#album kinda sux tho
echoesofadream · 1 year
obsessed with unforgiven choreo...
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estradasphere · 9 months
john in general seems kinda shy about his vocals , tho i havent listened to him beyond estradasphere and his first solo album so maybe he got better abt it in time idano. most of the time when he sings live for estradasphere he either gets real quiet/soft or pushes himself into a weird loose falsetto , which isnt rly a problem he has on their studio recordings. especially when they perform millennium child live he almost seems reluctant abt it. and in his first solo album his vocals are mixed reeeally quiet . sux cuz he's got a super good voice he just needs to put his entire pus-- nvm im not saying that but you get what i mean
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anosci · 11 months
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(226-240 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17])
names and thoughts below cut
226/ Rabit - Baptizm (2015) insanely subdued intro not sure about the high pitch aliasing in "Straps" "bloody eye" is pretty wild. really dirty percussion on some warbly synths. i'm marking this as the standout in a cool, moody EP
227/ Common Creation - Sunset Seance (2023) lower tempo + breaks on top of a wobby sound. my favorite :D i think this is the type of sound SGX would make if he were active today. big beats, beefy bass, lush chord textures flitting beneath it all. it's a delight
228/ VA - Infloresce & Friends Charity Festival (2023) poor "Gentle Leafy Road", cute banger with a late penalty "make it make sense" bbbbbbbbanger "just existing (in a good way)" talk about good vibes wowow. personal winner tho "Together" is a well deserved actual 1st place.
229/ VA - YEA VIDEOGAME (2023) as usual, a grab bag. some personal highlights: "coaxed from the ether" beej is kicking ass god damn "cow descent" hmm yes this is bang er. "Skyscraper Playground" yeah!! bounce!! "KirbYEAdventure" i adore how well this captures the CUTE of kirby
230/ VA - TINYMOD GRANDPRIX (2023) as usual, mixed bag etc etc. 2 hilights: (4k) "3n14ks24k4u" is insane for its size. basically just a good song in general. (48k) "light dinner 6" !!! the most nagz&vhiiula sounding thing ive heard in 20 years. holy shit!
231/ VA - BotB Advent Calendar 2022 (2023) absolute grabbag ofc. ighlights: (c64) "FL Studio SUX" oh holy shit that's a certified BANGER. EZ fav (fakebit) "Rooftop Wealth Gap RPG" hits that midi itch but a little harder. (zxbeep) "Beepbeep Hoedown" astoundingly soft for 1bit wtf
232/ VA - Spring Tracks XII (2023) mixed bag ofc. hilits: "Ophanim" ae-esque! twisting and turning and unfolding! slightly too long but like. god damn. "witness protection" gets its title bc all the ppl responsible for this scoring so low are in [title]. "GENERAL SERUM" hey wtf.
233/ VA - Winter Chip XVIII (2023) mixed bag etc. personal hi lites: "10 Celsius Winter" crunchy! "not here" spooky wild textures. i love warble. "Echonomicon" basically magic. 90idm hella. "Status Chill" yooooooooooo
234/ Aphex Twin - Blackbox Life Recorder EP (2023) the title "in a room" captures the overall vibe of this EP: lax. parallax mix feels the most like an dusty artifact from the archives (in a cool way) kinda loose overall but happy to have another drop of afx
235/ Tigran Hamasyan - Mockroot (2015) there's a certain intensity to these vamps. its often followed by serenity. i feel like a picky eater when i say this but i swear some of these songs (f.ex "Entertain Me") would kick ASS with a metal timbre. anyway: "The Grid".
236/ Starkey - Odyssey Five (2016) lush, slightly haunting. deeply nighttime music. "Tropical" is a misleading title for a wild and spooky banger. check out those BENDS. probably personal highlight? not to discount the more atmospheric stuff but…
237/ Oval - Popp (2016) yeah i guess it is a little more pop, huh. "ku" has the wild soundscape, transient weirdness, and pitch bends that feels 100% like what oval would make in 2016. perhaps fav? id call that a representative track anyway. shoutout to "fu"'s chops as well
--- August ---
238/ Lanark Artefax - Windox Rush (2015) "it's like afx" oh damn it rly is is that detuned chords too??? might just be lush but i think there's detuning here. "The Angel Problem" prolly fav. overall more "chill" than "electro" but still.
