possible in situations where the ball hit the paddle right in the corner of the play field, for the ball to get trapped in the vertical blanking interval of the screen, straddling the top and the bottom of the playfield at the same time and softlocking the game. Rather than fix the ball movement logic, the game was wired to keep the paddles slightly away from the edges, which in practice, sometimes lead to shots that felt like they should have been counted "Out" because the paddle just was not allowed to reach them.   However, the perfect horizontal volley of Pong: Breakdown, while in theory was allowed by the game's 42 velocity vectors for the ball, was in practice very tricky to achieve on the actual arcade hardware, owing to a design error in the original schematics which went undetected for 40 years. The pinout on one of the Integrated Circuits used was misnumbered on the schematic, swapping the #1 pin and the #10 pin. This meant that when the printed circuit board was laid out, there was some crosstalk between the two paddles when they were closely aligned vertically, messing with the zones on the paddle that would bounce the ball at various angles. Only if the paddles were both at the EXACT SAME vertical height would there be a sweet spot exactly in the middle of each that would bounce the ball perfectly horizontally.   That wraps it up for this week. Next week on FLASHBack, we'll finally be getting around to that character that kills puppies, and a different character who saves them, that had to be postponed because of the breaking Magical Trevor news. (Unless some other news breaks about one of the First-Class Flash Artists, then who knows when we'll get to them?)
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I just bought an albino pac-man frog today. I already have one so I know how to take care of it but I'm hoping you or one of your followers could tell me if I should do anything different for an albino frog versus my green one.
As far as I know, the biggest difference is light sensitivity. Their skin and eyes are more at risk of damage in direct or strong sunlight. You’ll just want to make sure the enclosure isn’t kept too close to a window that gets direct sunlight and/or make sure it has plenty of cover to get out of any uncomfortable light.
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bat-tism · 6 years
  🎉 🐸 Tsu and I have the same birthday!🐸🎉
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Ironically my roomate and I just bought a frog. He’s an Albino pac man frog and his name is Lemon Drop. 
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ronniepotter · 2 years
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Everyone say hi to Paku!!! He’s an albino Pac-Man frog!!
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nedflix-n-chill · 4 years
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31 Days of Halloween #16 Verotika Do remember what it was like when you first saw that internet video of Danzig getting knocked the fuck out? Like I love The Misfits but for a guy who presents such a tough guy badass image, suddenly the facade was cracked. Maybe he's not a badass. Maybe he's a kind of a dork. Well if you still had any doubt that Danzig isn't infallible then let me tell you about Verotika. It's bad. Like real fucking bad. Like a 13 year old who just discovered boobies and heavy metal. This is straight up edgelord material. It's cast is primarily porn stars and if they're not then you fooled me. Danzig also makes these porn actors do accents which range from terrible to fucking terrible and idk but if you're gonna demand something like French accents from your actors then HIRE REAL FUCKING ACTORS! Seriously the best actor in this is X-Pac. Yes, the only member of BOTH Degeneration-X and the NWO, that X-Pac. It's an anthology so you have to suffer through THREE separate stories. The first one is about a lady with eyes for nipples but that's actually incidental to the plot it's really about a monster albino Spider-Man that breaks necks. It's bat-shit crazy and if they all were this nuts then I'd give the movie 10 fucking stars but unfortunately the next 2 stories are just boring. The next one is about a stripper that cuts people's faces off but this segment is about 90% stripping and 10% cutting off faces. We get it Danzig you like boobs. So do I and a lot of other people but enough is enough. If you cut out all the pole dancing this one would be 3 minutes long. The last segment basically feels like Danzig skimmed through the Wikipedia page of Elizabeth Bathory and was just like "Imma do this" but forgot to write a script. It's seriously just a naked woman bathing in blood for like 30 minutes. And if she's not bathing in blood she's talking about bathing in blood or looking for women whose blood she can bathe in. Oh also she meets a wolf. The acting is terrible, the dialogue is terrible, the sets are terrible, and I feel terrible. Seriously Kayden Kross deserves better. It's bad but always remember, enough beer can make anything good.  https://www.instagram.com/p/CGatqWol63t/?igshid=1aqe5ypnyjjek
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rose that you got for Valentine’s Day red,
red flags for a partner red,
perfectly ripe apple red,
date night high heels red,
spilled blood red,
bullet dented stop sign red,
the red phone booths that England is famous for red,
marigold orange,
the outside of an orange peel orange,
I have never played a sport in my life but I have a basketball orange,
traffic cone orange,
the pumpkin for Halloween you bought even though it’s September first orange,
goldfish fish orange,
Clyde the Pac-Man ghost orange,
you only use this crayon to color the sun yellow,
fresh squeezed lemons yellow,
dandelion yellow,
the old shirt my grandfather gave me yellow,
that rubber ducky that you had when you were four yellow,
rubber dish gloves yellow,
American cheese slices yellow,
fresh cut, gross-smelling grass green,
smooth green snake green,
early picked bananas green,
three-leaf clover patch green,
Kermit the frog green,
the Frankenstein monster’s green,
fresh grapes straight from the vine green,
the sky on a hot summer day blue,
that old pickup that’s been sitting in the yard for years blue,
Twitter blue,
bluebird blue,
the ocean in Florida blue,
recycle bin blue,
your turned blue after eating blue raspberry candy blue,
the lavender that my mom’s allergic to purple,
my birthstone is amethyst purple,
purple is the color that stands for general cancer purple,
purple smoke bombs are the most fun to run through purple,
eggplant emoji purple,
one eyed, one horned flying people eater, purple,
mini golf purple golf ball purple,
strawberry pocky pink,
the matte lipstick I never wear pink,
cotton candy pink,
the color of my childhood room because “pink is the most feminine color” pink,
big pink erasure pink,
pig pink,
Barbie pink,
dusty old pages brown,
wood flooring brown,
fertile soil brown,
coffee brown,
chocolate lab puppies brown,
the nail polish color that no one ever wears brown,
buttons you keep in a jar brown,
old dusty quilt gray,
an elephant’s wrinkled skin gray,
that stray cat that you always feed but never pet gray,
your “guests are coming over, let’s break out the good things” towels gray,
pebbles on the sidewalk gray,
your grandmother’s hair gray,
black and white photo gray,
white chocolate white,
marshmallow fluff white,
make a wish dandelion fluff white,
a dove’s feathers white,
cloud white,
albino rabbit white,
frost on a window white,
black candles black,
black cats crossing paths black,
black roses black,
your funeral outfit black,
my favorite lipstick shade black,
the least likely dog to get adopted from a shelter black,
dead phone screen black,
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fins-n-swag · 5 years
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toadschooled · 7 years
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A juvenile albino Cranwell’s horned frog [known also as pac-man frogs, though the term may refer to several species; Ceratophrys cranwelli] chomps on his owner’s finger. These frogs are well known for their voracity as well as aggression when provoked. These behaviors, combined with the serrated projections on their upper and lower mouths, warrant particular caution when dealing with an adult. Images by Faye Hsueh.
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plantanarchy · 7 years
Pac man frogs aren't super exciting to me but there's a cute albino one at my lfs and idk he's just nice...
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