239/ hizmi - Soak (2021) absolutely unthinkable that this is coming purely from a stock X68000?????? it sounds so full of intention. insane. beautiful. "Rivulet" is just an unrestrained ilkae track like cmon
240/ Skee Mask - Shred (2016) smooth like a cold drink. title track "Shred 08" is kind of the outlier, being actually heavy. feels like a melody-deprived version what i expected bblr to be lol sorry rdj. i think the fuzzy clickyness of "HAL Conv." is my fav tho
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humanitysvertigo · 4 years
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this one kinda sux but in my defense it’s, currently almost two am and i’m just trying to get as many ppl as i can to stream nectar,,, i’m highkey stoked that this album cover fits my theme tho uwu
also if you saw me using the same filler pics twice, no you didn’t ❤️
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hte-spagheti · 4 years
every single one of the roaring 20s asks
ajfjshfdskj ok 
1. Are you more emo, scene or punk? liek 70% scene 20% emo 10% punk
2. Favourite band? MCR gerard way transes my gender :)
3. Any New Year’s resolutions? no lol 
4. Favourite music video? hmm maybe im not ok i just dig tha vibes
5. Favourite song? nyall can choose 1 fav song??? out of all tha songs that exist??????
6. Panic! At The Disco or Fall Out Boy? no lol
7. Favourite album? re songs idk sdjfjfgjshkdfs 
8. Do you own a pair of fingerless gloves or skeleton gloves (or the combination)? YA i hav red n black striped fingerless gloves and i hav skeleton gloves somewhere but idk where they went :(
9. Do you own any band merch? If so, from what bands? i hav 2 mcr shirts n a mcr wristband and 6 kandi singles x3 (1 just says mcr n 1 is conventional weapons n tha other 4 r 4 tha studio albums)
10. Got a jacket with pins? no i hav sum pins on my backpack tho
11. Have you got dyed hair? What colour? (copied frm other post) YA i just dyed it 2day its mostly purple rn n my coontails r just purple n blond
12. Any hair dying or haircut plans for 2020? im gonna grow it out again cuz i cut it all off recently also im thinking abt doing tha teal roots thing liek gerard way that 1 time cuz its epic
13. Crush on any band member? not liek Legitimately but *thinks abt ray toro shirtless pic*
14. Killjoy name? (copied frm other post) arsenic taurine cuz i amn just mad scientist aligned,,,,, arsenic is a poison n taurine is a monster energy ingredient :3
15. Are you into The Used? i dont think ive evr listened 2 them actually lawl 
16. Do you want any tattoos? Of what? idk ive been doing sum epic doodles n i think itd b kewl 2 hav sum tattooed on me but not anything liek legit rn 
17. Can you play any instruments? Which? no :pensive: i played violin 4 a while n i tried guitar liek 800 times but i nevr stuck w it its hard xD
18. Favourite My Chemical Romance song? see 5 xD
19. Do you think Twenty One Pilots are emo? NO ill kill them w my bare hands
20. Are you into Taking Back Sunday? no same as 15
21. Do you wear any make up? a little sumtimes,,, mostly smeared black pencil eyeliner or liek goffic drippy eyeliner yknow or green clown triangles :)
22. Do you have black painted nails? not atm but sumtimes ya!!
23. Have you got any band posters? Of what bands? no i hav liek no wall space its sceniephobia
24. Do you want any piercings? ya i wuz thinking abt canine bites when i get my braces off cuz itd b epic
25. What’s your opinion on All Time Low? Sleeping With Sirens? Pierce The Veil? ive listened 2 them a little but i dont rlly liek them that much tbh im in2 unbearably edgy lyrics (liek mcr n snow whites poison bite) or painful autotune (liek subscene n scene kidz)
26. Do you think it’s just a phase or that you’ll be emo/punk\scene forever? ill b at least a little edgy 5evr i know that cuz ive been at least a little edgy my whole life xD
27. Favourite magical/mythical creature? idk?? 
28. Are you into Black Veil Brides? see 25
29. Do you like any newer emo/scene/punk bands? Which? does ayesha erotica count?? also sum bandcamp scenecore edm
30. What’s your favourite music genre besides emo/punk\scene? 80s punk, Just Weird Stuff (aka lemon demon n oingo boingo) and dorian electra Nothing Else
31. Are you into Mindless Self Indulgence? no they say a whole buncha slurs all tha time
32. Favourite Fall Out Boy song? none lol
33. Are you mostly into the so-called “emo trinity” or “emo quartet” or do you listen to a lot of other bands too? EMO TRINITY SHUT THA FUCK UP mcr is worlds better than those othr bitches ill legit attack any1 who evr says 1 word abt any alleged “””””emo quartet””””” 21p SUX in this house we listen 2 mcr and NOTHING ELSE
34. What’s your opinion on Waterparks? Palaye Royale? I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME? ive only vaguely heard of idkhow but they dont rlly seem emo liek at all
35. Are you into Bring Me The Horizon? re 15
36. Favourite solo project by a emo/scene\punk band member? LEATHERMOUTH 1 frank iero owns my uwus 2 literally iconic of him to write president and get on tha fbi watchlist xD
37. Are any of your friends IRL emo/scene\punk? i dont rlly hav irl friends LOLZ :,)
38. Are you into drawing? If so, show some of your art! YA its all @owo-owo-nya
39. Favourite colours and colour schemes? neons ESP yellow n pink :) i just think its neat
40. What are some of your favourite lyrics? all of them asdkgfhsflg,,,,, rlly i cant think idk 
41. The Black Parade or Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge? 3 CHEERS im liek totally a revenge bitch 
42. What’s your opinion on Paramore? Green Day? Blink-182? 1 heard tha gal wuz kinda racist 2 its p good ig but hes said tha r slur twice 3 major emphasis on tha pop in pop punk idk i dont rlly liek them
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thelonguepuree · 7 years
I feel like Pitchfork kinda sux these days slash maybe sorta always suckd tho it used to suq in ways i liked kinda maybe go figure
but Brian Eno deserves your attention no your attention deserves Brian Eno yeah read about him get him in yr conch now mmhm
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oldmyths · 6 years
ohh you get to see them in concert, that's so cool!! have fun :) my first favorite was enter sandman... I had it on repeat for days... but now I'm really into for whom the bell tolls, disposable heroes, and the thing that should not be. I should just listen to their albums in order. but I get stuck listening to my favorites over and over. (and yes ice cream sandwiches are gr8 I approve I hope it was good)
AAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK YES OKAY people (namely, my sister) shit on the black album/their self titled bc it was like, them ~going soft~ which is Such bullshit? like OK maybe theyre not making thrash metal anymore but as musicians they gotta fuckin GROW and maybe if the backlash from the fans about their “softer side” wasn’t so fucking obnoxious they would’ve done like. Different things than what they did
that bein said tho metallica has been like pretty vocal in not giving a shit about what the fans think re: “ur shit sux now we like old metallica boo hoo hoo” so like thats cool. thats also why i love them
Also, this is why i love you. “the thing that should not be” is UNDOUBTEDLY my FAVORITE track from puppets and my only regret from being born when i was is that i’ll never be able to hear it live with my own ears. GOD its so fucking GOOD DUDE AAAAAAAAA SHIT its that fuckin like, eldritch abomination shit in horror movies where you never really see the monster, and that just makes it even scarier. think blair witch.
“the call of ktulu” from ride the lightning also does this really well like i can just IMAGINE it in a film soundtrack to the final scene where we see the reaction shots of innocent bystanders who unfortunately get caught up in some shit and then a huge ass monster erupts from the sea, and the resulting waves pull everyone under. God this band was made for me
“I should just listen to their albums in order. but I get stuck listening to my favorites over and over.” ME TOO!!! that’s exactly my issue honestly. i feel kinda weird since i haven’t given “kill ‘em all” a good listen through but that’s cos i feel like…weird listening to it? it’s a “me” thing i think, but i’ll do it one of these days
enter sandman is SOO good though. the black album is definitely one of my favorites. disposable heroes is ALSO REALLY GOOD oh my god. i listen to puppets when i’m on campus sometimes and it’s really hard not to air guitar after james yells I WAS BORN FOR DYIIIIIIIIIIING but like. it comes pretty fucking close dude
when i’m at my concert i’ll be thinking of you! and if i manage to figure out how, i’ll post a video of it c:
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